I got rid of my car recently. I didn’t use it during the pandemic. And then I hardly ever used it outside of commuting. So I finally ditched it. I don’t really miss it.
So I am glad to live in a city where you can (usually) get around without a car. In more cases than a lot of people realize, it’s easier than driving. I’m lucky enough to have an employer who pays for my ORCA Card, so it’s much cheaper.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And get vaccinated or boosted if you’re eligible.
We’d be better off if Trump had been re-elected.
I wish someone had told me the jab was safe.
Dangerous Thug Ralph Yarl continues to struggle to recover from gunshot wounds he suffered Thursday night in KC.
FOX, Breitbart, and the Shit-lord crybaby will be unavailable for comment at least until such time as they can dig up a social media post showing Urkel taking a bong rip or “flashing gang signs”.
@3 The KC police are saying they can’t press any charges until they get a statement from the boy.
TIL, if you hope to get away with murder in KC, make sure they die.
Maybe why, after shooting the boy in the head, the old white guy, left the safety of his house and shot the boy again.
If only there had been a good guy with a gun….
The Democrats are having their 2024 convention in Chicago. Not a good choice! Don’t they know Chicago is MAGA country?
His wife doesn’t care whether he lives or dies, either.
Not paying attention to stroke recovery’s requirements is self-harm.
I had a couple Spanish-speaking guys in my burrow this morning delivering and installing an appliance. They didn’t look like rapists or murderers, but if Trump had his way I wouldn’t have a functioning burrow, because there isn’t anybody else to do this.
They should take guns away from people too old to have them.
What can you do with someone too old for prison? I guess send him to a home. You can’t have him in the community.
It does seem like it would require a preposterous degree of caution for any prosecutor to have declined any charging decision with the evidence currently available. A charge can be amended later, albeit with some process allowing for the intervention of a judge and a criminal defense attorney. It seems to me the criminal uncertainty here would revolve around intent. Waiting for the victim to recover so that the victim’s eyewitness recollection of the events can be included into the investigation could always be cited as probably cause to elevate the charges later.
Maybe there are some really surprising details being withheld here. But it certainly seems like an unarmed sixteen-year-old kid walked up to a front door and rang the bell. Then got shot in the face. Then fell/crawled/staggered some distance before being shot again. Then somehow lifted himself up and ran bleeding to neighboring homes pleading for rescue and being mostly ignored before finally finding a neighbor willing to offer help.
Just about any prosecutor can make manslaughter out of that.
And almost certainly should. Just from the perspective of public safety, if the community chooses to attach no criminal culpability to the decision of an armed homeowner to disregard any duty to reasonably determine threat prior to use of deadly force, then that places the lives of every member of that community in the hands of its dumbest, most careless, most feeble and irrational members.
They might just as well give lethal weapons to drunken raccoons.
What I sense instead is for some concern about “symmetry”. The victim’s family are already well represented by capable attorneys. Those attorneys are wisely I think being cautious in their communications and cooperation with Kansas City law enforcement. Historically one of the ways that police arrange for white men to escape responsibility for shooting Black men in America is by fucking up the investigations in various ways. The victim’s lawyers would be very justified in having concern that any statements or other information about their client should be as accurate as possible. That can be frustrating to investigators. But part of the reason it is frustrating to them is that it prevents them from controlling the narrative around their investigation.
Declining to arraign the shooter on manslaughter charges gives him time to “control the narrative” from his perspective as well. He can go about destroying potential evidence, researching and testing various exculpatory stories and claims, and maybe even obtain financial assistance in getting a good lawyer of his own. With any luck the victim’s memory will be impacted by the injury and subsequent medical treatment. That allows plenty of room for reasonable doubt.
@1 If Trump had been reelected I wouldn’t have working appliances, and neither would you. Who’s going to repair your roof and clean your gutters? Mow your grass and keep up your yard? Repave your driveway? Trump doesn’t care if you live in a slum. He only cares about slandering people who just want to work, because he and his party are afraid if they become citizens and vote, they’ll vote for Democrats. They’re sure not giving them any reasons to vote for Republicans.
@4 Is that their policy in serial killer cases, too?
Roger, Black men in their eighties are sentenced to lengthy prison terms frequently in America.
It’s not for me to grapple with the absolutely necessary legal implications of a civil society that chooses to arm every citizen with lethal force. But in such a society it is imperative to public safety that this armed citizenry be burdened with unwavering minimum duties to public safety.
No excuses.
I’m the common man. I have Midwestern roots in my soul. I learned so little from my elitist Yale Law degree I don’t know what “Ex Post Facto” is.
Proper notice of a public meeting as it was before today is really only what I, Me, The Governor says it was after today!
I am not a fascist. Besides the National Fascist Party were a bunch of ANTIFA in disguise.
@ 2
Let’s add some context, shall we?
• The study was limited to veterans over 45.
• Within that group of 45+ veterans, the largest cohort was veterans 70-74 years old.
• And here’s the most important thing to note: 45+ individuals have massively greater incidents of thromboses than the general population to begin with.
It’s not surprising, then, that with all of that background VTE noise, it’s difficult to detect VTEs due to vaxx in this 45+ population.
The thing is, it’s NOT difficult to detect VTEs due to vaxx in younger adults. In those younger adults, the incremental risk of VTE is significantly greater in those vaxxed for The Wuhan, and they might not need it. ’cause they’re not 45.
Since they’re not veterans, they are much less likely to be drug addicts, alcoholics, or smokers, too. All risk factors for VTE.
