Those of you in King County, who are you voting for in the Conservation District election? It is very silly that we have this weird pseudo election, but we have an obligation to try to get the best people in positions like that.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
I am going to go to war against a huge voting block in the Republican Party. Arguably the largest voting block. And I’m going to get my way and the violent ‘ride or die’ Trumpers like we saw on January 6th 2021 will either get in line or go violently into the great irrelevant past.
That’s a gamble I’m willing to take because no one in GOP politics has ever said no to me and it’s inconceivable that millions of uneducated bumpkins don’t know that I know best from by billions in assets being tossed around to guarantee that MY choice gets through the primary. Those useful idiots and their red hats and rallies and flags flying off the trucks they can’t afford will know they’ve been conquered.
In today’s NYT we learned that Momala is only 5’2″. The furniture in her office had to be swapped out. It wasn’t specifically stated but the implication is that she got a high chair while her visitors got lower chairs.
This will, of course, play well come debate time.
Except we also learned that even her Democrat allies realize, now, that she’s truly awful. The debate excludes her, as the topic is how to remove her from consideration as Veep nominee should Biden run again.
One learns only so much while on her knees. Just ask YLB.
Momala’s next gig will be as Don Lemon’s morning show co-host.
So we’ve got a brand new list of the least safe cities in America for for crime.
11 if the 15 are in states run by gun loving GOP legislatures and Governors.
I know I know, but they’re BLUE cites in Red states as if state policy, especially the ones banning local gun ordinances have zero effect.
The four blue cities:
Detroit (6th)
Oakland (12th)
Milwaukee (13th)
Philadelphia (15th)
Add to it the per capita murder rate rose at a much faster rate in red states during the Trump administration than in blue. 40% higher. From a little over 5 per 100k in 2016 for blue states to a little over 6 in 2021. Red states went from already higher than blue 7 in 2016 to almost 9 in 2021.
Now I don’t know what this means but it would appear that the greater slavish devotion to free and easy guns and open carry the more people die from guns.
Beats sucking on your horse’s cock as your next gig
Someone is deeply invested in me not being the nominee or on the ticket.
It’s like they’re afraid of knowing their own party is so toxic that literally ANYONE from the Democratic Party will be the next President.
To use their own logic…he’s scared of me. As scared as Democrats are about having to face a neoNazi from Florida who wants their daughters menstrual cycle info.
BTW. Did you know it is not uncommon for athletic underage girls to have a greatly delayed first period, sometimes as late as 17-20
I’ll bet Ron DeFascist doesn’t. But it’s going to come up with some Florida high school cross country runner who’s accused by some girl she beat of being a boy. ‘Genital inspections at the starting line’ -Ron
@ 5
The list was derived by coming up with a dollar figure for “cost of crime per capita” in each city.
It’s instructive to point out that in order to skew the results to look like its’ “red state” cities that are so violent, the authors had to devalue the worth of black lives.
Hey, whatever gives you what you need to distract from the realities of inner city life. You be you.
Some said I could never make it out of a primary as well.
@9, ME TOO!
@10, ME TOO!
@11, ME TOO!
@12, ME TOO!
@8, hates mandatory permit laws.
Thinks Hunter Biden should be executed by firing squad for a minor violation of a mandatory permit law.
Also masturbates to Brony Porn.
Two years out. When the sweet fruit of the ‘he’sGoingToReplaceTheVPonTheTicket’ tree begins to ripen.
Nikki Haley, Trump Haley 2020
Obama aides considered replacing Biden with Hillary 2016
Ex-GOP Senator Suggests Bush Dump Cheney (AP, July 2004)
This is why liberals are focusing on amenorrheic 15 year-old middle distance runners in Florida high schools.
Kamala Harris makes Sarah Palin seem qualified.
Ron DeSantis/Tim Scott 2024 and it’s lights out for Clyburn & Co.
Ignores raw data of murders per capita in states part of @4
The data doesn’t lie
You are far more likely to be the victim of a violent crime in a Red state than a blue.
For local comparison, imagine Darryl telling the truth if, say, Deathfrogg had applied for a job at Civic Skunk Works, and Paul Constant checked his references.
Biden offers to brief Trump team on the Chinese spy balloons they failed to catch
Missed this.
