You might think that the execution-style murder of a young American couple by drug lords in Mexico would be a significant tragedy and another piece of evidence of our massive failure in how we deal with drug use in this country. But as Paul Armentano explains, if you’re the deranged individual who President Obama just nominated to run the DEA, the killings are a clear sign of success.
It’s time to realize the drug war against marijuana is never going to be won. Too many people simply enjoy using the plant in a quiet, non-public way that the cops will never find them.
As a matter of opinion, I’d say the war against the other drugs out there is failing. Just how long is a war supposed to last? It’s approaching half a century at this point, and still no “victory” in sight!
Butt butt butt, we were told to vote for Odumba to calm the world fires. When Odumba was erected the world would love us. His 2009 European and Arab apology tours were designed to assuage “American hatred”.
“On Monday I joined Judge Andrew Napolitano on to discuss how marijuana legalization — not increasing levels of government prohibition — would quell the violence surrounding the trafficking of Mexican marijuana. You can watch the video here.
The Judge ‘gets it;’ let’s hope that the administration will one day ‘get it’ too.”
Holy Batshit GuanoBrains… Paul likes Conservative Judge Napolitano. Wonders never ceases.
Looks like an EPIC DISCONNECT has occurred and two Americans are now dead.