I really am not that much concerned about a Crooked Hillary Clinton administration. Neither is Goldman Sachs. Nor the telecoms.
For example, Verizon paid Clinton $225,000 for a speech in Washington, D.C., in May 2013.
The firm’s CEO, Lowell McAdam, waded into the Democratic primary in April when he called Sen. Bernie Sanders’ views “contemptible.”
Executives at Verizon have also given heavily to Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Jim Cicconi, senior executive vice president at AT&T and veteran of the Reagan administration, publicly endorsed Clinton earlier this year despite admitting that he had supported every Republican candidate for president since 1976. Clinton’s campaign has received roughly $120,000 from the ranks of AT&T, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
Time Warner is among the top 10 donors to Clinton’s presidential campaign.
David Cohen, a Comcast executive, hosted a fundraiser for Clinton at his Philadelphia home in June.
Steve Elmendorf, a lobbyist for Verizon, has bundled $141,815 for Clinton’s campaign. Alfred Mottur, a lobbyist for Comcast, bundled $67,925. David Leiter, a lobbyist for Charter Communications, bundled $36,550.
Michael Smith, a lobbyist for CenturyLink, bundled $26,000 in contributions for Clinton. Smith is listed on disclosure forms as having lobbied Congress specifically on the issue of Connect America funding on behalf of CenturyLink.
Through that FCC program, CenturyLink accepted $506 million in subsidies last year.
So this is what it takes to get Goldy to talk about limited-service restaurants in Seattle, now that the minimum wage increase is taking hold.
Since Goldy brought it up:
3/2014 there were 2,031 limited service restaurant businesses in Seattle.
3/2015 there were 1,917.
This week: 1,816.
Becoming one of Bruce Bartlett’s one-armed journalists doesn’t mean you’re gonna get your testicles back.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
I’m sure those newly higher-paid fast food workers in Seattle will be stopping at one of the planned Seattle-area Organic Coup fast-food joints on the way home to pick up some grub for the family.
The chain is pricier than the average fast-food restaurant. The fried-chicken sandwich costs $9.99, compared with under $4 for a chicken sandwich at Chick-fil-A.
200 fast-food licenses in Seattle evaporate over the past two years, limiting choices for those who earn less, but there’s one high-end joint that likely will be in downtown Seattle, and Goldy’s all over that news tidbit.
Sea-Tac has also responded with more staffers. It’s hired more people to do customer service-related jobs to help travelers through security. It’s also hired more people to answer questions and help travelers navigate through the airport itself. Those staffers are wearing white or teal shirts.
In the next five years of so, there will also be major work on the airport infrastructure to re-do the Alaska Airlines north satellite facility. A new international arrivals facility will also be added to the south satellite, which will also help add more international flights to the airport.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Some disturbing revelations about the anti-minimum wage credentials of the guy Seattle is paying to study min wage: http://www.progressive.org/new.....-alliances …
When you resort to attacking the messenger and not the message, you have lost the debate.
Jacob L. Vigdor joined the Evans School as a professor of public policy and governance in Autumn Quarter 2014. He arrived at the University of Washington following 15 years of service on the faculty of the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University. Professor Vigdor holds affiliations as a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, an adjunct fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, and an external fellow at the Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration at University College London.
Professor Vigdor has published more than 60 scholarly articles and reviews on a range of topics in social policy, including education policy, immigration policy, housing policy, and racial and economic inequality. With co-authors, he has twice been awarded the Raymond Vernon Memorial Prize for best article published in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. His 2009 book, From Immigrants to Americans: The Rise and Fall of Fitting In, received the IPUMS Research Award for Best Use of Historical Census Data. His work has also appeared in the Journal of Political Economy, the Review of Economics and Statistics, Child Development, the Journal of Public Economics, the Journal of Human Resources, and a range of other outlets spanning multiple disciplines.
His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the Institute for Education Sciences, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the Russell Sage Foundation, the Smith Richardson Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Professor Vigdor was a William T. Grant Foundation Scholar from 2004 through 2009.
He has assisted the U.S. Department of Justice in cases of alleged housing discrimination and testified in a Texas school finance lawsuit in 2012.
And really, what is disturbing about this?:
He also served alternately as bassist, guitarist, or drummer for the Sanford School’s informal in-house band.
Maybe because their sets didn’t include stuff like “Fight Song”.
• Daily fast-food calories (a portion of all FAFH) fell by 53, and the share of calories from fast
food declined 1.8 percentage points, from 14.4 percent in 2005-06.
• Total FAFH meals consumed per day fell by 0.10 (from an average of 0.87 in 2005-06), and
total FAFH snacks fell by 0.05 per day (from 0.41 per day in 2005-06).
Eating at home more often was associated with having more family meals.
• Working-age adults living with children under age 17 and older adults living in households
with two or more people reported an increase in the number of meals eaten with the majority
of their family.
• The number of those meals that were home-cooked (rather than from FAFH) also increased.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 6
You know, you might have something. Take Seattle numbers, correct for population growth and family size (40+% of Seattle is people living alone so your next-to-last bullet point might not mean much), and let me know how you’re doing. Don’t forget to narrow your range to, say, 2013-2015 to exclude the recessionary years.
@1 The way you elect someone like Hillary to the White House is by running someone like Trump against her. Don’t like the sound of “President Hillary Clinton?” Blame your fellow Republicans. We progressives tried to do better. Republicans, not so much, because after all what was there to choose from on your side?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 Guess you’ll have to either cook for yourself or starve, doc.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Bickle, you keep talking about fast-food restaurants, but what’s happening to other businesses that depend on minimum-wage labor? Are nursing homes and daycares going out of business, too? What does the overall picture of minimum-wage employment look like right now? Up or down?
Roger Rabbitspews:
A Republican is someone whose answer to every economic problem is cutting someone else’s wages.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 11
What does the overall picture of minimum-wage employment look like right now? Up or down?
