Thank you to William “Stacey” Cowles for rescinding your Trump endorsement. Not after he refused to conced. Or after he inspired a violent white supremacist attempt to overturn the election. But eventually.
Better way, way, way late than never.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
“At the risk of saying too little too late and giving critics another club to beat me with, I admit: I regret endorsing Donald Trump. I rescind my endorsement.”
Well, at least he has more self-awareness than Doctor Dumbfuck does.
But Cowles blows it with this baseless assertion: “I respect his right to raise questions about the election. There likely are places where election fraud occurred.”
Now don’t get me wrong, it’s his newspaper, and he can say whatever he wants. The editorial writers are employees, and as the owner, he can overrule their opinions and use the Spokesman-Review as a personal soapbox. Which he does. All the time.
I just feel sorry for Spokane, that’s all. They don’t have a real newspaper there, only a family letter.
Well, they did find voting fraud in Pennsylvania.
And Georgia.
Maybe that’s what Cowles is talking about.
Media are not doing journalism – they’re doing propaganda. You can pick your poison with socialism anauthoritarian points of view on CNN and MSNBC and conservative, Fundamentalist Conservative Christian views on Fox and Newsmax.
It’s too bad that “journalism” has devolved into propaganda delivery.
As for newspapers, within ten years most of them will be gone.
Two of the dozens of police officers involved in attacking Congress with pipe bombs and attempting to assassinate the Vice President:
Something that ought to be made clear: these two men freely admit that wearing body armor and gas masks and armed with knives and clubs they advanced beyond multiple fence lines and police barricades to pass through breached and vandalized doorways entering a closed building. They further admit that they then proceeded to ignore lawful evacuation orders and sirens, and made entry into private offices.
These are clearly criminal acts. And not at all insignificant. They were part of a larger mob that killed five people, injured 135 police, damaged irreplaceable historic public property, and triggered a nationwide wave of right-wing terrorism. The charges the currently face are the minimum charges that federal prosecutors can bring without a grand jury. More will certainly follow once their public social media communications have been analyzed and their images located in the thousands of hours of video data.
Like anyone else they are entitled to due process. But based solely on what they have already freely admitted to they are not entitled to continue to be police officers empowered to kill other citizens.
That’s completely insane. Partisanship has nothing to do with it.
Firing these two and stripping them of their law enforcement credentials is an act of enlightened self-preservation.
You’re wrong. Again and again.
You’re wrong.
“Bias” is not the same thing as “objectivity”.
Whether you object to some media sources as being biased. Or you object to all media sources as being biased. You miss the point. And you are wrong, and will remain wrong until you take the time to learn and understand.
All perspective is biased. All views are biased. But bias alone does not obviate the existence of basic proposals for what we call “facts”. Bias is limited to constraining or shifting how the viewer regards the truth conditions whereby those “facts” are tested. So viewer bias can lead to disagreement about the “truth” of a proposed “fact”. But only insofar as the disagreement is about those tests.
Disputing that a proposed “fact” is proven or disproven by a particular test is not a feature of “bias”. If the test is met, the fact is proven. If the test is not met, the fact is not proven. Different viewers with differing bias may disagree as to whether a test has been met. But when you demand that a proposed fact shall be rejected because the test doesn’t turn out the way you like, you are not displaying bias.
That is essentially the state of “conservative” media in America today. They have abandoned entirely the examination of these tests for the truth of proposed facts. And in place of that, they exclusively focus on an examination of identity – be it the identity of the person or group proposing a fact, or the identity of a person or group testing the truth of that proposed fact. That’s a fundamental rejection of the objective world-view. “Conservative” media now exclusively test any and all proposed facts in these terms of partisan, gender, economic, racial, or cultural identity. And they do so because their business model has demonstrated that this approach will consistently appeal to a predictable and easily identifiable demographic of lazy morons like you.
