This blog needs more open threads. There should be a new one every day.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Now watch some troll post a comment attacking open threads.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Happy new year …
The DJIA is up 173 points at this moment, and oil has broken through $80/bbl. I’ve made $2,400 in the market this morning so far — sure beats working for a shitty boss at a shitty job to make shitty wages!
A lot of pundits, though, say this market is overvalued. My broker thinks we’re in for a 10% to 15% correction. I told him my plan is to ride the “January effect” up, then take profits and sit on cash awaiting further developments.
Apparently the buying is being done by investors who are pricing in a near-term full economic recovery. By 2007 measures, stocks are cheap; but most aren’t cheap when compared to 2009 earnings data.
I’m inclined to go with those who argue the economy still has big-time problems and current stock prices lack support from forward fundamentals. That doesn’t mean money can’t be made in stocks. But it has to be made by playing volatility, not by riding growth. This makes it a zero-sum game in which the smart take money from the dumb.
Of course, most stock trading has nothing to do with capitalizing ventures. The only time you contribute capital to a company is when you buy an IPO or other issuance of new stock, and I’ve never done that, so I’m a pure flipper. I’m simply a leech who trades on the stupidity and mistakes of the thundering herd, the vast majority of whom are institutional investors. In other words, I’m ripping off your pension fund.
Thanks for the money, fools! I wanna live like a Republican, too. Keep investing in those 401(k)s like Bush told you! You don’t need social security. You’d just spend it in Indian casinos anyway. So, if you’re gonna throw money away, you might as well give it to a deserving progressive rabbit.
That’s how I see it.
Alki Postingsspews:
#3 Congratulations! You should write a book or run one of those stadium filling seminars and teach others how to gamble and magically never be wrong. ;-)
Will the price of oil go up or down? Granted there are endless unforeseen circumstances, weather, military actions, global use, discoveries…but if you can managed to just magically never be wrong, and only ever make the right educated guess, you’ll be worth billions. And of course if you can do this with $10k, you can make thousands, then do it again with $100k and make tens of thousands. Then do it again with $1 million and so on until you’re worth billions. How many billion are you worth? Don’t want to embarrass you, but over $10 billion? Less than $5? Just curious.
Ok. That was sarcasm, but couldn’t resist. Remember, a truism of life, the more money you have the happier you are! Oh wait, that’s not true.
RR @ 3: There’s still lots of money being held in 401(k)’s and other investment vehicles. If you don’t think there will be a general recovery of the stock market, then what are the alternatives?
(a) Residential Real Estate? We’ve already caught the bounce from the big lows of a year ago, I’m not sure it’s going to recover much more in the short term. Too many houses underwater, too many bank-owned properties available, too many people who want to move but are holding off, they will dump their houses on the market at the first sign of a recovery (thereby dampening any recovery).
(b) Bonds? I’m wondering how many more municipalities and companies will end up defaulting on their bonds.
(c) Money markets? Perhaps, if you just want to sit tight for a year or more. Lots of people who thought that was a safe out from the stock market found out othewise when the dollar collapsed. But that may make the dollar a buyer’s market, now.
(d) Commercial Real Estate? I think that’s riskier now than residential real estate. It will take longer to recover.
(e) Oil? Maybe the best bet, but it’s still being held down by the general economic situation and the dollar’s devaluation. Plus, I’m never eager to gamble on an industry that’s controlled by a small number of players.
(f) Gold? There’s lots of people advertising out there, which makes me think that the market probably has already turned on that investment. But I could be wrong.
(g) Anything else I’ve overlooked?
Don Joespews:
rhp @ 5
Slight correction:
Lots of people who [money markets were] a safe out from the stock market found out othewise when the dollar collapsed.
That wasn’t a dollar collapse in a traditional sense. Money markets are really mutual funds, and a number of them had put sufficient funds into various secondary securities, because CDO’s were thought to be “safe”.
Roger Rabbit:
Did you get in my recommendation for KONG?
Yep, the stock price jumped 7.67% TODAY!! On nearly 4 TIMES the normal volume. That’s investors voting with their wallets folks!
Mmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmm making EZ money is fuuuuuu-uunn!!
These stock picks are not for you Mr. Cynical. You have to be willing to make a killing in a short period of time and pay a tiny portion in extra taxes. Then repeat. Compounding interest in money you’ve already made quickly is THE key to attaining wealth in a short period of time.
Ford also pushed up again today, another 2.8%. I’ve sold my position, but it’s not too late for you to get onboard and watch the stock rise to at least $11.50. Institutional buyers are accumulating the stock.
Hell, GBS had such a great year in 2009 with my investment accounts that if I can continue the pace into mid 2011 — I just may quit my day job and become full-time investor.
Stay tuned in 2010 for more of my EZ money stock plays. Invest and convert some of the profit into donations to Progressive candidates.
Nothing like taking $$ from huge corporate investors who tend to be Republcian and giving it to LIBERALS!!
Speaking of which, has anyone read about the RCCC dismal reelection funds. They have about $2 million on the books, enough to fully fund ONE race, while the Dems are sitting on about $15 million.
Lots of frustration on the right, but no money in which to win elections. And, let’s face it, no money, no winning.
Remember when Republicans used to dominate, and I mean DOMINATE Democrats in fund raising?
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa.
You conservatives suck!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 “Will the price of oil go up or down?”
Both, and that’s the beauty of it; you play the swings.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 I started with $10,000 and I’m worth less than $5 billion. I can’t time markets, stocks, or commodities, and some of my educated guesses don’t work. My portfolio is currently worth 8% less than it was in October 2007.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Hey HA Libtardos been paying attention to the crotch package bomber from Nigeria lately?
GBS, didn’t you recently say trying this fool in civilian courts is a great thing, when we on the right said why wasn’t he given to military tribunals or the FBI.
Well well well… it seems Odumba’s men knew of something happening with this fool before it happened.
Well well well… it seems now that we read the crotch package bomber his Miranda rights and lawyered him up he really didn’t tell us much as some of you told us. Wanna revisit the threads? Now they are striking deals for this fool to talk. Another stupid move using the standard dumb ASS dummocraptic criminal playbook. Why does Odumba and his fool Eric Never Hold Terrorists Accountable Holder think treating terrorists as Americans is a good thing?
Did you see John Brennan telling the Sunday shows there was no smoking gun on the crotch package bomber. Hmmm… let’s see…
Daddy says he’s a jihadist. – Nope that doesn’t count.
He buys a multithousand $$$ ticket with cash. – Nope that doesn’t count.
He doesn’t have belly stored luggage, only carry on. – Nope that doesn’t count.
