– I feel like there is always talk about retrofitting Seattle buildings for earthquakes. So it’s a bit surprising that therr are still 1,100 or so buildings that still need to be upgraded.
– BG’s new book looks interesting.
– The zebra story is truly delightful.
– Aaaaaanyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
Happy Monday to Queen YLB’s kids, who are even more fucked by Bidenomics.
Renters’ hopes of being able to buy a home have fallen to a record low, New York Fed survey shows
Bidenflation touches all. Queen YLB’s kids, it sodomizes.
At present the last spew in the preceding thread is QoS McHillbilly’s desperate attempt to change the narrative.
Don’t watch the news, he pleads. Instead continue to make far, far more of Trump’s “threat to our democracy” than any sane person realizes could ever exist.
QoS McHillbilly fears you may watch news coverage of the Hamas rocket attack on an Israeli border crossing into Gaza, which resulted in its closure, and you might start to realize that any resultant delay or impediment to food delivery into Gaza is directly the result of Hamas’ attack.
Then, you know, you might start to question Hamas’ true motives.
That would be very bad for QoS McHillbilly’s interests.
So instead of reading about the rapid rise of anti-Semitism on our college campuses and how this might be detrimental to Democrat hopes in November, or about the closure of an aid delivery border crossing after a rocket attack by Hamas, QoS McHillbilly would very much prefer that you focus on this:
Because he’s desperate. And really, he should be.
In the last three weeks there have been three national polls that found Biden’s approval at only 35%.
They’re big-name polls. In each of them his approval is underwater by more than 20 points.
This is why QoS McHillbilly needs you to focus your attention on the bright, shiny object he’s dangling in front of you. Otherwise you might read the news.
Residential real estate is one of the greatest examples of the perverse, distorting influences of Republican supply side economics driving investment in a sector of the economy that is fundamentally inefficient to begin with AND that becomes more inefficient the more people invest.
Please enjoy this video of my cowardly, corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president soiling himself in public. Don’t miss DOCTOR Jill Biden’s response when she realizes that it’s happening and that she is powerless to do anything about it.
The term for the day is dementia posturing.
Rates were low, so people locked in sub-3% 30 year mortgages. These lower rates drove up prices. Now that people are locked in at low rates, high rates do not impact them. They also are not willing to move and reset at higher rates, so inventory is lower than normal, thus removing supply from the market.
All of this equals high prices, low inventory, and a stuck housing market.
We can’t build our way out because input materials are expensive. So we can add supply, just at a high price point.
We need for prices to go sideways for a decade, while people eventually move and give up their low rates and income rises to improve affordability.
Ironically, lower rates would increase inventory, while also driving up prices more.
There is no easy way out.
If you have cash, you don’t care about interested rate and corporations are buying up homes with cash or business loans. If the US wants to control inflation and lower homes prices they need to forbid corporations and businesses of owning family homes but sadly homeowners see their home as a stock and want it to keep going up and up
Since IDF has forced out media that’s obviously pretty unlikely.
Besides, all the camera crews are wandering around college campuses looking for live shots of discarded litter.
Yom HaShoah began last night. It’s Holocaust Remembrance Day to some of us. Or, Brush It Off, Pussy to your average HA libbie.
Fascinating Map Of Single Family Rental Homes In LA County Owned By Wall Street Firm (Invitation Homes / Blackstone Group)
Since housing is a popular topic on this sub, I came across this and thought it might be interesting: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?ll=36.33497036514199%2C-120.26493269183092&z=6&mid=1GTASm8qlcyu9nj8XTew2VyrfcExNCOQ.
Each dot is where a homeowner is unable to buy a home.
@ 8
Besides, all the camera crews are wandering around college campuses looking for live shots of discarded litter.
Well, it’s not like they’ll be able to film valedictory addresses this month, is it? And their flights and Airbnb payments are nonrefundable. Pity, that.
@ 10
Fascinating Map Of Single Family Rental Homes …
I thought it was hilarious that there are two concentrations of pins on that map, and California is building a $110B fast-rail service to help renters move from one of them to the other. No pins in the area over which that rail will travel.
Liberal politicians are voted in by Queen YLB, and then sodomize Queen YLB’s kids. And then they are re-elected by Queen YLB, and they sodomize her kids once again.
@12 Again with fantasies of anal raping of sons. Telling.
Here’s the deal, folks: Biden loses, Trump extends the tax cuts, and Democrats get to blame Trump for tax cuts for billionaires.
But I’ll get to deduct property taxes paid on my second and third residences, and I’ll get to deduct sales tax on my next coal-roller. Because that’s the way my cowardly, corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president wants it to be.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron understands none of this. Queen YLB, at least, understands that it will further fuck her kids. But voting to “preserve democracy” means she must vote for another years of child sodomy, which she will witness because it happens in her basement every night since her kids were forced back home by Bidenomics and Bidenflation.
it sodomizes.. it will further fuck
Every accusation.. a confession…
Poor unfortunate “kid” of teh widbee kreepshit, please hide its “grandkids” when kreepshit comes a kreepin..
too funeee.. and SAD!
Over the weekend we talked about that “raise taxes on everybody” thing that is part of MMT.
Here @ 14 is how that will start:
I know, I know. It’s only 1.9%. Bit by little bit.
It’s what Tom Grunick would do.
“Just a tiny little bit.”
Looks like my posts at the end of the Friday thread are very triggering.
Especially if would seem is the observation that big media brands are very keen on ignoring the widespread embrace of political violence and extremism by the Republican Party in the last five or six year.
As shocking as this transformation really is, it’s even more shocking how these media brands are determined to ignore it. Think about how normalized the Republican reaction now is to the dismally common carnage of mass school shootings. All Republicans now immediately react by issuing demands for more guns in schools, fewer restrictions on guns in general, and a general increase in armed violence as a necessary reaction to armed violence. And the big media brands now mostly take up that broad Republican messaging and ignore the violent carnage targeting small children that gives rise to it.
When you look at what’s actually going on within the RNC, the Trump campaign, state and local Republican Party organizations, and leading conservative political organizations, the dramatic turn towards real extremism and violence by Republicans is everywhere.
For months now the Village Idiot has come here to post demands for the wholesale slaughter of a million children in Gaza in reprisal for a terrorist attack. As a Republican he’s certainly not alone. Probably nothing could be more obvious and more emblematic of that eager embrace of extreme violence and political extremism. But of course the global media brands treat that as unremarkable and unworthy of anyone’s attention.
an average American family of four making $75,000 will get hit with a $1,500 tax increase.
