Still waiting for President Obama to speak, but sources tell me that the CIA tracked down Osama bin Laden’s location via his iPhone. Happy “Spring Offensive,” Taliban!
Consider this a Dance on bin Laden’s Grave open thread.
Not a Predator attack, not renal failure, but a US Special Operations mission (Navy Seals), eight months in the making. Meanwhile, let’s all take a moment to remember the immortal words of former President George W. Bush:
“So I don’t know where he is. You know, I just don’t spend that much time on him. And, again, I don’t know where he is. I — I’ll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him.”
— 03/13/2002
Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama! Obama!
(bush/darth cheney sucks..)
I was the first to announce in on HA!
@2 Yep. Watch Republicans squirm! Bush had eight years to catch him — and couldn’t. Obama just killed him. This will give a huge boost to Obama’s re-election.
3 – You were Roger. I give you credit!
NBC says President Obama’s speech is two minutes away.
For decades Republicans have tried to sell themselves as the pro-military, pro-defense, “America First” party. The truth is they’re bungling incompetents who can’t do anything right. 9/11 happened because they ignored warnings and were sleeping on the job. (If air traffic controllers get fired for that, why shouldn’t presidents and political parties get fired for that, too?) The TRUTH is it took a Democratic administration to get the job done. And a Democratic president DID get the job done. The lesson here is clear: If you want something done right you have to hire a Democrat to do it. Because Republicans can’t do anything right. And don’t kid yourself, GOPers are NOT pro-military — don’t forget, they tried to CUT combat pay and dumped our wounded warriors into moldy barracks to rot while waiting for underfunded medical care. Don’t kid yourself, Republicans aren’t pro-America, they’re pro-themselves and to hell with everyone else.
I’m sure trump will find a way to take credit.
Right wingers, your beloved Dumbya the dumb fuck plunged us into two wars, wasting unfathomable amounts blood and treasure.
On Barack Obama’s watch, the unhinged terrorist and religious fanatic was finally put down..
Barack Obama will be re-elected in 2012. Your miserable clown line-up will be REJECTED!
I’m sorry to be so partisan about this, but it was Republicans who politicized absolutely everything in our country, and this is as good a time as any to hold them accountable for their repeated and egregious failures.
@8 Yep, he’ll probably claim he told the CIA where OBL was.
Thank God almighty, we’re free at last to come out of our bunkers.
No trolls here yet. They must be — as usual — asleep. Probably don’t even know yet. Figures.
President Obama says he authorized the operation, which occurred today, and bin Laden was killed in a brief firefight.
@12 I was never in a bunker. I was in the open waiting for those fuckers to come and get me. I hide from no one.
Someone in Special Forces is gonna get the Medal of Honor for this operation.
So, no longer any reason to be in Afghanistan.
Remember, the FBI stated that there was zero, that’s right, zilch proof that he was involved in 9/11. The chimp even had to admit that.
There are millions of wing nuts and wing nut sites that have stated for years that he was dead already, and being kept alive in the collective consciousness as a mind control mechanism. Bummer for them. They’ll have to adjust their tin foil.
Mrs. Rabbit says, “Obama did in eight months what Bush couldn’t do in eight years.”
Good point.
@17 Dead on.
Navy Seals carried out the operation.
Great crack about the iPhone, Goldy.
It’s good that he’s gone.
WTF do we do with the guy’s body?
17, 20 — It’s not quite that simple, but OBL’s death certainly should lead to a review of where U.S. Afghanistan policy goes from here. It’s really debatable whether it’s our responsibility to save the Afghan people from the Taliban or engage in nation-building there. But OBL’s death doesn’t necessarily finish off Al Qaeda and we went into Afghanistan in the first place to keep A.Q. from using that country for training bases and safe haven. A status review is in order, but I can’t sign on for a precipitate withdrawal.
@24 Embalm it and put it in Madame Toussoud’s Wax Museum so tourists can pitch pennies at it.
Mrs. Rabbit says they found him hiding in Donald Trump’s hair.
@16 RR
Was apparently a SEAL team op. They don’t get Medals of Honor. Officially, they don’t exist.
24 – Well a devout muslim is supposed to go into the ground within 24 hours right?
So it’d be decent if the body was released asap to the bin Laden family.
I’m sure Dumbya would make a good intermediary – very conversant with the bin Laden family I understand.
I am sure that there will be numerous wingnuts tomorrow trying to pretend that the Osama bin Laden killed by Navy Seals was just a photoshop.
@28 Sure they do — Bob Kerrey, a DEMOCRATIC presidential candidate, won his Medal of Honor as a Navy SEAL. There have been others:
There has already been a Medal of Honor awarded to a Navy SEAL for combat in Afghanistan:
@29 Wrap him in bacon and FedEx him so it gets there before the bacon goes bad.
Mrs. David tells me that she thinks Mrs. Rabbit has a great sense of humor.
On the news, they are showing a celebratory crowd outside the White House. Although this is not quite V-J Day, as the fight will probably still continue, but then again, there were Japanese soldiers hiding and doing sabotage on some islands in the Pacific, including in the Phillipines for decades after V-J Day.
Reichert Says He May Run For Governor
I know the focus is on Osama bin Laden right now, but there’s other (albeit much less important) news tonight.
Shuruff Hairspray has told KING 5 TV’s Robert Mak he’s considering a run for governor, and also is interested in challenging Sen. Cantwell, who’s up for re-election next year.
Roger said:
We can do that from the periphery. We don’t have to be in country.
I’m way more worried about Pakistan.
Two couriers? Hmmm? Glad Bin Laden is gone!
BTW “Mrs Rabbit” it wasn’t 8 months!
leave it to the left to turn this into a partisan cudgel, complete w/ obigatory Bush quote. Fuck the partisan left. They are Osma’s butt buddies, nopthing more.
Hopefully Pres Obama will realize that they are no friends and dump them overboard.
Betcha the Teahadists won’t believe Obama got him and will demand Osama’s “long form” birth certificate.
@37 “BTW “Mrs Rabbit” it wasn’t 8 months!”
For the ignoranti just tuning in, the U.S. government received a tip from Pakistani government sources about bin Laden’s possible whereabouts in August 2010, and U.S. intelligence sources then worked that lead and located him by following two couriers to the compound.
Ah, the squirming of the right wingers is delightful. They are so torn — TORN!!!!1! — between their blood lust for Osama and their racist urges against Obama. President Adult, not President Codpiece, caught the bad guy. Poor, poor wingnuts.
35 – The incredible brain shrinking man has further political ambitions? Really believes he can win?
Why does this not surprise me?
Let’s get something straight here…
The military US Special Ops HEROS did their job, always supported by Republicans, got Osama; while Obama was probably planning his next golf outing.
Now the sadministration shuffle of the national security team during this time is really curious!
The operation that killed him lasted 8 months.
Yeah, ’cause there’s no partisans on the right.
@37 (continued) For those who can’t count except on your fingers, here we go, hold up your hand:
Left hand:
Thumb: August 2010
Index finger: September 2010
Bird finger: October 2010
Ring finger: November 2010
Little finger: December 2010
Right hand:
Thumb: January 2011
Index finger: February 2011
Bird finger: March 2011
Ring finger: April 2011
Now count the fingers, putz — how many fingers are you holding up? That’s right, nine fingers, but August 2010 is a partial month, so you can round up to nine or round down to eight, your choice.