So while I have no argument with the study’s findings, I do think that taking a 45+ study and applying it broadly to the entire US adult population is unserious. Meaning those who do it are aiming at unserious twats like Queen YLB.
@9 “Just about any prosecutor can make manslaughter out of that.”
Wait a minute. It’s not manslaughter unless he dies. And first-degree assault is simple. The old white fart can either claim insanity or he can’t. Paranoia doesn’t count.
Maybe he’s had black kids tormenting him by ringing his doorbell at all hours of day and night, and finally decided to shoot one of them? That would elevate it to attempted murder.
Must’ve used a .22. A real gun would’ve decapitated the kid.
@13 Well, it worked with restrictive covenants. Maybe DeSantis thinks discrimination deserves the same legal status as anti-discrimination.
@14 Someone will have to translate this medical mumbo-jumbo for me. I don’t understand why a high-risk population is lower risk.
I will say this, though: I find it strange that Doctor Dumbfuck thinks veterans in their 70s are more likely to do drugs than 20-somethings, unless he’s referring to the drugs prescribed for them by their doctors. In that sense, they’re all on drugs.
@ 2, 14
The VA study is about the weakest one you could have picked to support your contention.
There are far better studies. Even so, it should be acknowledged that vaccination isn’t right for everyone, and that the jury is still out about risk/benefit aspects of vaccination against The Wuhan in younger adults, and in older children.
I was 50 when I decided my principled stance against this ‘experimental’ mRNA mumbo jumbo was worth my life.
I listened to my Republican friends and Fox News because….bubble.
It’s pretty horrible.
Former prison convict Russian Wagner PMC commanders explaining how they would routinely carry out orders to round up and slaughter children in occupied Ukraine territories.
All these atrocities will be verified and recorded eventually. ICC trials will be conducted. Some will be brought to justice and made to answer. Many will remain protected from justice within Russia.
But those in the West who choose to support this and even honor it will be outcast.
These guys really don’t like the press.
“McCurtain County, Oklahoma is in shock this week after a secretly recorded conversation revealed that a local sheriff and several McCurtain County commissioners discussed hiring hitmen to murder local newspaper reporters.”
Like LITERALLY I don’t understand why you’re making a big deal of this. After my billionaire friend bought my childhood home to preserve it for me as a museum to the second black Supreme Court Justice and the only one who put pubes on a coke my billionaire friend didn’t charge my Mom and Bro rent to live there rent free and she still lives there.
That was just hospitality and entertainment so I never needed to disclose it because it was given not to be but to my mother.
This is just political retribution for my years of sound judgements.
I thought political campaigns are exempt from “Do not call”?
taking a 45 study and applying it broadly to the entire US adult population is unserious.
as “serious” as Durham…
as “serious” as krime in Nevada..
as “serious” as one low 4 figure check a month besides hundreds of repukes dying daily.
as “serious” as higher gas prices denying a black guy a second term.
as “serious” as a man who “understands [vulture] kapitalism”.
as “serious” as FB friends in CO.
As “serious” as reading @2 as being applied broadly to the entire US population.
As “serious” as the age of Trooper LeMay – 50 years old
Going to the wrong address can end badly, whether it’s a mistake made by police responding to a domestic disturbance complaint, or by a kid who doesn’t know traditional doorbell manners.
QoS McHillbilly, of course, treats the two scenarios very differently.
@ 24
What unserious twats do when they don’t possess the intelligence to read a journal article.
Wow. It’s amazeballs how nuanced and sophisticated the drooling and capering Shit-lord crybaby’s “understanding” of the “Biden-Wuhan Flu Vaccine” has become in just 24 months.
Back then it was mostly depending upon whatever his imaginary “FB friends in CO” shared with him on their imaginary Facebook DMs about “floaters seen in the vials” and “expired lot numbers”.
I’m especially impressed that he found the time while also “experimentally” investigating ideal lubes for shoving a Maglite 4D up his own ass.
DeSantis’ latest I’m-gonna-hold-by-breath-until-I-turn-blue tantrum: Build a prison next to Disney World.
Shorter QoS McHillbilly @ 27:
“Wait, the study was only 45+ vets?”
@25 “QoS McHillbilly, of course, treats the two scenarios very differently” whereas you hold armed police and kids to the same doorbell etiquette standard.
But they’re not the same. Armed cops on a domestic disturbance call usually bust the door down if nobody answers within 10 seconds. Kids ring the bell and politely wait for someone to answer.
We don’t want kids adopting police doorbell etiquette, do we?
the drooling and capering
and very “seriously” drooling and capering at that.
Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with the term “Preponderance of Evidence”:
If you wait until never a study will show that there actually was a link to increased risk.
Conclusion: In this large cohort of COVID-19 vaccinated patients, no increased risk for acute VTE post-vaccination was identified for the authorized vaccines in the United States. (792 010 patients, Houghten et al, 2022)
The results of these six largest observational and prospective studies are represented in both Table 1 and Fig. 1, and in each case, the studies find incidence rate ratios for VTE after the exposure of interest (mRNA vaccine) clustering at or below 1.0 indicating no increased risk of VTE after these vaccines are given. (Nicholson et al, 2022)
Pure falsehood. Obviously.
Essentially I treat the two scenarios precisely the same.
The individuals deploying lethal force bear legal obligations to our community safety to do so safely, and appropriately. The criminal law has an important role to play in imposing those obligations on those who use firearms, whether for “fun”, personal protection, or as part of their jobs.
There once was a time in America, before the Orange Event Horizon, when thoughtful, intelligent conservatives agreed vehemently with this. They no longer do.