Oh, look! G-clown’s on Twitter:
Kamala Harris has never quit her job partway through and can complete full sentences AND her family has their shit together.
Family Values – check (Palin, divorced, kids are, by GOP values sinners and losers)
Ba/JD – check Econ/PoliSci Howard/Hastings (Palin, private college flunked out Hawaii, community college, different community College University of Idaho, BA)
Dumbfuck has to admit he admires medicore inarticulate white Failure woman more than a highly accomplished colored woman.
Good look.
Still smarting over Ben Carson and the $31,000 dining set and John Ashcroft and the $8000 boob hiding.
This is why special purpose district elections matter.
Meanwhile, this is how the Youngkin-DeSantis K-12 education model is faring: “Parents trust Democrats over Republicans when it comes to K-12 education, according to a new poll ….”
The more parents learn about indoctrinating their children in white power, the less they like it.
Not a red state.
Violence in some Chicago neighborhoods puts young men at greater risk than U.S. troops faced in Iraq, Afghanistan war zones, study finds
Doesn’t exactly fit the narrative, does it?
And if red states are so violent, why were those dudes looking at violence in those blue state cities? Weren’t they wasting their time?
@ 27
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, that poll was by the National Parents Union.
It’s a group with a short history. If you look at its funding, you’ll find the Walton family all over the place. The Waltons support charter schools.
I won’t argue with your poll but you should be a little cautious about promoting a Trojan horse like the National Parents Union. Of course, that would require you to do more than parrot, and I realize that is asking a lot.
Something tells me that Hispanic and black Democrats aren’t wasting time by claiming that inner city violence is because the cities in which the violence occurs are located in states with GOP governors.
Maybe it’s because it’s black kids dying, not the kids of wealthier white liberals.
The Durkan Kill Zone was made possible by liberals.
YLB wants you to know that if you remove the “P” from POLL, you get LOL.
Record numbers of people are worse off, a recipe for political discontent: POLL
4 in 10 Americans say they are worse off financially since Biden took office.
That’s not Fox News. It’s ABC News.
I guess what this means is that when QoS McHillbilly is crowing about Biden’s Economic Miracle, he’s referring to what the last two years have done for QoS McHillbilly and me, not for YLB’s fucked kids.
And then there’s this:
What’s clear is that the wealth gap between Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit and real millionaires has grown dramatically, under Obama, under Trump, and under Biden. It’s what we voted for.
Some of us are truly glad. Others, like YLB and The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, are told to be glad, because they’re too stupid to know any better.
…the deeply stupid Shit-lord failure thinks after the last six years swing voters won’t bother to peak under the GOP ticket hood. And that’s assuming the GOP can ever hope to get to that point without burning cop cars in the streets of Milwaukee.
One of the evergreen features of modern presidential elections going back to Reagan has been the sharp tacking back to the middle by GOP tickets following the Nuremberger party nominating rally. Often the VP selection has been carefully crafted with this in mind. Even Trump did it in 2016, with Pence chosen to sell the lie.
How successful would such a sharp tack to the middle be if Trump is still out there, Twitter and Facebook accounts enabled, 50 million followers in tow, free media ecosystem incandescently at the ready, shitting all over the ticket’s “weakness” as an independent campaign?
Whoever the fuck Charles Koch selects for the honor, they’d better be capable of actually punching back at Trump.
@29 “I won’t argue with your poll but you should be a little cautious about promoting …” [fill in blank].”
“Of course, that would require you to do more than parrot, and I realize that is asking a lot.”
LMAO!!! Coming from you, this is so fucking funny I’m left speechless.
Whatabbout Chicago!
Yes of course. The existence of crime in one place utterly disproves the existence of higher crime rates elsewhere.
The study would be a good jumping off point on the balkanization of health care resources and the pay to stay alive model of the American healthcare system.
But Dumbfuck here can’t see it.
@33 The 2008 Veep selection wasn’t carefully crafted. Even McCain was later forced to admit that.
Good to know that we’re so inside someone’s head that he’s busy googling for ANYTHING that distracts from rampant violence in Red states.
When we say Bend over he says, “fingers on the toes or all the way on the floor?”
@30 Your concern for dead black kids is touching, even if insincere.