They know they can quickly and easily gin up your anger and outrage to produce action. Sometimes it’s action to buy dick pills. And sometimes it’s action to assassinate the Vice President. But falling for it doesn’t make you “savvy”. And it certainly doesn’t make you “EEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE”. At best it makes you a victim. At worst it makes you a manifest threat to the republic.
You face some simple choices now:
you can wake up and accept a reality based world-view in which occasionally your tribe doesn’t win;
you can continue to wander in a fog of hate and identity politics limiting yourself to shouting at clouds and casting protest votes for failed dictators;
or you can go to jail.
@ 6
But when you demand that a proposed fact shall be rejected because the test doesn’t turn out the way you like, you are not displaying bias.
OK. But when a test applied to one circumstance comes up with an answer and when applied to another, identical circumstance involving the opposite political party comes up with a different answer, there’s something wrong with the test.
So-called “fact checkers” who engage in this are not checking facts. They are demonstrating bias.
People are dying all over the place in California and the ICUs in many parts of the state are under significant pressure.
So Gavin Newsom, under pressure from an advancing recall effort, decides that now is a good time to end the statewide lockdown.
“Do regular humans actually buy zip-ties? Have you ever bought a zip-tie? If so, what did you use it for?”
NYT freelance editor who just lost her job for one too many stupid tweets.
Same person, who still hasn’t realized that if she developed the skills to use a zip-tie she’d have the skills to find another job so that she’d be able to pay her bills.
@4 You probably think the moon landing photos are fake, too.
The problem isn’t mainstream journalism. You’re the problem. Your closed mind stands between you and reality.
This is a free country, and you can believe whatever you like, but believing something doesn’t make it true, or make you right.
Rand Paul is another example of someone who doesn’t know what a “fact” is.
“With the second impeachment trial of Donald Trump set to begin in February, nine prominent Republican lawyers, including two former officials in the Trump administration, have signed a letter urging GOP senators to ‘consider the evidence’ before deciding how to vote on conviction. …
“‘We urge every Senator to consider the evidence presented by the House without prejudice or political tint, and with an open mind,’ reads the letter. ‘We particularly urge that, if the evidence supports a vote to convict the former president and disqualify him from future office, no Senator let partisan or electoral considerations alter that conclusion.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Good luck with that. There are no responsible adults in the Republican Party. The GOP is a party of children who can’t process evidence or distinguish facts from fantasies. See @4, @7, and @11 above for examples.
Why the fuck would you hire someone who doesn’t know how to use a zip-tie? I mean, if you’re that desperate to hire someone with no useful skills whatsoever, hire local – Deathfrogg is expecting your call.
Multiple news organizations are reporting that CJ Roberts will not preside over the Senate trial of former president Donald Trump.
Not to be outdone, Chuck Schumer is bringing in Hillary Clinton to do it, so that she can claim that Trump is convicted based on the popular vote result.
GE shares are still worth less than half of their value at the time Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit recommended the shares in October, 2017.
It’s no longer faster, cheaper, or more reliable than FedEx or UPS, Goldy. In the 1990s gays couldn’t marry. Do you wish for that, too?
Darcy Burner’s business chooses to send its products using an admittedly @ 16 unreliable shipping service.
If you order from Darcy Burner’s business, you might not get your stuff, and she’ll still have your money.
She was the Democrat nominee for Congress, twice. Well done, libbies!
Truth condition tests are specific to the proposition that they are intended to test.
These aren’t the “hypocrisies” you’re looking for.
The example you are grasping for would be when the exact same proposition is said to be “true” or “false” depending upon who is proposing it – even when the truth conditions used to test that proposition remain unchanged. Hypocrisy itself can be a useful test condition, if what you are testing for is consistency. But it doesn’t tell us very much about the validity of any given proposition.
The underlying flaw in your “ideology” Tara, is scarcely any different from Shortbus. You just arrive at it from different starting points. You dig around frantically for selective examples of “hypocrisy” on the part of “the libs”. And then you use that as justification for rejecting liberal proposals in favor of “conservative” proposals and liberal politicians in favor of “conservatives”. It’s the same argument from a partisan point of view. Shortbus sees “hypocrisy” “on both sides”, from “all politicians” and from “all sources”. And then he uses that to reject the very idea of any search for “truth”.