Now the piece de resistance is why is Odumba closing the Yemen US Embassy? Didn’t Odumba give his Arab Apology Tour (AAT) in Cairo last year? There is no War on Terror so why are the embassies closed now? These are man made disasters not terrorist attacks. Can’t Odumba and his men stop a man made disaster?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 (a) I think we’re 5 to 8 years away from a normal residential real estate market in which homes can readily be sold for reasonable prices. Illiquidity will persist for a long time.
(b) Owning bonds is nothing more than lending money to entities who might not pay it back. Lending at today’s interest rates doesn’t make sense. Yet, people are flocking to bonds. This convinces me markets are neither efficient nor rational. Of course, I’ve known that all along.
(c) If I sell 200 shares of Company X at $25 a share, park the proceeds for 6 months in a money market fund paying 0.5% a year, then buy back 200 shares of Company X at $22.50 at the bottom of the correction I’m predicting will happen, and sell it for $25 a share at the end of the year, I will make a 10.25% annualized return. If I leave it in Stock X until the end of the year, I’ll make nothing. The trick with cash is to forget about interest rates and focus on what it will buy if you have it at a strategic time.
(d) I agree commercial real estate is worse than residential. You have all the problems of residential PLUS tenants who are struggling to make payroll and rent. A house at least has practical value when it lacks market value because you can live in it, whereas the dollar value of commercial real estate is joined like a Siamese twin to the cash flows it’s producing.
(e) Oil stocks have treated me well and I still own them. However, I’ve lightened my position in oilfield services stocks because they’re not undervalued right now. Unlike 3 or 4 years ago, I think this is a good time to buy the majors. For example, I bought British Petroleum for 36 last spring and it’s now worth 58. Deals like that aren’t available anymore, but Chevron and Exxon are decent buys for investors seeking safety and dividends. CVX’s 3.5% yield is 7 times that of a money market fund, plus CVX and XOM are a bit undervalued so you also might get a 5% to 10% lift in share prices over the next couple years. But mainly I would buy them for their dividend yields and lower volatility. If you’re greedy and risk tolerant, and more oriented toward capital gains, then look at top-quality coal stocks. They haven’t moved as much yet, because utilities are still sitting on large stockpiles due to reduced manufacturing consumption of electricity. Demand for coal will bounce back, but it may take a couple years, which is why the market hasn’t bid up these stocks yet. I think they’re undervalued if you’re willing to be patient. As always, buy only the top-quality companies in the sector. I own Arch Coal.
(f) I think gold is a bubble and people entering at this price will get their asses bit. Currencies are stronger than goldbugs think.
(g) Cash instruments — Treasuries, CDs, money market funds — pay less than inflation, so you’re losing money on your cash holdings. But if you want to play market volatility, then you must hold cash. Money you need access to also must be kept in cash instruments. Your objective here is liquidity, not return.
Cash is the worst place to keep money you won’t need soon. Why own 3% bonds when there are plenty of stocks paying 3% or better yields? Why be a lender instead of an owner? You can get over 5% right now by buying stock in AT&T or Verizon. (I have a small position in AT&T.) With stock yields like that available, why own any bonds? But I like these stocks only for money I’m willing to tie up for 5 years or longer. They function as long-term bonds paying 5% interest with a chance of capital gains. You can’t trade in or out of them, because they don’t move enough. Food processing is another sector where you can find staid dividend-paying stocks; Heinz is a good example.
Certain stocks are tied very closely to commodity prices. These stocks really are commodity plays. Oil, coal, fertilizers and agricultural chemicals, basic metals, all are in this category. I think, in general, commodity prices will creep higher as economic recovery brings increased demand for commodities — especially those used in manufacturing — but I don’t feel the potential gains here are big enough or fast enough to interest me.
There are lots of other investment vehicles, such as commercial paper. A friend of mine is making 7.5% on $100,000 of notes issued by a commercial borrower. This is long-term, illiquid money, and he knows the owner of the business. I don’t think anyone should get into these kinds of investments unless they have a thorough knowledge of the business they’re investing in and know exactly what they’re doing. The problem here is the business may go under or the borrower may simply decide not to pay you back.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Hey HA Libtardo fools…
Do you think Odumba would waterboard a criminal in a nanosecond if they knew information about Da missus or his children if they were in harms way; or would he take the Mike Dukakis way out?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 “Did you get in my recommendation for KONG?”
I read your comment, but I’m scared of Chinese stocks. I bought APEI instead.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 “These stock picks are not for you Mr. Cynical.”
He’s a goldbug. He’s sitting on a pile of Kruggerands waiting for them to hatch.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
obama is looking like joke.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Goldbugs are antisocial creeps. Owning gold is akin to burying money in the backyard. It doesn’t capitalize a single factory or job.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 You’re the fucking joke around here. Obama just saved the world. If McCain had won, we’d all be living in Hoovervilles and eating out of dumpsters.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
LMFAO @ saved the world….sounds like got ahold of Lee’s bong too….
who knew that Goebbels Rabbit was a stoner!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@10 “GBS, didn’t you recently say trying this fool in civilian courts is a great thing, when we on the right said why wasn’t he given to military tribunals or the FBI.”
That’s right, we liberals believe in the rule of law, unlike you fascists who beat the piss out of innocent and guilty alike. You’ll all go to Hell.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
why waste time with a trial? the guy tried to blow up a plane, he’s guilty…just put a bullet in his dome and call it a day.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 I’m not interested in debating that issue with an ignorant fuck who doesn’t know the difference between M1 and M3, and can’t explain the distinction between real inflation and monetary inflation. Come back when you know something.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
Nah…I will always be here fucking with a nazi like you….
go smoke another bowl Goebbels!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@22 I didn’t tell you to leave. I merely said I’m not going to waste my time debating a know-nothing.
proud leftistspews:
You are quickly becoming my hero. When I try to explain to those who don’t yet quite understand how dense the wingnuts have become, I can send them a few of your posts. Keep it coming, my friend!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@20 “why waste time with a trial?”
Put him in a POW camp for the duration if you like.
Damn that peacenik, commie, Obama admin. We’ve got enemies in this world and we need to be taking the fight to our enemies, not sitting around the oval office singing kumbaya.
Associated Press Writer
MEXICO CITY — Mexican troops acting on information from U.S. officials took out drug kingpin Arturo Beltran Leyva in an assault that provided a rare victory for President Felipe Calderon but left a power vacuum that could lead to more violence. http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....d=obinsite
‘Oh wait, never mind.
proud leftistspews:
Michael @ 26
What are the odds any of our trolls, however much we love them, will get the point of your post?
