Did you watch the finale of Game of Thrones? Like 95% or so of America, I didn’t watch. I hope you enjoyed it if you did watch it, but if my timeline is anything to go off of, you probably didn’t.
Ford cutting management jobs and will save $600M annually.
The moves will reduce the company’s management structure by close to 20%, said the email. “We also made significant progress in eliminating bureaucracy, speeding up decision making and driving empowerment as part of this redesign,” it said.
The Kiss of Death to Inslee’s flailing campaign effort.
Goldy Retweeted
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez✔
@AOC .@JayInslee’s climate plan is the most serious + comprehensive one to address our crisis in the 2020 field.
It meets key marks:
✅ Big enough
✅ Fast enough
✅ Economically stimulating for working people
✅ Acknowledges injustice + w/ an eye to make communities whole
May 18, 2019
Apparently it’s not appropriate to say “It was a good start.” on video.
Al Jazeera suspends two journalists over Holocaust report
“Al Jazeera completely disowns the offensive content in question and reiterated that Al Jazeera would not tolerate such material,” added Yaser Bishr, the executive director of the digital division.
@1 Wherein dumbfuck asserts 3M’s stock is a lousy investment, a blue chip company whose earnings per share are up 50% in the last 5 years, and whose dividend is more than 4 times what it was 15 years ago. What do you expect from an idiot who thought (and still thinks) a Russian organized crime figure was a better candidate than Hillary?
Yeah, I suppose MMM’s recent stock price performance does look bad to a day trader like dumbfuck, but I operate on a different plane. Like Warren Buffett, I buy stocks to own them forever. When a blue-chip stock that traded for nearly $220 a month ago can now be had for $166 cheaper, I’m supposed to feel bad?
But there’s good news for Daytrader Dumbfuck; his favorite zero-yield speculative stock, Varian, is up a few cents today.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 No need to disown you because your content is far more stupid than offensive.
@ 5
Like Warren Buffett, I buy stocks to own them forever.
No, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Buffett didn’t ride GE nearly all the way down the way that you did. Buffett doesn’t tout a dividend as a reason to own a stock the way that you do.
Even Rasmussen shows Doctor Dumbfuck’s and Putin’s most favorite president ever tanking, down six points in a week and only a point above the RCP average of 43% approval.
Maybe Zogby, our doctor’s new favorite pollster, will come to the rescue.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 “Some of this increased spending in education has been driven by a sharp rise in the percentage of Americans who go to college … the percentage of the population enrolled in college has risen significantly, especially in the last 20 years. … As a consequence, while state legislative appropriations for higher education have risen much faster than inflation, total state appropriations per student are somewhat lower than they were at their peak in 1990.”
That would seem to validate, not undercut, the conventional wisdom that students are going deeper into debt because of higher tuition resulting from less state support for public colleges and universities, would it not?
And why are young people going deeply into debt to get a degree? Because they’re told they can’t get a decent job or be middle class without one.
And why is that? It’s because employers now demand degrees for jobs that didn’t used to require one. And because the shift from a manufacturing economy to a knowledge and technology economy requires workers to have more advanced education.
It may be that university administrations have become bloated, and that colleges have done a poor job of efficiently providing the education that today’s workers need. But students are the victims in all of this. They’re the last people who should be blamed.
One more thing: Conservatives love to attack students for pursuing what they call “useless” degrees. History, for example. Well guess what, Meredith Whitney was a history major. If you don’t know who she is, look it up. Her knowledge of history and understanding of historical methodology just possibly enabled her to see what all of Wall Street’s quants missed. And today she is respected, feared, and very rich.
Roger Rabbitspews:
I know a little history, too. I know, for example, that John Bolton and Elliott Abrams are neocon warmongers who dodged the Vietnam draft, then decades later pushed Shrub into a useless war that cost more than 4,400 American troops their lives, and now are trying to push another idiot Republican president into another ill-advised military adventure, this time against Iran. Knowing this history, I know better than to listen to these war criminals, but Trump, the know-nothing leader of the Know Nothing Party, doesn’t. He made Bolton his right-hand foreign policy man. That’s what happens when you don’t pay attention to history. But Republican ignorance isn’t limited to history, the arts, etc.; when it comes to science, they’re an unmitigated disaster. In light of all this, they’re in no position to be judging other people’s educational attainments, given they have none of their own.
