“I put this out there because I did think it was a part of my past that shaped who I am, that the public should know.”
— Mike McGavick on KING5 News Up Front with Robert Mak
If you haven’t already seen Robert Mak’s interview with Mike?™ McGavick on KING-5 News Up Front, you’ve gotta watch it. More than two weeks after Mike?™ made a public show of confessing his private sins, the controversy refuses to die.
At times he seemed to be taken aback by Mak’s blunt questions, and I’m guessing Mike?™ probably wishes he could take back a few of his answers. In this latest interview the Republican US Senate wannabe continues to contradict both himself and reality, while confirming my basic analysis of the rhetorical focus of his campaign. No wonder reporters have grown unwilling to accept his words at face value.
Take for example Mike?™’s dismissal of a charge that he lied about winning a state track title, an allegation I first raised, and one that he laughs off as “absurd.” Mike?™ is shown telling an audience that this is the type of tabloid journalism that is poisoning modern politics.
“A member of the press had been convinced that I hadn’t actually won a track meet that had been discussed in an article, and they were going to run it as a lie unless I proved that I’d won that track meet. Aren’t you glad I spent the weekend trying to find that news clipping about that track meet. But this is what politics has been reduced to.”
Umm… but I never disputed the fact that he won a track meet. In fact, I specifically cited a contemporary who says he did win a race, albeit a “dinky little indoor meet” with no school affiliation or state title attached. The question is whether Mike?™ won a “state track title” as he apparently told the Seattle Times:
McGavick pumped gas to help pay for Seattle Prep. He won a state track title his senior year and argued he should take the summer off to train for nationals
You want an issues campaign?
You want a Senator with issues?
Vote for Mike!
Boy, does he have issues!
It is amazing that the WingNut heads of state have not put a muzzle on Mike?. I guess they are waiting for him to admit to child porn and stealing from the elderly.
I watched Up Front yesterday too. I even tried to post the below comments (twice) but for some reason they wouldn’t take. I just tried again and it looks like it worked this time. I’ll check back later and see if they removed it.
Anyway here is what I thought about it. See my Blog at http://www.thebscorner.com for 9/10/6 to see a clip of his reaction to Robert Mak’s question about drinking NOW..
OK, let’s see if I have this right. Mike McGavick want’s to make a TRUE CONFESSION by admitting to all his past indiscretions (well maybe only 3 or 4).
He didn’t have to do this because it seems he was the only one that KNEW ABOUT THEM. My guess is he thought he would get the reaction he FIRST got when he came out with this heart felt confession. He didn’t seem to think anyone would say “HUH.”
During the UP FRONT Show he said he was surprised that we are still talking about this. Far as I could see Robert Mak wasn’t holding a gun on McGavick. I would guess he got to the studio on his own wouldn’t you agree. So my question is who is keeping this story alive.
Did you happen to notice Mr. McGavick’s reaction when Robert asked him, (I’m paraphrasing here but it’s close) “How much did things change, how much did you drink, how often, how much”.
His first reaction was to jerk upright and say “YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.” I thought it was a fair question. Has he changed his drinking habits? My guess is NO!
Robert asked McGavick about his admission to running a misleading ad against Mike Lowery and how much he regretted that. But apparently not enough to call Lowery up and apologize for doing so. He said that Robert is right he should do that. Well it’s been over 2 weeks since this all started and he hasn’t called yet and didn’t say that he would. Hey, he can’t be sorry for everything. He’s running for the senate.
McGavick wants us to view him in “totality.” In totality, what we know about him is that his career consists of having been (a) a political hitman for Slime Gorton; (b) a Beltway lobbyist for corporate wrongdoers; and (c) an insurance company executive dedicated, as they all are, to soliciting premiums and never paying claims. We know nothing about his stands on issues. In totality, I’d be pretty ashamed of him if I were a Republican. Of course, through the grace of God, I am a Democrat and can hold my head high and proud.
He lies.
They all lie.
They are politicians.
The sad thing is that republicans teach their kids to lie from birth so the fact that Mikey is a liar won’t cost him a single vote with the chickenhawk right!
Britain will face have to deal with up to two million Islamic terrorists unless there is an end to ‘demonising’ of Muslims, the leader of the most influential Muslim organisation has said. Treating all Muslims as if they were terrorists will encourage large numbers to become terrorists, Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari said. The warning from the chief of the Muslim Council of Britain – the grouping that Tony Blair’s Government… [………….It will be the same in the USA, but as long as the Muuuuuslims vote Democrat, nothing will be done. Now, if the Muuuuuslims voted Republican, the Dems would be howling from deportations.]
What the heck does, “But fundamentally, I do not drink and drive.” Um… you either do or you don’t.
Here’s an example of the kind of bullshit study that makes you guys look like fucking idiots and undermines any kind of serious study out there on this issue. It’s junk science at it’s “finest”. It’s a great theory, except the underlying assumptions are wrong.
These kooks are making the claim that the increase in hurricane activity is due to human caused global warming. There’s a problem…. Hurricane intensity is NOT increasing. As I’ve posted here before, and again below, the number of category 3,4 and 5 hurricanes has been steadily decreasing for the past 60 years.
Decade Category 3,4,5 Hurricanes
1941-1950 10
1951-1960 8
1961-1970 6
1971-1980 4
1981-1990 5
1991-2000 5
Do you understand? The underlying assumption of the study is wrong. Not only that, these kool aid drinkers simply assert with no backing that human activity causing this non existent problem.
In order to get research funding, and their names in the news, they started out with the conclusion they wanted to get, and then pulled data and made up shit to support the preconceived solution, and then dressed it up in science talk to make it sound good to the uninformed stoopid fucking masses like you moonbats here at HA.
Day 21 September 11 2006 Where’s Goldy?
Mayor Nickels’
unprecedented tax increase proposal and
Tim Eyman’s opposition campaign not only screws the taxpayers into paying extra for basic services, but it also really puts Goldy and the rest of you seattle moonbats in a helluva predicament. I’ve been taunting Goldy for some time now with my “Where’s Goldy” series, and he still won’t tell us where he stands. No doubt, he’s between a rock and a hard place trying to figure out what to do. So as a true compassionate conservative, I’ll lay out the options here for ya Goldy:
1) Open up your wallet and pay more and more property tax every year until you are forced out of your home. Even if you can do it, do you want to make seattle a place where only the rich can live? Or do you not give a fuck about anybody else?
2) Join Eyman’s campaign to fight defeat the tax increase, and expose yourself to be the fucking hypocrite that you are. Admit that you are wrong about taxpayer rights, and thank Tim in pubic for giving you the right to vote on major policy issues.
3) Support the tax hike and agree that the tax money has to be raised, but make somebody other than you pay. You could take the tried and true class envy approach and make those “rich people” in Magnolia and Queen Ann pick up the tab. Remember, a “fair tax” in moonbat parlance is a tax that the other guy has to pay.
4) Or just keep quiet and hope I go away. That’s not gonna happen.
Hey, MTR,
You know what is worse than being wrong? Being boring and insignificant. Sadly, my son, that is what you have become. I thought you might actually be one of the rightwingers (I have some friends in that category) who can engage their minds in civil and meaningful discourse. Exposure to your obsessive and meaningless rants has shown us, however, that you are just a dumbfuck out on the fringe. It’s hard to get laid when you’re boring and insignificant. Maybe you’ll learn that as you age; but, I’m not sure that age gives people like you any sort of wisdom. RIP, my friend.
I wouldn’t hold out any hope for “Mark The Redneck Kennedy.” After all, he did fashion his screen name after a Republican politician who is trying desparately to run away from any association with George W. Bush.
Mark the Red Nekkid Asshole:
Explain the melting/shrinking of the polar ice caps to us please.