8 months since the August 2010 tip right? Seems close enough to me.
Oh my, how the right wing sucks!
And away we go!
@43 That’s about what we expected from you and your ilk, putz. Eat shit, buddy, I know it’s tough to live down the fact your monkeyboy didn’t get him, and even tougher for you that our guy did get him.
The big question is now, why aren’t minorities celebrating his death?
In the TV news reports I’ve been watching, showing people celebrating outside the White House gates, I can’t see any minorities in the crowds of celebrants. I see only white people. Why?
Now who gets the $25 Million check? The Navy Seals?
43 – Your ODS sucks dummy. It wasn’t a priority for the moron you voted for twice.
Ummm Roger Dumb Rabbit,
I had two university class mates die in lower Manhattan in TOWER 1 you stupid jackass! I had a Chicago bud lose his son fighting terrorism.
Your partisan stupidity continues to amaze me! Who are you true to and what values do you hold true besides being a moron Roger? It’s surely not America!
49 – Now here’s another dummy Puddybud can cry in his beer with…
Awwwwwww…. The boo-boo will go away soon right wingers..
Mama Grizzlies Sarah and Michelle will say something soon to calm your fears..
WTF yelling loser boy@53?
You are truly delusional. Tomorrow morning I will call my classmates families. I will be one of many phone calls they will get. You will be cruising whack job sites.
54 – Troll is one of yours fool!
We won this one! YOU HAVE BEEN DEFEATED!
Defeated? How, you idiot? We won? Yes America won. The US Special Ops HEROS won!
This leftist ylb is a moronic fool. He just doesn’t get it.
That’s great! Put in a good word for the President who made the capture/killing of bin Laden the top priority of the war against al Qaeda..
and no it wasn’t that fool who had a hard-on for Saddam..
imagine if we had put as much effort into trying to capture david ben-gourian when he was wanted as a terrorist by british intelligence
Your Obama Derangement syndrome is feckless and defeated fool. YOU LOSE!
Think about this…
Osama will now know there is a God in heaven, His Son is Jesus Christ and he doesn’t get his 72 virgins!
I lose nothing yelling loser boy! I will console my friends families tomorrow. You will grovel in your BDS shit!
Google Maps has it
Moron @ 60
Tell you what. Join these other losers, get beamed up and report back huh?
20 days from now silly..
I don’t listen to left wing whack jobs or do their bidding!
64 – Heh. Tout the feckless war-mongering, billionaire loving idiot you voted for twice then.. I bet your class mates families look at you LIKE A FOOL!
So yelling loser boy… Does your good friend Adam Gahdan become the next face and the next Al Qaeda leader? He’s from California just like you!
Nope! They look at peeps like you, a BDS fool!
4 more years! 4 more years! 4 more years!
Who you got dummy? Cain? the Mama Grizzlies?
Who you got fool???
Your debate skillz are so pathetic yelling loser boy.
WASHINGTON (AP) — The State Department is putting U.S. embassies on alert and is warning Americans abroad of possible reprisal attacks from al-Qaida and its affiliates around the world after the killing of the group’s leader Osama bin Laden by American forces in Pakistan.
In a worldwide travel alert released shortly after President Barack Obama late Sunday announced bin Laden’s death in a military operation, the department said there was an “enhanced potential for anti-American violence given recent counterterrorism activity in Pakistan.” It said Americans living or traveling abroad, particularly in areas that have been hit by anti-American violence in the past should limit travel outside their homes and avoid large gatherings.
The alert said U.S. embassy operations would continue “to the extent possible under the constraints of any evolving security situation.”
So are there sleeper cells in America, full of sympathizers ?
We’ve got the Prez. The jerk-off teahadists in the House are sucking big time..
The big sucking sound you hear is that of the right wing..
And you have Adam Gahdan… priceless
69 – Nice try.. YOU LOSE!
71 – Never heard of him dummy..
I hear a certain right wing idiot who lives next door to a talk radio billionaire in Dallas is a “friend” of Puddybud’s. An “imaginary” friend of sorts. Fitting for such a child.
Osama bin Laden wasn’t a priority for this disgracefully retired disaster.
Thankfully it was for another guy I voted for.
I bet in your fantasies they waltzed right in while Brownie and his boss Chertoff were doing a heckuva in NOLA.
You know where your favorite fool LOOKED DOWN..
wouldnt be kind of ironic if, as president obamas appointee van jones has said, it was actually the mossad that was responsible for 9/11. then we got the wrong guy.
Good night yelling loser boy.
There is no sentient life there!
Hey motherfucking liar @37..
…this really gets you doens’t it.
Good. It OUGHT to.
Nihilistic asshole.
If memory serves me, Roger has a niece that served in Iraq. Hope she came through it OK. I’ve got a couple of buddies that have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. They’ve been to Afghanistan a couple of times. While I don’t know anyone that was killed when the towers came down, a friend of mines sister had a close shave of it and was MIA for a day. I remember very well the phone conversation I has with his mom on that day. I know a few people that lost friends and family on 9/11. I know people that lost friends and family in Iraq and Afghanistan. We’ve all been though this. We’ve all helped people along the way. Not just you. Not just Republicans or conservatives. We’ve all been though this.
You’re post @52 is truly fucked up
Some presidents are better than others. Some talk, some do the walk. As a lawyer, I would have preferred that Osama BL had been captured, tried in a court of law with due process provided him, and then, presumably, sentenced. In the real world, however, I recognize that
IMHO this will have as much impact on “terrorism” as Obama’s birth cert will have on his haters.
Seriously, why are there only white people celebrating the death of Osama bin Laden outside the White House gates?
I didn’t see one minority among the hundreds of people.
I find this very suspicious.
83 – Sane people find you pretty stupid.
It has been nearly 10 years since bin Laden and his crew wreaked murderous terror on the USA and the world. In the intervening years many thousands of our neighbors here in the Pacific Northwest served and fought the wars which resulted. Far too many of those men and women are no longer with us, and more importantly, are no longer with their families.
While we should be proud that we finally, at last, took out the mouthpiece SOB, let us not forget the sacrifice many have had to make to obtain this victory.
And yes, let us also be thankful we have a Commander In Chief who was able to avoid the many distractions thrown his way yet was able to assemble the leadership talent to bring this bloody chapter to its rightful closure.
The conversation this morning centered around how no one alerted the NY Times so Osama could escape. Knowing there was no cell phone or internet coverage at his hideout lets you know the NY Times coverage of past events was effective in Pakistan. My two college classmate families are tearfully joyful over his death.
I stand behind my comments to Roger Dumb Rabbit. 1 Vigintillion Percent.
Looks like your HA Hamas friends are upset.
Oh and ylb Adam Gahdan was discussed on this blog since 2007.
Oh and rujax… LMBBAO!
Looks like Puddy was right again… from the AP
If the Idiot could balance a budget, I might even be impressed!
DATELINE March 15, 2009 – 09:00 ET
So said the Dick.
Let’s go over Puddybud’s “friends”:
Glen Beck
the miserable idiot he voted for twice
the idiot’s puppet master Darth Cheney
All the other morons on Faux News
The pajamas media morons
Michelle Malkin and her stupid hot air
Wrong stupid. I’ll use teh google as Prof “the bomb” Darryl advises:
One more time!!!!