At one time his point of view would have been fundamentally more nihilistic when compared to yours. But that was all before Trump stripped away pretty much every substantive proposal from “conservatism” other than white nationalism. You’re both equally existential. You’re just more deluded.
@ 18
You dig around frantically for selective examples of “hypocrisy” on the part of “the libs”.
I did nothing of the sort.
If I want to point out hypocrisy by your side, I don’t have to go digging for it. It’s on full display.
AZ Senator Sinema is opposed to nuking the filibuster.
Which makes sense. She’ll be in office quite awhile, and it’s not just sexually that she swings both ways sometimes.
I wonder if she and Susan Collins ever sit down to discuss stuff.
@14 What a stupid comment. Here’s why:
“The Constitution says the chief justice presides when the person facing trial is the current president of the United States, but senators preside in other cases ….”
If you read real news once in a while, you might know something.
@15 “GE shares are still worth less than half of their value at the time Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit recommended
the shares in October, 2017Doctor Dumbfuck short them,” which you didn’t, because you’re a dumbfuck.ftfy
@16 Still fuming over all those mail ballots (including yours) being counted, I see.
Like I said Tara, Shortbus is probably closer to the truth of it.
Because he isn’t crippled by the partisan delusion.
The fact that Kwame Kilpatrick is a deeply corrupt criminal does not falsify the proposition that there are huge racial disparities in the awarding of public contracts.
And the fact that some public officials use efforts to address those disparities as a way of setting up a racial spoils system does not falsify 400 years of human slavery, and 100 years of night riders, Jim Crow, and racially targeted criminal justice misconduct.
By now we all get that it pisses you off to be confronted by those truths. But just being pissed off by something doesn’t make it untrue (see Trump/Clinton, Biden/Trump).
@19 What about the hypocrisy on your side? You’re very quiet about it.
@20 I think I know why you retired early, i.e., why they didn’t want you in the clinic building anymore, as in security told you to grab your belongings and escorted you out.
zip-tie zip-tie zip-tie zip-tie zip-tie
Has the doctor yet offered at least an arm wave of harshness towards the ‘zip-tie hunt’ for our elected officials, including the vice president, when violent, armed insurrectionists stormed our nation’s capital in an attempt to overthrow our government?
You know, the people who were chanting, “Hang Mike Pence!!”, as a scaffold was being constructed outside the Capital Building where thousands waited for the condemned to be brought out. Restrained by zip-ties.
Mail service is about to improve.
@ 27
Has the doctor yet offered at least an arm wave of harshness towards the ‘zip-tie hunt’ for our elected officials, including the vice president, when violent, armed insurrectionists stormed our nation’s capital in an attempt to overthrow our government?
I’ll offer a wave of humor toward a guy wearing horns and face paint, who found himself someplace he never imagined he’d be, when the Capitol Police invited him in.
All those armed people and no shots fired, except by LE? Doesn’t sound very patriotic to me, Steve.
Apparently DOJ is considering dropping charges against about 800 participants, because they came to wear face paint and MAGA hats in public. They were as surprised as anyone to find themselves in House chambers.
I don’t recall you shedding a tear, or accepting any responsibility whatsoever, when Steve Scalise was shot by one of yours, Steve.
@ 28
Mail service is about to improve.
GE is about to restore its dividend.
@ 28
Improvement in mail service is so imminent that the president’s chief spokesperson had no information on the topic.
You’re a fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@29 “I’ll offer a wave of humor toward a guy wearing horns and face paint, who found himself someplace he never imagined he’d be, when the Capitol Police invited him in.”
The FBI doesn’t see it that way.
“They were as surprised as anyone to find themselves in House chambers.”
After being teleported there by forces beyond their understanding.
Honestly, can Doctor Dumbfuck’s comments get any dumber?
(The answer probably is “yes.”)
