– Trolly busses getting upgraded.
– I still come into my office most days. But I am glad that on days when it isn’t necessary, I am not required to. That seems like the bigger issue than traffic being generated.
– I always feel a bit uninformed when there’s a bug environmental case I don’t know enough about to have a strong opinion. But I do trust Futurewise, so congratulations, probably, to them on their victory.
– Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Would Laura Loomer be halfway into her second or her third bottle of cheap Chardonnay when she tweets this?
The SEC? Huh.
And not that Laura isn’t all that, but in a world where Russian billionaire oligarchs pay shitty people like Tim Poole and Tucker Carlson hundreds of thousands for tweets and YouTube videos, why would the imaginary “whistleblower” be giving their story to a leathery ballsack in clown makeup for free?
And speaking of “a leathery ballsack in clown makeup”, Laura seems to be having that week we all knew was coming:
Does this mean that Fat Hitler and Alina Habba have made up?
Donald in Georgia:
GOP, The Measles Party. Polio for all!
Jenny McCarthy is gonna be Health secretary. She has the qualifications, dumb as a stick, anti-vax, Donald’s seen pics of her naked.
All that Russia stuff is a lie, and you’re dumb enough to believe it because you’re just a dumb shit.
Not sure, but ABC News told me that they have evidence that the hole in her head is bigger than her vaginal opening. Furthermore they say she and one other individual and a horse were last seen on Whidbey Island
After washing your hands check your penis to see if there are any indications of The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus.
Just for giggles thought I’d search for the latest “Dori Monson” on xitter..
Yes, magats mourn Monson’s passing to this day. Monson was one of them.
lmao.. Some wa magats are calling Dave Reichert a socialist and someone else said Monson did that as well.. Incredible!
And it seems Monson also called Bob Ferguson “evil and dangerous”..
Monson was magat before maga.. fucking insane.
So the actual GOP and former GOP (Chamber of Commerce) types in New York managed to get an former police officer who talked a lot like a Reagan Republican on the Campaign trail elected mayor.
The results have been, sadly, not great probably because ACAB.
His second appointed Police Commissioner resigned in the midst of a federal Criminal Probe.
He put Terrance Banks, a former officer, in a position to steer no-bid contracts which he promptly did To his two brothers one of which is also an Adams appointee. Their houses were recently raided by Federal Police in a influence peddling investigation.
He appointed a former Republican city councilman as one of his senior advisors. That would be Eric Ulrich, now charged with taking $150,000 in bribes.
Of slight interest:
Highly educated coastal elites
Congratulations to everyone who invested their life savings in to Trump Media & Technology Group. You are rapidly approaching broke.
Shady Vance has a TikTok.
He posted a video yesterday now deleted. Unslim Shady did a “supermarket walker” (yes that’s a trendy thing on the TikTok) talking about the “Over $4 price of eggs” in Kamala Harris’ economy.
But the TikTok do what the TikTok do and he deleted it for the mocking. The video was shot at a small mom and pop independent grocery. Cool cool, support local but it’s like wondering why milk is a bit more expensive at Fall City Market than it is a few miles away at the Carnation IGA or the Snoqualmie Safeway.
But wait, there’s more. While droning on about the $4 plus eggs he wasn’t careful to not step out from in front of the shelf sticker VERY clearly stating that a dozen extra large Grade A eggs in the very store he’s standing in….is $2.98
“But I don’t care if I’m lying if it gets the media to talk about my lying. Oh look there’s someone from Haysha!’ runs when everyone turns their head
C’mon now, there were lots of people who’s trades didn’t go through in the first hours of the offering who are already underwater if they are dumb enough to still be holding.
Cletus, under the bed it would have been better.
If elected President, Donald Trump promises to deport 15 million people currently living and working in the United States.
That’s an indisputable fact. And while Trump refuses to say how he would accomplish this monumental task (more on that) he won’t deny that is his goal and he continues to reaffirm that objective in every rally stump speech.
But his minions and MAGA goons are far less guarded. And on quite a few occasions they’ve shared the details on how they would go about it. Trump’s senior white house advisor (the role currently occupied by lifelong Biden insider Mike Donilon) Stephen Miller claims authority and principal authorship of current plans and has been happy to share them on alt-Right media.
