Welcome to all of the Canadians who can now cross the border again. I had missed (?) all of the Bluejays hats around the city when they play the Mariners. And I imagine even more Canucks gear at some point. But seriously, it’s good because both sides of the border are good enough on COVID-19, and a lot of places depend on tourism.
Anyway, please wash your hands right now. And just get vaccinated if you haven’t yet.
Behold the fruits of First Vegetable Joe Biden’s dismissive incompetence.
59% of the country disapproves of the doddering First Vegetable Joe Biden.
Gloomy landscape for Democrats in midterms as Biden’s approval drops to 38% in USA TODAY/Suffolk poll
Pics (of your own) or it never happened.
Letitia James is everything that Kamala Harris is not.
Change my mind.
Can you explain how ships sitting at anchor off major ports is a direct result of Biden’s policies? Last time I checked, the major US ports are not nationalized.
Trump clearly would have done worse, just look at his wall debacle.
Maybe if the US hadn’t spent years incentivizing companies to move offshore and instill an “on-demand” mentality with regards to supply chains, then maybe this could have been avoided. Which party championed that? I’ll wait….
@ 3
I cannot imagine why the left wouldn’t want us to be able to quantify the effects of turning away from the 3 Rs.
I blame you for sharing.
That which is valid, can be validated.
So validate the claim, you pussy.
(I now look forward to the blissful absence of the misogynistic racist incel troll as it spends the balance of its miserable, sad existence searching in vain for an empty grocery store shelf in Island County – or – silently accepts its pussydom.)
Actually, dumbfuckery is the term I use for your approach to civil rights and justice.
The fact that it’s derogatory does not make it incorrect.
Note: valid proof of empty grocery store shelves would consist of any locally produced image showing one entire bay length of cantilever grocery shelving with more than 75% of bin locations out of stock. Adequacy of evidence must establish that bin locations are in use at the time of photography by displaying shelf pricing tags identifying individual product outs and location in a major chain grocer. End caps are not valid.
Best of luck, Dumbfuck.
C’mon! Let’s go Brandon?
Shelves not empty here:
Neither is the man-bra!
Far worse for Democrats than the NJ/VA result, actually.
Hey, it’s nuthin’ that trillions of dollars of wasteful spending can’t remedy, amirite?
American’s aren’t turning away from Democrats, necessarily.
They’re turning away from Jayapal and her friends.
No mo shelves, Bobby?
Hey! Wha Happened?
The sick, Satan worshiping VAX TYRANTS even got to Captain Kangaroo!
Klobuchar was Desperately Poor Bobby’s preferred nominee, right?
“Readers may be interested to note that Target is headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Walmart is headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas. Isn’t that interesting?”
How is that Biden’s fault. The supply chain is also being impacted by a greater demand of goods and the lack of storage space, particularly on the West Coast, in LA.
Containers can’t be unloaded if there isn’t a space to unload them, nor can empty containers be returned for refill if no space to put the empties.
Have y’all seen the extended version of Eastman’s Coup Plan that he presented to the White House a month before the election?
Read it and weep. The other major political party violently opposes the democratic process. And they remain committed to an authoritarian takeover, employing mob violence if necessarry.
I can’t link to the article here due to the inability of copying and pasting from iPhone. The above came from Business Insider dot Com, November 5th by Thomas Pallini
As a result of the Democrat disaster that was last week’s elections, Larry Sabato’s group has moved Mark Kelly’s Senate 2022 race to toss-up.
The Nevada 2022 Senate race also was moved to toss-up. Cortez Masto didn’t win by much in 2016. Trump didn’t lose Nevada by much in 2016 or in 2020. Purple state.
Sabato also moved Warnock’s 2022 race to toss-up. But y’all already knew that.
But Klubfoot got tits! And her mommy and daddy were poor.
“A lot of the congestion is due to the fact that there’s nowhere to put the empty containers.” Flexport’s Strang said. “Having some way to get those empties stored and off the chassis so that we can pick up live containers, that would actually go very far.”