@31 Now make excuses for Trump and DeJoy sabotaging mail service in the first place. Go ahead, you might as well. You’re already so deep into Trump sycophancy that you’ll never crawl out and become a normal human being again.
So has been your desire to see our American democracy overthrown, replaced by a right-wing authoritarian government, an America ruled by a raging orange man-baby, of all people.
There are far worse sins than being hypocritical about shipping service selection or feigning zip-tie ignorance. You know, sins like treason and sedition.
It’s on full display.
Does she ever do anything else anymore?
I can certainly recall when Tara devoted time nearly every day reminding HA of all of Trump’s tremendous successes. All the “peace and prosperity” bullshit. All the global “toughness” and domestic “compassion” bullshit.
But that was all half a million dead bodies ago, 25 million unemployed ago, a quarter of a million new homeless ago, and Iranian control of Syrian nukes ago. Abortion is still $5 and the price of a stamp. Same sex marriage is still the law. I still light my backyard fireplace with a US flag. Gender identification now enjoys employment protection. And Tara now enjoys 70 channels of live streamed 3D, 4K HD, virtual reality Bigfoot porn on her Oculus goggles. Weed is legal in all but six states. And $15 min wage will be here by summer.
“Conservatism” has no track record to speak of other than a shit ton of prisons and cops. And that got kneeled to death. That’s why Groypers and Proud Boys are forced to lay claim to “inventing the modern world”. Because it doesn’t mean anything.
So that leaves Tara with a challenge to overcome. How will she promote “conservatism” if there’s nothing to promote?
On the other hand, it’s hard to imagine that USPS efficiency won’t improve. ’cause it’s been dismal.
In FY2020 Quarter 4 at the district level, there were not any districts that scored at or above the performance target of 96.50
for Two-Day. Dakotas had the highest Two-Day performance at 94.9 percent on time. Two-Day performance did not improve
for any districts compared to the same period last year. Alaska had the highest Three-To-Five-Day performance at 83.8
percent on time. Three-To-Five-Day performance did not improve for any districts compared to the same period last year.
How bad must things be within the contiguous US states when the best performance is in a state outside the other 48?
“Mail service is about to improve” and “Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is about to achieve an erection” are each feasible, sure, but c’mon. Neither entity has shown satisfactory performance in decades.
The greedy racist incel ignores that Republicans are trying to destroy both gay marriage and the post office.
The post office worked and the tax rate on the richest was higher in the 90s.
Anything beyond a simple “No” just makes you look stupid and, as usual, a traitor. But there it is.
It’s on full display.
The greedy racist incel is arguing that the post office is terribly inefficient after the Republicans destroy the post office.
TIL the 4th Marines “invited” the Japanese into Corregidor.
The greedy racist incel must have lost so so much money on GE stock.
Neither has ICE.
Trade ya!
@39 I’d offer an arm wave to traitors in horns and face paint, too.
@40 Next he’ll complain that somebody tried to rig the election.
@45. Next the greedy racist incel will whine that it’s liberals fault that the Republican coup failed.
I can still remember when Trolls4Trump chortled and raved about Walk Away.
It seemed about as promising as “We Build The Wall” did.
And look how well that turned out.
@46 Warm and fuzzy thought but they didn’t need our help to screw up their coup.
So now they’re analyzing the crowd noise at Trump’s rally and this is what they’re coming up with:
” … new video released Monday seeks to connect the two events, intercutting the president’s words with recordings of the crowd, soon to become a mob, cheering him on and chanting encouragement to ‘storm the Capitol.’ …
“The 10-minute video begins with a woman, identified as Jennifer Ryan, on her way to the rally, calling the day ‘a prelude to the war that’s about to happen.’ …
“‘We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and we’re going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women,’ Trump says from the podium. ‘We’re probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.’
“From the crowd came shouts of ‘storm the Capitol,’ ‘invade the Capitol building’ and ‘take the Capitol’ as he spoke. Others could be heard mimicking Trump, chanting ‘fight like hell!'”
Fucking smoking gun.