Their advancing age, declining relevance, and metastasizing nihilism now drives them to yearn for communities crippled by fear and danger and awash in the blood of our children. For lying garbage like the Shit-lord crybaby a gun is its own justification for however it is used – so long as the person using it is white, and preferably conservative.
When I need to justify shooting a kid in the head I make up stuff like “doorbell etiquette” because decades of telling middle aged white men that the only way to protect yourself is with a gun in the home leads to geriatric men KNOWING the only reasonable thing do when someone knocks on your door after bedtime is to start blasting. Then wait a few seconds and plug him again.
Strong post.
14, 18,
More from Trooper Wormfood:
“My principled stance against this “experimental” mRNA mumbo jumbo, for which I was terminated from my six-figure job, was not at the time of my termination from employment, supported by any medical claims.
Instead, it was supported entirely by….bubble. And feels.”
Joe Biden knows how to deal with unwanted bell-ringers:
Biden did once say, “[If] you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door.”
Did you know that Biden is the Irish word for “boo-yah”?
It was a single bullet, through the hand and into the head. A thumb on the peephole in the door is how that can happen.
Joe Biden:
DeSantis’ latest I’m-gonna-hold-by-breath-until-I-turn-blue tantrum: Build a prison next to Disney World.
Poor chap is having a bad day, having just learned that his billionaire donor dumped him because of his extremist MAGA shit.
Likewise, the other unserious twat is having bad day too, with his finally realizing with great Pain that Ron Desantis will never be his president. Quite understandable that he doesn’t want to publicly share his grief.
This is all so very sad. So please go easy on these guys. Seriously!
Sarah Huckabee 2024!
“A thumb on the peephole in the door is how that can happen.”
Or an imaginary liquor store robbery.
Now our degenerate, lying, Shit-lord crybaby and Every Other Republican You Know is arguing that last week this kid was attempting a strong-arm, home-invasion robbery.
He probably needed the money to buy adrenochrome.
@ 40
Or an imaginary liquor store robbery.
No, the robbery was very real.
And the officer was very acquitted.
We really need to make a decision on whether jury verdicts are admissible on HA, or are not.
It’s almost as if the kinds of idiotic lies we tell each other on 8chan and r/TheDonald don’t actually make any sense irl.
Why don’t the memes work anymore?
@ 41
“Last summer, Ralph attended…
Yes, he did. We also read that Mike Brown was gonna get a Ph.D. in Theology.
Missouri teen shot by police was two days away from starting college
Gentle giants setting good examples don’t do that by attempting to disarm a police officer by reaching for his holstered weapon while he’s sitting in a cruiser.
At least as real as the basement dungeon, the “long form birth certificate”, the “alternate electoral certificates”, and Sidney Powell’s “evidence”.
These claims all continue to produce… mixed results.
Just think, had Mike Brown not chosen to bull-rush a cop that fateful (and fatal) morning, he could have received part of the $6 billion settlement from the failure of the for-profit college his family says he was going to attend.
The college didn’t say he was enrolled. His family did.
And the officer was very acquitted.
We really need to make a decision on whether jury verdicts are admissible on HA, or are not.
“After the verdict, Yanez was immediately fired by the City of Saint Anthony.[13] Wrongful death lawsuits against the City brought by Reynolds and Castile’s family were settled for a total of $3.8 million.”
Dang 3800 large.. That’s “serious” munee. Can kreepshit ever hope to get that much from SS?
@ 45
You left out Russian collusion and the laptop is a fake.
@48 At HA, Hunter’s dick pics touch kreepshit only.
Oooh look!
Now Urkel is a GIGANTIC MENACING THUG® who “bull-rushed” someone.
These are some surprising insights into the types of irrational fears that drive and motivate the troll. He really is credibly able to perceive “life threatening” fear justifying use of lethal force given these facts. Entirely racial, I might point out. Very unsettling.
Russia, Russia, Russia!
I’ve always wondered why the Trump 2016 campaign manager thought it a good thing to share internal campaign polling data with Russia.
@ 47
Dang 3800 large.. That’s “serious” munee.
Mike Brown was a worthless POS thug when he was alive. After he was justifiably gunned down for bull-rushing a cop, he was worth $1.5M to a chickenshit municipality.
$1.5M in unserious money paid to the POS family of a dead POS thug.
Hell, hair spray in the face got a Seattle teacher who wasn’t watching where he was goin’ a hundred large. How unserious is that?
Grand jury rules this one “suicide by cop.”
Did that happen?
Did Paul Manafort arrange for hacking, and then ferry stolen campaign data to Russian pals like Kilimnik for campaign assistance and then go to jail on obstruction and conspiracy charges stemming from that and then receive a blanket pardon from President Loser?
@52 Mike Brown bullrushed a cop and so did Jesse Hagopian!
If an unserious twat says it was a bullrush, it was a bullrush! Why would you ever doubt him??
@33 “The criminal law has an important role to play”
A civilized society’s criminal law system has a twofold function: To afford criminals more due process, and let them off more lightly, than the clan or tribal revenge system it replaces.
@33 “They no longer do.”
They abandoned their belief in punishing unlawful use of firearms when they decided to eliminate the 62% of the population that isn’t conservative.
@36 The remark is authentic, but interpreting it correctly requires context, which Doctor Dumbfuck provided by posting the link to it, presumably so he didn’t have to type it himself. However, there’s some reason to believe he himself didn’t read it.
@ 54, 58
…so did Jesse Hagopian!
I missed the part where she ran up to him specifically in order to spray it into his face, which was all Goldy needed to allege that he was targeted by the police.