You are the kool-aid drinker. You are the mindless moron. Your momma must be so proud to have raised such a pin-headed fool.
Now, answer my question. You made a statement about a supposedly flawed study, show me your credentials, your education or your experience in this matter, to be able to refute the study. You are contradicting the top scientists in the WORLD.
Now, explain why the polar ice caps are melting at rate never seen before. Come on Mark, I am sure you can google something.
I used to think JCH was the biggest moron posting here, but you know what, he is so transparent that he warrants no attention, but you sometimes try to be intelligent, but with this argument you showing your true self. You will defend your parties position no matter what. The evidence is clear and convincing. Yet you scream it is not so.
Now, explain the accelerated melting of the polar ice caps.
Maybe you can call Dr.JCH (using Dr. sarcastically) he can explain it to you in ebonics, then the two of you can explain to us how Jews, Blacks, Muslims and Mexicans are the real culprits here.
You are so fucked up that you actually believe the shit you spew here.
One last thing Mark, stupid is not spelled stoopid. It is not cute. It shows your immaturity. Nothing else. It mocks no one but yourself.
Now: Go fuck yourself!!!!!!
It’s 6:15pm, Sept 11, 06. Asshole is still speaking.
I joked earlier about needing dramamene. Now, I’m sorry I didn’t take the idea seriously. He played politics with his 9/11 speach, total politics and phony offerings for hope.
Ah good. 6:17 and he shut his god damn pie hole. Sorry, I shouldn’t hate the guy, but he’s an _______ (fill in the blank with whatever derogatory term you like, he fits probably all of them). Worst President ever!
My dog is smarter than the president!!!
Mike McGavick: Just another Republican for sale.
15 – The Shrub speech was fear-mongering.
I hope for the sake of the country a lot less people are buying that crap.
Goldy, I’ve got it! Why don’t you apply for a job with the DSCC ad making department? Then you could turn all of this “ratfucking” (as Joel Connelly would say) into a profitable business?
So David- have you figured out yet that there are no WIAA indoor track and field events? That indoor track is a separate thing, and those “dinky indoor meets” are what it is all about- and they aren’t necessarily so dinky? Or do you just enjoy making it up as you go along?
Have you found out about the national invitational meets? Have you actually done any research? You might find that they do exist, and did back in the ’70’s.
Why haven’t you named the invitational? Afraid someone might actually remember, and hand you your head on a platter?
You have developed a credibility problem as big as McGavick’s.
Hey Jim King,
Now that you have uncovered this surprising revelation…..Name the fucking indoor meets, post the results and direct us all to where you found the “information”.
Jim King = Wingfuck apologist and personal kiss ass of Mike?
Goldy hit the nail on the head. The whole DUI thing wouldn’t have been a big deal but Mike made it one. You don’t call something one of the life-defining moments of your life and then conveniently forget all details. I’ll bet his then girlfriend (now wife) remembers him being arrested and cuffed and taken away. If he doesn’t remember (“reading the arrest report is like reading someone else’s life”), then he was REALLY drunk. This continuing to fashion his life as he sees it (I’m thinking of a president; oh, yeah, Reagan who made up almost every detail of his life to suit his political career. At least he had the good sense to have a vice-president who was everything he wasn’t.) It’s almost fun to sit by and wait for him to kick himself in his ass…again.
it is hopefully the only time of our lives that we will be ‘gifted’ with such an absolute idiot to call our President! At times he evem makes MTR and JCH look like high school graduates and not total failures. (but not often)
You donks are pathetic. The taxpayers even subsidize your lying,liberal, drivel and when ABC comes out with a small documentary with some truth in it you have a flippen fit. hehehehe You donks cant take it. hahahahahahahaha
Jim King:
One last thing, be sure the results name Mike? McGavick as “State Champion”.
You can’t do it. I know it hurts, Jim, to be called out, but since you opened the door I have to rush through,
We wait, but not holding our breath.
You, in the words of Red Forman, dumbass!!!
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and cramming the bullshit right down the WingNuts throats.
Vote early, Vote often, Vote Democratic!!!!!!!!
I met Mike? and asked him 2 direct questions. He gave me 2 deflections. Good thing I didn’t ask him about issues. I also remember one of his campaign workers telling me for a fact that the NSA has not been wiretapping Americans. I said what? He was absolutely sure. I asked him if he worked for the NSA. I also asked him where the investigatin was…..
Rufus several years ago the RightWingNuts got a “documentary” pulled from broadcast TV and moved to cable.
Shut the fuck up. Your own side admited that it was lies “dramatic license”.
And go fuck yourself.
ABC comes out with a small documentary with some truth
You know DOOFUS for the first time – I agree with you. The mockumentary says planes hit the WTC towers, the Pentagon, and PA on 9/11/2001. That much they got right.
But aside from a few other tidbits, that’s where it ends.
Goldy posted:
“I emailed the McGavick campaign to clarify that snippet from the Times, pointing out that “according to the WIAA website, there is no record of Mr. McGavick winning an individual or team state track title in 1976 or any other year, and as far as I can tell, there were no nationals back then.”
Well Goldy you won’t find what you are looking for on the WIAA site. You have to possibly dig deeper and elsewhere, the following is from the WIAA web site “www.wiaa.com”
“While part of WIAA’s purpose is to afford student-athletes a culminating championship event in all activities, this end is achieved through the objective method of head-to-head competition. The process of ranking teams or selecting all-league, district, tournament and state teams is subjective and not consistent with the WIAA Mission nor the philosophy of interscholastic activities. As such, WIAA does not participate in nor promote these activities at its events nor through its informational media, including this Website.
Rankings and all-teams are usually initiated and promoted either by a media outlet or the state coaches’ association in the sport. Those wishing to obtain information on these programs are advised to look to these organizations for further information.”
You see the WIAA isn’t about WINNING AT ALL COST, it is about building Character.
If you are gonna tell the World that the wiaa doesn’t have the “RECORD”, you might also tell the WORLD that the WIAA doesnt keep SCORE.
Rufus several years ago the RightWingNuts got a “documentary” pulled from broadcast TV and moved to cable.
Shut the fuck up. Your own side admited that it was lies “dramatic license”.
And go fuck yourself.
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/11/06@ 8:24 pm
Where did the republicans threaten to revoke their broadcasting license….. I am having trouble finding that. heehehehehe
Keith Olbermann has done it again tonight on his Countdown show:
When those who dissent are told time and time again — as we will be, if not tonight by the President, then tomorrow by his portable public chorus — that he is preserving our freedom, but that if we use any of it, we are somehow un-American…When we are scolded, that if we merely question, we have “forgotten the lessons of 9/11″… look into this empty space behind me and the bi-partisanship upon which this administration also did not build, and tell me:
Who has left this hole in the ground?
We have not forgotten, Mr. President.
You have.
You can find the entire Special Opinion here:
You know DOOFUS for the first time – I agree with you. The mockumentary says planes hit the WTC towers, the Pentagon, and PA on 9/11/2001. That much they got right.
But aside from a few other tidbits, that’s where it ends.
Commentby For the Clueless— 9/11/06@ 8:25 pm
No those were missile dingbat. hehehe These donks cant get their propaganda right. hahahaha
Fuck you, Rufus. You are an ignoranus. (this where you are both stupid and an asshole).
In case you haven’t noticed, America is no longer fooled by cries of terrorist and traitor.
WingNuts, time is up.
Jim King @21,
Sorry Jim, I did real reporting on this. I researched it. I asked others to research it. I then went to the McGavick campaign and asked them to clarify. And after they replied, I asked for further clarification.
They could have replied with some specificity. They didn’t reply at all.