Of course Republicans will continue to say the two events aren’t connected, it was a different crowd, they couldn’t have walked from the rally to the Capitol in that short time, and a bunch of other shit.
Just like they say “we have to investigate the election because 70% of Republican voters believe it was stolen” and a bunch of other shit.
Because the GOP isn’t a political party, it’s a criminal gang, and when did criminals ever admit their crimes?
The 10-minute video begins with a woman, identified as Jennifer Ryan, on her way to the rally, calling the day ‘a prelude to the war that’s about to happen.’ …
Heh.. Jennifer Ryan, Tammy Towers Parry – two ladies that pos rapey boob mcdimfuk teh widbee kreeper proudly calls:
The Party of Law and Death.
He’s the George Costanza of Presidents.
We fired him months ago but he just keeps showing up every day.
1)Didn’t care much about the Spokesman or KHQ’s editorial bent when I went to EWU, but like their Regional Sports network. About the only way those who don’t have cable will get Eagle Football games on TV. When I was going to EWU, the River Park Square parking garage scandal was dominating the news, well at least on KREM and KXLY.
I had graduated and moved back to Seattle by the time of Jim West’s fall from grace.
So the virus mutations are starting to become a concern. Oh realy!
I mentioned it about a month ago, while people were talking about wiping their ass and tweeting twats.
We are so fucked. Thanks to the “it’s just a flu” people that can’t be bothered to put a fucking mask on! You dumb motherfuckers!
55 the Republican plan of immunity at the cost of millions of American lives. They must be proud of the slaughter. Its only bad if it happens to them.
Two House Rapepublicans from WA state and one from CA voted in favor of impeachment. Now local and state GOP organizations are lining up to go after them, spurred on by “The Office of the Former President” and TRUMP2024.
Oregon GOP’s statement condemning Herrera Buetler is interesting to me, beyond being unhinged and completely bug-fuck. It clearly indicates that the party schism is between Trumpalo partisan fascists now in party leadership positions and the “moderate”, “EEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE” they depend upon to win Biden districts and to run remotely credible statewide campaign on the “liberal left coast”. This is a big opportunity.
Consolidating these kinds of districts into the hands of Democrats should be a 2022 priority given the certainty that these GOP held seats will see energetic primary challenges. Incumbents like these may be forced out of their “fiscal conservative/social moderate” disguises like never before. And that leaves a lane open for the right campaigns to flip these seats. Herrera Beutler should be targeted now, along with Valadao in CA-21. These seats may never be this vulnerable again.
“Bipartisan” means demonstrating respect, aligning around an agreed upon set of facts, and delivering government to benefit the most Americans citizens.
It does not mean bowing to a group of elite powerful Senators representing a tiny political minority in order to prop them up.
Biden/Harris won their election by a larger vote margin than any individual Senator’s election vote total.
That is a mandate coming from the voters and demonstrated by the vote totals.
@ 58
Biden/Harris won their election by a larger vote margin than any individual Senator’s election vote total.
Irrelevant. Completely irrelevant.
Biden/Harris won their election by a substantial majority of electoral votes.
Pro tip: Trying to sound like Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit makes people think you are as useless to society as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is; this approach is best avoided.
In 2016, Donald Trump/Mike Pence won more electoral votes than any individual senator.
They did that in 2020, too.
It’s true, but it’s just as irrelevant as
Biden/Harris won their election by a larger vote margin than any individual Senator’s election vote total.
It’s perfectly relevant when a Senate rule that has never been placed on any ballot before American voters can empower a single Senator backed by fewer than 200,000 votes to block bi-partisan legislation supported by Senators backed by hundreds of millions of votes.
And the filibuster isn’t a law. But reconciliation is.
Democrats aren’t going to get everything we want in the next 100 days. Just the stuff that 70% of voters from both parties already support.
@ 61
It’s perfectly relevant when a Senate rule that has never been placed on any ballot before American voters can empower…
That’s nothing. You should have seen what Obama was gonna empower Elizabeth Warren to do when the CFPB was being set up.