EXACTLY what kreepshit has babbled it wants if its nominal tax rate adjusts upwards..
to way less than what it should be in a perfect world.
but that don’t matter to kreepshit all that much..
It’s knock, knock, knock that gives it nightmares.. yawwwn… such is the “life” of a booooriiing moldering low-life in widbee..
One thing seems very sure.
The 2024 Presidential election being a replay of 2020 also means a near identical replay of the Village Idiot’s steady, day after day poll-sniffing and triumphant predictions of an “inevitable” Trump victory.
After that comes the targeted violence.
After that comes more “cosplaying grandmothers”.
Over the weekend we talked about that “raise taxes on everybody” thing that is part of MMT.
Heh.. and it’s what kreepshit wants.. everyone “sacrifice”…
Didn’t it also babble that ‘flayshun is just “a tap on the shoulder” to kreepshit?
People say ‘flayshun is a “tax”. So in kreepshit’s world, the poor and the working poor, etc. always get reamed so kreepshit and the rich assholes it worships can bear a “tap on the shoulder”..
@ 17
… demands for the wholesale slaughter of a million children in Gaza in reprisal for a terrorist attack.
Imagine the US response if 9/11 was 15 times larger:
My cowardly, corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president spoke those words, none of which he likely understood.
IDF has shown admirable restraint.
InvitationHomes now owns a little over 24,000 homes in Florida they rent out
24000 homeowners locked out.
Invitation Homes often skipped permits as renters allege shoddy repairs https://therealdeal.com/new-york/2022/07/12/invitation-homes-often-skipped-permits-as-renters-allege-shoddy-repairs/
I looked.
Not a single black dot on Whidbey Island.
But enough blue tarps they can be seen from orbit.
All the people complaining about high mortgage rates should take a look at the 80s and 90s. I got a mortgage for 10% in 1990 and considered myself lucky to get it. I have a friend who did a “buy down” on his 1980s mortgage to get the rate DOWN to 13%.
So, all you wussies complaining about high mortgage rates should piss up a rope and suck on the wet end!
As republicans intended
Richest Americans Now Pay Less Tax Than Working Class in Historical First
Today, America’s richest people control a greater share of the country’s wealth than during the “Gilded Age of Carnegies and Rockefellers,” the paper said, referring to a period of unprecedented wealth concentration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
This is partly due to significant decreases in taxes on the rich.
@ 8
Besides, all the camera crews are wandering around college campuses looking for live shots of discarded litter.
Anybody wonder why QoS McHillbilly is so panty-twisted by video of college campuses after the liberals have had their fun for a few days? It’s because they make the least expensive, most effective GOP campaign ads possible:
It’s who Democrats are, and QoS McHillbilly knows it. He also knows what happens when voters see it in late October and early November.
Slaughtering one million children in Gaza will accomplish precisely as much for Israel as torturing Mohamedou Ould Slahi for fourteen years did for the United States.
Think about the dipshit former Republican Bush voter who comes here regularly to plead for isolationism. This is why.
When your party brand has become slaughtering children it’s probably very important to lie to your voters about the other party.
@ 23
Not a single black dot on Whidbey Island.
But two more in Snohomish County than there were several months ago.
It was time. Time to let someone else clean the gutters and spread Moss-Out on the roof, and to raise the rents on the tenants to reflect the market.
Hamas’ agreement to a cease-fire should put QoS McHillbilly’s concerns at rest, as now there can be an orderly exodus of Palestinian civilians from Rafah before IDF moves in on the 5,000-8,000 estimated Hamas forces cowering in Rafah to finish them.
It’s not the high rates, it’s the unrealistically high prices. Comparing wages to home prices, a typical home buyer can only afford 71% of the home you all could afford in 1990. Your wages back then, could afford 40% more home.
Must have been nice.
But go again, tell us to shut and listen to you whine about how hard it was back then.
Which period directly led to the organized labor movement in the US, World War 1, the Great Depression, the Democrat’s establishment of the five day work week and the weekend, the Democrat’s passage of Social Security, the Democrat’s creation of The New Deal, World War 2 and the post war progressive income tax rate of 91% on income over $200,000 ($2 million in today’s dollars).
All of which produced the fastest and largest expansion of the middle class in human history.
Supply side is just bullshit.
Convincing people otherwise has always relied on lying.
@ 31
Comparing wages to home prices, a typical home buyer can only afford 71% of the home you all could afford in 1990. Your wages back then, could afford 40% more home.
I bought my first home in 1990. It was either a FHA or a VA loan – I forget which but think it was VA – and I assumed the seller’s loan and did not have to qualify to do it. If the loan went bad the seller would be on the hook, and I remember adding another $500 to the purchase price to get him to sell.
It wasn’t a particularly attractive loan but it got me in within days. Refinanced it a year later after adding a new roof.
…will only be surpassed by the keen disappointment and misery the Village Idiot will face yet again in the quiet days following November 5th when he learns that Democrats have won control of the government and the replacements for Sam Alito and Clarence Thomas.
Hamas engages in its own form of pattern bargaining.
Officials: Hamas appears to have okayed ceasefire terms that Israel did not approve
To liquidate some of the trust inheritance and begin to feed on the seed corn to supplement huge losses on TSLA options.
@ 34
…Democrats have won control of the government and the replacements for Sam Alito and Clarence Thomas.
QoS McHillbilly’s biggest fear is unmasked. He knows that the GOP will win the replacement for Wise Latina.
That might scare some libbies, but 7-2 was the tally in the Bush v. Gore opinion, too.
It was actually Dubya’s wife who slipped felony conviction, not Dubya.
For homicide.
Nice example.
Remember those good ol’ days when Democrats were willing to go along with Peggy Noonan’s dippy admonitions about “tone” and “politeness”.
That must have been twenty five Sobbing Guatemalan Toddlers ago.
Reading the HA comments through to August 14, 2017 following the Nazi march that took place in Charlottesville, I saw that there wasn’t a single comment left by our dumbfuck Nazi coward.
Following that act of cowardice, seven years later the dumbfuck Nazi coward comes here pretending to love Jews.
Instead continue to make far, far more of Trump’s “threat to our democracy” than any sane person realizes could ever exist.