That said, yes you are right… there are no WIAA indoor track and field events. And there were no recognized, sanctioned, state high school indoor track championships. That’s the whole point. Winning an event at a meet in between the two seasons is not the same thing as winning a state track title. “State track title” implies WIAA.
Go check Seattle Prep… I bet they keep track of the their alumni who won state titles. Betcha won’t find McGavick listed.
It’s delusional for a guy who doesn’t even make state’s his senior year to spend the summer training for “the nationals” in hopes of getting a scholarship. So take your pick. He was either delusional or lying.
To put Goldys Post into perspective here, this is what Mak (kingtv.com/upfront)chose to do with the interview.
As we taped the interview Friday morning, we made a decision not to rehash the details of a 13-year-old DUI. Was the light red or yellow? How many drinks led to a .17 blood alcohol test? Did he really fall asleep at the station? All those questions had been asked by other reporters. Instead, our plan was to approach the interview with two themes: What should voters think the admissions he made? And how do the incidents McGavick divulged inform us about the person he is today?
If you continue to spin this, it may backfire
I post actual data here from a reliable source that absolutely and totally defeats the entire premise of the hurricane study and you STOOPID fucking moonbats dare attack me. Not one of you has posted even a shred of a coherent argument.
And Carl Grossman Librul moonbat – ‘Splain to me why the polar icecaps on fucking mars are melting. Because of my SUV? Or because of THE FUCKING SUN?
Gal @37,
Hmm. That’s what people told me two weeks ago. And yet, two weeks later, people are still talking about this and McGavick is down in the polls by 17 points.
So… if you believe McGavick so much, then you must believe that he really wants to campaign on the issues. So tell me: what is McGavick’s legislative agenda?
So you take Maks interview outta context, letting the world know that he DOESN’t talk about the ISSUES, when in truth the interview YOU Use as source material is based on (# 37 above quote) an interviewers’ choice of questions which DO NOT address the issues.
The turnip truck didnt drive by yesterday….
SUV’s, sun, doesn’t matter, global warming is a FACT.
The fact is that the only thing different is the ozone layer, the only thing affecting the ozone is MAN.
Now, Mark the Red Nekkid Asshole, stick that up your ass. The world over, the finest minds are in agreement. Except of course big business and you and your president. Since he ain’t so smart, and we know you can only cut and paste, I asked for your qualifications but you totally avoided that issue. Typical WingFuck behaviour.
Mark, you don’t know, you only parrot talking points. The end is near. Your run of power is about over. Enjoy the final days.
Today’s 911 commemorations were fucking pathetic.
Instead of wallowing in sorrow and remembrance, we should have had a VICTORY PARADE through midtown Manhattan to celbrate FIVE FUCKING YEARS of success in the war against islamo-FASCISTS. President Bush’s strategy is WORKING. All the hard work is PAYING OFF. FIVE YEARS of no attacks.
He should have announced in his speech tonight that we have ballastic missiles aimed at mecca, and if we’re attacked again and we even think that even one single moooslim was part of it that mecca gets turned into a piece of glass with some barbequed mooooslims in the middle of it. We won’t ask france or the un for fucking permission either. And we don’t give a fuck what anybody else in the world thinks if we do it.
Until they come to their senses and knock this shit off, or until we can get around to killing them all, they need to FEAR US and what we might do.
In addition to sucking Pope’s dick, Queen (aka King) must be sucking Mike’s dick too.
What a bunch of horseshit.
When is someone going to talk about McGavick’s part in covering up the child raping Catholic priest in Spokane?
You guys might get the house. We’ll still have the senate and the exec branch. And we’ve started to get some balance in the court. So the best you can hope for is two years of divided gummint and gridlock. That’s fine with me.
I hope pelosi and the other kooks in the house DO start impeachment proceedings. It will expose you for the shallow pathetic losers that you are and guarantee that GOP will have another decade or so of easy power.
Hey Grossman – Instead of just telling me I’m FOS, tell me at what point my logic fails. Argumentum ad populum is not an argument. Look it up dimwit..
When is someone going to talk about McGavick’s part in covering up the child raping Catholic priest in Spokane?
Commentby RightEqualsStupid— 9/11/06@ 9:19 pm
Do you have a credible source for this information?
And I know how you sympathizers, pacifists and appeasers like this. ENJOY:
The vigilance is paying off. But it is not Bush, it is local law enforcement. There is no war on terror, there is only war in Iraq, which by the way, in case you missed it, had no WMD or ties to terrorists.
I am all for a strong military, all for defending this country. I am not for using lies and phony intelligence reports (more lies) to engage this country in a war that is killing thousands needlessly. Saddam is gone, let them work out their own government. If they tried to force Islam on you, you would fight, the same as they fight to resist “democracy”. They believe in theocracy (look it up) and will die defending it.
The same as I would die defending our Democracy. No different, but you believe you not only know what is best for America, but the rest of the world as well.
But you really don’t!
MTR, nothing you post will ever be reliable until you ‘honor’ your documented debt to Goldy.
How is it that my opinion is that of an appeaser? My opinion is that of an educated man, who reads and actually understands what I read.
I defended my point quite well. Your “logic” fails to explain the shrinking of the ozone. Explain it. The only thing different, the only thing new on earth is man for the last 200 years poluting the air. End of story. There is nothing else, no other explanation.
well except for the one you want to make up.
Hey Grossman – The number of major hurricanes has been DECREASING for 60 years. That is a fact. Not opinion. Not a “talking point”. It is a numerical fact that is not up for discussion. It cannot be refuted.
The whole premise of the study was to find the cause for the increase. There is no increase. Hurricanes show a 60 year decreasing trend.
Now tell me where my logic is flawed. Or shut the fuck up.
And to think this all could have been avoided if The Smartest Woman in The World had sucked Bubba’s dick like a good girl. Then he wouldn’t have had to be a predator and get in all that trouble that took his mind of business.
Geez, a few well placed blowjobs could have saved a whole lot of lives. Ain’t that weird…?
Roger Rabbit is on vacation, sampling salad bars in LV casinos. In between eating (which I do more or less constantly), I’m holed up in a lawn a few blocks from the Strip. I just want to say … who the hell does Mike? Who think he is, anyway — Forrest Gump? State track title … sheesh. I think he meant to say state lying champion.
Grossman – Tell me how ozone depletion works. Be very careful. Remember who yer talkin’ too. Be on the lookout for rakes…
One last thing Mark, there are some signs being reported in the Washington Post, MSNBC and CNN that the Senate could fall to Democrats too.
No matter, in two more years we will have the rest. There is no way a WingNut will be elected President as long as there are troops in Iraq. This president is stubborn and stupid, so that is a foregone conclusion. He was, afterall, ordained by God to tell us all what is best for us, nevermind he is supposed to represent us and respond to the will of the people, two thirds of whom believe he is dead wrong.
Just like a WingFuck to think that thirty percent is a majority. By the way, it is that arrogance that is turning the American people away.
“He lies. They all lie. They are politicians.” Commentby Thomas Trainwinder— 9/11/06@ 5:17 pm
Yes, but some lie more than others, and Republicans lie most of all.
Where the fuck is the $100 you owe Goldy, welsher?
I am aware of whom I am talking to. You are a fucking moron, with a computer. I am not impressed. I can google too.
Now, explain away the ozone depletion. or do you need the Hawaiian doc for that. roflmao
Jim King is right about one thing — there are, and long have been, invitational meets for the top high school track performers. The best known, operating since 1960, is the Golden West Invitational.
But Mike! would never have been one of the invitees to the Golden West, except perhaps in his own “memory”. In the early-mid 1970s, a typical GWI winning time in the two-mile run would have been somewhere just under nine minutes (scroll down on this page). A Washingtonian did win the GWI two-mile in 1973, but his name was Gordy Braun, not Mike! McGavick.