Well someone named Gadahn was discussed since…
Puddybud fails again.. You can’t stop failing dummy.
Check out the patriotic bitter beer faces over a pudge’s pooh parade.
Puddy @ 86
You couldn’t be more wrong.
But you keep trying. maybe you wingnuts should quit moving the goalposts around so much.
Get over it Pud. First of all, no president took more “vacation” time then Bush. Second, if a major operation was pending, the BEST thing for the President to do would be to maintain a sense of normalcy. And finally, let’s judge by results. You’ve been wallowing in the mud here. Let it go.
Barack Obama declares, “The death of Osama Bin Laden is entirely the fault of George W. Bush.” Bin Laden’s body to lie in state in capitol rotunda after state funeral. Entire democratic congress expected to pay respects.
@97 Tchhht,
At the Kenyan capitol in Nairobi, right?
bin Laden’s death won’t bring back the 3k people killed on 9/11 or the millions killed in the wars fought presumably against terrorism, or the trillions spent to do so.
If the families of the people who were killed take some consolation, then that’s good, but I’ll celebrate when the last troops are home from Afghanistan and Iraq.
@94 Geez, Pudge seems all bummed out, even depressed. So sad.
So bring on the crazy anti-reality right wing crazies…Palin, Trump, Bachmann, I’m talking to you guys!
* Why didn’t Obama catch him EARLIER…was he secretly working WITH Bin Laden?
* Did Bin Laden know Obama’s college admission secret, and THAT’s why Obama killed him now?
* Did Obama work WITH Bin Laden to help him avoid capture during Bush’s 7 year attempt to capture/kill him, JUST SO Obama could get the chance during his own Presidency for his political gain?
* Did Bin Laden have Obama’s “real” birth certificate and that’s why he was killed?
* The Seal Team that killed Bin Laden was really made up of Donald Trump, Chuck Norris and Ted Nugent … see they’re NOT just full of shit right wing blowhards chicken hawks.
* This is why Donald Trump avoided Vietnam (4 times) so he could save himself for this mission!
100 – Yep not a lot happening over there in (un)SP land.
Now if we could only get that other madman Gaddafi to give it up and stop killing people.
@102 I think you’re confused. Gadaffi is our buddy. Heck, John McCain had a meeting with Gaddafi JUST a few months ago to talk about how great our relationship was with Gadaffi, and how much the U.S. was going to help and support him. This was years AFTER the ‘terrorist’ attacks (re: Lockerbie), so it’s not like McCain didn’t know who he was or what he had done, and McCain didn’t try to arrest him or call him a monster, he just shook his hand and told him the U.S. had his back. Damn that video!
I’m very pleased we got the bastard and killed him. One more down and many more to go. We need to continue down the line with #2 et al until their leadership is wiped out. Bin Laden is a very symbolic kill and will help Obama politically. The problem now is possible retaliation. If these animals retaliate on our soil, Obama will go from hero to zero as in the end, Americans want to feel safe at home much more than bringing justice for 9/11.
Now is the test of how safe is America and Americans abroad??
I hope the answer is very!
Job well done.
Now what?
For the most part, Americans are putting aside their ideological differences and celebrating the victory over Osama Bin Laden. Just as we put aside our partisonship to join together in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 and our commitment to Afganistan in 2001 and 2002.
But we did see how the Republican noise machine attempted to turn that non-partison patriotism into a partison advantage. I was one of the firt to put a yellow ribbon on my car to support our troops in Afganistan. Not the magentic ones which went on sale later, but a real ribbon tied to both side-view mirrors. I remember with regret about a year later when I took them off as the Bush administration had turned such symbols into symbols of support for the Republican agenda.
One war to capture Osama Bin Laden turned into two wars, the second one having absolutely nothing to do with Al Quida, despite the Bush administration’s claims to the contrary at the time. Over time, we have learned that very little that came out from the Bush administration was the truth. And don’t forget the undated videos of Osama Bin Laden which conveniently hit the news the day of Bush’s debate with Kerry in 2004. Either the Bush administration was releasing older videos timed as an “October surprise”, or Bin Laden was making sure Bush was re-elected, because he was Al Quida’s best recruiting advantage in the Muslim world.
And don’t forget that right after Obama’s election, the right-wing nuts announced that America was going to be hit by a wave of terrorist attacks because Obama was President. Since then, we have been deluged by continued and nonsensical claims about President Obama’s place of birth, wild accusations about his academic credentials, attempts to blame him for the “great rescession” which clearly started while Bush was still President, criticism of TARP plans which were Bush’s proposals and signed by Bush, and attempts to blame Obama for the annual budget deficit of which some 1.2 trillion were already incured during the Bush administration, and only a (relatively) small amount more made by President Obama’s attempts to put out the fire caused by Bush’s rescession.
So I’m not too worried if the Democrats take a moment to congratuate Obama for this victory, and note that Bush couldn’t capture him in almost eight years. After all, the right-wing reaction is entirely predictable, and has already occured: Fox News includes a parade of Republicans giving all the credit to Bush, and none to Obama, etc., others criticising “why it took Obama so long to kill or capture Osama Bin Laden”, etc.
Pudge is saying over at unSoundP that OBL was killed days ago…..
Cheney says Obama deserves credit in bin Laden’s killing
By Michael O’Brien and Daniel Strauss – 05/02/11 09:31 AM ET
Former Vice President Dick Cheney toasted President Obama, saying the Democratic president deserves credit, along with members of the military and intelligence communities, for the killing of Osama bin Laden.
The faint praise coming from the right’s talking heads is amazing.
I think we need to be very, very careful getting too carried away with celebrations and rhetoric. Bin Laden needed to be killed and I’m very glad and grateful he is dead. But I suspect some of the over-the-top celebrations may fuel ugly retaliation. They will likely do it, celebrate or not, but it makes us look a bit foolish and underestimating the power of these terrorists. Plus a significant retaliation, especially on our soil, will make President Obama a huge target for blame. He should get credit as Commander in Chief. That’s his job. But too much politics and celebration will make the President vulnerable for heaps of blame.
How can you take heaps of credit for killing Bin Laden…and try to escape all blame for retaliation??
Think about it.
The Internet is ablaze fueling retaliation.
No Republiklown will ever defeat Obama after this.
Weep and wail and gnash your teeth you hating hateful puddybitch…
…oh, and why don’t you try to find a plan or something. Something that will better America, Americans and the World we all live in.
Just what kind of assholes ARE these people??
# 107: Gee, when Cheney is sounding halfway reasonable, it just goes to show how far into space the right-wing noise machine, especially over at Fox News, has moved.
Bush was right to treat Osama bin Laden as insignificant, but wrong to create the GWoT. He should have treated these people as lucky losers who would get the pointy end of our stick one of these days and tried to address the problems of injustice in the Middle East.
Instead of following through on treating ObL as an insignificant twerp, Bush was party to a policy that elevated ObL.
I thought the President’s speech last night was too long. He should have come out and said that “we sought to take ObL into custody but he was killed in the ensuing firefight.” and let it go at that.
