Stay cool everyone. Today is going to be too damn hot. Every year there are a few days where I think that I should get air conditioning.
Drink lots of water. Like, more than you think you need. You will want to get to the point where you are peeing clear. And when you’ve finished peeing wash your hands. Also, wash them right now.
What? No Alyssa Milano?
Jussie Smollett, 38, raises a fist at Black Lives Matter protest in front of Trump Tower in New York as he fights charges of staging an attack on himself
Won’t be long until FB does the same.
Google extends its coronavirus work-from-home order to summer 2021
The Seattle restaurant workers can repurpose their Fight for $15 signs to picket outside the unemployment office.
She makes rent by baby-sitting. It’s doubtful she does anything “too well”.
Rona (The Romney, not the TrumPlague) just announced the headlining entertainment for the big Rapepublican Coronation Zoom ShitShow:
– Scott Baio
– The Nuge
– Diamond and Silk
– Anthony Sbato
Swap meet in the B parking lot.
Fauci throws out MLB season’s first pitch and the season doesn’t last a week.
Right up there with this.
This didn’t go well.
The Miami Marlins canceled their home opener Monday due to the rapid spread of the coronavirus within their team, according to multiple reports.
Sources told ESPN on Monday the number of cases within the team has reached at least 14.
@ 4
Dems get all the big names for their convention.
A week closed up with a bunch of strangers singing, sobbing, and speaking in tongues.
What could possibly go wrong?
Most of the US managed to initially bring community spread of the virus under control enough to have flattened the curve. But what broke things open increasingly appears to be superspreader events like these. Almost entirely the fault of Trumpalos who listened to his lies when he told them everything was fine.
Everything is not fine.
And now 1000 of them are dying every day.
It just cannot be stressed how absolutely vital it is for Real American Patriots to stay the hell away from Rapepublicans. They are all superspreaders dripping with filth and death.
It’s just as well. Even if you could sell a Scott Baio action figure, he’d demand it be priced at $100, and charge $25 for shipping.
99 days remaining.
14 weekends and counting.
14 opportunities to alter the news cycle and reverse the headwinds. And no plan in sight other than Scott Baio and The Nuge.
Better call Putin.
Slip, slip, slipping away…
North Carolina: NBC News/Marist Biden 51, Trump 44 Biden +7
“Throwing missiles”?
Coward. Liberal.
Waaay back in March, president ShitMidas was trailing an average of 6 points among state polls. The thing about it that was noteworthy at the time was that most incumbent presidents begin the major campaign phase with a average poll lead, owing to voter familiarity and some degree of confidence. Even Carter led Reagan and Anderson by a good 6 points by the end of March, with Reagan having dominated the initial primary season and already close to securing the nom.
Just as noteworthy were the assurances from stalwart Trumpalos that impeachment hearings last fall leading into an abrupt and performative party-line acquittal vote in the Senate was guaranteed to shift voter loyalty to “their president”. It appears now the opposite occurred. The proceedings in the House ratified concerns among unaffiliated voters about Trump’s performance and character. And the brief, superficial trial in the Senate was seen as entirely partisan by a group of mostly non-partisan voters.
So Trump and the Rapepublicans started out this campaign season well behind and so far the only things they’ve been able to do have caused them to fall back even further. Today Biden enjoys a 9 point lead in average of state polls, with no signs so far of that trend changing. Gains in poll support at any point in the season are likely to come from undecideds. So it’s important to recognize that as the campaign wears on and election day gets closer. the population of undecideds available to swing the numbers gets smaller. That’s part of what makes an early lead so valuable. But also part of what makes an early lead vulnerable as summer turns to fall. That’s where Clinton lost most of her lead in 2016.
But peering into the crosstabs of these polls to see where the shifts are taking place reveals at least one unexpected result. From 2016, Trump has lost over 20% of his support among voters 65 and older, to where Biden now leads narrowly among this group. That change is almost certainly a result of his catastrophic failure to enact responsible public health policy in response to the pandemic.
I just don’t know what gman’s gonna do now that it’s considered racist that he bleaches his anus.
‘Whitening’ creams undergo a makeover but colorism persists
It’s not enough that his ever-widening skidmark is brown. With flecks of fresh blood, when he’s done bending over in that alley behind The Swallow.
Rapepublican Rep. Louie Gohmert sent an army of armed violent white supremacists to break up a campaign rally by his Democratic challenger attacking and beating attendees and campaign employees.
Coward. Elected Rapepublican member of Congress.
@ 16
There were two rallies, and apparently the GOP one was bigger.
There’s nearly five minutes of video here, and it’s mostly a nothingburger, not the longshoremens’ union skullbuster type of event that QoS McHillbilly would like you to believe took place. One of the guys doing some pushing and shoving bears more than a passing resemblance to Larry the Cable Guy. Ol’ Larry threw a punch at a smaller guy, and I’m sure he feels quite contrite this morning about it. In the entire video that was the only punch I saw.
QoS McHillbilly is right about one thing, though. There was a Confederate flag, virtually certainly held by one of the GOP side.
