Good morning to everyone except the people selling and using fake vaccine cards. Honestly, what the fuck? Just get the fucking shot, you whiny asssholes. Seriously, I am rooting for them to be heavily fined. Heavily. Seriously, we’re trying to get through a deadly disease and here they are on the side of COVID-19.
And hey, the good news is that you can get a real vaccine card (and a life saving vaccine) for free.
Future of the Republican Party in Waiting:
Has anyone seen this guy’s birth certificate?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit has been working very, very hard to convince someone – himself, most likely – that the market isn’t in a correction. When NASDAQ fell into correction territory our resident useless bloviating dumbfuck wanted everyone to know that NASDAQ isn’t “the market”:
Well, guess what, motherfucker? Less than 24 hours for life to hand your ass to you.
Now, since it’s Barron’s, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit won’t get to learn about it until he goes to the library on Saturday so that he can read the Barron’s copy there. Our self-described millionaire can’t afford his own.
A congressman doesn’t have to take a bullet to the head to be awakened to the electoral realities of unchecked inflation.
Phoenix Saw 9.7% Inflation In 2021, Outstripping National Rate Of 7%
Maybe Schumer should bring BBB to the floor so he can make Mark Kelly walk the plank on that vote, too.
Yahoo Finance
Inflation is ‘really hurting Arizona families,’ Senator Mark Kelly says
You know. Just so the country can see where everyone stands on the issue of more free money printed by the Fed.
Predictably, the spineless Kelly blames corporations.
If food prices have only gone up 5.4% in an environment in which inflation is running 9.7%, it isn’t the price of ground beef that is driving it, Senator.
How do you feel about a BBB vote now, Senator Kelly? Shouldn’t the electorate see where you stand?
Putin is shaking in his boots.
Wouldja look at that. The DJIA is down 1,000+ points in less than three hours.
Hey, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, ya gonna brag about the “five-figure” change in your wealth today?
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit pointed out yesterday that being in cash causes a wealth erosion of 7% a year these days (9.7% if you live in Phoenix, I am told).
Today that’s the price of electing First Vegetable Joe Biden. But it’s a far less damaging price than losing 3.07% (DJIA) or 4.63% (NASDAQ) in one day, isn’t it?
Every investor takes a pounding now and then. Cash is the “just the tip” approach.
@ 4
Putin is shaking in his boots.
Putin is suppressing a laugh. His was a front-row seat for the summer 2021 screening of Joe and Kumar Escape from Kabul.
Caribou Barbie’s defamation trial opened with an announcement from the bench followed by a delay.
The 57-year-old quitter-in-chief is positive and is not vaccinated.
Judge has granted a 10 day trial delay to allow for a proper mourning period.
Microsoft and bear-market are two terms I haven’t seen used together in a sentence for quite awhile.
Microsoft stock dives to lead the Dow’s decliners, as it closes in on bear-market territory
Awaiting Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s bloviating pronouncement that 18.8% is not 20%.
Some of our school district campaigning has hit a snag:
@ 4, 6
In the Biden administration the armed forces prepare for possible armed conflict with Russia by quoting a lady crooner. Make sure you click on the link to see the accompanying photograph. You need to experience the full effect – we’re going to war with Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. Putin has.
We don’t have to fail forever, HA libbies. We only have to fail long enough for Putin to take Ukraine.
@ 9
“I in no way meant to imply all guns loaded as in actual firearms, but rather all resources I can muster to make sure my children get to attend schools without masks,” she wrote. “Sincere apologies for my poor choice in words.”
I wouldn’t mind seeing Hillary debate Trump later this year. No pressure, Joe.
Who’s with me?
Next year’s important question:
Just how much anti-Asian discrimination can we get away with?
Oral arguments will be held with live background music by The Slants.
I guess another Democrat white nationalist in VA has dropped the mask, eh?
Fun fact: Three of the last four elected US senators in Arizona have been censured by their respective parties.
China‘s got the goods on The Biden Crime Family.
Dozens of Chinese warplanes fly near Taiwan after US-Japan show of naval might
What, you think Hunter only lost one laptop?
The low IQ dumbfuck is HA’s Trump Jr, only more stupid. And more boring. Too bad money can’t buy wit.
@1 Thank God that Joe Biden and not his dad is what stands between us and “nuclear-armed China.”
