It stinks that Governor Inslee has to issue an order to wear masks for Yakima County. But it is the correct thing to do. I would prefer the state put the mandate on businesses or made sure masks are available, rather than it fall to individuals. Although, I don’t know what the government’s power to force companies to act or local governments to spend money.
In any event, wash your hands right now.
“White House trade advisor Peter Navarro said on Monday the trade deal with China is ‘over,’ and he linked the breakdown in part to Washington’s anger over Beijing’s not sounding the alarm earlier about the coronavirus outbreak.”
Not much left for Trump to campaign on, is there? Economy’s shot, people are dying, coal is dead, North Korea still has nukes, and God clearly isn’t on his side; but he still can brag about getting tough with Guatemalan toddlers.
@ 1
Not much left for Trump to campaign on, is there?
• NASDAQ closed at a record high today.
• The number of new jobs created over the next few months before the election will be staggeringly high.
• The goal was to flatten the curve. Mission accomplished.
• Trump can complete a sentence.
• Eventually the left will run out of stuff to destroy. Then a tally can be taken of what they have done. It won’t be pretty.
I’m sure this will go smoothly.
Seattle will move to dismantle protest zone, mayor says
Probably like the final scene in Taps. You can add this one to the list @ 2.
Link @ 3
Members of the jury, as final proof of my client’s inability to distinguish between his lurid fantasy life preoccupied with visions of anal copulation and delusions of power and wealth, and the sad, day to day tedium of his real life existence dominated by hours of daily television viewing and penurious fretting over his modest savings, I give you @2.
This was all foreseen years ago. He was warned, yet he persisted.
Now the cult has him, as it has Every Rapepublican You Know.
They honestly believe these things. At the very least, when things are at their worst and their savings are being wiped out and their friends and loved ones are dying waiting for a ventilator, they hold out that “you just can’t know for sure about stuff”.
Staggeringly high is aaabsolutely right.
I used to like to go to Seattle, 40 years ago. But now, not so much. It has just degenerated into a garbage dump and a chess pool.
“• NASDAQ closed at a record high today.”
How did I miss that? Doctor Dumbfuck’s no-dividend stock is back to where it was on Feb. 8, 2018, so it’s been only 2 years and 4 1/2 months since his investments made a penny. That’s a sure vote for Trump in a state Trump is sure to lose.
“• The number of new jobs created over the next few months before the election will be staggeringly high.”
If Trump is lucky, unemployment might get down to where it was when Two Term President Obama started his first term.
But let’s be clear: Jobs aren’t being “created,” they’re being restored. These aren’t new jobs; they’re jobs that were lost on his watch.
“• The goal was to flatten the curve. Mission accomplished.”
A quarter million dead by Election Day doesn’t look “flat” to me. If that’s success, I’d hate to see what failure looks like.
“• Trump can complete a sentence.”
But can he walk and look straight ahead at the same time?
“• Eventually the left will run out of stuff to destroy. Then a tally can be taken of what they have done. It won’t be pretty.”
The left doesn’t have to destroy the GOP. They can watch Trump do it.
I have $20 on at least 2 more shootings before the week is out at the CHOP
Any takers? Who wants some betting action?
@ 8
It’ll be cops shot while taking back The Chaz.
It’s all going so well that the campaign is now spending a half a million every month to run ads in the DC Metro area just to pacify Styupid Hitler. And they are negotiating to double it.
Susan Collins could have used that money.
But it was neeeeeded elsewhere.
Also staggeringly high.
I hope not. It’s more fun to the watch the CHAZZERS shoot each other.
a chess pool.
people of color playing chess, a white man’s game? oh what an aggrieved white guy you are!
It’s more fun to the watch the CHAZZERS shoot each other.
Nothing like an Andy Ngo vid showing swarthy and darker folks lightin’ each other up! The orange crowd eats that shit up.
It’ll be cops shot while taking back The Chaz.
teh latest from whidbey.. white nationalist hq.. ARMIES OF ANTIFA!!! S O R O S – funded!
Eventually the left will run out of stuff to destroy. Then a tally can be taken of what they have done. It won’t be pretty.
Oh my.. The bill to the taxpayers that will be avoided to the last breath by HA troll shitheads rung up by Moscow Mitch and signed into law by drumpf will pale in comparison amirite? I mean it’s so small, drumpf and mnuchin won’t let anyone see it. Whadyaknow a pissing match between drumpf and the left
whose tally is bigger!
Nobody blacksplaines like YLB blacksplaines.
Like, professional level stuff…
Update of @1: The trade deal with China is no longer “over.”
That policy didn’t last long; now we’ll see how long Peter Navarro lasts.
@14 yawwwwnn.. so sez the ORANGEsplainer… can you be more booooorinng?
spice it up.. throw in some antifa… like the dumbass @ 2 is fond of doing…
@8 & @9: What a pair of ghouls.
No need to throw in antifa….it would just be piling on at that point- running up the score.
I’m not that mean.
Orangie @ 18
I’ve teed it up for you. Go to town.. Entertain us.
I’m not that mean.
Ooooh it’s pulling its punches????
You sooooooo weeeeeakk..
How many times are police departments going to get caught.
Shake Shack.
The officers ordered online and the shakes had lids and were waiting when they arrived. They used one of the officers’ first name for pickup so no way to know they were cops and ‘poison’ them.
No one got sick. Three uniformed officers told the location that the shakes tasted off and threw them away. The manager tasted a new shake and it also tasted off. He then credited the officers with free food on the next order and set about to have employees re-clean the machine.
And then an NYPD Sargeant heard about it and started lying to the press that someone tried to poison his officers. In the process they shut the place down as a crime scene. And made an officer to a live video crying over a late Egg McMuffin because they’re poisoning cops in NYC
Not a single bit of it was true. Now if you get on a criminal jury where an officer testifies, why shouldn’t you assume that the probability of that officer lying is high.
@13 I can tell you one thing taxpayers won’t be spending money on anymore: Putting up soldiers at Trump’s failing golf resorts.
@14 Compared to yours, yes.
@21 A lot of NYC defense attorneys and their clients are going to have a field day with that … this shows that cop is delusional, and that means he’s done as a witness.
The White House press corps just got kicked off the WH premises without explanation.
He must be down in the bunker again.
whose tally is bigger!
As always, Stormy has your back:
apparently orangie @ 18 has retreated to fondle its guns, maybe pop one off and go to sleep..
122,000 > 15
“We’ve done too good of a job.” Donald
Can’t imagine that ending up on a campaign ad.
I’m sorry but this shouldn’t shock anyone.
Lying is fundamental to cop culture.
It’s what “Thin Blue Line” is all about.
You stay in line, you cover for fellow officers, and yes you absolutely lie to make stats, to fix bad arrests, to cover for your fuckups, and to cover for other officer’s fuckups. For most cops it becomes so numbing and constant that they don’t seem to even recognize it most of the time.
Of course the poison shakes were a lie.
Of course they were.
We will all be safer and much better off with a lot fewer cops.
Speaking of lying cops …
“The former Atlanta police officer accused of fatally shooting Rayshard Brooks was involved in a 2015 incident where a black man was presumably shot by officers ….
“Garrett Rolfe … was one of three officers who in August 2015 fired their weapons at a suspect who was attempting to flee in a stolen truck … the suspect, Jackie Jermaine Harris, was struck once in the back …. However, only one of the three police reports … mention Harris suffering a possible gunshot wound, and none of the reports specify that he was shot by police.
“In one … the reporting officer notates that Rolfe, along with two other officers, tried to apprehend Harris in a stolen truck. … The only use of force specified in this report was one officer who used a baton to break the vehicle’s driver side window to apprehend the suspect. Harris was … transported to Grady Hospital to treat unspecified injuries he sustained during the incident, according to the incident report.
“In another, very brief incident report … it is noted that all three officers, including Rolfe, discharged their weapons, and that Harris ‘received an injury consistent with a gun shot wound to his upper torso.’ The report cites the offense as ‘9PIWD: Police discharging Firearms.’ Nowhere does it mention that the officers shot or hit Harris ….