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@24… pleasure proud leftist..I will make sure to leave some bus fare on the nightstand later tonight so your wife can get home…..
bada bing!
If you’ve got a little extra M1 around, I know a non-profit group-home in Gig Harbor, that’s run by liberals that could use a $100 Costco card to stock up on a few things.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@25….well if your gonna have POW camps for the slimeball terrorists, then you gotta have military trial……
oh wait, obumba said we cant do that…..
I’d say about zero. But, I posted it to belittle them, not to enlighten them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 I think “hero” is too strong a word for this context. He’s a useful prop. I like having him around because he makes me look even smarter.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@30 The Taliban must be laughing their asses off if they think you’re all America has.
Max Rockatanskyspews:
aaww…another admiring post from our resident hateful Goebbels Rabbit….
I sure you are deep into planning the next kristallnacht against people you dont agree with – I know your type….
Max Rockatanskyspews:
@33….how in the hell do you come up with that post in response to mine?
I think senility is really setting in on the old Goebbels Rabbit.
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
@5 (a) I think we’re 5 to 8 years away from a normal residential real estate market in which homes can readily be sold for reasonable prices. Illiquidity will persist for a long time.
@29 If I had enough M1 I wouldn’t be trying to get more. We have a lot of needs around here.
Mrs. Rabbitspews:
@38 Yeah? When? I’ve never seen anything.
Roger Rabbitspews:
See? Even Mrs. Rabbit knows what M1 is! But she likes M3 even better. (sigh)
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
Hey Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny,
If we interrogated the fool (he’s not an American and he tried to kill over 250 in the air and untold number on the ground) before reading him his miranda rights and getting him a prime lawyer maybe we would be needing to make “deals” with terrorists.
But being Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny, that’s what your kinds does with terrorists. It’s the ACLU way. Love the terrorist and hate Americans. So why does your type Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny hate Americans?
What would have happened if the bomb went off and the plane was over Windsor Canada on final approach? Wouldn’t that have made it an international terrorist incident? Don’t you know depending on the wind the final approach comes in from Canada. Yep, it would have been really interesting. Now what about the other guy they arrested. How come no news on that?
proud leftistspews:
Michael @ 31
We can’t belittle our trolls. What would we do without them? Have serious policy debates based on facts? What fun would that be? No, we must welcome our trolls, pat them on their heads, feed them milk and cookies, and keep them coming here.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@36 Is there some reason you’re overlooking the deregulation of financial institutions on your watch, and the Wild West mentality that trickled down to the street from Wingnut Antigovernment Ideology?
Puddybud Remembers Progressives Forgetspews:
No, we must welcome our trolls, pat them on their heads, feed them milk and cookies, and keep them coming here.
What a bunch of crapola. You assign them your namesake honor proud leftist when you disagree with their facts. Facts explode libtardo minds.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 I do, however, make charitable contributions. Especially when it comes to supporting our troops. I donated to Operation Helmet when Bush refused to buy safer helmets for our combat troops in Iraq, I picked up the restaurant tab for an unemployed veteran on Veterans Day, and I took a Fort Lewis soldier out on the town on Christmas Day. Nothing is too good for our soldiers!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@41 You don’t understand. They don’t want milk and cookies. They enjoy being kicked. They’re masochistic bastards.
Puddybud Likes Flying Dutchmenspews:
38. Mrs. Rabbit spews: @38 Yeah? When? I’ve never seen anything.
Now what body part of Herr Goebbel Dumb Bunny’s could “she” be talking about?
proud leftistspews:
Puddy @ 40
The ACLU is the most patriotic nonprofit I can think of. The ACLU stands up for the Bill of Rights. You really don’t get what this nation stands for, do you? (I’m headed to bed, so, Goodnight, Sweetpea, I won’t be responding to whatever nonsense you post from here on out.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
@43 “What a bunch of crapola.”
For once I agree with you. See #45.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 What exactly do you think you can do to him that he hasn’t already done to himself?
Roger Rabbitspews:
I see righteous anger among the trolls over what this guy tried to do. That’s good. Maybe someday they’ll begin to understand our righteous anger over some of the stuff they did, such as blaming Bush’s decision to release the guys who trained this terrorist on us. Righteous anger is a mighty thing; and it can be a good thing, if properly directed. Remember what Yamamoto said about waking a sleeping giant? But there’s a difference between righteous anger and stupid angry. The fact is, the right has been incredibly stupid about all of this terrorism stuff. Even right now, as I type, a Republican Congress critter is holding up the appointment of a permanent Homeland Security director because he thinks keeping unions out of that department is higher priority than catching terrorists who want to blow up planes. That pisses me off. Not just at that Republican, but at all Republicans, because they all think and act alike.
Puddybud Likes Flying Dutchmenspews:
Once again proud leftist stands up for an organization who purposely stifles Christianity but promotes anything non-Christian, immediately jumps up and takes the side on anti-American terrorists, and wants them tried as Americans in a court of law. Can you imagine if the ACLU was a viable concern during WWII. Imagine how they would have reacted on the Bataan Death March. “Well those US soldiers deserved it.” Or the fight at Guadal Canal. “How can Americans use flame throwers against those Japanese in those tunnels?” etc. etc. etc.
Sorry proud leftist, but this orgainzation is not anything “patriotic” right now.
More nonsense from the Kitsap lawyer who named an award after himself.
Puddybud Likes Flying Dutchmenspews:
Even right now, as I type, a Republican Congress critter is holding up the appointment of a permanent Homeland Security director because he thinks keeping unions out of that department is higher priority than catching terrorists who want to blow up planes.
Well the dude did lie about using federal databases to look up his wife’s boyfriend. That is a federal crime Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny. BTW if TSA did go on strike how would you get through security to fly fool? First you need to be security checked and some crusty old Nazi loving critter such as yourself needs a thorough security check since you are against profiling those who cause terrorist attacks… ummm… man made disasters.
Wait a minute… every time you post and make a thread your personal diarrhea playground is a man made disaster!
Puddybud Likes Flying Dutchmenspews:
@41 You don’t understand. They don’t want milk and cookies. They enjoy being kicked. They’re masochistic bastards.
What a worthless post. Puddy delivers the fact we gave the Nigerian package bomber his miranda rights, he shut up, he now has a lawyer and we are trying to cut a deal for him to talk and Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny responds with that crap.
Had we sent him to the FBI, treated him as an enemy combatant, maybe we would have learned more than we now admittedly know. So those original reports of him talking and telling us what Al Qaeda was planning were lies from Odumba’s administration.
Great job Holder!