Mike!’s name appears precisely once in the year-by-year list of Washington state track meet results. In May,1974, he finished a distant 11th in the two-mile, running 9:59. That’s more than half a lap behind winner Craig Martin’s 9:17.6 time.
Mike!’s name does not appear in the state track meet results for any other year. The only other indication of his running prowess is the 1974 state cross-country meet. He ran pretty well that day, coming in 12th out of the 149 finishers, but he was still some 21 seconds behind winner Paul DuCharme over the 2.5 mile course.
In other words, Mike! was a fairly good high school runner, but nowhere near the elite in the state. He would not have been invited to the Golden West Invitational, which was and still is a competition for only the very, very best in the country.
Oh, and at least one successful politician. Long before he became a completely batty wingnut Kansas Congressman, Jim Ryun was perhaps the greatest high school middle-distance runner in history.
MTR, carefull…
Com. #8 Thou shall not STEAL!
Com. #9 Thou shall not bear false witness!
it will be tough for you and your wingnut equals to pass St. Peter! Better try another religiom as you fail Chrirtianity miserably.
10 (continued)
Leave it to Redneck to make a simple thing complicated! That’s what happens when a fucking engineer gets ahold of a thing. It’s really simple, folks:
1) Seattle has a $500 million backlog of street and bridge repairs;
2) So why does Hizzoner need a $1.8 billion tax increase to pay for it?
3) Just vote “no.” Now, how hard is that? Do we need Eyman (or, for that matter, Redneck) to tell us how to do that? If anyone around here needs a babysitter, it’s Redneck! He can’t even pay his gambling debts. People like him shouldn’t be gambling in the first place. Better yet, he should welsh on the Mafia instead of Goldy, so we won’t have to listen to him anymore.
“My dog is smarter than the president!!!” Commentby My Left Foot— 9/11/06@ 6:26 pm
That’s no accomplishment. My hemorrhoids are smarter than the president!!!
Grossman – Good decision not to take me on… You know what I’d do to you.
Ooops, damn the lack of a preview window…
Even ABC admits their “documentary” was “fiction.” Leave it to Dufus to defend it. That’s why we call him “Dufus.” Any questions?
Rabbit – I don’t give a fuck what you think. STFU. I want to know what Goldy thinks. Goldy is the one who made himself famous lampooning taxpayer rights. I want to know if he’s gonna agree with Tim or let Nickels fuck him up the ass.
Roger are you spiking your carrot juice?
Bad Bunny!
“Al-Qaida lieutenant warns of new attacks” …………Doctor JCH Kennedy warns of Trident Sub unloading all missile tubes on Muuuuuslim targets! Enjoy, mother fucking ragheads!!!!
Redneck — if and when you pay Goldy the $100 bet you lost when you foolishly predicted that I-912 would pass by 15 percent, you MIGHT have a teeny bit of credibility here … until then, you’re nothing but a GASBAG who sucks his own dick.
President Bush and Rumsfeld are sitting in a bar.
A guy walks in and asks the barman, “Isn’t that Bush and Rumsfeld sitting over there?”
The bartender says, “Yep, that’s them.”
So the guy walks over and says, “Wow, this is a real honor! What are you guys doing in here?”
Bush says, “We’re planning WW III.”
The guy says, “Really. What’s going to happen?”
Bush says, “Well, we’re going to kill 140 million Muslims and one blonde with big tits.”
The guy exclaims, “A blonde with big tits? Why kill a blonde with big tits?
Bush turns to Rumsfeld and says, “See, I told you. No one gives a shit about the 140 million Muslims.”
Mark, I am not refusing to take you on. You are a pussy. I am aware of the cause and effects of the ozone depletion. If you want to know, look it up. There are lots of interesting things for you to read and learn right here:
You and what army is gonna shut me up? You can’t even shut your own methane pipe — smoke keeps blowing out of it!
“Roger are you spiking your carrot juice? Bad Bunny!”
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/11/06@ 9:54 pm
You don’t expect me to drink carrot juice straight, do you?
RR you give MTR much too much credit. The ‘girls’ on Aurora credit him with a 1.5″ hardon.
Hey trollfuck traitors! I gotta go now — I’ll see you when I see you, unless they hang you first!
Explain the link between ozone and global warming.
Specifically, explain the role of chlorine in both.
Or do you not know the difference between chlorine and carbon dioxide.
You love your gummint Mark, read this from the USEPA:
Even ABC admits their “documentary” was “fiction.” Leave it to Dufus to defend it. That’s why we call him “Dufus.” Any questions?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 9/11/06@ 9:53 pm
Yeah some of the parts were sort of hokey. They could have done a better job on the missile planes hitting the buildings. Also there were no audible detonations of bombs going off right before the buildings colapsed. Coming from a moonbat perspective it was very slanted. hehehe
I wouldn’t worry too much about it. I don’t think the state of Washington would prosecute you for causing him to laugh himself to death.
I did not post the following comment:
“Couldn’t make it to DL. Golden shower at Ann Coulter’s place last night. Commentby Roger Rabbit— 9/6/06@ 7:49 am”
It was posted by an imposter.
Counterterrorism Czar Richard Clark:
“Families of September 11 believes the best way to honor those who were lost is to make sure that what happened to them never happens again. As such, we must understand exactly what took place, and not allow “entertainers” to promote misleading or incorrect information as fact to the public.
God Damn You ABC and Disney for urinating on the graves of those that died on 9-11.
Damn you all to hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But if history is to know where to assign some of that culpability, it should not be guided by this fictionalization. It might better focus on leaders of the FBI who held back John O’Neill, leaders of the CIA’s Clandestine Service whose risk aversion prevented the Counter Terrorism Center from doing its job, and senior generals who strongly urged the Commander-in-Chief not to use our military to go after the al qaeda leaders in Afghanistan. Somehow, all of that is missing from this not too subtle televised politicization of history.
While I would not participate in a Golden Shower with Ann Coulter (I could not stand to see her naked), I would urinate on her in public. She needs a good hosing off.
We know that was not your comment, bunny. You can’t fake a Roger Rabbit post.
Trying to blame the Clinton Administration for 9-11 when it was the Bush Crime Family that ignored 100 direct warnings, and did not lift a finger.
All 9-11 deaths were 100% Bush’s fault.
If you don’t believe me read it and cry cons…
48,I am all for a strong military, all for defending this country. I am not for using lies and phony intelligence reports (more lies) to engage this country in a war that is killing thousands needlessly. Saddam is gone, let them work out their own government. If they tried to force Islam on you, you would fight, the same as they fight to resist “democracy”. They believe in theocracy (look it up) and will die defending it.
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/11/06@ 9:28 pm
More Lib bullshit; libs like Clinton will cut the military:
“While the aforementioned scandals made bold headlines, Clinton’s most significant failings as President concerned less publicized but far more ominous matters of national security. Clinton’s loathing of the American military led to his failure in his primary responsibility: the protection of the American people. His actions with regard to military preparedness speak for themselves. In less than three years, deployments increased while manpower decreased from 2.1 million to 1.6 million. That decrease was the foundation upon which stood Al Gore’s purported “reinvention” of government. Of the 305,000 employees removed from the federal payroll, 286,000 (or 90%) were military cuts.”
“The statistics for America’s defense during the Clinton years reveal the deep-seated animosity of the administration toward those who served in the military. The Army was cut from 18 divisions to 12. The Navy was reduced from 546 ships to 380. Air Force flight squadrons were cut from 76 to 50.”
source: http://www.discoverthenetwork......?indid=644
Americafirst @ 84:
Exactly how does the propaganda that you cut an pasted refute or rebutt my statement? Again, as is the want of a WingFuck, you have ignored my statement and attacked something that had nothing to do with my post.