I’m doing a job the Biden White House and Congressional Democrats have entirely failed to do.
I’ts a shocking and unforgivable disgrace. And it’s not enough to blame the corpo media for the framing. Democrats at the highest levels are shitty at this. But at least there is still lots of time to tell the story and reframe the conversation.
Because the truth is, and what’s is obviously being admitted here by this deeply stupid Shit-lord failure, Biden’s first two years will be legendary by modern presidential standards. The trick is to make him a legend in his own time. The lowest unemployment in over five decades. More job creation than any other president in recorded human history. Record growth. Stunning legislative achievements. Putin/Russia reduced to crawling like dogs. NATO, EU democratic allies triumphant.
Part of the problem is a demographic one. Too many poll respondents are no longer even in the economy in any meaningful traditional sense. We are in a demographic transition period where the people who make up the real economy don’t even own phones from a pollster’s perspective, much less agree to answer polling questions. Moreover, those potential respondents are often too young to fully appreciate how Biden’s domestic accomplishments stand in comparison to the shocking failures of Republicans. Engineers dumped by Elmo? Back to work within the same fucking month, at higher salaries. Hospitality workers displaced during Trump’s economic meltdown? Now hired back with signing bonuses, full benefits, and higher wages.
I think part of the answer is going to depend on older, Boomer and Gen X progressives to carry the message to the younguns. Somebody has got to explain to them what real Republican unemployment looks and feels like. Because they don’t know.
And Biden needs to be able to rely on down ballot Dems as much as they intend to rely on him. The younger generation of Dem pols has got to start pulling their messaging weight in terms that go beyond “pushing” the administration for more. For the next eight months they’ve all got to get on board and shift to communicating full time as enthusiastic team players. With Brave Kevin shutting everything in the House down, they might as well. Because there won’t be anything else for them to work on.
He’s gonna send a search balloon.
No shit.
The rare time that Republicans actually put the “moderate” on the top of the ticket and what do they do?
They completely fuck the dog with the number 2 selection.
Conventional analysis says they should have used to the VP selection to nail down the grievance fueled base. And accounts from those who were in the process indicate that’s what they focused on. McCain himself made the call, reaching beyond a good list of capable, credible, accomplished, presidential Republican lawmakers and executives with strong conservative credentials.
McCain understood the math, but came up with the wrong solution. He knew he needed a choice that would energize older non-college educated, white racists with inconsistent voting records. He went with their spank bank instead of with their resentments. Had Maverick gone with a Trumpier choice he would have won.
Get ready for The Pain.
The other guy could help him out.
After first sniffing their hair and giving them a quick finger-bang of the rosebud, First Vegetable Joe Biden encourages every adolescent athlete to run so fast and so far that they become amenorrheic.
“Break a leg!”, he encourages.
Oh. Shit. Almost forgot my source:
At least 44 states currently ask high school female athletes about their ‘menstrual period’
@ 41
McCain himself made the call, reaching beyond a good list of capable, credible, accomplished, presidential Republican lawmakers and executives …
Then Joe Biden, who had a
front-row seatpodium position from which to observe McCain’s mistake, did the exact same thing with the box-checking disaster that is Kamala Harris.Come 2025 libbies will argue that Biden’s error did not matter, because DeSantis was going to win by a landslide, anyway.
Come 2025 libbies will argue that Biden’s error did not matter, because DeSantis was going to win by a landslide, anyway.
Get ready for The Pain.
You’ll be sucking on my dick Bitch!
Shiver me Bitch!
I’d fuck you but I already have a horse.
Not even remotely.
Biden, the consensus moderate from the field, signaled his party base with his VP pick that they would accompany him to victory in November. And so she did. MAGA world has been sobbing like bitches ever since.
McCain signaled to his party base that they were welcome to go stroke it in the bathroom to thoughts about “hot for teacher”, while he coasted to failure and irrelevance. By the time the GOP base snapped out of it, it was too late. The coolest President you’ll ever know was in office. Palin was a media multi-millionaire. And McSame was dying of cancer.
The Shit-lord failure doesn’t even see it when he is being manipulated like a fucking hand-puppet.
Shorter Mayor Pete: “That’s mine as well.”