Miller plans to bring in the National Guard, state and local police, other federal police agencies like the DEA and ATF, and if necessary, the military. He plans to house the millions of immigrants he wants to expel in tent camps along the border, then use military planes to transport them back to their countries of origin.
A C-17 carries a troop maximum of 134. That works out to 112,000 outbound flights (and a corresponding 112,000 return legs). About 220 are available for service in the US inventory. That works out to 500 flights each assuming all available airframes converted to max passenger capacity. From the five current operational facilities with 44 aircraft per base, each facility would have to gather, receive, house, and load over half a million passengers. In the absence of any civilian passenger facilities and assuming a not fully cooperative population, loading, unloading headway times of one hour or more, and average flight times of six hours each way giving a total mission time of fourteen hours, works out to a full year of non-stop missions from each of the five available facilities.
Of course this analysis focusing exclusively on the air transport logistics ignores likely bottlenecks in ground transport, confinement, feeding, security, and sanitation. And it very unrealistically assumes no delays in the disembarking of these passengers at receiving airports which is ludicrous. Moreover it assumes an operational capacity that would leave the United States incapable of supporting all other defense and national security missions for a duration of more than a year.
The point of this exercise is not to suggest that Trump and Miller are unrealistic in what they claim to be up to, though they are. Rather it’s that they already know that their proposed objective can’t be remotely achieved through any kind of peaceful, orderly process.
They don’t really intend anything of the sort.
They intend mayhem, suffering and violence. In our communities. And they intend for it to be very prolonged. Because doing what they propose in the way they propose to do it both requires and at the same time justifies a violently repressive authoritarian government that goes on for years and grows more violent and more authoritarian over time.
Which is the actual point.
@10 DJT – 7.7%, Generac 4%, Dumbfuck sure knows how to pick ’em.
@13 “Miller plans to bring in the National Guard, state and local police, other federal police agencies like the DEA and ATF, and if necessary, the military.”
Of course, crime and traffic accidents will spike while these LE personnel are diverted from their normal policing duties.
@13 Well, Eichmann worked out similar logistics, though he only had to transport 40% as many people and didn’t have to house or feed them at the destination camps. Maybe Miller can start with that blueprint and build on it in some fashion. He even resembles Heydrich.
Of course, on-site shooting pits avoids the logistical nightmare you describe. But this approach has drawbacks that dissuaded even Himmler from utilizing it. For one thing, it’s impossible to conceal. The intended victims become much less cooperative, and may even violently revolt (e.g., Warsaw ghetto), when they see what the authorities have in store for them. The rest of the civilian population likely will be less willing to go along with it, too. And it’s impossible to keep it from the press.
Looks like the GOP’s Nebraska electoral vote snatch-and-grab just went down in flames because an honest cop was on the beat.
Melania Trump will campaign for her husband if somebody pays her.
I wonder if the “somebody” is Russia?
Follow Dave Ramsey’s advice to avoid living in debt your entire life.
Believe me, Mike McDonnell’s vote was for sale. Fat Hitler could not close. True to form he mostly offered threats and little else. Omaha Democrats offered to make McDonnell their next mayor.
This deprives Fat Hitler of one of his last remaining pathways. And it opens a host of possibilities for Harris. Harris can now lose Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and North Carolina and still make 270 in the Wall. In addition she can lose PA and still win with NC and either of AZ or or NV. Many thanks to the tranny-porn jacking Black Nazi of Nude Africa!
Trump must now win all three of those and pick off one Blue Wall State.
It’s still a huge fight and lots of work remains. But this is precisely the map the campaign had planned for.
the tranny-porn jacking Black Nazi of Nude Africa!
Pride of the NC GOP and newest black “friend” of teh kreepshit of widbee.
No, the Russians are supporting the Biden Family, not the Trump Family.
@22 There is zero reason to believe that. Hunter got his baksheesh from Ukraine, a country that’s at war with Russia (in case you haven’t noticed). You’d be better informed if you read a real newspaper once in a while.
No, the Russians are supporting the Biden Family, not the Trump Family.
You don’t say!
Wow 10 million to support Joe, Jill, Hunter, etc. now that Joe is off the ballot.
Guess they gotta get their chips in for what it’s worth till next Jan. Yawwwn. .whatevs.. In the meantime Russian men continue to die in the Ukraine meat grinder from U.S. weapons of war.