@2 why doesn’t the article mention anything about production going up. I typically have to look at ways to save money when my financial situation looks bleak.
I bet they plan to increase production by 50% (eyes rolling).
@7 “Buffett didn’t ride GE nearly all the way down the way that you did.”
I didn’t either. You not only suffer from bad judgment, but also from bad facts, a prevalent Republican disease. Your parents didn’t make you get your shots.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@12 You won’t hear a peep from pork sauce about this. He only bleats about immigrant crime.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Thanks for the Gin and Juice, Carl.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“…that colleges have done a poor job of efficiently providing the education that today’s workers need.”
Blame lawmakers, and wealthy endowment donors as much as the unis themselves. Higher education is one area where, at least in the modern world, the economies of scale may not apply. Your state is a great example and shows the constraints that arise from institution building and higher education turf wars. There are better places to invest in higher education infrastructure than Montlake. But your elected leadership, local industry leadership, and wealthy alums and other wealthy supporters will have little or nothing to do with any major investments in higher education that the UW doesn’t get the largest share. How many tower cranes are there at present over the campus? Even your transportation planning and investments have been slanted in favor of feeding into a campus that really can’t support much increase in undergraduate enrollment. At least not efficiently.
Small colleges do more with less. They may not produce Nobel Prizes or fill academic journals. But they do a better job of getting more people ready for the workplace with only a fraction of the public and private investment.
Salon is circling the drain.
Salon Media in talks for $5M fire sale in last-ditch effort
“There can be no guarantee that the asset sale will be completed and, if not completed, we may have to file for bankruptcy and liquidation.”
One has to wonder how much Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit lost on this one:
It went public in June 1999 valued at $107 million, but has lost money ever since.
Salon was as good a liberal investment as Jill Stein ’16.
What was I thinking? I neglected to include
Jill Stein Recount ’17.
No one throws good money after bad like a die-hard liberal.
I’ve never seen Game of Thrones and probably never will.
I just discovered and have thoroughly enjoyed The Newsroom. Sorkin’s best work since Sports Night.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Unlessen it’s you and ol’ JEB!
Between you, the Bush crime family, and the rest of the view section of the trailer park, “y’all” spent $150 million for three delegates.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 No need to wonder. I lost nothing on Salon Media, because I never invested in it. But I’ll bet you didn’t short that one, either. You have no substance, in your “investing” or anything else; you’re nothing but a windbag.
Amash fights back, kicks ass.
“Justin Amash fires back at GOP critics — and makes a forceful case for impeaching Trump”
Who stinks of borscht more, Doctor Dumbfuck or Jill Stein?
[ ] Doctor Dumbfuck
[ ] Jill Stein
Trump transition team member, J.W. Verret,
“People asked me who was going to be the first to stand up. I predicted Amash,” Verret said. “Not because he’s not a real Republican, frankly he’s more Republican than Kevin McCarthy and Donald Trump put together.”
“He’s far more conservative than they are. He came in on the tea party revolution. He’s just an honorable guy. He read the report and spoke up about how the emperor has no clothes here. He told the truth when nobody else would.”
Nice to know that not every Republican is a traitor.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 There’s nothing wrong with borscht. It’s a perfectly enjoyable food dish. It’s the humans behind it who are the problem.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 “He’s just an honorable guy.”
In which case he’s in the wrong party, because honor is the last thing that’s wanted or valued in the Party of Rapists, Child Molesters, Draft Dodgers, Warmongers, Grifters, Cheats, Liars, and Immigrant Baby Killers (also known as GOP or “Groping Old Perverts” for short).
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Tonight the Washington Post reports that in February and March of this year during closed door testimony before the House Intel Committee, Michael Cohen told lawmakers that a sworn statement he submitted to the Congress in 2017 contained false statements about the exact date when negotiations for a Trump Tower Moscow project were terminated, and that the falsehoods were put into that statement by Jay Sekulow. At the time Cohen was included in a vast joint criminal defense agreement being managed by Sekulow.
