Over the weekend, I went to my first Reign game of the season. It’s always a good time. And the I-5 rivalry game with Portland is the best. Oh, and they won.
“If I said I knew a finance guy who promised me that he was brilliant and successful but had filed for multiple bankruptcies; thought it was a great idea to start a mortgage company in 2006; had a long list of failed businesses; accepted a settlement with the Department of Justice after his company was caught racially discriminating against minorities; settled a fraud lawsuit for $25 million after he was sued by former students of a fake university he created to scam people out of thousands; was found guilty of creating a fake anti-gambling organization that used blatant racism against Native Americans in an effort to prevent a tribe from building a competing business; continually lied about why he won’t show his tax returns to prove he’s being honest about his supposed “success”‘; and has been taken to court at least 3,500 times — would you take a risk and put your family’s financial future in that person’s hands?”
Good question.
So far, Fat Donny has only demonstrated, repeatedly, that he is completely unfit to hold any sort of public office whatsoever. He has yet to show anything that would make him believable as a “leader”. He doesn’t lead anything. He sits his fat ass in the fancy chair, blurbles out cheap platitudes and off the cuff petty complaints, lies his ass off to the point where even some of his early supporters are now openly mocking him to his face. This man is a primary example of the worst sort of criminal slime this country can produce. There is absolutely nothing in his character that can redeem him at this point. He belongs in prison, and has for the better part of forty years. His entire fortune was built on criminal enterprise and he had States Attorneys General protecting him.
Now that that’s not there for him anymore, he’s lost in his own little world of his own creation. He’s incapable of performing the tasks that the office requires. He just doesn’t have the fucking stones to do the basic work.
Whats next? Book burning parties? Using the Army to close Universities or suppress demonstrations? Maybe locking up 20 million people for “political” offenses like refusing to bow down to the Dear Leader on command, or just perhaps being in possession of subversive literature?
Steve Bannon has openly stated that he is a Leninist. That his entire purpose is to destroy the entire American system and rebuild it in the image he desires. One without black people, or native Americans, or any other sort of “foreign influences”. One where Pat Robertson, Ken Hamm or James Dobson are the major structural influences on the national discussions about Liberty and Justice.
If that isn’t open Fascism, I don’t know what is.
Moslem is the new Jew.
Whats next? Book burning parties? Using the Army to close Universities or suppress demonstrations? Maybe locking up 20 million people for “political” offenses like refusing to bow down to the Dear Leader on command, or just perhaps being in possession of subversive literature?
They’d call it something different. Something less obvious.
So, apparently, are the verbs ‘enlist’ and ‘educate’.
@ The Nazi Thug @ 2
So, you have no problem with a system of organizations being dedicated to openly lying about easily verifiable historical facts without being challenged by people who want to maintain historical accuracies?
Show me one, one single feature of Fat Donnys administration that is admirable. Or has accomplished anything worthy of praise from anyone other than his lickspittles. Or has made commitments to the national system of governance that they intend to keep.
The United States Government has spent almost $14 Trillion on making war in the middle east since 1991. Imagine what that money could have been used for if spent on improving our education system or our rail system or our roads, sewage treatment plants or power generating facilities.
How can anything done by the Republicans since 1981 be considered pursuing the notion of creating a more perfect union?
You own the fool, now pay for him, jackass.
@1 Bannon a Leninist? Hell, no…above all he’s a Bannonist. Doubtless his ultimate aspiration, other than to fill the world with misery, chaos, death and destruction (and getting his next shot of booze) is to prove that Lenin, Goebbels, Machiavelli, Genghis Khan, Ivan the Terrible and Caligula were a bunch of wimps. Think of Cheney on bath salts.
Completely unsurprising. There are probably hundreds of people that did the same thing on Fat Donny’s behalf. Hell, there was at least one Republican right here in Washington State that was convicted of voting multiple times for the Greasy Orange Pervert.
Fat Donny two-scoops was the one who campaigned on the elections being rigged. He was right. He had the whole Republican establishment doing the rigging. With suppressed voting registrations, laughingly fragile voting computers, with a little help from the Russian mobsters and Saudi bankers who need the petrodollar to remain a viable international currency.
This entire administration is so utterly criminal in nature that there is nobody to enforce the law against it, no matter how egregiously they’ve broken it.
@ 4
@1 Bannon a Leninist? Hell, no…above all he’s a Bannonist.