I think Scott Ritter is correct: we just barely avoided a nuclear war with Russia 2 Saturdays ago. Biden had to totally step back on long range US missiles for Ukraine, and the Brits followed suit. That was a close call!
@19 I’m not familiar with Ramsey’s advice, although I vaguely know who he is, but I agree that getting out of debt and staying out of debt is a key wealth-building strategy. Instead of paying other people (often very high) interest, you want them to pay you (usually very low) interest and dividends (a better place to park your money).
I would add that houses are for living in, and mediocre investments at best. Houses offer subpar appreciation, and probably none after factoring in costs of taxes, insurance, and upkeep.
For over 200 years, common stocks have consistently outperformed every other type of investment; let that fact guide your investment choices — after your high-interest debts are paid off.
@25 Do you ride through your neighborhood ringing a fire bell for fun?
Look, Putin likes his fancy dacha. It would be a real shame if something happened to it.
To show the double standard, imagine what republicans would be saying if Vice President Kamala Harris had five kids from three different marriages like the elderly convinced criminal does.
Say, remember Boxcheck Momala lying in the debate about how there were no US troops serving in combat zones?
US announces it’s sending troops to the Middle East and warns Americans to leave Lebanon
It was a lie when she said it.
It will be a bigger lie very soon.
I have a question for our evangelical friends: If God wants Trump to win the election, why is everything going Harris’s way, while he and Vance stumble at every turn?
I think you guys need to sit down with the Big Guy In The Sky for a man-to-deity conversation about what you’re doing wrong, although the rest of us know what your problem is.
@29 It was true when she said it, and is still true. The “combat zone” isn’t U.S. Central Command or the Middle East, it’s where combat operations are occurring.
Now that the lockup period has expired and Trump is undoubtedly unloading DJT shares, we can look for this stock to steadily drift lower until it reaches its intrinsic value of $0.00 per share (based on earnings times average market multiple).
…a criminally conficted pedophile* – which is the nice way to say he rapes children. ftfy
Nice one.
*On April 14, 2011 in a New York state superior court Ritter was unanimously convicted by a randomly selected jury approved by his defense counsel.
@ 26
I would add that houses are for living in, and mediocre investments at best. Houses offer subpar appreciation, and probably none after factoring in costs of taxes, insurance, and upkeep.
That’s because you bought a shithole in south Seattle, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Put 20% down, see the value double in 13 years while avoiding income taxes at 37% before paying them at a 25% rate at sale, while collecting rent above carrying costs.
A doubling of value when only 20% is put down means an invested $60k downpayment on a $300k purchase becomes $360k equity at sale for $600k, less selling expenses of about $60k leaving $300k, or a capital gain of 400%. Yes, the math’s right – $60k down plus $240k gain.
Houses are for subsisting in when you can’t afford to buy one for investment purposes, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Your claim might make Welfare Queen YLB’s fucked kids feel better about their own plights, but feelz don’t make it true.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit thinks of his shithole as something that appreciates 2-3%/year while requiring 1%/year in upkeep. It’s not. Residential RE is something the government helps you leverage by underwriting a loan at 4-to-1 of your invested capital, so you can do what we did, several times over.
RE is an awesome investment if looked at with the proper perspective. Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has never had that perspective, and never will. He has made so many investment mistakes in his life that he now plays not to lose. That’s what happens to somebody who has never won.
You’re a bloviating, uninformed, fucking asshole, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
@29. & 31. Of course the troll is lying.
Interesting how the more polls move toward Harris, the more the stock market goes up.
Conveniently omitting the monthly mortgage on the other 80%, the property taxes, the insurance, and the routine expense of weekend plumber call-uts, painters, landscape maintenance, new floor coverings, and grimly steady depreciation of the improvements.
True a housing shortage and “hot” Democratic jobs market produce good offsets in appreciation over time. But sadly those healthy offsets depend on fairly high property taxes to pay for things like schools, parks, transportation infrastructure, and utility infrastructure that make the “hot” jobs market “hot” in the first place.
Or you can take that same 20% down stroke and put it into an index fund and move to Portugal or Albania.
Interesting how the more polls move toward Harris, the less Scotty P wants to talk about MOE – which btw, he clearly misunderstands.
Interesting how the a troll who has such profound struggles to understand basic concepts of statistics can find it so incredibly simple and obvious to understand exactly what Rich Lowrey means when he calls Haitians “miggers” on television in front of millions.