One person, unaccountable.
Speaking of one Senator holding shit up, y’all libbies really loved the blue slip thing when it was working to your advantage.
I’m really sorry the Founding Fathers were unable to listen to your sage advice, QoS McHilbilly.
I think as the Dominion litigation goes forward we are going to get to see how and why the perpetual multiple side-hustles that are such a feature of modern “conservatism” can really backfire very badly.
The Dominion case against the GOP (Former)FailPresident’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani is far from certain. Dominion might bet lucky in pre-trial. But it’s more likely that the company will be regarded as “public figure” for purposes of defamation. That means they will need to show “actual malice” on the part of Giuliani.
The “actual malice” standard is difficult to meet in the case of a defendant too stupid or crazy to form malicious intent. And Giuliani has done plenty in the last 24 months to help himself with that defense. So part of the challenge for Dominion will be showing to a jury that most of Giuliani’s unhinged, intemperate, and blustering public persona, and the defamatory false statements he makes as part of that persona, are all tied back to his many business interests hawking penis pills, brain tonics, gold-buggery, and cigar smoking.
It’s now to Giuliani’s benefit for him to profess to being nuts, irrational, inattentive, incompetent, etc. And it’s quite clear that some of all that is true. He butt dials the FBI once a day to confess to bank fraud and snuffing hookers. He can’t tell the difference between Ritz-Carlton and Ritz Crackers. But it’s also clear that his work over the last 24 months has not been compensated in the form of any “billings” as the conventional practice of law would understand them.
From the very beginning he’s been in this for the grift. For the opportunity to use his representation of Donald J. Trump to promote his side hustles. And there are a bunch. All that sleaze will be on the table for careful examination. And Dominion will certainly intend to show direct causal connection between Giuliani’s false, defamatory shit-lording and his business and income growth.
Like I said, Dominion has an uphill fight ahead. But what ought to scare a grifter like Giuliani isn’t the $1.5 billion demand. It’s the absolute certainty that his game is going to be completely exposed.
…French parliamentarians in the early 19th century? Or a 1917 Senate majority stirred up with patriotic war fervor?
Keep fuckin’ that chicken, Tara.
“Biggest crowd in history”
“The election was stolen”
“Filibuster is in the Constitution”
“Teh Storm is Coming”
Keep going.
Trust the plan.
And yet it didn’t bother you in the slightest when your raging orange man-baby was acting that way.
It’s strange and amusing to hear Doctor Dumbfuck sound off about others being “useless.”
@53 At least he isn’t insisting he’s still president.
That’s nothing. You should have seen what Obama was gonna empower Elizabeth Warren to do when the CFPB was being set up.
One person, unaccountable.
Heh.. Yet another dimfuk fantasy.. Thanks for the entertainment rapey..
” … many staffers from the Trump administration are having trouble finding jobs in their post-White House lives, particularly after President Trump was heavily criticized for his initial, lack luster response to the riot.
“Several Trump aides described to Politico a bleak job market with virtually no chance of landing jobs in corporate America. Some even had leads disappear after the riot at the Capitol on January 6th. A former White House official said they knew of ‘people who got jobs rescinded because of Jan. 6.’
“But a Republican strategist said of the former staffers: ‘They are really f***ed. The person said not even Republicans on Capitol Hill wanted anything to do with them. … ‘They were told over and over to take their hand off the hot stove, and they didn’t want to listen.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I think we ought to be compassionate, so I’m not opposed to them receiving charity, and possibly even food stamps, for the rest of their lives.
This is what a full confession looks like.
It’s not going to work to say you didn’t know you were there without permission when you say you “pushed your way in”. It’s not going to work to say you were obeying lawful orders from police while peacefully protesting if you already admit that you were “teargassed” while you “stormed the Capitol.” You can say that all your other statements are lies. But that only tells the jury you’re a liar and that you shouldn’t be believed.