If I was QoS McHillbilly I’d make sure all of you saw that – something I think is an indefensible demonstration of racism. Not a slap-fight between a couple of has-been assholes on each side.
One of the attendees on the GOP side, at minimum, is a racist POS. A smarter QoS McHillbilly would have made that point, just that one, and hammered the right with it.
The point he tried to make instead is silly, as well as false.
Upside, it’s been decades since the Marlins lead the league in anything.
Think about the months of intense planning that went in to having MLB start.
Daily testing of players coaches and staff every other day. Rapid response to positive tests. Masks in the dugouts and locker rooms.
And the virus, at least on one team, is spreading.
wait for it….
wait for it…..
Now do schools.
Allen High School (TX) has over 6500 students.
After you’re done reading Goldy’s Twitter sidebar with all the libbies whining about how their “press” friends were treated by SPD, take a look at this video
that shows how a filmmaker was treated by the protesters. In the first few seconds you hear, “You’re going to get your ass kicked.”
Now back to your Goldy-approved liberal whining, ya fuckin’ hypocrites.
@ 18
…it’s been decades since the Marlins lead the league in anything.
Other than their World Series championships in 1997 and 2003, you mean.
@ 19
Goal was to flatten the curve, not eliminate it. There’s evidence of COVID-19 DNA in sewer waste in this country, dating back to October. Spin history any way you wish, but in this mobile society that virus was going to go worldwide no matter what was done. The point of the lockdown was to slow the spread. Mission accomplished.
I’m not hearing wailing for ventilators from hospitals all over the US, Cz-252.
Island County:
62% of those infected are women.
No deaths since May.
In the south end of Whidbey, one new case since April.
Nothing to see here.
Pay absolutely no attention to the massive White Pride tattoos in four inch Gothic script.
That’s merely a “joke” to “trigger the libbies”.
If QoS McHillbilly had written it @ 16 the headline would have read “Mayor’s House Nearly Destroyed, Now Uninhabitable”.
The C is for Crybaby in QoS’s case.
So the only thing your party and your president can take any credit for (and which you certainly tried to take credit for months ago when your Trump Body Pile was only 50,000 deep) was, according to you, ineffective, or at best a delay tactic.
Hey, I know. Let’s “travel-ban” Florida!
A half a year later, “suddenly” Trolls4Trump discover testing and PPE. Anybody waiting for the next round of economic relief should be greatly reassured.
Either Gohmert is an elected member of Congress or he’s not.
And either Gohmert is a coward and your pronouncements of moral judgment offered @13 are just as true in his case, or they are just more worthless Trumpalo, partisan bullshit applied only when and where it suits you to defend an uninterrupted record of corruption and failure.
Everyone reading this already knows the answer.
Keep going, Pussy. It only gets worse for you from here on out.
Ooooh. You got me there. 17 years. Great catch. Decade plus seven. They teach rounding in second grade.
Are you the guy who explains to Seinfeld the deal about things?
Shorter, less Cat Lady 22, 23,
Take your pick:
“We have it totally under control.” Jan 22
“It miraculously goes away” Feb 10
“The Coronavirus if very much under control in the US.” Feb 24
“It’s going to disappear.” Feb 27
“One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.” Feb 27
“And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.” March 9th, 22 dead
“It’s something that we have tremendous control over.” March 15, 54 dead (notice the doubling time)
“And I have done a very good job from the beginning, including my very early decision to close the ‘borders’ from China” March 18, 108 dead
“America will again, and soon, be open for business — very soon” March 23, 427 dead
So many more American lives yet to be spent for Rapepublican foolishness and incompetence. All going back to the terrible decisions of Every Republican You Know four years ago.
Rapepublican Senator Tom Cotton declares slavery “a necessary evil”.
“How else were we going to use Robert Byrd to shame the Democrats throughout the peak of the Southern Strategy?
But Carl! What if you’re in a desert 50 miles from the nearest water hole?
Melania is going to
yell at the grounds staff from an open window about where the topiary blends with the lawn and what color roses need to be over there and “I can call INS on you Juan if you don’t get it right.”do some gardening.“Economist: I’ll try to be polite, but Larry Kudlow is a clown”
I’d leave out the polite.
“A top National Guard official will tell Congress that the widely criticized decision to forcefully clear protesters from a park outside the White House last month was made even though demonstrators were acting peacefully, a view at odds with public comments by top Trump administration officials.
“The prepared testimony of DC National Guard Major Adam D. DeMarco, who is set to appear before a hearing on Tuesday, challenges Attorney General William Barr’s account of the dispersal.
“‘The demonstrators were behaving peacefully, exercising their First Amendment rights,’ DeMarco is expected to say, adding he was surprised the clearing operation began well in advance of a 7 p.m. ET curfew ….
“Barr has previously defended the use of force to clear the protesters, saying his decision to disperse protesters followed signs that the crowd was ‘becoming increasingly unruly.’ The removal, he said, had nothing to do with a photo-op staged by President Donald Trump minutes later ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Awfully hard to sell a lie when the witnesses leave the reservation. It’s even harder without evidence to support the lie (“the crowd was becoming unruly”). And DeMarco’s testimony will make it crystal clear who ordered this violent assault on peaceful exercise of constitutional rights, and the reasonable inferences about who really ordered it will follow …
@1 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck is reduced to channeling his “white privilege”* through Jussie Smollet.