@52: They held him up before they ever heard about that…..because he was pro-union.
republicans obstruct.
republicans lie.
republicans are hypocrites – that is why the republicans did not say anything when Bush wasted 1 trillion in Iraq.
But if we want to make sure all Americans can have some health insurance – republicans oppose that.
but republicans support wasting billions of dollars by not allowing Medicare to negotiate prices on Pharmaceutical drugs.
Puddybud Likes Flying Dutchmenspews:
@52: They held him up before they ever heard about that…..because he was pro-union.
He lied on his original questionnaire then he only corrected it the next day after they approved him in committee. Another fact check failure by Odumba’s administration!
correctnotright, another chronological idiot!
don we now our gay agenda: discussspews:
This morning KIRO-FM’s Paul Harris spewed hate and intolerance toward evangelical Christians. Recycling misleading assertions from virulently biased MSNBC, Harris charged that three or four American Christians had incited the government of Uganda to enact prohibitions of homosexuals, prohibitions that mimic those of Islamic Sharia law.
A few hateful Christians, said Harris the hater, coerced Uganda to order the execution of gays. No executions yet, but Christians have blood on their hands.
Here’s the rest of the story, taken from a one-minute Wikipedia search: “However, under a proposed “Anti-Homosexuality Bill”, people who test positive for HIV and subsequently engage in homosexual relations may be executed.”
Note what Harris left out of his bigoted rant. Notice that he failed to mention the word “may.” Notice that he (and probably Rachel Maddow) failed to mention that the only homosexuals who “may” be executed are those who tested positive for HIV, a scourge in sub-Saharan Africa, before engaging in gay sex.
What Harris left out of his vicious slander of evangelical Christians totally changes the tenor of the discussion. Uganda, predominantly Christian, is one of the few nations in Africa that has stifled endemic AIDS. Christian constraints on promiscuity, homo and hetero, have probably contributed to Uganda’s success. Calling for the possible execution of HIV-positive predators may promote continued success, and will certainly be a deterrent to reckless behavior, a deterrent from which innocent and uninfected Ugandans will benefit.
Harris, on the other hand, is promoting lies. He owes us an apology, but won’t be around tomorrow to make it. That’s why Mr. Ross has an obligation to set the record straight … no pun intended.
@31, 37
I was joking about the donation. Never thought to call my spending money my M1 money.
roger is a goldy: discussspews:
RR (and that’s not Ronald Reagan) mentioned yesterday that he almost got sling-shot to death on the DMZ in the NAM. Perhaps that explains why every RR post — and there are so so so many — smell as if they were typed by someone who was shot at and missed, shit at and hit.
GWB made GBS go bad: discussspews:
You got the BS from GBS (the Big G stands for Goatpoke), now get the truth from godless Hitchens. Almost everything you need to know about virulent violent Religion-of-Peace jihad is right there.
(Of course you’ll go to his Palin snarkasm first, but that’s what we expect from tolerant progressives like you, who tried to neuter or castrate “Snitchens” after he tried to tell the truth about your boy Bill Clinton.}
So stop wasting your time by wallowing in GBS BS. Go to Hitchens and learn something useful about terror and about the war we’re in.
GWB made GBS go bad: discussspews:
(g) Anything else I’ve overlooked?
Purell? Nevermind pig flu. Nevermind microbes. Word on the street is that it’s a kick-ass kick when liberally drunk by drunks at King County jail.
Bottom line: Go long on cheap thrills, but short your positions on rhp, GBS, and Roger Hussein Rabbit.
(rhp is practicing investment medicine without a license, and is therefore a goldy: discuss.)
Roger Hussein Rabbit is hazardous to your health: discussspews:
42. Roger Rabbit spews:
@36 Is there some reason you’re overlooking the deregulation of financial institutions on your watch, and the Wild West mentality that trickled down to the street from Wingnut Antigovernment Ideology?
Hate to put a cork in your projectile-farting spew, but you really need to get a clue. Get your rear end under control so your front end can process necessary information before you continue frenetically to waste our time with nonsense. (Such as the nonsense that Obama saved the world. Maybe you’ve been contaminated by GBS BS. Pull your head out of his ass while putting a cork in yours.)
Joseph Stiglitz wrote, “When repeal of Glass-Steagall brought investment and commercial banks together, the investment-bank culture came out on top.”
But others note that the pure investment banks, like Lehman Brothers, have been the greatest source of instability, while the banks with combined commercial and investment arms have fared the best. “Banks did terrible things, investment banks did terrible things, a big insurance company named A.I.G. did terrible things, but basically none of that was enabled by the repeal of Glass-Steagall,” said Alan Blinder, an economist at Princeton, who had his share of confrontations with Summers when he was a member of the C.E.A., in the first two years of the Clinton Administration. Brad DeLong added, “To say that the breaking down of the Glass-Steagall wall between investment banks and commercial banks was the source of the current crisis is just wrong.” – via The New Yorker, Ryan Lizza, 12 October 2009
Puddybud Likes Flying Dutchmenspews:
Funniest comment today…
shot at and missed, shit at and hit.
Yes that explains Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny!
Puddybud Likes Flying Dutchmenspews:
There goes one of Don Joe’s favorite argument points!
GBS EZ money pick @ 7 said:
“Ford also pushed up again today, another 2.8%. I’ve sold my position, but it’s not too late for you to get onboard and watch the stock rise to at least $11.50. Institutional buyers are accumulating the stock.”
When ya hot, ya hot and I’m freakin’ goin’ thermonuclear!!
Ford closed yesterday at $10.28. I gave the HOT HOT PICK to get in. Didja?
Well, Ford closed today @ $10.96 on 214.83 MILLION shares traded. That’s slightly above the 13 week vol avg of 79.51 million.
Like I said, institutional buyers are accumulating Ford’s stock BIG TIME.
Today’s move was a 6.61% move up. And nearly 10% YTD LOL to the BANK!
Say what you will, but I post my recommendations BEFORE the trade and not afterwards like Mr. C, who ALWAYS times the market prefectly — after the fact.
Yeah, and I bet his favorite team wins the Super Bowl every year.
59 & 60:
Lovin’ the screen name. That made me lauuuughhh out loud.
You know how it feels when you make a lot of damn money the EZ way, like I do, you’re petty little name calling is just plain funny.
No wait, my bad, I hope I didn’t offend you. Of course you don’t know how it feels to make EZ money.
Any how, if did, if you could, you would know how good I feel taking LOTS of money from Republican investors and giving a good portion of it to ULTRA-LIBERAL political candidates.
Save your breath and your keystrokes, because IF you COULD, you would post your stock recommendations before the trade executes like I do.