What a moron. Read what I wrote. Democrats have historically defended this country with military force. Look it up asshole. I will mention Truman and you can find the rest. Nixon fucked up Viet Nam and Bush is screwing the pooch on Iraq.
Now, instead of cutting and pasting, prove me wrong. Only you won’t be able to so you will cut and paste some more. Have fun.
As for the cuts, technological advancement enabled most of those cuts. Idiot.
Hey righties cheer up. I only asked you one of the ten questions Republicans can’t answer.
You can’t even answer question #1. I have 9 more..
Commentby Facts Support My Positions 9/8/06@ 9:22 pm
Your first question was so stupid that I can’t wait to see the other nine, so I’ll make an offer– if you show us the other nine questions I’ll answer all ten of them. Moonbats are so funny when they’re trying to be clever.
Commentby americafirst— 9/8/06@ 10:07 pm
Where are those other nine questions,phoney.
Americafirst again ignores the issues and returns to a talking point mantra of his own making.
I believe ozone depletion was primarily caused by chloroflourocarbons like freon. Cutting back on use of CFC’s has apparently slowed or even reversed ozone depletion. (I’m not up on the latest research and don’t feel like researching this.)
Global warming is the result of greenhouse gases like methane and carbon dioxide. These compounds are made naturally but the level has showed a definite increase with human activity. Mark is right in one sense, because the sun is the source of the energy causing global warming. I am not sure he understands the actual mechanism however. The Earth receives energy from the sun, primarily as solar energy. The Earth then radiates a portion of that energy back into space. Greenhouse gases like CO2 reduce the amount of energy radiated into space. As the level of greenhouse gases increase, more energy is retained by the Earth. One form the energy can take is heat, but it can take other forms. Looked at on the macroscopic level, the Earth was a system in equilibrium. Adding energy (or retaining more energy if you like) pushes the system out of equilibrium. Generally, systems in equilibrium will resist change, known as the buffering effect. If you raise the temperature of a system in equilibrium, some of the heat will be converted to other forms of energy, reducing the temperature, or at least reducing the increase that might otherwise be expected. That is why some have suggested that “Global Warming” is misleading, and “Global Change” or “Climate Change” might be more accurate.
Because the Earth is a system in equilibrium, it is reasonable to expect that the increase in temperature that might otherwise occur from increased heat retention due to greenhouse gases will not be as large as the Earth converts some of that heat into other forms of energy. Theoretically, that form could be weather systems, hurricanes, changing ocean currents like El Nino, etc. Scientist do not understand the interaction between all these systems and forces well enough to predict everything that will happen as Global Warming or Global Change occurs.
Mark is making a common mistake, trying to look at one item, hurricanes striking the US, in a vacuum. It is certainly theoretically possible that increasing the energy in the system would increase the number of severe weather events, like hurricanes. But certain conditions have to be present in the Atlantic for for hurricane formation. If the weather in that area becomes unfavorable to hurricane formation due to some other phenomenon, South Atlantic hurricanes could become less common. That is also why looking at temperature records in one spot could be misleading. Global Warming could cause weather patterns to change in a way that makes some places colder, due to a change in the Jet Stream for instance.
At the end of the day the vast majority of scientists, except the dirty doxen or so the oil companies like to cite, believe climate change due to human activity is occurring, and that we probably won’t like the end result. Doing something to curtail the increase of greenhouse gases seems like a reasonable step to take.
85, You are full of shit. If you were really for a strong military you wouldn’t have voted for a Frenchfuck like Clinton who cut the military:
“His actions with regard to military preparedness speak for themselves. In less than three years, deployments increased while manpower decreased from 2.1 million to 1.6 million. That decrease was the foundation upon which stood Al Gore’s purported “reinvention” of government. Of the 305,000 employees removed from the federal payroll, 286,000 (or 90%) were military cuts.”
“The statistics for America’s defense during the Clinton years reveal the deep-seated animosity of the administration toward those who served in the military. The Army was cut from 18 divisions to 12. The Navy was reduced from 546 ships to 380. Air Force flight squadrons were cut from 76 to 50.”
source: http://www.discoverthenetwork......?indid=644
Your logic is flawed in that your hurricane data is limited to those that have struck the United States. Last I knew, the US only accounts for a fairly small percentage of the earth’s surface.
Google for the name “Kerry Emanual.” He’s a climatologist at MIT, and his data isn’t limited to the U.S. His data clearly shows an increase in hurricane intensity over the past 50 years.
Here’s an MIT press release on the subject.
I’ve been on the road this week, but Mrs. Rabbit’s smoke signals say there’s a rumor that Richard Scaife is behind the ABC docu-fiction. Any truth to this? According to Mrs. R, Scaife put up $40 million for it.
89,Because the Earth is a system in equilibrium, it is reasonable to expect that the increase in temperature that might otherwise occur from increased heat retention due to greenhouse gases will not be as large as the Earth converts some of that heat into other forms of energy. Theoretically, that form could be weather systems, hurricanes, changing ocean currents like El Nino, etc. Scientist do not understand the interaction between all these systems and forces well enough to predict everything that will happen as Global Warming or Global Change occurs.
Commentby wayne— 9/11/06@ 11:11 pm
Greenhouse gases are a likely culprit, but an increase in solar output shouldn’t be ignored either, it could well be a factor:
Sun’s Output Increasing in Possible Trend Fueling Global Warming
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 02:30 pm ET
20 March 2003
In what could be the simplest explanation for one component of global warming, a new study shows the Sun’s radiation has increased by .05 percent per decade since the late 1970s.
The increase would only be significant to Earth’s climate if it has been going on for a century or more, said study leader Richard Willson, a Columbia University researcher also affiliated with NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
The Sun’s increasing output has only been monitored with precision since satellite technology allowed necessary observations. Willson is not sure if the trend extends further back in time, but other studies suggest it does.
“This trend is important because, if sustained over many decades, it could cause significant climate change,” Willson said.
In a NASA-funded study recently published in Geophysical Research Letters, Willson and his colleagues speculate on the possible history of the trend based on data collected in the pre-satellite era.
“Solar activity has apparently been going upward for a century or more,” Willson told SPACE.com today.
source: http://www.space.com/scienceas.....30320.html
Nothing will be done about Muuuuuuuslim terrorists as long as the 6 million Muuuuuuuslims in the USA vote Democrat.
94, Who says libs won’t do anything about Moslem terrorists? Last time I checked the ACLU was trying to turn them all loose, and make sure that millions of more Moslems get here.
Remember, it’s all about what the terrorists are feeling:
Is more violence and less safety what we want?
“The attacks brought up so many questions. Why would people from another part of the world do this? Who was Osama bin Laden and how did he find 19 hijackers to die for his cause? How could they hate us so much?”
Now that’s a lib who understands.
My Left Foot- go fuck yourself.
Goldy- You continue to show your complete ignorance. And you are not paying attention. Indoor track and field is not a “high school sport” in which you find school teams, WIAA or school sanctioned events, or any such. It is a sport outside of the school system. It is a sport in which athletes participate to stay in shape and be ready for the school-sanctioned outdoor track and field. So it was in the 1970’s, and so it is today.
You won’t find schools keeping track of it- anymore than you see schools tracking other out-of-season sports activities- because school and/or coach involvement is against WIAA rules.
It is also a separate sport and there were- and are- national invitationals. And colleges scout those invitationals.
Your claiming that it isn’t on WIAA sites or that Seattle Prep doesn’t have a record completely misses the point- that is about as germane as claiming Babe Ruth never hit any home runs bcause you can’t find the records on the NFL website.
Neither “state indoor champion” nor “state indoor tile” implies a WIAA title, Goldie. Stop making things up.