* Euphemism for what I’m too polite to actually post
@2 Doctor Dumbfuck celebrating closures of restaurants and unemployment of restaurant workers.
Meanwhile, the GOP platform is:
– Forcing people back to work
– Chopping unemployment benefits
– Shielding employers from being sued for unsafe workplaces
Looks like a winner in November …
Useful tell is when a state perjuror relies on vague, undefined, squishy terms instead of descriptions found in the relevant statutes like “throwing a missile”.
@13, See what I did there, Pussy?
@3 No problem. Flip to the right and get paid millions by Murdoch for spouting fascist propaganda.
Rightwing howling has always paid better than socialist mewling. That’s because the right concentrates wealth, while the left disperses it, so those funding rightwing propaganda can afford to.
@7 They only need one.!
@8 “And now 1000 of them are dying every day.”
Of course that’s a tragedy for their relatives, if they have any left. It’s also a tragedy for the Republican Party; at the rate it’s killing its voters, Biden might even carry the Bible Belt.
@13 Didn’t you know that water bottles are now ICBMs and firecrackers are “explosives”?
Police departments have the most creative PR flacks outside of the White House.
@14 “From 2016, Trump has lost over 20% of his support among voters 65 and older, to where Biden now leads narrowly among this group. That change is almost certainly a result of his catastrophic failure to enact responsible public health policy in response to the pandemic.”
The Trump/GOP policy of exchanging the lives of senior citizens for BEACH WEEK!!! and POOL PARTY!!! probably didn’t help.
@17 “it’s mostly a nothingburger, not the longshoremens’ union skullbuster type of event”
Calling your side’s goons pussies, I see.
Link @17: Dig the “No one is above the law” sign a Trumpalo is flashing. Shows how clueless these people are. Does anyone in small-town Texas attend school past third grade?
@20 I would merely observe that he (whoever he is) was treated more gently than Trump ralliers treat MSM journalists.
@21 “Mission accomplished.”
I get the impression most people in your profession disagree with that.
@23 You leave such a bad taste even the Covid germs don’t want you.
We could park Doctor Dumbfuck’s dead body in the Mojave Desert under a cloud of circling buzzards and it would still be there 6 months later.
Even viruses and vultures have standards.
@30 At least he got the “evil” half of it right, although in all the schools I attend, a 50% test score was a failing grade.
“Mission accomplished”
Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron should turn that into a huge banner.
Or if you’re gman, it’s like rimming a guy in the alley behind The Swallow just a little too far into Sunday morning to credibly claim you did it while out Saturday night.
Bernie Sanders co-chair: Voting for Joe Biden like eating ‘half a bowl of s–t’.
@50 From the guy who complains about being called a “horse fucker.”
Hardly. Start with Biden’s coat tails in comparison. Again, not my first choice, but… there’s more to the election than the man himself. The numbers tell us (the numbers you, Trump and the rest of TrumpWorld are doing everything you can to ignore) that Biden actually gives up some minority support when compared to either Clinton or Sanders. But he gains points, and more sheer numbers, among seniors, college educated whites, and suburban women.
In terms of outreach, turnout, and negative partisanship, Biden is probably the strongest candidate the Democrats could have put forward this year. Thanks to Rapepublicans like you passing on your chance for Pence and doubling down on the Imbecile King, Democrats were probably going to win the White House with almost any candidate. But Biden has the greatest potential for flipping the Senate and gaining more House seats.
And history has taught us all (something else you people ignore) that often the times make the man (or woman). LBJ was certainly no firebrand for civil rights before assuming office. But the circumstances created pressures and opportunities that were unforeseeable in 1960. Biden will put in office the first female Vice. And he will be faced with a monumental task of reversing deadly incompetence in the public health response to the pandemic as well as cleaning up four years of Executive branch public corruption the like of which has never been seen before in the United States.
These things often have a momentum all their own. And Biden may find himself born along by the times in which he serves.
@52 Biden isn’t perfect, but doesn’t have to be. He’s good enough. He’s experienced, competent, respectful, and may be the calm voice America desperately needs right now. He’ll do; and as an alternative to Trump, he’ll more than do.
Doctor Dumbfuck despises Biden, and never misses an opportunity to tell us so. He claims he didn’t (and won’t) vote for Trump, but never criticizes anything Trump does or says. That speaks for itself.
If he doesn’t want to live in a country governed by Biden, he should consider relocating his retirement digs to Costa Rica. They even have a health care system there, I hear. Of sorts. And if it’s not up to snuff, he can always be his own doctor.
I hear they have horses there, too, so he can even continue with his sex life in exile.
“Doctor Dumbfuck despises Biden”
Is it fair to say that doctor dumfuck basically despises anyone slightly liberal? Like he despises most everyone black or gay or women with power.
I’ve noticed the Putin-loving fascist traitor hates it when he’s called out in a comment by someone using the words “traitor”, “fascist” and “Putin”.
@1 You go Jessie! Bob has probably staged a few himself!