You know, walk the walk and not talk the talk.
Like I said before, any conservatives who care to back up their bull shit — be my guest.
(Groucho) Marx & (John) Lennonspews:
Easy money: Didn’t Rabbit tell you that I told him? Your unearned increments of surplus value aren’t extorted from bloated Republicans. They’re gouged and scraped from the bleeding brow of exploited labor. In other words, from Republicans like me.
But before repeating myself, you couldn’t give me a good reason why you deleted Comment #39. Why? Why was it delted? Others made comment of Jesus’ sexuality, I made similiar comment and it gets deleted…not fair, now I know you don’t have to be fair, but at least don’t tell me that you are judging things fairly here – that is my beef…..tell me that you are censoring my comments because you don’t like them, not that they don’t meet the rules of the blog.
M&L @ 66:
Don ‘t get distracted by the wrong details.
The one that counts is giving some of my outsized profits to ultra-liberal progressives. I don’t reeeeeeeealy care where it comes from as long as I didn’t have to physically work to earn it.
Your comment was deleted because you are under increased scrutiny on account of your bad commenting behavior.
Any time you start getting repetitive with off-the-wall shit, your comments may disappear. Your deleted comment was not substantively different from this one.
I will NOT allow you to use “comment creep” to work your way back to posting “advertisements” as you were doing before. Try to participate in the conversation or don’t comment.
This blog needs more open threads. There should be a new one every day.
Now watch some troll post a comment attacking open threads.
Happy new year …
The DJIA is up 173 points at this moment, and oil has broken through $80/bbl. I’ve made $2,400 in the market this morning so far — sure beats working for a shitty boss at a shitty job to make shitty wages!
A lot of pundits, though, say this market is overvalued. My broker thinks we’re in for a 10% to 15% correction. I told him my plan is to ride the “January effect” up, then take profits and sit on cash awaiting further developments.
Apparently the buying is being done by investors who are pricing in a near-term full economic recovery. By 2007 measures, stocks are cheap; but most aren’t cheap when compared to 2009 earnings data.
I’m inclined to go with those who argue the economy still has big-time problems and current stock prices lack support from forward fundamentals. That doesn’t mean money can’t be made in stocks. But it has to be made by playing volatility, not by riding growth. This makes it a zero-sum game in which the smart take money from the dumb.
Of course, most stock trading has nothing to do with capitalizing ventures. The only time you contribute capital to a company is when you buy an IPO or other issuance of new stock, and I’ve never done that, so I’m a pure flipper. I’m simply a leech who trades on the stupidity and mistakes of the thundering herd, the vast majority of whom are institutional investors. In other words, I’m ripping off your pension fund.
Thanks for the money, fools! I wanna live like a Republican, too. Keep investing in those 401(k)s like Bush told you! You don’t need social security. You’d just spend it in Indian casinos anyway. So, if you’re gonna throw money away, you might as well give it to a deserving progressive rabbit.
That’s how I see it.
#3 Congratulations! You should write a book or run one of those stadium filling seminars and teach others how to gamble and magically never be wrong. ;-)
Will the price of oil go up or down? Granted there are endless unforeseen circumstances, weather, military actions, global use, discoveries…but if you can managed to just magically never be wrong, and only ever make the right educated guess, you’ll be worth billions. And of course if you can do this with $10k, you can make thousands, then do it again with $100k and make tens of thousands. Then do it again with $1 million and so on until you’re worth billions. How many billion are you worth? Don’t want to embarrass you, but over $10 billion? Less than $5? Just curious.
Ok. That was sarcasm, but couldn’t resist. Remember, a truism of life, the more money you have the happier you are! Oh wait, that’s not true.
RR @ 3: There’s still lots of money being held in 401(k)’s and other investment vehicles. If you don’t think there will be a general recovery of the stock market, then what are the alternatives?
(a) Residential Real Estate? We’ve already caught the bounce from the big lows of a year ago, I’m not sure it’s going to recover much more in the short term. Too many houses underwater, too many bank-owned properties available, too many people who want to move but are holding off, they will dump their houses on the market at the first sign of a recovery (thereby dampening any recovery).
(b) Bonds? I’m wondering how many more municipalities and companies will end up defaulting on their bonds.
(c) Money markets? Perhaps, if you just want to sit tight for a year or more. Lots of people who thought that was a safe out from the stock market found out othewise when the dollar collapsed. But that may make the dollar a buyer’s market, now.
(d) Commercial Real Estate? I think that’s riskier now than residential real estate. It will take longer to recover.
(e) Oil? Maybe the best bet, but it’s still being held down by the general economic situation and the dollar’s devaluation. Plus, I’m never eager to gamble on an industry that’s controlled by a small number of players.
(f) Gold? There’s lots of people advertising out there, which makes me think that the market probably has already turned on that investment. But I could be wrong.
(g) Anything else I’ve overlooked?
rhp @ 5
Slight correction:
Lots of people who [money markets were] a safe out from the stock market found out othewise when the dollar collapsed.
That wasn’t a dollar collapse in a traditional sense. Money markets are really mutual funds, and a number of them had put sufficient funds into various secondary securities, because CDO’s were thought to be “safe”.
Roger Rabbit:
Did you get in my recommendation for KONG?
Yep, the stock price jumped 7.67% TODAY!! On nearly 4 TIMES the normal volume. That’s investors voting with their wallets folks!
Mmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmm making EZ money is fuuuuuu-uunn!!
These stock picks are not for you Mr. Cynical. You have to be willing to make a killing in a short period of time and pay a tiny portion in extra taxes. Then repeat. Compounding interest in money you’ve already made quickly is THE key to attaining wealth in a short period of time.
Ford also pushed up again today, another 2.8%. I’ve sold my position, but it’s not too late for you to get onboard and watch the stock rise to at least $11.50. Institutional buyers are accumulating the stock.
Hell, GBS had such a great year in 2009 with my investment accounts that if I can continue the pace into mid 2011 — I just may quit my day job and become full-time investor.
Stay tuned in 2010 for more of my EZ money stock plays. Invest and convert some of the profit into donations to Progressive candidates.
Nothing like taking $$ from huge corporate investors who tend to be Republcian and giving it to LIBERALS!!
Speaking of which, has anyone read about the RCCC dismal reelection funds. They have about $2 million on the books, enough to fully fund ONE race, while the Dems are sitting on about $15 million.
Lots of frustration on the right, but no money in which to win elections. And, let’s face it, no money, no winning.
Remember when Republicans used to dominate, and I mean DOMINATE Democrats in fund raising?