Would like to see Amtrak Cascades resume service to Vancouver B.C, but one of the holdups is customs. All border checks done at Pacific Central Station, probably got lumped in with the Adirondack and Maple Leaf. The latter is effectively a VIA Train after Niagara Falls, making local stops en route to Toronto.
@ 17
1. Noted.
2. Interesting that you posted a piece from Reason.
3. Target would need to nearly quintuple to hit that market cap. A stretch for that kind of growth, particularly if it turns out that Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit owns Target shares. I do think that Klobuchar is helping Target by restricting Google and Amazon, tho.
4. Nothing in the bill that an amendment can’t fix.
How to get a janitor to hate a cute public transport tweet.
If you agree to engage in his argument, even if you ultimately win it, is giving him a win.
Begin with the exaggerations. Routinely these fucktards claim “thousands” of ships, when the reality seldom has exceeded 100 at the largest west coat port. Then by proceeding to argue the cause of the port overcapacity and you are already conceding the original false claim.
Yes, supply chain logistics are fucked right now. Restarting a massive system at its busiest and most congested point is bound to be that way. But the fact is supply officers, and purchasing managers, are good at this shit and always have been. They have sophisticated systems and work arounds that manage to keep things going. Because in a lesser sense disruptions like this are pretty common for all kinds of reasons nearly every single day. Not on this scale, to be sure, and not all at once. And it doesn’t help that many retail merchants, purchasing managers, and logistics experts are away from their offices right now, not just here in the U.S. but everywhere else all over the world. The usual “fixes” are not instantly available.
But things are still fine. And things are recovering well. Grocery store shelves are not empty. So maybe you can’t order the new Lexus for delivery on Christmas day in the color you wanted. Maybe there’s a smaller selection of import designer dog collars. Maybe there’s even some price gouging on laser holographic 3D holiday yard displays.
Claiming that these things threaten to bring down the global economy is manifestly ludicrous. And rather than agreeing to argue with him about it, and thus validate his ridiculous claims, you should just point and laugh. This is Desperately Poor Bobby shitting his pants and playing with it like modeling clay.
It’s been at least 18 months since now-First Vegetable Joe Biden has had the cognitive function to pay attention to anything.
CNN Poll: Majority of Americans say Biden isn’t paying attention to nation’s most important issues
“That was four, five days ago!”
Our president is a turnip. Our vice president is an incompetent coward who rose to fame because she once gave decent blow jobs to an influential politician.
@6 The sun hasn’t exploded yet either.
And blame Bloomberg News, not me.
Read the bill. So long as Target or any other company is below that market cap on the day the bill is signed they would never be subject to its restrictions, ever, no matter how large they eventually grew.
That’s not a “level playing field”. It’s knee-capping the starting lineup of the visiting team that’s ahead in the first quarter and then giving jet-packs to the home team for the rest of season, and every season from that point on in perpetuity.
Target and Walmart wrote the bill. Obviously.
It should not be amended. It should be scrapped.
And they should start over by writing a bill with American families and communities in mind instead of billionaire donors.
So you’re giving up on farting and showering already?
Somewhere out there in the MAGAmind wilderness Tara Reade is furiously finger banging away and farting in the shower, smoking crack, surfing Weiner dick pics on Hunter Biden’s laptop, and eating turnips.
I read that article too. It was a good write-up as to the issues related to supply chain.
None are directly related to Biden’s policies.
The only one that could be directly attributed to is mask mandates and now vaccine mandates, but the supply chain problem was years in the making and not directly Biden’s administration.
Sure, Trump could gut all the environmental regulations, such as cold iron and clean idle diesel engines, but that wouldn’t fix it in a short time.
We spend years building desired behavior and built a supply chain around it, never expecting a glitch.
Just look at the week the Suez Canal was blocked and what that did to the supply chain. I’m sure shit-for-brains Bob will blame that on Joe too.
Another loser catches Covid. Couldn’t attend his own anti-vax rally. Sad!
@25 The stupid troll thinks I invest in retail …
@32 “None are directly related to Biden’s policies.”
Next they’ll blame DeSantis and Abbott on him.
So Bob, what Federal agencies should Biden direct to make the supply chain crisis better? Be specific and identify their role and what they should be doing.