@ 111
The kind of assholes who would see pregnant teenage rape victims living under bridges or in labor camps and banned from educating themselves. The kind of people who would see this nation divided up into privately owned fiefdoms and kingdoms with no laws applying to the Kings and Robber princes. The kind of people who would love to see the black folks back in chains and being worked to death. The kind of folks who want totalitarian police states like Argentina in the 1980’s. The kind of people who would see Old Testament laws being enforced by private companies for profit.
They are Fascists. There is no other political ideology that applies to their belief system. They are the same sort of folks who ran Ireland for 400 years.
I have an honest, serious political question.
How come I’ve only seen white people celebrating the death of OBL outside the gates of the White House? Isn’t the population of Washington D.C. mostly black?
I just looked it up. Wash DC is 55% black and only 36% white.
So why was the crowd celebrating the death of OBL I saw on TV outside the White House gate seemingly 100% white?
Shouldn’t the crowd, statistically speaking, been around 64% minorities?
“But the guys who deserve the credit and did the heavy lifting (getting Bi Laden) are the ones who put on the uniform. (Dramatic pause) And they’re not demanding lifetime pensions or medical care.” Rush Limbaugh, five minutes ago.
Uhhhh…These particular guys are career military. They get VA care for life, a lifetime pension AND things like USAA discount insurance, home loans, college tuition et al. And they deserve it.
Dear Rush, on behalf of every military family whose benefits it appears you want to eliminate, decent Americans, and me personally, GO FUCK YOURSELF!
More details are becoming available. But it appears that the town of Abbottabad, Pakistan, is also the site of a Pakistani military acadamy, and barracks for three regiments of teh Pakistani army (in general, just about a Brigade, but I don’t know how the Pakistani army organizes it’s army).
A Pakistani living in Abbottabad live-tweeted about the raid, he was awakened by the noise of helecopters at 1:00 a.m., then gunfire and explosions and “firing from the air”. He believed that a helicopter crashed, or was shot down.
Live Blogging Raid against Osama Bin Laddin
I’m still wondering how U.S. helicopters got into Abbotabad. It’s some 250 miles or so from the Afgan border (by my rough estimate), and about 300 miles from Jalalabad. These weren’t stealth aircraft, so taking choppers in that far without Pakistani permission is a pretty incredible undertaking. I’m wondering if we will ever know how they did that. Also, conducting a raid in a small city/town with a military acadamy and three army regiments within a few minutes of the raid site – without getting Pakistani permission in advance – is pretty balsy.
Some articles are saying that Obama rejected a B-2 Stealth bomber mission to take out the site because it would have prevented us from confirming Obama’s death, and it would have destroyed intelligence info we could acquire from that site. That’s a pretty good call – remember all the times Saddam Hussein was deemed killed in a bomb attack, only to have him pop up again later?
@115 Troll 05/02/2011 at 9:24 am,
I don’t know. Could it be you don’t live in DC and whatever your news source is ain’t helping you out?
When I look here –
I see African Americans.
And why the hell is the race of people celebrating or not important?
@106 “Pudge is saying over at unSoundP that OBL was killed days ago…”
Pudge, having just learned of the DNA testing, is now really bummed out. He wonders, why there wasn’t an independent test?
heh- Pudge. Such a dour sap. So utterly lacking a sense of humor.
@119 “And why the hell is the race of people celebrating or not important?”
Inquisitive racists need to know. When support of their world view doesn’t knock on their door, they go looking for it.
Actually, it’s depressingly predictable.
Holy crap! I’m now hearing from sources that they’ve been hearing that some liberals are seeking to file a wrongful death lawsuit against America on behalf of the bin Laden family!
Steve & Michael, having been permanently banned (yeah, i can get around it, but why?) at (un)SP for mocking the ignorance or blatant propaganda that most of their front pagers spew, I hope pudge’s pooh parade stays up uncorrected for all eternity.
It is his finest work in ignorant knee jerk, racially tinged 2nd rate commentary; his monument.
@ 123
Those voices in your head aren’t “sources”, they’re hallucinations.
They do have pretty effective treatments for that these days. Maybe you should look into that.
# 123: “…I’m now hearing from sources that they’ve been hearing that some liberals…”
In other words, wingnuts are making stuff up (nothing new about that), and you just swallow it hook, line, and sinker, if it matches with what you want to believe.
Those are probably the same sources that said that Bin Laden was killed over a week ago, as Pudge was reporting.
Hint: If you turn off Fox News and the right-wing blogs and radio shows, your intelligence level tends to rise considerbly, although it may take a few months for the effects to get out of your system and rationality to take hold.
I went over to (un)SP for the first time in years…now I need to take a shower…
Maybe this is a good time to shut down the wars going on in Afghanistan and Iraq and withdraw from the Middle East. The only reason we have problems with terrorists is that we’re eyeball-deep into their affairs.
Nice cartoon by Horsey this morning (fast work, Dave!)
Justice Done
Maybe I’m slow on keeping up with the story, but the reports now say that Osama Bin Laden’s body was taking to a U.S. warship, and after confirmation of his identity he was buried at sea.
That certainly sounds like the best solution for everyone involved. It conforms to Muslim tradition of burial within 24 hours of death, and leaves not grave site for Al Quida to turn into a memorial and recruiting symbol. I’m assuming that this decision was made prior to the raid.
@124 This has to rank amongst the dumbest fucking blog posts in human history, perhaps even the history of the entire cosmos. Hell, perhaps even in the entire history of the present universe and all universes, be they parallel, before or yet to come.
While he doesn’t do the “street corner loon” thing as well as others, (un)SP’s resident constitutional scholar definitely ranks up there with the dumbest mo’fo’s I’ve ever run across. I swear to God, I used to have a cat that was smarter than Pudge.
I admit, it was a very smart cat, but still…
Noticing that many conservative commentators are praising “our brave men and women in uniform” and going out of their way not to mention Obama, and even to credit Bush.
The basic fact is that our brave men and women in uniform do diddlysquat until someone sets strategic priorities for them. Obama wanted to get bin Laden, but Cheney and Bush preferred him as a live boogeyman to get popular support for putting two wars on our national credit card.
And one news story said that Bin Laden’s death comes exactly eight years to the day after Bush’s appearance on the USS Lincoln with a “Mission Accomplished” banner, declaring the successful end of major combat operations in Iraq – a war which Bush claimed was necessary to remove the threat of Al Quida and WMD in Iraq.
I watched a show yesterday on one of the history channels called “Terry Jones’ Barbarians.” This particular episode was about Julius Caesar and his invasion to subdue the Celts in Gaul. The archaeologists have come up with the idea that the Romans had obscured the real reason for the invasion and conquering of the Celts. To read the Romans’ account of things, they invaded to prevent one set of barbarians from killing another set. The more recent archaeological evidence, however, is supporting the idea that Julius Caesar invaded Gaul to get his hands on the sources and stocks of gold that the Celts had. It seems that the Celts were quite the miners and gold craftsmen of the time. They had a quite advanced civilization, albeit different from the Roman model.
The invasion by Rome made me think that possibly Bush and Cheney had alternative ideas when we went into Iraq. It really wasn’t about “weapons of mass destruction,” but something else. Well, if Caesar can invade Gaul for the gold and call it “saving one barbarian tribe from another,” I guess it’s possible tor Bush and Cheney to do something similar. History really does repeat itself!!