The dumbfuck Nazi coward wants you to know that puppy-murdering Christian Nationalist fascists pose no threat whatsoever to our democracy and, by the way, that J6 was merely a parade of a dozen cosplaying grandmothers.
Such a serious twat is our dumbfuck Nazi coward.
I think it was Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit who called this guy out over the weekend.
Fraternity Boots Bro Who Made Monkey Noises at Black Ole Miss Protester
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit prefers terms like eggplant to slur black people, because they are a little less obvious and he still feels that in the right circumstance he can get away with it.
Why he thinks that after being caught using “towelhead” and “gook” in some of his other spews, I really don’t know. But Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit relies on his fellow liberals to provide continued unquestioning cover for him so that he can continue to spread his style of racist hate to likeminded Seattle-area libbies.
Y’all, don’t forget that time I pulled
Kim Jong Un’sTa-Nehisi Coates’ pants down around his ankles and straight paddled his BLACK ASS!Can I get a WOOP-WOOP?
Ohio Republicans want to block an increase in Michigan’s minimum wage from $10.33 to $15.00 an hour.
They firmly believe 14-year-old slaughterhouse workers, loggers, stevedores, and forklift operators are only worth $10.33 an hour (note, they prefer $7.25 an hour) because the kids can’t work as fast or lift as much as the adults they’ll replace.
Fraternity Boots Bro Who Made Monkey Noises at Black Ole Miss Protester
to slur black people,
Every accusation.. in truth.. a confession..
How many token blacks were in kreepshit’s frat? Oh and what “playful names” were thrown about? In jest.. of course…
It’s a good thing Republicans have no imagination or they might come up with a law requiring high school students to perform 500 hours of unpaid internships at businesses as a diploma requirement. They would justify this as making students “job ready” upon graduation, but the real purpose is free labor.
caught using “towelhead” and “gook”
kreepshit voted for it once.. johnny mcsame as shrub.. perhaps “towelhead” wasn’t on the record but c’mon..
it was a repuke!
Whoever bought my Amgen shares last Friday is out $11 a share this morning. Flipping this stock for a double-digit gain after owning it just 6 weeks doesn’t make me a great investor, it only makes me a lucky gambler. I wonder if Doctor Dumbfuck was the buyer? He’s not a great investor either, he just seems to have worse luck than I do.
@1 You seem to think market distortions aren’t self-correcting in a capitalist economy.
No house will sell for more than someone can pay for it, ever. What you have right now is the market running out of homes before it runs out of well-heeled buyers.
Once there are more sellers than well-heeled buyers, if they want to sell to a broader class of buyers, they’ll adjust their asking prices to what those buyers can afford to pay.
It will take several years for housing supply to catch up with demand, but this situation is temporary, and electing Trump won’t make it better or resolve it faster.
@2 “Don’t watch the news, he pleads. Instead continue to make far, far more of Trump’s “threat to our democracy” than any sane person realizes could ever exist.”
Yeah, ignore his attacks on judges, their clerks, witnesses, and their families; ignore his promise to pardon violent insurrectionists who threatened to kill his own vice president and assaulted cops in their attempt to overthrow our democracy; and ignore his threats to turn federal prosecutors loose on his political enemies; just go with Doctor Dumbfuck’s faith in Trump’s belief in democracy.
You’re not an ass; you’re a dumb, deaf, blind, and naive ass.
@3 “In the last three weeks there have been three national polls that found Biden’s approval at only 35%.”
It’ll be interesting to see whether Trump’s approval rating is that high in a forthcoming poll of 12 Manhattan citizens. What are you going to say if his approval rating in that poll is zero percent? Of course, what you say won’t matter; in that event only what the judge says will matter.
31 – Your crew is just mad because you borrowed a bunch of money to get worthless educations in idiotic subjects. It’s hard to afford a house if you’re stuck with $100,000 in student loans for a worthless degree.
1. Set your sights lower.
2. Move to a different part of the country.
3. Suck it up and live in apartments until you get your financial shit together.
@6 “They also are not willing to move and reset at higher rates, so inventory is lower than normal, thus removing supply from the market.”
This is a contributing factor to low supply, but not the only one, and probably not the biggest one.
The biggest factor was suspension of homebuilding as a result of the 2007 housing crash; for several years, population grew while housing supply did not.
Below 4% mortgages were available roughly from 2012 to 2021. Most people who bought homes near the end of that period aren’t ready to move yet. Changing residences is expensive, and most homeowners need a compelling reason to sell. As of 2020-2021, people stayed in owned homes an average of 13 to 15 years.
Higher mortgage rates discourage, but don’t shut down, home turnover. Homes still get sold because of death, divorce, job relocation or change, etc. The turnover rate for such reasons doesn’t change because of mortgage rates.
Real estate markets are local, and home prices are closely tied to local wages. Seattle is expensive because incomes are higher here. In many sales, the monthly payment determines what the buyer can pay, and homes go to the highest bidder, so a lower mortgage interest rate won’t necessarily result in a lower monthly payment; rather, more of the monthly payment goes to the seller instead of the lender.
To get lower home prices, you need a larger housing base. Building more homes, not lowering mortgage rates, is the key to stabilizing home prices.
@ 51
It’s hard to afford a house if you’re stuck with $100,000 in student loans for a worthless degree.
Harder if you’re stuck with $250,000 in student loans for a Ph.D. in Critical Dance Studies.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit thinks degrees are a requirement to instruct at Arthur Murray. Yup, every break-dancer on TikTok has a Masters or better.
@7 “If the US wants to control inflation and lower homes prices they need to forbid corporations and businesses of owning family homes”
Not necessarily forbid, but regulate.
The financial system is awash with cash, and given subpar stock and bond returns, Wall Street’s sharks turned their attention to alternative investments and saw opportunity in the flood of foreclosures. Instead of flipping them, they turned them into rentals, which took a lot of supply off the market. And the concentrated ownership of rental housing stock created near-monopoly market conditions.
Yeah, there are times when government should interfere in markets. History keeps teaching us that laissez-faire, i.e. an economic free-for-all, doesn’t work. Capitalism, like traffic, has to be regulated and policed or the whole system breaks down.
The need for regulating institutional ownership of single-family homes may have peaked, though, as institutional investors seem to have substantially slowed down their homebuying as prices rose. So maybe you really ought to look at regulating the rents they charge, and maybe look at bringing antitrust enforcement to bear to break up local rental monopolies.