DHS? DOT? FRA? USCG? IRS? EPA? Let’s Go Bob!
Again, you got nuthin’.
36 Do you think the Greedy Racist Incel wants Biden to act like a dictator and simply order the private companies to do his bidding to solve the Supply Chain problem and destroy them if they don’t do what he says?
Trump tried that with manufacturing jobs.
And a million great paying koal jerbs blossomed in Tara Reade’s imagination.
Sounds like poor planning to me. Greedy didn’t allow for a 2 Trillion dollar infrastructure bill. No investment, no gain, just like sitting in the sidelines of Biden’s great stock market rise.
@39 not to mention relying on China for the manufacturing of all your goods, because of cheap labor (Greed).
But we don’t even have people that want to work because they don’t want to do their civic responsibility of getting vaccinated.
Breeding will kill them.
Out: Senator John Blutarsky
In: Senator Kyle Rittenhouse
The article goes on to talk about how some companies receive preferential status on the scheduling of their offloading. Some sit while others cut to the front of the line.
sure why not vote for a killer.
I think OJ would make a good Senator too.
Bob has no clue on this topic. His only purpose is to throw gas on a fire and pretend that this is Biden’s fault. Heck, it isn’t really even Trump’s fault.
Bob should be happy with $4 gas, I mean it is all about supply and demand isn’t it? Tankers and oil refineries are privately owned, the government can’t demand they increase production.
Oil companies are smart, they get when the can take advantage of the situation to make a huge profit. I seem to recall a time when the POTUS and VPOTUS were former oil execs, cutting no-bid contracts left and right.
Trump was in the hospitality industry, not the infrastructure industry, again, no clue. But he was/is a quick study of strong-arm dictators and certainly likes to keep them as friends.
He is going to have to wait a few years, he is still far too young to run as a Senator at the Federal level.
Maybe after he gets out of prison he can run.
Wherein Ted Crud goes after “Big Bird” for doing a PSA in favor of kids’ vaccines.
Why do Republicans want kids to get sick and die?
This is why.
Warning, Dr. Dumbfuck will probably choke fap to that video.
@40 More problematical is relying on Taiwan for 80% of our chips. China overtly covets that island and is rushing to assemble an invasion force. Biden, at least, is making an effort to move chip manufacturing onshore. Better to pay more for chips now, than buy them from China on their terms after they sink our aircraft carriers and bomb our bases in Guam and Japan.
It isn’t just Taiwan that manufactures chips, Malaysia and Indonesia contain a large number of chip manufactures, as well as South Korea.
The problem is really shipping. Economies of scale and the overall efficiency of shipping has reduced the cost of the chips dramatically. Now that shipping and supply routes are problematic, it makes sense to move chip manufactures closer to the end-end use. Does this mean the rust belt will become the silicon belt now? No. You still have the problem of raw materials for the chips and you are right back at the supply chain issue.
It just shifts the problem, it doesn’t solve it.
Again, just look at the problems that the Ever Given caused. It is the whole supply side model that needs to be evaluate.
Maybe the need of people to buy cheap stuff needs to be looked at too.
Not to mention to make up for lost revenue, like they experienced when nobody was driving.
Kind of like in June of last year when things started to open up here in NYC. I had three, yeah three MRIs done in a matter of 1 month. Doctors were making up for lost time and less patients. Insurance covered all mine.
Six new House subpoenas issued just now.
2020 Campaign Manager Bill Stepien (replaced Brad after the wife-beatey coke fueled meltdown).
Jason Miller, the Coms Dir who tried to induce his mistress’ abortion by dosing her with Mifeprestrone sending her to the ER.
John Eastman, the Claremont loon who dreamed up the legal machinations behind the violent Coup plot.
As always, Flynn.
Bernie Kerik, Giuliani’s sidekick who may not claim atty/client priv.
And Angela McCallum, a campaign assistant propeller head who conducted outreach to state legislators attempting to coerce them into violating state election laws.
Count on all of them joining Bannon in jail soon.
It may get very costly being a friend of TFG.