@45. You do know that Biden/Harris WON while McCain/Palin lost? So it’s not a valid comparison.
A majority of voters voted for Biden/Harris, and rejected Trumpence. A majority of voters rejected McCain/Palin.
I do not understand why it’s so hard for you to accept that a person could be not popular enough to make it through the primaries, yet make a solid vice president. Is it because she is black and a woman and smart? You seem to have a real problem with variations of those attributes.
I told them, I said “We could buy Greenland. We could buy Greenland and then we’d have the “High Ground” for shooting down all those balloons.”
My generals loved it! They wanted to go for it. I said “You should”.
But Dragon Lady went behind my back with Mitch.
It was a terrible loss for all of us.
It’s what Harris represents that fills him with so much rage and regret.
Liberals win.
Just as it was not possible for our intel to detect three prior Chinese spy balloons, Joe and DOCTOR Jill Biden were unable to detect that two of their children are drug addicts.
The two we know about now, I mean.
@ 52
A majority of voters rejected McCain/Palin.
That’s not how any of this works.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, a majority of voters rejected Clinton/Gore. Both times.
@55. You make the assertion that both statement are true without facts to back them up. You could just as well be lying about both, and given your track record, you probably are.
@ 57
You could just as well be lying about both…
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, it is very well established that both Hunter Biden and Ashley Biden have drug problems and have done stints in rehab. I’m not lying about either of them.
In fact, five members (that we know of) of the Biden family have done stints in rehab for drugs and/or alcohol abuse.
EXCLUSIVE: ‘It’s a disease from mommy and me.’ Joe Biden’s shocking admission of addiction is disclosed in texts to son Hunter – as it’s revealed FIVE members of the Biden family have been to rehab for drug or alcohol abuse
Corruption and drug abuse are pretty much the family businesses in The Biden Crime Family.
They are all POS. From the top on down.
Yeah I shot that guy
And I had some heart attacks
And I kept you safe
Florida is an economic MIRACLE. Just don’t look how we did it.
More than half (56%) of Florida’s four million children are living in or near poverty, or in households that are one missed paycheck or lost job away from affording basic needs. Nearly two in 10 (17%) of Florida children live below the federal poverty line, which means earning less than $26,500 per year for a family of four, ranking Florida as 35th among the other states.
One out of six Florida children and one out of four households with children are food insecure, meaning they don’t know where they will get their next meal.
Florida spent less than the national average on basic assistance and work activities from its federal and state funds under the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program.
12.5% of Florida households fall below the official poverty line. That’s 12th worst in the nation, all 11 above coincidentally are Red States.
Slash it all.
@ 60
One out of six Florida children and one out of four households with children are food insecure, meaning they don’t know where they will get their next meal.
In 2021 one-third of Washington state households with children were food insecure.
Back that up?
NW Harvest
1-6 is 16% give or take. The higher % takes into account food insecure households with more than one child.
Grade school math 16% is less greater equal 33%
1 in six less greater equal 1 in four
Back that up?
Why should I do that? Next, you’d want me to explain what crimes the Biden crime family has committed.
These Indians really giveing US Heteros some competition with the HN STD Virus.
There’s got to be some comonality between these Indian men and American men. Is it their conservative value or just that they are Neanderthals?
Of the top 25 largest metro areas in the U.S. all three of Florida’s (Miami, Orlando, Tampa) rank among the top ten for poverty rate, with Miami at number two for poverty rate.
Florida is an unregulated and underfunded shit hole unless you can get up or get out. Homeowners casualty insurance industry is in freefall, and it will collapse. When it does the traditional toehold that aspirants of the middle class rely upon to cling to financial stability, opportunity, and upward mobility will evaporate.
What’s the difference between me and Wayne Gretzky?
Wayne showers after 3 periods!
A CNN columnist commenting on the Fifth Circuit decision to arm wife beaters says,
“The court’s reasoning is … that any modern law has to be more or less in line with laws and regulations in place since the Constitution was written in the late 18th century. And if the law seeks to address a long-standing problem but there’s not sufficient historical evidence of gun regulations to address that problem, the law can be struck down.”
Then she adds,
“The Constitution was written at a time in which women existed under the legal control of their husbands or fathers, could not vote, could rarely own property and were excluded from the Constitution itself. Those who were enslaved in America were deemed legally less than persons and also excluded from the Constitution’s rights and protections.”