@9 It occurs to intelligent people and rabbits that the Holocaust is less likely to get the attention of folks watching another one being committed before their eyes.
You’re not an intelligent person.
@10 10,761 of California’s roughly 7 million single-family homes is about 0.15% or 1/7th of 1 percent of the total.
Of course, that’s only one institutional owner of several or many.
I’m not defending big money taking over the housing stock, but as of February 2023, large institutions “owned roughly 5% of the 14 million single-family rentals nationally,” according to CNBC.
The total single-family housing stock as of 2021 was about 82 million, so about 83% of SFRs are owner-occupied and large institutions own less than 1% of the total stock.
The problem, therefore, is local concentrations of institutional ownership of housing stock. This concentration occurs in two areas: The southern states, and lower-priced homes (which are more likely to be bought for rental use). The real problem for entry-level homebuyers is they’re competing with giant corporations for affordable homes.
@14 A Democratic Congress will extend the middle class tax cuts, and a Democratic president will sign them.
Biden’s talking about letting the tax cuts for earners making over $400,000 expire.
How hard was that, dumbfuck? Easy for me, too hard for you.
@17 Clubs always meet skulls at antiwar protests. Same thing happened in the 1960s, and 2001 when Shrub launched his recreational war in Iraq that ending up wasting 4,400-plus American lives.
Police are for war, students are against war, police have clubs, students have cardboard signs.
It’s an unequal fight.
Has anyone noticed how much police time and resources are spent on political repression?
@21 The U.S. response was 15 times larger: Nearly a million dead in Iraq and Afghanistan, the bulk of them in Iraq, which had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks.
@21 “IDF has shown admirable restraint.”
They left a hospital standing and a few babies unkilled?
@23 “But enough blue tarps they can be seen from orbit.”
When I looked at Google Earth, I thought that was water. I wondered why the map showed Freeland on the seabed.
…217 pages of death threats to a judge and his clerk.
Anybody see that number in any headline?
At least five percent of Jan 6 terrorists later arrested were armed that day. That works out to at least 500 weapons brought to the Capitol by Republican supporters of Trump that day. Oath Keepers amassed a huge stash of military weapons just across the river in Virginia to resupply the terrorists. Barely gets mentioned.
Online, in public speeches, in correspondence, on the floor of the House and Senate, Republican leaders now very routinely discuss resorting to armed violence as a legitimate means of seeking advantage and promoting their objectives in civic debate. The media highlights the name calling or the use of slurs.
The media really hate this one clever trick: sooner or later the entire Republican Party is going to have to be treated as a grave threat to national security.
Sooner is better.
Yeah, ignore his attacks on judges, their clerks, witnesses, and their families; ignore his promise to pardon violent insurrectionists who threatened to kill his own vice president and assaulted cops in their attempt to overthrow our democracy; and ignore his threats to turn federal prosecutors loose on his political enemies; just go with Doctor Dumbfuck’s faith in Trump’s belief in democracy.
You left out that he wants to execute generals.
You’re not an ass; you’re a dumb, deaf, blind, and naive ass.
I find “dumbfuck” to be insufficient. That’s why I’ve been going with “dumbfuck Nazi coward“.
@24 As I pointed out @52, high mortgage rates are offset by lower home prices, and vice versa, because the monthly payment tends to stay the same. So yes, you paid a double-digit mortgage rate, but you also got a cheaper home. Other things being equal, it’s a wash, but go ahead and send out engraved invitations to your pity party and see how many people who can do algebra actually show up.
ProPublica wins a Public Service Pulitzer for its stunning breakthrough investigative reporting into decades of Supreme Court corruption.
But sadly the NYT wins the Investigative category for a series focusing on illegal immigration.
Speaking of shooting puppies, while watching the CBS interview, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem impressed me as being one very strange-looking woman, especially the look she’d get in her eyes when talking about shooting those poor little puppies and goats.
Not if four decades of supply side policies ending in fifteen years of near-zero interest rates have sufficiently distorted the distribution of incomes and the supply curve.
Our communities are awash in 3,500 + square foot, five bedroom four bath trash palaces. But literally the only people building starter homes are Habitat for Humanity.
Former Georgia Republican Lieutenant Governor Geoff Duncan who was pressured by former President Donald Trump to change the results of the 2020 election announced on Monday that he’ll be instead voting for President Joe Biden in this year’s election.
The dumbfuck Nazi coward has long had the opportunity to choose to stand with the likes of Duncan, Liz, Adam and the rest of the Republicans who have proven themselves to be true American patriots.
The dumbfuck Nazi coward chose poorly. Why? No courage.
in 2022, there were 2.2 million college degrees earned and 2,000 of those were dance degrees. So every time the greedy racist incel mocks Higher Education with the example of Dance degrees, remind him he’s talking about 0.09% of college degrees.
Part of what you are reacting to is the unique interplay between Governor Noem’s extensive cosmetic procedures, her heavy use of makeup, and her use of a digital filter in collecting and transmitting the images sent to CBS and to which CBS agreed.
This is an increasingly common practice for celebrities, media figures, and politicians in the age of high definition displays. It’s not just Kari Lake. But most are significantly more subtle that either Lake or Noem.
Noem has received hair extensions, lip fillers, skin fillers, nose contouring, blethoraplasty, chin implants, full dental veneers, and uses injections of botulinum toxin type A to paralyze facial muscles and reduce the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth, nose, and forehead. When combined with professionally applied makeup these combinations often appear fairly artificial, quite unnatural, and almost plastic-like in person. The use of digital video filters can significantly reduce the plastic-like shine, reduce glare, and create a more seemingly natural appearance to the skin. But they can also result in an animation-like artificiality.
Also, she shoots puppies.
From the Murdoch Journal:
‘Envy of the World’—U.S. Economy Expected to Keep Powering Higher
kreepshit is SO FUCKED.. knock, knock, knock…
Hamas agreed to a ceasefire and hostage release. Israel did not. This will make Doctor Dumbfuck happy. He wants to FINISH THEM.
@29 Looks like Dumbfuck got tired of being a landlord. Or maybe he can’t climb a ladder or crawl under a sink anymore.
@30 “Hamas’ agreement to a cease-fire should put QoS McHillbilly’s concerns at rest, as now there can be an orderly exodus of Palestinian civilians from Rafah before IDF moves in on the 5,000-8,000 estimated Hamas forces cowering in Rafah to finish them.”