Y’all are the fuckin’ freaks in your party.
@ 50
I had three, yeah three MRIs done in a matter of 1 month.
Obese people cost the health care system far, far more than healthy people.
Obese, psychotic fucks are even more expensive.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and suggest that this video will not be favorable to the prosecution.
So do stupid people.
Your tribe has plenty of stupid people, oh wait, they have less now because the put their trust in a comedian such as Joe Rogan and horse deworming paste than they do actual medical advice from board certified doctors (not fake boards like Rand Paul’s).
Sununu said he’ll decide in the next week or so whether to send Maggie Hassan home.
If he runs he’ll clean her clock.
One of the reasons why Democrats have given up on FL next year is that DeSantis has a war chest of $58 billion.
Another reason is that they know they’ll lose.
Say it with me. President DeSantis.
I wonder if he can get Condi to run with him.
A liberal POS from Seattle fucked up and cost Democrats a governorship.
And a whole lot more than that.
I can wait.
Just think of what it did to QoS McHillbilly’s credibility.
Oh. Don’t miss today’s NYT story about the young Marines – kids, really – that had to deal with the last evacuees after First Vegetable Joe Biden’s military leaders let everyone in command of the debacle go first.
McHillbilly assured us that these stories would quickly fade once people realized what a stellar success First Vegetable Joe Biden is.
Also Panetta: “We’re going to have to go back in, to get ISIS.”
Bob is full of confidence and predictions. Is he ever right?
This afternoon I drove past three container ships anchored in deep-water Holmes Harbor, off south Whidbey Island.
Holmes Harbor is where I crab in the summer and, probably, later this month.
QoS McHillbilly, of course, can see all of the world’s container ships from his house.
Bob is vicious, work it girl. It’s two years away but never too early to iron that skirt
A US naval ship was launched and christened with the name “Twinkie”.
Fucktard high on Ivermectin will believe anything.
@ 61
Bob is full of confidence and predictions. Is he ever right?
I predict that Cuomosexual G-clown is as fat as Jared was, before Jared started eating at Subway.
No doubt how the delusional incel troll will survive later this year when all the grocery store shelves are empty and the global economy has collapsed. As the rest of shamble through the post apocalyptic wasteland of the Biden recovery, picking through trash cans for tuna can drippings and melon rinds, Desperately Poor Bobby will be hunkered in his whites only shelter dining at his table made of ammo cans on a feast of Dungeness
Gotta go sob into my pillow with regret now.
Pro tip: When you’re a Silicon Valley CEO and you begin a tweet with the words, “Wtf is up with immigrants who come…”, maybe check in with HR before you finish that thought.
And then there’s that tweet calling them parasites
Sure he’s always 100% correct.
Or at least he’s within range by a factor of 1000.
@ 67
Save those tuna cans. I need the drippings for crab bait.
No lie: The best crab bait in existence are YLB’s discarded tampons.
I guess this makes the Biden Dow the first to break 40 million.
@ 69
Or at least he’s within range by a factor of 1000.
Fuuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkk. Enjoy that one. I shoulda gift-wrapped it.
This includes The Even Bigger Fucking Moron. Fox News writers use fewer big words.
51% tax rates are why Cuomosexual G-clown’s AGI is pretty sad.
AGI is pre-tax income.
Does anyone really care about the 8 dead in Houston? I mean approximately 700,000 died of COVID. What is the number?
And they all were there on their own volition. They should have know better to pack themselves in there like that. The young ones, maybe….but the older ones? They should have known better.
The older ones of the young ones should be tried for child neglect.
Speaking of Sammys who don’t toe @ 68 the uber-liberal line:
Democrat Shri Thanedar says he wants to move from state House to Congress
@75 just cashed a small side income check for $4000…..not worried about paying any taxes here.
What’s my AGI? Ohhh, I thought so, you have no fucking clue.
@ 76
And they all were there on their own volition. They should have know better to pack themselves in there like that.
I think Dylan Roof used the same line of defense.
You were only off by fifty seven billion nine hundred and forty two million.