Again, you claim you have a friend who referred to the particular state meet as a dinky indoor thing- cough up the name of the meet. Seems you are as bad as replying to the question asked as you gripe about McGavick’s campaign being.
Seems your friend just looks down his nose at indoor meets.
And it seems you don’t know much about track and field.
Now, N in Seattle put some valuable information up, but he didn’t reference anything other than WIAA events and the Golden West- which is a national invitational, as noted, but is an outdoor event, not an indoor event. We are still left with no information about which indoor meet McGavick referenced- information you seem determined to withhold.
But if Mike placed 11th at the WIAA state track meet as a sophomore, he was doing pretty good. I note Seattle Prep had a different entry in the event the next year, and that McGavick doesn’t show up on later WIAA state meets in track, or in cross contry after his junior year. Without asking him, who knows where he was competing and why. His schedule may have precluded the regular varsity teams, and he may have been competing only in the indoor meets.
But Goldie doesn’t want to share which meet, so I guess we’ll never know the truth.
Jim King @ 96
You have done an excellent job of fucking yourself. I could not carry your condom in this event. That must really hurt. Are you afraid you are going to give yourself aids doing unnatural things like that?
As for the records of the track meets, we are all still waiting for you to point us to the results. You have managed to attack me, and others on this blog, but you still have not answered the request. Provide proof that Mike? is not lying. Show us the records, the state championship records, any fucking records of Mike? having won anything.
Take your time, your computer will still be there when you finally pull your dick out of your ass!!!! Jim, you can’t win here. There are no records. He was LYING. He is a fraud. He is dishonest. He would not tell the truth if it would serve him better. He is a young man, relatively speaking, he will rebound and have lots of time to spend the rest of his $28 million dollar campaign donation, er, um, ah bonus. You have to stay up late to get one up here, Jim. Ouch, that looks like it hurts. You sure are flexible. But with a dick that short you have to be.
Jim King is Mike? McGavick. There is no other explanation.
As Rabbit would say, I’ll see you tomorrow. Unless they hang you first!!!!!
If Roger Rabbit had a fan club, I would join.
Here are some virtual carrots, bunny. Enjoy!!!!
darcys my gal and Jim King seem to think they are, somehow, defending Mike?, but what they say is nonsense. Gal tries to make out the Mak interview as some sort of triumph for Mike?, even though he came out of it looking like a fool.
To both King and Gal. McGavick is the one who said he was the state champion. Where is the proof?
Mike? has been successful in one way though. His heartwarming stories of character building events in his life have removed, if not the need, the opportunity for him to expose his positions on the political issues of Washington State.
He has replcaced the issues with defending his character. This seems to have been a poor trade, but folks like what they like.
replaced, not replcaced.
This talk of Mike? being a track star got me to thinking about a track star who did make it to Congress, Bob Mathias, the two time decathalon Olympic gold medalist. Since he won in 1948 at the age of seventeen, his dad surely didn’t make him keep a job in a gas station.
Bob Mathias had a tale of his character being built:
“[Bob Mathias] eventually moved on to politics as a Republican candidate for Congress, where name recognition helped him easily defeat the incumbent.”
” ‘You still have to know your subject matter,’ Mathias told a Times reporter in 1988. ‘You just can’t run on your name and do a lousy job. You have got to work at it.’ ”
“A self-described fiscal conservative, Mathias said of his time in Washington, ‘Probably the toughest part was getting used to going from sports, where everyone likes you to politics, where if 51% of the people like you, you can stay in office. In that world, people stomp on you and say bad things about you.’ ”
“His eight-year political career ended in 1974, when Mathias and 56 other Republicans were voted out of office in the wake of the Watergate scandal.”
I was sad to find that Mathias had died on September 2, of cancer at age seventy-five.
So, how about a little less whining about how dirty politics has become. There have been honest-to-goodness track gods who’ve been smacked down running for Congress.
Like Bob Mathias said, “You still have to know your subject matter…” Not only that, you have to tell the voters what you know and what you think.
That Mathias URL was too long, try this one:
Harry @ 101, Mikey has also been successful in his surveys. Rasmussen now has him trailing our Senator by 17%. Go wingnuts, Go!
An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last. Winston Chuchill
This sounds more like WingNuts dealing with the American public. They are about to lose that feeding hand.
Need we say more?
Cantwell 52%, McGavick 35%
Mike! has hit his ceiling.
RUFUS @ 25
Calling ABC’s clearly labeled fictional docudrama a “documentary” just makes you look stupid. Not that this has ever deterred you from speaking, but I’m just sayin’…
darcys my gal @ 30
So Mike! did not win a state indoor track championship. Right?
MTR @ 42
“FIVE YEARS of no attacks.”
Wrong. We were attacked by an anthrax-mailing terrorist or terrorists who killed five and sickened 17. To date, the Bush administration does not even have a suspect. Feel safer?
Also terrorist attacks worldwide have risen every year but one since 2001. Here’s a handy table from the Terrorism Knowledge Base at the National Counterterrorism Center (NCC). Feel safer?
americafirst @ 84, 90
Is there some pathology that maeks a erson, when challenged, repeat themselves rather than respond?
Wht you are describing is not antipathy toward the military, although you guys dearly love to say it again and again. It is, rather, the so-called “peace dividend.” The Cold War ended sometime between the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the collapse of the USSR in 1991. Clinton rightly and very reasonably reduced the size of our miltary because we were (and are) the world’s remaining superpower, and massive troop deployments in Europe and a huge standing army were no longer necessary. Um, duh.
Just to reiterate what I said at Slog:
The issue is that a Senate candidate fabricated a story to demonstrate how honest he is.
Rasmussen now has Bush at 44%
Rasmussen has Santorum trailing Casey 47-43. Just two months ago he was down by 20.
Rasmussen has Tom Kean Jr slightly ahead of Melendez. Melendez was up 6 or more two months ago.
Moonbats: No plan, no fortitude, and no attitude; just hatred and emotion.
Daddy Love you are a feckless boob moonbat.
Sandy Berger has NOT ridiculed Lt Col Patterson since he publicly gave notice last week. Why? Sandy Berger knows when to fold ’em, unlike you; feckless boob moonbat! No matter how much you write to the contrary, you are a feckless boob moonbat.
With all certainty and full frontal assault, facts hurt the librul mind!
I know why Goldie is focused on Mike! and his track; Goldie was a high school couch potato, probably barely able to get those pidgeon-toed feet shuffling forward!
Come on Goldie, tell us all about your high school exploits? You seem fixated on McGavick; waiting for his next announcement, ready to pounce. To enter the “MSM” Goldie you have to give up some stuff on yourself. Since you clam up like an irritated clam you’ll never measure up!
My biggest disappointment of the past five years — the biggest by a very long way — has been the way that George Bush transformed 9/11 from an opportunity to bring the country together into a cynical and partisan cudgel useful primarily for winning a few more votes in national elections. And yet after all that, here is what the president had the nerve to say last night:
“Winning this war will require the determined efforts of a unified country. So we must put aside our differences, and work together to meet the test that history has given us. We will defeat our enemies, we will protect our people, and we will lead the 21st century into a shining age of human liberty.”
“Put aside our differences?”
You first.
To which I can only respond, “Huh?”
But you should really keeep in ind that I’m rubber and you’re glue.
