I forgot to mention it last week, but there are new potential legislative district maps from each of the redistricting commissioners. People who are much smarter than me can figure out the implications of those maps. But for me, I like the maps that keep me in my same district.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now and get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
House progressives well on their way to seeing NO infrastructure bill passed by Congress.
The underlying problem is that Joe Biden has never been competent.
He’s China’s puppet. He’s a weak rubber stamp for the worst ideas of the far-left.
Before he knew what had happened to him, Burka Bob was stunned to discover that “House Progressives” had suddenly grown to encompass 192 House members, 48 Senators, and about two out of every three voters.
Before he knew what had happened to him, Burka Bob was stunned to discover that “the worst ideas of the far-left” had come to encompass clean drinking water, safe bridges, equal rights, higher taxes on billionaires, affordable drug prices, fair elections, affordable child care, expanded child tax credits, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
As a die-hard Trump supporter, Bob’s confusion is understandable.
After all what’s he got to compare?
The worst ideas of the far-right: Trump
The worst idea of “conservatives”: Trump
The worst idea of the Republican Party: Trump
The only idea of the Republican Party: Trump
Washington leg maps: two Democrats and two Republicans.
Only one is a rapist.
Care to guess?
Time once again to step back from the daily ongoing assault of coup attempts, “fraudits”, Trump Body Piles, rapists, and Uterus Bounties to recall from the recent past that Republicans have always been this terrible.
Shorter stupid: BEEEECH WEEEEEEK!!!!!!!
This right here is how we got from 56,000 dead (“Or are they???”) to one million dead.
Wait. Did I just say “one million”? Yup. Cause with where we are right now, where we’ve been, and where we’re going, we can no longer hope to avoid that outcome. Thanks to asswipes like this editor, Trump, Burka Bob and Every Rapepublican You Know spreading pure, distilled death-lies, we can no longer hope to contain the pandemic to less than one million American dead. In fact it will probably surpass the U.S. deaths from every single war in U.S. history.
Such lies. Offered up so casually. With such devastating effect.
Q: What’s the difference between a shithole state and shithole country?
A: Liberals have no trouble referring to shithole states.
When I walk our horses and they either move forward too quickly or crowd me on a trail, I twirl the end of the lead, which has a snake-tongue leather strap, to re-establish my space and to keep them in theirs. They comply.
It’s how a 200# human controls a 1200# beast.
QoS McHillbilly has gone on record about safety concerns with Afghan refugees flown to the US.
Perhaps Mr. Hillbilly can regale us about safety concerns now that First Vegetable Joe Biden has allowed 12,000 Haitian illegal aliens across the Texas border and into the US in the last several days.
I guess this is another way for the NYT to state that there exists zero evidence that the illegal aliens were whipped.
First Vegetable Joe Biden, asked to reconsider his previous comments about making the Border Patrol agents pay now that it is clear than none of the illegal aliens were whipped, exclaimed,
Burka Bob hears the term “shithole” and steps back and makes a Homer Simpson-like muttering, “Hmmmm shithole” and the goes and grabs the lead off his bridle and proceeds to go and fuck his horse’s shithole.
It’s how a 200# human controls a 1200# beast.
TIL: A belt may not be a whip.
Someone needs to tell OfDumbfuck.
It’s the law. He’s not above it. And he can’t change it without help from Mitch McConnell or the Senate parliamentarian.
With a straight face to an adoring crowd, the impotent, bankrupted, twice impeached, failed reality television actor who hires prostitutes to jerk him off with rubber gloves lies and says Arizona audit found he won.
So keep sending him money.
And the crowd does not care that he lied to them.
Attorney Sidney Powell has claimed the January 6 riot at the Capitol was intended to be used to give Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito time to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s election victory.
She’s essentially saying it was orchestrated and planned for impotent, bankrupted, twice impeached, failed reality television actor’s legal team to gain time to overthrow the legitimate election
@12. The greedy racist incel is lying as usual. Biden did NOT say “That was four, five days ago!” about the republican trump border agents whipping black people. ( See what I did there? I wrote like the greedy racist incel does ).