He doesn’t have a tool for that kind of a fastener.
Hammers pound nails, and when a hammer’s your only tool…
Roger Rabbitspews:
@2 So now you’re against Democrats being allowed to organize their supporters for political campaigns? See #3 for appropriate characterization.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 I would say that in your case you’re both the hammer and the nail. By that I mean you’re a tool, and you’re pounded on the head a lot.
@ 7
So now you’re against Democrats being allowed to organize their supporters for political campaigns?
No problem at all with the Women March or the Impeachment March – that poorly-attended thing in Seattle over the weekend. Yeah, there was one. Who knew?
The problem is, Portland’s Antifa problem is essentially an extension of Democrats organizing their supporters. Antifa always seems to show up and break shit. Your ilk sees no problem as long as it’s a conservative’s nose. Of course, when conservatives stand ground and video of Antifa members getting hit back surfaces, suddenly it’s Rethuglican behavior to blame.
Truth Team and Punch Back Twice As Hard have the same source.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Roughly 12,000 people rallied for Trump’s impeachment in L.A. today. The usual pro-Trump counter protest drew, oh, maybe a dozen people.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If that’s what these people are proud of, well, whatever. They have a constitutional right to be wrong. They even have a constitutional right to be racists, jerks, and morons. A lot of good Union soldiers died preserving these rights for them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
If Trump gets his way on climate policy, you’re going to need a lot more than air conditioning, according to Stephen Hawking, who knows a lot more about this subject than Trump does.
You’re going to need a new planet.
“British theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking is not mincing words: President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the landmark Paris accord combating climate change could cause irreversible harm to the planet.
“In an interview with the BBC in honor of Hawking’s 75th birthday, the Cambridge professor said Trump will cause ‘avoidable environmental damage’ by denying climate change evidence and leaving the agreement.
“‘We are close to the tipping point where global warming becomes irreversible,’ he said. ‘Trump’s action could push the Earth over the brink, to become like Venus, with a temperature of two hundred and fifty degrees, and raining sulphuric acid.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The problem with global warming deniers’ stupidity is that affects all of us, not just them. It’s like being in a lifeboat with a lunatic who’s shooting holes in the bottom of the boat. In that situation the thing to do, of course, is take the gun away from him. And, in extreme cases, throw the lunatic overboard as a last resort.
Hell, Tim McVeigh is being reframed as a national hero these days. Why shouldn’t the so-called “alt-right” be treated as anything but a major terrorist threat, and treated as such?
Didja hear about the gun owner who used his 2nd Amendment rights to stop a crime.
This op-ed really tells it like it is. Executive summary: Trump’s presidency is “the most extraordinary and profound electoral mistake America has made in our lifetimes and possibly ever.”
Republican voters, you made this, and you’re personally and individually responsible for it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 And then there’s the Confederate demonstrator who shot himself in the leg on the Gettysburg battlefield.
Funny how the most authoritarian assholes are only concerned for their own ass when it comes to enforcing the Law. Rapists most especially.
Jimmy Saville was well-known to have been a rapist, and had been for decades. He was very well protected by the corporate culture that enabled his career, simply because to allow any legal proceedings against him would reflect badly on them. At least one and probably more Prime Ministers helped shield him from the Law over several decades.
Fat Donny has freely admitted that he just “grabs them by the pussy” when he sees a piece of meat he’d like to stick his little peenor in, and at least one pre-teen girl paid for that with her life when her parents started agitating for justice after she was raped. He openly leers at little girls and the “Conservatives” all just smile and go on about how “boys will be boys”. Thats why they ostracize and publicly shame little girls when they’re molested or violently raped by their Pastors. It’s always the girl’s fault.
I suppose ten year olds are just incapable of controlling their lust when they see a morbidly obese elderly business mogul enter a room. Certainly the Christians would have you believe this.
How that man has managed to avoid prison is beyond me.
Oh Noze! Da Negroes are making money and reducing crime rates!
Because noodles knows, that black folks are completely incapable of doing well for themselves.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 And here’s a dumbfuck decrying broken windows after voting for people who are hellbent on vandalizing the entire planet. Of course, I’m not endorsing window-breaking, I’m simply pointing out the breathtaking hypocrisy of Doctor Dumbfuck.
@ 18
Heaven knows a large school district would never, ever falsify examination results or otherwise make student performance look better than it really is.