Baaa haaa haaa haaa haaa.
You conservatives suck!
@4 “Will the price of oil go up or down?”
Both, and that’s the beauty of it; you play the swings.
@4 I started with $10,000 and I’m worth less than $5 billion. I can’t time markets, stocks, or commodities, and some of my educated guesses don’t work. My portfolio is currently worth 8% less than it was in October 2007.
Hey HA Libtardos been paying attention to the crotch package bomber from Nigeria lately?
GBS, didn’t you recently say trying this fool in civilian courts is a great thing, when we on the right said why wasn’t he given to military tribunals or the FBI.
Well well well… it seems Odumba’s men knew of something happening with this fool before it happened.
Well well well… it seems now that we read the crotch package bomber his Miranda rights and lawyered him up he really didn’t tell us much as some of you told us. Wanna revisit the threads? Now they are striking deals for this fool to talk. Another stupid move using the standard dumb ASS dummocraptic criminal playbook. Why does Odumba and his fool Eric Never Hold Terrorists Accountable Holder think treating terrorists as Americans is a good thing?
Did you see John Brennan telling the Sunday shows there was no smoking gun on the crotch package bomber. Hmmm… let’s see…
Daddy says he’s a jihadist. – Nope that doesn’t count.
He buys a multithousand $$$ ticket with cash. – Nope that doesn’t count.
He doesn’t have belly stored luggage, only carry on. – Nope that doesn’t count.
But a “flying dutchman” did count!
Now the piece de resistance is why is Odumba closing the Yemen US Embassy? Didn’t Odumba give his Arab Apology Tour (AAT) in Cairo last year? There is no War on Terror so why are the embassies closed now? These are man made disasters not terrorist attacks. Can’t Odumba and his men stop a man made disaster?
@5 (a) I think we’re 5 to 8 years away from a normal residential real estate market in which homes can readily be sold for reasonable prices. Illiquidity will persist for a long time.
(b) Owning bonds is nothing more than lending money to entities who might not pay it back. Lending at today’s interest rates doesn’t make sense. Yet, people are flocking to bonds. This convinces me markets are neither efficient nor rational. Of course, I’ve known that all along.
(c) If I sell 200 shares of Company X at $25 a share, park the proceeds for 6 months in a money market fund paying 0.5% a year, then buy back 200 shares of Company X at $22.50 at the bottom of the correction I’m predicting will happen, and sell it for $25 a share at the end of the year, I will make a 10.25% annualized return. If I leave it in Stock X until the end of the year, I’ll make nothing. The trick with cash is to forget about interest rates and focus on what it will buy if you have it at a strategic time.
(d) I agree commercial real estate is worse than residential. You have all the problems of residential PLUS tenants who are struggling to make payroll and rent. A house at least has practical value when it lacks market value because you can live in it, whereas the dollar value of commercial real estate is joined like a Siamese twin to the cash flows it’s producing.
(e) Oil stocks have treated me well and I still own them. However, I’ve lightened my position in oilfield services stocks because they’re not undervalued right now. Unlike 3 or 4 years ago, I think this is a good time to buy the majors. For example, I bought British Petroleum for 36 last spring and it’s now worth 58. Deals like that aren’t available anymore, but Chevron and Exxon are decent buys for investors seeking safety and dividends. CVX’s 3.5% yield is 7 times that of a money market fund, plus CVX and XOM are a bit undervalued so you also might get a 5% to 10% lift in share prices over the next couple years. But mainly I would buy them for their dividend yields and lower volatility. If you’re greedy and risk tolerant, and more oriented toward capital gains, then look at top-quality coal stocks. They haven’t moved as much yet, because utilities are still sitting on large stockpiles due to reduced manufacturing consumption of electricity. Demand for coal will bounce back, but it may take a couple years, which is why the market hasn’t bid up these stocks yet. I think they’re undervalued if you’re willing to be patient. As always, buy only the top-quality companies in the sector. I own Arch Coal.
(f) I think gold is a bubble and people entering at this price will get their asses bit. Currencies are stronger than goldbugs think.
(g) Cash instruments — Treasuries, CDs, money market funds — pay less than inflation, so you’re losing money on your cash holdings. But if you want to play market volatility, then you must hold cash. Money you need access to also must be kept in cash instruments. Your objective here is liquidity, not return.
Cash is the worst place to keep money you won’t need soon. Why own 3% bonds when there are plenty of stocks paying 3% or better yields? Why be a lender instead of an owner? You can get over 5% right now by buying stock in AT&T or Verizon. (I have a small position in AT&T.) With stock yields like that available, why own any bonds? But I like these stocks only for money I’m willing to tie up for 5 years or longer. They function as long-term bonds paying 5% interest with a chance of capital gains. You can’t trade in or out of them, because they don’t move enough. Food processing is another sector where you can find staid dividend-paying stocks; Heinz is a good example.
Certain stocks are tied very closely to commodity prices. These stocks really are commodity plays. Oil, coal, fertilizers and agricultural chemicals, basic metals, all are in this category. I think, in general, commodity prices will creep higher as economic recovery brings increased demand for commodities — especially those used in manufacturing — but I don’t feel the potential gains here are big enough or fast enough to interest me.
There are lots of other investment vehicles, such as commercial paper. A friend of mine is making 7.5% on $100,000 of notes issued by a commercial borrower. This is long-term, illiquid money, and he knows the owner of the business. I don’t think anyone should get into these kinds of investments unless they have a thorough knowledge of the business they’re investing in and know exactly what they’re doing. The problem here is the business may go under or the borrower may simply decide not to pay you back.
Hey HA Libtardo fools…
Do you think Odumba would waterboard a criminal in a nanosecond if they knew information about Da missus or his children if they were in harms way; or would he take the Mike Dukakis way out?
@7 “Did you get in my recommendation for KONG?”
I read your comment, but I’m scared of Chinese stocks. I bought APEI instead.
@7 “These stock picks are not for you Mr. Cynical.”
He’s a goldbug. He’s sitting on a pile of Kruggerands waiting for them to hatch.
obama is looking like joke.
Goldbugs are antisocial creeps. Owning gold is akin to burying money in the backyard. It doesn’t capitalize a single factory or job.
@15 You’re the fucking joke around here. Obama just saved the world. If McCain had won, we’d all be living in Hoovervilles and eating out of dumpsters.
LMFAO @ saved the world….sounds like got ahold of Lee’s bong too….
who knew that Goebbels Rabbit was a stoner!
@10 “GBS, didn’t you recently say trying this fool in civilian courts is a great thing, when we on the right said why wasn’t he given to military tribunals or the FBI.”