He’s worse than Puddles about the lying.
And nowhere near as principled, either.
Burka Bob insists that when Republican government public employees fuck around with people’s rights and cancel their voter registration or prevent them from registering “for the fun of it” there must be remedies.
There just have to be.
Mmkay. Here’s Brady Mistic of Idaho Springs Colorado:
Police there arrested Brady because he’s deaf, breaking his leg in the course of his arrest. He never broke any actual law. But they arrested him anyway because his deafness make them angry. They held him for four months, ruining his life. And throughout the period of his unlawful confinement he was regularly subjected to abuse by county officials, guards, and other inmates. They too were frustrated and angry at Brady for being deaf. Days passed before Brady was offered any medical treatment for his broken leg.
Brady’s arrest was two years ago, now. And he’s filed a lawsuit against the two police officers who beat him up, smashed his face into the pavement, tased him repeatedly, and broke his leg for no reason.
Brady’s lawsuit will probably not go forward. The City of Idaho Springs will argue to a federal judge that the two officers are entitled to qualified immunity for beating the shit out of a deaf person who had committed no crime. And the judge will probably grant it. Because unless there is a pre-existing case within the District of Colorado involving another deaf person being beaten by police for not hearing them, then the judge will conclude that they could not have known it was wrong to beat Brady.
There is no remedy in court. Nor does there have to be one.
The only remedy is for lawmakers to fix the law. Just like with voting rights. Congress must pass the John Lewis Voting Rights bill.
Fascist Republicans are well on their way to seeing NO infrastructure bill passed by Congress. Fascist Republicans are well on their way to defaulting on the debts racked up under the impotent, bankrupted, twice impeached, failed reality television actor’ and freely give power and influence to China.
to be precise, and we really ought to be, Republicans are preparing to filibuster to default on the debt.
Between threatening to crater the global economy, obstructing infrastructure, and refusing to protect voting rights there just might have to be some changes to Senate voting rules to save the nation and the world.
@2 The problem isn’t Biden’s competence, it’s Republican voters’ incompetence. They’re why he’s president. And you’re one of ’em.
@17 As a thought experiment, I wonder what Alito would think of this if he were sitting on her disbarment panel.
“Prosecutors said initial analysis has shown with ‘near certainty’ that four of the five individuals who were wounded outside a high school game near Philadelphia late last month were hit by police gunfire.”
Police don’t do what you think they do. They’re lousy shots, too.
And our resident so called doctor gave me shit for thinking that Truvada could be some sort of pill that could help prevent COVID. Sure, it was more of an idea when I made the comment here, but who knows, maybe it was more than just an idea.
If Bob is an example of the medical professional then we are all fucked.
Breeding, of course, will not save him.
not to mention a failed casino mogul…..who the fuck can’t succeed owning a casino?
Just more lies:
He never called Grisham to tell her about me.
He didn’t need to. She knew all about me first hand!
P.S. Size really doesn’t matter. Stephanie said so herself. And a “toadstool” shape can actually provide enhanced stimulation.
I swear!
(There were other indignities: Ms. Grisham writes that Mr. Trump called her while aboard Air Force One to defend the size of his penis after Ms. Daniels insulted it in an interview. “Uh, yes sir,” Ms. Grisham replied.)
Heh. The repuke party will survive this.. eh, trolls?
Related to the Grisham book:
‘He’s a Great Guy’: Trump’s Favored Aide Has Troubled Past
Sources say Max Miller has a history of aggressive behavior that includes slapping his ex-girlfriend, former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham…
Now there’s a guy teh widbee kreepah can host a fundraiser for. Known in the Grisham book as “the music man”..
But Larry Elder or John James would be a better stand-in to trade up to Orcas.
YLB apparently has not spent much time pondering the behavior of certain members of her own party.
Carper’s constituents were aware, and voted for him, anyway.
As were Trump’s constituents when the audio was released.
YLB had her a girl-crush on Keith X, despite the video evidence.