These idiots watched a GOP FailPresident lie for four years about criminal shit and came to believe that this is how it works. That you can lie all you like when you aren’t under oath. The part they seem to have missed is that Trump’s lies were not self-incriminating. And that certainly includes his taped confession before a bus load of strangers when he admitted to a long history of violent sexual assaults.
From Seattle daily brief: “The number of Seattle-area Democrats rose dramatically during the Trump years, increasing more than three times faster than the overall population growth in King and Snohomish counties.”
Gee, wonder why? Is it possible Seattle isn’t filled with violent racist revolutionaries seeking to overthrow democracy and install a dictator?
Hillary Clinton is the gift that just keeps on giving.
Judge Bars Biden From Enforcing 100-Day Deportation Ban
Had she not lost to Trump, there would not be a Judge Tipton on the federal bench.
@72 “It also showed that just as Democratic-led states and immigration groups fought former President Donald Trump over immigration in court, often successfully, so too will Republicans with Biden in office.”
Probably has more to do with the nature of immigration law than who the judge is. It may be the judge, unlike the president who appointed him, respects and follows the law. After all, his ruling isn’t a departure from previous similar rulings in like cases. In fact, a lot of Trump’s judicial appointees respected and followed the law in the aftermath of the election, to his surprise and consternation. He assumed everyone is a renegade and lawbreaker like him, but that just isn’t so. It turns out that even conservative judges believe in the rule of law. That’s actually prevalent among practicing lawyers in general.*
* With certain notable exceptions, e.g. Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, soon-to-be-in-private-practice Jeffrey Clark, etc.; and less prevalent among non-practicing lawyers like Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Kayleigh McEnany, etc.
ICE tried to hold captured illegal aliens in Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s abode. The plan was abandoned when the aliens asked to be returned to cages with concrete floors rather than be subject to the deplorable conditions in a central Seattle shithole like the Dumbfuck Rabbit household.
That is so fucking lame. You’re not very good at this.
I’m most impressed, knowing that Tara (unlike the real Tara) doesn’t make this shit up.
She has someone else make it up for her. Then she fills up her otherwise empty days sitting at a screen, digging around for wherever they hide it. Then she pays them for the privilege. Then she brags about paying for it.
Imagine spending thirty of the first forty years of your life (including most of your best fucking years) in devoted personal sacrifice to a profession that pays you less than minimum wage to sniff the taints of homeless folks. Then “investing” all that sacrifice into a retirement thoroughly wasted on becoming even dumber, lonelier, and more gullible than you already were.
Summons to mind the phrase “tazing himself to death in the balls”.
That’s okay. I support executing the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck.
Marjorie Taylor Greene voiced support for executing Democrats before she went to Congress: report
A Raw Story link. The traitor will have a sad.
Ought to work about as well as all the subpoenas and summonses that Paxton is currently ignoring.
Because how does a President establish her Article 2 “national security” power to operate the border any way she sees fit? By operating it any way she sees fit.
Wherein Nikki Haley proves she’s just another cheap-trick politician pandering to a mindless mob, and doesn’t have what it takes to lead our country.
Remember the bean peddler?
Well, “Goya’s board of directors had enough of CEO Robert Unanue’s public comments in support of former President Donald Trump and his unfounded claims of voter fraud. On Friday, it voted to muzzle him. … Unanue will no longer be allowed to speak to the media without the board’s permission …. A majority of Goya shareholders favor removing Unanue altogether ….”
Because bad for business. How many shoppers whose aunts and uncles have been deported or whose nieces and nephews have been thrown in cages want to buy beans from this asshole?
@74 I don’t shit in my hole. I do it upstairs on the grass where you walk. That’s why your shoes smell like rabbit. In case you were wondering.
The GOP is now a white supremacy party consisting of people who wish the Confederacy had won the Civil War.
Stop and ponder even at this early point how many Republicans are preparing a run for 2024. I reckon there must be at least 20 already forming shadow finance committees and lining up key support.