If your ilk wasn’t happy with Dr. Vigdor’s credentials you wouldn’t be happy with mine.
I guess I’d say my interpretation is that it isn’t working as well as you’d like, the sky isn’t falling, and it’s still very, very early in the process. Will be years before it’s clear whether there was a net benefit or a net detriment.
It’s a pretty dick move to go attacking a researcher @ 5 for having some conservative ties, rather than attacking his research.
Burger King had almost 100 more locations in The U.S. and Canada in 2010 than they did in FY 2015.
As long as you want to extrapolate some data points into an unsupported conclusion, Seattle never had 100 Burger Kings but clearly there can’t be closures in other regions with low minimum wages. It doesn’t fit the Slopppy argument so such a thing is unpossible.
The 500 McDonald’s scheduled to shutter in 2016? They are all in Seattle or other municipalities paying over the federal minimum apparently.
For Boob has read Heritage and he’s learnding and embigening his assumptions.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 14
You just made me think of something. There’s a Burger King on 15th NE in Seattle, about 250 feet south of the city limits.
There’s some unfortunate siting.
Teabagged Againspews:
@1 what is wrong Boob – keeping track of your bank account deposits not good enough for you?
If Hillary Clinton was the only politician that benefited greatly by donors that later could be of any influence on them then maybe you have some points….but guess what – It’s the system that you put in place and voted for every day since your first intake of fresh air through your mouth (or ass as I should say).
Distant Replayspews:
Progressive liberal Democratic values have triumphed again!
Reacting to steeeeeeeeply declining poll numbers among college educated white women Cheeto Jesus has turned his back on his angry uneducated white male base of primary voters opposed to immigration and trade and sent out his newly appointed campaign manager to announce stunning revisions to his immigration policies!
Gone are his threats of brown skinned roundups, outdoor detention camps, and extra-judicial mass deportations. The media are awaiting further developments expected to include amnesty and a pathway to citizenship!
Hooray! Finally the Orange Catastrophe has put his lying super powers to good use!
Swallow that pivot, Breitbart! Choke on it!
Ima Duncespews:
Those on the right justify beating a dead horse by how many flies are buzzing around the body. Look, they say, something is still moving. Keep beating!
Politically Incorrectspews:
I may just vote for Jill Stein for the heck of it. Sure beats voting for Donald or Hillary.
Distant Replayspews:
My guess is that Trump fatigue is becoming a real thing.
More from Cheeto Jesus’ newly appointed campaign manager:
“Even Sen. Jeff Sessions, who was one of the first to endorse Donald Trump and is known for the immigration issue, he doesn’t deport 11 million people in his plan.”
“In other words, what Donald Trump says is we need a fair and effective way to deal with the 11 million here who are here who live among us.”
“But what he’s saying is immigration is a very complex issue with a very complex solution. That solution is not just about building the wall, it’s not just about border security, it’s not just about American jobs, but it’s also — we need to be fair but we need to be fair to all those concerned.”
The “nice” ones can stay.
Pretty much exactly what President Obama has been doing so far which is exactly what President Bush did before him.
Meet the new Republican, same as the old Republican.
Trump still hasn’t backed away from hating all Muslims…
…yet. Plenty of time for the candidate to “grow” between now and November 8th. Maybe Republicans in the Senate will follow his lead and do some “growing” as well.
Distant Replayspews:
We’re coming up on the one month anniversary since that lying, racist, imbecile, conservative, self-loathing troll last commented in these threads. It’s been a wonderful improvement and I for one would like to thank everyone who stood fast against the lunacy right up to the end. It’s more than I could ever do.
I’d like to give special appreciation once again to Dr. Orpheus for the nifty douche-blocking script by proposing that July 27th be commemorated as Dr. Orpheus Day!
Thanks again, Doc.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 21
If you’re up by four runs in the 7th, what’s the harm in playing a full nine, Steve?
No mercy rule in life. Just ask Dukakis.
Ima Duncespews:
@24 Another dead horse? It just never ends, does it?
@19 Just chuck your vote away? Sounds illogical, but that’s your privilege. She sounds as delusional as any Green candidate ever was.
Willy Vomitspews:
I have a question.
If one is a Trump supporter and has actually given him money, how do you feel about the fact that a large part of the money you sent to a Billionaire is being used to pay HIMSELF for his own use of his private jet and to pay himself for the use of his own hotels and resorts for his campaign rallies?
If he’s asking YOU to dig deep and support him, why isn’t he willing to do the same and rent himself his own hotel ballrooms for free?
Distant Replayspews:
that’s an easy one.
The obvious answer is that the FEC disclosure reports prepared by the campaign’s own lawyers (billing six times more than any other campaign in history) are filled with dirty filthy hippie liberal lies and distortions. That plus something-something about “complex” and “highly sophisticated” financial “structures” that regular people not named Trump could never ever ever comprehend.
P.S. – the real issue isn’t that he won’t “give” his campaign the use of the Trump branded companies and facilities (that would violate campaign finance laws in most cases). The real issue is that he massively overcharges his own campaign for those facilities – which is actually perfectly legal so long as everything is disclosed (just ask Timmeh).
Vacation was wonderful! Oh wait Puddy don’t have a job so how could Puddy float in the Atlantic?
Distant Replayspews:
Conway is now reporting that Trump’s new immigration policy may include a “humane” solution to undocumented workers in the U.S. that may allow them to continue to reside in the U.S. permanently and be granted legal status. This is actually more liberal and more progressive than anything proposed by any other Republican and most Democrats.
Given how he’s abandoning his anti-immigration primary voters, I wonder how long before he shits all over the evangelicals?
Puddie, Kicks The Oregon Moron everywhere, everydayspews:
Isn’t it great to see that Puddy lives free in the Oregon moron’s head! See @28!