@2 The DJIA hates you, doc. It’s fucking with you. After stroking your cock by dropping 1,000 points this morning, it closed up 99 points, moving you another 0.29% farther away from that 10% correction, like Lucy yanking the football away from Peanuts.
Yes, I know that doesn’t sound like much, but for someone in your position, it sure must feel a lot like struggling 6,000 feet up a mountain only to stand on a ridge staring at the last 100 feet you can’t climb.
@3 “Just so the country can see where everyone stands on the issue of more free money printed by the Fed.”
It so happens “free money printed by the Fed” has inflated your stock portfolio (if you have one), just as it has mine.
I’m a shameless and unabashed inflation profiteer. If the Fed hands out free money, via the stock market, I’ll take it. So are you, unless you’re lying about owning and trading stocks; but now you’re posturing as an inflation temperance crusader tricked out in nun habit. How charming.
Barrons, which you claim to read, said about a week ago only half this inflation is attributable to the Fed, and the other half is duee to short-term pandemic disruptions. Underlying this are long-term deflationary forces. Barrons has been telling its readers that, through abating pandemic impacts and Fed tightening, inflation likely will fall to about 3% by year-end and continue trending downward to the baseline rate of ~2% in 2023. Who knows if that prediction is correct, but it makes logical sense, and almost certainly is more reliable than anything spewing from minds infected with GOP dogmatism.
Ride that inflation horse while you can, doc. Its best days are behind it, and it may be vulture food in a matter of months. Do you fuck dead horses?
@5 “Hey, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, ya gonna brag about the ‘five-figure’ change in your wealth today?”
Spiking the ball on the 20 yard line in the 3rd quarter is getting to be a habit of yours.
A chicken plant worker making Republican Minimum Wage® would have to put in many weeks of 8-hour shifts, risking Covid infection all the while, to make what I did in the stock market today. It wasn’t five figures, because some of my big holdings slipped a few cents, but it was four figures.
Nobody should work in red-state chicken processing plants. They should all become capitalists and own stocks. Not necessarily the stocks you pick, though.
@8 Microsoft, which isn’t “the market,” or even Nasdaq, was +0.11% today.
@10 Lana del Rey, whose professional experience consists of waitressing and performing, was never in the Army or in battle. She can only imagine what battlefield bravery is like, and frankly, she doesn’t have a clue.
Soldiers aren’t motivated by success or failure. That’s far too abstract for them, and they don’t know whether they’re winning or losing anyway. Soldiers fight because they’ve been trained to follow orders. Acts of bravery are motivated by a desire to save themselves and their buddies. Period. But a stupid fuck like you with no military experience wouldn’t know that unless someone told you, so I just did.
@11 The lady needs better metaphors if she wants to stay out of jail.
ON a larger scale, the entire Republican Party needs better metaphors, unless they mean it literally, in which case liberals must arm if they want to stay alive.
@16 Is this the conspiracy theory you’re referring to?
Where’s doc? Fled to the barn after the stock market kicked his correction in the ass? Well, there’s no action here, so I’ll find something else to do.
Before I leave, the Georgia special grand jury investigation of Trump’s election tampering is on.
Heh. That was some “flash crash” today.. If teh babblin’ butthole was here it would babble it was the machinations of…
– – – S O R O S – – –
teh “puppetmaster”.. heh.
btw, Glenn Beck, babblin’ butthole’s mancrush of old, is sick with Covid and called itself a “fatty-fatso”.. Prolly yet another hustle from this lyin’ hustler but one can hope..
for… natural immunity… long hauler complications.. or worse..???
@28 Now how did I miss that? I wonder if doc played the “Soros short” this morning?
@28 Speaking of mancrushes, does anyone else find it odd that Doctor Dumbfuck is a horse’s sex slave? That’s one weird horse.
Has there ever been a more spectacular HA troll flameout than what we witnessed today with Doctor Dumbfuck?
During Donald Trump’s presidency, the number of white Americans who started identifying as evangelical actually grew.
Yet long term data trends have suggested for decades that the share of Americans who express no religious affiliation (the “nones”) has been rising.
One emerging explanation is that at least one religious identifier, that of “evangelical” has ceased to stand for anything even remotely religious. Increasingly the label “evangelical” is used to describe an intolerant white bigot. But it’s use in this way is extremely attractive because, while social disapprobation for bigotry, and intolerance are widespread, criticism of someone’s religious affiliation or “faith” is perhaps an even greater taboo.