Do you have another angle, perhaps?
Dude was oblivious and got tagged.
@ 59
…and let them off more lightly, than the clan or tribal revenge system it replaces.
OTOH you don’t see many thieves who only have one hand.
@37 I have a feeling that’s not how it happened, given news reports saying the white homeowner opened the door and shot him twice.
Then it’s reckless endangerment AND unlawful discharge of a firearm in this scenario.
Missouri’s castle doctrine specifically states “enters or attempts to enter.” Knocking and/or ringing a bell would fail this test. That is explicitly asking for permission to enter which may or may not be granted.
Missouri’s self defense shooting laws involve a reasonable belief that harm is imminent or to defend oneself and someone on the other side of a closed door….not imminent not able to harm.
Regardless the evidence released by the police thus far that the resident opened the door make firing through a finger over a peephole and then into the head….totally implausible. Reasonable and prudent says if the door is closed and you try the peephole and CAN’T see becuase a finger you don’t open the door.
Good post, dumbfuck
@ 66
I have a feeling that’s not how it happened…
It wasn’t long ago, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, when you had a feeling that the murderer of the Dancing Grannies in that holiday parade was a white dude.
@ 67
Reasonable and prudent says if the door is closed and you try the peephole and CAN’T see becuase a finger you don’t open the door.
No, you booyah through the door. First Vegetable Joe Biden would approve.
Remember that patrol officers are basically programmed uniforms with guns. Aside from surfing porn and sharing pro-Trump racist memes, their single biggest activity in any given shift is simply driving around and writing down statements from crime victims and witnesses.
It’s surprising how terrible they are at that.
But in this particular case it may come in very handy to the white homeowner who shot the child. The lack of detailed notes recording witness statements will introduce lots of opportunity for post-hoc memory revision by sympathetic white neighbors.
With this level of police cooperation and willful incompetence in just another day or so “how it happened” will be however the fuck they want.
This is why Black crime victims hire lawyers.
There’s another case where a black teenager in Kansas City was shot (and killed) for not answering a doorbell.
Kansas City doorbells are now more dangerous than the final ridge of Mount Everest.
By an officer of a department under Federal Consent Decree very recent training and directives instructed that pepper spray was NOT to be used as a crowd control mechanism.
Strong Post, Dumbfuck.
That Budweiser market cap loss the conservatives are crowing over is getting smaller and smaller and smaller….
By this time next week this boycott is going to be just like
United Airlines
Cambell Soup
You might even say there’s a direct through-line bullet trajectory from St. Louis to Kansas City.
Homeowner pulled the trigger. But Mike Parson loaded the gun.
The racist asswipe who orchestrated the unlawful and completely pointless effort to remove two Black lawmakers from the Tennessee legislature is now facing a rising chorus of calls for his resignation after it was learned that he has defrauded the state of Tennessee and the voters of his district by lying about where he lives, and billing state taxpayers for travel to and from his district, even though he has not lived in the district for years.
Ali Alexander’s teen boy dick pic collection touches kreepshit EVERYWHERE.
Read somewhere that Alexander was a former male prostitute. Have no idea if that was true or not.
An always wrong wing grifter? Plain fact.
@ 76,
Just keep looking. There’s bound to be a rainbow hidden in there somewhere.
76, 77,
Real name Ali Akbar. Felony convictions dating back more than a decade. Lifted out of obscurity originally by Robert Mercer. Gained early notice as a talented party organizer. And I don’t mean political party.
His history of activities includes numerous minors, notably his ability to recruit and supply very young looking “party boys” for social gatherings where drugs and alcohol were present. At least a few of these “party boys” were under age.
He was a critical logistics organizer for Jan 6th, handling the promotional campaign and facilitating the social media outreach and organizing.
@74 We will now patiently wait for Doctor Dumbfuck to tell us the shooting wasn’t racially motivated because the kid placed his thumb over the glass door, so the homeowner didn’t see he was black until after shooting him through the glass door.
I retract what I posted earlier about sending the elderly homeowner to a supervised old folks’ home. He deserves to go to the Big House and get some black cock up his ass.
Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA, who knows the GOP candidates as well as anyone, thinks Biden will be re-elected.
“Candidate quality means next to nothing right now,” Kirk argued. “Because the Democrats have such a structural advantage with how they built the infrastructure in these key states, they can run a brain-dead person like they did — a pseudo-brain-dead person like John Fetterman, who could become a senator. They just chase ballots…. They have their thousands of paid community organizers…. They do not run a campaign; they run 40 different campaigns.”
Yes, Charlie, “the blue wall” is a thing and drumpf just barely pierced it in 2016 and orange-tinted shit-show walking got 10 million more voters and lost anyway in 2020.
drumpf and deathsatanist are equally repellent. Write off suburban women for deathsatanist. kon-klown might attract a few more male independunces but then there’s the zoomers who are activated and don’t appreciate for a ny second a shitferbrains running on its fascist appeal.
TIL: “structural advantage” is Groyper code for “not trying to kill you, take away your legal rights, empty all the books out of your libraries, abandon our NATO allies to war criminals, or bankrupt the US Treasury“.
What pwning the “libs” looks like when it turns out 63% of voters are “libs”.
I bet Fetterman goes out again before DiFi comes back.
The problem isn’t with DiFi. It’s with the whitewash of how seriously fucked up in the head Fetterman was during the campaign.
Suck it, Dems.
@ 81
Yes, Charlie, “the blue wall” is a thing and drumpf just barely pierced it in 2016
And Biden just as barely patched it up in 2020.
