The Seahawks lost. I know, they lost back on Saturday, but apparently that’s still the big local story consuming half the front page of the Seattle Times. Also, police officers and city officials don’t see eye to eye when it comes to the disciplinary system, but anybody who’s ever watched a police show on TV knows that, and buying individual health insurance coverage sucks. Tell me something I don’t know.
Meanwhile, apart from a front page column from Nevada by Joel Connelly (apparently, not everything that happens in Vegas stays in Vegas,) this morning’s Seattle P-I looks more like a PSA than a newspaper, continuing its (laudable) campaign against artificial butter flavor, and issuing a dire warning to pedestrians not to get hit by cars.
Good advice, but does anybody actually work at the Times or the P-I over the weekend, or does nothing ever happen around here on our days off? Sheesh.
In other news, God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him.
Is it Freddie’s birthday or something? I must have missed it.
Why wasn’t this a Monday Morning Headline? The 16%ers won’t like this poll:
I figure God laughed Himself to death.
No Daddy Love, if anything God would have cried Himself to death over humanity. But I know He Lives!
BTW Wasn’t headless lucy on a recent Nietzsche kick? Ohhhhh…. it was one of his many sock puppets.
Awww C’on Goldy, are you against the little people just doing their “job”
Goldy, why wasn’t this headline important? You mean you don’t care about asbestos and kids in school? What if this was your daughter’s school?
“The presence of asbestos — which parents learned about when the school flooded last month — has raised questions about keeping kids in the school, said PTSA Vice President Rick Brandon.”
Chimpmeister, a wingnut’s wingnut, once again shows you nutcases how it’s done in the big leagues:
Some cousin of the chimp was spliced into that Strait of Hormuz tape:
Insanity just runs strong in that family.
You all missed the best one:
Immediate hope for HA Happy Hooligans! One of their own gave his/her all for the advancement of medical science, and, unlike humans for whom application is years off, many of them can immediately benefit since the match would be el perfecto!
Sure hope their insurance covers the procedure!
The Piper
For you 24 fans and lovers of torture – a new book is out about one of your favorites, Abu Ghraib:
And stupid Marine tricks too:
Instead of headlines do cartoons:
Sorry Half&Half I guess you missed the memo: How is #10 a headline?
Just love how that surge is tamping down the violence:
There’s a lot more at:
More signs of political progress and “reconciliation”:
Ooops, the other shoe drops:
Now here’s a headline missed by the Pee_In_Your_Eye:
13% Say Congress Doing Good or Excellent Job
They missed this headline too: McCain 49% Clinton 38%
This headline was missed by Goldy:
80% Believe Voters Should Be Required to Show Photo ID.
I guess the 16%ers grew to 20%
Tales of the incredible shrinking coalition of the willing:
Golly 16% this headline was buried too:
Number of Republicans in U.S. Increases in December to Two-Year High
I guess that slogan of “no earmarks while I’m the Sleazer of the House” is wearing thin…
Why no headlines on the Democrat Super Delegates who can disenfranchise my people?
“If you also look at the fact that African Americans and hispanics are under represented in Congress, State houses, or the party establishment, then it shows that these white elites are given more attention by the party. This all fits a party’s pattern that thinks you, the taxpayer, is too stupid to know what to do with your own money and need Government to tell you how to do it. The Democrats are here saying that you are too stupid to know what to do with your own vote, so they want to dilute the black vote with super delegates.”
Sorry Chimpie, this USA thing just won’t go away:
YLB Comment: The US Attorney’s were fired because they wouldn’t play ball with Chimpie and Karl’s vote fraud witch hunts. Maybe some jail time will loosen some tongues.
Yep, it looks like the R’s are settling for McCain:
All we gotta do is this:
This would be a great headline.
Overall, Clinton and Obama are close nationally in the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll. But, among white voters, Clinton leads 41% to 27%. Among African-American voters, Obama leads 66% to 16%.
Obama leads 66% to 16%.