It’s hard to come up with something that a Republican has done that was not also done, perhaps worse, by a Democrat.
Reverse the parties in the above sentence and it’s still likely correct.
It’s extremely hard to explain why Mitch McConnell should be worried about redistricting in Virginia after a 2019 state election. Isn’t it. YLB.
I’m certainly willing to believe that First Vegetable Joe Biden is too senile to recall what was said.
’cause otherwise he’s a lyin’ sack o’ shit.
@31 There are bound to be a few complaints about Democrats, simply because there are so many of them; but most bad behavior complaints are against Republicans, despite there being far fewer of them.
From today’s Seattle Times daily brief:
“Seattle landlords will soon have to provide six months’ notice of rent increases and, in some cases, pay tenants who move after a significant rent hike. The City Council approved those changes yesterday after renters and landlords expressed their sharply contrasting viewpoints.”
I sympathize with tenants, but I would not own rental property in Seattle. There would be nothing in it for me. I have better things to do with my money than subsidize renters.
The rental income wouldn’t cover the mortgage and expenses, there’s a lot of risk, it’s stressful and time-consuming, and evicting bad tenants who refuse to leave is difficult and expensive. It’s not profitable, and given the hassles, I see no point to it.
Stocks normally are a much better investment.
Unfortunate shit happens when men view women as being merely “cunts” and “twats”. Just ask Hope Hicks. Or for that matter, any woman unfortunate enough to meet the incel traitor Doctor Dumbfuck
But looking on the bright side, at least Stephanie and Hope didn’t receive the snake-tongue leather whip lashings the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck’s horse has been getting of late, poor thing.
@ 35
…despite there being far fewer of them.
Senate is 50/50.
House is, what, 52/48?
More state legislatures are controlled by the GOP than by Democrats.
Your “far fewer” description is provably false, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit. This is the still-lingering result of 8 years of the Obama presidency – 1,000 lost Democrat-held legislative seats.
Just once, think before spewing.
YLB apparently has not spent much time pondering
Your use of “cunts” and “dumb twats”? oh yeah.. it comes with the HA troll territory.
Max Miller is perfect for your party. Perfect for you and your “politics”…
Host a fundraiser, whydoncha? But reserve Larry Elder and John James for you know what
Orcas.. dimfuk.. Orcas..
It’s extremely hard to explain why Mitch McConnell should be worried about redistricting in Virginia after a 2019 state election.
For you, definitely.. You haven’t figured it out yet.
Mitch even worried about Georgia, especially after drumpf mouthed stupid shit to the Georgia base.
For good reason. Case in point:
Question: On the Nomination (Confirmation: Florence Y. Pan, of the District of Columbia, to be U.S. District Judge for the District of Columbia )
Vote Number: 375
Vote Date: September 23, 2021, 10:03 AM
Required For Majority: 1/2
Vote Result: Nomination Confirmed
Nomination Number: PN642
Nomination Description: Florence Y. Pan, of the District of Columbia, to be United States District Judge for the District of Columbia
Vote Counts:
YEAs 68
NAYs 30
Not Voting 2
Moscow Mitch votes YEA: (hmm.. I wonder why? wink.. wink..)
Sedition bois, Hawley and Khruzz: Nay (how fucking predictable)..
Should I even mention RINO Graham? Has it played any golf lately with the shambling orange co-morbidity?
@38 Who’s counting seats? I’m counting people. There are more Democrats and Republicans in this country, idiot. You’re part of a miserable, unpopular, despised (for perfectly good reasons) political minority.
Despite there being more Democrats than Republicans, for every Democrat wife-beater, there are 25 Republican wife-beaters. For every corrupt Democrat, there are 100 corrupt Republicans.
There are many loved Democrats. There are no beloved Republicans.
Sucks to be you.
@ 40
Girlfriend, that does not explain how any intrastate redistricting change would affect McConnell’s vote, one way or another.
There were at least 18 GOP votes to confirm Judge Pan, perhaps more. I don’t see how the heritage of Elaine Chao has anything to do with Pan’s nomination or qualifications.