Now there’s inflation and recession.
Praise Jesus.
And it’s not even a charter school.
Oh, look! The police killed another dude. Cute rainbow flag in his photo – wonder what that means?
Ex-Planned Parenthood exec commits suicide after botched child porn raid in Connecticut
See, had the police raided the correct house this dude could have been killed in prison rather than by offing himself now. Ergo, police killed him.
That’s how this works, amirite McHillbilly?
@83 You actually think we expect cooperation from Repukes on anything? Even saving democracy? Certainly not on judicial noms.
How’s that new service Twatter doing, Queen YLB?
@84 “And Biden just as barely patched it up in 2020.”
Oh c’mon, you’re exaggerating. I wouldn’t call 7 million votes, a 4.5% margin, and 306-232 in the EC “just barely.” Imagine what it would’ve been if we hadn’t run (in your own words) a “vegetable” against him.
@86 “That’s how this works, amirite McHillbilly?”
I wouldn’t say that. I’d say you’re almost never right about anything.
@88 “Turns out, you don’t need all that many people to run Twitter,” if you just use it as a personal platform for venting your own spleen to a world that doesn’t give a shit what you think and isn’t listening. Kinda an expensive hobby, though.
How’s that new
est throat yogurt of elmo’s going down your gullet kreepshit?
@ 89
I wouldn’t call 7 million votes, a 4.5% margin…
No, you would call those figures irrelevant.
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, why do you keep doing that? It’s an incredibly weak perspective. The reality is that, what, 60k-70k votes flipped the other way in states like NV, AZ, GA, and WI would have handed the election to Trump, in the same way that about 72k votes flipped the other way in 2016 in MI, WI, and PA would have handed that election to #CrookedHillary.
Both elections were squeakers, looked at from a perspective of how close the results were in select key battleground states.
The national popular vote is irrelevant. Until that changes you,
Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit, are irrelevant each and every time you bring it up.
No, you would call those figures irrelevant.
Awwww is it calling drumpf’s 10 million new voters after 2016 “irrelevant”?
Looking at the EC vote, and kreepshit’s past babblings about the EC, it would seem so.
MAGA madness! 3 times a loser!
@93 I wouldn’t call a 306-232 EV result a “squeaker,” I’d call it a 13.8% margin. Hey, now I’m counting the same votes you count! Before, I was just trying to be nice to your guy by calling it 4.5%.
Even with the tailwind of a super-large “idiot vote,” your guy didn’t get close. You just don’t want to admit he’s a loser. It’ll be worse next time if he has to direct a campaign from a single-room flat on Rikers Island.
Maybe the Deep State won’t intervene in the 2024 election like they did in 2020 to help out Joe?
See how we do it. We called him a Honcho and made him out to be the lynchpin of a nationwide organization so Dumbfucks can get super duper angry.
This guy was a PR flack at a regional office. Now Fox News will pick it up, then your uncle on Facebook and we’ll have the Proud Boys storming the barriers with full knowledge that Tim was LITERALLY performing abortions and was the lead player in a nationwide underage preggo porn ring.
That’s how we do.
It’s almost like nothing major happened sometime after the ‘squeaker’ election of 2020 and 2022 that also has implications for 2024.
Did anyone know that the most read magazine by women is still People and they have been running stories of women forced to carry their dead fetus because they live in states with new restrictions? And in other weeks they’re profiling women who watched their baby die within hours when they were told it would never survive in plenty of time to have a medical Procedure to avoid that stress and pain?
How do you pronounce Mifepristone?
Maybe the CIA really does have a mole in the Illuminati.
I heard the Stonecutters control the British pound AND keep the metric system down.
You can’t melt stell with jet fuel.
I don’t want no child rape pizza joints.
Seth Rich was actually the love child of HELLary and Vince Foster and he had to be taken out.
@98 I’ll bet somewhere there’s a Republican looking at kiddie porn right now.
@100 is cowboy stew.
You shoot whatever’s in the vicinity (except the boss’s cattle) and throw it in the bean pot. Keeps a cowboy going, and going …
This is very true and very relevant to Democrats.
But of course it is also an incredibly incomplete picture.
In 2020 the Republican “nominee” was the unchallenged incumbent POTUS who had been actively and aggressively campaigning for reelection and raising money since 2018.
Joe Biden was out of politics and laying low until April of 2019 and got off to a very slow start. Basically the least exciting potential Democratic challenger.
Subsequent statewide elections in swing states have been collosal failures for the GOP despite huge party, PAC, and donor investments in organization, media, and candidate QUALITY.
Very successful pandemic recovery and BIDEN ECONOMIC MIRACLE.
Biden continues to demonstrate effectiveness at overcoming concerns about his age. While literally every single Republican leader or credible potential challenger continues to stumble and embarrass themselves.
Decades of propaganda that the ONLY way to keep yourself safe is a gun in the home leads to another senior citizen blasting without pause to think.
In simple, brief terms where Fat Midget has his best opportunity, and where Democrats are most vulnerable for next year, is with white working class voters.
In key swing states the Republican nominee will win the majority of these voters in November.
So the questions become by how much? And will that be enough?
By some carefully modeled estimates the Republican nominee would have to grow their advantage among these voters by 5%. In statewide general election politics spread across several medium to large states that’s actually a very big number. But it is not impossible.
It would certainly require some very big investments in organizing for targeted turnout. With a few exceptions, large Republican donors are less enthusiastic about these kinds of investments. And at the statewide level of organizing and investing until recently under Rick Scott it has been absent. But they have time.
