Governor Inslee signed a bill into law on Friday to cap insulin at $35 a month in insurance plans. I was heartened to see that it was bipartisan. People want these sort of laws. They are obviously morally correct.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible for it.
From the news source that glorified Andrew Cuomo while he was feeling up underlings and killing senior citizens:
Why inflation can actually be good for everyday Americans and bad for rich people
The wealth gap between me and poseurs like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit grows nearly every day. The gap grows faster when inflation is greater.
The price of oil briefly topped $130/bbl today. Eli’s comin’, y’all.
If inflation is increasing, and inflation is good for Americans unless they’re rich Americans, shouldn’t First Vegetable Joe Biden be taking credit for it?
We’ll find out on Thursday morning, I suppose.
I already came.
That’s not product in Mrs. Degen’s hair this morning.
Speaking of Thursdays:
Still haven’t had a chance to look. Was it as bad as Degen said?
@ 4
Depends on one’s perspective.
The biggest beneficiaries last month were Hispanics, who increasingly still plan to vote conservative.
Now, if y’all wanna claim that the jobs boom is fueling inflation, well, then go right ahead, QoS McHillbilly. Catch-22s can be fun.
Looks like Trump finally got around to sending Bill Barr that thank you note for his loyal service:
More on @ 6 Bill Barr:
That’s from NBC News, which aired the interview.
“If there are no charges…” I think when Steve says it about #CrookedHillary, that’s how it starts out.
I read elsewhere that all of the talk about sanctioning Russia’s oil sales pushes up the price of oil, which benefits Russia. The thought is to either apply the sanctions, or STFU about doing it. Right now it’s just helping Putin.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, tell us how much you’ve made so far today.
It will take a series of failed Trump endorsements in 2022 for him to realize that 2024 will be a monstrous loss for him.
I can wait.
New pro-bono firm created to track down and obtain bar disciplinary rulings against Stop the Steal attorneys.
“The group has identified 111 lawyers across 26 states whose names appeared on President Donald Trump’s post-election lawsuits.” So far.
Rubin probably overestimates the likely results of this. For some of these 111 it will just be business as usual. Those without real partners, the highly partisan, corrupt election sharks, it will be a non-event. But from what I’ve seen, more than a few of these people were partners or senior associates in real, multi-disciplinary firms. For them it will be more than an inconvenience.
Partners and senior associates have duties and obligations to their firms and the firm’s clients. Those duties and obligations involve firm resources, the work product of associates and other partners, and often extend over a span of years. When a complaint is taken up by their state’s bar disciplinary board it has the effect of placing that partner’s or that senior associate’s professional status in a kind of limbo. In many states the boards have backlogs and are under no real time pressures. The limbo can last for years.
The burden lies with the complaining party to sustain and advance the complaint. But faced with a party willing to go through with that, the attorney targeted with the complaint and their firm have a duty to prepare for the possibility, however remote, that the complaint is sustained and the discipline may include some even temporary suspension of their license. It can result in clients and associates being reassigned. And it can temporarily freeze a partner’s ability to bring in new business. Different firms handle things differently depending on their clients and how they view their interests.
For now, and because this project relies on public support and therefor must promote itself, I expect they’ll mostly target big, recognizable names. But the 65 phony Stop the Steal lawsuits required a lot of work collecting names and signatures, writing complaints and briefs, and setting up and maintaining production schedules for filings and responses. People like Ken Paxton weren’t doing that shit. But if not for that work getting done none of these lawsuits would have gotten off the ground or made it past the first motion for summary judgment.
They really ought to target the nameless worker drones who make this shit possible if they want to prevent it from happening again. “Conservative” partisan Republican lawyers should be put on notice that this kind of abuse of the legal system has career altering consequences.
@ 11
They really ought to target the nameless worker drones who make this shit possible if they want to prevent it from happening again.
Kevin Clinesmith, call your office.
@ 12
That’s still $85/bbl for Russian oil, based on the price of Brent crude listed in the linked article.
Compare to no sale of Russian oil. No oil-related revenue flowing to Russia. Which was my point.
QoS McHillbilly to his 14 year-old daughter, whom he caught gangbanging the high school wrestling team three at a time:
“Katie, I am very disappointed in you. Instead of $113 per week, your allowance will be shaved to $85 per week for the forseeable future.
You are a very bad girl. And those videos on Youporn are so shameful.
This is how Degen grew so fabulously wealthy that he must incessantly worry about the price of Fancy Feast.
Sure, he’s losing 25% on every transaction. But he’s making it up in volume!
Citigroup’s Global Wealth Management CIO predicts 8.5% inflation in the next 3 months.
That’s June. June as in only five months before November.
Which despot nations will First Vegetable Joe Biden be begging to pump more crude in June, I wonder.