Wrong. Israel didn’t wait to read the agreement before they started shooting in Rafah. They moved into Rafah, started shooting, read the agreement, and rejected it. In that order.
Does anyone still believe Israel wants to do anything except exterminate Palestinians? Besides you, I mean.
Hamas won. Even if they’re killed to the last man, even if Gaza is denuded of Palestinians, Hamas won. From now on the world will look upon Israel as another Nazi Germany.
And to think Hamas started this with one of the worst terrorist attacks in world history. Almost nobody remembers that now.
@31 That’s a direct result of Republican deregulation that led to liar loans, the subprime crash, underbuilding, and undersupply, in that order. Yeah, boomer politicians did that. But only the GOP ones.
And just a friendly reminder you have no right, God-given or otherwise, to my burrow. Because we live under a private property system, legal title confers moral right to possession. So if you’re one of the people writing the letters constantly coming in the mail wanting to buy my digs and make me homeless, please know they go straight into the shredder without a twinge of remorse.
He had to sell to settle his TSLA options.
It was time.
@33 “I assumed the seller’s loan”
Which is the only way you could own a home with a VA loan. My first home had a VA loan on it, too, but I sweated bullets for it.
“Refinanced it a year later after adding a new roof.”
After which you were too vested to risk the seller taking it back.
Nobody is looking to “collectivise” your hole, comrade.
But if you gross income above $400,000, from whatever source, get ready for a haircut to your dog jewelry/outdoor pizza oven budget.
@36 I’ve seen photos of the Tesla Cybertruck, but I saw one in a parking lot today, and couldn’t believe how ugly it is.
Ugly is the new status symbol.
@37 Wherein Dumbfuck Democracy Hater plumps for elections in which only 9 people get to vote, billionaires bought 2 of them, and his party owns 4 more.
The US has already spent $23 billion on defense aid to Israel this year. It’s just May.
@41 “Fraternity Boots Bro Who Made Monkey Noises at Black Ole Miss Protester”
And you imitated him in your very next sentence.
Nicely done.
@ 81
Ugly is the new status symbol.
At least ugly is something you have already attained, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. Millionaire is something you won’t.
@53 No degree required to be a dumbfuck. You should know.
Also, I agree that even a useful degree like an MD is wasted on a dumbfuck. You’re a living example of that. You spend your days on HA, not in a hospital or clinic.
A useful person with useless degree is not the same as a useless person with a useful degree.
@ 83
The US has already spent $23 billion on defense aid to Israel this year. It’s just May.
1. The US fiscal year begins in October.
2. My cowardly, corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president personally asked Congress to appropriate $14.3 billion of that aid.
@ 76
And to think Hamas started this with one of the worst terrorist attacks in world history. Almost nobody remembers that now.
It was convenient to forget about Robert Byrd.
It was convenient to forget about Al Sharpton.
It’s convenient for Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit to “forget” about why Israel fought back.
I just got a flyer from BECU saying, “A new home is within reach.” Inside it says, “Conventional — Buy a new primary or second home with a competitive fixed rate, flexible terms, and predictable payments for loan amounts up to $766,550.”
You can’t buy anything in my neighborhood for that. You’d need a down payment of at least $150K to $200K on top of the maximum loan amount. I understand the angst. Years of Republican wages created a nation of renters with corporate landlords.
@88 It’s not why they fought back, but who they fought back against. Old men, women, children, babies, hospitals, schools, aid convoys, journalists, and aid workers are easy targets even poorly trained reservists can handle because they don’t shoot back. All they have to do is arm them, turn them loose, and let them do whatever they want.
Hamas has already won. And no, criticizing genocide isn’t antisemitic just because Israelis are doing the killing.
I wonder how the Israeli tourism industry is doing these days. I’ll bet patronage of Holy Land tours is way down. But no worries, because American taxpayers are footing all the bills.
I wonder how the Israeli tourism industry is doing these days. I’ll bet patronage of Holy Land tours is way down. But no worries, because American taxpayers are footing Israel’s bills.
@66 When you’re a public official and somebody wins a Pulitzer for reporting about your official conduct, that’s not good. It’s sort of the opposite of a Boy Scout merit badge.
@68 At some point the market will be flooded with 3500 sf starter homes, because someday their owners will have to sell them to someone, and price them at what the next generation can pay.
@70 According to the BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook, there were 18,400 jobs for dancers and choreographers in 2022, and the job growth outlook for 2022-2032 is “faster than average.”
The only time Doctor Dumbfuck dances is when he’s trying to shake loose the last drops before pulling up his pants.
@71 Let’s face it, she’s 52, and her best looks are years behind her. She can still role play a Halloween witch, though.
Kreepshit babbled some babble or other about the Holocaust..
So here we have a Holocaust survivor who tells us why he’s NOT a zionist:
Has a bit to do with the country that can do no wrong – doing wrong…
@80 “Nobody is looking to “collectivise” your hole, comrade.”
Not true. Lots of people want it. I constantly hear from them. But like Bolsheviks, they don’t want to pay for it.
It was convenient to forget about Robert Byrd.
Heh.. when I poked fun at kreepshit being a geetar fan.. I posted this photo:
It babbled: oh great, two dead repukes..
funny kreepshit loves to babble about dead Dems. Will babble about long dead Dems till “that certain day” when its last words will be “khhaaaaliiiddiii taaaape.. my fooookkiiinnn muuneeeee”
I agree that even a useful degree like an MD is wasted on a dumbfuck.
teh babblin’ butthole and teh kreepshit of widbee.. yes, edumakasshun was wasted on those trolls.
learned to be repukes babbling and boasting here at HA about their petty resentments and their fookin’ munee.
Speaker Mike must really not want to be elected by Democrats. He spent two hours today listening to MTG’s whining.
Rumor has it that Kristi Noem is now looking for a job at the NRA.
What could possibly be more ironic and more “conservative” than for 13 “conservative” federal judges to punish left wing Columbia grads by blacklisting their most right wing Fed Soc classmates.
@103 It’s known as “collective punishment,” and it’s what Israel is doing in Gaza. Wingtards are consistent if nothing else.
From the Seattle Times editorial board:
Wait, didn’t Doctor Dumbfuck tell us degrees are worthless, and not worth going in debt for? It sounds like even a dance degree is gonna be better than no degree. Maybe he’s jealous because his own degree is worthless. But that doesn’t mean everyone else’s is.
The disorders at Columbia and other universities are nothing compared to the disorders in Birmingham, Selma, and other places in the south during the 1960s.