All I can say is, be careful what you wish for, and don’t give them ideas.
@ 62*w8v09b*_ga*NTk0MjQ4ODY4LjE2NzM4OTI3MDY.*_ga_3T65WK0BM8*MTY3NTcyODY5Mi4xLjEuMTY3NTcyODczNi4wLjAuMA..
@60 They’re trying to starve them out. Don’t you know Florida is for retirees? That’s why they have only 16 teachers for the entire state. And 8 of them are in jail for giving “political” lessons.
Sounds like Horses should be concerned. Yikes!
It’s useful to understand how Northwest Harvest defines food security for its purposes.
It uses the USDA definition of “low food security”, which it describes as “Low food security (old label=Food insecurity without hunger): reports of reduced quality, variety, or desirability of diet. Little or no indication of reduced food intake.“
So if dinner is a “bag of Dick’s” when what you really wanted was a night out at Ray’s Boathouse, you fit the Northwest Harvest description of food insecurity, because the desirability of a bag of Dick’s burgers is poor, relative to that of a better-quality meal.
YLB’s fucked kids are food-insecure if they subsist on ramen while awaiting The Next Big Thing.
@70 It’s just a matter of time before they rule the 13th Amendment is unconstitutional. It blatantly flies in the face of the Founders’ original intent.
Speaking of food insecurity in FL:
Poverty, but obesity: The hunger paradox of Northeast Florida › story › news › 2010/04/18
Being poor makes it easier to be obese. That’s what they call a conundrum.
@ 72
It blatantly flies in the face of the Founders’ original intent.
99% of what Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit posts flies in the face of Goldy’s intent.
@71 “if dinner is a ‘bag of Dick’s’ when what you really wanted was a night out at Ray’s Boathouse, you fit the Northwest Harvest description of food insecurity”
Washington’s working poor will be glad to hear that. Misery loves company.
@ 67
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit read the CNN columnist’s screed, but not the Fifth Circuit opinion.
68 is an apples to oil filters comparison.
A low response rate food security survey conducted at the peak of COVID closures to specifically assess how children and families were being impacted by COVID closures.
Hey everyone, just thought I would drop a note and let everyone know that I got fired from The Stranger.
Funny, they hired me as their “legal” expert, even when they knew I was a failure as an attorney and been released with cause from the last two firms I was with. But hey, at least I’m woke!
I’m probably going to see if I can be a spokesman…oops, spokesperson, for Socialist Alternative’s next disaster of a candidate for local office.
The Northwest Harvest report is from May 2020, the UW report is from July, 2021.
I have to wonder if the pandemic caused home schooling, which eliminated school breakfasts and lunches for those who relied on them for adequate nutrition, and the jump in food-insecure children from early 2020 to mid-2021 is because of that.
Meaning neither of us are incorrect. A thought.
I hear Will Casey is looking for a new job. Someone should tell him about this posting:
I think Will Casey’s error was trying to turn The Stranger’s crime column into a humor column.
’cause so much of what he wrote was so unserious it was fuckin’ funny.
Q: What do Will Casey and Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit have in common?
A: They are each living proof that a law degree is no guarantee of legal understanding or competence.
@ 77
A low response rate food security survey…
Response rates to the USDA’s food security surveys are sometimes as low as 1%.
The UW work included two separate surveys.
Six thousand responses over the two surveys. I’d bet that’s above 1%.
Figures. Takes a survey that was mailed and hoping to get back (unscientific) responses, that totals 27% experiencing any food insecurity during any 30 day period and Dumbfuck goes all….
27% is 1/3rd. As opposed to more methodical studies that track persistent food insecurity.
Is temporary food insecurity a problem, yes.
Is permanent insecurity in an apples to apples comparison 33%. no.
Is temporary food insecurity 33% in WA. Sadly the answer for dumbfuck is not yes. But he’s got a study..that doesn’t say what he claimed…that he doesn’t grasp what it says anyway.
I’m not content to get sued by Disney JUST for trying to dissolve Reedy Creek. Now I’m getting ready to have the legislature grant me special powers to appoint all members of the new governing body of the district.
Elections are for suckers.