It would also require some traditional persuasion of “swing” voters among this group. That can be harder to model, but certainly relies on campaign message and candidate quality. There is good data available to indicate that some of the culture wars messaging being deployed by Republicans is effective with these voters in terms of persuasive lean (but not as it appears in turnout). So while that messaging can have positive turnout effects for Democrats, it should not be overlooked for the positive persuasive effect it can have for Republicans on white, working class swings.
Thus, the effective counter strategy for Democrats will depend on mobilizing turnout among other voter groups while dampening the persuasive impacts of culture wars messaging among white, working class swing voters. Setting aside his age, Biden is uniquely well suited to such strategy. How well suited will likely determine if 2024 is another “squeaker”.
None of that accounts for Gen Y which as we’ve seen most recently in Tennessee appear far more motivated in the political realm than in any of our lifetimes.
And their anger is directed 100% at the party getting them killed in schools. That and explain like I’m a teenager how old people telling me what I can’t read, sex is icky, parental advisory lyrics, ban the video game Doom, Dungeons and Dragon is sin ever worked out amongst the young?
None of that accounts for Gen Y which as we’ve seen most recently in Tennessee appear far more motivated in the political realm than in any of our lifetimes.
Well, definitely Republicans are not accounting for post-Boomers and how their culture wars messaging can produce changes in differential turnout. My comment above has more to do with a socio-economic breakdown of voter groups rather than age cohort. Outside of the very narrow perspectives of a peculiarly grifty on-line subset of extremely fascist, racist, and nihilistic group of mostly male Millennials and Gen Y, Republicans seem to be writing off post-Boomers entirely.
So of course there are large numbers of post-Boomer, white, working class in some of these swing states, and they can have a significant impact on the general election outcomes. And they already have. In the end it really comes down to turnout. Non-college educated voters turnout less. Younger voters turnout less. But those differences are clearly in flux. Republicans feel confident that can repeat Trump/Bannon’s trick from 2016, turning out large enough percentages of hitherto disengaged older, white working class voters in swing states. And they hope to capitalize on that by somehow transforming Biden into another “Hillary” who was not very appealing to younger and non-white voters.
Again, the 5% shift I mention is a very, very big lift in any kind of statewide effort targeting a highly polarized electorate. There are very few examples to point to and those that exist do not apply well to this case. So Republicans are faced with a massive uphill battle against the math. But the term “white, working class voters” also describes a very large group. And in some of these swing states it is a very significant percentage of the potential turnout. The size of that pool of potential turnout among white, working class voters is the key to how successful the Republican strategy will be. But it is a pool that is shrinking. And it is being overtaken by other groups of voters.
I certainly would not want to be in the position of Republicans going into 2024. The picture is very bleak. It’s far worse than what Romney faced in 2012. And that followed a new wave of Republican voter restrictions targeted to suppress registration and turnout by younger, lower income, and non-white voters. Many of those restrictions have been upended since then, especially in key swing states. In 2024 the Republican predicament is even more pronounced. They fundamentally are in pursuit of a policy agenda that is unpopular with a large majority of voters. That makes it a challenge for Republicans to win over a sufficient majority of swing voters. Historically they have relied upon persuading swing voters to vote against their interests by employing fear.
But the culture wars messaging they employ to motivate their base is now producing even greater fear among those important swing voters. They depend upon the culture wars messaging to distract from the growing unpopularity of their policy agenda. But over time the fears that messaging is intended to invoke have had to become increasingly remote, unrealistic, and bizarre in order to have any traction. And the growing extremism and bizarre nature of that messaging is now itself producing a backlash of fear among disengaged swing voters. At the same time it is producing a significant differential turnout effect among other groups, such as Gen-Y voters.
The reliable pattern of demagoguery laid down in the ancient mists of Republican mythology by Newton Leroy Gingrich is collapsing. For a decade this has been foreseen and foretold. And in part because of Trump’s unusual and unexpected one-time success, it has been ignored. It sure looks to me like they are going to ignore it again in 2024.
Apparently the NYT does have some standards. The Gray Lady didn’t like it when First Vegetable Joe Biden started putting 8 year-old brownskin kids to work in US factories, and really didn’t like it when my corrupt, incompetent, senile fossil of a president didn’t have a response when he was asked why he did it.
Two years ago this all started. Say, that’s when Mayorkas opened our borders to anyone who wanted to come in.
The face kreepshit deserves after 264 low 4 figure SS checks:
Get with the program kreepshit.. Buy a gun:
“The White House declined to comment on why the administration did not previously react to repeated signs that migrant children were being widely exploited.”
Exploited by who?.. lemmee guess.. from the article:
Antonio is living in Florida City, Fla., far from his family in Guatemala. In an interview last summer, he sat on the mildewed porch of a house crowded with other migrant children. He said he was working long shifts in a refrigerated warehouse, packing vegetables for distribution around the country, and had not seen his sponsor in months.
Oh yeah! Friends of kon-klown!
Somebody please tell me about Veterans Today. Feel free to not hold back.
Maybe Antonio should have stayed in Guatemala?
@112 Don’t you know why Antonio left? Why feign ignorance? Unless..
you are ignorant…
Chicks With Dicks scores a win in Minnesota.
Ramsey County Judge Patrick Diamond Orders USA Powerlifting to cease operations in Minnesota
Over the weekend on Bill Maher’s show the increasingly fat cow Katie Porter was asked what her solution was to Chicks With Dicks stealing opportunities from real women, and her response was that each sport’s governing body should decide how to address it.