@1 “The wealth gap between me and poseurs like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit grows nearly every day.”
It’s not my fault you take out variable-rate loans from pawnshops.
@1 “The wealth gap between me and poseurs like Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit grows nearly every day.”
It’s not my fault you take out variable-rate loans from pawnshops.
@5 “Depends on one’s perspective.”
I’ve been unemployed for years and couldn’t be happier. As a capitalist, I get paid for other people’s work. I’m not endorsing this morally questionable system, I only take advantage of it.
@7 “That’s from NBC News, which aired the interview.”
No, that’s from Trump lackey Bill Barr, who’s now trying to save his reputation (too late) and future sources of income (maybe); NBC News only aired the interview.
@9 I just got out of bed, haven’t looked. Why don’t you check out LMT, GD, ESLT, XOM, CVX, JNJ and get back to me.
Degen began predicting inflation in the first three months of the Obama administration. Went all-in on Krugerrands, Dogecoin, and NFTs and hasn’t looked back. Which is a good thing really.
@14 The more interesting point you miss is that if China becomes the only buyer of Russian oil at any price, Russia becomes a Chinese province and Putin becomes Xi’s palace servant.
@16 I have cats and don’t worry about the price of Fancy Feast (and yes, that’s what I feed them). Maybe Bob isn’t the big capitalist he led us to believe he is? Could it be I’m the only big capitalist around here?
Since according to Steve, no conviction means no crime, there’s essentially no difference between Bill Cosby and Hillary Clinton.
When you think about it, each of those despicable POS fucked a lot of people who trusted them.
Interesting. Dow and DAX are both down exactly 1.98%.
@ 19
As a capitalist, I get paid for other people’s work.
As a worthless, slacker government employee, you got paid for other people’s work. You went from being an embarrassment in the public sector to being an embarrassment to Darryl and to the family of SeattleJew.
I seem to remember that when I recently wrote that the US was a net petroleum exporting nation when Trump was president, The Unserious Twat or someone like her responded that it was because we were in a pandemic and nobody in the US was using oil.
Translation: 50+ seat loss in the House.
The Democratic Party’s emerging priority: Save the governors
I dunno. I mean, QoS McHillbilly says he believes it.
Of course, we’re not quite in striking distance of double-digit inflation. Yet.
Oh. Well. If Degen says so, then….
After all, he’s the monument to self-confidence and integrity who had to make up completely fake friends in Colorado just so he could throw shade at vaccinations (and also so he could briefly pretend he had friends once).
What a guy!
A 15% downward correction in the Dow and a 50+ seat swing in the House.
It’s moments like these when Degen feels most alive!
Maybe It will be good to leave the reublicans with a shit show to clean up for once.
@ 32
Maybe It will be good to leave the reublicans with a shit show to clean up for once.
Last time the GOP ran things, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, do you recall what happened?
Coney Barrett.
They happened. The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, do you think First Vegetable Joe Biden’s policies have been so disastrous that other gay liberals are willing to give the GOP another crack at the pinata again? Or just the biggest fucking moron gay liberals, like yourself?
’cause The Wise Latina isn’t lookin’ so healthy these days. She’s OK for, say, 3 more years, but beyond 2024 it’s probably a crap shoot for a woman with her poor physical status.
Libbies, as long as y’all don’t push back on The Even Bigger Fucking Moron when he digs his hole ever deeper, that hole will continue to deepen. All y’all will eventually fall in.
Worrisome thought to conservatives: First Vegetable Joe Biden is roughly two weeks from being able to declare victory for his rope-a-dope Russia strategy.
Well, someone’s strategy. Klain’s, perhaps.
Just for shits ‘n grins, someone should tell The Even Bigger Fucking Moron that Georgia filed an application to join the EU, and ask him what Stacey Abrams thinks about Kemp’s move.
@ 35
Whatever The Even Bigger Fucking Moron might have to say, it wouldn’t be nearly as funny as Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s response when Newt asked him about GE in 2017.
@32 “eave the reublicans with a shit show to clean up for once.”
Problem is, they won’t clean it up, they will roll in it, smear it all over the place, and generally make it worse. They do not possess the skills and abilities to make it better.
Remember, what they want is something like the 1860’s.
“Republicans warn Justice Department probe of Trump would trigger political war”
Fuck ’em. They can shove their “warnings” up their collective asses. They’ve declared war on our democracy by rejecting election results, attacking the Capitol, sending armed gangs to election offices and state capitals, and threatening to kill public officials and election workers. It’s time to “shoot” back with investigations, prosecutions, civil legal actions, and disciplining their lawyers. Making more threats shouldn’t exempt them from the rule of law.
@ 38
“Republicans warn Justice Department probe of Trump would trigger political war”
McConnell warns Reid change in Senate rules would trigger blowback.