I’ll make this wrap-i ABC 9/5-7/06 42 55 3 -13
CNN 8/30 – 9/2/06 41 55 4 -14
FOX/Opinion Dynamics RV 8/29-30/06 38 56 6 -18
I’ll make this wrap-up of the most recent Bush job approval ratings short and sweet. I’ll list only the relative “surplus” (of ercent favorable over unfavorable) or “deficit” (unfavorable percentage points over favorable). And I hate to break it to you, but there IS no surplus…
Cook/RT Strategies RV 8/25-27/06 -16
Newsweek 8/24-25/06 -20
Time 8/22-24/06 -19
Quinnipiac RV 8/17-23/06 -14
CBS/New York Times 8/17-21/06 36 57 7 -21
Mike Web does MTR; your abundance of talking points and debunkedcrap does show one thing to the vast majority here and in OUR nation…as the wingnuts lose what little clout they received from dubious elections in ’00 and ’04 they turn into babbling idiots and welshers. (oops, always have been both of the above)
Man, I really lost my place in that one…
Mike Web does MTR; your abundance of talking points and debunkedcrap does show one thing to the vast majority here and in OUR nation…as the wingnuts lose what little clout they received from dubious elections in ’00 and ’04 they turn into babbling idiots and welshers. (oops, always have been both of the above)
Mike Web does MTR; your abundance of talking points and debunkedcrap does show one thing to the vast majority here and in OUR nation…as the wingnuts lose what little clout they received from dubious elections in ’00 and ’04 they turn into babbling idiots and welshers. (oops, always have been both of the above)
Hey, when you can’t win on the field, move the goalposts, right?
There are just too many murders in Baghdad, and we need to show Aemrica that we’re aking “progress.” But there is no progress, so what do you do? Just redefine murder so that our numbers look better. What, you say, it would be lying the American people? How pre-/11 of you.
polling numbers from http://www.pollingreport.com
sorry for the multiple ports, damn Nokia
American Airlines:
It has been 3 days now, and not a single rightie troll has been able to name one single piece of legislation the republicans have passed, and the president signed into law that has benefitted regular americans at the expense of large corporations and the super rich.
What is your answer?
(crickets chirping)
(chirping crickets getting very tired of waiting for republicans to answer this simple question)
What have the republicans in total control done to help me, instead of the super rich?
Now for fighting terror.
The real terrorists are the GOP, and their moron supporters.
What is more stupid than a moron?
Another election, another failure to discuss issues.
If Mike (or Maria) actually give a dman about the country, why don’t they force the issues?
Here are some examples:
1. Mike could oppose natutalization of imigrants, BUT support work permits and importation on WP of workers from the third world.
2. Maria could force the health care issue.
But NOOOO. Instead we are havinga stupid discussion about the DUI and a teackmeet.
under 65 bucks a barrel and dropping, so when are our prices here in Washington State dropping????????
I forgot, we can’t drill anywhere to get more oil.
I’m late to this topic, so I suspect this post will get ignored. Perhpas I’ll post it again when there is an open thread. But two things I missed in previous readings of this issue, which finally hit me:
First of all, my daughter earned a rowing scholarship. Like track, they do the longer distances in the fall (called cross-country in track, and shorter distances in the spring. She was recruited in the summer BEFORE her senior year, making official visits to colleges in the fall and early winter of her senior year, and signing an NCAA letter of commitment in the early spring. By spring, all the available scholarships are gone. If a person wants to earn a scholarship, then they have to “walk on” to the team, and hope to earn a scholarship for next year. But this is very hard to do, because coaches want to use a scholarship to entice a potential star to come to the school, not to pay for someone who is already at the school, and will likely remain at the school (and in the program) if he or she is given the slightest incentive to do so. (Note: UW women’s rowing program operates differently in this respect).
So Mike’s chances of earning a track scholarship by training in the summer after his senior year are virtually nil. Perhaps I’ve got the details wrong, and he’s talking about the summer before his junior year? But then the reference to the State track championship earned in his Senior year would be out of place. Or perhaps Mike never looked into what it would take to get a scholarship, and just assumed he could have gotten one if he had trained for it? Did he try out for the track team in college? If so, why didn’t he get a scholarship then? I would think he could have spent the fall and winter “training” while he was in college, and then “walk on” to the team in the spring?
Secondly, and this is what struck me most – why would Mike! have to quit work to train for a track scholarship? My daughter continued to work part-time in high school while rowing, and worked full-time during the summers. I never tried out for a scholarship in swimming, but while I was in high school I still did two-a-day practices during the summer while working full time, and three days a week in the winter while working part-time and going to school.
Now track isn’t one of those sports like football or basketball, where you need everyone together at the same time. You can train just about anytime you can fit it into your schedule, especially during the long summer days around here. Heck, my daughter still goes for an hour-long run every night when she gets home from work in the summer.
So Mike! is trying to make it sound like he sacrificed so much because he had to work. What it shows me is that Mike really expected to party his senior year, under the pretext of “training for track”, but his dad saw through that, and was determined he wasn’t going to waste his summer parying. Now he wants to get credit for spending a summer pumping gas. Well, Mike!, welcome to the real world. Most of us worked summers, even if some of your classmates where you went to school didn’t.
130 – If Mike would talk about the issues instead of largely irrelevant items about his past then maybe you wouldn’t be so down.
But he’s trying to innoculate himself and so far it’s back firing. He should have started doing this in May or June.
Oh yeah and he shouldn’t have lied about his past. The guy is dumb!
Bob Mathias wasn’t the only guy who learned that lesson. The first time he ran for Congress, John Glenn failed miserably, because he was running as John Glenn the Astronaut. It wasn’t until he became John Glenn The Guy Who Takes An Interest In Ohio that he was elected to the Senate.
Mike! apparantly won a race, not a state championship. I’m sure it was an important moment in his life, as it would be for me. But winning a race isn’t as impressive as it might be to other people, so he began to exaggerate it for effect. Instead of a race, it becomes a state championship. And if he was so good, why didn’t he go on to run in college, some would ask? Because his dad made him pump gas that summer instead! Otherwise, he would surely have gotten a track scholarship!
Okay, we all do that from time-to-time, retelling a story with some exaggeration for effect. Like the eight-inch trout that becomes a six-foot salmon after years of story-telling. But Mike! is the one who is trying to turn it into a qualification for public office, a testament to his “character”. It seems to have become habitual to him, and he’s so accostomed to people taking what he says at face value, that he’s suprised and offended that people would actually question the details of his carefully constructed/exaggerated resume!
It makes me wonder what other “exaggerations” he has been pushing in his resumes over the past twenty years or so?
sgmmac @ 131
If drops in the price of oil are not reflected in the price at the pump, just how does more oil help?
But there’s just not a lot “more oil” out there. The supposed big find in the Gulf of Mexico is estmated (optimistically) at 15 billion parrels of “oil and gas” reserves, but the US consumed 7.5 billion barrels in 2005 and climbing, and we import almost 60% of that.
And ANWR: the USGS estimates that it contains a mean expected value of only 10.4 billion barrels of “technically recoverable” oil.
And Matthew R. Simmons, author of Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Saudi Oil Shock and the World Economy argues that, far from being capable of increasing its output, Saudi Arabia is about to face the exhaustion of its giant fields and, in the relatively near future, will probably experience a sharp decline in output. “There is only a small probability that Saudi Arabia will ever deliver the quantities of petroleum that are assigned to it in all the major forecasts of world oil production and consumption,” he writes. “Saudi Arabian production,” he adds, italicizing his claims to drive home his point, “is at or very near its peak sustainable volume…and it is likely to go into decline in the very foreseeable future.”
In addition
Kinda like that ‘executive’ stuff a dim congressional candidate claimed?
Kinda like ‘my daddy is a vet so, I’m military’ stuff a dim congressional candidate claimed?
Kinda like the ‘public service’ of a homeowners association stuff a dim congressional candidate claimed?
Let’s see…
Mike! runs an ad telling us that he put a skateboard though a window, and we can conslude that he won’t ever, ever do it again.
Maria runs an ad telling us how she is going to improve and increase port security.
I’m sure glad Mike! has all that character. He’s gonna need it. But he’ll have great stories about how he came though the drubbing he got in the 2006 Senate race and all that he learned from it.