“A third police report … was filed three days after the incident and concludes with, ‘No injuries were reported, and there is nothing further to report at this time.’
“Multiple arrest citations were also issued by the officers, and none of them mentioned a possible shooting ….
“According to court transcripts of a May 2016 hearing, the public defender, Serena Nunn, and the assistant district attorney, Han Chung both say they watched video of the incident, and both seem to agree Harris was shot. Nunn says, he was shot at by Rolfe three times, with one shot coming from each of the other two officers. … [The judgte] admonished the officers for not including the shooting in the incident report.
“‘None of the police put in the report that they shot the man, none of them,’ [the judge] said …. ‘And they sent him to Grady with collapsed lungs and everything, and the report doesn’t mention it. I am ethically going to be required to turn all of them in … I think it’s wildest case I’ve ever seen in my 34 years here.”
“‘I just don’t want them [the officers] to get away with what they did,’ Harris pleaded in court. … Harris … pleaded guilty to charges including theft, fleeing arrest, property damage, and damaging a police vehicle, and received probation ….”
Subsequently, the judge contacted the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI), but GBI forwarded the judge’s complaint to the Atlanta Police Department (APD), which says the “case is still open,” i.e. years later, APD has done nothing. The D.A. declined to prosecute the three cops.
Harris isn’t a happy man: “Not only have l been wronged and unjustly caused bodily harm by a ‘Peace Officer’, but the lack of documentation by the Atlanta Police Department can only be conceived as a ‘cover up.’ Not only have I been wronged but society as well by allowing this officer to continue to patrol out streets of Metro Atlanta.”
Yeah, well, Rolfie isn’t patrolling anymore. Harris should count himself lucky he’s still alive after Rolfie used him for target practice. Rolfie’s aim was better the next time.
Interesting on the Northwest Bus Fans Facebook Group, one of our regular posters is an Able Seaman on the Vashon Triangle route, and 2 months ago, showed photos of 2 Metro buses being a deadheaded off of the Island. Now, as Metro is ramping up service as the county re-opens, today was photos of limited resumption of Route 118 and 119. The Express run actually goes aboard the boat, but the ABS obseeved in April, traffic was down. So far, 118X/119X have not been restored. Hopefully Metro restores fares too, as Sound Transit has begun doing.
Hey yellowishleakingbuttspigot, looks like your heroine AOC claims you his panics are now blacks. So now if George Zimmerman is black it was just another black-on-black crime right? AOC said it, she got millions of suckups including yourself so it has to be true!
So what Jot BiteME! claimed about you guys ain’t true now?
What about Rachael Dolezal or Elizabeth Fauxcohantas Warren?
Butt butt butt what happened last year AOC?
Did you know yellowishleakingbuttspigot that Spanish colonizers could be Sephardic Jews? This person is as much of a loon as you are yellowishleakingbuttspigot!
ROTFLRHMBBAO! To Puddy it’s another case of cultural appropriation and opportunism by AOC. It really means being his panic really sucks so let’s be black! Being black could mean #347,000 in race reparations? Imagine that Puddy could have some real dough and you his panics want part of it!
This is now six or seven times she has done this cultural appropriation and opportunism act!
This past weekend 104 people were shot and 88 of them were black. This means 88/104 or 84.6153846153846% of them were black lives that really didn’t matter much! Right?
Oh yeah were are the calls for justice and the prepared marches and screams on assesHorse over the death of a three year old black boy in Chicago? Hmmm? Just Illustrating Chicago Values right Rahm Emanuel/Lori Lightfoot?
Oh and that CHOP/CHAZ zone and Raz Simone character are sad, really sad! Apparently he doesn’t care about black lives either. He didn’t provide police actions and a 19 year old young black man bled to death because rioters stopped medics from getting in to save the black man. Apparently Puddy has been Prescient again. Butt he can take AR-15s, the gun hated by white libtards, and pass them out from the back of his Tesla to thugs!
Black Lives Don’t Matter to Seattle People! Y’all should take down all those BLM signs in the front windows, your porches and your steps.
And if black lives matter, why do you whiteys call Senator Tim Scott all kinds of nasty names? White police officers constantly stop him from entering the Hart Senate Office Building to go to his office. He is also stopped in the DC area many times for DWB!
Apparently on certain black lives only matter!
There was a full explanation senile idiot wabbit. The libtard attempt to take down the Andrew Jackson statue in Lafayette Park was front and center on other news stations. Apparently Jim Acosta didn’t get the memo jackASS! CNN is only alerted when people like Roger Stone are being arrested!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! You continue to watch some of the lowest rated cable news! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Apparently that libtard NEA history taught in libtard schools isn’t working for the mob!
Because white libtards in a mob have no intelligence, just like the white libtards in this mob on assesHorse. That doesn’t include yellowishleakingbuttspigot because per AOC its black now! But we all know he doesn’t have intelligence either!
Say it isn’t so CHAZ! Yet a another shooting Monday night???
Hopefully YLB can blacksplain more for us today…
@ 38
Imagine if a conservative had written what YLB wrote yesterday.
Safety in numbers. YLB counts on it.
@ 33
Puddy, YLB has an explanation for you. Has to do with the color of your skin. Check out the weekend thread, near the bottom.
Here’s what YLB had to say yesterday. YLB must have assumed there would be forthcoming protection from the likes of Steve and Roger Dumfuck Rabbit.
In the weekend thread @ 209 YLB wrote:
YLB knew it was black-on-black gun violence. So the “Big Yawwwwwn” must mean that either one or both of those two black lives don’t matter to YLB. YLB can’t get any mileage out of them, you see. It’s all about the grift to YLB.
Oh, and because it’s not on par with Chicago…
Maybe when the shootings increase in Seattle the black lives involved will start becoming more important to YLB.
You’d think YLB would stop there. You’d think. But no.
In @ 213 YLB wants you to know that shootings are just black people taking care of business:
An incredibly dismissive thing for YLB to say, and it would cause jaws to drop in the #BLM community. But for YLB it’s not about the black community. It’s about the leverage YLB thinks can be gained. Like this, @ 219:
YLB, that makes one of us. You sure as hell are not.
Concern is for serious people, YLB. You watched your Sawant-endorsed social experiment turn to shit within days, and now you’ve got nothing. Except these three ill-considered spews you’re gonna wish you had never written.
No, it’s not. We’ve never been encouraged by the leadership of the Democrat party to hate children in the manner we have been encouraged to hate the police.
Here’s Geov Parrish on FB yesterday, before the most recent shooting in The CHAZ:
My impression: The CHAZ delegitimized itself. Its dismantling by show and possibly use of force will be necessary due to the weaponry within The CHAZ that some major news organizations went to great lengths to convince us was not present.
My second impression: Geov, The CHAZ has been a shitshow all along. What you object to is that it’s not the shitshow you wanted anymore.
“4,000+ pro-Putin hashtags you’re gonna wish you had never written.”
You fucked up, traitor.
It’s rare when you see someone do a hat-trick of own-goals in one thread.
YLB sets another record
@ 45
Cute. One might even say deserved.
The deplorable Trolls here are very deplorable. They’ve fucked this Country so bad and they all know it. Too proud to hold their heads in shame – bunch of fucks.
I wonder if Steve Schit knows about Bob?
Q: How does an unseriously woke HA libbie respond when one black man in Seattle murders another?
A: Big yawwwwwn…
Bob is so worried about the most recent shooting…..fuck you, you dead beat traitor. Soon you’ll probably die of COVID and deservedly so for supporting the great leadership of this Country.
No more Testing! The Hump is a fucking Pig!
@ 46
At times previously when YLB has been on the ropes a moderator has stepped in to provide protection.
No doubt YLB has sent an email asking for that protection to be provided again.
Q: How do Trolls respond to ignoring the murderous, racist, fascist fuck of a leader they voted for to ruin this Country
Steve Schit knows better – I hope he squirms to death too for not shaming the fucking Trolls.