Joint defense agreements can be a useful and efficient approach for defendants and subjects of a criminal investigation who all share a common legal defense. Managing a JDA for the benefit of a single individual or any lesser number of individuals within that agreement would not just be an unpardonable breach of professional ethics, it would render the agreement invalid and unenforceable. It could under some circumstances result in a felony indictment for obstruction.
Cohen’s attorney Guy Petrillo withdrew his client from the JDA last year just before Cohen began his period of cooperation with the Department of Justice, admitted to the lying, and agreed to testify.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Judge Mehta ruled this afternoon against president RapeCage’s efforts to conceal his foreign emoluments and Muslim bribe money from Congressional subpoena. president RapeCage’s really bad, weak, losing argument was that Congress can only investigate things they are legislating about.
Judge Mehta called bullshit and slapped down the stupid arguments saying: “So long as Congress investigates on a subject matter on which ‘legislation could be had,’ Congress acts as contemplated by Article I of the Constitution.” Everyone laughed as president AnalLube cried like a fucking stupid pussy loser.
Loser crybabies had also bitched and moaned that House Dems only wanted the financial records so they could humiliate president FingerFuck for being so incredibly shitty at business and losing so much Russian money all the time. Mehta also made the sad cucks eat that one, saying: “It is not the court’s role to decipher whether Congress’s true purpose in pursuing an investigation is to aid legislation or something more sinister such as exacting political retribution,”
Everyone laughed some more and cheered for “political retribution”, while president FingerRape yelled at all his shitty pathetic loser lawyers and began stress eating McDonald’s cheeseburgers.
So far president RageTweet’s very shitty lawyer has argued in literally every single subpoena motion that Congress can only subpoena the President if it says pretty please, and has the magic words right and “legislative purpose”. Mehta’s ruling makes every one of those filings WORTHLESS. Now, not only does Congress get to see all the bribery and emoluments and sleazy real estate deals, and tax cheating, and how really sad and poor president CheetoBenito really is, but they don’t even have to have a reason. Just because! Because reasons! NOT! HA!
that also means that all the other subpoenas from Nadler and Schiff and Waters go forward too! No reasons! No “legislative purpose”! Just because!
@28 That, and all other district court rulings, will be appealed up the ladder. The Trump camp’s legal defense strategy is this will take longer than 18 months, and if it doesn’t, then five of the SCOTUS justices are automatons remotely controlled by Individual 1.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Mehta gave them one week. Cummings already has a motion prepared for expedited. As of course you know, the crybaby’s appeal has to be substantive. In the week that Mehta gave them to raise their bet in his court, the only thing the Consovoy offered was a record of public statements from Congress related to his Mean Girls argument. No new facts. No new foundation. They might have been keeping their powder dry. Or they might have nothing. Even Mehta took note of the fact that Consovoy’s main argument reached back to before the Civil War for it’s foundation.
As surely you also know, if the crybaby appeal is not substantive it argues in favor of Cummings’ motion for expedited. So the appeal could be exhausted within a month unless Consovoy has a lot more than what we’ve seen so far. And whatever ammo they expend on Cummings becomes unavailable to them on all the other subpoenas. The power of the Congress to issue subpoenas is almost limitless. Appeals are not. The smart strategy, and the one the House appears to be pursuing, is to draw as much legal fire as early as possible in the conflict in order to exhaust the defense.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Fox News headline screams: “Trump slams Scranton-born Joe at raucous Penn. rally: ‘He left you folks. He left you for another state.'”
3M reached a 52-week low today.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit touted the stock when he bought it in the high 180s, 10/30/18.
It’s now in the mid-160s.
Life has few guarantees: Sun rising and setting, certain death and taxation. And Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s investment strategies turning to shit.
My Notadumbfuck Method
of investing. Validated, once again.
Ford cutting management jobs and will save $600M annually.