Puddie, Kicks The Oregon Moron everywhere, everydayspews:
Maybe the Oregon moron can explain the difference between the words “ransom” and “leverage” over the $400 Million used to rescue the Iranian hostages earlier this year! Seem Josh NoSoEarnest can’t even after getting eight minutes time to try!
“I heard the definition of ransom. The definition of leverage is?” – Whitey House Reporter!
Puddie, Kicks The Oregon Moron everywhere, everydayspews:
yet another great example of how Cheeto Jesus dupes “low information” racist imbecile voters is his expenditure for his “digital” strategy. Most of that money goes to a Texas company with ties to Trump’s son-in-law having no previous experience in digital fund raising. $8.4 million in July alone out of a total of $18.5 million spent against a total haul of $36 million. A 50% expense ratio and over 25% ratio for digital for a firm with absolutely zero track record for building big data. So for every $100 dollars donated by racist mouth breathers, $25 dollars goes to the son-in-law’s buddy and $25 dollars is laundered through some Trump branded company and used to pay for spray tan and Melania’s anal bleaching.
Distant Replayspews:
still another brilliant example of the amazing Trump grift of “low information” racists is the local campaign staffing.
Sure, not a day goes by that another one of these side show freaks isn’t discovered to be an affiliated white supremacist mass murderer. But the real story is the payroll, or lack thereof.
For more than a month the question has lingered why the slow roll on building the state offices and why the over reliance on the RNC? Now thanks to the July disclosure we have our answer: he won’t pay for it. The reason so many of his state directors are gun waving kiddie porn KKK members is because that’s all the budget can afford! If you have any doubt, look at who’s running one of his key Denver offices in Colorado – a twelve year old boy!
Teabagged Againspews:
Watching the News this evening I saw some woman from Jindhal’s Bayou crying about losing her home to flooding. I really can’t feel sorry for someone like that if they don’t believe in science data on Global Warming. I’d say to her, Get use to your tears Baby. Or put your money where your tears are dumbfuck.
Teabagged Againspews:
Muslims should consider rebranding Sharia Law into the Religious Freedom Law as American Conservative call it.
Distant Replayspews:
Oh nooooooos!
Time for another re-organization?
After sending manager Conway out this weekend to dip a toe in the water on immigration amnesty and/or guest worker status, the campaign has gone radio silent on immigration.
Will Conway be the next head to roll?
Let’s see, they already have a campaign “director”, “Chairman”, “CEO”, and “manager”. If they bring in somebody new to push Conway aside what will that title be? Campaign “washroom attendant”?
They say that Fuckwad is looking for work. This could be just the ticket.
Puddie, Kicks The Oregon Moron everywhere, everydayspews:
Useless moron at 36. Louisiana has DUMMOCRETIN guvnur ya moron!
Mark Adamsspews:
@4 I don’t think anyone has told the port of Bellingham. Though we are jazzed about our International Airport up here. We even got the Air Guard. I think there could be tepid laughter. We are ummm ready for the crowds. We built an airport and they will come. (Ok we built decades ago, but now our cream comes true.)
Mark Adamsspews:
@28 So how went the month long mission of exploration. Did you explore distant planets and civilizations? Did you go where no mam has gone before? How is everyone in Starfleet? Yes the new movie is pretty good.
Willy Vomitspews:
@ 39
Which has exactly what to do with 30 inches of rain in a week, and the resultant FEMA response?
Six hours. As opposed to six fucking days with the Bush in charge.
Mark Adamsspews:
@37 Why the Religious Freedom Law includes all religions. You follow Sharia go for it. You holy roller types next door to the Sharia go for it. And it in the Hobby Lobby store near you. Me popcorn this is going to be fun to watch. It will also show why the Religious Freedom is a silly law if not constitutional. Maybe more folks should have objected to in god we trust being placed on our money.
Yep. Louisiana has had a Democratic governor for about as long as it takes to read My Pet Goat!
And we know who our resident liar (welcome back, how was rehab? were you lying about having a job just before you left or lying about not having one now?) thinks was responsible for the terrah attack Giuliani swears never happened.
I mean seriously. The guy who can’t stay away from this blog from wake-y time to nighty night would have us believe that the absence couldn’t be because the nursing staff wouldn’t let him have interwebs until he completes his course of treatment. Now I don’t know that the liar was being treated for substance abuse but it has been rumored.
Teabaggers Againspews:
@44 Thunbs Up!
Crack is a tough drug to kick.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@39 He can’t clean up Jindal’s mess in only 7 months.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Btw, I notice Louisiana has a DEMOCRAT governor now. The Republican must not have worked out very well.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In Louisiana, parents and kids are saying, “Can we have our schools back now?” Here in Washington, Republicans in the legislature are trying their best to wreck ours.
@29 Damn, is that for real? Sorry to hear.
Wait…doesn’t Bob live on Whidbey Island? My mental picture is that the choices for grub-away-from-home are either sailor bars that serve rubber hamburgers fresh out of the freezer, or the likes of Lake Wobegon’s “Chatterbox Cafe” where there’s always tuna casserole on Wednesdays and someone named Madge presides, coffee pot in hand.
Puddie, Kicks The Oregon Moron everywhere, everydayspews:
Hello cracker jax dr checkmate,
Have a job now and had a job then. Went on a cruise, posted some pics online enjoying the Atlantic Ocean. The Senior Pathologist knows how to see those Puddy pics. So how does one pay for that checkmate? Spent time in South Florida and other locations. Puddy loved Turks and Caicos. Tell Puddy how many islands make up Turks and Caicos cracker jax dr checkmate without Googling it! Can ya? If you been there you’d know already. FACTS SUX eh cracker jax dr checkmate?
You see checkmate, your crazed clueless databaze deala cousin has followed Puddy all over the world. Ask the crazed deala where Puddy goes!
Keep spreading those incarceration lies cracker jax dr checkmate! Psych Projection 101! Western State has you name engraved on a cell eh?