Am I wrong in that Bob was celebrating DJT stock?
He’s never right, is he? Always fucking wrong. Nevermind Doctor Dumbuck, he should be know as Doctor Loser.
34,000 in combat? Not in combat.
Still is 40,000 not in combat
feel better about their own plights, but feelz don’t make it true.
It’s nice that young people when they’re young generally feel better and more vital than an old, moldering reprobate shoveling horseshit and pretending it’s a baronial rancher to stanch “feelz” of resentment from a lifetime of disappointment, living in constant fear of one day paying for its tax cheating sins.
Youth has its advantages.
For the third consecutive session DJIA closed at a new record high closing value. (Yeah yeah yeah interday was higher)
Larry Kudlow the Primetime Financial Anchor and former Trump administration economic advisor on the propaganda network has failed to mention it for the third straight broadcast.
@34 I don’t live in South Seattle.
@34 Since 1957 the total return on the S&P 500 has averaged 10.26% annually, according to Investopedia. If you invested your 20% down payment for 13 years at that ROI your gain would be 356%,* net of the buying and selling costs, property taxes, insurance, upkeep and repairs, and advertising expenses you don’t have when you invest in stocks, and there’s also no risk of getting a tenant who’ll stop paying rent, have to be legally evicted, and trash the place on their way out when you invest in stocks.
If you sold investment advice for a living, you’d be in jail.
* Don’t take my word for it; do the math yourself on Excel.
@43 Kudlow probably has a big tax loss from DJT and is too busy searching his brokerage statement for a gain to offset with it to notice that everybody else’s portfolios are going up.
From the DeSantis Reformed Education System™ (pat. pend.):
This is what happens when politicians threaten to jail teachers if they say something in a classroom that a wingnut parent doesn’t like, so the teachers quit and leave the state, and the politician replaces them with the janitors.
He should be careful what he wishes for given the general competence of DeSantis’s state government.
Just because a congressman is fucking his congressional staffer doesn’t mean she isn’t doing the work she’s getting paid for. That is, assuming she’s showing up and doing work.
Utah goes blue? I don’t think so, but if Trump loses the Mormons, who’s left besides drug-addled West Virginians?
Vance displaying his amazing powers of foresight.
Trump threatens soldiers deployed abroad with jail if they vote.
It all probably seems like a great option if you happen to have inherited a few shitty houses near Paine Field on your 18th birthday like Scotty P. I’m sure he has “NO RAGRETS” at all.
Not even a single letter.
But I also remind people that for all the scheming in the stock market among sellers and brokers it’s really quite tame and civilized compared to real estate. The nicest, most otherwise honest people in the world find themselves committing actionable fraud in real estate nearly every day, falsifying disclosures, misstating conditions, neglecting to disclose encumbrances. And don’t get me started with agents and brokers. Most property titles are clean. But when they aren’t hoo boy. And to the novice or even to the self-taught the pitfalls that can come about in sales contracts when they aren’t well written can be devastating. Investor buyers with cash do better than most by eliminating most complications with contingencies and closing delays, But whenever there is an agent involved, yikes. I won’t buy or sell with an agent anymore. Just not worth it to me. I once hired an off-duty cop to show a house I needed to sell when I knew I wouldn’t be available to attend showings and didn’t want to deal with seller’s agents being difficult. Paid him a flat fee. We made it completely clear to buyers and their agents that he was just there to unlock the door and to protect the place. Definitely worth it. Flat fee listing. Wrote and negotiated the contracts myself. Flat fee for a title company, etc. Saved a ton over a commission to a broker. I’ll never use an agent again on either side. Complete waste of money. But that’s just my opinion.
I’m quite sure it’s possible to make a lot of money in real estate as an investor. Obviously a lot of folks do. But in residential real estate there’s a lot of overpriced middlemen, and a lot of market participants with mixed up feelings and a poor grasp of ethics and the law. Then combine that with massive transactional inefficiencies and my conclusion is it’s generally safer to invest elsewhere, at least for the average person. Somebody with the time and willingness to overcome all that is welcome to do so.
There was no way to know unless ABC gave the questions in advance.
@54 Obviously he knew the question in advance. The only unresolved issue is how he knew. In this case anyone with at least one functioning brain cell could have guessed it.
Corrupt cop, naturally.