That’s well within the “Tara Reade” window. Barely even a “laptop” of error. Hardly even worth a diary entry.
I really haven’t followed the Dylan Roof or Rittenhouse bullshit, I don’t know which is which.
Did they both murder people like Neanderthals do?
Every time G-clown infects someone else, he dismisses it with,
G-clown waits until the strange men pull out, and then tells them them his AGI. It ensures that 1) he’ll get what he wants from them before disclosing and 2) after they stop laughing he knows he’ll never see them again.
@66, really, I just got back from the gym, and I said to myslelf I must have natural steroids in my body…..I wasn’t sure if I should maybe go see a medical professional because my upper arms are so pumped up I thought maybe something right wasn’t going on.
You are always wrong…..the only thing I can think of is that you fantasize about my body.
I had a nightmare last night. A bad dream. I don’t usually hold onto dreams for very long, but this one was a long one. I dreamt I was getting married to my brother’s first wife. The dream was a complete nightmare.
@ 72, 80
Don’t cheapen your box office win by attempting a sequel.
@66 anytime you want to compare physical shape, just let me know. You can even where you skirt while showing off your body.
@ 83
@66, really, I just got back from the gym, and I said to myslelf I must have natural steroids in my body…
So does YLB. Hers are mainly estrogens and progesterone.
Bob you digressed into such stupidity, why not just come clean and say you voted for Trump to make us all cry.
Your partisan incompetence and nihilistic worldview are a franchise.
The Dumbfuck Metaverse reboots every time you comment.
And I give praise.
He already slipped and admitted he was a “diehard Trump supporter”.
I’m assuming that doesn’t mean that he cradles Trump’s nuts while he pees. But maybe that’s presumptuous of me.
Bob has no supporting evidence to any of his wild assertions that Biden is responsible for the supply chain issues. He has been remarkably silent on this and has been reduced to “shipspotting.”
Way to go Bob! Col. Jessup would be so proud.
@89 and @90 – Two funny remarks!
I better get my work done now……more checks to cash!
Use the horse
@76 “I mean approximately 700,000 died of COVID. What is the number?”
755,634 and still dropping like flies.
@67 I’m not surprised he’s a hunter-gatherer.
45)A DVD Special Feature of Animal House had it be President Bluto.
@81 Dylan Roof is the black church mass shooter. Kyle Rittenhouse is the teen vigilante shooter.
Heh. Yet another homicidal fantasy about AOC. This time from THE beneath the slime at the bottom of the barrel drumpf seditionist:
A fight sequence shows characters photoshopped with the faces of Gosar and colleagues Lauren Boebert (R-CO) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) traipsing around a city, fighting characters photoshopped with the faces of prominent Democrats.
Gosar’s avatar then attacks a stand-in for Ocasio-Cortez, landing on her back and stabbing her with a sword. Afterward, he runs toward another monster with the face of President Joe Biden.
What’s next? dimfuk’s rape fanatasies? Go for it, ya pos. Don’t be a “coward” now.
@92 Throw the cans out. Make him go hungry. That might turn him into a Democrat.
46)Better Big Bird, than a grouch like Oscar or a monster like Cookie Monster.
@ 97
If you say so. I watched it twice and couldn’t figure it out. Finally realized that one of the anime figures had a face photoshopped onto it and that face must have been AOC. If I hadn’t been told, I wouldn’t have known. Didn’t recognize the GOP chick, either, and I can’t pick Gosar out of a lineup so if he was in there it was lost on me.
But enjoy whatever you think you can get out of it, mileage-wise, girlfriend.
Anyone ever notice that AOC has thick ankles?
@ 91
…more checks to cash!
More NYC taxes to pay on them. You pathetic fuck.
@101 We’ve noticed you have a thick head.
101. Is that a code for an insult that incels have memorized?
Sununu has announced.
Biggest loser?
It’s interesting to me that given the disproportionate representation and makeup of the Senate, and 50/50 split, the GOP best hopes now lie in the other house. But I guess that just goes to show how broken Republican electoral strategy is. Because you can’t gerrymander state lines they can’t draw their way out of the trap they have built for themselves.