All of the disorder there was caused by police and segregationists. Noble causes like civil rights and antiwar movements are never popular with entrenched power.
But they’re always the right thing to do.
It’s far from being just about traditional four year post-sec ed.
The US needs about a million qualified HVAC techs properly trained in refrigeration, electrical, and mechanical to convert enough homes and businesses to heat pumps to meet our climate goals.
But young people are not entering the trade, and many are leaving it early because the industry, previously dominated by local small businesses, is being taken over by shitty VC investors who immediately drive down wages and working conditions, cut benefits, extend working hours, and impose selling quotas.
I don’t see what kreepshit has against dance..
Unless it’s not “dancing” that the “talent” serves up at its local vip room..
Oh excuse me, it’s “VIP”.. heh.
@88 I can understand why the greedy racist incel would slur Robert Byrd. He betrayed the conservatives. He was an racist who had a sea change and became a strong proponent of equality. Upon news of his death, the NAACP released a statement praising Byrd, saying that he “became a champion for civil rights and liberties” and “came to consistently support the NAACP civil rights agenda. He didn’t like marriage equality but he voted to let it be possible. He voted to protect Abortion rights. He voted against the confirmation of Thurgood Marshall because “Marshall might be communist” and he voted against clearance thomas because “thomas might be a corrupt lying slug” or words to that effect. Byrd supported Anita Hill.
So are we to be forgetting about the early racist Byrd or the later more socially progressive Byrd?
Al Sharpton’s critics describe him as “a political radical who is to blame, in part, for the deterioration of race relations”. Sharpton sees much of the criticism as a sign of his effectiveness. “In many ways, what they consider criticism is complimenting my job,” he said. “An activist’s job is to make public civil rights issues until there can be a climate for change.”
Sharpton’s supporters praise “his ability and willingness to defy the power structure that is seen as the cause of their suffering”and consider him “a man who is willing to tell it like it is”. Former Mayor of New York City Ed Koch, one-time foe, said that Sharpton deserves the respect he enjoys among black Americans: “He is willing to go to jail for them, and he is there when they need him.” President Barack Obama said that Sharpton is “the voice of the voiceless and a champion for the downtrodden”. A 2013 Zogby Analytics poll found that one quarter of African Americans said that Sharpton speaks for them.
@107. It it any wonder that more and more younger people are rejecting late stage capitalism. Capitalism is not working for them.
@107. Boomers went to college when it was strongly subsidized by state and federal governments. Once they graduated, they voted for any politician who would stop helping schools if it would lower their taxes. And here we are.
Less and less people see the advantage of being debt serfs for the rest of their lives, just to get a job with low pay and benefits while the richest become even more wealthy from their labor.
Capitalism is failing them.
In addition to functioning as a wealth transfer from hourly workers to high paid salary workers and investors, supply side policy also functions as a wealth transfer from younger generations to older generations.
Ridiculously excessive debt financed higher education is another good example. Twenty somethings graduate hundreds of thousands in debt facing up to a million in debt service over their lifetimes. Fifty somethings in admin and tenured faculty positions work 25 hours per week in mid six figure jobs and accumulating retirement portfolios.
It’s not capitalism to blame.
It’s American style capitalism.
Porn star on the stand this morning.
And amazingly the direct examination is going into some granular detail about the meetings, the conversations, and the sex she had with the defendant.
Pretty good stuff. Humiliating as fuck to a “celebrity”.
stormy.. weather….
RCP front page sidebar, today:
That’s Trump ahead nationally head-to-head, Trump ahead nationally with the other three candidates, Trump well over 300 EVs when there are no toss-up states, and Trump leading in each and every swing state aggregate average.
How much longer are libbies gonna keep up the fallacy that my cowardly, corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president will be on the ballot in November?
Too bad it’s leading in May instead of leading in October.
We’re going to hear a lot about MOE from the Village Idiot in October.
How much longer are MAGA turds gonna keep up the fallacy that my cowardly, corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president RFK, Jr. will not be on the ballot in November?
Should have grabbed him as the running mate when they had the chance. That could have been a devastating choice.
Bibi brings it.
Upthread Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit expressed sorrow that IDF was not willing to play Charlie Brown to Hamas’ Lucy.
Time to finish them.
All your favorite media brands are going to indulge in a giddy deep-dive into these sordid and gruesome details of how Trump fucks.
But what none of them will dwell on nor even mention is how many critical details that go directly to the defendant’s guilt of the alleged felonies are being proved up along the way here.
Keep in mind it is not a felony to have creepy extramarital unprotected sex with a porn star who has unprotected sex with hundreds of various men and women each year. But that’s where this is going in most of the media.
OTOH, the fact that Trump was completely open about what he was doing with the porn star in front of staff, friends, colleagues, and strangers, never once making any attempt to conceal their liasons, nor offer any excuses, allowing her to place him on speaker phone while her friends and colleagues listened in, introducing her to celebrity pals, and entertaining her in very public places is well corroborated in the documents and other witness testimony. Trump Org employees created the entries into his logs, contacts, and diaries confirming this. Her friends, event staff, Trump staff, hospitality staff, and others corroborate and confirm that he made no attempt to conceal that he was fucking a porn star.
And that destroys one of his key defenses. He did not give one tiny shit if his wife or children knew he was fucking a porn star and other women. He made no attempt to conceal it. He made no requests of anyone to be discreet or quiet about it. Those efforts only came about many years later when he was running for President and his campaign engaged AIM to buy up and bury all of his extramarital infidelity, sexual indiscretions, and rapes.
Tying the falsification of the payment records to the Presidential campaign is what makes these offenses into felonies. It’s what distinguishes them from any routine “mistakes”. They are not mistakes. And these falsifications were made for the specific and sole purpose of defrauding an election and concealing improper campaign payments.
While under sequester, the jury will have absorbed all this testimony and evidence and they will be walked through all this during closing and rebuttal. They will be painstakingly reminded of how Trump’s own casual and apparently boastful attitude about fucking a porn star destroys the defense argument they just heard.
@ 112
Fifty somethings in admin and tenured faculty positions work 25 hours per week in mid six figure jobs and accumulating retirement portfolios.
It’s not the tenured faculty compensation doing it, QoS McHillbilly. You know that. Paul Campos has made that abundantly clear.
It’s the skyrocketing increase in the number of college administrators, and their attendant salaries and benefits.