That’s all you got. So sad!
Puddie, Kicks The Oregon Moron everywhere, everydayspews:
The State Department issued a warning on Monday urging U.S. citizens to avoid traveling to Iran, which has made the detention of Americans a priority.
The latest travel advisory, which emphasizes Iran’s desire to capture U.S. citizens, comes on the heels of a growing scandal over the Obama administration’s decision to pay Iran $400 million in cash on the same day that it freed several U.S. hostages.
Thanks Obummer!
Puddie, Kicks The Oregon Moron everywhere, everydayspews:
Did you go where no mam has gone before?
No, butt apparently you did Mark Adams!
Puddie, Kicks The Oregon Moron everywhere, everydayspews:
Sooooooooooooooo Careless Crooked Heilary will stop donations tot he Clinton Crime Family Foundation IF she becomes preznit? Butt she had open arms to taking donations from places that hate wimens rights.
Yes Careless Crooked Heilary, champeen of wimens rights!
Puddie, Kicks The Oregon Moron everywhere, everydayspews:
Sigh. You’re lying, and you know you’re lying, because that is what you come in here to do with phony stories linked from well-known neonazi websites like the “Free” Beacon.
I will explain this to you, I will use small words and type them in real slow so you’ll have the best chance of grokking what the words mean.
Oops, thats a word I probably shouldn’t have used. It’s a word that intelligent people understand. I apologize.
At any rate, that $400 Million was already Iran’s money. The United States had no rights to it, it was money stolen from the Government by the Shah of Iran and deposited in American banks during his reign as an absolute dictator. A substantial portion of it was for oil that was purchased by the United States in the mid 1970s. Iran sued, several times as I recall to get that money back and they won case after case. It ALREADY BELONGED TO THEM.
The United States Government, (thats the people in charge of America) told Iran that if they wanted that money, they’d have to release the American prisoners they had captured, many of them were in fact working on behalf of American, British and German intelligence agencies (those are the double-0 spies like you see on TV.)
But you already know this, because you’re a liar, and you come in here specifically to lie, especially about shit like this.
Distant Replayspews:
Anybody found the 5 million deleted Bush emails yet?
Did he leave them with the fake yellow cake in his other trousers?
Did they get buried under a pile of arms and legs blown off by IEDs?
Or did Republicans accidentally copy over them to send hate mail to Gold Star Moms?
Yes. That’s right Republicans.
Puddie, Kicks The Oregon Moron everywhere, everydayspews:
“This money was returned for the freedom of the U.S. spy and it was not related to the negotiations.” – Iranian Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Naqdi
While it always sucks to be the self-loathing loon, it’ll suck one hell of a lot more come November 8th.
Distant Replayspews:
So now that Breitbart has become the official mouthpiece of the Republican Party, conscientious Republicans are just going to have to make peace with interracial sodomy.
The self-loathing loon and his friends love to wave the Confederate flag and assault rifles in the faces of black Americans.
“A small group of “White Lives Matter” activists held a protest outside the Houston NAACP office on Sunday, bearing assault rifles, Confederate flags, and signs referencing white supremacist slogans.”
we could still celebrate 27.07 as such. but, damn man you jinxed us.
he’s back (presumably with the same madness, and lies) a claim to have been on vacation and a new sock-puppet for us to block.
i honestly believed that whoever was paying him to shit-post here had stopped ponying up the $0.25 per post and so the pud-whackers rain of shit had ended, but jesus h f’in monkey balls christ, i kinda missed the little wanker.
so pud-whacker welcome back, did you get the new Frank Ocean record yet?
Puddie, Kicks The Oregon Moron everywhere, everydayspews:
How do you know the vomit producer is a loose DUMMOCRETIN cannon; it parrots DNC talking points…
The United States had no rights to it, it was money stolen from the Government by the Shah of Iran and deposited in American banks during his reign as an absolute dictator.
Yet Obummer’s State Department claims this as cover for the ransom payment…
The $400 million in question was meant to settle a dispute over payment for military equipment that predated Iran’s Islamic revolution
Poor vomit producer… didn’t get the latest corrected story! Yes vomit producer… it was leverage! Even the WA guvmint reporters see through this Obummer BULLSHITTIUM!
Puddie, Kicks The Oregon Moron everywhere, everydayspews:
Were you one of the original zika children too? Small mind; small thoughts?
Puddie, Kicks The Oregon Moron everywhere, everydayspews:
Speaking of the NAACP,
Now they are against charter schools. QPPS @64 cheers this while black educators are in shock! So the NAACP doesn’t care if the inner city children are stuck in failing schools with teachers who don’t care. If a charter school fails, it shuts down. If a public school fails, make empty promises for black votes the next election cycle and never fix the problem.
Just look at Philadelphia schools. At least the Chicago teachers are uprising against the system, while the Atlanta teachers tried cheating the system with phony test scores and were caught! Google “atlanta teachers scandal” because y’all have 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady!
Puddie, Kicks The Oregon Moron everywhere, everydayspews:
Meanwhile, the DUMMOCRETINS are out in force because those hidden and deleted emails are still being found and the cockroaches are being exposed to sunlight… http://www.judicialwatch.org/p.....on-donors/
Distant Replayspews:
I plead guilty.
I should have known.
It was here all along, hiding among us, too ashamed of its identity to step out of the shadows until the moment of irony was too ripe to resist.
Looks like the very last time that lying self-loathing imbecile posted was around quarter to five that day. That makes sense. They terminated it at the end of the day and gave it about fifteen minutes to clear out its desk before being escorted from the premises just as everyone else was heading home.
Distant Replayspews:
Last night on Fox Cheeto Jesus continued to walk back his earlier commitments to Republican primary voters to forcibly remove undocumented residents. On O’Reilly President Penis Jokes continued to promote his newly revised immigration strategy he says will look “alot like President Obama’s” but with “perhaps more energy”.