That’s right, we liberals believe in the rule of law, unlike you fascists who beat the piss out of innocent and guilty alike. You’ll all go to Hell.
why waste time with a trial? the guy tried to blow up a plane, he’s guilty…just put a bullet in his dome and call it a day.
@18 I’m not interested in debating that issue with an ignorant fuck who doesn’t know the difference between M1 and M3, and can’t explain the distinction between real inflation and monetary inflation. Come back when you know something.
Nah…I will always be here fucking with a nazi like you….
go smoke another bowl Goebbels!
@22 I didn’t tell you to leave. I merely said I’m not going to waste my time debating a know-nothing.
You are quickly becoming my hero. When I try to explain to those who don’t yet quite understand how dense the wingnuts have become, I can send them a few of your posts. Keep it coming, my friend!
@20 “why waste time with a trial?”
Put him in a POW camp for the duration if you like.
Damn that peacenik, commie, Obama admin. We’ve got enemies in this world and we need to be taking the fight to our enemies, not sitting around the oval office singing kumbaya.
‘Oh wait, never mind.
Michael @ 26
What are the odds any of our trolls, however much we love them, will get the point of your post?
@24… pleasure proud leftist..I will make sure to leave some bus fare on the nightstand later tonight so your wife can get home…..
bada bing!
If you’ve got a little extra M1 around, I know a non-profit group-home in Gig Harbor, that’s run by liberals that could use a $100 Costco card to stock up on a few things.
@25….well if your gonna have POW camps for the slimeball terrorists, then you gotta have military trial……
oh wait, obumba said we cant do that…..
I’d say about zero. But, I posted it to belittle them, not to enlighten them.
@24 I think “hero” is too strong a word for this context. He’s a useful prop. I like having him around because he makes me look even smarter.
@30 The Taliban must be laughing their asses off if they think you’re all America has.
aaww…another admiring post from our resident hateful Goebbels Rabbit….
I sure you are deep into planning the next kristallnacht against people you dont agree with – I know your type….
@33….how in the hell do you come up with that post in response to mine?
I think senility is really setting in on the old Goebbels Rabbit.
Thank you Freddy and Fannie.
@29 If I had enough M1 I wouldn’t be trying to get more. We have a lot of needs around here.
@38 Yeah? When? I’ve never seen anything.
See? Even Mrs. Rabbit knows what M1 is! But she likes M3 even better. (sigh)
Hey Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny,
If we interrogated the fool (he’s not an American and he tried to kill over 250 in the air and untold number on the ground) before reading him his miranda rights and getting him a prime lawyer maybe we would be needing to make “deals” with terrorists.
But being Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny, that’s what your kinds does with terrorists. It’s the ACLU way. Love the terrorist and hate Americans. So why does your type Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny hate Americans?
What would have happened if the bomb went off and the plane was over Windsor Canada on final approach? Wouldn’t that have made it an international terrorist incident? Don’t you know depending on the wind the final approach comes in from Canada. Yep, it would have been really interesting. Now what about the other guy they arrested. How come no news on that?
Michael @ 31
We can’t belittle our trolls. What would we do without them? Have serious policy debates based on facts? What fun would that be? No, we must welcome our trolls, pat them on their heads, feed them milk and cookies, and keep them coming here.
@36 Is there some reason you’re overlooking the deregulation of financial institutions on your watch, and the Wild West mentality that trickled down to the street from Wingnut Antigovernment Ideology?
No, we must welcome our trolls, pat them on their heads, feed them milk and cookies, and keep them coming here.
What a bunch of crapola. You assign them your namesake honor proud leftist when you disagree with their facts. Facts explode libtardo minds.
@37 I do, however, make charitable contributions. Especially when it comes to supporting our troops. I donated to Operation Helmet when Bush refused to buy safer helmets for our combat troops in Iraq, I picked up the restaurant tab for an unemployed veteran on Veterans Day, and I took a Fort Lewis soldier out on the town on Christmas Day. Nothing is too good for our soldiers!
@41 You don’t understand. They don’t want milk and cookies. They enjoy being kicked. They’re masochistic bastards.
Now what body part of Herr Goebbel Dumb Bunny’s could “she” be talking about?
Puddy @ 40
The ACLU is the most patriotic nonprofit I can think of. The ACLU stands up for the Bill of Rights. You really don’t get what this nation stands for, do you? (I’m headed to bed, so, Goodnight, Sweetpea, I won’t be responding to whatever nonsense you post from here on out.)
@43 “What a bunch of crapola.”
For once I agree with you. See #45.
@40 What exactly do you think you can do to him that he hasn’t already done to himself?
I see righteous anger among the trolls over what this guy tried to do. That’s good. Maybe someday they’ll begin to understand our righteous anger over some of the stuff they did, such as blaming Bush’s decision to release the guys who trained this terrorist on us. Righteous anger is a mighty thing; and it can be a good thing, if properly directed. Remember what Yamamoto said about waking a sleeping giant? But there’s a difference between righteous anger and stupid angry. The fact is, the right has been incredibly stupid about all of this terrorism stuff. Even right now, as I type, a Republican Congress critter is holding up the appointment of a permanent Homeland Security director because he thinks keeping unions out of that department is higher priority than catching terrorists who want to blow up planes. That pisses me off. Not just at that Republican, but at all Republicans, because they all think and act alike.
Once again proud leftist stands up for an organization who purposely stifles Christianity but promotes anything non-Christian, immediately jumps up and takes the side on anti-American terrorists, and wants them tried as Americans in a court of law. Can you imagine if the ACLU was a viable concern during WWII. Imagine how they would have reacted on the Bataan Death March. “Well those US soldiers deserved it.” Or the fight at Guadal Canal. “How can Americans use flame throwers against those Japanese in those tunnels?” etc. etc. etc.
Sorry proud leftist, but this orgainzation is not anything “patriotic” right now.
More nonsense from the Kitsap lawyer who named an award after himself.
Well the dude did lie about using federal databases to look up his wife’s boyfriend. That is a federal crime Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny. BTW if TSA did go on strike how would you get through security to fly fool? First you need to be security checked and some crusty old Nazi loving critter such as yourself needs a thorough security check since you are against profiling those who cause terrorist attacks… ummm… man made disasters.
Wait a minute… every time you post and make a thread your personal diarrhea playground is a man made disaster!
What a worthless post. Puddy delivers the fact we gave the Nigerian package bomber his miranda rights, he shut up, he now has a lawyer and we are trying to cut a deal for him to talk and Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny responds with that crap.