Those “16 percenters” include the pathetic, whacked-out loser, Mr. Pud E. Bud.
Goldy: Why no headlines on the Hollywood Writers Strike and how the donk voting rich white movie moguls are hurting the multicultural working class?
Time to “Un”-retire Clueless Gooberfool.
CCGF – I am on record supporting Obama.
“Re”-retiring Clueless Gooberfool.
Looks like Half&Half made headlines after all. “Man accidentally hangs self in amateur stunt“
You mean you’d pull the lever for Obama over this guy:
Look, he’s doing what you’re doing every day – hugging the chimp.
How can you not vote for this guy?
Why isn’t this blog called “Goldy and friends comment on news stories they read in The Seattle Times?”
Hey Libbies: The religion supported by the ACLU is making headlines in Canada:
“Father says killed daughter in Canadian hijab case”. Isn’t it great the religion of peace is just north of the border.
Can you see some of the “great minds” here having to put their daughters in hijabs?
Well – I am amazed. Puddy is for Obama. Maybe now people will believe that Obama can bring together disparate constituencies.
Puddy is the republican cheerleader (troll) on this site that I usually disagree with – but I am for Obama or Edwards – so we actually agree here.
Will wonders never cease – what is next?
Will we agree to get out of Iraq with Barrack?
Will we agree to get rid of tax cuts for the rich (over 1 million/year)?
Will we agree to restore the Justice department and the civil right division?
Will we agree on cutting the deficit by reducing out of control military spending and earmarks?
How did this headline slip through the cracks seeing this is another 16%er?
“Murtha Led Congress in Earmarks”
Since correctnotright spoke up maybe you can help Half-wimp & half-chicken (YLB) with his debate style. I already stated what me and the buds think about Obama. Why does this surprise the 16%ers here? Are your heads so far up Hilary or Edwards ASSes you are looking ath the Two Americas or Johnson and the CRA?
So correctnotright not take the Puddytest and prove yourself. No one else is man-up to do it!
Why did Mike Steele get the special democrap treatment?
Why did Lynn Swann get the special democrap treatment?
Why did H Carl McCall get the special democrap treatment?
Clinton and Edwards gives cover to white democrats who are subconsciously racist who otherwise would have voted for Obama if he were white. When a white person tells me they like Clinton, chances are I’m looking at a racist. And I love how everyone is falling for Clinton’s “experience” lie. According to Hillary Clinton, if she is to be believed about how experience is everything, Bush, if he could serve a third term, would be the best person to be the next President of the US.
Getting back to the Murtha Earmarks Headline:
“a gross example of quid pro quo Washington” the New York Times editorial.
What was that Nancy Stretch Pelosi headline again: The DeMint-Pelosi Amendment:
• Disclosure of earmarks for federal projects;
• Disclosure of all earmarks contained in report language, which is where approximately 95 percent of earmarks are prescribed; and
• Members seeking earmarks provide written information to committee of jurisdiction, which must be made available to the public on the Internet in a searchable format 48 hours prior to consideration.
Hilary has experience?
Yes she does… She experienced many of Clinton’s peccadilloes which Sidney Drunk Driving Blumenthal squelched.
I’m rather impressed that Joel’s actually working and didn’t yield to the temptation to sneak off to stomp around in the snow up by Tahoe.
Troll: None of the 16%ers will touch my three questions because they know the real makeup of their party.
I wish someone would be a man and tackle this. But alas, it’s another sad day on HorsesASSHoles!
Goldy’s NorthWest Division of Lunatic Moonbat NEW Progressive Liberals are members of the 16%ers.
10 Delightful. Since we’re so intent on being the New Roman Empire, I’m surprised we haven’t yet resorted to mass crucifixions.
Ok, Pudwhacker, you want answers?
Here goes:
(1.) Who gives a shit?
(2.) Who gives a shit?
(3.) Who gives a shit?
Those are the correct answers! Thanks for playing!