If Momiji goes under, Goldy, I promise I won’t blame the minimum wage.
Should we pity the poor sap whose job is defending the indefensible?
Naaah. Let him wallow in his own muck. He chose this, and …
Q: How do Neanderthals respond to Neanderthals murdering one another?
A: Sensationalizing it in the news for years.
Bob and the Trolls don’t care. They are just Trolls that will die of COVID.
Wow, another libtard assesHorse demonstrating compassion!
And wtf, you demonstrate what Puddy has seen in Seattle for over 27 years. Black Lives only Matter when it plays to your political points. Otherwise black lives don’t matter to wtf or other covid infected fools!
Puddy guesses this will be considered a black-on-black crime now per AOC right wtf and yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
Meanwhile, CNN has been claiming for years “walls don’t work”. Really? HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Meanwhile, CNN has been claiming for years “walls don’t work”. Really? HAHAHAHAHAHA!
Worth a double post!
@ 57
ftfy, Puddy.
Beats talking about this…
Or this…
Or this…
Or this…
Or this…
Not much left for a dumbfuck traitor to talk about.
@56 – Don’t look down your nose at Neanderthals. They survived in Ice Age Europe for 250,000, so they must have figured out a thing or two to last that long. We, in comparison, have only been around for about 100,000 years and we were beneficiaries of the earth warming up quite a bit.
Also, if your family roots are in Northern and Western Europe, you, have some Neanderthal DNA in your genetic make-up.
Now here is a statue the libtards WILL NOT touch! Robert KKK Three White Sheets Byrd!
@ 62
Yup. Noted.
This speaks volumes about Pramila Jayapal. She’s yours libtards!
One thing I can tell you will come out of all this, fervent pearl clutching of racist incels notwithstanding, is that from this moment forward it become a metric fuck ton easier, safer, and more effective to challenge ANY police officer’s credibility and truthfulness in sworn testimony and in sworn affidavits.
Historically, in a trial setting it can be tricky. Up until now jurors tended to arrive in the box pre-disposed to believe every word out of a cop’s mouth without any skepticism or inquiry. Under cross defense attorneys learn to walk a careful line of exploring the officer’s “certainty” without ever calling them a liar. The common wisdom is that most jury pools are made up of people who will turn against your client if you do that.
But oh how the worm has turned. National and local media have become obsessed with reporting examples of lying cops (no shortage) in every location at every level and how they have gotten away with it and ruined people’s lives in the bargain. More than a few people in those jury pools are going to arrive in the box in search of some payback. Which certainly makes it a whole lot easier to challenge a cop’s cred.
If a black man shot and killed Jesse Hagopian within the Seattle city limits, would YLB still yawn at the news?
@ 67
Body cams. Always on. The entire shift. Every shift.
If it survives the inevitable ACLU suit attempting to prevent their use.
@65, We can now copy 10 paragraphs when we need to per #30 and put the 11th paragraph around a couple of “our” words!
@ 70
It’s hard to imagine Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s life as any more pathetic than we now know, but imagine if he was required to adhere to the same rules on HA that you and I are expected to follow, Puddy.
Vanity Fair reporting that Parscale will be stepping down.
GOP is so fucked right now.
He walks with all the data. They have a clause to purchase a license, but the price is unknown. And it’s not just the Hitler2020 campaign that is depending on those names. Every vulnerable Rapepublican Senator needs them, and for that matter so does Putin if he’s going to be of any use.
This is an historic moment.
All because of #FailRally
@ 72
All is not lost for Team Trump.
After all, I hear Robby Mook’s available.
I just realized that Pride Month has been pretty much completely co-opted by #BLM.
At least Michael Volz now understands what real physical violence on Capitol Hill looks like.
I don’t know about Mook. He did a terrible job with Hillary Clinton’s campaign. I suppose he thought Hillary was a slam-dunk winner and allowed this to lull his ego into a false sense of security.
He’s right. They should come from the office of the mayor.
Styupid Hitler already has all of Mook’s data.
@ 75
That wasn’t just Mook. That was most of 65 million 2016 voters.
Just ’cause the seat will remain in Democrat hands doesn’t mean I can’t have some fun with it along the way. It’s Kilmer.
The K-Pop rebel fleet blew up Parscale’s Death Star. Sad!
Speaking of treating Hillary @ 75 as a slam-dunk winner and permitting himself to be lulled into a false sense of security,
Good morning, Steve. How’s the BP today?
LMAO!!! There’s too much fun to be had in this thread..
Let’s start with teh babblin’ butthurt:
looks like your heroine AOC claims you his panics are now blacks
yawwwwnnnn… your hero is Jared Taylor.. Nobody’s perfect but I’ll take AOC over that freak any day..
Well, he’s finally found pavement, at any rate.
Slick Willie and Steve Bing did shit with Epstein.
Oh yeah they did.
Are you sure that’s what it means?
When you spend your every waking moment debating between more ‘moderate” or “centrist” Democrats and more progressive, liberal Democrats and having heated hot-take swap meets with other concern-trolls about liberal, affluent, progressive cities and liberal affluent progressive states all dominated by Democrats it probably means you are trying to become…
… a Democrat.
Nobody would blame you for trying. Sorry to break the news, but you’re four years too late.
You get Trump.
You get to lose.
The conservatives are in a frothing lather of grievance and victimhood today. Pissed we are not pivoting to their FOD talking points. Furious we are not treating them with the privileges they think they are entitled to.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron @ 85, conservatives wake up in the morning, read your FB posts, laugh, and buy today the stock you sold in mistaken panic yesterday.
You’re entertainment to us. Moreover, you’re a profit center.
@32 George Zimmerman isn’t black. The black kid who was minding his own business is dead; the white vigilante who disregarded the police dispatcher’s instructions to leave well enough alone is alive and free as a bird. What’s wrong with this picture?
You whine about “cultural appropriation.” Here at ground level, from rabbit height, what I see is that the black BLM protesters have enough sense to welcome white people to the movement against racism sparked by George Floyd’s murder. Meaning they have more sense than you.
He’s about three posts away from referencing “barebacking in a bathroom stall”.
Whether convicted or not, George Zimmerman is a killer and deserves to be a pariah for the rest of his life.
Schumer signaled the Dems will block the GOP bill. The bill moving through the House won’t be considered in the Senate.
So much for reform. But look at all that money in ActBlue campaign coffers. Mission accomplished. Good thing, too, ’cause Short-Attention-Span YLB’s already yawning at black-on-black murders in Seattle. George Floyd is so last month.
@36 “There was a full explanation senile idiot wabbit. The libtard attempt to take down the Andrew Jackson statue in Lafayette Park …”
Thanks for the explanation that Trump didn’t provide, Piddles. Now explain what the White House press corps has to do with the protests across the street, and when you’re done with that, explain why you’re defending Andrew Jackson, who was a racist even by early 19th century standards ….
As always, you’re an incoherent babbling butthole, and a traitor to your own race.
Puddy what are conservative blacks doing to stop black-on-black crime, why are you waiting for the liberal white man to save black men? To rescue your black men? Where are your conservative organizations stopping black on black crime?
So much for Merrick Garland too.
Some of the leaders just feel like the 117th will offer better opportunities for meaningful reform on the federal level. Qualified Immunity is a state level legal issue, as are disclosure of Brady lists, and use of force restrictions. It comes as no surprise, and certainly not as a disappointment, that suddenly Rapepublicans are looking to do legislation right now, right quick, right away, hurry up.
Really a damn shame none of the GOPers feel that way about TrumPlauge recovery assistance or testing.
@41 “Maybe when the shootings increase in Seattle the black lives involved will start becoming more important to YLB.”
And your solution to this is racist policing? If not, then what?
Puddy is pissed the liberal whites have not fixed all black problems and the greed conservative sees almost everything thru the lens of more money for him.