Unrelated entirely, but Baltimore is 684.8 miles from Atlanta.
Atlanta schools cheating scandal: 11 educators convicted of racketeering
Atlanta schools cheating scandal: 11 educators convicted of racketeering
@ The liar @ 20:
We all know that you’re one of those folks that believe that black folks are an inferior species to you. You may drive around in your nice car and dream about being so superior to all those born thieves and rapists you try not to meet in the eye. It’s certain that you’d never invite any such over for dinner and cocktails without at least hiding the silverware and the television. But you know what? I know dozens of black folks who built good lives for themselves, in spite of being harassed to the point of emotional exhaustion by the Police while they were growing up. In spite of seeing their cousins and siblings murdered by the Police and the crazy kids who lived around their neighborhoods. They grew up with physical and psychological traumas you could never imagine, simply because they weren’t considered “American” enough due to the color of their skin.
All the real psychopaths I grew up with were white as the driven snow. They’d do shit like set cats on fire with lighter fluid, and break into peoples houses just to trash them. They’d smash their neighbors car windows to steal their car stereos and they had no problem getting a young teenage girl so drunk she’d never remember who it was that gang raped them. Meanwhile, those guys would be going around bragging about how they pulled a train on a 13 year old and calling her a slut to anyone within earshot.
Now, we have our own crazy black guy in here. He’s just nuts, and dumb as a sack of dogshit. He has real mental health issues that should probably be addressed by medical professionals. I know it is impossible for you and he to believe that people can and often do well no matter what life has thrown at them. Even if they’re Black. You just cannot wrap your mind around the idea that black folks should want to grow up to do anything but tip garbage cans, rob liquor stores or sell heroin to those innocent suburban white teenagers for a living.
And, of course, Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t see this as a problem either:
“Florida teachers leaving the profession they once loved. The exodus is so intense that state records show that 40 percent of new teachers leave within five years after they start.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Show me a state run by Republicans and I’ll show you a state with lousy schools. But Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t care about that. He only cares about scoring rhetorical points.
@ RR @ 23
Not to mention, being cordoned off into polluted neighborhoods next to oil refineries that they’d never be allowed to work in, with lead in the water, mercury vapor in the air, and cops that hate them on sight no matter what they might be doing. Just sitting on a park bench, walking home from the corner store or crossing the street can get a black man shot dead in this country.
So, in repeatedly making the claim that Hillary Clinton’s email had been hacked by the Russians, and then denying that any cooperation with a hostile foreign government to hack said emails had occurred, Fat Donny has admitted that his campaign benefited from that hacking that he had openly called for during his campaign that he denied ever occurred and accuses the Obama Administration of allowing to happen.
This has been hashed out here before. Because there were so many factors outside of the teachers and administrators’ control, if they wanted bonuses, they had to cheat. It cam down to Greed and broken and unjust system of metrics that encouraged cheating to get those bonuses.
Oh FC Soccer. I thought it was something to do with “Throne of Swords” that tonight’s fireworks will wake the Dragon’s. Was the game that epic?
Mark Adamsspews:
@1 Most billionaires with active business interests have typically been involved in lawsuits, and most people in real estate do partake in some degree of skullduggery. After all Disney bought thousands of acres in Florida under 10 different corporations before the word got out Disney was going to build Disney World. Disney got a lot of land dirt cheap, and there were lawsuits. Should Disney go back and pay those former land owners what the property is worth now? Or upon announcement of their project?
Lawsuits are civil actions, and to raise them to the same level of criminal acts weakens your argument. There are a few items that are more serious, but if the American people in their wisdom choose to elect the person connected to all these actions that is the wisdom of the American people for good or bad. We have to see the outcome.
Mark Adamsspews:
@1 and @2 Apparently they would call it some kind of wrestling with belts, costumes, contracts, wrestlers (not actors), some fancy name like DC Wrestling, and it would all be totally real!
Bring on the Coliseum The Circus Maximus! !