Having multiple side slices and paying them and housing them, typically with “seized drug proceeds” is just part of the culture.
More Boxcheck Momala promising to ban fracking.
Boxcheck Momala’s values haven’t changed because her values never included truthfulness.
@ 54
There was no way to know unless ABC gave the questions in advance.
To liberal wizard Hops, a GOP VP nominee would have no way of knowing that a North Carolina TV station reporter would ask him about a sex scandal involving the GOP candidate for governor in North Carolina when said GOP VP nominee was stumping at an event in the largest city in North Carolina.
It’s a total mystery to our man Hops how Vance could claim that he’d be asked the question.
Hops is dangerously close to the third and lowest tier of commenters, currently occupied by The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, G-clown, and HA’s unserious twat Welfare Queen YLB.
Wow. You got all that typed out and posted with narry a thought eh?
Now why would someone make fun of the idea that Shady Vance was ready for a question like it was ‘The Economy’ or “Immigration” at a Presidential Debate unless he got a tip?
I’ll give you plenty of time to sober up.
@ 49
Just because a congressman is fucking his congressional staffer doesn’t mean she isn’t doing the work she’s getting paid for.
Just because Boxcheck Momala dropped to her knees, deepthroated, and swallowed Willie Brown’s DNA whenever the mood struck him doesn’t mean she wasn’t qualified for those highly compen$ated positions he appointed her to.
@ 50
…if Trump loses the Mormons, who’s left besides drug-addled West Virginians?
Eight years too late, but Evan McMullin has successfully baited Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Well the one thing we, Red/Blue can agree on, Jay Leno sucks ass.
Donnie, tonight
@ 53
Because QoS McHillbilly has the legal training to serve as his own agent, those of you who lack said legal training don’t need professional representation, either.
Agents can be useful. They frequently will work for a fixed fee. Had one negotiate a P&S for $2k. Did the rest myself and with the escrow team.
@ 62
Well the one thing we, Red/Blue can agree on, Jay Leno sucks ass.
That’s not what Michael Che said. He said we could all agree that Woody Allen is innocent.
We finally located one of those foreign leaders who Kerry claimed preferred him to GWB43.
Please enjoy this article from left-wing source The Guardian:
Democrats worried about polls undercounting Donald Trump’s support
She is certainly underperforming Biden’s numbers in 2020. By a lot.
Ann Althouse has a question for Boxcheck Momala:
It’s a good question. I mean, she’s absolutely useless aside from gender and what’s in the other 44 chromosomes. Who the fuck would want her, now that DEI is no longer in vogue?
Wow indeed.
Embarrassing tantrum that.
Things continue to decline for poor Scotty P. Yikes.
She’s won more elections with more votes than Trump and Vance combined.
Hurts tho, don’t it. Sorry.
Fortunately Trump is underperforming his own 2020 numbers by a lot more.
Poor Scotty P still baffled by MOE and poll averaging. But at least he knows a migger when he sees another unarmed one getting executed by cops.
@58 I feel left out. Why are you ignoring me?
@60 She clearly was.
@65 Shocking! That hasn’t happened since Netanyahu’s last visit.
But I guess if one of the candidates wants your country to remain free, and the other intends to throw you under the bus, it’s not terribly shocking that you prefer one over the other.
@67 “Who the fuck would want her”
Ask that question again after the votes are counted. Note: Who wins is not material to the answer. This is a purely mathematical Q&A.
“Courage under fire,” Jaydee Vance believes, is going back onto the golf course after someone tried to draw a bead on you but didn’t get off a round.
“Suckers and losers,” Trump believes, are people who died defending our country.
Roger Rabbit asks: What does a REMF who was never shot at on a battlefield know about courage under fire?
Lawyers will flat free the contracts no problem. I’d trust Alina Habba before I’d trust most agents.
The revived Floridian is only temporary, while the Hudson River tunnels undergo maintenance work. Should be permanent.
It’s nice to know that SeattleJew didn’t die for nothing.
While Your Family Members Died Alone, Lockdowners Had Sex Parties
Some health department officials in NYC really got off to it.
Shit like this:
will happen when libbies do this:
You’ll hear more of this in coming weeks.
How, you ask?
You’ll love the emails in which people are told to try to tie the infections to youth sports. In order to deflect from the obvious correlation between putting infected seniors back in LTC facilities where they can infect other seniors.