OK with me if powerlifting events are held in TX instead of MN. Eventually this will head to SCOTUS.
Remember when a boys’ U-15 team beat Megan Rapinoe and her USWNT? Men shouldn’t be allowed to out-compete women. I mean, look what happens to Queen YLB every day. It’s just sad.
Oh. Sorry. Was that “elitist”?
Had a Guatemalan neighbor who cleaned offices and homes. She and her husband who is an awesome car mechanic were both undocumented. Now I don’t know that for sure but if you talk to some Latin American immigrants you get to know some phrases and dark jokes that are a sign. Like joking about “disappearing” from their homes to the U.S.
Had two kids here in the U.S. One of them was killed in Afghanistan at 20.
They offer way more to American society than you ever will.
@ 112
Maybe Antonio should have stayed in Guatemala?
Or Maybe First Vegetable Joe Biden shouldn’t have bussed Antonio to Florida.
Do y’all pansies think DeSantis is preventing ICE from doing its job?
@112, 113 & 115:
Antonio left because he’s thought he’d get free shit in the US.
Men shouldn’t be allowed to out-compete women.
Heh.. kreepshit and its buds at the widbee vip lounge need bosley and the affirm clinic to stay “competitive”..
Sad indeed.
@108 Shorter headline
“Republicans do terrible things to kids in red states. IT’S BIDEN’S FAULT!”
San Antonio, TX, Florida City, Fla, Charlotte, N.C. El Paso
“… in the South. “
@118 Why is he working 12 hour shifts then instead of being in school if he feels so “entitled”..
Methinks it is you who is full of shit.
See my handle.
121 – Maybe he was working 18-hour shifts in Guatemala?
100 days of QUALITY leadership from Brave Kevin.
And what do Republicans have to show for it?
– No legislative action on border security of any kind.
– The only major crime legislation dealt with D.C. reverting to a previous code at the request of the Black, female, Democrat Mayor.
– No legislative action on the uhkonimeee.
Remember how BLACK CRIME!® and BORDER CHAOS!® and BIDENFLATION!® were the defining issues that produced RED TSUNAMI!® in 2022?
Aaaand nuthin’.
Weird. In the time between when he was arrested the FIRST time and the new charges the SECOND
He had not become a drag queen OR trans.
The GOP response to exploitive child labor is legalizing it.
More voting fraud found!
Ronald Raygun’s fabled welfare queen had a name too.
But a Democrat reformed welfare.
With a House majority securely in-hand “Maybe?” Republicans should consider passing
someany new immigration laws?You know how I hate to get involved in your relationship. But wouldn’t House Republicans be working on that if they loved you?
“Maybe?” you deserve better.
Any suicidal thoughts yet, Senator Fetterman?
He’ll be back at Walter Reed before DiFi’s back in DC.
Joe Manchin reinforced for Republicans the imperative to never to trust Chuck Schumer. This is one consequence of that distrust.
@122 Got “free” 12 hour shifts just for walking through Mexico or hopping a freight, dodging the cartels along the way. I get it.
enlightening.. butt ignorant but educational nonetheless.. thanks for playing.
127 – Clinton did welfare reform because the Republicans in the House and Senate forced him to enact those reforms.
@106 My generation worried about being handed an M-16 then getting killed by an AK-47 in Vietnam.
Gen Z kids worry about getting killed with AK-47s and AR-15s nine thousand miles closer to home, and their tour of duty lasts from kindergarten thru 12th grade.
@130 Nope.. He did WR cuz’ triangulation.
It worked, Clinton got re-elected and repukes were denied babbling “another Jimmy Carter”…
Clinton successfully rose taxes as well.. oooh that stung the Club for Growth types.
During Clinton’s second term, their whining was forgotten.
I guess if we’re keeping score, who’s the MVP. The PR guy from the South New England Branch or close ally and donor to a governor who wants to be President one day?
New reporting revealed Tuesday that Kent Stermon’s suicide came shortly after he was accused of sexual misconduct with an underage teen. Stermon —a staunch DeSantis ally and GOP donor—was found dead in December just shortly after the girl’s father declined a “five-figure” hush money deal and reported Stermon to the police
Stermon was well-known in Florida political circles, in part because he was one of the few people in DeSantis’ orbit who had been by his side since the beginning of the governor’s political career.
A Republican political donor, Stermon contributed to a slate of candidates but gave more to DeSantis than any other state candidate, with checks totaling about $60,000 for both campaigns for governor. He has also contributed thousands to federal races.
In 2019, DeSantis appointed Stermon to the Board of Governors, which oversees Florida’s public universities. On Friday, the Board of Governors said Stermon served the board “with distinction” and “has been a champion of higher education and student success in Florida and a long-time supporter of the University of North Florida in many ways throughout the years.”
@108 “Apparently the NYT does have some standards.”
More than you. First of all, child labor didn’t start two years ago. Secondly, it’s not Biden who’s legalizing it. Third, it’s not Democrats employing them in dangerous, physically arduous jobs. I think you need to have a talk with your friends if you’re genuinely concerned about this, which you’re not.
@ 132
Clinton successfully rose taxes as well.. oooh that stung the Club for Growth types.
It stung Chelsea’s future MIL, too.
I believe the word you should have used is raised, not rose. Not unexpected, coming from a trollop who uses words like oooh.
@135 Clinton’s success especially stung a kreepshit who now molders in widbee..
straight through Ken Starr lounging in Eppie’s hot tub getting a “shoulder” rub.
Oooohh.. No SS checks for that sleazeball lawyer any longer.