Mark Adamsspews:
@3 He does seem to be cutting through the BS on North Korea. And he has not just dropped a nuke on them. He’s having a slight amount of success than the previous administration. still if he can’t get them to the bargaining table quickly he will make a decision on military action, and clearly he’s willing to go down that road unlike some previous administrations, and that is the one road the North Korean’s respect. There are military actions that can be taken such as sinking any North Korean submarine or ship leaving territorial water, or taking out the North Korean navy or air force. Understandable our ally South Korea must be consulted and their wishes respected. Beyond that the North Korean’s are a bunch of thugs who think they are at war and don’t put any particular value on their own citizens. All that matters is the great leaders skin. Then they get upset because the last South Korean government thought of assassinating him., not withstanding the man having his own brother assassinated.
Just maybe the American people are wiser than you or I or anyone on this list and put the person in the office of President. And that is what the man is, no matter how much you whine and bitch, and there is no realistic way the Democrats can remove him from office no matter how badly they want to, and they do we get Pence a gift that will keep on giving even more than Trump.
So maybe it’s time to out of the wilderness with some issues, and attack issues rather than get overly worked up by Trump.
Mark Adamsspews:
If only Bannon was a balloonist, then he would be really really cool. Not responsible should Bannon takes up the hobby of hot air ballooning, if he should it just means he reads the list and is one of us Horsesasses, and man is he good at it, Some of you are just jealous.
Mark Adamsspews:
@5 That all fine and dandy but you are clearly not addressing your vitriol at the people you should be which are the folks in each and every county clerk’s office that deals with elections. Which is frankly the only place real effective election stealing can be done, and from time to time has happened. Yet looking at the result for Washington state either Trumps allies were ineffective or the Democratic forces were effective in rigging the election in Hiliary Clinton’s favor, and she got Washington states electoral college votes. And gee we probably did have a thousand or more former felons who voted for someone in the election who by law cannot vote here.
Mark Adamsspews:
@10 That is nice they may as well have jerked off in the middle of the street, at least they would have gotten a moment of pleasure.
All the Vietnam protests under Johnson or Nixon didn’t either of them impeached. And frankly these protestors are wrong impeachment is just charging the President what they want is removal from office. Impeachment does not do that.
Mark Adamsspews:
@12 While I agree with the sentiments on here over global warming the truth is it does not matter if Trump kept us in or brings us out of the treaty. We are well on our way to meeting our promises, and that is the key problem with the agreement each and every nation just agrees to try to meet a goal they set. I suppose the other nations could set new goals based on the US withdrawing and that is what they should and must do, unless the whole agreement is more about feel good politics that would not have resulted in actually reducing CO2 levels to keep global warming below two degrees. The Earth is not going to be destroyed by climate change, though our ability to maintain our civilization will be challenged hard.
The agreement is a very small step, but it has no bite, there are no penalties if nations don’t meet the low hanging promises they have made.
There are reasons that the US should remain as we could essentially ignore our promises or not be able to politically enforce the promises, it we would have a seat at the table.
In any case we will continue to blunder through whatever the climate throws at us.
Mark Adamsspews:
@36 And at some point to have effective measures to combat a warming world you have to speak about the real driver behind it which is the growing number of human beings on the world, and those species we choose to multiply.
Mark Adamsspews:
@15 The story is an op ed. It’s clearly biased. It does not mention the electoral college that operated as designed. The real problem with the electoral college is that the number of house members is frozen while the electoral college to function properly requires the number of representatives to grow as the population of the states grows.
Mark Adamsspews:
@19 RR the problem is not Trump or the Republicans but that while there is broad support for clean water, air, land, gobal warming it’s very shallow support that has to compete with jobs, food, war, ect. The environment typically gets short shrift and becomes unimportant, one reason the founders believed voters are not to be entirely trusted. And enlightened leaders essential. Well we don’t get many enlightened leaders.
Mark Adamsspews:
@20 And they promised these laws would be used against the Mafia and organized crime, proving one theory of political science.
Mark Adamsspews:
@27 Well Bill and Ted are proud of these teachers, they just need work, and to properly used Bill and Ted’s trademarked techniques. Bill and Ted are still waiting for their checks. And there is still the appeal process.
Allen Clifton:
“If I said I knew a finance guy who promised me that he was brilliant and successful but had filed for multiple bankruptcies; thought it was a great idea to start a mortgage company in 2006; had a long list of failed businesses; accepted a settlement with the Department of Justice after his company was caught racially discriminating against minorities; settled a fraud lawsuit for $25 million after he was sued by former students of a fake university he created to scam people out of thousands; was found guilty of creating a fake anti-gambling organization that used blatant racism against Native Americans in an effort to prevent a tribe from building a competing business; continually lied about why he won’t show his tax returns to prove he’s being honest about his supposed “success”‘; and has been taken to court at least 3,500 times — would you take a risk and put your family’s financial future in that person’s hands?”