By the way, the linked story at comment #2 is below a headline saying “Latest: Was Barack Obama a Muslim?” Hilarious!!
Doesn’t the savage racist attacks from Camp Clinton (Clinton Crime Family anyone) remind everyone of the 60s civil rights era where racist white sheriffs and police chiefs would attack docile black men and women? Instead of water hoses they use the media, their henchmen and code words.
Personally, if we do a family tree I bet someone in the 16%ers here is related to Eugene Bull Connor.
So ArtFart and Lee: You just answered to all about the 21st Century racism in the democrat party.
Thanks for playing…
42: Puddy
It looks like the people out to get Obama and smear him are listed on the paid link (the real Barack) just above HA. They (the smearers) claim to be conservatives and say Obama is not fit to be Senator or President (I happen to disagree)…care to comment on what the conservatives are saying?
Here is the link to the “smear” campaign:
Correctnotright: I’ll comment when you comment on my previous questions.
You chose not to answer above three or the latest on global warming.
I also asked you about the headless lucy comments of 9-2005.
When you are ready I’ll talk to you…
45 Does that mean you’re going to shut up?
ArtFart: HELL NO!
Will you shut up?
ArtFart: Where do you stand on the headless lucy comments of 9-2005?
ArtFart: Hairspray 2 Americas or The Crying Game; which is your candidate?
I can’t think of what to comment since I don’t know what you are referring to in the three questions above.
I don’t see a global warming question.
If we are together on Obama – maybe we can comment on the things we agree with rather than the things we disagree on.
Standard Clinton Strategy: Say it and then deny it.
“Obama camp slams Clintons over drugs talk”
Sorry correctnotright, I don’t operate that way as it allows you a pass.
I am always asked why this and that from your side. Now the tables are turned and no one wants to honestly answer my questions.
The three questions are from #32 above. The New York Times article
and your silence was golden.
And your commentary on Headless Lucy 9-2005?
Correctnightright: Have you been living in DarrylWorld?
The three questions in #32 are easily searchable in Google.
I ask a simple question of ArtFart and he shuts up!
I guess there are more clueless goobers on this blog than I originally thought.
39 – Yeeeeeeeeeees indeed!!!
Here is a peadline – Pork King of 2007
Pelletizer asked who was the pork king of 2007?
“Concurrent has boomed; the annual salary for its top three executives averages $462,000.”
PuddyStudy: I wonder how much the CEO makes over the “little” people.
I love it when Pelletizer uses “his paws” to opine. Gives me much ammunition and I can use my broom to sweep up the “pellets” of BULLSHITTIUM.
PacMan, cancel the Drunken Libbie visit tomorrow. No need to visit a den of racists!
Here is a headline: “Zbigniew Brzezinski, who as Jimmy Carter’s Secretary of State oversaw the funding and fueling of al-Qa’ida in Afghanistan to fight the Soviets” “His most senior adviser is Zbigniew Brzezinski, who as Jimmy Carter’s Secretary of State oversaw the funding and fuelling of al-Qa’ida in Afghanistan to fight the Soviets. “What’s a few riled-up Muslims?” he asked. Obama is also advised by Richard Holbrooke, who was in charge in the 1970s of shipping weapons to the totalitarian Indonesian military so that they could systematically slaughter a third of East Timor’s inhabitants. And as a finishing touch, he has on board Dennis Ross, who led the recent assault on Jimmy Carter for stating simple facts about Israel’s abuse of the Palestinians.”
Barack would be a far better President than Hillary.
And the 16%ers said it was Reagan!!!
“quid pro quo” should be a matter of fact, not a matter of innuendo. Timing, for example, is important. If I am a Congressperson, and I do something that is helpful for my constituents, and if as a result of my acts they are pleased with my performance in office ansd elect to legally contribute to my campaign, that’s not ‘quid pro quo,’ that’s just life.