They put on their most colorful sweater, and through a mouthful of Jello brand pudding they offer plenty of scolding about “Ebonics”, “gangsta rap”, and baggy pants worn too low.
And as everyone knows, these have always been highly effective strategies for rebuilding communities.
@42 Wherein Doctor Dumbfuck endorses hysterical cops lying about “poisoned” milkshakes (and slandering an honest business in the process), and a whole lot of other things besides.
What I really see here, though, is another manifestation of DD’s blind hatred of restaurant workers. What is it with DD’s hatred of people who work in restaurants, many of them young people starting out in their first jobs in the case of fast food restaurants like Wendy’s?
I think something must have happened to DD when he was a kid. Maybe he was in a McDonalds and a smirking cop at the next table slipped a dog turd into DD’s cheeseburger when DD wasn’t looking, and he’s hated restaurant workers and loved cops ever since, in the convoluted style of thinking that characterizes all natural-born conservatives.
@43 “My impression: The CHAZ delegitimized itself. Its dismantling by show and possibly use of force will be necessary due to the weaponry within The CHAZ that some major news organizations went to great lengths to convince us was not present.”
Now do Malheur, Bundy Ranch, Waco, and Ruby Ridge.
@54 No, you’ll accuse the minimum-wage workers of poisoning the shrimp.
Did someone wake up the senile idiot wabbit? Did you miss what AOC said moron? Zimmerman is his panic. Hence per AOC he’s now black!
The stooooooooooooooooopidity is strong in that one!
Yeah about that firebombing Nordstorms and other downtown locations; that was rejected by George Floyd’s family silly senile idiot wabbit. Butt, antifa was right there doing their inner city nasty. How come no planned parenthood sites were firebombed? They kill more blacks than cops will ever do!
FACTS – always lost on the senile idiot wabbit!
@56 The nice thing about self-inflicted capital punishment is that it saves the taxpayers $2 million, 20 years of appeals, courts can’t interfere with it, and any technical problems (e.g., slow, painful, lingering death) are the executee’s fault.
Redreformed, being married to a black man is not being a black man! Good try though! Keep being a DOPE alive. You are getting as good as the buttspigot!
About time the senile idiot wabbit calls those shootings in CHOP/CHAZ what they really are!
@ 96
Well, surely. Because why would Bill Cosby have had any personal reason to know what it’s like when a young black man is killed?
@58 Should it be considered white-on-black crime?
103. You attacked me but avoid answering the question of what are black conservatives doing to save black man and why are you waiting for white liberals to save them?
@63 Earth warming up is beneficial only to a point.
105. The working theory on the son being killed was revenge for one of the women that Cosby raped.
Well first Redreformed, we are trying to educate the black man that dummocretins only care about their vote. We have seen the great society experiment of the last 55 years. EPIC FAYLURE!
Second, we are trying to get school choice passed. Poor black kids should have the opportunity for a powerful education as the mASSes of white ASSes in the burbs.
Third, explain to the black man that being a father is more than just injecting sperm into a willing vagina. Being there to nurture and care for the children keeps them from being society’s problem. There is one thing Obummer said back in 2008 that is really true:
Fourth, when the father is around black women tend to keep the child. Imagine that Redreformed. Remember, Puddy went through the math where if more black children weren’t donkoinfanticided, Al Gore would have been president in 2000!
There are more butt your puny mind can’t comprehend more TRUTHS!
@68 Doctor Dumbfuck’s fantasies on public display for all to see.
That was on purpose! Puddy wanted you to comprehend the real life differences you claimed as an “expert”.
So see @110.
@ 105
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, you are doing nothing to dispel your reputation.
You can put your “working theory” right next to the one that God created AIDS ’cause he hates fags.
Really, The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, try not to make it so apparent that your IQ is in the double digits.
@69 The ACLU’s actual position on police body cams, for those interested in facts, as opposed to Doctor Dumbfuck’s rantings:
“Police body cameras have the potential to serve as a much-needed police oversight tool at a time of a growing recognition that the United States has a real problem with police violence. But if the technology is to be effective at providing oversight, reducing police abuses, and increasing community trust, it is vital that they be deployed with good policies to ensure they accomplish those goals. Without good policies, they risk becoming just another police surveillance device—and one with very real potential to invade privacy. Especially important are policies governing when the cameras are turned on, and who has access to the footage and under what conditions.”
P.S., he’ll be the first to run to the ACLU if his privacy rights are invaded by overzealous (and dishonest) police
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron’s role on HA is to make YLB appear serious by comparison.
@71 I’m Steve now?
The more important question to the conservative is How does the death of Cosby s son make him money in the stock market?
@74, @76 et al.: Doctor Dumbfuck seems to relish violence. Anyone else notice that? Helps us understand why they stuck him in a windowless basement radiology lab where he’d never see patients. They didn’t want him in the ER salivating over bleeding car accident victims; bad optics for the hospital.
Remember, the REAL crime here is that Flynn lied about his guilt.
Butt butt butt
Babblin’ buttfreak… too funny.. Everyone else has done a good job of addressing the feckless talking points of the trolls.
I got other shit to do..
But there’s the “concerned doktor”, “safe” in whidbey… Got a gun, dok? you got the shakes cuz of the chaz??? oh its definitely got the shakes cuz of chicago.. – that’s where the black guy lives..
Look what the black guy made the white father do:
hey babblin’ butthurt – maybe your beloved kook karsen can set the man who “understands” [vulture] kapitalism (romney) straight on “PC kulture”… I understand mitt marched with other evangelicals. oops scratch that – they all want a national sunday law!
What do they call things like the chaz??? A mashup? some spontaneous gathering initiated or helped along by social media.. never meant to last.. and totally lost on an idiot like the docktor safe in its white safe space in whidbey.
113. Thank you for that information.
@79 After clicking through half a dozen links you come to this:
“we know what Romney means”
which somehow becomes “cut Social Security” because “Romney called for raising the retirement age, a move that would cut benefits, in his 2012 presidential campaign.”
Here’s what Kilmer voted for:
“The Romney-led proposal, called the Time to Rescue United States’ Trusts, or TRUST, Act, would create congressional committees to evaluate how to bolster solvency or make other changes to improve the programs.”
Of course, Doctor Dumbfuck didn’t fact-check the assertions in his sources, because he’s a dumbfuck.
Slick Willie and Steve Bing did shit with Epstein.
so did your dem fav Richardson. And Ken Starr was rapey epies lawyer.
teh babblin’ butthole just freaked out about AOC. didn’t you bust a rape fantasy here about her?
@90 “George Floyd is so last month.”
You wish.
What was the question? Why can’t black people get ahead in major cities? Something like that?
Here’s a DOJ press release, today:
Los Angeles City Councilman Jose Huizar Arrested on Federal RICO Charge that Alleges He Agreed to Accept At Least $1.5 Million in Illicit Benefits
At the risk of incurring Darryl’s ire, I’ll post more than I usually do from the link:
Yesterday YLB wanted us to believe that there’s street justice among black citizens because the cops are corrupt. I’ll just point out in response that it’s not just cops who are corrupt.
Isn’t that right. YLB.
@ 124
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, ask yourself if the charges over Floyd’s death, and the deaths of certain others, are overblown. If you need help, perhaps Marilyn Mosby can assist you.
@100 “@32 George Zimmerman isn’t black.”
You didn’t actually say that in your post @32.
Well first Redreformed, we are trying to educate the black man that dummocretins only care about their vote. We have seen the great society experiment of the last 55 years. EPIC FAYLURE!
Which is why most Dems support universal healthcare, childcare, tuition free college. Those things supposedly only benefit non-blacks. Now that a majority of blacks live in suburbs they should start voting Repuke eh? Uh no…
Second, we are trying to get school choice passed. Poor black kids should have the opportunity for a powerful education as the mASSes of white ASSes in the burbs.
Betsy DeVoss is the new “white mother” that’ll advance black children forward. Ellen White would be jealous. Yeah right. And most blacks live in the burbs these days.