I have no concern over losing in court on the very basic issue of whether or not residents of a part of the state have the right to determine their own representation. We’re turning that fucking place into my own private Magic Kingdom. Gonna be great. First we drain Lake Buena Vista, then we make “Great Moments with Mr. Nixon”…
@ 84
Is temporary food insecurity 33% in WA. Sadly the answer for dumbfuck is not yes. But he’s got a study..that doesn’t say what he claimed…that he doesn’t grasp what it says anyway.
Page 1 of my linked .pdf, top right:
If you’re not happy with me repeating a UW study’s finding verbatim, it’s not my problem.
@76 The very first paragraph of the opinion I didn’t read says,
“The question presented in this case is not whether prohibiting the possession of firearms by someone subject to a domestic violence restraining order is a laudable policy goal. The question is whether 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(8), a specific statute that does so, is constitutional under the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution. In the light of N.Y. State Rifle & Pistol Ass’n, Inc. v. Bruen, 142 S. Ct. 2111 (2022), it is not.”
You don’t really need to read the rest. But if you do, you’ll find out that,
“Between December 2020 and January 2021, Rahimi was involved in five shootings in and around Arlington, Texas. On December 1, after selling narcotics to an individual, he fired multiple shots into that individual’s residence. The following day, Rahimi was involved in a car accident. He exited his vehicle, shot at the other driver, and fled the scene. He returned to the scene in a different vehicle and shot at the other driver’s car. On December 22, Rahimi shot at a constable’s vehicle. On January 7, Rahimi fired multiple shots in the air after his friend’s credit card was declined at a Whataburger restaurant.
“Officers in the Arlington Police Department identified Rahimi as a suspect in the shootings and obtained a warrant to search his home. Officers executed the warrant and found a rifle and a pistol. Rahimi admitted that he possessed the firearms. He also admitted that he was subject to an agreed civil protective order entered February 5, 2020, by a Texas state court after Rahimi’s alleged assault of his ex-girlfriend. The protective order restrained him from harassing, stalking, or threatening his ex-girlfriend and their child. The order also expressly prohibited Rahimi from possessing a firearm.”
Further on the opinion I didn’t read says at p. 22 that “Bruen
forecloses” protecting vulnerable people from lawless scum like Rahmini “in favor of a historical analogical inquiry into the scope of the allowable burden on the Second Amendment right” and that “our ancestors would never have accepted” regulating the possession of firearms by people like him. This may be technically correct; instead of screwing around with that, they just would’ve hung him.
If the Fifth Circuit was right, then the courts that upheld laws barring Negroes from having guns were wrong.
@ 60, 82, 84
You used a source from Northwest Harvest (I think – you didn’t post a direct link to your source) that is nearly three years old. I came up with a source more than a year more recent.
And you don’t like my data. Boo fuckin’ hoo.
Hey, did I ever tell y’all about the time I lost a bet with another HA commenter, paid off by sending Northwest Harvest a bank transfer for $1,000 and emailed Darryl proof, and when everyone on HA called me a liar Darryl just let me twist in the wind?
Northwest Harvest can go fuck itself.
If the Fifth Circuit is right, then the 2nd Amendment is unworkable, and we need to either repeal the damned thing, or amend it to read that keeping and bearing arms is a privilege which Congress and the states may regulate in the interest of public safety.
If it is, it’s about time.
POLITICS Is This The End For Kamala Harris?
Well, I can think of several times when she embarrassed herself.
@91 “I can’t think of one thing she’s done except stay out of the way and stand beside him at certain ceremonies.”
If I didn’t know better, and didn’t notice the pronoun, I’d think you were talking about Harry Truman.
If Kamala does absolutely nothing in her 4 years except certify the 2024 electoral votes, she will have earned her keep. But in fact she’s done a lot more than that:
In 2021 one-third of Washington state households with children were food insecure.
The year Joe was raining munee on everyone causing ‘flaysun?
Oh say it’s not so.
If Trump picks Marjorie Taylor Greene as his 2024 running mate, he will do so for only one reason: He can count on her to violate the Constitution the next time he attempts a coup.
4 in 10 Americans say they are worse off financially since Biden took office.