Good question.
So far, Fat Donny has only demonstrated, repeatedly, that he is completely unfit to hold any sort of public office whatsoever. He has yet to show anything that would make him believable as a “leader”. He doesn’t lead anything. He sits his fat ass in the fancy chair, blurbles out cheap platitudes and off the cuff petty complaints, lies his ass off to the point where even some of his early supporters are now openly mocking him to his face. This man is a primary example of the worst sort of criminal slime this country can produce. There is absolutely nothing in his character that can redeem him at this point. He belongs in prison, and has for the better part of forty years. His entire fortune was built on criminal enterprise and he had States Attorneys General protecting him.
Now that that’s not there for him anymore, he’s lost in his own little world of his own creation. He’s incapable of performing the tasks that the office requires. He just doesn’t have the fucking stones to do the basic work.
The major indicator of an incompetent fool or a psychopath when handed real power is when that fool openly makes demands that people kiss his ass “or else”.
You own this, Republicans.
Whats next? Book burning parties? Using the Army to close Universities or suppress demonstrations? Maybe locking up 20 million people for “political” offenses like refusing to bow down to the Dear Leader on command, or just perhaps being in possession of subversive literature?
Steve Bannon has openly stated that he is a Leninist. That his entire purpose is to destroy the entire American system and rebuild it in the image he desires. One without black people, or native Americans, or any other sort of “foreign influences”. One where Pat Robertson, Ken Hamm or James Dobson are the major structural influences on the national discussions about Liberty and Justice.
If that isn’t open Fascism, I don’t know what is.
Moslem is the new Jew.
Whats next? Book burning parties? Using the Army to close Universities or suppress demonstrations? Maybe locking up 20 million people for “political” offenses like refusing to bow down to the Dear Leader on command, or just perhaps being in possession of subversive literature?
They’d call it something different. Something less obvious.
Truth Team
is already taken, of course.
So, apparently, are the verbs ‘enlist’ and ‘educate’.
@ The Nazi Thug @ 2
So, you have no problem with a system of organizations being dedicated to openly lying about easily verifiable historical facts without being challenged by people who want to maintain historical accuracies?
Show me one, one single feature of Fat Donnys administration that is admirable. Or has accomplished anything worthy of praise from anyone other than his lickspittles. Or has made commitments to the national system of governance that they intend to keep.
The United States Government has spent almost $14 Trillion on making war in the middle east since 1991. Imagine what that money could have been used for if spent on improving our education system or our rail system or our roads, sewage treatment plants or power generating facilities.
How can anything done by the Republicans since 1981 be considered pursuing the notion of creating a more perfect union?
You own the fool, now pay for him, jackass.
@1 Bannon a Leninist? Hell, no…above all he’s a Bannonist. Doubtless his ultimate aspiration, other than to fill the world with misery, chaos, death and destruction (and getting his next shot of booze) is to prove that Lenin, Goebbels, Machiavelli, Genghis Khan, Ivan the Terrible and Caligula were a bunch of wimps. Think of Cheney on bath salts.
Brandon Hall, only 27 years old, was charged with forging petition signatures for a Republican judicial candidate in 2012 and has now been convicted on 10 out of 10 counts of felony election fraud. He could be facing up to five years in prison. It took the jury less than an hour to return a verdict.
Completely unsurprising. There are probably hundreds of people that did the same thing on Fat Donny’s behalf. Hell, there was at least one Republican right here in Washington State that was convicted of voting multiple times for the Greasy Orange Pervert.
Fat Donny two-scoops was the one who campaigned on the elections being rigged. He was right. He had the whole Republican establishment doing the rigging. With suppressed voting registrations, laughingly fragile voting computers, with a little help from the Russian mobsters and Saudi bankers who need the petrodollar to remain a viable international currency.
This entire administration is so utterly criminal in nature that there is nobody to enforce the law against it, no matter how egregiously they’ve broken it.
@ 4
@1 Bannon a Leninist? Hell, no…above all he’s a Bannonist.
He doesn’t have a tool for that kind of a fastener.
Hammers pound nails, and when a hammer’s your only tool…
@2 So now you’re against Democrats being allowed to organize their supporters for political campaigns? See #3 for appropriate characterization.