It’s a fact stupid.. One FACT that maybe you’re not so quick to deny any longer? amirite?
Third, explain to the black man that being a father is more than just injecting sperm into a willing vagina. Being there to nurture and care for the children keeps them from being society’s problem. There is one thing Obummer said back in 2008 that is really true..
WHAT!!! It’s “jockstrapping” Obama??? Oh yeah it used to do that when Obama was first running. But then it had to konform to the “tribe”.. Moonie Times, Gateway idiot, teh twitchy team, the powertools of mn and all the rest of that garbage.
@101 Not responded to because I’m not going to waste my time looking for a comment you didn’t provide a comment # for.
The nervus doktor in its white safe space in whidbey is mixin’ apples and oranges @ 125.
you’re desperate in your orange panic..
thanks for entertaining me.. keep it going.
@103 “Redreformed, being married to a black man is not being a black man!”
Especially if it’s a hetero marriage.
If only Ennis Cosby had listened to more Duke Ellington, practiced abstinence until marriage, and avoided the flashy cars and jewelry he might not have been shot.
For people so preoccupied with moral hazard in culture, you’d think conservatives would be better at it.
@104 You seem to know a lot more about these shootings than I do.
@110 “Puddy what are conservative blacks doing to stop black-on-black crime”
“Well first Redreformed, we are trying to educate the black man that dummocretins only care about their vote.”
That’ll save black lives for sure! I just wouldn’t stake my son’s or daughter’s life on this, that’s all.
When compared to similar actions under similar circumstances by not-police, the charges are not even remotely overblown.
Load-em-up and deal-em-down.
Anybody else gets more than a half dozen felonies filed before arraignment.
Yes, criminal charging decisions involving sport-murdering cops are political. But not at all in the way that The Q Clearance Pussy might think. But that’s because idiot.
@120 “Got a gun, dok?”
I doubt it; based on what we know about him, he’s probably redflagged.
It’s an awkwardly careful turn of phrase.
What he’s trying not to say is that he’s trying to convince African Americans to vote for Rapepublicans like he does.
Sure, they won’t let African Americans use their bathrooms.
But they promise never to “enslave” them with “free stuff” or “complicate” their simple lives with “activism”.
hey klownservaturd white dok..
when white guys do this (or did this) it’s ok:
when black folks go all second amendment or act out revenge cuz’ shit is all fucked up where they live in all directions you get all
“koncerned”.. WHY SO SERIOUS????
I’m laughing at you joker and your partner in slime, little maxwipe.
You gotta admit Bolton is a talented guy. His special talent is being wrong about everything. Few people manage to be full of shit 100% of the time.
… obstruction. Multiple counts at this point.
Wall Street’s smart money isn’t betting on the GOP.
“Financial advisory firm Signum Global Advisors is telling clients that it now believes the U.S. Senate is going to flip blue as presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden continues surge past President Donald Trump in the polls.
“In a note to Signum’s clients, Chairman Charles Myers and senior partner Lew Lukens said that while they were initially convinced Republicans would maintain control of the upper chamber, they have changed their minds and think Democrats are going to take it back.
“‘As Joe Biden’s lead over Trump in national and battleground polling has widened, several Senate races have become closer. We are changing our call and now predict the Democrats will take the Senate,’ they wrote on Tuesday.”
But how smart do you have to be, to bet against the stupidity of Trumpublicans?
I’m having too much fun with teh doktor dimfuk..
“antifa carnage”.. not serious…
Where’s the perp walk?
little kids getting caught in the xfire when gun fetishism goes sideways not serious.. So many examples of this.
But a happy dimfuk is an armed dimfuk.
The shit @ 32 is so stoooopid….
AOC is Puerto Rican.. Is the babblin’ butthurt so stupid as to deny that so many people of spanish descent intermixed with people of African descent in the Carribean?
You can even go to freakin’ Hawaii and it’s the same way.. African, White, Islander, East Asian all intermixing
What a willfully ignorant joke is teh babblin’ buttache. Thanks for yet again being such a good fool for us. It’s so sad I forgot to laugh.
and there’s this:
Being black could mean #347,000 in race reparations? Imagine that Puddy could have some real dough and you his panics want part of it!
You just made Moscow Mitch’s argument for blocking a reparations bill babbling butthole. I remember the day when a black guy noticed my southern european last name and told me I probably had some black blood in me. And he was right.. Read a little history and you see the Moors’ influence in that part of the world.
And again you make a stoopid argument. My ancestors to my thinking weren’t brought to America as slaves. AOC’s certainly were.
So it’s all about money to you.
Republican congressman trolls Dr. Fauci and gets his question shoved back up his ass.
(Apparently has never seen a tampon before)
(Apparently has never seen a tampon before)
misogynist broadside or rape fantasy incoming from dok dimfuk in
5.. 4.. 3.. 2..
Here’s Burton Malkiel talking about the Roger Dumbfuck Rabbits of the world.
Over the long run, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has lost. One of the few times in his life he bought and held was GE. What a beclowning of himself that was.
146. We got a greed fantasy instead.
More on The Noose Chronicles:
NASCAR said Tuesday what looked like a noose that was found in the Talladega Superspeedway garage stall of Bubba Wallace, was a garage door pull rope and had been there since the fall, according to an FBI report.
Funny. Bubba Wallace and Michael Volz look nothing alike.
Somebody remind me what Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit said about the “nooses” in the park in Oakland.
One of the few times in his life he bought and held was GE.
He’s also bought and held Starbucks.. And Coca-Cola and MacDonalds – even Exxon-Mobil?
What lyin’ loser you are! Proud of yourself? As long as you can live with your brokerage account numbers,,
fuk yeah!
The noose will come to symbolize hoax before all of this is done.
It’s not a new concept. Just ask HuffPo:
Hanging Nooses: Hate or Hoax Upsurge
The noose will come to symbolize hoax before all of this is done.
Does Bubba have a smartphone? His entourage? You never thought of that,
Let the chips fall where they may.
@ 150
He’s also bought and held Starbucks..
OK, there’s two – GE and SBUX. Another of the few.
Meanwhile, for years Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit regaled us with nearly daily tales of the stocks he sold that day and the money he made. Either he lied about the frequency of his trades or he traded with reckless abandon and fits the gambler profile rather than the buy-and-hold investor profile. Or both.
We know Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is a liar. We know he makes shit up out of whole cloth and calls it propaganda. “This is a liberal blog!” is his defense when called out for his dishonesty, and he’s used it more than once. He freely admits to his dishonesty. He is proud of it.
He’s been sufficiently indiscreet to post his brokerage account balance on HA, a laughably stupid move that proved he’s not what he has claimed to be.
So he bought Starbucks. BFD. We’re in stopped-clock territory, YLB. That’s assuming you believe he is telling the truth and, to be frank about it, why the hell would you?
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is a clown and a failure; an embarrassment to his family. Take him at his word at your peril. That’s why I gave the asswipe who asked Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit about his opinion of GE stock such a hard time.
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit exists to harm people who might be dumb enough to place trust in him. He might not always intend to – his family, for instance – but it’s all he can manage.
151. This coming from the conservative afraid to leave his basement because of the Democratic flu hoax.
You think the black man had already got any death threats for the Confederate flag removal?
ooooh teh kapitalist @ 153 is greedsplainin’ to us…
about a fellow kapitalist who is NOT ALWAYS WRONG..
you forget the other stocks.. yawwwwwnnnnn…
After its rape fantasies, its misogyny, its copypastaing of lies from always wrong wing websites.. its “ass-pounding”, its “pain”…, its pitiful ALWAYS WRONG WING blinders that it’s so afraid to take off.
nice try dimfuk.
Hey dimfuk, that smartphone thing was pretty good huh?
Someone “serious” may have thought of that. Heh
Hey dimfuk you dropped some of the misogyny, the olfactory hallucinations, the female anatomical body horror..
wtf’s up with that?
was it something I said? Were you actually AFRAID of being goaded out into the open some more about that?