Trump, Cruz, Hawley, Haley, Rubio, Ryan, Pence, Paxton, Abbott, Pompeo, Cotton, DeSantis, Scott, Carlson, Hannity, Carson, DeWine, Hogan, Christie, Owens, Bongino, Gaetz, Paul, Noem, and more. It’s really a grifters gold rush. And just as with 2016, the simmering grievance they nurture will distort the primary process in a way that produces only the angriest and most vengeful champion as their candidate. Haley hasn’t got a chance.
73)Wonder how many Democratic appointees not on Senior Status are now eligible? Could help to mitigate all the Trump appointees.
71)Recently moved myself, but still in the Rainier Valley. Next Presidential Primary, will be changing my affiliation. When I was aPollbook Judge for KingCo Elections, I was the Republican Judge in the precinct, never changed it.
The real traitors are the people who subvert the Constitution and the Bill of Rights every fucking day. That’s right FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS and DOJ – I’m talking about you traitorous motherfuckers. YOU are the domestic enemies we need to defend the Constitution from. Fuck you!
Add in the New York Times and the rest of the fucking mainstream media and we could really get rid of some dangerous trash.
@86 We’re a danger to nobody. We don’t take guns into public buildings. We don’t go around with zipties looking for congressmen. We don’t scheme to kidnap governors. That’s you guys.
P.S., you don’t get to decide what the Constitution says, either. That’s the courts’ job, and you’re not a court. You’re a drunk with a keyboard and internet connection.
Trump is incompetent, corrupt, dishonest, and a liar; but none of this matters to Republicans, they will stick with him and defend him to the last, because they’ve subordinated everything to one thing: White supremacy.
In NZ, looks like the Nationals are planning to contest Maori seats starting with the 2023 election. Being called opportunistic by Labor, but some see it as a win for the Indigenous community of New Zealand. Now if only the Nationals would quit trying to undermine Mixed Member Proportional .
YOUR choices are simple.
You can begrudgingly accept that the constitution guarantees equal protection, and agree to share fully in the benefits of a constitutional republic with the people you hate.
You can continue to grow older and more impotent, shouting at clouds, calling everyone who disagrees with you a “Commie”, and pining for “the good ol’ days” of male white supremacy as you watch your influence disappear.
Or you can go to jail.
Fuck around and find out.
Curt Schilling gets big sad this week demanding that sports writers stop canceling him.
Gets canceled anyways.
Another fucking loser cry baby.
It’s like literally everything is better without Trump.
147 elected Republicans in Congress voted to overrule the ballot results and reinstall their own guy who lost.
That’s 70%.
70% is not a “fringe”. 70% is not a “wing” or a “faction”.
70% is not a branch of the Republican Party.
70% is the tree.
It’s time to face the fact, before it’s too late, that the Republican Party is completely transformed under Trump. And demand that the media stop treating this fundamental rejection of the most basic principles of democracy as some kind of temporary “bug”.
Party totalitarianism is now the fundamental ideology of the Republican Party. Party authority over constitutional authority is really what they believe in. The small handful of elected Republicans yet willing to stand up and defend the constitution and the rule of law against this will soon be removed by their own party.
Meda who continue to peddle the fiction that Republicans retain any grasp on constitutional legitimacy are fully complicit in what must now be acknowledged is a sweeping, nationwide effort to eliminate democratically elected government.
The downside of participating in a plot involving 14 people to kidnap a public official is at least 1 of them is bound to crack under pressure and investigators everything the other 13 conspirators said and did.
You never know who might be a rat.
@91 Don’t hear about Cival War Umpire anymore. Maybe his games were canceled. Or he was canceled. Maybe he was in the Rotunda and now is in an FBI interview room.
@91 Kurt Schilling will never, ever, be a Hall of Famer.
Forgot the link to my post @89.
“I don’t recall any of this.”
Is exactly what a good lawyer would instruct you to say if you wish to publicly deny something while under investigation by the FBI,
yet still avoid a § 1001 charge because your denial is absolutely false.
His Proud Boy followers will believe him because “conservative” has become synonymous with gullible.
@98 And also because if they don’t believe him, they have a duty to whack him. Omerta.