He’s still on board with Russia, pulling out of NATO, and sending nukes to Syria at least. So they’ve got that goin’ for ’em!
Distant Replayspews:
Yet another awesome example of how “straight shooter” Cheeto Jesus fleeces the mooned eyed alt-right dairy cows he milks for cash every day.
I really am not that much concerned about a Crooked Hillary Clinton administration. Neither is Goldman Sachs. Nor the telecoms.
For example, Verizon paid Clinton $225,000 for a speech in Washington, D.C., in May 2013.
The firm’s CEO, Lowell McAdam, waded into the Democratic primary in April when he called Sen. Bernie Sanders’ views “contemptible.”
Executives at Verizon have also given heavily to Clinton’s presidential campaign.
Jim Cicconi, senior executive vice president at AT&T and veteran of the Reagan administration, publicly endorsed Clinton earlier this year despite admitting that he had supported every Republican candidate for president since 1976. Clinton’s campaign has received roughly $120,000 from the ranks of AT&T, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
Time Warner is among the top 10 donors to Clinton’s presidential campaign.
David Cohen, a Comcast executive, hosted a fundraiser for Clinton at his Philadelphia home in June.
Steve Elmendorf, a lobbyist for Verizon, has bundled $141,815 for Clinton’s campaign. Alfred Mottur, a lobbyist for Comcast, bundled $67,925. David Leiter, a lobbyist for Charter Communications, bundled $36,550.
Michael Smith, a lobbyist for CenturyLink, bundled $26,000 in contributions for Clinton. Smith is listed on disclosure forms as having lobbied Congress specifically on the issue of Connect America funding on behalf of CenturyLink.
Through that FCC program, CenturyLink accepted $506 million in subsidies last year.
Know what we’re gonna hear a lot less about over the next four years?
Income inequality.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Damn you, $15 an hour minimum wage! https://twitter.com/workingwa/status/767398582399868928 …
So this is what it takes to get Goldy to talk about limited-service restaurants in Seattle, now that the minimum wage increase is taking hold.
Since Goldy brought it up:
3/2014 there were 2,031 limited service restaurant businesses in Seattle.
3/2015 there were 1,917.
This week: 1,816.
Becoming one of Bruce Bartlett’s one-armed journalists doesn’t mean you’re gonna get your testicles back.
I’m sure those newly higher-paid fast food workers in Seattle will be stopping at one of the planned Seattle-area Organic Coup fast-food joints on the way home to pick up some grub for the family.
The chain is pricier than the average fast-food restaurant. The fried-chicken sandwich costs $9.99, compared with under $4 for a chicken sandwich at Chick-fil-A.
200 fast-food licenses in Seattle evaporate over the past two years, limiting choices for those who earn less, but there’s one high-end joint that likely will be in downtown Seattle, and Goldy’s all over that news tidbit.
If you raise the minimum wage everyone will fly out of Bellingham because it’s cheaper
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Some disturbing revelations about the anti-minimum wage credentials of the guy Seattle is paying to study min wage:
http://www.progressive.org/new.....-alliances …
When you resort to attacking the messenger and not the message, you have lost the debate.
Jacob L. Vigdor joined the Evans School as a professor of public policy and governance in Autumn Quarter 2014. He arrived at the University of Washington following 15 years of service on the faculty of the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University. Professor Vigdor holds affiliations as a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, an adjunct fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, and an external fellow at the Centre for Research and Analysis of Migration at University College London.
Professor Vigdor has published more than 60 scholarly articles and reviews on a range of topics in social policy, including education policy, immigration policy, housing policy, and racial and economic inequality. With co-authors, he has twice been awarded the Raymond Vernon Memorial Prize for best article published in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management. His 2009 book, From Immigrants to Americans: The Rise and Fall of Fitting In, received the IPUMS Research Award for Best Use of Historical Census Data. His work has also appeared in the Journal of Political Economy, the Review of Economics and Statistics, Child Development, the Journal of Public Economics, the Journal of Human Resources, and a range of other outlets spanning multiple disciplines.
His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the Institute for Education Sciences, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the Russell Sage Foundation, the Smith Richardson Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Professor Vigdor was a William T. Grant Foundation Scholar from 2004 through 2009.
He has assisted the U.S. Department of Justice in cases of alleged housing discrimination and testified in a Texas school finance lawsuit in 2012.
And really, what is disturbing about this?:
He also served alternately as bassist, guitarist, or drummer for the Sanford School’s informal in-house band.
Maybe because their sets didn’t include stuff like “Fight Song”.
But it’s got to be the minimum wage, not some larger trend seen nationwide, right?
@ 6
You know, you might have something. Take Seattle numbers, correct for population growth and family size (40+% of Seattle is people living alone so your next-to-last bullet point might not mean much), and let me know how you’re doing. Don’t forget to narrow your range to, say, 2013-2015 to exclude the recessionary years.
America owes itself an apology.
But mostly, Republicans owe America an apology.
@1 The way you elect someone like Hillary to the White House is by running someone like Trump against her. Don’t like the sound of “President Hillary Clinton?” Blame your fellow Republicans. We progressives tried to do better. Republicans, not so much, because after all what was there to choose from on your side?
@2 Guess you’ll have to either cook for yourself or starve, doc.
Hey Bickle, you keep talking about fast-food restaurants, but what’s happening to other businesses that depend on minimum-wage labor? Are nursing homes and daycares going out of business, too? What does the overall picture of minimum-wage employment look like right now? Up or down?
A Republican is someone whose answer to every economic problem is cutting someone else’s wages.
@ 11
What does the overall picture of minimum-wage employment look like right now? Up or down?
If your ilk wasn’t happy with Dr. Vigdor’s credentials you wouldn’t be happy with mine.