By the way, is it true that Obama’s announcement of the death of Bin Laden pre-empted the conclusion of Donald Trump’s Celebrity Apprentice?
It’s been a tough few days for The Donald. He’s probably sulking and complaining that Obama should have waited until his show was over before announcing Bin Laden’s death. In “The Donald’s” mind, Celibrity Apprentice is clearly more important.
Wait…..he wasn’t in Iraq???????
This will do Obama no good whatsoever in next year’s election. The American body politic isn’t stupid, but after decades of the mass media overloading our brains with puerile nonsense we have the collective memory of a goldfish. Eighteen more months of noisy posturing by the John Boehner Marching and Chowder Society, accompanied by well-coordinated, Koch-funded media carpet bombing will assure that we’re all going to be obsessing over something else entirely.
Wait…..he wasn’t in Iraq???????
no, they thought he was in lybia, where obama recently bombed.
“It’s been a tough few days for The Donald.”
His presidential aspirations ended in raucous laughter, much like Pat Paulsen’s, America’s other media candidate. heh- But unlike Trump, Paulsen was looking for laughs.
It appears that “The Donald” was on “Fox and Friends” to criticize Obama for not making a serious speach at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner.
For anyone who hasn’t heard (and I suspect there are only a few), Trumb was verbally skewered by both the President and comedian Seth Meyers for Trump’s “Birther” campaign.
Of course, Trump knows that the White House Correspondent’s Dinner is a rare break from seriousness in which the President gets to give a humerous speach which routinely mocks not only himself, but the news media and newsmakers.
Now Trump seems to be switching campaign tactics again, trying to get people who are upset over rising gas prices to be angry at Obama over it. I guess when the price of gas falls again, Trump will take credit for that, as well as for the resolution of the Birther issue.
“It’s been a tough few days for The Donald”
It’s also a bad day for Pudge. It’s just that Pudge is too stupid to know it.
@141 ‘It appears that “The Donald” was on “Fox and Friends” to criticize Obama for not making a serious speach at the White House Correspondent’s Dinner.’
Desperation. You’re supposed to be slinging mud, Donnie….not wallowing in it.
# 138: Agreed. And if Bush, Cheney, and Rove were still running the White House, they would be trying to figure out how to delay this announcement until the summer of 2012.
“Do we wait until then to conduct the raid, or doe we do it now, swear everyone to secrecy, and then pull out the body just before the elections?”
Of course, the wingnuts would say I’m just a conspiracy nut. I still don’t think I am, but I’m a heckuve a lot more suspicious than I once was.
And some eleven years ago, I would have said that the American people would never stand for having the Supreme Court stop a recount and declare a President, that Habeous Corpus would never again be curtailed, that a videotape of a terrorist wouldn’t be withheld by the CIA and released right before a Presidential re-election debate, and that money allocated by Congress for re-construction of a major U.S. city wouldn’t be bottlenecked in the federal administrative process until the population had reached so low it was no longer a factor in the state’s electoral college results.
On un-Sound politics they’re saying that it would be impossible for Navy SEALS to have surrounded Osama undetected because the beach balls balanced on their noses would have been impossible to disguise.
President Obama keeps another campaign promise:
GGRRRRRR. WHY THE FUCK was bin Laden’s code name “Geronimo?”
Why not “Andrew Jackson” for a real, old timey Amerkkkan terrorist name?
Geronimo? Really?
That’s an insult to the Native American warrior.
Since we don’t have an open thread yet….
The Seattle Times is printing a Washington Post piece on the deficit and federal debt, titled (appropriately) How U.S. squandered its finances in 10 years
It really doesn’t contain anything most of us haven’t known for quite some time, but it’s nice when the mainstream media has a chance to get a word in edgewise against to counter-balance th Fox Noise Machine with – you know – actual facts.
That’s what I thought too rhp. A long standing practice of the modern military is to reference enemy territory as “Indian Country” and people who are rogue, as “off the reservation.”
It’s appalling to equate a person like Geronimo who resisted invasion and manifest destiny on behalf of his people with a person who is a terrorist. It really sickens me. Per capita, no one enlists in the various branches in higher number for their population than American Indians.
What a great day for the United States of America. Today I’m especially proud to be an American. I am so proud of our President, Military, Intelligence Community and everyone involved who worked tirelessly to track down and kill Bin Laden. We all should be grateful for the sacrifices made to pull this mission off.
Thank you President Obama for taking care of business. Makes me proud to be an American.
This was a person down the street moron not in his hideout!
So wrong? HAHAHAHA
…nothingman is here…the black hole.
Pun intended.
@151 Yup! From top to bottom, they all did good. It’s a good day for America thanks to some very steadfast and courageous people.
Imagine Obama cowering the other night at the thought of the responsibility of firing people like his adversary Donald Trump. It drew a laugh. But only Obama knew the real meaning of that joke. He had just authorized that hell be unleashed upon Osama Bin Laden.
@153 Easy enough to ignore.
…I have very serious difficulties with the way this President’s actions in office square with what he committed to as a candidate. That said…
…this is a real achievement and a bright-line break from the greed and cowardice of the previous administration.
I am proud of the man I voted for and the brave men and women that carry out his orders.
Let’s not forget that the previous president closed the CIA unit tasked with getting Osama.
Our current president obviously wanted to get Osama Bin Laden more than the last one did.
@150 A lot of that comes from the Boomer generation having been raised on “cowboys and Indians” movies that stereotyped the “cowboys” as good guys (they weren’t; see, e.g., Sand Creek Massacre) and the “Indians” as bad guys (bad for what? defending themselves?).
151 – Now there’s a guy in the loyal opposition. The sentiments are appreciated!
In contrast to the degenerate opposition @ 152
@123 “Holy crap! I’m now hearing from sources that they’ve been hearing that some liberals are seeking to file a wrongful death lawsuit against America on behalf of the bin Laden family!”
What sources? The voices in your head?
Holy crap, Troll, I know you try to attract attention to yourself with your childish antics but is it even possible to make a sillier spectacle of yourself than this, at America’s moment of triumph?
@52 My condolences for the loss of your classmates, puddy, and I sincerely mean that, but this comment is relevant to what??!
It certainly doesn’t negate my response @48 about your smarmy comment @43, in fact, it doesn’t even speak to it, which is typical puddy: When you get called out on your bullshit you try to change the subject.
@38 Do I detect bitterness that we got him and you didn’t?
I know Roger. I think it started with Vietnam (the whole Indian country metaphor for US military battles)
Sure takes the wind out of it though when you see that. One Indian I work with is a Silver Star guy from Vietnam. The father of friend was at Guadalcanal in WWII. And let’s not forget the Alaska National Guard out there when everyone thought Alaska was going to get picked off in WWII, not to mention the numbers that were in Gulf 1 and Iraq and now Afghanistan. Nice to know that all the military sees Indian people is for 19th century references.
It makes me very grumpy
@17,36 – Afghanistan is a complicated policy issue. We invaded Afghanistan because the Taliban had turned the country into a safe haven and training base for Al Qaeda. We’re still there so it doesn’t revert to that.