2023 and 2024 can be about House investigation of The Biden Crime Family.
@25 “When you think about it, each of those despicable POS fucked a lot of people who trusted them.”
Funny you didn’t include Trump in your laundry list of despicable POSes who fucked a lot of people who trusted them. Why’s that? Is he a friend of yours? Do you admire the guy and is methods?
@27 I wasn’t kicked out of a radiology lab and sent packing to an island.
@28 I’m not sure what your point is, or whether you even have one, but this seems relevant to the general topic:
@33 “Last time the GOP ran things, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, do you recall what happened?
Coney Barrett.”
That’s what I call a shit show. You’ll see an even bigger shit show when Republicans trot out their excuses for voting against a black woman with a more impressive resume than any of them. And no, she’s not an eggplant, no matter what connotation you choose to impart to that word. And yes, you’re the only racist pig posting here. Nobody else here ever gave it that meaning.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is gonna have to brush up on his anti-Hispanic slurs.
‘Defcon 1 moment’: New Spanish-language conservative network fuels fresh Dem fears over disinfo, Latino outreach
Democrats told Hispanics that Trump was in bed with the Russians, too. Hispanics are tired of being lied to by Democrats.
@ 43
…a black woman who has a better resume than
any of the above or all of them put togetherone of the three. And a poorer resume than the other two.So close, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@34 Hey armchair general, what’s your strategy? Got any suggestions? Didn’t think so. Always full of shit.
NASDAQ is now in a bear market.
Bear market.
$130/bbl oil.
Inflation approaching double digits.
It’s a Biden trifecta.
@37 Actually, I think they prefer the antebellum arrangements.
@44 “Democrats told Hispanics that Trump was in bed with the Russians, too. Hispanics are tired of being lied to by Democrats.”
That wasn’t a lie, so I don’t know what you’re referring to.
@ 46
Self-appointed HA sports expert Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit demonstrates his lack of understanding of the rope-a-dope strategy, and fails to realize that I paid the Biden administration a compliment.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit is HA’s Howard Cosell.
@45 “And a poorer resume than the other two.”
Horseshit. None of them have anything on their resumes she doesn’t have. Oh wait, you’re right, all 3 of them have something she doesn’t: White skin. And two of them have penises. So it all depends on your frame of reference, and it’s clear enough what yours is.
Who will be the first Democrat to pull a Ted Kennedy on First Vegetable Joe Biden’s Jimmy Carter act?
Hell, that question’s already been answered.
She’s running.
@47 You’re blaming Putin’s aggression on Biden? The leader of your party would’ve handed Ukraine to him without a fight, along with the rest of Europe, and — not putting too fine a point on it — our country as well. Freedom isn’t free, but treason always costs more in the end.
@50 “fails to realize that I paid the Biden administration a compliment”
@52 “Joe Biden’s Jimmy Carter act”
Strange compliment.
Seen on BBC News: “Brain changes seen after mild Covid. Even after a mild infection, the overall size of the brain had shrunk, researchers found.”
Looks like we’re in for even dumber Republicans.
“A hit dog will holler.”
Hakuna matata. It’s the Trumpublican circle of life. Round and round it goes!
I think that’s a little unfair.
Republicans would have demanded payment. In fact they did.
Putler simply decided this was a more efficient use of his money.
KAMALA: “We have the ability to see what can be, unburdened by what has been. And then to make the possible actually happen.”
Imagine HA, unburdened by the likes of Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
We can rebuild HA. We have the technology. We can make it better than it was. Better, stronger, faster.
And much less Dumbfuck.
Quinnipiac confirms that the Democrat party has far, far too many YLBs.
I’ve been too kind. YLB is HA’s Unserious, Cowardly Twat. The least safe place in the US for a coward to hide is behind First Vegetable Joe Biden’s shaky pins, but lift his pantleg and there she is, peeking out for evidence of Goldy’s cankles to cower behind instead.
I guess Putin has to get Syrian fighters because his own Russians don’t want to fight his war.
60 – You’re probably correct on that one.
@59 Awww… look what crawled out from under its rock… to spew its little cheap shots…
And those videos on Youporn are so shameful.
And here we see where it works up some of its courage..
Yawwwwn… musta lost some muneee..
@61 they are nasty fighters.
Goldy’s cankles
bankrupt in mind and spirit widbee kreepah would know…
For now.. we’ll assume it has some munee..
Gary Kilgore North (1942–2022) was a Christian Dominionist writer best known for.. being crazier than a bag full of hammers, and for two other not-entirely-unrelated things:
Being one of the leading lights behind the Christian Reconstructionist movement; he is the son-in-law of the late R.J. Rushdoony.
Being one of the most prominent promoters of Y2K hysteria during the late 1990s.[1] He was nicknamed “Scary Gary” in tech circles due to his fear-mongering.