@ 32
It was evangelical or born-again. I suspect that most people who responded in the affirmative, when asked, were either asked the latter term or responded using the latter term.
The overall number of protestants didn’t increase during the four-year period. What increased was the number of people who used one of the two above terms to describe themselves.
I suspect that either they began using the term because they were hearing it all over the place or they answered yes when prompted by the pollster, who began using the term because it was being used by media and by other pollsters.
Bombshell news item there, QoS McHillbilly.
As First Vegetable Joe Biden accelerates Donald Trump’s tradition of turning the US presidency into a global joke, Ron DeSantis gets to have a little fun with it.
Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) jokes with reporter: “I don’t know if I’m supposed to call you Mike or some SOB.”
For you it’s only a matter of time, and looming sense of necessity.
Next up: QoS McHillbilly will post data showing that the number of people who consider themselves MAGA supporters has increased since 2014.
Following that, QoS McHillbilly will post data confirming that ownership of pink hats constructed of yarn and roughly appearing to look like YLB’s external genitalia has increased since January 2017.
MAGA ascendant.
TFW independents realize that voting for Biden was the worst choice they have made in their adult lifetimes.
It’s amazing that some people refuse to factor rising labor costs into the closures of restaurants in Seattle.
Labor costs are 4x what rent costs are, but labor expense is nowhere to be seen in Goldy’s retweet.
“I’d pay another 50 cents for a banh mi.”
I see we’ve now somehow achieved the rare status among Reformed Trumpaloompas where Trump is “a joke” but Marjorie Taylor Greene is a serious lawmaker.
How droll.
If we are going to keep up, I think we are going to need a chart:
@ 39
MTG is the GOP’s duly elected national embarrassment.
For Democrats, it’s First Vegetable Joe Biden.
“Born Again” like Nick Fuentes.
Why kink shame on J.D. Vance like that?
Imagine if Mrs. Dumbfuck Rabbit had the guts to repudiate her husband’s spews on HA.
Last week G-clown crowed that his employer had put $20k into his 401k.
Biden’t stock market has already cost G-clown half of it.
Why does Senator Tim Scott need $21.5M to get re-elected? ’cause that’s how much he’s got.
Scott’s probably got more pull in the Southeast US right now than Chuck Schumer.
The majority opinion of the US Supreme Court in the Harvard admissions policy case, summarized in a single graph.
The best part is that Democrats will get to blame the 2024 bloodbath on Kamala Harris.
Imagine how much President DeSantis will get done in 2025 and 2026.
I can wait.
“I can wait.” in 2022 is “This is how you get four more years of Trump” in 2020.
In the interregnum, nothing much really happened.
@ 48
“This is how you get four more years of Trump”
You’re absolutely right, QoS McHillbilly. You didn’t get those four years. Yet.
You did get two US Senate Democrats with spines. You did lose seats in the House. You will get shellacked in November.
And by mid-2023 you’ll be praying for a #CrookedHillary v. OrangeManBad rematch.
Finally, you’ll get President DeSantis and GOP control of both houses of Congress come 2025.
I can wait.
Dick’s Drive In in Seattle pays $19/hr to start, pays for employee healthcare, 3 weeks paid vacation, pays for childcare and tuition, keeps prices affordable.
Fat Midget says their liberal sense of entitlement is causing inflation destroying the Dream of Old White People.
Not what Bob said would happen.
Bob said four more years of Trump.
Bob also said House would flip and that Cocaine Mitch would grow his very tiny, flaccid majority to a 60 vote filibuster proof majority.
Bob also said “it just goes away” and that your vaccine is probably unsafe.
@31 “Has there ever been a more spectacular HA troll flameout than what we witnessed today with Doctor Dumbfuck?”
I’ll withhold judgment on that until we see what he does tomorrow.
@33 The bombshell news is that none of these people are being invited inside the Pearly Gates. Covid-19 is merely depositing them on the curb.
@36 “Next up: QoS McHillbilly will post data showing that the number of people who consider themselves MAGA supporters has increased since 2014.”
It’s up even more since 1861.