There needs to be clarity in our Afghanistan policy. To the extent the administration’s idea is to engage in nation-building, I don’t think Afghanistan is a society amenable to that kind of foreign “help” and we shouldn’t be there for that. It didn’t work for the Soviets and it won’t work for us, either. Afghanistan is what it is, and nobody can change it.
It’s important to keep in mind that Afghanistan is not a country. It’s a geographical area that happens to be inhabited by several dozen tribal and ethnic groups that don’t get along with each other. Due to the rugged topography and lack of communications (only one highway, no railroads), communities are isolated and political/social governance is local, making a strong central government impossible. Afghanistan is, and for the foreseeable future will continue to be, run at the household and village level by family and clan chiefs. The whole concept of “nation” is irrelevant in a culture like that.
So, we need to think about why our government is there, what it’s trying to achieve, and whether those goals are realistic. Keeping in mind that what the Afghan people need from the rest of the world is not dictates on how to run their affairs but reconstruction assistance to rebuild the cities, farms, irrigation systems, and agricultural production devastated by 30 years of war.
@160 That’s the second time in a week that Right Stuff has exhibited some class on this board and he deserves acknowledgement for that.
@164 I don’t have time at this moment to delve into the whole psychology of indoctrinating U.S. Army soldiers and Marines with racist attitudes toward little yellow people in foreign lands to encourage them to commit the unnatural act of killing their fellow human beings; suffice to say that when I was in Vietnam absolutely everyone was in the habit of calling the territory outside the base perimeter “Indian country.” But worse stuff than that went on among the troops. I remember sitting on a bunker arguing with some of my buddies over whether Vietcong trying to surrender with their hands in the air should be taken captive or gunned down. It was about a 50-50 split.
For what it’s worth, I was for taking them captive.
@164 Also, I just replied @165 to your comment @17; I intended to do that last night, but my computer crashed last night, and I’m using a public library computer this morning pending repairs.
I have to go now because Mrs. Rabbit wants to go home. My posting may be sparse for a day or two until my computer is fixed.
So let’s go to Foreign Policy and see what’s really going on…
Thank you GWBush and Richard Cheney for laying the groundwork for Obama to continue to use. Again…
Thank you GWBush and Richard Cheney for laying the groundwork.
Now leftist pinheads… if it comes out the actionable intelligence came through waterboarding in these rendering zones, how can you cheer this? For all the waterboarding references contact the HA databaze fool who looks like a pink-haired troll. One of the couriers was Khalid Sheikh Mohammad’s personal bud and Khalid also gave him up.
Now onto FiredogLake so there is no question… since many HA leftist pinheads love to use FDL…
So if this guy gave up the couriers through GWBush approved waterboarding what say the HA pinheads now?
So now we see the Pakistani ISID was tipping off Osama each time Bush was getting closer and closer. Since we now know Osama was just down the street from the Pakistani “West Point”. it was the leftist pinheads such as yourselves who claimed we had to observe the Pakistani national sovereignty and tell them we’re coming in to look for Osama and then the ISID would warn him. So Bush could never get closer and I have to credit Obama for not listening to leftist pinheads like the fools here. Truth hurts doesn’t it.
And we have to thank the NY Times who told the world of the warrantless search program and how we were tracking overseas phone calls and money transfers. We now see Osama was basically incommunicado.
See ya simpletons. Remember Obama condemned this waterboarding practice and the irony of Obama cheerleading the use of rendering techniques Obama ran against in 2008.
You all are such leftist pinhead morons!
I may lean prominently right with regards to politics, but I’m an American first before some party label…..
Our President did great.
Our Military, again, did great.
I have no political jealousy about this…
I feel a surge of pride everytime I see a video of our President telling us we got Bin Laden…
Too often IMO we forgot that we are Americans first..
…it’s all sooooooo simple when you don’t have a brain, or a clue.
Yes rujax you are a simpleton!
No brains and no clue. You finally said something I completely agree with!
171 – Nothing to see here but the droolings of an unhinged idiot..
Spouting the right wing line. Torture is wrong period idiot – no matter who does it.
So no you’re saying your monkey’s hands were tied by the “libruls” and teh evil MSM…
Wow what a great leader he was..
Go home and go to bed now little boy.
The grown-ups are in charge now. Not your lying petulant little superstitious fools.
Like Herm Cain and Allen West…your man-crush.
Another of the no brains and no clue morons.
FireDogLake is the right wing line?
Direct from WikiPedia!
Bush is not a monkey, but you are a gorilla. Yes. Go look it up moron!
Such a useless idiot!
You are a grownup rujax?
Bwaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa
Bush and Cheney laid the groundwork and this led to Osama’s demise. Great work President Bush!
Yes rujax has no brain and no clue! Like other HA leftists here. Can’t figger out waterboarding was used here to determine the couriers!
Suck on that moron little boy!
Hey yelling little boy,
Now why did I use FDL? Your comment in #175 proved why!
Sucks to be you.
177 – The right wing line is that torture produced the couriers – so why couldn’t Bush get bin Laden?
Because your bullshit makes no sense stupid.
180 – What a blithering idiot.. Use any source you want to spin the gas between your ears…
Your monkey couldn’t get bin Laden. That’s a fact.
You called FDL right wing yelling little boy moron!
And rujax of course the update will claim waterboarding didn’t work so save face!
Heck of a job, Bushie.
bin Laden apparently wasn’t a priority for the idiot son and his puppet master Cheney..
The families that the moron Puddybud “consoled” this morning.. Nope.
Oil was a higher priority it would seem to me.
Who’s the seventh largest exporter of oil to this country now???
No I didn’t you reading-comprehension challenged moron.
The Donald says he has a great relationship with “The Blacks”.
That ought to mean that he’s jake with the puddybitch and his homies!…and the Donald makes great decisions!…and makes his suits in China!…and wants to tell the Chinese motherfuckers off!…and make gas deals!…just like Shrubbie did.
The puddybitch likes men of action. Not namby-pamby’s like a President who pulls the trigger on a surgical strike to take out Bushie’s “Public Enemy Number One”. Noooooosirrrreeeee. Why Mr. “I’ll git ‘im dead or alive” hardly got through “My Pet Goat” before drowning in his own flop sweat.
This President was cool as the other side of the pillow. Even joked at the Correspondent’s Dinner.
Nope. The puddybitch must have some kind of second sight because all we see in the clowns and losers he touts are…
…clowns and losers.
Hey puudybitch…the sky is grey today.
That empty suit Alan West is a dead ringer for the blithering idiot that is Puddybud.
They’re made for each other.
And why the hell is the race of people celebrating or not important?
i dont know, mike. why not ask chris matthews why he pointed out that all the tea partiers he saw one dat were all white. then you’ll know.
# 187: Anybody who has to defend himself by saying he has “black friends” is already in trouble with some insensitive or racist comments, and he probably doesn’t realize that his black “friends” (i.e., mere acquantices) barely tolerate his presence.
If you really have black friends who don’t believe you are a racist, then they would be the ones to step up first and defend you. The fact that you are having to make the argument for yourself, in effect, speaks volumes about your relationship with blacks.
Oh, and using the gardner or maid, or asking them to speak on your behalf, pretty much proves that no black person likes you and they only say nice things to you because they need the paycheck.
The “tea-partiers” WERE all white, you moron.