He also co-wrote the book Fighting Chance (promoting a return to U.S. government-funded Duck and Cover silliness during the waning years of the Cold War), with Arthur B. Robinson, who is otherwise known for initiating the Oregon Petition.
Heh. Reminds me of the kook Bill Regnery.. good riddance..
Oh yeah! Old guy.. No more SS checks.. According to teh unhinged babbling of the slime pit dweller @ 59…
good for my kids..
Music to my ears.
“Live updates: Ukraine says Russian general killed”
now only if a few American Insurectionists could suffer the same faith.
@65 soon your kids will be so rich they’ll have to start spending all that good fortune money.
@67.. Can’t wait for widbee boob mcdimfook to do its stupid dance here at HA when it gets its first SS check.
Got a date calculation to do.. heh…
btw.. a really sucky day for the stock market… heh.. awww… dimfook has less munee….
Senate GOP Agenda Would Hike Taxes on Poorest 40% by Average of $1,000 and the top 1% wouldn’t see their taxes rise at all under Scott’s plan, which would also sunset “all federal legislation” after five years—a policy that would eliminate Social Security, Medicare, civil rights laws, and other measures unless Congress actively votes to reauthorize them.
They’ll probably grandfather in the boomers so that they don’t lose the elderly vote.
It’s not so much end SSN/Medicare as force Congress to reauthorize them every year. So it would just take one Congress to say “no reauthorization” and they’d go away.
If Boomers were grandfathered in, they would vote to get rid of SSN/Medicare in a heartbeat if it would lower their taxes.
Conservatives would get rid of SSN/Medicare if meant hurting the people they hate.
DeSantis’s press secretary:
Christina Pushaw Mar 4, 2022
Equality Florida released a statement emphasizing that Pushaw’s words confirmed what so many already knew: “that this bill is grounded in a belief that LGBTQ people, simply by existing, are a threat to children and must be erased.”
It’s always projection with republicans. Wouldn’t surprise me if she’s a pedophile.
The party of Denny Hastert has spoken. This is who they are.
How conveniently they ignore Matt Gaetz, from their own damn state…
Gee. It’s too bad that First Vegetable Joe Biden killed the Keystone pipeline, isn’t it?
The hit to your pocketbook from higher gasoline prices: $2,000 a year
Most Americans don’t enjoy grabbing their ankles. Y’all HA libbies are notable exceptions. Although Steve can’t even touch his knees these days.
I’ve donated to a group seeking to disbar the “Stop the Steal” lawyers who filed frivolous lawsuits against the election results. Please feel free to contribute if you support their efforts. (Story here, website here, donate here.)
@58 “And much less Dumbfuck.”
That would require your departure, and we don’t want you to leave, because then we’d have nobody to abuse who has it coming to him.
@68 “a really sucky day for the stock market”
Which is fine with me. I’m a net buyer, and the more it goes down, the better I do. Plus, my oil and defense stocks are doing fine.
@71 “Gee. It’s too bad that First Vegetable Joe Biden killed the Keystone pipeline, isn’t it?”
No, it’s not. We need the Ogallala Aquifer more than tar sands oil. If paying an extra 20 cents a gallon for Ukraine’s freedom bothers you that much, ride a bus, or at least disconnect the coal-roller equipment on your F-350.
“Little evidence” Keystone Pipeline would level prices despite GOP claims
A few facts, not that it matters to republicans:
– The US courts actually shut the Keystone XL pipeline construction down in 2020, under Trump because it violated the endangered species act. The Supreme Court also upheld that verdict in 2020 under Trump. Biden merely revoked the lease thereafter
-There are over 184 pipelines in the US with 35 others that are under construction.
– The Keystone XL would transport Canadian oil, not US oil, and it would have been sold to Asia.
– Most of the oil is still being drilled for and transported via other methods
Greedy racist incel, we await your apology for spreading lies.
Nobody leads from behind like First Vegetable Joe Biden.
This is what Jen Psaki told us, just last week, wouldn’t happen because of concerns that the American consumer would end up taking it in the ass. Of course, that was last week.
This week it’s time for the American consumer to grab their ankles. Golly, I hope I got the pronoun right.
Had Biden done this two weeks ago it would have projected strength. Instead it’s a me-too look for the weakest president of my lifetime.
Somebody please explain to The Even Bigger Fucking Moron that oil is a global commodity, and that interruption of production/distribution anywhere in the world affects oil prices on a global scale.
The formerly net exporting US will now beg Iran and Venezuela to pump more oil, because it has decided not to buy oil fro Russia.
Drill here, drill now, and avoid enriching criminal nations.
Yeah, it really shows spine to tell Big Oil to pollute even more, Senator Environmentalist.