Had we sent him to the FBI, treated him as an enemy combatant, maybe we would have learned more than we now admittedly know. So those original reports of him talking and telling us what Al Qaeda was planning were lies from Odumba’s administration.
Great job Holder!
@52: They held him up before they ever heard about that…..because he was pro-union.
republicans obstruct.
republicans lie.
republicans are hypocrites – that is why the republicans did not say anything when Bush wasted 1 trillion in Iraq.
But if we want to make sure all Americans can have some health insurance – republicans oppose that.
but republicans support wasting billions of dollars by not allowing Medicare to negotiate prices on Pharmaceutical drugs.
He lied on his original questionnaire then he only corrected it the next day after they approved him in committee. Another fact check failure by Odumba’s administration!
correctnotright, another chronological idiot!
This morning KIRO-FM’s Paul Harris spewed hate and intolerance toward evangelical Christians. Recycling misleading assertions from virulently biased MSNBC, Harris charged that three or four American Christians had incited the government of Uganda to enact prohibitions of homosexuals, prohibitions that mimic those of Islamic Sharia law.
A few hateful Christians, said Harris the hater, coerced Uganda to order the execution of gays. No executions yet, but Christians have blood on their hands.
Here’s the rest of the story, taken from a one-minute Wikipedia search: “However, under a proposed “Anti-Homosexuality Bill”, people who test positive for HIV and subsequently engage in homosexual relations may be executed.”
Note what Harris left out of his bigoted rant. Notice that he failed to mention the word “may.” Notice that he (and probably Rachel Maddow) failed to mention that the only homosexuals who “may” be executed are those who tested positive for HIV, a scourge in sub-Saharan Africa, before engaging in gay sex.
What Harris left out of his vicious slander of evangelical Christians totally changes the tenor of the discussion. Uganda, predominantly Christian, is one of the few nations in Africa that has stifled endemic AIDS. Christian constraints on promiscuity, homo and hetero, have probably contributed to Uganda’s success. Calling for the possible execution of HIV-positive predators may promote continued success, and will certainly be a deterrent to reckless behavior, a deterrent from which innocent and uninfected Ugandans will benefit.
Harris, on the other hand, is promoting lies. He owes us an apology, but won’t be around tomorrow to make it. That’s why Mr. Ross has an obligation to set the record straight … no pun intended.
@31, 37
I was joking about the donation. Never thought to call my spending money my M1 money.
RR (and that’s not Ronald Reagan) mentioned yesterday that he almost got sling-shot to death on the DMZ in the NAM. Perhaps that explains why every RR post — and there are so so so many — smell as if they were typed by someone who was shot at and missed, shit at and hit.
You got the BS from GBS (the Big G stands for Goatpoke), now get the truth from godless Hitchens. Almost everything you need to know about virulent violent Religion-of-Peace jihad is right there.
(Of course you’ll go to his Palin snarkasm first, but that’s what we expect from tolerant progressives like you, who tried to neuter or castrate “Snitchens” after he tried to tell the truth about your boy Bill Clinton.}
So stop wasting your time by wallowing in GBS BS. Go to Hitchens and learn something useful about terror and about the war we’re in.
Purell? Nevermind pig flu. Nevermind microbes. Word on the street is that it’s a kick-ass kick when liberally drunk by drunks at King County jail.
Bottom line: Go long on cheap thrills, but short your positions on rhp, GBS, and Roger Hussein Rabbit.
(rhp is practicing investment medicine without a license, and is therefore a goldy: discuss.)
Hate to put a cork in your projectile-farting spew, but you really need to get a clue. Get your rear end under control so your front end can process necessary information before you continue frenetically to waste our time with nonsense. (Such as the nonsense that Obama saved the world. Maybe you’ve been contaminated by GBS BS. Pull your head out of his ass while putting a cork in yours.)
Funniest comment today…
Yes that explains Herr Goebbels Dumb Bunny!
There goes one of Don Joe’s favorite argument points!
GBS EZ money pick @ 7 said:
“Ford also pushed up again today, another 2.8%. I’ve sold my position, but it’s not too late for you to get onboard and watch the stock rise to at least $11.50. Institutional buyers are accumulating the stock.”
When ya hot, ya hot and I’m freakin’ goin’ thermonuclear!!
Ford closed yesterday at $10.28. I gave the HOT HOT PICK to get in. Didja?
Well, Ford closed today @ $10.96 on 214.83 MILLION shares traded. That’s slightly above the 13 week vol avg of 79.51 million.
Like I said, institutional buyers are accumulating Ford’s stock BIG TIME.
Today’s move was a 6.61% move up. And nearly 10% YTD LOL to the BANK!
Say what you will, but I post my recommendations BEFORE the trade and not afterwards like Mr. C, who ALWAYS times the market prefectly — after the fact.
Yeah, and I bet his favorite team wins the Super Bowl every year.
59 & 60:
Lovin’ the screen name. That made me lauuuughhh out loud.
You know how it feels when you make a lot of damn money the EZ way, like I do, you’re petty little name calling is just plain funny.
No wait, my bad, I hope I didn’t offend you. Of course you don’t know how it feels to make EZ money.
Any how, if did, if you could, you would know how good I feel taking LOTS of money from Republican investors and giving a good portion of it to ULTRA-LIBERAL political candidates.
Save your breath and your keystrokes, because IF you COULD, you would post your stock recommendations before the trade executes like I do.
You know, walk the walk and not talk the talk.
Like I said before, any conservatives who care to back up their bull shit — be my guest.
Easy money: Didn’t Rabbit tell you that I told him? Your unearned increments of surplus value aren’t extorted from bloated Republicans. They’re gouged and scraped from the bleeding brow of exploited labor. In other words, from Republicans like me.
But before repeating myself, you couldn’t give me a good reason why you deleted Comment #39. Why? Why was it delted? Others made comment of Jesus’ sexuality, I made similiar comment and it gets deleted…not fair, now I know you don’t have to be fair, but at least don’t tell me that you are judging things fairly here – that is my beef…..tell me that you are censoring my comments because you don’t like them, not that they don’t meet the rules of the blog.
M&L @ 66:
Don ‘t get distracted by the wrong details.
The one that counts is giving some of my outsized profits to ultra-liberal progressives. I don’t reeeeeeeealy care where it comes from as long as I didn’t have to physically work to earn it.
Your comment was deleted because you are under increased scrutiny on account of your bad commenting behavior.
Any time you start getting repetitive with off-the-wall shit, your comments may disappear. Your deleted comment was not substantively different from this one.
I will NOT allow you to use “comment creep” to work your way back to posting “advertisements” as you were doing before. Try to participate in the conversation or don’t comment.