Bob’s greatest triumph following literally years of being dead wrong about the most important things, will amount to Speaker Jordan presiding over a clown college impeachment proceeding and re-launching the fiftieth and most costly yet iteration of BENGHAAAZIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!
To achieve this dubiously tumescent achievement he will have pissed away whatever thin veneer of cred or seriousness he ever claimed, and donned a rhetorical pipe-bomb-vest of Ivermectin soaked lunacy that has included SECRET JOO SPACE LASER and offering us St. Louis Cardinal’s Rally Runner as the linchpin that would reveal the dark secret behind the FBI plot to embarrass him.
Nobody is out to get you, Bob. You simply need to stop “getting” yourself.
@38 This is what Doctor Dumbfuck living on TV dinners looks like.
@40 Oh, so now you’re peddling a Biden-MTG equivalency?
To explain that, I think we have to take into account that you’re a dumbfuck.
@43 Which spew are you referring to? The one where I said I won’t
be a party to someone posting on a Jewish doctor’s blog that Dr. Fauci is 10 times worse than Mengele? You can take comfort from the knowledge there’s a troll out there worse than you.
@44 This week G-Man confirmed I’m a millionaire after I sent him my stock list. Yesterday my stocks increased in value. Today, after plunging 750 points, the DJIA is up again (as of now).
I suspect you’re having a shitty week with respect to your own wealth, doc. Nobody has to guess that you’re having an even shittier week with respect to other people’s wealth.
@47 “Imagine how much President DeSantis will get done in 2025 and 2026.”
1. Kids won’t be safe from Covid or gun violence in any school in America, not just those in Florida.
2. History and social studies teachers won’t be safe from prosecution in any school in America, not just those in Florida.
@49 “Finally, you’ll get President DeSantis and GOP control of both houses of Congress come 2025.”
Dumbfuck wet dream …
Bob is awfully quiet about today’s 750-point Dow drop. Maybe he learned from yesterday not to spike the ball on the 20-yard line or do a victory dance in the 3rd quarter.
Looks like an Arizona GOP candidate may have financed his insurrection expenses with campaign cash.
I wonder if that’s legal? After all, it’s a political activity; and when you’re running on a platform of overthrowing the government, as he is, arguably it’s a campaign activity.
At least Mark has an IQ higher than the low IQ dumbfuck.
See what I mean? At least Mark never flung made up shit he pulled from his ass at us like a little low IQ monkey.
The self-inflicted flameout continues. The dumbfuck’s low IQ is now so low he doesn’t even know what’s going on around him anymore.
Predictions I’ve come up with by pretending to have an IQ as low as the low IQ dumbfuck,
In 2022 Crist will defeat DeSantis by a humiliating 20% of the vote, causing DeSantis to attempt suicide by swallowing a gallon of his own piss.
In 2023 his orange man-baby will be imprisoned. Not sure yet if it’ll be in a county jail, state prison or fed.
In 2024 the low IQ dumbfuck, after having been missing since 2023, will be found to have been residing in a shallow grave on Whidbey Island.
“A day before the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, people from three different states wheeled cart after cart laden with weapons and ammunition through an otherwise unremarkable Comfort Inn Ballston hotel located in Virginia, just a stone’s throw from the Pentagon, according to prosecutors.
“The guns were stashed in several hotel rooms and in cars parked inconspicuously outside, along with enough food and water to last 30 days. The group, all affiliated with the Oath Keepers, were preparing for battle.”
Somehow I don’t think their lawyers will be able to sell this to judges as “peaceful protest.”
But the low IQ dumbfuck told us that 1/6 was just “a dozen cosplaying grandmothers” and that our saying 1/6 was an insurrection was nothing but “insurrection crap“.
Not to mention completely insane and a fraud.
My money is on Steves predictions
Bob is beyond a Dumbfuck, he’s a Con Man.
The POS isn’t what I’d call a man.
Our low IQ idiot actually wants this fucktard to be his president.
DeSantis vows to fight FDA after COVID treatment his top donor invested in is found to not fight Omicron
God bless Raw Story.
In 2024, Fat Midget having killed himself, and TFG having fled to a non-extradition country, Kristi Noem will win the Trumpaloompa Party nomination. Then weeks later, when DNA and semen testing confirms that Noem’s daughter was present in the car when S.D. Atty Gen. Ravensborg ran down a pedestrian and fled the scene, she will resign the nom “to be close to her family in this trying time”. And thus, Noem’s V.P. pick, Steve Bannon will become the GOP nominee. Low IQ dumbfuck will vote for Bannon, but claim to have voted for Elon Musk. Soon after the election Bob will miss the timing and see his investments in Dogecoin collapse, leaving him with nothing to live on but Shiba Inu memes.