There is no plan for Iraq, only speeches. Bush’s White House can’t make a plan for Iraq, they’re too obsessed with the next election in the U.S.
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Breaking news
Rasmussen Reports has just issued new polling numbers on the Washington Senate race. Rather bad news for Mr. McGavick. The latest numbers are Ms. Cantwell – 52%, Mr. McGavick – 35%. The race has shifted dramatically enough that they have moved this from “leans Democrat” to “Democrat”
Says Christopher Buckley, a Republican former speechwriter for George HW Bush:
He must not be a real conservative, because real ones never stop drinking the Kool-Aid.
Hey, wasn’t this anoher terrorist attack in the US after 9/11? Israel thinks so.
Amerikkkafirst at 84:
So, you are stuck with that old canard that “Clinton’s loathing of the American military led to his failure in his primary responsibility: the protection of the American people.” You really should cut and paste from better wingnut web cites.
If Clinton was so bad for the military, how do you explain how well they did in the Kosovo? Or how the military after 8 years of Clinton did so well in Afghanistan?
Strange how the facts are so different from your little fantasy world, eh?
As for the cuts in the military, most of those were started under Cheney during Bush I, and, strangely enough, Bush II has not tried to rebuild the military. In fact, Rumsfeld’s plans for the military call for keeping it small. Are you saying that Cheney, Bush and Rumsfeld all have a deep animosity for the military?
Why do you hate Bush so Amerikkka?
Left Foot- not my job to pull Goldie’s ass out of the fire. He blew it, sounding off without knowing what he was talking about- just like you. You accuse someone of lying, back it up. Goldie blew this one, badly. He didn’t have a clue about high school indoor track, but that didn’t stop him from getting on his high horse.
And his failure is posted for all to see. Forever known as the guy who got all worked up- and wrong- over an indoor track meet.
Such serious journalism.
So you, Left Foot, can go back to sitting up with your late night kiddie porn and leave the adults alone. And stop getting worked up over the images of high school boys in shorts and t-shirts. The judge said you were supposed to stay away from that stuff, or go back to McNeil.
Do you mean that “dim congressional candidate” who is ahead in the polls and outraising the incumbent? Is that the one?
Jim King
Was Mike! McGavick the state indoor two-mile champion?
All these wingers have stopped engaging in any meaningful way. They just name-call, drop their talking point and leave.
They fear what’s coming.
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Commentby Jim King— 9/12/06@ 10:27 am
Actually, (not that this should really surprise anyone) I’m going to side with Goldy on this one.
Mr. McGavick made a public claim that he had done a specific thing, in this case a rather trivial one (unless you’re a high school athlete).
For most statewide sporting events that award a championship or title, some form of records are kept.
Mr. McGavick and his team have been rather vague about exactly which track event he won. His claim has been challenged, and he has yet to provide the specifics that would back it up. The events that we know about that happened around that time have been checked, and no title or championship for Mr. McGavick has been found.
It really isn’t that important to me whether or not he won something. Personally, I hope he’s telling the truth, and if he is, I congratulate him on that victory. (I’m still not voting for him.)
He made a public claim, in support of his campaign. It has been challenged and investigated. No championship has been found. It is quite possible that something was missed, but at this point, it is up to him to substantiate his public claim. This would be a very simple matter for him.
Failing that, we have little choice but to consider that the claim was false, and deliberately so. (If he misspoke, he should correct the record.) Making deliberately false statements in a campaign is normally called “lying”, and is, in my not-so-humble opinion, evidence of poor character.
Of course, there is also the possibility that he blacked out and really doesn’t remember the events that well.
Jimmy Queen do you really think that by shouting the “Earth is flat” you can change minds? Do you have any idea how stooooopid you look trying to tell us Goldy got it wrong when Mikey’s own campaign has admitted its error?
You right wing fags really must be smoking something good.
Okay, go back to giving Dickey Pope his blow job.
I do believe that Mike¤ won that race. Jim West was his coach and he was trying to stay ahead of ‘our 3 anal fixated stooges’, MTR, MWS & ASS
We don’t know how much oil is out there and Cantwell won’t allow anyone to drill anywhere on the planet..,,so who really knows? There are estimates on how much is left, I’m not inclined to believe “estimates.”
As for the price of gasoline reflecting the price of oil, it does and it doesn’t. Capacity at refineries is also in there, along with demands for different blends of fuel. We are stuck in this state with higher prices all summer because of that limited capacity.
Jim King @ 145
You are wonderful at projection. You see yourself in others, where a similarity does not exist. I will leave the boys to you.
Not your job to pull Goldy’s ass out of the fire? ROFLMAO. You have just entered very special ground. You now may take your place with the other WingNuts, such as MTR, JCH, Mr. Cynical, PussyPud and others.
You accused Goldy of lying. Then you make a wild claim that Mike? did win a “State Championship”. Now you refuse to “prove it”. Because you can’t, you lying piece of shit. Mike? lied. Now you want to defend him by throwing giant balls of shit, problem is, this is not 2000. We have seen it before and the shit is not sticking, except to you. No one is fooled but you, moron boy.
Wise up, give up and move on. ASshole!
So you are “not inclined to believe ‘estimates’?” How convenient for you. Look, you can believe whatever crazy shit you want, you can believe that the Oil Fairy is goping to come down from heaven and give the US all the oil it will take for you to drive a Land Rover, but don’t expct us to.
“We are stuck in this state with higher prices all summer because of that limited capacity.”
Sure we are.
September 12 “Will Gas Prices Keep Dropping?”
All across the country
AAA shows Washington as dropping since April, but not as much as the national average. Down to about last year’s price.
Reg Mid Prem Diesel
Current Avg. $2.919 $3.024 $3.174 $3.377
Yesterday Avg. $2.941 $3.047 $3.198 $3.398
Month Ago Avg. $3.100 $3.211 $3.371 $3.445
Year Ago Avg. $2.928 $3.033 $3.184 $3.180
This might be AAA members only:
sgmmac @ 151
Did you know that they don’t always drill holes to find oil deposits these days?
In 1970 John Glenn ran a nasty primary race against Howard Metenbaum, and neither of them made it to the Senate.
Glenn made it in 1974, Metzenbaum in 1976.
Your point is????????
Rhat was a response to 133, not 103. Are you reading Yer Killin Me?
It is so obvious. Why? What turned Republicans into the America Hating freak show they are now?
SGMac @ 150 “Cantwell won’t allow anyone to drill anywhere on the planet”
Your evidence is?
None. QED – You are a liar.
Why Do Republicans Hate America? Why do they hate America so much they will lie without a second thought?
I was posting in reply to this statement in what had been 103:
” ‘You still have to know your subject matter,’ Mathias told a Times reporter in 1988. ‘You just can’t run on your name and do a lousy job. You have got to work at it.’ ”
From an article I read back in the Seventies, much of the reason Glenn lost in 1970 was because his campaign was “Vote for me, I was an astronaut and you’ve heard of me.” If you want more of a point than I will admit I provided, Mike? wants us to vote for him because he’s a Nice Guy and if he runs his ads enough, we might remember his name. That ain’t gonna cut it. You know it, I know it, he knows it and the trolls here know it.
By the way, you can relax. I’m on your side.
“ ‘I listen to my Democratic friends and I wonder if they’re more interested in protecting the terrorists than protecting the American people,’ House Majority Leader John Boehner, an Ohio Republican, told reporters.”
I listen to Republicans and I wonder if they’re more interested in protecting the president than protecting the American people.
Thanks for the clarification.
WhyDoRepublicansHate America
I wouldn’t say that sgmmac is a liar. I would say rather that she is posting her uninformed and/or biased opinion as if it were fact.