The “tea-partiers” WERE all white, you moron
please, rhp..dont make me have to stoop to your level and call you a moron also…..the question was–“why was it IMPORTANT to point out race”…get it now?
193. manoftruth spews:
Because, sir…the tea party movement IS racist.
@190 manoftruth on 05/02/2011 at 4:26 pm
“i dont know, mike. why not ask chris matthews why he pointed out that all the tea partiers he saw one dat were all white. then you’ll know.”
Gee, thanks for the question manoftruth. Let’s see if I can answer it.
One reason I am not going to ask Chris Matthews the question I asked of Troll is that I don’t watch, read or listen to Matthews. Another is that I have no idea what you are talking about. Yet another is I really don’t give a flying duck about what Matthews thinks about the all white Tea Party crowd he saw “one dat”.
I hope this answers it for you.
Thank-you for digging through this 190+ comment thread to find my question to Troll and your rhetorical use of the question back to me with the out from left field reference to Matthews. It really goes to show us what you are capable of when you sit down for a couple of hours and try.
My name is George Dubya Bush, and I am a Monkey.
What a tard rujax is… It’s called deflection. If GW Bush wasn’t looking for him why did the 2007 intelligence yield the courier names if he “wasn’t” looking for him? Why were they still looking for them in Pakistan in 2009 when Obama became president?
You rujax are really really stupid!
My name is George Dubya Bush, and I am a Monkey.
my name is barack obama, and i’m half monkey (better than being half kike, i can tell you that)
Dearest motherfucking racist piece of shit,
Race matters when it’s a fundamental part of a group’s (Teabaggers) ideology and outlook, but not with regard to a group’s spontaneous celebration of an event that has no racial connotations. The distinction is pretty basic, but haters like Troll and you are unlikely to get it.
It’s called being a feckless lazy fratboy, asshole. and he’s YOUR feckless lazy fratboy. The kind that would laugh at you behind your back and call you a racist epiphet. You are really really stupid and terribly naive. You actually think for ONE MINUTE these white “country club” and NRA Republicans give one shit for you and anyone else of your class and race.
And you defend them and parrot their lies like it was your mothers milk nourishing your soul.
You are under a spell.
Nope you Dope, not under any spell. You on the other hand admitted above
Yes rujax has no brain and no clue! Like other HA leftists here. Can’t figger out waterboarding was used here to determine the couriers!
Suck on that moron little boy!
and thank you Darth Cheney for giving credit where credit is due:
Unlike the bile that comes from a certain Obama derangement syndromed-addled cretin that haunts these threads.
Hey rujax suck on this one
Dearest motherfucking racist piece of shit,
Race matters when it’s a fundamental part of a group’s (Teabaggers) ideology and outlook
ah, you mean like when all hollywood producers are jewish, and their ideology is christians are bad and lets make vulgar and degenrate movies to destroy the christian culture that formed this country?
Let’s review from above
And Richard Cheney is congratulating Obama for allowing his “inner Bush” to show through!
yelling loser boy is still stupid and yelling loser boy is never going to change.
205 – Yeah right, only from a moronic idiot suffering from ODS and BMCS (Bush man crush syndrome)..
Let’s look at this one again:
Strange that the object of the cretin’s BMCS “could never get closer” but the object of the cretin’s BDS could actually actually..
The cretin loses…
“I mean, it’s not just one day you get up, bang, and you got Osama bin Laden,” Cheney said. “It’s the kind of thing where an awful lot of people over a long period of time — thousands have worked this case and these issues and followed on the leads and captured bad guys and interrogated them and so-forth.” – Richard Cheney!
Oh boy this yelling loser boy just goes on and on.
In 1998 Clinton warned Pakistan we’re sending cruise missiles over. ISID warned Bin Laden and gang and they were gone.
Look it up moronic one. The truth and yelling loser boy are diametrically opposed objects.
LMAO @ 209! So the cretin’s BMCS is telling him now that Bush’s hands were tied by Bill Clinton????
Funny that the cretin’s ODS isn’t telling him that Obama’s hands were tied by Hillary????
OH MY!!!!
Where did I say that moron?
Good bye fool. Your debating skillz suck!
Good riddance to a fool addled by ODS and BMCS..
President Obama accomplished what the miserable idiot this cretin voted for twice could not – not that it ever was a priority for the disastrous idiot son.
Lame excuses for FAILURE!!!
You’re sounding a little crazy tonight. How about popping those pills your doctor prescribed you?
Now Darryl’s favrit commentator likes the USA?
Do you think Cenk would demonstrate patriotic pride if a Republican killed Bin Laden? NOT!
And the stock market did what?
* Dow -3.18
* Nasdaq -9.46
* S&P -2.39
Been sitting here reviewing this thread… Once you get past the mindless rants of the mindless ranters here is the conclusion to the matter…
I applaud Obama for ordering the kill of Osama. But when Obama was a senator and later in 2007 when he started his presidential candidate run he screamed harsh interrogation techniques were not his forte and would end them. Then later as president he attacked the harsh interrogation techniques and made a big stink over the executive order to close Guantanamo Bay.
Butt I distinctly remember all those attacks on Bush and Cheney, other Republicans and many conservatives with speech after speech over harsh interrogation techniques and now he wants to be applauded when he used the evidence and findings of those techniques to find and kill Osama Bin Laden.
Obama used all the evidence from the tactics you leftist pinheads claimed were very wrong. Protest after protest and the slobbering leftist media went along. Obama illegaly invaded Pakistan, ordered a targeted assassination, all from harsh interrogation evidence. These are all the same tactics Obama used to attack Bush and Republicans to become president.
So with Obama’s own words since 2007, your HA leftist arguments against Bush since the start of this blog in 2004, Obama carried out the same illegal actions you all been screaming here about Republicans and conservatives.
I never expect HA leftist pinheads to ever be consistent in their mindless rants especially the fools with three four and five letter monikers.
To lefties only their ends justify any means possible. If a conservative did this you’d be screaming into your goats!
“If a conservative did this you’d be screaming into your goats!”
Puddy? If say, president McCain killed Bin Laden, you really think there would be people stepping up to condemn that action? You are more delusional than most of us realize. Fortunately we’ll never know how that scenario would have played out.
I see your boy Mike Rogers was briefed. Suppose he’s still claiming that we’re Mirandizing terrorists? Learn a lesson Pud. There are times when one should STFU rather than put outbursts of complaint into the world unveiling the petulant little child-brain you’re showing to all.
…the asshole @215 cannot stop.
Not only is he constitutionally incapable of “shutting up”…he is constitutionally incapable of telling the truth, and constitutionally incapable of admitting he’s wrong.
I’m sure his god won’t punish him for lying, because there is some kind of wierd pathology involved here.
Why does the puddybitch hate America?
Sure. Brennan. What does HE know…
…not as much as our puddybitch.
OH Nooooooooo.
After all his stupid bleating of the right wing line on torture, after all the right wing idiots praised the SEALS to the sky without mentioning the CIC’s name once, here’s damning with faint praise..
As for the rest, just more right wing BS…
McCain said in a debate with Obama that he wouldn’t go into Pakistan to get bin Laden.
OBAMA said he would and he DID!
Obama KEPT a campaign promise! Another idiot that a certain cretin who pollutes these threads voted for twice couldn’t be bothered to think about bin Laden “all that much”..