@6 I would say that in your case you’re both the hammer and the nail. By that I mean you’re a tool, and you’re pounded on the head a lot.
@ 7
So now you’re against Democrats being allowed to organize their supporters for political campaigns?
No problem at all with the Women March or the Impeachment March – that poorly-attended thing in Seattle over the weekend. Yeah, there was one. Who knew?
The problem is, Portland’s Antifa problem is essentially an extension of Democrats organizing their supporters. Antifa always seems to show up and break shit. Your ilk sees no problem as long as it’s a conservative’s nose. Of course, when conservatives stand ground and video of Antifa members getting hit back surfaces, suddenly it’s Rethuglican behavior to blame.
Truth Team and Punch Back Twice As Hard have the same source.
Roughly 12,000 people rallied for Trump’s impeachment in L.A. today. The usual pro-Trump counter protest drew, oh, maybe a dozen people.
Meanwhile, the Confederates are still trying to fight the Battle of Gettysburg.
“I salute the Confederate flag,” they said in unison, “with affection, reverence and undying devotion to the cause for which it stands.”
The causes for which it stands, of course, are (1) tearing America apart, (2) defending slavery, and (3) KKK terrorism against blacks.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If that’s what these people are proud of, well, whatever. They have a constitutional right to be wrong. They even have a constitutional right to be racists, jerks, and morons. A lot of good Union soldiers died preserving these rights for them.
If Trump gets his way on climate policy, you’re going to need a lot more than air conditioning, according to Stephen Hawking, who knows a lot more about this subject than Trump does.
You’re going to need a new planet.
“British theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking is not mincing words: President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw from the landmark Paris accord combating climate change could cause irreversible harm to the planet.
“In an interview with the BBC in honor of Hawking’s 75th birthday, the Cambridge professor said Trump will cause ‘avoidable environmental damage’ by denying climate change evidence and leaving the agreement.
“‘We are close to the tipping point where global warming becomes irreversible,’ he said. ‘Trump’s action could push the Earth over the brink, to become like Venus, with a temperature of two hundred and fifty degrees, and raining sulphuric acid.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The problem with global warming deniers’ stupidity is that affects all of us, not just them. It’s like being in a lifeboat with a lunatic who’s shooting holes in the bottom of the boat. In that situation the thing to do, of course, is take the gun away from him. And, in extreme cases, throw the lunatic overboard as a last resort.
Making America Great Again.
One terrorist attack at a time.
Hell, Tim McVeigh is being reframed as a national hero these days. Why shouldn’t the so-called “alt-right” be treated as anything but a major terrorist threat, and treated as such?
Didja hear about the gun owner who used his 2nd Amendment rights to stop a crime.
Yeah, happens all the time.
But this happens more.
Father fatally shoots son mistaking him for intruder.
Oscar Pistorias?
This op-ed really tells it like it is. Executive summary: Trump’s presidency is “the most extraordinary and profound electoral mistake America has made in our lifetimes and possibly ever.”
Republican voters, you made this, and you’re personally and individually responsible for it.
@14 And then there’s the Confederate demonstrator who shot himself in the leg on the Gettysburg battlefield.
Funny how the most authoritarian assholes are only concerned for their own ass when it comes to enforcing the Law. Rapists most especially.
Jimmy Saville was well-known to have been a rapist, and had been for decades. He was very well protected by the corporate culture that enabled his career, simply because to allow any legal proceedings against him would reflect badly on them. At least one and probably more Prime Ministers helped shield him from the Law over several decades.
Fat Donny has freely admitted that he just “grabs them by the pussy” when he sees a piece of meat he’d like to stick his little peenor in, and at least one pre-teen girl paid for that with her life when her parents started agitating for justice after she was raped. He openly leers at little girls and the “Conservatives” all just smile and go on about how “boys will be boys”. Thats why they ostracize and publicly shame little girls when they’re molested or violently raped by their Pastors. It’s always the girl’s fault.
I suppose ten year olds are just incapable of controlling their lust when they see a morbidly obese elderly business mogul enter a room. Certainly the Christians would have you believe this.
How that man has managed to avoid prison is beyond me.
Oh Noze! Da Negroes are making money and reducing crime rates!
Because noodles knows, that black folks are completely incapable of doing well for themselves.