I guess I’d say my interpretation is that it isn’t working as well as you’d like, the sky isn’t falling, and it’s still very, very early in the process. Will be years before it’s clear whether there was a net benefit or a net detriment.
It’s a pretty dick move to go attacking a researcher @ 5 for having some conservative ties, rather than attacking his research.
Burger King had almost 100 more locations in The U.S. and Canada in 2010 than they did in FY 2015.
As long as you want to extrapolate some data points into an unsupported conclusion, Seattle never had 100 Burger Kings but clearly there can’t be closures in other regions with low minimum wages. It doesn’t fit the Slopppy argument so such a thing is unpossible.
The 500 McDonald’s scheduled to shutter in 2016? They are all in Seattle or other municipalities paying over the federal minimum apparently.
For Boob has read Heritage and he’s learnding and embigening his assumptions.
@ 14
You just made me think of something. There’s a Burger King on 15th NE in Seattle, about 250 feet south of the city limits.
There’s some unfortunate siting.
@1 what is wrong Boob – keeping track of your bank account deposits not good enough for you?
If Hillary Clinton was the only politician that benefited greatly by donors that later could be of any influence on them then maybe you have some points….but guess what – It’s the system that you put in place and voted for every day since your first intake of fresh air through your mouth (or ass as I should say).
Progressive liberal Democratic values have triumphed again!
Reacting to steeeeeeeeply declining poll numbers among college educated white women Cheeto Jesus has turned his back on his angry uneducated white male base of primary voters opposed to immigration and trade and sent out his newly appointed campaign manager to announce stunning revisions to his immigration policies!
Gone are his threats of brown skinned roundups, outdoor detention camps, and extra-judicial mass deportations. The media are awaiting further developments expected to include amnesty and a pathway to citizenship!
Hooray! Finally the Orange Catastrophe has put his lying super powers to good use!
Swallow that pivot, Breitbart! Choke on it!
Those on the right justify beating a dead horse by how many flies are buzzing around the body. Look, they say, something is still moving. Keep beating!
I may just vote for Jill Stein for the heck of it. Sure beats voting for Donald or Hillary.
My guess is that Trump fatigue is becoming a real thing.
More from Cheeto Jesus’ newly appointed campaign manager:
“Even Sen. Jeff Sessions, who was one of the first to endorse Donald Trump and is known for the immigration issue, he doesn’t deport 11 million people in his plan.”
“In other words, what Donald Trump says is we need a fair and effective way to deal with the 11 million here who are here who live among us.”
“But what he’s saying is immigration is a very complex issue with a very complex solution. That solution is not just about building the wall, it’s not just about border security, it’s not just about American jobs, but it’s also — we need to be fair but we need to be fair to all those concerned.”
The “nice” ones can stay.
Pretty much exactly what President Obama has been doing so far which is exactly what President Bush did before him.
Meet the new Republican, same as the old Republican.
Trump still hasn’t backed away from hating all Muslims…
…yet. Plenty of time for the candidate to “grow” between now and November 8th. Maybe Republicans in the Senate will follow his lead and do some “growing” as well.
We’re coming up on the one month anniversary since that lying, racist, imbecile, conservative, self-loathing troll last commented in these threads. It’s been a wonderful improvement and I for one would like to thank everyone who stood fast against the lunacy right up to the end. It’s more than I could ever do.
I’d like to give special appreciation once again to Dr. Orpheus for the nifty douche-blocking script by proposing that July 27th be commemorated as Dr. Orpheus Day!
Thanks again, Doc.
@ 21
If you’re up by four runs in the 7th, what’s the harm in playing a full nine, Steve?
No mercy rule in life. Just ask Dukakis.
@24 Another dead horse? It just never ends, does it?
@19 Just chuck your vote away? Sounds illogical, but that’s your privilege. She sounds as delusional as any Green candidate ever was.
I have a question.
If one is a Trump supporter and has actually given him money, how do you feel about the fact that a large part of the money you sent to a Billionaire is being used to pay HIMSELF for his own use of his private jet and to pay himself for the use of his own hotels and resorts for his campaign rallies?
If he’s asking YOU to dig deep and support him, why isn’t he willing to do the same and rent himself his own hotel ballrooms for free?
that’s an easy one.
The obvious answer is that the FEC disclosure reports prepared by the campaign’s own lawyers (billing six times more than any other campaign in history) are filled with dirty filthy hippie liberal lies and distortions. That plus something-something about “complex” and “highly sophisticated” financial “structures” that regular people not named Trump could never ever ever comprehend.
P.S. – the real issue isn’t that he won’t “give” his campaign the use of the Trump branded companies and facilities (that would violate campaign finance laws in most cases). The real issue is that he massively overcharges his own campaign for those facilities – which is actually perfectly legal so long as everything is disclosed (just ask Timmeh).
Vacation was wonderful! Oh wait Puddy don’t have a job so how could Puddy float in the Atlantic?
Conway is now reporting that Trump’s new immigration policy may include a “humane” solution to undocumented workers in the U.S. that may allow them to continue to reside in the U.S. permanently and be granted legal status. This is actually more liberal and more progressive than anything proposed by any other Republican and most Democrats.
Given how he’s abandoning his anti-immigration primary voters, I wonder how long before he shits all over the evangelicals?
Isn’t it great to see that Puddy lives free in the Oregon moron’s head! See @28!
Maybe the Oregon moron can explain the difference between the words “ransom” and “leverage” over the $400 Million used to rescue the Iranian hostages earlier this year! Seem Josh NoSoEarnest can’t even after getting eight minutes time to try!
“I heard the definition of ransom. The definition of leverage is?” – Whitey House Reporter!