Darryl is very disappointed in you, QoS McHillbilly. You should come to praise Caesar, not to bury him.
@ 123
OTOH, the fact that Trump was completely open about what he was doing with the porn star in front of staff, friends, colleagues, and strangers, never once making any attempt to conceal their liasons, nor offer any excuses, allowing her to place him on speaker phone while her friends and colleagues listened in, introducing her to celebrity pals, and entertaining her in very public places is well corroborated in the documents and other witness testimony. Trump Org employees created the entries into his logs, contacts, and diaries confirming this. Her friends, event staff, Trump staff, hospitality staff, and others corroborate and confirm that he made no attempt to conceal that he was fucking a porn star.
Um, what’s your evidence that they had sex more than once, while on a weekend resort trip, and that there was something pre-planned that required Trump to openly tell his staff what he was doing, as you claim, QoS McHillbilly?
I’ve read nothing suggesting they bumped fuzzies more than once.
“Blurb.. blorp.. erp.. gwaaaah!”
Village Idiot missing the forest for the
condomstrees.The prosecution does not need to prove that they even had sex a single time. They only need to prove that Trump The Rapist had multiple liasons with a porn star in circumstances that provided them both with the privacy and intimacy normally associated with a sexual encounter – hotel suites, private bungalows, other hotel suites. And while Trump has previously claimed that these encounters never occurred, the corroborating documents and witnesses say otherwise. Having established the easiest conclusion that Trump is a sad, pathetic aging lothario who needs sexual “conquest” to validate his own vanity (what every member of the jury already assumes) the next step is to connect the payment to the campaign.
That was supposed to be the weak part of this prosecution. That’s the part all the TV lawyers said would be incredibly difficult to establish beyond a reasonable doubt. This destroys the reasonable doubt. He did not give one single tiny shit if his pregnant wife found out about McDougal or Cliffords. He let anyone know about them and hadn’t a care in the world at the time. He even introduced the two of them and apparently hoped to get the two of them alone with him.
For fuck’s sake he sat the porn star down with Ben Rothlisberger and had her try on his Super Bowl ring while flirting with her.
Trump’s hold on reasonable doubt depends on the jury accepting as “reasonable” the proposition that Trump created the schemed to pay off the two women in order to protect Melania.
Guess what? She really didn’t care. And Trump’s reasonable doubt is gone.
Stipulating even once is devastating. Village Idiot simply has not read the indictments.
For a conviction the prosecution must prove two basic things about each falsified business record.
First, that each of the listed falsified records was in fact false and that it was made intentionally.
Second, that in each case the intentional creation of a false record was done in furtherance of some other criminal purpose.
What little defense has been on offer has argued that the falsified records are trivial and unintentional. And that even if they are allegedly intentional, they were done in furtherance of an innocent purpose – to deceive poor, bloated, cranky pregnant Melania. Even years later when the Catch and Kill scheme was cooked up with AMI, the defense argues it was done to keep Melania in the dark about these potential sexual affairs.
But what the evidence supports is a conclusion that what Mr. and Mrs. Trump had at the time was some kind of “open” relationship (at least on his part) wherein Mr. Trump got to have various and assorted sexual partners outside of his marriage. If that’s the case then the asserted purpose of the hush money scheme is rendered implausible and unbelievable. So admitting that in 2007 Trump fucked a porn star and didn’t care who knew is very, very bad for the defense. Not just humiliating or creeepy. But really harmful to his appeals to reasonable doubt before his jury.
Biden is holding up a delivery of precision bombs to Israel.
I guess IDF will just have to hammer Rafah with the less precise kind, then.
Genocidin’ Biden lives up to it.
@ 127
For a conviction the prosecution must prove two basic things about each falsified business record.
First, that each of the listed falsified records was in fact false and that it was made intentionally.
Second, that in each case the intentional creation of a false record was done in furtherance of some other criminal purpose.
Shouldn’t you add a third basic thing? As in, direct evidence tying those activities to Trump AND tying it to the election rather than to his effort to shield his family from the embarrassment and humiliation?
Because those are things we have not yet seen in this trial.
Big strategic blunders because Trump himself is calling the shots in his defense.
Throughout the porn star’s morning testimony, defense counsel issued multiple objections to her testimony about details of the sexual enconter in Tahoe, objecting to questions about how they met, how the meeting was arranged, how Trump was dressed, whether she “touched his skin”, whether he wore a condom, how long the sex lasted, etc.
Following recess defense moved for a mistrial arguing that this line of questioning and the detail it involved was too prejudicial.
As I’ve said, extramarital sex per se is not relevant to the underlying criminality here. So why is it allowed? Because before the trial begain the defense has argued that none of these events ever ocurred, no meetings, no dinners, no sex, none of it. And in pretrial motions the defense objected to all of it and refused to stipulate to any of it.
That imposes upon the prosecution the requirement to fully interrogate these relationships that allegedly gave rise to the payments in considerable detail. Again, the underlying case is about how the payment records to the two women were recorded and for what purposes were they recorded in that way. Nothing about sex. The defense strategy itself is largely responsible for the level of detail required in the testimony, including whether or not the defendant wore a condom. For example, some, perhaps many husbands with a sincere concern about the safety and protection of their pregnant wife might insist on wearing a condom before fucking a sex worker. So investigating that issue goes directly to discrediting the key defense. Trump fucks porn stars bareback because he doesn’t give a shit. That’s his style. He’s that guy.
And that guy isn’t concerned about the old lady finding out, getting HIV, or passing it on to their unborn child.
Beyond this, the defense argued that the porn star’s testimony implying that she might have been drugged was also challenged as prejudicial. However, obviously distracted by the instructions and demands from their client about all the other granular humiliating details about his sexual hygiene and his “Hugh Hefner” pajamas, they failed to raise even one single objection during that testimony.
The motion is denied. And it should be noted that you cannot cite prejudice of testimony that you failed to object to at trial in any appeal.
I’m surprised all this is going as badly for Trump as it is. I’m surprised he was not more discreet about fucking porn stars bareback. I’m surprised his defense was not better prepared for this witness and how she would testify. I’m surprised to see that what has been speculated about is turning out to be true, that Trump is directing his own defense here. It’s a shit show.
Prior witnesses have identified business records bearing the defendan’t signature authorizing the payments including the payment lines. Furthermore witnesses have described the defendan’t personal involvement in authorizing the creation of the records and the agreed upon purposes for their creation. Subsequent witnesses provided in discovery appear to be prepared to further prove up these elements.