@9 And here’s a dumbfuck decrying broken windows after voting for people who are hellbent on vandalizing the entire planet. Of course, I’m not endorsing window-breaking, I’m simply pointing out the breathtaking hypocrisy of Doctor Dumbfuck.
@ 18
Heaven knows a large school district would never, ever falsify examination results or otherwise make student performance look better than it really is.
Unrelated entirely, but Baltimore is 684.8 miles from Atlanta.
Atlanta schools cheating scandal: 11 educators convicted of racketeering
Atlanta schools cheating scandal: 11 educators convicted of racketeering
@ The liar @ 20:
We all know that you’re one of those folks that believe that black folks are an inferior species to you. You may drive around in your nice car and dream about being so superior to all those born thieves and rapists you try not to meet in the eye. It’s certain that you’d never invite any such over for dinner and cocktails without at least hiding the silverware and the television. But you know what? I know dozens of black folks who built good lives for themselves, in spite of being harassed to the point of emotional exhaustion by the Police while they were growing up. In spite of seeing their cousins and siblings murdered by the Police and the crazy kids who lived around their neighborhoods. They grew up with physical and psychological traumas you could never imagine, simply because they weren’t considered “American” enough due to the color of their skin.
All the real psychopaths I grew up with were white as the driven snow. They’d do shit like set cats on fire with lighter fluid, and break into peoples houses just to trash them. They’d smash their neighbors car windows to steal their car stereos and they had no problem getting a young teenage girl so drunk she’d never remember who it was that gang raped them. Meanwhile, those guys would be going around bragging about how they pulled a train on a 13 year old and calling her a slut to anyone within earshot.
Now, we have our own crazy black guy in here. He’s just nuts, and dumb as a sack of dogshit. He has real mental health issues that should probably be addressed by medical professionals. I know it is impossible for you and he to believe that people can and often do well no matter what life has thrown at them. Even if they’re Black. You just cannot wrap your mind around the idea that black folks should want to grow up to do anything but tip garbage cans, rob liquor stores or sell heroin to those innocent suburban white teenagers for a living.
You and he are proof positive that skin color isn’t a factor when it comes to being a sociopath.
@20 Much better to teach ’em creationism and white nativism, eh?
At least, Doctor Dumbfuck thinks so.
And, of course, Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t see this as a problem either:
“Florida teachers leaving the profession they once loved. The exodus is so intense that state records show that 40 percent of new teachers leave within five years after they start.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Show me a state run by Republicans and I’ll show you a state with lousy schools. But Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t care about that. He only cares about scoring rhetorical points.
@ RR @ 23
Not to mention, being cordoned off into polluted neighborhoods next to oil refineries that they’d never be allowed to work in, with lead in the water, mercury vapor in the air, and cops that hate them on sight no matter what they might be doing. Just sitting on a park bench, walking home from the corner store or crossing the street can get a black man shot dead in this country.
So, in repeatedly making the claim that Hillary Clinton’s email had been hacked by the Russians, and then denying that any cooperation with a hostile foreign government to hack said emails had occurred, Fat Donny has admitted that his campaign benefited from that hacking that he had openly called for during his campaign that he denied ever occurred and accuses the Obama Administration of allowing to happen.
I suppose openly committing a whole series of Federal Crimes, even those covered under several anti-terrorism Laws is an acceptable way of doing business for the likes of the modern GOP.
Can anyone recall the last time Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit told us all how much he made in a day the stock market closed higher than the previous day?
You are welcome, HA libbies.
How and why convicted Atlanta teachers cheated on standardized tests
This has been hashed out here before. Because there were so many factors outside of the teachers and administrators’ control, if they wanted bonuses, they had to cheat. It cam down to Greed and broken and unjust system of metrics that encouraged cheating to get those bonuses.
Where is your god now?
Oh FC Soccer. I thought it was something to do with “Throne of Swords” that tonight’s fireworks will wake the Dragon’s. Was the game that epic?
@1 Most billionaires with active business interests have typically been involved in lawsuits, and most people in real estate do partake in some degree of skullduggery. After all Disney bought thousands of acres in Florida under 10 different corporations before the word got out Disney was going to build Disney World. Disney got a lot of land dirt cheap, and there were lawsuits. Should Disney go back and pay those former land owners what the property is worth now? Or upon announcement of their project?