While Democrats are likely to lose the House next year for a whole host of statistical and structural reasons, they are in a decent position to not only hold on to the Senate but perhaps even expand a tiny bit.
And then after that Republicans will nominate Trump.
Where have you gone, Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire turns its lonely eyes to you…
No Trump affiliation to dodge in 2022. Hassan is more vulnerable now than Ayotte was in 2016.
Realistically, Sununu’s decision probably says more about Cocaine Mitch’s weak leadership, and Trump’s hegemony over “conservative” national politics than it says about Democrats or Sen. Hassan’s prospects. Incumbency has great advantages. But in state like New Hampshire and during a mid term swing against the party in power, Sununu probably had the easiest shot challenging a Senate incumbent to have come along since…
… Martha McSally, Martha McSally, Kelly Loeffler, David Perdue…
… Ron Johnson.
Wasn’t Clinton a terrible, terrible candidate in 2016?
Wasn’t she the most “unlikable” miserable, dishonest, fat liar in the history of American politics?
Wha’ Happened?
Clinton won NH in 2016 is what happened.
Unfortunate for GOP hopes for Senate, certainly. Nice to see that NH has a popular, strong GOP governor.
Triggered. It’s so easy.
POS Huber had three liters of blood in his pleural space, 1 plus 2.
Bet that’s the last time he tries to assault a fallen, scared kid carrying an AR-15.
“…charging like a bull” apparently used in the Rittenhouse trial today, WRT POS Rosenbaum.
Mike Brown was shot while bull-rushing a cop.
POS Rosenbaum was shot while bull-rushing Rittenhouse.
Maybe don’t do that when your opponents are defending themselves with lethal-force weapons, whaddya think libbies, hmmmm?
Weiner accidentally published something he wanted to DM, and the last three SCOTUS justices confirmed suddenly make much more sense.
Somewhere else this was pointed out. News item from August.
He’s not in Massachusetts anymore.
Right now Cuomosexual G-clown is desperately searching for that
PlaygirlCosmo spread.Who wants absolutely nothing to do with the national GOP, even at the cost of a seat in the Senate and a significant further step toward the presidency. No national network. No White House.
Just ask Tulsi.
This is your bench on Trump.
If at first….
You’ll never learn.
Shaheen crushed Sununu’s brother, before ending Brown.
If Brown is being now offered as the GOP hope for NH that to me says they are standing down.
Brown is nothing now if not a telegenic empty suit always at the ready to give credibility and presence to an otherwise empty campaign stage. Have Centurion card, will travel.
This is your bench on Trump.
@ 117
He played a role and ended the hopes of the awful Martha Coakley.
Less telegenic now. As are we all. What else might he bring? Don’t look at me for a response.
Hearing he’s out, too.
Did any of y’all hear damaging testimony against Rittenhouse?
’cause the prosecution just rested.
Next GOP to announce candidacy for Senate in NH will be Kyle Rittenhouse.
Adam Schiff was on The View today. There’s an exchange between guest host Morgan Ortagus and Schiff.
It’s worth the effort to find and watch.
Recall that Schiff told the country that he had seen the evidence.
One of the ferries – Walla Walla – was just escorted to the second Clinton dock by two tugs. One of its engines is smoking.
Nothing about it on the WSF site as yet.
Edit: It’s not one of the Whidbey ferries. I’m not plugged in like Railfan but what I can piece together is it’s a ferry that was supposed to be dry-docked but that was cancelled, so it was transported to Clinton because of the second dock at that terminal. So it’s parking there. I think. Railfan, you there?
Paul Gosar Faces Growing Calls to be Arrested Over Video Showing Him Killing AOC
Imagine you work, well, anywhere. Imagine you share this video of you and your coworkers killing another coworker. Imagine said coworker takes this evidence to HR. What are your chances of keeping your job?
If the roles were reversed, republicans would be shrieking like howler monkeys.
Back to shipspotting because you got nuthin’ else.
Republicans mocked for sudden silence on election fraud after Virginia win ‘Hmmmm . . . no cry of voter fraud out of the GOP as long as they win’
This is how it will be going forward.