@2 if they’re not dead from The Hump And Repukilan Party virus before then.
The economy so important.
Take me out to the ballgame, take me out to the ballgame, where it’s a cough here and there and then you’re out.
See @217 of previous thread for reply to Doctor Dumbfuck’s whining about SJ’s blog.
@55 read out of order.
Ha. The horse fucker has got many horses. Some that even sleep horizontally.
Donald cancelled his trip to Yankee Stadium. Or maybe the trip was never planned. And maybe the Yankees don’t want him. Oh…..
@55 He hates a lot of things, mostly things we like. He seems to like this blog, though, and wallowing in its infamous “cesspool.” I don’t recall ever seeing him say he wants it to go away.
It’s not fair…stop calling me a Horse Fucker
Let’s be real. Dumbfuck would be putting out fake bits about whoever the Dem. Candidate was.
“Joe can barely walk without Jill’s assistance.”
“Kamala locked up all those blacks as a prosecutor”
“Klobochar eats burgers with California cheese!”
One of Bob’s.
@63 maybe if Biden choose a Horse Fucker for a mate? Would be interesting what Boob would have to say then.
Kind of like his silence today of The Hump and Repukilan Virus
Well it was worth a shot.
GOP Coronavirus bill slipped in funding for Pentagon Programs diverted to border wall construction including
$1B Navy P-8s
$2B for F-35s and C-130Js
$2B for shipbuilding.
$200/week so those lazy sons a bitches start looking for non existent jobs though. Look at our largesse!
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Hate Cops, Race-Obsessed & Make Crime Great Again Bombshell News – Demorats Allow Death & Destruction Then Deny That Riots Exist.
In Portland, gunfire, arson, stabbings, and other violence followed rioters as they made their way across the city. By Sunday, rioters had breached and surrounded the Mark O. Hatfield U.S. Courthouse causing the incident to be declared an official riot. According to the Associated Press, federal agents used tear gas, flash bangs and pepper balls to ward off rioters early into Monday morning. As of Sunday, Portland police had arrested at least 26 people and alerted the public that they found molotov cocktails as well as loaded rifle magazines.
While the Department of Homeland security and other agencies have acknowledged the presence of Antifa at the riots and are possibly instigating them, some Democrats are not taking the attacks as seriously. Representative and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee Jerry Nadler told one journalist that he thinks Antifa hosting the Portland riots is a “myth.”
“That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.,” Nadler said.
I ran into Jerry Nadler in DC and asked him to disavow the Antifa violence/rioting in Portland.
His response?
— Essential Fleccas ???? (@fleccas) July 27, 2020
Definitely a Republican, perhaps even the doctor himself.
Arresting people for violating health regulations is not “illegal,” it’s law and order; and endangering the community by doing that is not a “Constitutional right,” it’s being assholes.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I understand the desperation of business owners under shutdown orders and unemployed workers, and I appreciate their plight. That’s why I think government, specifically the federal government, should provide financial assistance to these folks. Instead of cutting benefits and playing border wall games.
@64 If there’s anything worse than being a Putin-loving fascist traitor, it’d be a Putin-loving fascist traitor who fucks horses.
Think public sector jobs are cushy? Here’s an example of what those workers have to put up with:
@70 I don’t know if he actually fucks horses, but he seems like the type of person who would.
The Q Clearance Cat Lady despises any Democrat capable of defeating his beloved Dear Leader Trump.
And the only circumstance in which The Q Clearance Cat Lady will ever vote for a Democrat is when he is mathematically assured that Trump will still win. In that he is no different than Every Republican You Know. If allowed they will destroy this country. They’ve already made a pretty fine start on it. If 200,000 dead by election day isn’t proof, I don’t know what is.
The coward who attacked Rand Paul from behind is going to be in jail for awhile.
KY man who tackled U.S. Sen. Rand Paul sentenced to another 13 months confinement
Apparently still on the light side. What a coward. Very much a liberal.
@74 “The
coward*disgruntled neighbor* who attacked Rand Paulfrom behind*DHS-style* is going to be in jail for awhile.”Seven more months, to be exact, plus 6 months of home confinement (aren’t we all right now?). Seems light for six broken ribs. Maybe the judge thinks little of the victim, who joined his Senate Republican colleagues in voting to filibuster his nomination to the bench.
Doctor Dumbfuck is driven by personal animosity, not intellectual curiosity. He’s never posted an honest critique of “The-Ave.US” on HA, nor any comment at All he wants to do is bang his spoon on his high chair and throw food at the walls.
@ 75, 76
Anesthesiologists know a shit-ton about respirators, respiratory therapy, and keeping pulse ox levels high enough to keep patients from dying.
Incarcerating one during a pandemic isn’t something a judge should take lightly. Wouldn’t surprise me if the defense made an argument, a compelling one, that the guy is more useful to society right now if he’s doing his job rather than doing his time.
I still think he’s a POS. But we don’t just need enough ventilators. We need enough people who know all about them and can make critical decisions when needed.
About an hour before a grateful nation cheered Dr. Anthony Fauci throwing out the first pitch in the Nats opener, Trump tweeted that he’d also be throwing out a first pitch for the Yankees in August.