During silly season??
Awwww come on. Don’t give up on your most closely held convictions now.
Zelinski before the House is fairly sweeping in its condemnation and frankly criminal damnation of the entire 2016 campaign, including the candidate.
He’s got the whole team, including Styupid Hitler, openly conspiring with Stone to access and release the stolen data through Assange. It’s about two dozen felonies from at least three different criminal sections involving Manafort, Gates, Stone, Cohen, and Bannon.
But the real deal is the chain of command within DOJ who all actively produced and supported a conspiracy to obstruct. This shit should end careers. We’ll just have to wait and see what AG Warren has to say about it.
Making a racist comment. Assaulting a baby in a stroller. Probably votes for Trump, too. These things tend to go together.
Refuses to wear a mask. Muscles his way into a Walmart and shoves employees. Probably votes for Trump, too. These things tend to go together.
@147 I bought 100 shares of AT&T for $28 on April Fool’s Day. Does that count as day trading?
@149 Doctor Dumbfuck thinks nooses hanging from tree limbs are used to pull the branches up and down like a garage door, because he’s a dumbfuck.
This coming from the conservative who prior to disappearing beyond the sticky, Astro-glide smeared film of Teh Orange Event Horizon, was regularly in the habit of casually humble-bragging about his latest fantasy options play on Robin Hood, more or less like this guy:
Had the kid lived he looks like he might have made a fine medical school student.
@150 He doesn’t get dividend statements, so how we he know what his account number is?
@153 ” … Rabbit is a clown and a failure; an embarrassment …”
At least my professional school’s classrooms didn’t need year-round air conditioning, and my diploma and license to practice are printed in English.
It took years, and was like pulling teeth, but we now know the disciplinary record of the cop who killed Eric Garner. In five years (2009-2014):
17 complaints
8 cases opened against him (including Garner’s)
3 substantiated cases of misconduct
NYC is better off with no police than that kind of police, because at least then taxpayers aren’t paying out millions in lawsuits, but what all states, counties, and cities need is better police, and enough of them, although not necessarily as many as they have now.
It’s true that all the really bad shit is down to less than 10% of working LE.
But the other 90% work feverishly to protect that 10%.
ACAB. It’s sad but true. And there’s just no getting around it.
It’s a mystery to me why 600,000 more or less okay cops would agree to destroy the credibility of their chosen profession in order to protect 60,000 degenerate, emotionally fragile, murder-bots. But that’s exactly what they’ve done.
And 60,000 emotionally disturbed, violent psychopaths with guns and badges and a license to kill is obviously more than enough to do a lot of damage to our communities.
And now it is time for you to be shocked… SHOCKED I SAY… to learn that the whole Frapuccino-Tampon Murder Plot was just another hoax.
the death of a three year old black boy in Chicago?
I hear you babblin’ buttspill.. little kids gettin’ caught in the xfire between hotheads who want to settle their differences with guns.. dumbasses who stink that guns solve their problems. putting dollars in the hands of klownservatic gun merchants who “jockstrap” your preferred politicians.. damn that sucks..
like this…
and this…
and this..
gunsplain’ to us more desmond doss…
so Jussie Smolett is a NASCAR driver now?
Epic career change!
The left looks so goddamned stupid now that it really has turned into a Mel Brooks movie.
society is at peak stupid….
YLB blacksplaining again! for the win!
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Hate Whites & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – White-Hating Christian-Hating Demorats Prove Again That They Are Evil Scum.
On Monday, Black Lives Matter leader and former Bernie Sanders surrogate Shaun King called for the demolition or removal of all statues, murals, and stained glass windows of “white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends,” i.e. the Twelve Apostles. He said religious imagery was a symbol of “white supremacy” and oppression.
@167 Maybe the solution is to PATCO ’em and start over with new blood. If it works for air traffic control, it’ll work for policing. There’s not that much difference between the two occupations; they both have others’ lives in their hands. Maybe hire British bobbies. They kill 1 or 2 people a year in all of Britain.
@170,171 tyin’ one on at teh fav watering hole little maxwipe? you wanna get home to your guns safe and sound.
in your gas guzzler fueled with iranian oil.. yeesh no one wants to share the road with a drunk.
you remember that rape fantasy you had here little maxwipe?
Demorat-China Party Of Hate America, Hate Whites & Make Riots Great Again Bombshell News – Evil Scum Demorat Racebaiters Redouble Efforts To Foment Race War.
Racism and bigotry of any kind are unacceptable, but it appears that in Hollywood it is fine as long as that bigotry is directed at white people.
Countless movies and series have been made showing a white villain who owns slaves as the antagonist, but Hollywood’s most recent concoction is far worse.
The series “Cracka” shows an America where white people were the ones enslaved by black people and the promotion for it is dreadful:
The trailer shows a white man with Nazi tattoos taken back in time to a world where he is enslaved.
“You took our breath away, what if we took yours? You raped our daughters, what if we raped yours? You stole our freedom, now we steal yours,” the title cards for the movie read.
Scenes also show white people being beaten, lynched and raped as a Trump 2020 bumper sticker is shown on one of the cars, in the movie that stars rapper Saigon, and Lorenzo Antonucci as lead character Michael Stone.
Here’s one for teh little maxwipe:
Happiness is a warm gun.
Hey little maxwipe..
gun in teh waistband just like in teh moovies.. lethal weapon.. yeah!
This was a little closer to home… Was this you little maxwipe?
Ouch! Nah couldn’t have been you. The dumbass blamed a white homeless guy.. What nerve… The least he could have done was blame antifa.
I don’t think Whitmer’s gonna be the VP nominee.
That’s one untrustworthy, power-hungry control freak running MI.
thats the best you can crank out?
I get it, you are scared of guns…its ok, just dont own one. Mine are safely locked away in a safe that cost more than your 1997 Taurus
or he coulda blamed a black buy -since that is how they “handle their business” – or so you say.
@179 thanks for the link:
Defendants merely reiterated that a threat of transmission exists at indoor gyms, and the threat of transmission must be minimized.
The Court accepts that statement as true…
It’s teh people’s choice to go there and get sick.. Good work Judge.
or he coulda blamed a black buy -since that is how they “handle their business” – or so you say.
Only white guys with guns need apply..
Yee haaa! little maxwipe:
Hey little maxwipe.. gun nuts do teh darndest things:
But like dok dimfuk you’re safe in teh burbs away from those dirty hippies.. Kent, right?
@ 161
No, it counts as small change, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Pretty sure last time I made a $2800 trade it was an odd lot disposal I received as part of a spin-off.
Thanks for validating what we already know about your finances.
@175 Never heard of it. Is that a home movie somebody posted on YouTube?
Mine are safely locked away in a safe
Huh? You don’t carry little maxwipe? Say it’s not so little maxwipe..
If you don’t carry, you miss out on GOOD SHOT MAN!
So what do you do instead? Kung fu fightin? teh brass knuckles?
@179 Yes, I have no doubt that every undecided voter will read a 17-page order from a federal district court situated in Michigan before deciding whether to vote for Trump or Biden.
As for the “untrustworthy, power-hungry control freak running MI,” the most one can say about that is she has lousy lawyers. If you had read the order, of which I entertain some doubts, and understand what it says, as to which I entertain no doubts, you would realize this judge would have upheld this EO and denied the injunction had the state’s lawyers presented any evidence justifying the continued closure of gyms while other businesses are allowed to open. To wit, “Defendants offer nothing in support of the restriction.” Note that the judge’s order doesn’t allowed the gyms to simply reopen; rather, “they will be subject to the requirements set out in the operative workplace standards Order. Thus, the Court need not edit or amend any of Governor Whitmer’s practices, and the operation of gyms will begin in a modified manner that the Governor’s office has deemed appropriate through the issuance of EO 2020-114.” Sounds like a blanket uphold of Whitmer’s reopen conditions to me. All that has happened here is gyms will operate on the same restrictions applied to other Michigan businesses under the 119 of 120 EOs issued by Whitmer to deal with Covid-19 that have either not been challenged or have not been struck down by the courts.