LOL indeed..
yawwwnn.. corresponds to support for drumpf.. ‘course they gonna whine.. after all a black woman is just one heartbeat away from a very old guy’s job.
6 of 10 americans must be ok..
I know my kids are fine.. Good paying jobs and good prospects ahead..
Once kreepshit kicks the bucket, dang, nothin’ but blue skies..
According to kreepshit’s own babblin’ of course..
Students were pissed. They wanted Popeye’s.
School food vendor apologizes — again — for ‘inexcusable’ Black History Month menu
That physics teacher at Bellevue CC who wrote the test question about Condoleezza dropping a watermelon off the roof of a building could not be reached for comment.
@ 95
6 of 10 americans must be ok..
Hey, so fuck the 4 of 10 who aren’t. What a winning strategy to employ, YLB – you even threw in a “LOL”, just so we’d know that you are no more serious about financial difficulties experienced by tens of millions of others than you are about anything else. Why should a dumb twat like you worry about a minority of Americans who are worse off after two years of Team Biden than they were before he was inaugurated?
If food insecurity affects 30 million American children, I guess that means the other 60 million must be ok.
Hey, so fuck the 4 of 10 who aren’t.
Whoa look at it get pissed about the other 6 of the 10.
The “4” can’t even get vaxxed. They “fucked” themselves..
Struggling making ends meet doesn’t equate to mass hunger. You can prioritize food over cigs and cheap liquor.
“Cancel culture” is when a family of Trumpers cancel themselves because their candidate lost.
In Arizona, where Republicans hold a 1-seat majority in each chamber, a freshman representative who promised voters she wouldn’t vote for anything “until the 2022 is redone” is holding her breath until the entire legislature turns blue.
@ 98
You can prioritize food over cigs and cheap liquor.
I cannot believe this was written by someone who claims to be a Goldy and Darryl liberal disciple.
It sounds downright dismissive of the plight of the poor. Oh, and reasonable.
Just think of all the things that poor people could prioritize so that they wouldn’t be poor.
You don’t have to have Nike Air Jordans and iPhone 14s.
It sounds downright dismissive of the plight of the poor.
Like it gives a shit. But it certainly cares a lot about drumpf lickbutts like the 10 million more who voted for drumpf in 2020. 73 million all told.
v.s. 331 million total population.. Yeah, sounds about right.
kreepshit needs them alive and miserable for ‘nother tax cut and to layoff those manchinema irs agents.
26)If I remember right, they would tell King County Elections nobody was opposing them? This did spook the KCD to find ways to get turnout up. Their excuse for not using KingCo Elections was cost. Tge King Comservation District doesn’t have the budget to pay King County Elections for the normal process.
People in Florida should go to school on Turkey right now.
Get the fuck out now or that shit will be your future.
Don’t forget 100 round double drum canister clips, bump stocks, and VIP passed to the Route 91 Harvest Music Fest.
@2 “she’s truly awful”
Perhaps, but so much better than you.
Doctor Dumbfuck went to med school so he could afford the things poor people can’t in order to sneer at them.
I’m a careless, impulsive drunk with shitty eyesight.
Dude’s lucky he lived as long as he did.
Hey, did I ever tell y’all about the time I lost a bet with another HA commenter, paid off by sending Northwest Harvest a bank transfer for $1,000 and emailed Darryl proof, and when everyone on HA called me a liar Darryl just let me twist in the wind?
You were left twisting in the wind by Darryl because you were lying. It’s not your only lie about Darryl. “Libs must arm” comes to mind.
You also lied your ass off when you’ve posted about J6.
Hell, you lie about everything, you POS traitor.
Except his Supermodel girlfriend in Canada.
That’s fer realsies.
Makes you realize that when that stupid piece of shit posts his raving trash, he does it with an audience in mind that can only exist entirely in his head.
Everyone who visits HA knows he fakes everything. Moreover, twenty years of enduring a seemingly endless scroll of entirely fake Republican outrage has equipped all of us with a finely tuned instinct to assume their shit is faked until proven otherwise.
And that instinct is almost always right.
LITERALLY an attack line from 2020 that didn’t work.
Go for it.
For every reliable GOP voting senior that dies a never going to vote for a Republican turns 18. And they aren’t factored into any polling by any legacy pollster.