Turns out David Dennison made the whole thing up.
Cat Lady, delete your account.
No really.
Cat Lady, delete your account.
@77 Why don’t you put in a good word for him with the judge? You can educate him about “POS doctors” (your words, not mine) and their value to society from firsthand experience.
@79 Nicely done. All presidents are lightning rods for parody, but we’ve never had one before that invites bleach jokes.
This is for you, doc, and for prosecutors to ponder:
“A witness to the deadly shooting at an Austin Black Lives Matter protest said the shooter was not defending against violence — but was initiating it.
“The driver … ‘intentionally and aggressively accelerated their vehicle into a crowd of people’ before shots rang out, James Sasinowski said. ‘I want to be very clear that the driver incited the violence …,’ Sasinowski said. ‘This was intentional. … He could have waited for us to pass or he could have gone slowly. We would have allowed him to go through.'”
A basic question to ask: Why was he there? For some valid reason (e.g., going home from work, etc.), or to look for a fight?
But even if the shooting is ruled self-defense, it appears he can and should be prosecuted for assault and reckless driving.
“Austin Police Association President Kenneth Casaday tweeted that Foster was ‘looking for a confrontation and he found it’ …. Casaday said Foster had been protesting in front of the City Manager’s house with a rifle. ‘You look like you’re picking a fight when you’re out standing in front of the city manager’s house intimidating them,’ Casaday said.”
Now he should do the McCloskeys.
What Casaday leaves out is that Foster had a constitutional right to protest, a constitutional right to assemble with other protesters, and a constitutional right to bear arms.
Unless it’s shown that Foster threatened the driver with his rifle, everything Foster did was legal and within his rights.
When someone acting legally and exercising his rights is killed for it, a crime has been committed. Even a doctor with no legal training should comprehend that, unless the doctor in question is a dumbfuck.
How to lie twice in one sentence.
Worst attorney general since John Mitchell. Arguably worse than Mitchell.
Having posted @58 a reference to @217 of the preceding thread which describes an article I posted on Steve’s blog, Handbill.US, as a “defense of Tom Cotton,” I need to post notice of a correction to that article.
At first, I thought Cotton only stated his belief that the Founding Fathers saw slavery as “a necessary evil,” which I thought to be historically accurate, qualified as I stated in the article. However, upon a closer reading of the original reporting here,
… which quotes Cotton as follows:
“We have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can’t understand our country. As the Founding Fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was built, but the union was built in a way, as Lincoln said, to put slavery on the course to its ultimate extinction,”
(with the italics added by me for emphasis), it now appears to me that Cotton went further and expressed his agreement with that view.
The phrase, “As the Founding Fathers said,” has a completely different meaning from, “The Founding Fathers said,” and I don’t think I need to explain the difference.
Therefore, I have revised the Handbill.US article, and it no longer can be described as a “defense” of Cotton’s remark. My Handbill.US article now says, “the criticism of Cotton’s remarks seems justified.”
Remember when Reagan was considered a saint in Republican circles?
Of course, the Reagan Foundation isn’t Reagan, but it’s the closest thing Republicans have to Reagan this side of his gravesite, old video of his speeches aside.
“President Trump lashed out at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute and Fox News on Sunday after the presidential foundation requested his campaign and the Republican National Committee stop using former President Ronald Reagan’s likeness to fundraise.”
Even Reagan, or anyway the foundation preserving his legacy, isn’t immune from Trump’s childish ire and boorish behavior. But what do you expect from the jerk who vilified a POW hero?
It’ll probably roll right off Republicans. This isn’t Reagan’s Republican Party anymore. It’s the Tea Party on steroids, and it has descended into madness.
“Trump Ditches ‘New Tone’ On COVID-19, Pushes States To Reopen”
Well, that didn’t last very long. Like, 48 hours.
@ RR @ 44:
Does anyone in small-town Texas attend school past third grade?
This is Tyler Texas. It’s a town where people fly Confederate and Swastika flags and literally beat the crap out of their wives in full view of the public.
I don’t know if you’ve ever been to east Texas. But once you get past Dallas or Waco, it is full of some of the hardest deliberately stupid people in the Country. Hence their constant re-election of Louie Gohmert and Rafael Cruz.
Tyler and Longview are the sort of towns where a man will full-on punch his wife or daughter in the stomach in a bar or grocery store for whatever reason he sees fit in full view of everyone and nobody cares.
Go out there and you’ll see the only places where people can find employment are farms, WallyWorld, fertilizer factories or shitty dive taverns where locals go to drink away their farm subsidy checks.
Remember, it’s the place where two inbred hicks dragged a man behind their pickup truck for three miles until his head came off and the Police refused to even investigate until the Federales got involved.
Don’t knock Texas, everything is bigger there. Especially the assholes.
Um, about your “medical expertise”:
Delete your account, Cat Lady.
senile idiot wabbit,
Did the McCloskeys initiate the action? NOPE you senile DOPE!
DAYUM you really are a senile idiot wabbit moron! Getting worse everyday. Now we’ll see another Michael Brown ASSociation!