If, on the other hand, large sums are received by me from one or more of my constituents PRIOR to performing some act that benefits them, then a charge of ‘quid pro quo’ can at least be thought appropriate.
Did John Murtha performa any acts in return for prior contributions that might be considered quid pro quo? We don’t know, but it didn’t sound like it from the article. As usual, you give us nothing but some vague propagandizing.
Do you even know what earmarks are? If you think they are adding project to the federal budget or to spending bills, you’re wrong. But what they really are is “easily searchable in Google.”
@52: Puddy I read the NYT article. Really not much in it – gee, big trends in weather are inconsistent is the only take home message in the article.
Almost no actual scientific information in the article – but a lot of “opinions”..
The bottom line is that almost all scientists who actually study global warming are sure that it is happening on multiple levels:
Glaciers are retreating (at an alarming rate)
Polar ice caps are melting (both ice caps – not just the arctic as mentioned in the article).
Average temperatures are increasing
There is also scientific consensus that global warming is generated primarily by human activity. The only debate is over the extent and possiblility for mitigation.
Daddy Love: The New York Times is your liberal newspaper of record. If they said it everyone usually believes it. I just delivered up the “facts” as seen by the times. How many NY Times articles were quoted here when the Iraq conflict was really going bad?
On earmarks, Nancy Pelosi said it and I’m using her definition. If you don’t agree with her earmark definition, maybe just maybe you should call your Marin County and SF city friends and demand she be demoted.
You guys just can’t get over the fact the biggest porker in 2007 was John Murtha…
Come on Correctnotright: The Antarctic ice cap is increasing. NASA said it too.
“The only debate is over the extent and possibility for mitigation.” – The first time I’ve seen that comment from you…
Mr. Tierney wrote. “When the Antarctic sea ice last year reached the highest level ever recorded by satellites, it was pretty much ignored.”NASA satellites measured the highest level of Antarctic ice. You still discount it?
I can’t see any recent articles where the Antarctic ice is melting except for a 2% area, 98% of the area is increasing in ice.
Weather Channel founder John Coleman recently said: “Some dastardly scientists with environmental and political motives manipulated long term scientific data to create an illusion of rapid global warming,” Mr. Coleman wrote. “Their friends in government steered huge research grants their way to keep the movement going…In time, in a decade or two, the outrageous scam will be obvious.”
Correctnotright: The last article I can find on Antarctica is 9-2007
“Incredibly, if you are interested in Antarctica temperature trends from the present back to 1982, the region has cooled. If you go from present back to 1966, the region has cooled. Like it or not, over the past four decades, and during the time of the greatest build-up of greenhouse gases, Antarctica has been cooling!”
Ever heard of the California Institute of Technology’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory?
Ever heard of the University of California at Santa Cruz?
These two schools got together and published in the Science, found that the ice sheets of Antarctica, far from melting, actually are expanding by some 26.8 billion tons of ice a year. Yet why did Al Gore ignore this. Only the far tip is melting, a little bit.
PStupid – I thought you said the man upstairs was making the global warming.
And the ice cap at the northern hemisphere has been melting at record pace. As global warming happens, certain regions are EXPECTED to become cooler because of the shifting currents that will occur as the climate changes (Europe is another place that people think might cool). But the temperature of the planet as a whole will continue to get warmer at a rate that an overwhelming majority of climate scientists believe can only have been caused by the effects of man.
Correctnotright: Could it be the Northern Hemisphere is warming and the Southern Hemisphere is cooling? Why did it snow in Iraq and Saudi Arabia last week for first time in what 60 years and it was ignored by the liberal MSM?
Or, as your friends want to postulate it’s all or nothing…
You want to have a debate on Obama and see where we agree. I want to have a debate on life. No one else dares touch questions in post #32 or headless lucy’s diatribe on 9-2005. Goldy, Geov, Lee, Paul and Will are still MIA. Only Darryl had a set of cojones and commented.
Yet you all want me to discuss and comment on Nixon’s Southern Strategy. Sorry fellas debates are two-way streets. If you don’t drive down mine I surely will pass by yours.