Now let me guess…
… some distant, minor light in the party from years or even decades past?
Meanwhile Trump is tracking straight to the nom in July ’24 without a hint of opposition.
Who would dare?
IfWhen Trump runs in 2024 it’ll be the dirtiest most corrupt campaign in Rapepublican history. And when it’s over, he’ll have lost, and Burka Bob’s party will be a smoldering ruin of self-hate.@38 “Senate is 50/50.”
The little detail you left out is that the 50 GOP senators were elected with 41 million fewer votes.
Like I said, there are more Democrats than Republicans.
First Vegetable Joe Biden has a problem.
The NYT reported last month that the Pentagon’s “big four” on Afghanistan were all of the opinion that leaving 3,000 to 4,500 troops in place was the prudent course of action. That would be Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; McKenzie, the head of Centcom; Gen. Scott Miller, the commanding officer in Afghanistan; and of course Lloyd Austin, the secretary of defense.
Biden’s under no obligation to take their advice. They answer to him, not vice versa. But he made a provocative claim to Stephanopoulos when he said that the advice to him on withdrawal was “split” and so now we’re entitled to ask for details.
@ 45
Wonder how long until we learn that the “split” among First Vegetable Joe Biden’s advisors was because advisor and Shadow President Jill Biden wanted all the troops out before she takes over her husband’s job.
Rapepublican TarSands Barbie, Kristi Noem has much bigger problems:
Such a durteee-durteee gurl.
One of those killed by the spray of police gunfire was an eight-year-old.
I guess when local cops need a spike in street crime to save their asses they go with the homebrew solution.
Delaware County DA quote here is absolute chef’s kiss:
“We have concluded that the gunfire combined with the movement of the vehicle precipitated responsive gunfire…”
Nobody in the vehicle even had a gun. They were just turning the corner in the neighborhood when the three Sharon Hill cops freaked out and unloaded their nines into the car. Countdown to Burka Bob coming back with investigative reporting from VDare suggesting that eight-year-old Fanta Bility was high as fuck on Pixie Sticks and has a disturbing history of cutting the lunch line.
Alternative headline: Democrat faces confiction on five remaining counts of embezzlement and fraud.
State senator acquitted on 15 charges in federal theft case
Fortunately, First Vegetable Joe Biden can shift blame to Kamala, who also deserves it for hiding from the border.
It’s the current Q-poll. Democrat policies have been disastrous.
And to enforce some really good austerity policies, too.
Lie to the public consistently enough and this is bound to happen.
Axios-Ipsos poll: Biden trust takes a blow as COVID lingers
He can’t keep the borders protected, he can’t convince people his team is telling the truth about The Wuhan, and today he was outed by two different generals as a fucking liar about the Afghanistan debacle.
Yup. He’s a Democrat, through-and-through.
that does not explain how any intrastate redistricting change would affect McConnell’s…
May what Moscow Mitch worries about be forever a mystery to you, o misogynist pos, like teh babblin’ butthole’s incomprehension of yours truly changing the household ip address with a simple router tweak.
Thanks for the laughs.
dimfuk’s fantasies about Jill Biden are reaching the level of its buttsplosion’ back in the day over Robert Menendez.
It’s jerking off over Hunter Biden pales by comparison.
Too funny!
Why dont they ask The FuckHump for making such a deal.
Look on the bright side Bob – Gays will not be tolerated in Afghanistan. Why do you have feelings?
Can’t wait till he’s President again. It will be good times and the Fall of America. Then we will see you weep Bob.
Dimfuck’s fantasies are just that:
The sobbing, choke-fapping has reached a steady peak since last November brought the sad reality of permanent loss and disappointment crashing down on him.
@50 Had to dig all the way down to a state senator to find a crooked Democrat.
We don’t have to dig that far. See, e.g., #47. (Also, don’t forget the same state’s AG is a hit-and-run killer.)
@52 What’s a good austerity policy? Can you name one?
59. They hurt the people that racists hate more than them. They don’t hurt the richest at all.