@ 90
I saw about 10 seconds of that video and winced.
Her MD degree came from the same Nigerian university as Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s law degree.
Oh, and Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit received an alumni discount on investment advice for parking his retirement account with an affiliated Nigerian investment firm. In their experienced hands his portfolio up nearly 33% since 2010.
They initiated the confrontation with the people they believed were trespassing.
They exited their house armed in order to confront and prevent people who were trespassing on a private drive. They were within their rights to do so.
Under their state law as I read it (and pretty clearly as they read it*) they were not within their rights to point those firearms at the people they believed were trespassing nor to issue threats while doing so.
*That’s why they changed their public statements to claim fear for their lives where previously they made no such claim. And that’s why they altered one of the guns. Acting under advice of their attorney, they are doing the best they can to offer mitigating evidence. But of course there has to be something to mitigate.
The biggest clown in Portland is Ted Wheeler. He’s the reason Durkan aligned with Best to restore the use of crowd control devices by SPD this past weekend. She’s learned something, Wheeler hasn’t.
@ 93
And that’s why they altered one of the guns.
So, you’re now claiming that the pistol was rendered inoperative AFTER the McCloskey woman held it during that episode?
Evidence for that? Any possibility there’s evidence, like a paid invoice, that a gunsmith rendered it inoperative years ago so that it could be safely used as a courtroom exhibit, as the McCloskeys claim?
@90 probably one of Puddy’s relatives
With reference to @96,
I’d recommend Bob, since he’s so use to this kind of stuff being in the family, that he check on the vagina to see if it doesn’t have any ruminants of corpus cavernosum.
Cat Lady @95,
If Puddy’s legal theories were anything more than pure bullshit, you wouldn’t need to offer these excuses.
Delete your account.
Found some more Antifa!
Something about free markets.
Sen Dan Sullivan, R-AK, is sending threatening letters to Banks who have chosen not to finance arctic drilling projects. Seems many banks have decided future oil profits and the risk of liability for spills is too high and threatens loans.
So when a business makes a business decision government needs to force them to make a different decisions. CAPITALISM!
Acting USOCC Chair Brian Brooks sends letter to Sullivan stating he will take a serious look at what regulatory means can be used to pressure banks.
“‘Student loan borrowers get nothing in the HEALS Act,’ said higher education expert Mark Kantrowitz.”
This isn’t random or accidental. Republicans are deliberately antagonistic toward ambitious students without means. They oppose Pell grants, etc.; they’re responsible for the provisions that student loans can’t be forgiven in bankruptcy under any circumstances whatsoever. I think it’s a subset of their determination to keep the working class down. After all, if the children of farmworkers can go to college or medical school, who’s going to pick apples or asparagus for $5 an hour?
This is exactly how they turned me into a Democrat. I was a Goldwater Republican, and bought into the conservative bullshit, through high school because of the influence of teachers and classmates in the very conservative community I grew up in. But when I started college — I put myself through college — and needed some student financial aid to supplement my wages from working while going to school, it didn’t take me 15 minutes to figure out who was trying to help me and who was trying to keep me down.
It has cost their candidates my votes for over 50 years now. And it didn’t get them anything; their dumbass kids didn’t get the seats I occupied in college, graduate school, and law school. I didn’t take those seats away from them; they didn’t earn them by studying, working hard, and making the grades, whereas I did.
@100 I would think at this point bank execs are thinking 6 months ahead, to Jan. 3, 2020, to be exact. Senators can squawk all they want, and it doesn’t mean anything, if they’re not the majority.
Personally, I think Democrats should steal a page from the GOP playbook and let Sullivan and his colleagues spend the next several years playing checkers in their caucus room, and they get to see legislation and confirmations only after they’re already a done deal with no input from them and voting is merely a formality.
Let the job of Republican senator be the most useless and boring occupation on earth. If they all quit from boredom, good.
Heavens to Betsy!
Nobody could have possublee evur have ciphered such a diabolical and GEEEENYUS plot!
More than a few of them are working directly with law enforcement and some almost certainly are law enforcement.
The Umbrella Men have entered the game.
Probably plays into the banking decisions too. They have a good idea what’s coming and a Biden administration with a Democratic Congress would almost be sure to re-ban arctic drilling and any loans would be sure to default.
Hey how’s that Military vote coming in for ’20?
@91 “Did the McCloskeys initiate the action? NOPE you senile DOPE!”
For anybody but a brain-dead amoeba, pointing guns at people just walking past your house is “initiating the action.”
Don’t overlook the context. We’re talking here about a judge’s instructions to a jury, not the ravings of a lunatic.
The latter dwells in an entirely different world, one all its own.
Mrs. McCloskey is very, very lucky Garrett Foster or George Zimmerman wasn’t there, because either of them would’ve been morally and legally justified to shoot her dead.
@92 The University of Washington is a “Nigerian” university?
I’m sure this will make you popular over there.
Clutching your Caribbean M.D. degree.
@94 I agree it’s dumb to think you can negotiate with Nazi invaders.