Republican wins are legitimate.
Republican losses are illegitimate because of voter fraud and a “rigged” system.
All of this because too many white people can’t handle the changing demographics of America and will do anything to cling to the political and socioeconomic power they believe is their God-given birthright to have.
I’d expect a motion for directed verdict.
But I would not expect it to be granted.
Closing arguments and jury instructions can have profound impacts on juries. The basic facts are not and have never really been in dispute here. That’s actually not how a typical homicide prosecution goes. That being the case, the essential fact that the defense admits that lonely, emotionally disturbed, violent MAGAteen is the guy who shot these people deprives the prosecution of much to prove. Most of the “damage” has been stipulated.
So instead it’s a trial of facts about circumstances and intent. Lonely, emotionally disturbed, violent MAGAteen faces five felonies. A couple of those felonies are not implicated in a self-defense narrative. They depend exclusively on what the jury decides lonely, emotionally disturbed, violent MAGAteen did with his weapon, not why he did it. Each of them carries potentially long prison terms.
So if a motion for directed verdict is denied expect the defense presentation to focus heavily on challenging the prosecution and witness descriptions of the circumstances to weaken the state’s claims that lonely, emotionally disturbed, violent MAGAteen acted recklessly and endangered people with his assault rifle.
He’s a child facing immense risk made infinitely worse by the fact that he did all the things he admits to having done with a firearm.
@ 126
I thought so, too, at least for the charge WRT Grosskreutz, who pretty much explained on the witness stand how his actions forced Rittenhouse’s response. Defense has called its first witness, no motion of that nature.
I don’t know that a directed verdict on the charge WRT the POS who didn’t die helps Rittenhouse with the jury on the charges WRT to the two POS who did die.
Judge did dismiss count 7, which was the curfew charge.
I might have to become a Democrat.
Jayapal just urped back up some of that crap sandwich Pelosi forced her to choke down last week.
Manchin might never have to step in.
Why the sarcasm.
Republicans aren’t hypocrites. They’ve simply learned that since Biden was elected president all of their election security “concerns” have now been completely and irreversibly solved forever!
We should all rejoice. Fixing election security for all time in less than a year is just another example of how much better Democrats are at running things.
I’m sure they’ll thank us later when they are done celebrating their massive, earth shattering, and landscape altering wins.
You’re not invited.
Your fate remains permanently in the hands of wife beaters, kid fuckers, Nazis and con artists.
I think if the GOP “big tent” has room in it for a House member who flies off for weekend getaways in the Bahamas on NetJets with drugged children so he can get high and fuck them, it’s got room in it for a House member who makes cringey fake death threats to other members.
Just saw the HD video of POS Rosenbaum being taken down by Rittenhouse.
Four shots, 0.76 seconds. One less POS roaming the earth.
That shot that fractured his pelvis and caused him to fall must’ve hurt. Good.
Hey Bob, I thought you would be dancing and whooping it up at the news today that GE is going to split into three companies. Three times the fun for you!
@ 134
Saw it. Conglomerates don’t make sense anymore. Hanson PLC broke itself into several companies. Dupont broke itself into three – I sold one of them post-split.
Undervalued divisions can be better priced when they aren’t weighed down by the disastrous ones. GE as a whole still has serious problems that will hurt its share price for some time to come. Breaking itself up unlocks value in the divisions that don’t have such problems.
Whole or in parts, Robinhood Dumbfuck Rabbit’s comments on 10/20/17 are still moronic.
I don’t own GE. Sold short-dated naked puts and made some decent money until the reverse split several months ago. Not as easy to make easy money when the shares are higher-priced.
Just stated before the jury that POS Rosenbaum had to be held back from attacking people.
Prosecution objected, it was overruled.
@133 just like a Neanderthal take pleasure in watching a human life being taken. Pretty disgusting, and complete bullshit that you value human life.
Now I’m not saying that you should be valuing the dude you don’t like, but to take pleasure in watching his death, now that is pathetic…..how did you put it? Pathetic Fuck?