The moves will reduce the company’s management structure by close to 20%, said the email. “We also made significant progress in eliminating bureaucracy, speeding up decision making and driving empowerment as part of this redesign,” it said.
I’m just spit-balling here, but I wonder how much tuition could be cut if the UW and WSU state systems cut its bloated administration by 20%?
The real reason college costs so much
The Kiss of Death to Inslee’s flailing campaign effort.
Goldy Retweeted
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez✔
.@JayInslee’s climate plan is the most serious + comprehensive one to address our crisis in the 2020 field.
It meets key marks:
✅ Big enough
✅ Fast enough
✅ Economically stimulating for working people
✅ Acknowledges injustice + w/ an eye to make communities whole
May 18, 2019
Apparently it’s not appropriate to say “It was a good start.” on video.
Al Jazeera suspends two journalists over Holocaust report
“Al Jazeera completely disowns the offensive content in question and reiterated that Al Jazeera would not tolerate such material,” added Yaser Bishr, the executive director of the digital division.
US House Democrats will, but Al Jazeera won’t.
@1 Wherein dumbfuck asserts 3M’s stock is a lousy investment, a blue chip company whose earnings per share are up 50% in the last 5 years, and whose dividend is more than 4 times what it was 15 years ago. What do you expect from an idiot who thought (and still thinks) a Russian organized crime figure was a better candidate than Hillary?
Yeah, I suppose MMM’s recent stock price performance does look bad to a day trader like dumbfuck, but I operate on a different plane. Like Warren Buffett, I buy stocks to own them forever. When a blue-chip stock that traded for nearly $220 a month ago can now be had for $166 cheaper, I’m supposed to feel bad?
But there’s good news for Daytrader Dumbfuck; his favorite zero-yield speculative stock, Varian, is up a few cents today.
@4 No need to disown you because your content is far more stupid than offensive.
@ 5
Like Warren Buffett, I buy stocks to own them forever.
No, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Buffett didn’t ride GE nearly all the way down the way that you did. Buffett doesn’t tout a dividend as a reason to own a stock the way that you do.
Even Rasmussen shows Doctor Dumbfuck’s and Putin’s most favorite president ever tanking, down six points in a week and only a point above the RCP average of 43% approval.
Maybe Zogby, our doctor’s new favorite pollster, will come to the rescue.
@2 “Some of this increased spending in education has been driven by a sharp rise in the percentage of Americans who go to college … the percentage of the population enrolled in college has risen significantly, especially in the last 20 years. … As a consequence, while state legislative appropriations for higher education have risen much faster than inflation, total state appropriations per student are somewhat lower than they were at their peak in 1990.”
That would seem to validate, not undercut, the conventional wisdom that students are going deeper into debt because of higher tuition resulting from less state support for public colleges and universities, would it not?
And why are young people going deeply into debt to get a degree? Because they’re told they can’t get a decent job or be middle class without one.
And why is that? It’s because employers now demand degrees for jobs that didn’t used to require one. And because the shift from a manufacturing economy to a knowledge and technology economy requires workers to have more advanced education.
It may be that university administrations have become bloated, and that colleges have done a poor job of efficiently providing the education that today’s workers need. But students are the victims in all of this. They’re the last people who should be blamed.
One more thing: Conservatives love to attack students for pursuing what they call “useless” degrees. History, for example. Well guess what, Meredith Whitney was a history major. If you don’t know who she is, look it up. Her knowledge of history and understanding of historical methodology just possibly enabled her to see what all of Wall Street’s quants missed. And today she is respected, feared, and very rich.
I know a little history, too. I know, for example, that John Bolton and Elliott Abrams are neocon warmongers who dodged the Vietnam draft, then decades later pushed Shrub into a useless war that cost more than 4,400 American troops their lives, and now are trying to push another idiot Republican president into another ill-advised military adventure, this time against Iran. Knowing this history, I know better than to listen to these war criminals, but Trump, the know-nothing leader of the Know Nothing Party, doesn’t. He made Bolton his right-hand foreign policy man. That’s what happens when you don’t pay attention to history. But Republican ignorance isn’t limited to history, the arts, etc.; when it comes to science, they’re an unmitigated disaster. In light of all this, they’re in no position to be judging other people’s educational attainments, given they have none of their own.