Not exactly the kind of issue that moves voters like, say, a quarter million dead by Election Day.
@180 You store your guns in a $200 gun safe?
The butthurting yellowishleakingbuttspigot@128 didn’t address anything in that waste of pixels. Notice it did not address the most important point #4. The black father staying with the black mother so she doesn’t abort. So why didn’t the yellowishleakingbuttspigot skip over this? Because it really wants donkoinfanticide in the black community. So the rest of the scream is useless BULLSH^TTIUM, like everything else it spews here!
Free universal Healthcare free college tuition and all else won’t cost the yellowishleakingbuttspigot anything because it doesn’t pay taxes. Even the cheapest universal health care will add $562 Billion more per year.
Thenext one is free college tuition. Well yellowishleakingbuttspigot, if the children attend worthless schools how will they get accepted into a useful college to get free college tuition? Sanders plan will cost $240 billion in taxes each year.
Regarding childcare, if you all noticed in the non-answer the yellowishleakingbuttspigot gave in @128, if you abort the children why would one need childcare? See how stooooooooooooooooopid the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is?
well…against someone like you, I would pick you up and throw you through a window.
Kent? lol. I have three residences – and none are in Kent…or western WA.
you still got bums shitting in your yard? urbanism – yuck.
189 – no, do you?
To the senile idiot wabbit@129 wanting a cross referencing number before it will respond?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That’s because the senile idiot wabbit can’t remember what it wrote five minutes before.
Suck on it senile idiot wabbit!
@182 The point of all this is Covid is pitting people’s livelihoods against other people’s health, and government officials are caught in the middle of trying to mediate this collision of interests. Generally speaking, Democrats err in the direction of safety, while Republicans want to let businesses reopen even when it seems very ill-advised.
The problem isn’t the people who choose to go there and risk getting sick; it’s the unwitting people in the community they come in contact with and pass the infection to, who didn’t choose to go there and risk getting sick; the latter are entitled to protection from the former, and protecting them is an essential function of government.
If you read the order, you will see that the judge exuded deference to the governor’s orders, and granted the injunction only because the lawyers defending the governor’s orders offered no evidence of why gyms should be treated differently from other businesses that her orders allowed to reopen under certain restrictions. The judge made it explicit that those restrictions will also apply to the gym owners, and that is in the terms of the injunction.
“They all look alike” doesn’t really work among grown ups anymore, sonny. I mean, it’s totes cool and all down at The Elks on a Friday night. But unless you work as an assistant mgr at an Autozone (of course you do) you might want to keep that to yourself in mixed company.
Guys like you don’t get a paid summer off to “move past” the racism. You don’t get put on a PIP with some computer classes.
You just get fired.
so…any awesome updates from the CHAZ? or do I have to wait until tomorrow morning to hear about the shooting or rape?
Keep Seattle Great!
Yes it will senile idiot wabbit because the inner city black man will realize that dummocretin led city governments can not fix their problems and realize they have to work together instead of killing each other to improve their lot in life. When dummocretins tell a pregnant black woman they will get more welfare if they don’t MARRY the father doesn’t help the situation!
194 – you racist dipshit – no wonder the “they all look alike” meme is the first thing that came to your pea-brained head.
I will try and spell it out for you, since you seem a little slow on the draw…The whole Smolett episode was a fraud – and its looking like the NASCAR Bubba deal was a fraud also…..or at the very least people overreacting to a rope used to pull down a garage door – THAT EVERY GARAGE HAS.
So my alleged “gambling for entertainment” and “day trading” spree detailed in #147 is now “small change” (#185).
You’re gambling a lot more than I am. I’m just sitting and watching. I could’ve flipped that stock for a 10% profit 2 weeks later, but I prefer to collect the 7%-plus dividend yield (as opposed to your 0.0% dividend yield).
@187 When he’s attacked by a sword-wielding mentally ill madman on the street, he’s going to drive home, spend an hour finding the safe combination, unlock the safe, extract the gun and ammo, insert the ammo in the gun, get back in his car, drive back to the scene of the encounter, and defend himself.
It’s also agency bureaucrats trying to stay out of trouble in a very politically charged atmosphere where it simply doesn’t pay to be creative of flexible.
We will see plenty more of these kinds of challenges being upheld. And each time The Q Clearance Pussy will make an appalling spectacle of himself moaning and rolling on the floor pinching his nipples and screaming “YES! YES! YES!”
It just won’t be possible to move forward with economic restrictions that don’t end up playing favorites whether intended or not. How the fuck is a goddamn grocery store with 125 people in it not an “indoor gathering”? And ultimately, especially when at the tip of the spear, it’s an agency employee reading a two page order with no specifics that apply to the precise application, it will be arbitrary and subjective. And every time that happens it will be another challenge upheld.
It’s blue sky for government lawyers. But nobody is going to get rich or famous. Chances are pretty good whenever you see The Q Clearance Pussy celebrating any kind of legal event it’s going to be very stupid.
With literally dozens of current examples of very similar “frauds” to choose from, you chose to reach back in time over a year and a half to find Jussie Smollett.
You could have compared the NASCAR noose to the Frapuccino Tampon Murder Plot “fraud”, or to the Shake Shack Bleach Murder Plot “fraud”, or even to the Harlem Park noose.
The mere fact that you became so completely unglued about having that pointed out is telling. That kind of reactionary crouch implies that on some level you understood what you were doing by going after another African American.
Lashing out by calling me a racist doesn’t help you.
I’m a racist. I’m white. I was raised without being stalked through every convenience store, without having the police summoned because I was waiting around on a public boat ramp, without the constant downward drag of very low expectations and without the fear that one day, for completely random reasons some emotionally disturbed cop would casually take my life for sport.
I’m strong enough to own that and deal with it. It’s why I notice your shit even when you can’t. And by the way, your shit stinks, junior. Go change your pants.
So? She said latinos are black? So what percentage is it yellowishleakingbuttspigot? There are laws in the US where you must declare your heritage based on black percentages! 6.25%, 12.5% or the old dummocretin rule of 1 drop. So which is it? So slaves were brought to Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, The Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, and Venezuela?
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh you really are stooooooooooooooooooooopid!
This has gotta be Max. How have you been? I hope all is well.
The black father staying with the black mother so she doesn’t abort. So why didn’t the HA HERO YLB skip over this? Because it really want safe legal abortion for all americans
Oh so sorry babbling buttspilll.. Yes I didn’t address that because I confess I’m a little busy.. and I got a little tired addressing your miserable swill..
I’m all for black fathers raising their children.. I was NEVER an absent father babblin butthole.. (Did you have an absent father?) And both my children are college graduates who made the dean’s list multiple times. My oldest was promoted multiple times on his job with bumps in pay each time and due to COVID is layed off now
butt butt butt
he has two years of income saved up!!! His mom and I (we’re approaching 30 years of marriage) hope he’ll make up his mind about post graduate..
And the youngest is preparing for professional school. That’ll be his post-graduate. I won’t say which profession because you won’t say which union salt mining buddy pays dues to.. We’re a union family too. Tell us please! And I won’t tell which college they graduated from for the same reason. I’ve let it slip here, though. Were you surprised? If not, tell us please! salt mining buddy’s union! Tell “the world”!
Do you remember what you said about my kids YOU MISERABLE FREAK?
You’re a failure babblin’ butthole on abortion.. Any woman can order one online. No need to run a barricade of nutjobs. It’s all up to her. As it should be. You don’t like abortion? Fine.. Don’t have one.
What else?
Free universal Healthcare free college tuition and all else won’t cost HA HERO YLB anything because it doesn’t pay taxes. Even the cheapest universal health care will add $562 Billion more per year.
yawwnn.. but drumpf and mnuchin can increase the debt to a TRILLION a MONTH and refuse to tell anybody who is benefiting – uh like the Fortune 500 so morons like teh dimfuk can brag about its stocks? We at the homestead pay property tax, sales tax, FICA and yes income as well as other stuff everyone else pays. You’ve always been full of shit on that.