But Lee, that’s NOT what Correctnotright wrote in post #61. At least you’ll venture there.
This debate is between adults who wear pants. When you find yours and can answer questions in #32 join us. Until then…
See ya!
And Lee: I posted 400 Scientists who have broken away from the Gorebasm of global warming. Remember you erased the links in your “tantrum”.
He’s still sort of right:
The difference between him and you, though, is that he will accept these facts to get a better understanding of what’s going on with the world while you will scream about a “liberal bias” every time you’re confronted with any fact that doesn’t fit into your paranoid outlook.
The questions you posed in comment #32 were answered correctly in comment #39 by ArtFart.
Those scientists were not questioning whether Gore is right to say that global warming exists and is caused by man. They are questioning his beliefs over the severity of the problem. That’s where the real debate lies today. It IS possible to overstate the problem, but it is not possible any more to claim that no problem exists.
“Simpler health questionnaire may complicate insurance
“By Kyung M. Song
“Seattle Times health reporter
“The penalty for being morbidly obese has gone up. Ditto for schizophrenia and recent breast cancer. And anyone with multiple sclerosis, severe autism or antibiotic-resistant staph infection will now be automatically rejected.
“Those are among the hundreds of changes in the latest Washington Standard Health Questionnaire, a … mandatory health-screening test taken by more than 100,000 state residents each year before they can buy individual insurance coverage. The test is designed to weed out the sickest applicants ….
“This is the first substantial revision since … 2000 …. It’s shorter … and supposedly better at reflecting actual claims data. But the upshot is applicants who might have aced the earlier survey might flunk the new version.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ey14m.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Private health insurance companies are like banks that won’t lend you money until you’re out of debt and don’t need it anymore. They want to insure only healthy people who don’t need health care, while leaving sick people to dangle in the wind. Another fucking failure of free enterprise to meet people’s needs.
Only ideologues could like a health care system that has 50 times the overhead costs of government-run health insurance and refuses to provide benefits if you get sick.
We need government health insurance.
Why is the Seattle School District spending half a billion dollars to build new schools when it’s closing schools right and left for budget reasons?
On the other hand, why does this community spend more on sports palaces than schools?
And what on God’s green earth either persuaded Clay Bennett that he could extort half a billion dollars from Seattle taxpayers for a basketball Taj Mahal?
If we’ve got $500 million to squander, then I say it’s better squandered on schools.
Sure is a strange coincidence that the cost of Bennett’s basketball Taj Mahal is exactly equal to the Seattle School District’s construction budget. Maybe he thought he could get that money if he give the kids a few t-shirts?
klake is a nazi
This debate is between adults who wear pants
You wear your underpants on your head?
You wear your underpants on your head?
It keeps his tinfoil hat from chafing his scalp.
can answer questions in #32 join us.
ArtFart’s answers were spot on!
Now didn’t you say global warming was caused by the man upstairs?
It’s a wonder anyone at all will give you health insurance since rabbit season is coming up. I’m encouraging all my wingnut friends to get out there and participate this year! As a result, the lines at Joe’s (why did it drop the G.I.?), Big-5, Wades, and all the other gun shops in town are out the door and around the block!
For all you HA Happy Hooligans who’re interested in joining in on general principles, pay heed:
Field dress your rabbit
Always field dress your rabbit immediately to greatly reduce your risks.
Keep everything clean.
Do not use dirty water.
Keep the carcass away from mud, dirt, twigs, leaves or other contaminants
Use a clean stick to hold the carcass open.
Use a clean knife.
Wear thick latex or thick rubber gloves.
Remove the head and feet of your rabbit, cutting at the ankles.
Holding the back skin of the rabbit with your fingers make a cut through the skin and over the back, but not into the meat.
Peel back the skin of the rabbit, or hide, in both directions with your fingers.
Take care to not let the fur or hide touch the carcass.