@2 why doesn’t the article mention anything about production going up. I typically have to look at ways to save money when my financial situation looks bleak.
I bet they plan to increase production by 50% (eyes rolling).
This guy looks American not Mexican
@7 “Buffett didn’t ride GE nearly all the way down the way that you did.”
I didn’t either. You not only suffer from bad judgment, but also from bad facts, a prevalent Republican disease. Your parents didn’t make you get your shots.
@12 You won’t hear a peep from pork sauce about this. He only bleats about immigrant crime.
Thanks for the Gin and Juice, Carl.
“…that colleges have done a poor job of efficiently providing the education that today’s workers need.”
Blame lawmakers, and wealthy endowment donors as much as the unis themselves. Higher education is one area where, at least in the modern world, the economies of scale may not apply. Your state is a great example and shows the constraints that arise from institution building and higher education turf wars. There are better places to invest in higher education infrastructure than Montlake. But your elected leadership, local industry leadership, and wealthy alums and other wealthy supporters will have little or nothing to do with any major investments in higher education that the UW doesn’t get the largest share. How many tower cranes are there at present over the campus? Even your transportation planning and investments have been slanted in favor of feeding into a campus that really can’t support much increase in undergraduate enrollment. At least not efficiently.
Small colleges do more with less. They may not produce Nobel Prizes or fill academic journals. But they do a better job of getting more people ready for the workplace with only a fraction of the public and private investment.
Salon is circling the drain.
Salon Media in talks for $5M fire sale in last-ditch effort
“There can be no guarantee that the asset sale will be completed and, if not completed, we may have to file for bankruptcy and liquidation.”
One has to wonder how much Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit lost on this one:
It went public in June 1999 valued at $107 million, but has lost money ever since.
Salon was as good a liberal investment as Jill Stein ’16.
What was I thinking? I neglected to include
Jill Stein Recount ’17.
No one throws good money after bad like a die-hard liberal.
I’ve never seen Game of Thrones and probably never will.
I just discovered and have thoroughly enjoyed The Newsroom. Sorkin’s best work since Sports Night.
Unlessen it’s you and ol’ JEB!
Between you, the Bush crime family, and the rest of the view section of the trailer park, “y’all” spent $150 million for three delegates.
@17 No need to wonder. I lost nothing on Salon Media, because I never invested in it. But I’ll bet you didn’t short that one, either. You have no substance, in your “investing” or anything else; you’re nothing but a windbag.
Amash fights back, kicks ass.
“Justin Amash fires back at GOP critics — and makes a forceful case for impeaching Trump”
Who stinks of borscht more, Doctor Dumbfuck or Jill Stein?
[ ] Doctor Dumbfuck
[ ] Jill Stein
Trump transition team member, J.W. Verret,
“People asked me who was going to be the first to stand up. I predicted Amash,” Verret said. “Not because he’s not a real Republican, frankly he’s more Republican than Kevin McCarthy and Donald Trump put together.”
“He’s far more conservative than they are. He came in on the tea party revolution. He’s just an honorable guy. He read the report and spoke up about how the emperor has no clothes here. He told the truth when nobody else would.”
Nice to know that not every Republican is a traitor.
@23 There’s nothing wrong with borscht. It’s a perfectly enjoyable food dish. It’s the humans behind it who are the problem.
@24 “He’s just an honorable guy.”
In which case he’s in the wrong party, because honor is the last thing that’s wanted or valued in the Party of Rapists, Child Molesters, Draft Dodgers, Warmongers, Grifters, Cheats, Liars, and Immigrant Baby Killers (also known as GOP or “Groping Old Perverts” for short).
Tonight the Washington Post reports that in February and March of this year during closed door testimony before the House Intel Committee, Michael Cohen told lawmakers that a sworn statement he submitted to the Congress in 2017 contained false statements about the exact date when negotiations for a Trump Tower Moscow project were terminated, and that the falsehoods were put into that statement by Jay Sekulow. At the time Cohen was included in a vast joint criminal defense agreement being managed by Sekulow.