Oil is freedom. To a desperate liberal during an election year, anyway.
@ 72
I’ve donated to a group seeking to disbar the “Stop the Steal” lawyers…
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, it’s unfortunate that what you donated is your time and your version of professional expertise. With your help those targeted attorneys will be senators any day now.
I’m reading, in this thread, that Nancy Pelosi forced First Vegetable Joe Biden to sanction Russian oil.
Nancy needs a win and badly so, you see. Her troops are running for re-election, while First Vegetable Joe Biden will never face another election again.
Nothing screams leadership like being dragged around by the hair plugs by a woman in her 80s.
Biden tanked a bill.
@ 81, 82
Here’s the thread reader version:
Leading from behind means those doing the hard work in front necessarily expose their backs to your knife.
Weakest president of my lifetime.
Let’s take a trip down memory lane, shall we?
Campaign 2020:
Followed by First Vegetable Joe Biden’s first week in office:
Biden Makes Sweeping Changes to Oil and Gas Policy
January 28, 2021
Oil prices, and the price of gasoline, began rising early in 2021 and long before the Russia-Ukraine crisis took hold.
First Vegetable Joe Biden made clear during his campaign that he would tank the petroleum industry, and clearly has kept that campaign promise.
We’re seeing the result now, and we’ll see it long into the future. Oil prices don’t just depend on current output. Oil prices are affected by future assumptions as well.
Oil prices will decline as it becomes increasingly clear that the next president will be a Republican.
Both Momala and Mayor Pete want you to know that there’s an easy solution to high oil prices. You simply need to purchase shaky EV technology from a union shop in the US!
But not from Tesla.
This silliness is exactly what I’d expect from the incompetent Momala. Coming from Mayor Pete, I have to say it’s a disappointment.
Here’s one COVID-infected Republican who seems to have come out of it OK.
Aaron Rodgers agrees to massive contract to stay with Packers: report
Where’s Fauci?
Biden did not raise gas prices. Putin did.
74)Not ready for long time transit opponents being first time transit riders. They will complain about everything. I got my issues with some transit proponents, mainly the fare-free crowd. Whatever the farebox does bring in, without it, tge revenue would have to be made up.
Proud Boy terrorist leader Enrique Tarrio indicted on multiple felony counts today. Arrested in Florida and set to appear in FLA federal court for Southern District later today.
A few interesting things about this.
First is that this follows immediately upon the guilty plea and cooperation agreement reached with Oath Keeper Joshua James. The indictment alleges Tarrio’s involvement in planning and conspiring with Oath Keepers already previously charged in connection with the Jan 6 terrorist attack. With James’ testimony secured, approval was given to bring this to the grand jury for indictment.
Second is that this would confirm that DOJ is definitely looking at conspirators who did not themselves directly take part in the Jan 6 terror attack, but who participated in criminal conspiracies as part of planning, organizing, and coordinating that terrorist attack. And it gives a clearer picture of the kind of evidence and testimony DOJ considers appropriate to bring such an indictment before a grand jury.
Third is that this comes just one day after Congressional Republicans issued their threats to the Attorney General about this exact type of indictment.
An agreement between two or more parties directly related to one of the statutory underlying federal offenses.
A single act intended to advance or support the agreement.
That may describe a whole lot of people who did not personally enter The Capitol to smear their own shit on the walls and stupidly pose for selfies while doing it.
So far at least, my most favoritest part of the indictment is the part where it becomes perfectly clear that DOJ has pretty much all of the encrypted coms for at least a couple of months leading up to the terrorist attack.
LPT: maybe don’t use clowns like Rob Monster and Nick Lim for your back end security.
We have our first candidate for 2022 Lie Of The Year:
We have our first candidate for 2022 Lie Of The Year
So much horseshit.
Every comment of yours is a contender. But the stupid lies you tell here aren’t the worse thing about you. Nor is it the treason. And it’s not your love for Putin. No, the worse thing about you is that you’re a monumentally stupid, low IQ bore.
Speaking of low IQ dumbfuck traitors,
Footage shows Proud Boys leader being arrested in his underwear for new conspiracy charge
Conspiracy, as in conspiring to prevent the peaceful transfer of power on 1/6 so that our low IQ dumbfuck traitor’s Putin lovin’ raging orange man-baby could become America’s fascist dictator-for-life.
God bless Raw Story.
Eagerly awaiting Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s explanation of why the stock market has not entered a correction phase.
His 3M shares are each worth $30 less than when he purchased them. The poor asswipe’s down $60 on his 3M investment.
You’re my new favorite!
Fuckin’ A is that a frog march?
Do we have ourselves a “LOCK HER UP”?
And Raw Story is just the cherry on top.