Remove the complete skin of the animal, including the tail.
Remove the complete entrails of the rabbit using one of these methods:
Remove the entrails by hand.
Cut open the abdomen, reach inside and remove all internal organs.
Remove the entrails by squeezing.
Apply pressure from the bottom of the rib cage while moving your hand down to the rabbit’s anus.
Repeat this process until you can feel the entrails loosen.
Be careful not to burst the bowel or intestine. Doing so will spoil your meat.
Spread your legs, and hold the rabbit by the front legs.
With the rabbit facing you, flip the rabbit down with moderate pressure.
Don’t flip the carcass around too hard, or you might be wearing a hat of rabbit entrails.
The entrails will exit the rabbit through his anus.
Let the body hang and cool down for a little while. You can also wash it. The carcass should be maintained at a temperature not exceeding 4 degrees Celsius (39 degrees Fahrenheit)
Cover the carcass and hide in salt.
Recipes available upon request.
The Piper
(why did it drop the G.I.?)
I was wondering this too, so I looked it up.
Of course, I also found a few pages out there of people complaining about how they heard some rumor that they changed the name because of anti-military sentiment and won’t shop there again. Sometimes, you can’t win.
Lee and Half&Half(YLB): Never wore a tin foil or three pointed hat in my life. Thanks for projecting.
And Half&Half(YLB) even if I had underpants on my head, they wouldn’t have a brown racing stripe on then as yours do.
But let me know when your wife relinquishes the pants in the household.
Lee: The difference between him and you, though, is that he will accept these facts to get a better understanding of what’s going on with the world while you will scream about a “liberal bias” every time you’re confronted with any fact that doesn’t fit into your paranoid outlook.
Sorry Lee, for someone who claimed to not visit threads… It was correctnotright (is this the morphed rightequalsstupid with a softer gentler side?) who didn’t accept the 400 scientists who said the ecogorbasm is a scam when I put their names on this board. It was the 400 scientists who said the earth has been warming for the last 300 years so what happened over the other 200 years before the industrial revolution? I asked him on this. He rejected all this. And of course him and you being 16%ers naturally stick your fingers up each others ASSes to support each other! Then he today for the first time posts “The only debate is over the extent and possibility for mitigation.” This is a great moderation of position. He’s getting closer to me for a change instead of digging his heels. It was Pussy who said where’s China and India. Well now they’ve come around too. He never raised wither of them in his argument.
Again Lee you missed the data: “These two schools got together and published in the Science, found that the ice sheets of Antarctica, far from melting, actually are expanding by some 26.8 billion tons of ice a year.
http://www.worldclimatereport. com/index.php/2007/09/05/antar ctica-warming-cooling-or-both/ #more-267
“Incredibly, if you are interested in Antarctica temperature trends from the present back to 1982, the region has cooled. If you go from present back to 1966, the region has cooled. Like it or not, over the past four decades, and during the time of the greatest build-up of greenhouse gases, Antarctica has been cooling!”
Lee: Artfart didn’t answer the question in #32. You democrats claim not to be racists, yet you used racist tactics in all three races. That’s why I GIVE A SHIT!.
And Goldy and his minions still haven’t publicly said headless Lucy was wrong. That’s why I GIVE A SHIT!. Except Darryl who publicly came out and said he’s wrong.
I wonder if Darcy Burner reads this board how she feels knowing she has racist enablers supporting her candidacy?
Hey Darcy how is that Goldy support hose working for you.?
erratum Puddy who said not Pussy who said.
Sorry Lee, for someone who claimed to not visit threads… It was correctnotright (is this the morphed rightequalsstupid with a softer gentler side?) who didn’t accept the 400 scientists who said the ecogorbasm is a scam when I put their names on this board. I asked him on this. He rejected all this.
So do I. There are a number of reputable scientists who feel that Al Gore is over-hyping the problem, but there are practically none who agree with you that man-made global warming is not happening at all.