The mortality rate is worse than what Cuomo caused.
Yes. You’ll hear more about it. In October.
Is it just me, or is the content from Scotty P getting a lot weirder these days?
I get why he neeeeeds to distract himself from his disastrous shit show of a presidential candidate. But I’m no longer able to figure out what he posts. It’s just some kind of online Republican bubble argle-bargle. It’s like it’s in code or one of those secret languages shared exclusively by identical twins. Is this where the fantastic fables about cat barbecues come from?
Harris leads Trump by almost 40 points among Asian American voters, a new poll shows
The poll showed that 66% of Asian American voters plan on backing Harris, while 28% say they’ll be voting for Trump.
Democratic Gov. Tim Walz was found to be favorable among 56% of Asian American voters, more than twice the percentage that found Republican Sen. JD Vance favorable.
Seventy-seven percent of Asian American now say they are “absolutely certain” they will vote.
Trump and republicans lied constantly and attacked the Chinese and Asians for COVID… the “China virus”. Asians had a history of being accused of eating pets in America by conservatives. The troll has started to write Asian slurs. Project 2025 has vowed to get rid of all immigrants, illegal or legal.
@83 ‘Sickening’ Chant Breaks Out Against Legal Immigrants At Donald Trump Rally
Trump: “Do you think Springfield will ever be the same? You have to get them the hell out. You have to get them out.”
Republican Crowd: chants *send them back*
>> Asians can connect the dots and know they are going to be targeted after the black and brown & LGBTQ people are gone.
Sexual Predator Assures Women: ‘I Am Your Protector’
Kreepshit is frustrated.. It tries as hard as it can to pin anti-semitism on yours truly but it falls flat on its face..
Because I hardly ever talk about Jews unless it’s about religion..
I almost never mention Zionism even though it’s relevant to the discussion about the genocide.
It’s the policies of the Israeli government and the Israeli politicians that’s at the heart of the matter and the Israelis themselves who when they don’t leave Israel in disgust or throw up their hands at the difficulty of making a life there, thumb their noses at generations of Palestinian displacement, brutal occupation and suffering.
I mean take dancing at a “joy” festival outside the perimeter of the open air prison that is Gaza. How nice of a bubble Israelis have made for themselves. How rude of the Gazan resistance to the occupation to pop that bubble.
Convicted Sexual Predator tells women, “I am your protector.”
None of his fellow conservatives care but it’s still funny.
Project 2025 has vowed to get rid of all immigrants, illegal or legal.
More precisely, Stephen Miller who by all accounts would be in charge of the “getting rid of”, has said very clearly on several occaisions that what is most important to him is not the legal status of a resident but rather their race. Given the vast numbers Trump/Vance and Miller promise to target, I think it’s safe to assume that there will be some kind of triage and that certain races will be targeted for immediate enforcement ahead of others.
But that only means that all the other non-whites that rank lower on the priority of hate will be reduced to existing in a kind of permanent sub class without rights they can effectively assert. And I think that’s the real point. Eliminating the right of someone to reside here effectively eliminates all other rights. It’s the ultimate “one weird trick” of white nationalism.
I still can’t get over that Rufo threw his own son under the bus on that one. Fourteen-year-old kid gets to start his freshman year in high school with that shit smeared all over him by his own father. Awkward holidays for decades to come in that family. That is assuming the kid doesn’t snap and take him out or go up a clock tower with a rifle first.
Beware, y’all. The family lives up there in your neck of the woods these days. Maybe avoid open spaces around Gig Harbor for the next few years.
Words of one Willard Romney soon to be former U.S. Senator of Utah and man who “understands [vulture] kapitalism”:
“I don’t know that I can disrespect someone more than J.D. Vance.”
lmao.. Mitt, it’s jerkoff dickhead bowman..
Oops, looks like I fucked around and am now about to find out.
Pure unadulterated White Supremacy. Our boy on here agrees with it. At least enough to spend countless hours trying to put it in office.
“But I had Economic Insecurity”
@89 Trump, Vance, and Miller have to be seen for what they are: Leaders of a movement to turn America into a racially-pure Aryan society. To that end, they’re not only talking about mass deportation of millions, but also revoking the citizenship of countless naturalized citizens. Their aim is not purging America of non-citizens, but purging it of non-Aryans. Think of them as the Himmler and Heydrich wing of the Republican Party. But at least they’re still talking about planes and buses, instead of gas chambers and incinerators. For now.