Not sure if this has already been covered but Minneapolis PD have now identified “Umbrellaman” who’s widely distributed video of breaking windows at autozone was shown as proof of the lawlessness of the Mike Brown protests and #BLM is:
The man is also a suspect in an incident where are White Supremacist threatened several Hijab wearing women in Silverwater in June. He is also thought to be an associate of Aryan Cowboy Brotherhood.
@95 “So, you’re now claiming that the pistol was rendered inoperative AFTER the McCloskey woman held it during that episode?”
That’s exactly what he’s claiming. Look at the chain of custody. Which gun(s) were pointed at the peaceful, non-threatening protesters? Mrs. McCloskey’s pistol. Which gun(s) did the police executing the search warrant on the McCloskeys’ residence find there? Only his AR-15. Where was the pistol? At their lawyer’s office. Still want to argue it wasn’t tampered with before being seized as evidence? That it was inoperable all along? We’re entitled to make reasonable inferences. So are investigating detectives, charging prosecutors, judges, and jurors.
But let’s try it your way for a minute. This won’t take long.
Possible Scenario #1: What kind of fucking fool points an inoperable gun at a large crowd of people, and later argues she did so because she feared for her life, and expects anybody to believe that?
Possible Scenario #2: If she didn’t know it was inoperable, who did, and rendered it that way? The family dog? Then you have to ask, what kind of husband would disable his wife’s gun, not tell her, and still say nothing when she relies on it to confront a crowd while in fear for her life? That’s a pretty shitty husband.
That’s a stupid argument, doc, even for someone unqualified to be either a lawyer or a husband.
Note that he also tries to complicate the issue. “Taken to a gunsmith…”
No, and have you ever cleaned a firearm? I have. Now the Attorney probably did have to take it to an expert, not being experienced in these things which could explain why the gun went ‘missing’ for a couple days when an experienced gun owner, as the McCloskey’s claim to be, could have it done and reassembled in an hour. Tops. But not when officers are rolling around the house with a warrant. “Gotta get it outta here FAST!”
In 2020 someone with no experience could learn how to do it on YouTube and probably get it done first try with no issues.
Doctor apparently calls in a climatologist to set the AC in the house.
@110 The president of the Minneapolis cop union is affiliated with a motorcycle “club.” I wonder if they’re pals?
Rep. Ted Lieu appears to have got Attorney General Barr to admit that DHS agents were indeed arresting ‘protesters’ with no probable cause except proximity.
Congratulations Donnie, the lawsuits against the Federal Government will be funding ANTIFA for years. Maybe we should rename you President Soros. Bwahahahahahahahahaha
Aryan Cowboy Brotherhood
“Very fine peeps” teh babblin’ butthole would rather have in charge of things.
That’s why the umbrella.
There’s nothing particularly novel or surprising about any of this shit. From Boogaloo Bois to Hells Angels, to Three Percenters they’ve been working with police (and in a few case they actually are the police) to incite violence and property destruction at all kinds of peaceful protests. We have the emails, text messages, and audio recordings to prove it. It’s been going on for years now. And nobody seems to care.
That’s why people talk about disbanding entire police departments. Because they just don’t see how you could ever “reform” or “clean up” organizations this dirty. It’s like arguing to “reform” the Gambino crime family so they can continue to buy little league uniforms.
In his testimony today Barr pretty much guaranteed that the HuhrDuhrham report was an empty notebook that he’s too embarrassed to release.
Cat Lady was warned.
If you can make a contribution to your local animal shelter or humane society, it would be greatly appreciated.
@118 We’re feeding a feral cat, a flock of crows, and songbirds. Is that enough?
On the day he ran through multiple police road blocs and was killed in an armed shootout with the FBI, Republican alt-Right hero LaVoy Finicum left the barricaded wildlife refuge offices to travel to attend a secret meeting he had arranged with the Sheriff in neighboring Grant County.
Both the Sheriff in Harney County and in neighboring Grant County had sought throughout the armed and barricaded occupation to keep lines of communication open with supporters of the violent radical extremists. But Sheriff Palmer in Grant County went “the extra mile” by meeting directly with some of the violent extremists to hear their complaints and offer them the support and assistance he felt he could under the law.
We now have growing evidence that most of the unlawful conduct taking place during peaceful demonstrations in our cities is being carried out by small numbers some of whom are working in opposition to Black Lives Matter and may even be working with the police. While most of the tens of thousands of people taking part each night are peaceful, law abiding citizens who want only to demonstrate their support for BLM and the calls for sweeping criminal justice reforms.
No meeting with them, however. Local elected officials have tried to begin to establish those relationships, and in some cases they’ve compelled the local police under their civilian authority to participate. But Republicans from the federal government will have none of it. Even going so far as to threaten local police agencies if they make efforts to meet with and compromise with the demonstrators.
More of the New Federalism.
And why I’m far more interested in who Joe Biden chooses to be his Attorney General in 2021.
Mayor Durkan says federal agents (aka “Trump goons”) have demobilized and left Seattle.
Good for you!
I got one of my current beasties from the local Humane Soc. and have been sending them checks ever since. They run an amazing operation that brings thousands of adoptive pet parents together with abandoned animals needing a loving home. Soup to nuts they do it all. They even have special areas to meet rabbits (h/t to Roger), ferrets, other small mammals, and even reptiles.