Meanwhile the gift that keeps on giving… https://pjmedia.com/trending/2016/08/22/surprise-fbi-finds-15000-additional-emails-clinton-failed-to-turn-over/
yet another great example of how Cheeto Jesus dupes “low information” racist imbecile voters is his expenditure for his “digital” strategy. Most of that money goes to a Texas company with ties to Trump’s son-in-law having no previous experience in digital fund raising. $8.4 million in July alone out of a total of $18.5 million spent against a total haul of $36 million. A 50% expense ratio and over 25% ratio for digital for a firm with absolutely zero track record for building big data. So for every $100 dollars donated by racist mouth breathers, $25 dollars goes to the son-in-law’s buddy and $25 dollars is laundered through some Trump branded company and used to pay for spray tan and Melania’s anal bleaching.
still another brilliant example of the amazing Trump grift of “low information” racists is the local campaign staffing.
Sure, not a day goes by that another one of these side show freaks isn’t discovered to be an affiliated white supremacist mass murderer. But the real story is the payroll, or lack thereof.
For more than a month the question has lingered why the slow roll on building the state offices and why the over reliance on the RNC? Now thanks to the July disclosure we have our answer: he won’t pay for it. The reason so many of his state directors are gun waving kiddie porn KKK members is because that’s all the budget can afford! If you have any doubt, look at who’s running one of his key Denver offices in Colorado – a twelve year old boy!
Watching the News this evening I saw some woman from Jindhal’s Bayou crying about losing her home to flooding. I really can’t feel sorry for someone like that if they don’t believe in science data on Global Warming. I’d say to her, Get use to your tears Baby. Or put your money where your tears are dumbfuck.
Muslims should consider rebranding Sharia Law into the Religious Freedom Law as American Conservative call it.
Oh nooooooos!
Time for another re-organization?
After sending manager Conway out this weekend to dip a toe in the water on immigration amnesty and/or guest worker status, the campaign has gone radio silent on immigration.
Will Conway be the next head to roll?
Let’s see, they already have a campaign “director”, “Chairman”, “CEO”, and “manager”. If they bring in somebody new to push Conway aside what will that title be? Campaign “washroom attendant”?
They say that Fuckwad is looking for work. This could be just the ticket.
Useless moron at 36. Louisiana has DUMMOCRETIN guvnur ya moron!
@4 I don’t think anyone has told the port of Bellingham. Though we are jazzed about our International Airport up here. We even got the Air Guard. I think there could be tepid laughter. We are ummm ready for the crowds. We built an airport and they will come. (Ok we built decades ago, but now our cream comes true.)
@28 So how went the month long mission of exploration. Did you explore distant planets and civilizations? Did you go where no mam has gone before? How is everyone in Starfleet? Yes the new movie is pretty good.
@ 39
Which has exactly what to do with 30 inches of rain in a week, and the resultant FEMA response?
Six hours. As opposed to six fucking days with the Bush in charge.
@37 Why the Religious Freedom Law includes all religions. You follow Sharia go for it. You holy roller types next door to the Sharia go for it. And it in the Hobby Lobby store near you. Me popcorn this is going to be fun to watch. It will also show why the Religious Freedom is a silly law if not constitutional. Maybe more folks should have objected to in god we trust being placed on our money.
Yep. Louisiana has had a Democratic governor for about as long as it takes to read My Pet Goat!
And we know who our resident liar (welcome back, how was rehab? were you lying about having a job just before you left or lying about not having one now?) thinks was responsible for the terrah attack Giuliani swears never happened.
I mean seriously. The guy who can’t stay away from this blog from wake-y time to nighty night would have us believe that the absence couldn’t be because the nursing staff wouldn’t let him have interwebs until he completes his course of treatment. Now I don’t know that the liar was being treated for substance abuse but it has been rumored.
@44 Thunbs Up!
Crack is a tough drug to kick.
@39 He can’t clean up Jindal’s mess in only 7 months.
Btw, I notice Louisiana has a DEMOCRAT governor now. The Republican must not have worked out very well.
In Louisiana, parents and kids are saying, “Can we have our schools back now?” Here in Washington, Republicans in the legislature are trying their best to wreck ours.
@29 Damn, is that for real? Sorry to hear.
Wait…doesn’t Bob live on Whidbey Island? My mental picture is that the choices for grub-away-from-home are either sailor bars that serve rubber hamburgers fresh out of the freezer, or the likes of Lake Wobegon’s “Chatterbox Cafe” where there’s always tuna casserole on Wednesdays and someone named Madge presides, coffee pot in hand.
Hello cracker jax dr checkmate,
Have a job now and had a job then. Went on a cruise, posted some pics online enjoying the Atlantic Ocean. The Senior Pathologist knows how to see those Puddy pics. So how does one pay for that checkmate? Spent time in South Florida and other locations. Puddy loved Turks and Caicos. Tell Puddy how many islands make up Turks and Caicos cracker jax dr checkmate without Googling it! Can ya? If you been there you’d know already. FACTS SUX eh cracker jax dr checkmate?
You see checkmate, your crazed clueless databaze deala cousin has followed Puddy all over the world. Ask the crazed deala where Puddy goes!
Keep spreading those incarceration lies cracker jax dr checkmate! Psych Projection 101! Western State has you name engraved on a cell eh?
That’s all you got. So sad!
Vomit producer,
Who was the guvnur and mayor in 2005 during Katrina? A DUMMOCRETIN and a DUMMOCRETIN. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco was guvnur and Ray Jailbird Nagin was mayor. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_government_response_to_Hurricane_Katrina
Remember Bush came back from his vacation the next day. Obummer golfed 10 rounds. and finished his vacation!
So now we have the first president, Obummer, who paid ransom to middle east criminals. Way to go Obummer!
The State Department issued a warning on Monday urging U.S. citizens to avoid traveling to Iran, which has made the detention of Americans a priority.
The latest travel advisory, which emphasizes Iran’s desire to capture U.S. citizens, comes on the heels of a growing scandal over the Obama administration’s decision to pay Iran $400 million in cash on the same day that it freed several U.S. hostages.
Thanks Obummer!