@93 He, Vance, and Miller are making pretty clear who “Those who don’t belong” are. Only those of northern European ancestry and northern European cultural influences will be tolerated. Whether nonconforming individuals are citizens, law-abiding, gainfully employed, taxpayers, and net givers rather than takers, will have nothing to do with it. This is entirely about racial and cultural purity. And yes, “detention camps” are part of the equation; by necessary implication, so are “selections.”
Federal prosecutors are charging Ryan Routh with attempted assassination, so DeSantis should fuck off.
Another rail disaster:
The story says the leaking gas is styrene.
Here’s the “40,000 American troops in a combat zone”:
They aren’t in the combat zone, yet, but might go in to rescue trapped Americans if required. Unless, of course, somebody here prefers to abandon them to their fate.
As expected Trump’s lawyers filed an “incoherent” brief (the judge’s words) opposing to Jack Smith’s request to file a 180-page brief addressing presidential immunity issues arising from SCOTUS’s recent ruling, which request the judge granted.
The federal judge assigned to Ryan Routh’s criminal case is … (drum roll) … Aileen Cannon.
Not that I feel sorry for him, this Trumper deserves whatever happens to him, but I’m wondering if prosecutors steered the case to her and if assigned counsel should affidavit her.
They’re obviously guilty, and since this is only a misdemeanor in municipal court, they should just pay the fine and be done with it.
Where the republicans are going to “ship” the African Americans, Latino Americans, Asian Americans and Native Americans who have been here for generations?
Troll, you are the token racist here, where do YOU think they will be sent?
Can’t. Just dumb luck. But once the 11th reinstates the stolen documents case there’s an excellent chance her calendar will be full.
The republicans say they are going “ship” “those who don’t belong” back. Back where? What happens when the nations tell the US they won’t take anyone? Do the boats come home, do the planes just circle the airports till they crash?
Lindsey Graham: “I think Trump’s campaign’s built on xenophobia, race-baiting and religious bigotry.”
Mitch McConnell “I’m not a fan of tariffs, they raise prices for American Consumers”
The pro-Palestine “Uncommitted” movement while not endorsing Kamala Harris is officially urging its supporters to vote AGAINST Trump and NOT for a 3rd-party candidate which they say will only boost his chances.
They remain confined in the desert concentration camps indefinitely.
Eventually as the camps become too horrifyingly unlivable for the public to endure, the GOP will stop conducting the mass roundups and home invasions. But by that time the intended message will have been delivered and will be well understood. Those who can manage it will flee to Canada or other countries hoping to disappear or obtain asylum. Those who can’t will exist as a permanent underclass ripe for the exploitation of cheap labor capitalists, criminal gangs, and freaky pervert Republican elected officials with basement torture dungeons and a kink for tranny sex and close relatives, preferably minor children.
The lampshades made of human skin will be just a cruel indifferent gesture from “glamorous” Melania away.
So the next thing to happen today.
Missouri put to death Marcellus Williams who maintained his innocence in the murder he was convicted of almost 30 years ago.
Post conviction it came out the two cellmate witnesses who testified he confessed were paid the reward. Then the mishandled murder weapon was tested for DNA and nothing from Williams though the officers on the scene were present. So genuine murder weapon, no DNA.
The county prosecutor’s office that tried the case petitioned for the verdict to be put aside. The trial court agreed, the GOP AG appealed and a 5-2 GOP state Supreme Court reversed the dismissal.
GOP Governor Mike Parson denied clemency even though THE VICTIM’S FAMILY wanted the stay because they don’t think he’s guilty.
A full day line of constituents paraded through the Governor’s office delivering hundreds of thousands petition signatures for clemency.
Williams was put to death this evening.
MO, with a republican murder in September and a legal abortion bill on the ballot, Goes Blue.
@105 Sounds like Lindsey’s doing some serious flip-flopping. Last I heard, he was a Trump boot-polisher.
@108 Another Trump term could spawn a slew of Nobel Prizes for books like Elie Weisel’s “Night” and Alexandr Solzhenitsyn’s “Gulag Archipelago.”
109. You have to understand. This is Missouri. Conservatives are never going to admit they were wrong to a black man.