During the TrumPlague things have become much more complicated for the people and the animals. Because of job and housing disruptions many people have had to surrender pets at the very time when bringing prospective adoptive pet parents and their “orphans” together has become extremely challenging.
If you’re lucky enough to have held on to your job during this regrettable failure of public health and you are also lucky enough to get another stimulus check, consider dedicating some (or all?) of it to your local humane society.
Do it for the rabbits.
Puddy sees he lives freely in the yellowishleakingbuttspigot single celled mind!
New KING-5 poll has Biden over Trump 62%-28% with 6% undecided in Washington state.
According to my back-of-envelope calculations, half of the 28% are in eastern Washington (which has ~22% of the state’s population, which is ~65% Republican).
Which puts the western Washington ratio somewhere around 81%-13% for Biden, and much of that will be outside the metro area, so Seattle can’t be much above 5% for Trump.
Sounds about right. I’ve seen no Trump signs or bumper stickers around here. Not one.
“Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that he will not pass a coronavirus relief bill in the Senate which does not include liability shields. ‘We’re not negotiating over liability protection,’ he told CNBC …. Democrats have generally opposed the legal shield because it could take away a recourse for workers who return to an unsafe workplace ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: McConnell doesn’t have the votes in his own caucus to pass a bill, so he’d need Democratic votes to get anything through the Senate, never mind the House.
Looks like there won’t be another stimulus. No eviction moratorium extension. No $1200 checks. Enhanced unemployment benefits will not be $600 or $200 but $0. No small business aid. No forgivable payroll loans. Nothing.
And McConnell has nicely set up the GOP to take the blame for it. All of it. Less than 100 days from elections.
Is it time to start dreaming of double-digit Senate gains? Could a 60-vote filibuster-proof majority be in sight?
I can imagine a compromise that in effect shifts workplace risks and liabilities from private businesses to the government. Similar to a worker’s comp model. If you go back to work, and get sick from Covid, the government will pay your medical bills, replace your lost earnings, and compensate you for your misery and suffering. Problem is, this would disincentivize business owners to provide safe workplaces, so there would have to be financial penalties for not adhering to CDC guidelines, accompanied by effective enforcement. And a way to keep the CDC guidelines from being hijacked by business interests.
I don’t think they can get that done in 3 days.
@118, 119, 122 My cat is a rescue and I support Purrfect Pals.
Then I guess they have to support single payer.
Because what the fuck else makes any sense?
Assuming your employer orders to to return to a teaming cesspool of recirculated TrumPlague virions and you get sick, bring it home to infect your family and make all of them sick, how on earth are you supposed to pay for years of recovery, loss of income, loss of savings, etc.?
Funny how the casual moral hazard conceits of the extreme right melt like a turd in a hurricane when things get real.
It isn’t the mask, Look at how he’s walking.
NEW VIDEO: President Trump wears a face mask while touring a laboratory in North Carolina Monday.
More evidence of a stroke?
@119 –
It’s a start. I feed two indoor cats and seven feral cats.
130 continued:
No birds to feed. With seven feral cats, and two indoor cats, not many birds come to visit.
That’s a hallmark. Circumduction of the foot in a hemiplegic gait.
Now watch The Cat Lady brush it off as a patented Trump dance move. Isn’t that the side he can’t hold a water glass with?
@132 Yup. Watching him speak today, his right elbow had a strange twitch going on.
“A Minnesota Republican Party county official has resigned after posting an image on Facebook comparing mask mandates to Jews being forced to wear Stars of David in Nazi Germany, the state party said on Tuesday.”
Why are Republicans such assholes? Didn’t their mothers teach them civility?
“Sen. Lindsey Graham’s reelection campaign posted an advertisement to Facebook earlier this month featuring a digitally altered image of his opponent — who is Black — with a darker skin tone.”
Why are Republicans such racists? Didn’t their mothers teach them to play with the other kids?
I don’t think Republicans have mothers.
@120 What did the sheriff have to do with this? Didn’t he know the refuge is federal property, therefore protected by federal agents?
Imagine what might happen today if these heavily armed protesters seized a federal courthouse in, say, Portland.
Probably nothing.
@122 You’ll never meet me in a Humane Society. I’m TOTALLY feral, coming and going.
Trump’s NO SHIT, SHERLOCK!!! moment:
“Nobody likes me,” the president said in a rare moment of self-reflection. “It can only be my personality, that’s all.”
MAGA Kid’s lawyer is having a conniption because some media folks are speculating his client got “nuisance value and nothing more” from CNN.
I wonder how much a defamation suit for proclaiming that someone lost his job because of the lawyer’s chest-pounding is worth?
Unfortunately large media companies pay out nuisance value/cost of lit pretty regularly in weak cases like these. It’s part of our system and not a very attractive one. Paying “the bad guys”, even when it is the more “economical” option, is never a good thing in my opinion.
I wouldn’t wish Covid-19 on anybody, but God indeed works in mysterious ways.
Louie Gohmert tests positive for COVID-19 after refusing to wear a mask at Barr hearing
In 2020 that’s just how it works.