Good for my kids.. According to teh widbee babbler’s babbling.
And Ronald Raygun did not.
Remind me about the time between 2017 and 2019 when your Cheeto Jesus skillfully negotiated immigration reform through a Republican House and a Republican Senate.
Eventually you will have to stop going back to them and pretending that you can “fix” them. Every time it always turns out the same way. You say they love you. And I’m sure you believe that. But if that were true they would have changed by now.
It isn’t “you”. It’s “them”. You deserve better.
Clinton by any stretch wasn’t a good guy. But he played to win and by even repuke standards he won..
Dems weren’t supposed to do that and dang, did that piss the repukes off.
Sure it was painful to see, live through, but for a time the repuke assholes got what was coming to them.
Oh and what price did the country pay for all that? Two terms of Bush’s endless warmongering, his taxcuts for the rich and an economic meltdown. Great relief that was.
But what’s that you say?
Even if Brave Kevin’s first 100 days have achieved absolutely zero progress on any of the major issues he and fellow Republicans campaigned on last year, what about GYM INVESTIGATIONS!®?
Well what about them?
Have you watched them? Were any of them even on TeeVee? (Maybe you can Tivo them if you can get your grand nephew to program that goddamn thing!)
Did they produce the SHOCKING!® sound bites you were promised that were GUARANTEED!® to “pwn the libs”?
The parade of DEVASTATING!® FBI whistleblowers turned out to be a lunchroom table of middle-school mean girls who had “heard” things.
Twitter hearings consisted of NAZI-curious committee members like Lauren Boebert and MTG complaining that their pro-NAZI tweets had been removed according to the anti-NAZI policies of Twitter. And then Twitter was forced to admit that they had yielded to censorship only when the Trump White House ordered them to remove a Chrissy Teigen tweet. All of which looked really good.
And LAPTOP DICK-PICS!® offered so little to work with that even FOX cut away on the first day of hearings.
I think the only reason Republican voters let themselves be treated like this is because they believe they deserve it.
I can’t really argue with that.
Settlement negotiations failed. Opening statements are set to begin today.
FOX has everything to lose.
Dominion has essentially already won, no matter what the jury decides.
And LAPTOP DICK-PICS!® offered so little to work with that even FOX cut away on the first day of hearings.
What??? Does that mean that kreepshit is reduced to NewsWackjobs and Onanism droppings on youtube?
Just imagine how much worse it will get when FOX loses next month.
just think of the changes to society where two Neanderthals were educated to knit scarfs…..they’d probably not be the animals that would kill a teacher over a bad grade.
This speaks volumes of today society and the Heterosexual Neanderthal Sexually Transmitted Disease.
Hey, Stand your Ground!
she wont be producing any babies. Breeding will not save them.
Home of the Free State of Heterosexual Neanderthals
The Heterosexual Neanderthal Virus lineup
Lotta vulnerable Dems running for Senate re-elect next year.
Cut defense, and throw that back at the GOP. Don’t just hide.
Reason # 37 why Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s repeated mentions of national popular vote results are so fucking stupid.
See @ 89 and @ 93. What an incredible dumbfuck is Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Earlier today Martha Raddatz referred to the president as President First Vegetable Joe Biden.
Fox has settled..
teh munee involved will ruin the Murdoch kids’ “succession”..
So shit-lord kreepshit, do you believe Rupert gets an SS check?
@ 150
Fox has settled..
I heard they used Mary Mapes as a consultant.
Fetterman will chair a Senate subcommittee meeting for the first time tomorrow. He has been counseled that the gavel is used to hit the sound block, not to silence the voices in his head.
Confidential to Railfan:
A man, His Daughter, and Their Island Transit Adventure
My tax dollars paid for this sponsored article.
$800 million shareholder lawsuits.
Fuck. Me.
Who’s next?
Faux Snooze will pay Dominion 787.5 million.
Wow, maybe more than they paid for O’Reilly’s and Ailes’ krazed perving but is a little over 3/4 billion that much more?
heh. The Murdoch kids breath easier. A cool B would have really taken the wind out of their sails.
@ 154
Who’s next?
Rittenhouse going after Grosskreutz.
I think Fox got off easily. They paid, what, 3.2 CNN Sandmanns? Could have been much worse.
assault in the first degree
Armed criminal activity
OANN does not have $800m.
Mike Lindell does not have $800m
Now they both know this is a end of life as they know it mistake they made.
NYPD would have put him in handcuffs and curbstomped him before returning to the parents. He is of the darker persuasion and that’s how they roll.
FOX payout is 4.5 times the largest ever previous defamation payout in history in 2017 by Disney/ABC.
Smartmatic: “Hold my beer.”
Fox lost a lawsuit, but that doesn’t mean they are out of the fight. They will be coming for you, and it won’t be nice or pretty.
I just went to Fox’s website to see how they’re reporting the settlement. I wouldn’t have been surprised to find no mention of it, but they did mention it. However, they buried the story down page, and it makes no mention that Fox lied, nor does their story give any indication of the amount to be paid.
We didn’t pay retail. We waited until the price was 50% off and then we bought a Dominion.
We win!
And you also bought a Smartmatic.
And about a hundred shareholder settlements.
And about five years worth of very heated operator agreement negotiations.
And a cap on Tucker’s salary for about the next five or ten.
Genius plan. Brilliant. Visionary.
Bill Clinton paid $800k for “Kiss it.”.
That’s 400 large per word.
FOX payout is 4.5 times the largest ever …
#CrookedHillary paid $1.2M to get President Trump. That payout was yuuuge!