For a second straight day, the DJIA wildly careened between a 900-point loss and a 200-point gain, I’m four figures richer, and Bob isn’t saying how he’s doing.
Dude, try to get something right once in a while…..maybe if you start by gathering facts before you just spew shit. You, the guy that likes to base someones guilt on trial first.
All my money is in the Stable Fund, as I have stated here before. Safe, from days like today and the past couple of days.
That 20k that drives you nuts is still 20k.
Bob would prefer the public think otherwise…..he doesn’t care about the facts. He exploits bullshit and spins it into a stew of shit that only he and a horse could love.
There is nothing more that I would like to see, and that is the Stock Market tank big time, so maybe, maybe just once, I jump in at a good low and make a bit more than what I am content on making at the time.
In fact that 20k is probably 20,005.50 today.
See Bob – you really are a dumbfuck. What is my AGI?
Yeah they’re failing at their jobs, sure, but if those students want to see what abject fucking failure looks like they should check out the low IQ dumbfuck on HA.
‘Failing at your job’: Texas high schoolers shred their school board over proposed book-banning initiative
But hey I just spent $110 the last hour with a Personal Trainer.
I have 2 personal trainers, working out with each 2x per week at $110 each session. I’ve got over 50 sessions with them in the bank. In another 10 – 12 weeks I’ll have to do it all over again, all on that $70k salary (wink wink to the fucking idiot).
You can do the math, so you say.
I certainly wouldn’t spend it on a horse….just yet.
Without construction schedulers and their AGIs, constructing anything larger than an outhouse would be utter chaos resulting in there being no hospitals or radiology clinics in this country.
That’s to say that the low IQ dumbfuck owes everything to Gman and his AGI. The low IQ dumbfuck would be nothing without him.
Easy Steve, we should think about the poor horse,
@82 God Bless you Steve.
Theres only one way Bob can feel better about today’s loses on the Stock Market and that is to believe that someone lost more than him, even it it isn’t the case.
And then, if that person was gay, then that’s the icing on the cake.
Thin skinned White privelage.
I heard the COVID-19 Vaccines increase the size of your penis.
@85 I made enough money in the stock market today to cover his restaurant tips for several years, unless he tips like these people, in which case it would keep his tip jar filled forever.
@87 I heard not getting the Covid vaccine can make it permanently stiff from rigor mortis.
@86 Looks drunk.
The daily positivity rate in Manhattan was 4.75% yesterday, the lowest since the most recent peak, and continuing to decline. The surrounding Burroughs a bit higher, with Staten Island being the highest, of course, at 8.27%. With all NY Counties the rate is just under 10% but rising in the last two days, them Hillbillies really know how to fuck things up.
You would think they’d just stay home and get fucked by their horses
UP freight volume took a dive in April/May 2020.
So starting in July 2020 UP began cutting workforce. And kept at it. Including cutting most of the police who patrol freight and extending the cuts right on into the busiest holiday shipping season in history in 2021.
BNSF didn’t do these things.
BNSF runs freight in LA too. But hasn’t had the problems UP has had. Because they kept their workforce.
This is not a greedy and phenomenally stupid group of propeller headed managers deciding to try and externalize safety and security.
This is your liberal entitlement you fucking dirty hippies.
50)They usually announce and apologize if they have to raise prices.
93) Precision scheduled railroading, it’s had adverse effects on the supply industry, such as Locomotive builders. Capital investment affects dividends. One of the reasons BNSF’s Capital Improvement budget is the biggest among Class Is, especially on the Southwest Transcon, double tracked, Cajon Pass is triple tracked, and the trackage in and around the major crew change hub at Needles is quad tracked. In some cases, PSR has seen double track removed, elides having to maintain it, I believe that they have to pay property tax on it.
From tonight’s Seattle Times news briefing:
“Cases of the coronavirus are on the decline in the Seattle metro area, but hospital leaders warned Tuesday that the omicron variant is gaining steam in Eastern Washington and could ravage already stressed health care facilities.”