I’d love to think these pussies are all out there smashing their iPhones, unplugging their computers and living in fear of “the knock on the door”. But it’s become quite obvious that they’re too stupid.
I’d also love to think the rest of them would have finally woken up to the grift. That’s an above average Miami area home for a guy with no work history beyond cleaning up chicken shit. And little wonder he kept himself out of the operational side of the terror attack, yet made quite a point about being put in charge of “the marketing and fund raising”. But again, these people are too stupid to understand when they are being robbed blind.
It’ll just be somebody else’s job to rob them from now on.
Mr. Tarrio will be indisposed.
The Ukraine aid bill – $14B, according to McConnell – will be wrapped in the overall government funding bill, to avoid a potential shutdown.
@ 96
…living in fear of “the knock on the door”.
I think it’s really cool, the way that QoS McHillbilly can shift from baaaaaaaadddd police raids to goooooooodddd police raids whenever the mood strike him.
Also not to be missed in today’s Republican Terrorist Attack news:
First def to stand trial convicted on all counts. Jury came in under four hours. They didn’t even take lunch for fuck’s sake.
I need to tell you that’s a very bad sign. I’m not remotely familiar with how the DC District impanels juries. And I’m aware that this trial included some remarkably incendiary testimony. But four hours with multiple charges to work through is terrifying. Most juries spend at least an hour on fucking housekeeping before they even take up a charge. This looks like a jury group that was simply mad at the defendant.
Afterward defendant’s wife went before reporters to send a message to the other Jan 6 terrorists urging them to refuse to cooperate. Her husband is looking at decades. Cool.
Not a single blast ball deployed. No armored assault tank. No battering ram. No snipers. No gas. No taser dance.
They phoned him and told him to come out.
In taking down a performatively well armed felony suspect with prior weapons offenses who brags about doing all kinds of violence.
What were they thinking?
How are they even still alive?
Do they even care about “come home safe”?
@ 100
They phoned him and told him to come out.
They could have phoned his attorney and told him to show up to turn himself in a 9 a.m., and he would have complied, dressed in suit and tie.
You have no idea whether there was an armed assault vehicle and a battering ram at the ready – it was you who brought up his purported propensity for violence, QoS McHillbilly. You do have every idea that this was staged for public consumption, the same way the Roger Stone arrest was done.
Projectiles are deployed when the target resists. You should credit the target, and not the police, for restraint.
Guy Reffitt’s wife must be living in an alternative universe, or preparing a lucrative GoFundMe campaign, or just dumb as fuck.
“WE GOT THIS!” may be an inspiring phrase for someone struggling through a tough semester in school, or training for a marathon. But her husband just got convicted for a shit ton of big boy felonies after a fairly brief trial unmarked by “reversible errors”. The defense didn’t even call witnesses. What for?
He did it. They pretty much said so. Jury agreed.
Now this fucktard goes to pre-sentencing with nothing to work with. There is just almost nothing in his file to offer him any chance of significant downward departure. His judge is going to do his job, work through the statutory formula, and issue his sentence. And it will be devastating.
His poor children looked absolutely ruined. Too bad their mother is unlikely to offer much support or refuge. They probably don’t deserve this.
But the rest of these stupid assholes would be doing themselves no small favor by quieting the buzzing and yelping inside their AM-Hate-Radio-damaged brains long enough to listen to their attorneys now. All of whom are going to tell them to take the fucking deal. Look at that list of assholes. There’s hundreds of them. They aren’t famous. They don’t have a following. There’s no upside in this for them. Their only play now is to limit the downside.
I’m not very hopeful for them.
Four House Dems have sent a letter to First Vegetable Joe Biden asking him to increase domestic oil production. One of them was a House manager of the second Trump impeachment/trial.
Texas might turn blue one day, but it’s becoming redder and redder with The Senile One in the White House.
@ 102
Guy Reffitt’s wife must be living in an alternative universe, or preparing a lucrative GoFundMe campaign, or just dumb as fuck.
Or all of the above.
He’s one of the 50 +/- who deserve to do substantial time.
Email from OpenTable, today:
Celebrating women in hospitality
I thought I did that every time I tip.
Now, Dominique Strauss-Kahn? That dude had his own, special way of celebrating women in hospitality. It was the same way Bill Clinton celebrated Juanita Broaddrick’s hospitality.
In Jan of last year the number was a definitive zero according to Degen.
After a while, when enough video had surfaced and been slowed down and analyzed, when some of the beatings were seen close up, when a few of the guns were identified, the number rose gradually over time, from a half dozen, then a dozen, etc. Even then, they were and are described as “patriots” who “got carried away”.
Of course now it’s over a year later, the number indicted has risen to over 850, the number having pleaded guilty to over 200, and the most serious and dangerous charges are only just now being filed relating to the core organizers of the armed breach teams and “quick reaction force” reinforcements. Between Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, and Proud Boys that’s more than 50 already. And that doesn’t include some of the most violent assaults on police that day.