Bob you demonstrate that you really have issues in life. Breeding will not save you.
and Pussy Grabbers
Please note that “Doc’s” reasons for hating Rosenbaum have to do with him being sick and unable to pay for proper healthcare.
When “Doc’s” first wife was diagnosed with schizoaffective bipolar he didn’t hate her until after she divorced him and took half his money.
@ 137
He wasn’t sick. He was released from the psychiatric hospital that day. Wouldn’t have happened if he was sick.
G-clown is a sick, pathetic fuck, and I don’t hate him. I pity him. And, OK, maybe I tease him just a little bit about his psychoses.
Guys (and YLB), I didn’t mean to break Steve.
I miss him, too. Who’s gonna tell me the RawStory version of the truth now?
Not celebrating this.
But it must be pointed out that “conservatives” are doing this to themselves, by themselves. And they are doing it despite pleas from liberals and more intelligent “conservatives” alike to cut it out.
This is disabling your airbags, driving fast in the rain on bald tires without a seat belt or wipers, and chain smoking unfiltered cigarettes while proclaiming you are a proud rebel who won’t be told what to do. And this is Every Republican You Know now declaring that an incredibly safe, amazingly effective life saving vaccine is COMMUNIST TYRANNY!
I don’t want to say it’s mind boggling because I think we all saw this coming. But if it isn’t mind boggling it may be mind numbing. I find myself unable to summon any feelings of sympathy, or much in the way of feelings at all. I often want fewer stupid people in the world for selfish reasons. But here they are taking active, affirmative steps to reduce their numbers and I’m gripped by ambivalence and confused by my desire to see them stop it.
There’s a lot of fucked up shit I don’t understand about “conservatives” but none of it will ever surpass this.
Triggered? Why?
You don’t have to resort to nonsense. The legal conditions for detaining/releasing an involuntary psychiatric patient are well enough understood by the average person to know the foolishness of what you just posted.
@ 142
Not celebrating this.
Not today, you’re not. You’ve been gleeful about it many, many times in the past. You’ve joked about it many, many times in the past.
You’ve been mostly correct about the uber-conservative own-goaling in this regard, in your smarmy and fucked-up persona. You’ve also, definitely, been celebrating red-state deaths.
Stupidity should be painful. Whether one should take joy in it, as you have so many times, is up for debate.
Triggered again? Why?
After all, we all saw you eagerly fabricate fake “FB friends from CO” with the specific intent of discrediting this life saving vaccine.
Congratulations, asshole.
It’s working!
Which of these guys is the prosecuting attorney in the Rittenhouse trial, and which two are his defense attorneys?
Love you Bob. 😉
You’ve also, definitely, been celebrating red-state deaths.
According to your “serious” uber-fucked up logic,
red-state deaths of ss recipients are
GOOD for my kids..
I didn’t mean to break Steve.
ZzzzzzzZZZzzzzz.. Another fantasy..
memo to dumbshit: you bored Steve to tears..
return to your daily rapey broadcasting..
Boats/ships don’t “park” at a dock, the are moored to a dock or tied up or secured.
Maybe this will help a landlubber hobby farmer: https://vanislemarina.com/anchoring-mooring-docking/
This might help with your shipspotting activities:
The site is pretty cool. Plus, you can see just how much commercial marine traffic there is around the world, and in your backyard.
FYI, as of 0112 UTC (10-NOV-2021), the M/V Walla Walla is at Kingston.
Here is Bob’s ship, go to the marine traffic site and search for the IMO number 9168855.
Cool! I’ve never see that site before.
Gonna’ go hard pass on Bob’s anus.
Probably leaks.
Majorities in just two of the four GOP groups — albeit the largest ones — want him to run again in 2024, and only one of the four groups rates him as the best president of the past 40 years. For two other Republican groups, that accolade goes to former president Ronald Reagan
Hmmm. Well, Pew are ANTIFA and under the control of George Soros and The Illuminati. And besides, TrueBlood Republicans all realize that, after all, Reagan was a gotdamned pinko traitor:
Glad you enjoyed the site.
Yep, Bob’s ship has sailed!
Did you notice it was from the same shipping company that blocked the Suez Canal?