Naaaaaaaahhhhhhh…DiFi doesn’t knoe anything either…
…naaaahhh it was the feckless frat-boy, yje National Guard deserter, the guy who had OIL COMPANIES go broke in TEXAS (for christ’s sake)…THAT was the guy that “got” Bin Laden?
Wow…shoulda proofed that…yikes.
Osama bin Laden’s death gives unemployed birthers something to do — now they can be “deathers,” i.e. demand OBL’s long-form death certificate.
Comment from another site
MOT: I wasn’t talking to you. I wasn’t even talking TO you. I was talking about Donald Trump.
I used the WA Post to deliver the goods.
You fools used left wing sites. I use the AP to deliver the goods. Then I went to the white house briefing. Here it is the white house press briefing…
Now how did this happen leftist fools? A bright spark (none of the fools above) can see from the white house delivered time frame the identification of the courier’s nom de guerre and his real identity took place during the GWBush administration. It happened during the period of enhanced interrogations techniques being conducted using permissive guidance on KSM and al-Libbi.
All you have are left-wing whack off sites where you all go to get your fill of the bitter kook-aid!
From rujax’s horse manure
It didn’t come from Guantanamo you moron! Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa
Which has been widely reported to have not been used in this case.
Which is correct, the suspect was in Eastern Europe.
We’ve already established that doing on Wednesday the same thing you did on Monday regardless of what happened on Tuesday isn’t the brightest maneuver. Why don’t you righties get this? It’s like the music theft thing. Righties are always getting busted for using music that’s both left-wing and something they don’t have a license to use. How many thousands of times are they going to make that blunder before they stop?
By administration mouthpieces in the libtardo MSM.
I gave you the AP and Wa Post, widely accepted by leftists as truthful organizations.
Which is when both KSM and al-Libbi were interrogated using enhanced interrogation techniques.
So why are you rejecting the Wa Post and AP? Also the VP of Stratfor came out tonight saying it was enhanced interrogation techniques. Who is Stratfor?
You see Michael you repeat the same sad act over and over!
Now for the fun Michael… OOPSIE…
BRIAN WILLIAMS: “Can you confirm that it was as a result of waterboadring that we learned what we needed to learn to go after Bin Laden?”
LEON PANETTA: “Clearly some of it came from detainees and the advanced interrogation of detainees…”
BRIAN WILLIAMS: “Are you saying that waterboarding was in part among the tactics used to extract the intelligence that led to this successful mission.”
LEON PANETTA: “I think some of the detainees, uh, clearly, uh, they used these advanced interrogation techniques against some of these detainees.”
BRIAN WILLIAMS: “So finer point, one final time, that includes waterboarding?”
LEON PANETTA: “That is correct.”
There goes the latest exploding HA liberal heads.
See ya morons. This was known Sunday night yet you fools continue to drink the kook-aid of leftist web sites.
Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa
No, what you’ve first done is change the subject, the Monday-Wednesday comment was directed at Obama’s change in policy. You wanted him to be doing the same thing over and over.
Second, that water-boarding and such hadn’t been used was widely reported, AP, Reuters, shit like that. What you’ve done is brought new information forward. You didn’t do the same thing over and over dispite this new information. You did exactly what you’ve critiqued Obama for doing. Why are you so special that you can do this but the president can not?
Third, I didn’t reject their info, I used it.
Forth, even if water-boarding was used that doesn’t discredit any other form of interrogation. The information could have been gotten in other ways. We didn’t water-board in WWII and we got all sorts of intel from people.
Fifth, you’re link? It’s to a whack-a-mole rightwing site and you accuse me of using “libtard” sites? And I didn’t even provide a site. How would you know?
Sixth, There’s plenty of data that shows water-boarding doesn’t work. My two buddies (Airborne Rangers) that I wrote about the other night that have made a couple of trips to The ‘Stan? They’ve been water-boarded in training exercises and it didn’t work on them.
Seventh, why don’t you go out and make a friend, you spend an awful lot of time on here spouting complete gibberish. It can’t be healthy.
A simple look at the facts will show that, once again, Puddy fails to comprehend or pay attention to the salient points – as a a Bush apologist Puddy is ignoring the actual actions of the worst President in history:
Bush declared in September of 2001 he would find bin Laden and played the 9/11 card frequently – but his words and actions belie his initial statements:
1. By March of 2002, Bush said he did not pay much attention to bin Laden and “was not that concerned with him”.
2. In 2005, Bush shut down the special CIA task force charged with getting bin Laden (One of the first things Obama did was restart the task force – the same task force that led led to the identification of where bin laden actually was).
from the NY times
So instead of hunting bin Laden, Bush was concentrating on Iraq….gee, maybe going into Iraq is the reason it took so long to get bin Laden….Thanks, Bush!
3. In 2006, Bush said bin Laden was “not a top priority use of American resources”.
4. In 2009, the Senate Foreign relations committee issued a report that said that Bush blew the best chance to get bin Laden in 2001 in Torah borah – because Bush was too gutless to send in American troops.
The bottom line is that Bush failed to get bin Laden because he considered Iraq to be the top priority. Bush failed to go after the 9/11 al qaida head when we had him trapped and he and his adminstration failed to have the guts to actually get bin Laden when they had him. Bush also disbanded the search for bin Laden and Obama made bin Laden a top priority.
So giving Bush credit for the capture of bin Laden is like giving Hoover credit for fixing the great depression when, in fact, Hoover made all the wrong moves.
You people have your heads up your asses. If if were not for W, and his efforts–which you all wanted him tried for, OBL would still be breathing. Wake up. Panetta made the decision because Obama and Jarrett couldn’t decide what to do which would be most PC, not what is right.
@BFD – nice “opinion” – no facts….once again an idiot speaks and does not have the facts…
Facts are available- seek and ye shall find…or just keep sipping the Kool-Aid and name-calling when someone doesn’t agree with you. Is this site named after you?
@237 BFD
“facts are available”
Hello, I just presented a bunch of facts – you not only failed to refute them – you offered a weak opinion of your own and failed to present ANY facts to back up your “opinion”.
As for whether or not you are an idiot – well, present some facts or refute mine – and then we can see. So far, you score a big fat zero on the intelligence scale. In my book, that means you are an idiot (and that is simply a statement of fact).
Prove otherwise and I will revise my opinion.
Oh, and I just want to point out that Obama is Panetta’s boss – so he made the final decision. Just as Bush was Rumsfelds boss..and he made the final decision to NOT go after bin Laden when we should have.
Your arguments are third grade level pap…do you have any facts to dispute what I wrote?
If not, then shut the hell up, little girl.
its a pity that they didnt cut obama into 4 pieces, and then ship a piece of him to each corner of the US until the flesh rots from his bones.
we should have made a mockery of his body – its all he and his nutbag followers deserve.
…but I will settle for a bullet to the head.
kinda funny – obama sleeps with the fishes along with Big Pussy from Sopranos…ironic.
oops…I mean osama, not obama.
Puddybud loves Texas:
So do most other right wing idiots.
I hear a lot of comments here that sounds as if they come out of the mouths of ardent, hard core people full of hate. I rather sickens me. A man is dead. He was not a good man. He did a lot of evil things during his life. Is this a reason to attack and defame others here?