The point of this is to normalize of course. And to distract.
Same shit, different day.
After all, sheer numbers of terrorists is no accurate indication of the threat they represent. Timothy McVeigh had but one or two accomplices. 9/11 was carried out by 19. Playing this numbers game is intended to distract from the clear objective of all of these assholes. Which in the case of Jan 6 was to carry out a violent terrorist attack to overturn an election they lost. And they obviously still enjoy the full support of Degen and Every Other Republican You Know.
That’s the real threat.
Some people are more willing to sacrifice for the national interest than others. If this was World War 2, Doctor Dumbfuck would be dodging the draft and using his dead mother’s ration card.
@95 “His 3M shares are each worth $30 less than when he purchased them.”
My Lockheed shares are each worth $364 more than when I purchased them. You win some, you lose some.
@98 They won’t bother to come for you. You’re not important enough. If you see flashing blue lights outside your house during the night, it’ll be because your goat got out of its pen and ate someone’s prize orchids. They’re after the goat, not you.
@99 The best part of that case is his own kids ratted him out to the feds. After he threatened to kill them.
@101 “Projectiles are deployed when the target resists.”
Also against black people peacefully and lawfully protesting cops murdering black people.
Here’s an interesting story out of Texas. After Hurricane Harvey battered Houston, which has a high concentration of blacks and Hispanics, in 2017 the state land office’s “scoring criteria” for distributing $2 billion of federal disaster relief sent most of the money to white neighborhoods.
That office was run by George P. Bush, son of Jeb Bush, who’s now running for Texas AG.
@102 “His poor children looked absolutely ruined. Too bad their mother is unlikely to offer much support or refuge. They probably don’t deserve this.”
They do deserve this. They deserve the longest sentence the judge can hand down to their father. He threatened to kill them, his own kids, if they turned him in. They did anyway.
@103 “asking him to increase domestic oil production”
@106 Nobody here believes you tip. You’re the guy who screams bloody murder whenever anyone wants to raise the $7.25 minimum wage ($2.30 for tipped employees).
@107 “That’s the real threat.”
No, the real threat is the tens of millions of followers who believe it’s all perfectly okay.
Yes, Trump supporting terrorists threatening to murder their own children for obeying the law and doing the right thing seldom earns a defendant any pity form a jury.
And this guy is a little special in that regard.
But really only a little.
It’s truly shocking how verbally outrageous most of these defendants were both before and after they took part in a terrorist attack on our government. Overt threats of violent assault and even murder are surprisingly common among them. They can’t seem to stop talking about all their guns and the things they could do with them. And the worst of their threats are sadly and disproportionately focused against women.
For a great many of these defendants a decision to go to trial will be the worst mistake of their lives. And yet that really appears to be exactly what most of them are going to do – for the attention and notoriety I guess. They just really don’t understand what a terrible mistake that will be. I could be wrong. But I don’t think most of them will enjoy very much public attention at all.
They have very little in the way of a defense against the charges they face. And many of them seem immensely misinformed about the kinds of things they or their lawyers can say or offer in court as a defense. So their trials will be brief and uneventful. They won’t get to present evidence about Buttery Males. No wildly soaring Sov-Cit arguments about maritime law. No calling Nancy Pelosi to the stand. It’ll fly by them like a fast freight and be over with before they know it. And they’ll come out the other end so thoroughly fucked it’s almost unimaginable.
But I’ll just have to try anyway.
Well, if we’re not gonna drill our own oil we do need Iran’s.
Moreover, The Biden Crime Family doesn’t need Burisma anymore. Although it wants back the laptop Hunter left in that brothel the last time he was in town there.
@118 “For a great many of these defendants a decision to go to trial will be the second worst mistake of their lives.”
@118 “And they’ll come out the other end so thoroughly fucked it’s almost unimaginable.”
Among other things, they can’t vote, have guns, or get security clearances (or security guard jobs) anymore. Probably will get chronic colitis from the prison food, too, and have to shit out of an enlarged asshole from now on.
@119 Just institute wartime gas rationing. Prius owners wouldn’t have to reduce their driving. Those needing F-350s for legitimate purposes, such as construction and utility maintenance, can be allotted extra gas by diverting it from casual and recreational users of such vehicles.
Seahawks have traded Russell Wilson to Denver Broncos.
“War and rumors of war is incredibly profitable and convenient.” — Marjorie Taylor Greene, Feb. 23, 2022
It sure is: “A financial disclosure released on Monday shows that Greene … purchased between $1,001 and $15,000 in Lockheed Martin stock on February 22, 2022.” — Newsweek, Mar. 8, 2022
@ 121
Probably will get chronic colitis from the prison food, too, and have to shit out of an enlarged asshole from now on.