Regarding childcare, if you all noticed in the non-answer the HA HERO gave in @128, if you abort the children why would one need childcare? See how stooooooooooooooooopid the babblin butspill is?
Hmmmm. There were a lot of baby boomers, 76 million, there was a lot of Gen X – 88.5 million, Millenials now number more than boomers at 73 million (boomers be dyin’).. Then there’s Gen Z..
People are making babies just fine. Lotsa need for good affordable childcare that can benefit black people..
As usual you be full of shit babblin’ nutjob just like you were with blacks in the ‘burbs..
AOC is Puerto Rican..
So? She said latinos are black?
No she didn’t you stupid idiot. She said she has black forbears. A lot of Caribbean folks do. I have probably have black forbears..
Did she ever say she wants reparations you moron? No she didn’t.
You lie about what she says like you lie about everything because lying is your game here O “in the world but not of it”..
Keep lyin’ – like your buddy Satan.
well…against someone like you, I would pick you up and throw you through a window.
Little maxwipe I remember when you wanted to go the DL and mix it up. You didn’t want to bring your popgun? awww… Such a
So you dream instead of bein’ teh terminator.. like teh ahhnold. yours truly remembers you bleating about Conan teh barbarian.. the lamentations of the women of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan when Obama won re-election was sweet music indeed.
Kent? lol. I have three residences – and none are in Kent…or western WA.
three bunkers eh? got a prepper here. Oh we remember that little blue pill commercial you babbled about when you were dreaming of conconugly..
You be safe safe and snug with your guns little maxwipe far from the action. I hope you’ve hoarded some iranian oil to fuel your tonka toys. It’s a life I guess.
you still got bums shitting in your yard? urbanism – yuck.
Heh. You’ll never be free of the shit between your ears.
Nope. Totally peaceful where I am.. The homeless have never been much of a problem for us. No barking rotties all day and all night. We heard some barred owls making a racket though the other night. Imagine that here in N. Seattle.
you remember that rape fantasy you busted here little maxwipe?
you have a friend now in teh mad doktor dimfuk – it has rape fantasies too..
dueling rape fantasies from ha troll shitferbrains.. that’s entertainment!
And babblin’ buttwipe?
About those reparations? Again, good luck getting those past Moscow Mitch. And run the case for reparations by your racist pos friend @ 197.. I’m sure he’s a big Ta Nehisi Coates fan – like your beloved Tucker Carlson.
I hope you get ’em.. A good portion you’ll shovel to teh kult and you’ll “climb”..
Was salt mining buddy’s forbears brought to this country as slaves? I remember you calling her a “furriner” and she’s even darker skinned than you. Probably not. Too bad. You’ll have to make up for her.
I wish you the best.
So there was a 100 degree temp recorded in Siberia. At the Arctic Circle. Highest ever..
Do teh shithead trolls still call it “globull warming”?
‘course they do. They wouldn’t be shithead trolls otherwise.
Direct quote from AOC yellowishleakingbuttspigot! You are as wrong as the day is long in the summer!
The rest of your gutter level rant is another EPIC FAYLE! You can’t even find what she actually said. It’s not about Puerto Rico pendejo! It’s about all of Latin America!
Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh what a libtard idiot the yellowishleakingbuttspigot is all the time!
We’re sure you are a Shaun King fan here as you spew worthless commie crap here like he does.
In the wake of the Tulsa Rally Massacre there was fevered speculation that a big campaign shakeup was afoot. Styupid Hitler had been fuming for weeks about ineffective ads and poor polling leading up to ArenaGate. But after he was met with a 1/3 capacity crowd of mostly yawning, sleepy social media influencers and senior citizens Commander Bone Spurs returned home livid and looking to take scalps.
In the days that have followed all the attention turned to campaign mgr Brad NeckBeard, who quickly confirmed that he was ready to step down if asked. And speculation began to swirl around possible replacements that included current insider Jason Miller, as well as David Bossie and Corey Lewandoski.
But in the growing silence that has followed it has begun to appear that no ready replacement for NeckBeard may be available. At least two of the three top contenders are reported to be holding out for more favorable financial terms on a par with NeckBeard, who in recent years has used his control of the vast Hitler2020 financial empire to openly reward himself with multiple new homes and very expensive exotic cars and jewelry.
With Styupid Hitler demanding that the spending be reigned in the list of eager applicants has collapsed and NeckBeard may be in it for the long haul, albeit in a slightly less rewarding position financially. In the near term it looks as if Jason Miller remains in the running auditioning for the role by being given lead on developing the next SuperSpreader Event.
Oh maybe dot bombed the vanity fair article was planted fake news and your kind swallowed the salty juice, eh?
@210 So you concede AOC has black forbears being Puerto Rican…
By your miserable rant you’re not black either.. Remember what you said about your nose?
It was “blacks” like you who called Clarence Thomas an ABC – America’s Blackest Child..
Good on Clarence – he gets reparations and you don’t..
Sux to be you.
Again I’ll take AOC any day over Jared Taylor and Tucker Carlson.
yeeeeee haaa! TexASS…
146.8 percent 14 day growth rate in covid infections…
Florida 171.7 percent 14 day growth rate.
Georgia 71.7 percent 14 day growth rate
Arizona 156 percent 14 day growth rate.
South Carolina 96.9 percent 14 day growth rate
drumpf super spreader events coming to an ALWAYS WRONG WING locale near you.
Hey babblin’ butthole take salt mining buddy to visit your beloved kook karsen in FL. You can show it HA on your laptop.
“Maybe”? Can’t a “winner” like you do any better than maybe?
If you’re saying Parscale is Da Man, then say so.
Are you willing to get behind him and say so?
Because other than a favorable ruling out of the DC Circuit protecting confessed felon Flynn, things have not been going at all well for you lately. You’ve been on a fairly consistent losing streak, riding from one stunning humiliation to the next. False bravado is anyone expects from drooling Trumpalos like you. It goes hand in hand with the Q nonsense assuring yourself that, no matter how many times AG Barr postpones it, Hillary-in-Chains is your birthright. Another promise just as reliable as Nookyulur Free Korea, Middle East Peace, 5% GDP growth, 100 million new coal jerbs, WeBuildWall, and the Million Moron March in Tulsa.
Keep Fuckin’ That Chicken.
We’re sure you are a Shaun King fan
You and the multitude of voices in your “head” just agreed with him the other day? amirite?
I’m a fan of any truth teller. You’re a fan of Jared Taylor.
Sux to be you.
Enhanced transparency is a big first step:
If it leads to greater accountability and action then will be a big second step.
This is a typically bullshit encounter, wherein sworn officers acting no better than thugs, allow themselves to be baited into a confrontation over nothing. The unlawful arrest that follows is predicated on no criminal offense. The specifically illegal deadly choke hold is solely for the purpose of intimidation and dominance. None of this is legitimate police work.
So one officer immediately suspended without pay. Depending on their reports and sworn statements the other officers may also face discipline. The officer who applied the illegal choke hold should be fired and lose his state certification.
We shall see if NYPD is really up to reforming itself, of if as most people predict, new laws, and major budget and staffing cuts will be the only way forward.
Blacks like me will always be better than morons like you!
‘course ‘cuz teh kult tells you you’re saved.
and yours truly and Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Dr. West, AOC, Roger Rabbit, Elijah, etc. – we’re all just so stuck in “the world”.. Does teh kult teach you to pray for us? Oh shit – that must be soooo hard for you.
You’re as entertaining as a Jack Chick tract. Thanks. And keep reading Jared Taylor for your “arguments” and watch Sean Inanity and Tucker for the juice it stirs in you.
Even people like Jared Taylor can say something agreeable
See ya sucka!
Even people like Jared Taylor can say something agreeable
Like nice day outside? Heh.. And after what that low-life wrote on Katrina? You’re a funny one buttspill…