Joint defense agreements can be a useful and efficient approach for defendants and subjects of a criminal investigation who all share a common legal defense. Managing a JDA for the benefit of a single individual or any lesser number of individuals within that agreement would not just be an unpardonable breach of professional ethics, it would render the agreement invalid and unenforceable. It could under some circumstances result in a felony indictment for obstruction.
Cohen’s attorney Guy Petrillo withdrew his client from the JDA last year just before Cohen began his period of cooperation with the Department of Justice, admitted to the lying, and agreed to testify.
Judge Mehta ruled this afternoon against president RapeCage’s efforts to conceal his foreign emoluments and Muslim bribe money from Congressional subpoena. president RapeCage’s really bad, weak, losing argument was that Congress can only investigate things they are legislating about.
Judge Mehta called bullshit and slapped down the stupid arguments saying:
“So long as Congress investigates on a subject matter on which ‘legislation could be had,’ Congress acts as contemplated by Article I of the Constitution.” Everyone laughed as president AnalLube cried like a fucking stupid pussy loser.
Loser crybabies had also bitched and moaned that House Dems only wanted the financial records so they could humiliate president FingerFuck for being so incredibly shitty at business and losing so much Russian money all the time. Mehta also made the sad cucks eat that one, saying: “It is not the court’s role to decipher whether Congress’s true purpose in pursuing an investigation is to aid legislation or something more sinister such as exacting political retribution,”
Everyone laughed some more and cheered for “political retribution”, while president FingerRape yelled at all his shitty pathetic loser lawyers and began stress eating McDonald’s cheeseburgers.
So far president RageTweet’s very shitty lawyer has argued in literally every single subpoena motion that Congress can only subpoena the President if it says pretty please, and has the magic words right and “legislative purpose”. Mehta’s ruling makes every one of those filings WORTHLESS. Now, not only does Congress get to see all the bribery and emoluments and sleazy real estate deals, and tax cheating, and how really sad and poor president CheetoBenito really is, but they don’t even have to have a reason. Just because! Because reasons! NOT! HA!
that also means that all the other subpoenas from Nadler and Schiff and Waters go forward too! No reasons! No “legislative purpose”! Just because!
More examples of typical professionalism from “a few bad apples”:
Not making us safer. Not even close.
@28 That, and all other district court rulings, will be appealed up the ladder. The Trump camp’s legal defense strategy is this will take longer than 18 months, and if it doesn’t, then five of the SCOTUS justices are automatons remotely controlled by Individual 1.
Mehta gave them one week. Cummings already has a motion prepared for expedited. As of course you know, the crybaby’s appeal has to be substantive. In the week that Mehta gave them to raise their bet in his court, the only thing the Consovoy offered was a record of public statements from Congress related to his Mean Girls argument. No new facts. No new foundation. They might have been keeping their powder dry. Or they might have nothing. Even Mehta took note of the fact that Consovoy’s main argument reached back to before the Civil War for it’s foundation.
As surely you also know, if the crybaby appeal is not substantive it argues in favor of Cummings’ motion for expedited. So the appeal could be exhausted within a month unless Consovoy has a lot more than what we’ve seen so far. And whatever ammo they expend on Cummings becomes unavailable to them on all the other subpoenas. The power of the Congress to issue subpoenas is almost limitless. Appeals are not. The smart strategy, and the one the House appears to be pursuing, is to draw as much legal fire as early as possible in the conflict in order to exhaust the defense.
Fox News headline screams: “Trump slams Scranton-born Joe at raucous Penn. rally: ‘He left you folks. He left you for another state.'”
Biden was 10 years old when his family moved from Scranton to Delaware for job reasons.
This should result in Jay Sekulow becoming an ex-lawyer.
Given Cohen’s crimes and his record, the claim requires corroboration.
More subpoenas.
32, at 10 years old, he had no choice to move with his parents.
@34 They’ve been pretty stupid so far. It’s probably in writing somewhere.
+27.04% for the period January 1, 2018 through May 24, 2019.