I defer to the opinion of the biggest sphincter on HA, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. He’s the reason Johnson & Johnson created its Magnum brand of repeated-use rectal catheters.
No matter. You won’t miss Biden.
@ 124
Faux millionaire Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit obviously jealous of MTG, a real one.
If Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit really wanted to do something useful he would delve into her late October purchase of shares of Trump’s media company.
The always right-thinking uber-leftists on Whidbey Island are shocked, shocked at the cultural appropriation that occurred 50 years ago.
Totem poles expose cultural appropriation issue on Whidbey Island
This is what happens when you stuff too many retired, rich white people in one “village” and expect them to get along with each other until death.
It’s the kind of unserious twattery that goes on in YLB’s brain, excepting that in Langley everyone has triple-digit IQs. Oh, the other difference between YLB and the villagers is that the latter earned what they now have through honest effort.
122)I doubt we could get people to sacrifice like that today. They’ve been conditioned since the War that rationing is Socialist.
In Eastern Washington, if only Yakima didn’t cave to the motorists, might have had more of the street trackage left that they could have restored streetcar service. Will be interesting if the summer season still happens at YVT, although not much demand for regular bus service between Yakima and Selah. Then again, transit ridership may see a boost, even on the underfunded systems.
Metro gets it’s fuel via contract , through their normal procurement process. Would still be great if they kept weekend dieselizations of the Trolley network to a minimum, especially the Queen Anne Routes. Usual excuse is construction.
123)Will miss him, 2 Super Bowl appearances, 1 win for tge Seahawks.
@129 Not on Whidbey Island, anyway. See #108.
Never thought this would happen, but the NICTD finally did give tge go ahead to relocate and double track the South Shore line in Michigan City, Indiana. Eliminating the last street running segment of the last surviving Interurban. Using a double deck emu on street trackage is a bad idea, especially because of where tge operators cab is.
Also, NICTD is working on a branch line, that will also be electrified.
Would have been great also if CalTrain in SF had completed electrification by now. Would have saved a lot of Diesel, as tge various services of Caltrain,(Local, Limited, and Baby Bullet) have a high number of trips a day.The EMUs for CalTrain we’re designed and built by a company from a country that has seen fuel disruption caused by conflicts before, Switzerland.
Majority of Americans back Biden’s Russia oil ban including 72% of Trump voters|
The Wall Street Journal released a poll on Tuesday that showed 79 per cent of Americans support a ban on Russian oil imports as Russian President Vladimir Putin continues his assault on Ukraine. Similarly, 77 per cent of Republicans, including 72 per cent of Republicans who say they will back Mr Trump if he runs again in 2024, said they support the ban.
However, I wonder how many republicans support this because they feel it will hurt President Biden?
Michigan GOP Candidate Tells Daughters ‘If Rape Is Inevitable, Lie Back And Enjoy It’
During Sunday’s Facebook Live event, Regan also defended Russian President Vladimir Putin, whose forces are currently invading Ukraine.
I wonder if he would tell his son the same thing? Even his own daughter sent out a message via social media encouraging people NOT to vote for her father.
Republican candidate for Utah Senate charged with forcible sexual abuse
He then pinned her onto the ground and continued to sexually assault her, the court documents state.
Republicans: Abusing women is okay; saying gay is unacceptable.
Republicans are not trying to be better people.
Republicans are so for local government until local government doesn’t follow their political agenda. Republicans want to bankrupt public education, and they don’t care how many children they have to kill to do it.
Schools left ‘scrambling’ after Missouri treasurer tied bond deals to AG’s COVID demands
Treasurer Scott Fitzpatrick would not sign off on school districts’ refinancing of debt at a lower interest rate through the state if they didn’t drop any and all COVID protections.
If you won’t let us fuck the kids physically, we’ll fuck them financially. – Republicans
The GOP just can’t seem to keep their hands off kids.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Republican Representative Robin Smith has resigned from the Tennessee House of Representatives, effective immediately, amid allegations of wire fraud.
A federal information document unsealed Monday says that Smith and Casada received kickbacks from Cothren in exchange for using their positions for official acts
Casada has already said he will not seek reelection but is running for local office in Williamson County.
Cothren stepped down from his position as Casada’s chief of staff after he allegedly sent racist and sexually explicit text messages between 2014-2016.
Not sure I’d trust PussyPuyin, but looks like Biden successfully was able to avoid WWIII.
Pussy Putin on the run….no American Company should ever do business in Russia. Mater of fact tell China they pull this shit with Taiwan.
Lie Back And Enjoy It
Club motto of teh weekly widbee klownservatic pissing contest at teh widbee vip lounge.
club preznit until “that certain day”: pos boob mcdimfook…