I’d say the last remaining defense Trump still has any hope of clinging to will be his claims of being an unwitting dope, and a lazy, disinterested, shitty businessman who lets underlings control his world.
The fact that he is micromanaging his own lawyers, ALL CAPS tweeting out his daily rage, and going out on the campaign trail each weekend to cosplay as a brilliant strategist goes against all that. But of course the jury won’t see much of that if any. However, they have gotten to see and will get to see lots more evidence and testimony making it fairly clear that Trump is not a detached, disengaged executive. He may not be competent. He may need lots of naps and Adderall to stay awake for meetings. He may need things explained to him with cartoons and big poster-sized graphics. But he makes his own decisions – and most of them are just as shitty as this one was.
I thought of this trial before it began as no better than 50/50.
I’d now give it 80/20 in favor of conviction.
Sounds like Trump agrees with me. I guess he would know.
Obviously the Village Idiot does not.
Add Aileen Cannon to the list of rightwing judges taking fancy junkets under the table.
@108 “I don’t see what kreepshit has against dance.”
Because he can’t move without mobility aids.
@111 “they voted for any politician who would stop helping schools if it would lower their taxes”
That’s certainly true of the boomers who moved to retirement villages in Florida, and they didn’t stop with defunding higher education, they’re defunding K-12 in that state, too. But they have plenty of tax money for suing Disney and busing migrants from Texas to Massachusetts.
@115 “How much longer are libbies gonna keep up the fallacy that my cowardly, corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president will be on the ballot in November?”
It’s about the delegate count, stupid.
Needed to win: 1,975
Biden: 3,320
Uncommitted: 27
Dean Phillips: 3
Jason Palmer: 3
@122 Are he or you willing to accept responsibility for the civilian casualties? The dead babies?
You’re going to whether you want to or not.
@123 “All your favorite media brands are going to indulge in a giddy deep-dive into these sordid and gruesome details of how Trump fucks.”
I didn’t know he could. All his kids look like they were test-tube babies.
@124 “It’s the skyrocketing increase in the number of college administrators, and their attendant salaries and benefits.”
SeattleJew often railed about this, which I discussed here.
@125 “Um, what’s your evidence that they had sex more than once”
Circumstantial. No jury will believe Trump paid $130,000 for one trick.
@128 “I guess IDF will just have to hammer Rafah with the less precise kind, then.”
Makes it harder to hit the aid convoys, which probably is the idea.
@129 “Shouldn’t you add a third basic thing? As in, direct evidence tying those activities to Trump AND tying it to the election rather than to his effort to shield his family from the embarrassment and humiliation? Because those are things we have not yet seen in this trial.”
Not sure that’s necessary, but that’s where “I don’t care, do you?” comes in. Has Melania’s coat been introduced in evidence yet?
This seems like one of those rare cases where motive is relevant. The judge and jury usually don’t care why someone killed his family when sentencing him to lethal injection.
@130 “how long the sex lasted”
Fifteen seconds? Just curious … no, not even curious. That’s strictly a legal matter.
Netanyahu: it was worth it to level Rafah. Sure we slaughtered a million men, women and children, but we had it on good authority one of them was sympathetic to hamas.
Initial cross of porn star did not go great for defense.
Essentially the effort is very focused on discrediting the porn star, her agent, and her lawyer as “extortionists”. Discrediting a prosecution witness is good. How you do it really matters though.
Discrediting the porn star as an “extortionist” potentially goes a bit towards her credibility – “bad people lie, ergo this witness may be lying”. But it doesn’t directly attack the prosecution theory.
Remember the prosecution theory still works even if Trump is “a victim of extortion”. Painting him as a victim is weak sauce anyway. Nobody feels sorry for the fake billionaire who had to pay a porn star $120,000. We are all meant to see that sum as tip money for this guy. And whether it was extortion or not, is irrelevant.
Did he pay off the porn star? Yes. Did he falsify business records to conceal those payments to the porn star? Yes. Was the purpose of concealing the payments to help the campaign by defrauding the voters? Yes.
Were the payments “extortion money”? Who cares?
This jury won’t get instruction sheets telling them to acquit the defendant if he broke the law to avoid an extortion trap. There won’t be anything like that. Somewhere on the instructions they’ll be asked to make a series of findings like those above. And if they answer “yes” like I did, the instructions will tell them that makes him guilty.
They should stop focusing so much on making Trump out to be a victim of extortion and focus a lot more on the porn star’s credibility in general. They are drawing the jury’s attention to the wrong things. Undoubtedly this is at Trump The Rapists behest. He wants this whole trial to paint him as a hapless victim of greed. But that doesn’t actually acquit him of the charges.
Cannon has orderd an indefinite delay.
Smith will be moving now to the Circuit to seek a writ of mandamus.
Good chance Smith will get it. The question is ripe. And Cannon can offer no good justification for further delay beyond that she finds many of the issues before her concerning the preparation of classified materials to be “complicated”.
Bad excuse.
She has at her disposal and may request almost limitless support resources from the Southern District of Florida. She can borrow clerks, she can obtain expert panel assistance, she can obtain expert briefs. She has already done some of this. And it appears that she is reluctant to build any further record behind those inquiries, requests, and briefs because she doesn’t “like” the answers she gets.
I can only hope the Circuit acts promptly instructing her to quit fucking around and do her job. Smack down incoming.
Sure, nearly seven years have passed, but perhaps the dumbfuck Nazi coward who has been pretending to love him some Jews of late will use this thread to finally and at long last condemn the torch-toting, “JEWS WILL NOT REPLACE US!!” Nazis who marched at Charlottesville.
Is this the thread? Finally?
Just fucking with you. The dumbfuck Nazi coward would never do that. After all, those are his peeps!
@ 146
I can only hope the Circuit acts promptly instructing her to quit fucking around and do her job. Smack down incoming.
Any truth to the report that the classified documents found during the raid were in boxes at the GSA somewhere in Virginia until the GSA called Trump and told him to pick up his shit?
Incoming Q-drop!
@146 I’d rather see them reassign the case. Sure it’ll take time for a new judge to get up to speed on the case, but even the slowest judge will be faster than her. Her timeline for bringing it to trial is never.
@149 No, recycled year-before-last Kash Patel bullshit.
Another typical Doctor Dumbfuck “source.”