Did you go where no mam has gone before?
No, butt apparently you did Mark Adams!
Sooooooooooooooo Careless Crooked Heilary will stop donations tot he Clinton Crime Family Foundation IF she becomes preznit? Butt she had open arms to taking donations from places that hate wimens rights.
Yes Careless Crooked Heilary, champeen of wimens rights!
Apparently y’all missed this crapola… on purpose! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QafZIp4NKyA&feature=youtu.be
@ The Schiz @ 54
Sigh. You’re lying, and you know you’re lying, because that is what you come in here to do with phony stories linked from well-known neonazi websites like the “Free” Beacon.
I will explain this to you, I will use small words and type them in real slow so you’ll have the best chance of grokking what the words mean.
Oops, thats a word I probably shouldn’t have used. It’s a word that intelligent people understand. I apologize.
At any rate, that $400 Million was already Iran’s money. The United States had no rights to it, it was money stolen from the Government by the Shah of Iran and deposited in American banks during his reign as an absolute dictator. A substantial portion of it was for oil that was purchased by the United States in the mid 1970s. Iran sued, several times as I recall to get that money back and they won case after case. It ALREADY BELONGED TO THEM.
The United States Government, (thats the people in charge of America) told Iran that if they wanted that money, they’d have to release the American prisoners they had captured, many of them were in fact working on behalf of American, British and German intelligence agencies (those are the double-0 spies like you see on TV.)
But you already know this, because you’re a liar, and you come in here specifically to lie, especially about shit like this.
Anybody found the 5 million deleted Bush emails yet?
Did he leave them with the fake yellow cake in his other trousers?
Did they get buried under a pile of arms and legs blown off by IEDs?
Or did Republicans accidentally copy over them to send hate mail to Gold Star Moms?
Yes. That’s right Republicans.
“This money was returned for the freedom of the U.S. spy and it was not related to the negotiations.” – Iranian Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Naqdi
$400,000,000 on pallets to Iran! Don’t remember this? https://mobile.twitter.com/HadiNili/status/761234020273446913/video/1
Just in time for the next campaign re-org looks like Cheeto Jesus lost another vote in North Carolina.
The self-loathing loon’s kindred spirit. Both hate blacks and want them dead.
“Dylann Roof wrote white supremacist manifestos: prosecutors”
More of the hate-spewing, violence-inciting loon’s kindred spirits.
“Trump staffers busted for posting racist memes and calling for violence against minorities”
While it always sucks to be the self-loathing loon, it’ll suck one hell of a lot more come November 8th.
So now that Breitbart has become the official mouthpiece of the Republican Party, conscientious Republicans are just going to have to make peace with interracial sodomy.
The self-loathing loon and his friends love to wave the Confederate flag and assault rifles in the faces of black Americans.
“A small group of “White Lives Matter” activists held a protest outside the Houston NAACP office on Sunday, bearing assault rifles, Confederate flags, and signs referencing white supremacist slogans.”
we could still celebrate 27.07 as such. but, damn man you jinxed us.
he’s back (presumably with the same madness, and lies) a claim to have been on vacation and a new sock-puppet for us to block.
i honestly believed that whoever was paying him to shit-post here had stopped ponying up the $0.25 per post and so the pud-whackers rain of shit had ended, but jesus h f’in monkey balls christ, i kinda missed the little wanker.
so pud-whacker welcome back, did you get the new Frank Ocean record yet?
How do you know the vomit producer is a loose DUMMOCRETIN cannon; it parrots DNC talking points…
Yet Obummer’s State Department claims this as cover for the ransom payment…
Poor vomit producer… didn’t get the latest corrected story! Yes vomit producer… it was leverage! Even the WA guvmint reporters see through this Obummer BULLSHITTIUM!
sock puppet? DAYUM you be really stupid. The Oregon moron is Puddy’s sock puppet and was busted for it!
Lies? Truths about Clinton emails, ransom payments, etc? Awwww. The truth hurts! http://www.politico.com/story/.....and-227275
Were you one of the original zika children too? Small mind; small thoughts?
Speaking of the NAACP,
Now they are against charter schools. QPPS @64 cheers this while black educators are in shock! So the NAACP doesn’t care if the inner city children are stuck in failing schools with teachers who don’t care. If a charter school fails, it shuts down. If a public school fails, make empty promises for black votes the next election cycle and never fix the problem.
Just look at Philadelphia schools. At least the Chicago teachers are uprising against the system, while the Atlanta teachers tried cheating the system with phony test scores and were caught! Google “atlanta teachers scandal” because y’all have 24 hour mysterious moronic moonbattic malodorous memory malady!
Meanwhile, the DUMMOCRETINS are out in force because those hidden and deleted emails are still being found and the cockroaches are being exposed to sunlight… http://www.judicialwatch.org/p.....on-donors/
I plead guilty.
I should have known.
It was here all along, hiding among us, too ashamed of its identity to step out of the shadows until the moment of irony was too ripe to resist.
Looks like the very last time that lying self-loathing imbecile posted was around quarter to five that day. That makes sense. They terminated it at the end of the day and gave it about fifteen minutes to clear out its desk before being escorted from the premises just as everyone else was heading home.
Last night on Fox Cheeto Jesus continued to walk back his earlier commitments to Republican primary voters to forcibly remove undocumented residents. On O’Reilly President Penis Jokes continued to promote his newly revised immigration strategy he says will look “alot like President Obama’s” but with “perhaps more energy”.
He’s still on board with Russia, pulling out of NATO, and sending nukes to Syria at least. So they’ve got that goin’ for ’em!
Yet another awesome example of how “straight shooter” Cheeto Jesus fleeces the mooned eyed alt-right dairy cows he milks for cash every day.
Straight from the July FEC filings, investigators at HUFFPO noticed that as soon as the campaign stopped self-funding and started relying on donors they tripled the rent on the NYC campaign office!