And they aren’t factored into any polling by any legacy pollster.
It remains unclear how badly people under 50 are being under represented by conventional polling methods, how well survey designers and analysts are accounting for this in their weighting and mathematical modeling, and how well or to what extent these issues are then reflected in rising polling inaccuracies.
But it seems stupid to argue that the traditional methods of landline telephone surveying are still working well for any polling firms attempting to model voter behavior. And yet the financial survival of some very large polling firms depends on making just that argument. People under 50 are turning out in larger proportions than most polling firms have modeled. And their voting behavior has diverged from the predictions made by those models. It tells us that something is very wrong with the way polling firms survey these potential voters.
Republicans are responding to that challenge, not by directly reaching out to those potential voters or by modifying their messaging to persuade those potential voters, but instead by doing everything they can to limit the impact of these voters on elections by reducing their turnout. Rather than respond to the needs of these voters and listen to their voices, Republicans are trying to lock them out of the democratic process, and restrict the role of democratic processes in determining public policy. They are doing this by pointlessly erecting additional barriers to voting and by using money, lawsuits, and more recently violence and threats of violence to limit majority rule.
Polling companies should be surveying those potential voters under 50 about that.
This seems to suggest that independent campaigns from angry, bitter loser outsiders are less than optimal for Republicans in November.
@ 116
But it seems stupid to argue that the traditional methods of landline telephone surveying are still working well for any polling firms attempting to model voter behavior.
It seems even more stupid to argue that this is how polling firms are doing it.
Nearly all of them that poll by phone use a combination of cell phone and landline contacts.
I’m trying to think of one poll I saw in 2022 that was landline only. Drawing a blank.
This isn’t new for Momala. She struggled to articulate much at all when Willie Brown’s cock was stuffed down her throat.
Cowardice is a natural Democrat trait.
Predictably weak response. Grieving for his loss of relevancy he grasps at rotten straws.
Poll firms certainly try to access cellular phones. But with very low success for reasons that are obvious to all but grandpa who still waddles to the mailbox each and every day and dutifully opens and reads every single piece of third class mail that comes in a pink envelope declaring “ATTENTION”.
I can check and I do from time to time. And even though my cell numbers are scrubbed from the most lists and on record with the FTC, I still answer fewer than 1 in 3 calls that come to my mobile devices. And those are only the ones that display a caller ID matching a contact in my phones, and those I only personally answer about half the time. I can’t imagine how a polling company would ever reach me this way. To the best of my knowledge they don’t. Nor have I ever met anyone my age or younger who has ever responded to a telephone poll. And I actually ask pretty regularly.
But I’m not bored, sitting around the house with the television on in the background waiting for the sweet release of death or the next hit of Oxy. And neither are any of the people I ask. We are all too busy, productive, healthy, and socially engaged to answer phone calls that we did not expect, and don’t have to answer from people we don’t really want to talk to at that moment, even when our caller ID identifies them to us. But I know there must be some people under 50 like that. Sounds like there’s a lot of them in Arkansas, Alabama, Missouri, and West Virginia. I wonder if they vote much?
All one had to do to see that you’re making a dumb argument is look at the final polls in 2020 & 2022 turnout models.
Across the board traditional pollster modeling showed 18-29 voters in similar percentages to what had been seen previously. In the case of 2022 it was assumed that there would be a huge drop off in the demographic because it was a non-presidential year. It should have been a GIANT flashing warning beacon to the GOP that most were assuming between 7-12% of registered youth vote would turn out in 2022.
It was actually 27%.
That’s how badly they missed it. Pollsters weren’t reaching young voters via cell so they weren’t even remotely aware of what a ‘likely’ voter was and they assumed a return to apathy among the young.
You did the same in the runup, “THE PAIN”. There is really no other explanation for being so very far off except the pollsters just weren’t talking to young voters. The exact thing that happened with the Kansas abortion vote where the final polls suggested a tight win for the Armies of the Forced Birth and in actuality it went down by 20 points. The ‘likely voter’ model was god awful leading the Pro Kids having Babies against their will side to think they had a solid shot at getting it done BECAUSE they figured the youngs weren’t going to show. They were, as the kids like to say, Loud Wrong!
@112 I found a picture of her on the internet. Ain’t she a beauty?