Lawsuits are civil actions, and to raise them to the same level of criminal acts weakens your argument. There are a few items that are more serious, but if the American people in their wisdom choose to elect the person connected to all these actions that is the wisdom of the American people for good or bad. We have to see the outcome.
@1 and @2 Apparently they would call it some kind of wrestling with belts, costumes, contracts, wrestlers (not actors), some fancy name like DC Wrestling, and it would all be totally real!
Bring on the Coliseum The Circus Maximus! !
@3 He does seem to be cutting through the BS on North Korea. And he has not just dropped a nuke on them. He’s having a slight amount of success than the previous administration. still if he can’t get them to the bargaining table quickly he will make a decision on military action, and clearly he’s willing to go down that road unlike some previous administrations, and that is the one road the North Korean’s respect. There are military actions that can be taken such as sinking any North Korean submarine or ship leaving territorial water, or taking out the North Korean navy or air force. Understandable our ally South Korea must be consulted and their wishes respected. Beyond that the North Korean’s are a bunch of thugs who think they are at war and don’t put any particular value on their own citizens. All that matters is the great leaders skin. Then they get upset because the last South Korean government thought of assassinating him., not withstanding the man having his own brother assassinated.
Just maybe the American people are wiser than you or I or anyone on this list and put the person in the office of President. And that is what the man is, no matter how much you whine and bitch, and there is no realistic way the Democrats can remove him from office no matter how badly they want to, and they do we get Pence a gift that will keep on giving even more than Trump.
So maybe it’s time to out of the wilderness with some issues, and attack issues rather than get overly worked up by Trump.
If only Bannon was a balloonist, then he would be really really cool. Not responsible should Bannon takes up the hobby of hot air ballooning, if he should it just means he reads the list and is one of us Horsesasses, and man is he good at it, Some of you are just jealous.
@5 That all fine and dandy but you are clearly not addressing your vitriol at the people you should be which are the folks in each and every county clerk’s office that deals with elections. Which is frankly the only place real effective election stealing can be done, and from time to time has happened. Yet looking at the result for Washington state either Trumps allies were ineffective or the Democratic forces were effective in rigging the election in Hiliary Clinton’s favor, and she got Washington states electoral college votes. And gee we probably did have a thousand or more former felons who voted for someone in the election who by law cannot vote here.
@10 That is nice they may as well have jerked off in the middle of the street, at least they would have gotten a moment of pleasure.
All the Vietnam protests under Johnson or Nixon didn’t either of them impeached. And frankly these protestors are wrong impeachment is just charging the President what they want is removal from office. Impeachment does not do that.
@12 While I agree with the sentiments on here over global warming the truth is it does not matter if Trump kept us in or brings us out of the treaty. We are well on our way to meeting our promises, and that is the key problem with the agreement each and every nation just agrees to try to meet a goal they set. I suppose the other nations could set new goals based on the US withdrawing and that is what they should and must do, unless the whole agreement is more about feel good politics that would not have resulted in actually reducing CO2 levels to keep global warming below two degrees. The Earth is not going to be destroyed by climate change, though our ability to maintain our civilization will be challenged hard.
The agreement is a very small step, but it has no bite, there are no penalties if nations don’t meet the low hanging promises they have made.
There are reasons that the US should remain as we could essentially ignore our promises or not be able to politically enforce the promises, it we would have a seat at the table.
In any case we will continue to blunder through whatever the climate throws at us.
@36 And at some point to have effective measures to combat a warming world you have to speak about the real driver behind it which is the growing number of human beings on the world, and those species we choose to multiply.
@15 The story is an op ed. It’s clearly biased. It does not mention the electoral college that operated as designed. The real problem with the electoral college is that the number of house members is frozen while the electoral college to function properly requires the number of representatives to grow as the population of the states grows.
@19 RR the problem is not Trump or the Republicans but that while there is broad support for clean water, air, land, gobal warming it’s very shallow support that has to compete with jobs, food, war, ect. The environment typically gets short shrift and becomes unimportant, one reason the founders believed voters are not to be entirely trusted. And enlightened leaders essential. Well we don’t get many enlightened leaders.
@20 And they promised these laws would be used against the Mafia and organized crime, proving one theory of political science.
@27 Well Bill and Ted are proud of these teachers, they just need work, and to properly used Bill and Ted’s trademarked techniques. Bill and Ted are still waiting for their checks. And there is still the appeal process.