Then he today for the first time posts “The only debate is over the extent and possibility for mitigation.” This is a great moderation of position.
How so? When has he posted the opposite?
As for Antarctica, there are definitely competing studies over whether it has cooled or warmed over the past 40 years, but again, you don’t seem to understand how that’s irrelevant to whether or not the earth as a whole is warming.
You democrats claim not to be racists, yet you used racist tactics in all three races.
Post some links. For every link you come up with, I’ll match it with 3 links of how Republicans have used racist tactics in recent years.
Can you provide a link to the 16% number, please? Would be much obliged.
The Piper
Piper Bill Schneider said it on CNN January 3rd 20:55 after the Iowa Caucii. Looks like CNN took down the video but I had the words cached.
BILL SCHNEIDER: They’re different. The Democrats are moderate. Only about 16 percent of them call themselves “very liberal.” There’s a cliche that only liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans show up. That’s half true. Republicans are very conservative. Almost half of them say they are “very conservative.” But Democrats are pretty moderate voters.
Hence I call the HorsesASSHolers here the 16%ers.
Lee: So do I. There are a number of reputable scientists who feel that Al Gore is over-hyping the problem, but there are practically none who agree with you that man-made global warming is not happening at all.
Where did I say it’s not happening at all?
Time and Date Stamp?
Good luck searching, cuz racing stripe wearing Half&Half(YLB) has been posting what I have always said. God is working his pre-Revelation work.
Lee: How so? When has he posted the opposite?
Before today. Ask him. He never posted that statement before. Search this site.
Lee: As for Antarctica, there are definitely competing studies over whether it has cooled or warmed over the past 40 years, but again, you don’t seem to understand how that’s irrelevant to whether or not the earth as a whole is warming.
Go back and read his post#61 and read carefully what he wrote.
Lee selective copying will not suffice:
Answer this first: Goldy and his minions still haven’t publicly said headless Lucy was wrong. That’s why I GIVE A SHIT!.
9-6-2005 through 9-15-2005 Headless Lucy.
Lee, ball in your court.
And Lee the Danish have said the Greenland glaciers have been shrinking since 1880s.
How cum the Gorebasm didn’t tell us this?
Muchos gracias! Back to practicing my pipe…
The Piper
@85 No problemo, kill all you want, I can make more.
Besides, some of my relatives have it coming to them. In fact, I’ll even furnish a list of names — starting with the Republicans in our family!
@87 “Never wore a tin foil or three pointed hat in my life.”
That’s your opinion.
Is this you, puddy?
@88 We know CO2 is a “greenhouse gas” that traps heat in the atmosphere. We know burning fossil fuels puts CO2 into the atmosphere. Those who can add two plus two naturally conclude that burning fossil fuels is, at a minimum, not helping the climate. As for the rest of you, well, that’s what dunce caps are for.
@93 That’s funny. I thought you were referring to the 16% who approve of this chickenshit Congress, which so far has failed to stand up to Bush on anything whatsoever. In light of the new definition, you can definitely put me down as a 16%er … AND PROUD OF IT!!!
@93 (continued) Feel free to call me an asshole, too. I am, you know.
@69 “Could it be the Northern Hemisphere is warming and the Southern Hemisphere is cooling?”
Yeah, that’s a possibility. The weight of all the Republican bullshit piling up in the northern hemisphere may have tilted the earth on its axis.
Yo Stupes,
Here’s a new article on Antarctica.
The news isn’t good.
400 scientists? You’re buying that Inhofe bullshit. Figures.
Half&Half@108: Nope they weren’t Imhofe’s people. He had 50-75. If you read your “study” :”What we still don’t know is the total mass change [over that period], because we don’t know how much extra snow has fallen there,” Shepherd said.”
Roger Rabbit said:Feel free to call me an asshole, too. I am, you know.
Yes, this was well known before your admission.
Pelletizer@103. Repost that picture where you are the middle rabbit in a three rabbit scrum.
That was sooooo funny