Gee, I wonder why it’s hitting them harder?
[ ] 1. Bad luck
[ ] 2. Horoscope
[ ] 3. Didn’t pray enough
[ ] 4. Liberal Seattle selfishness
[ ] 5. Anti-vax, anti-mask stupidity
Meanwhile, BNSF is involved in a labor dispute over their new attendance policy. A judge has blocked a potential strike, BLET and SMART-TD believe that BNSF is in violation of the contract, that BNSF is acusing them of violating with the strike. Railway Labor Contracts sometimes have negotiations drag on for years,.
Crew size is one issue, although ironically, BNSF almost had a deal with SMART-TD for some conductor-less operations. The National SMART-TD advised it be rejected in favor of a FRA mandate for two person operation, which never happened.–41847
The 2014 agreement would have applied only on Positive Train Control equipped trackage of CB&Q, Northern Pacific, and St.Louis-San Francisco and former Great Northern yards. Conductors would have still been needed on Ethanol and Oil Trains, and probably the Renton Rocket. Would have also created a new position of master conductor to supervise multiple one man trains, It was pretty lucrative, but SMART-TD thought they could get crew size legislated.
Around here, probably would have mainly applied to the Seattle Sub, and Lakeside Sub, as the Columbia River Sub, Scenic, and Bellingham Subs are ex-Great Northern mainlines.
New skipper of the USS Constitution. For the first time in her 224 year history, Old Ironsides is commanded by a woman.
95, 97,
Sounds like the railroads would like staffing systems in use in retail, nursing, hospitality, trucking, warehousing, and some public schools.
The one where the employee sleeps in their vehicle out in the parking lot and their boss bangs on the glass when they are needed.
Mississippi city library says mayor is withholding $110,000 in funding until it purges LGBTQ+ books
Among the books that McGee objected to were both adult and children’s titles, Johnson told the paper. Some books have strong LGBTQ+ themes while others have only characters who are incidentally LGTBQ+, she said.
Gays are next. This is what you get for voting republican. Don’t do it.
The demand seems to be that any acknowledgment of the existence of any lives other than white, xtian, authoritarian, capitalist, cisgender bigot is forbidden.
In Florida one of the new laws forbids any school curriculum that includes any mention of “racism”, “atheism”, or “socialism”. Yet freely allows for discussions of capitalism, fascism, The Bible, and the promotion of obedience to male authority.
Persons accused of violating the prohibitions can be sued by private individuals, including individuals from other states. Another “bounty” law intended to bypass the Constitution through the civil courts in disputes between individuals.
I think they’ve already overplayed the Youngkin hand, which was weak to begin with and really depended on never saying the quiet part out loud. Now they are about to pass laws that would allow degenerate trolls like Nick Fuentes to sue someone for practicing Judaism.
163,000 dead Republican voters from Delta alone, June to November of last year.
Omicron will only add to that.
But perhaps with a bit of dumb luck, born of pure nihilism, and a hopefully less deadly strain in Omicron, the increase in naturally acquired immunity will combine with a big uptick in vaccination to move the population just past the tipping point.
I think that’s what people like Tucker Carlson are banking on.
He’s gone full Q-Vax since Jan. And be prepared for Every Republican You Know to do likewise in the coming months if we are lucky enough to be emerging from pandemic. Even if The Republican You Know is fully vaccinated and boosted, they will go full Q-Vax, and adopt the position that the vaccines were not effective, probably not safe, and that our emergence from the pandemic only came about because of natural immunity combined with moderate exercise, a good diet, traditional American values, individual Yankee ingenuity, and “power crystals” or similar shit.
The point will be to discredit entirely any governmental, “liberal establishment” role in ending the pandemic.
Just remember this in the weeks and months ahead when dumbfuck troll resumes blathering Q-Vax like he did back when he was making up fake “FB friends in CO”. He’s nothing if not a fully programmable meat robot of “conservatism”.
Maggie Hassan cannot be happy about this:
I think there is an incorrect graph – the one that shows his overall approval down 21% in one month, while it dropped 21% among Dems, 10% among indies, and stayed similarly awful among Republicans. That should have been a 10ish point overall drop, not 21% in the overall number.
But still awful. Approval in the 30s in the Granite State, 10 months before Hassan tries to win a seat she only won by 2k votes last time..