Vowing “to end the cycle of career politicians,” West Seattle restaurateur Dave Montoure has jumped into the crowded race for Seattle’s city council District 1. Montoure is the co-owner of West 5, and a former chair of the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce board. He is also a fierce opponent of the $15 minimum wage, having donated $1,000 to Forward Seattle’s doomed and dishonest effort to file a charter amendment that would have repealed Seattle’s historic $15 minimum wage ordinance.
So, yeah, West Seattle—now you know which of the dozen or so candidates in that race not to vote for.
Well, I’m certainly in favor of getting rid of career politicians. Let’s have term limits for every elected and appointed office in the land!
Term limits don’t work. The 22nd Amendment proved that. Its primary purpose was to destabilize and gut the Executive branch of government, mostly as a corporatist reaction to FDR’s perceived overreaches on breaking up monopolies and slapping down the banking industry. If Herbert Hoover had won the 1932 election, the country would have been where it was in 2007 seventy years ago, and we never would have opposed Germany in WW2. We likely would have become an Axis power instead.
I knew there was a reason I hated West5
“…destabilize and gut the Executive branch of government…”
Sound like a great idea to me! Let’s get working on the legislative and judicial branches, too!
BTW, Woodrow Wilson and the Brits engineered our way into WWI. They knew the Germans would sink a ship carrying tons of munitions from the US to Britain, and gladly sent a bunch of Americans to their deaths, all to save the Bank of England. Read “The Creature of Jekyll Island” for a description of how it happened.
If we would have stayed out of WWI, WWII would never have happened.
The bastard took out TWO slot car tracks…never forget, never forgive!
That’s some interesting alternative history scenarios. Would we hav
e the ISIS problem if bush had not invaded Afghanistan and Iraq?
Meanwhile, let’s see how being a virulently anti-union and relentlessly low-wage employer whose most notable philanthropic activity is holding food drives for its own starving employees is working out for Walmart:
“Walmart, the country’s biggest retailer, is now the most hated place for Americans to shop. … Below is a list of the ACSI’s ratings for discount and department stores, ranked from top to bottom, with their customer-service scores in parentheses.
1. Nordstrom (86)
2. Dillard’s (81)
3. Kohl’s (80)
4. Target (80)
5. Dollar Tree (79)
6. Macy’s (79)
7. Meijer (78)
8. J.C. Penney (77)
9. Dollar General (75)
10. Family Dollar (75)
11. Sears (73)
12. Exchange (68)
13. Walmart (68)”
(Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit does NOT own Walmart stock. I know a lousy business when I see one.)
The virulently anti-minimum-wage people remind me of the pro-slavery zealots of yore. They have the same mentality — that other people’s labor is theirs for the taking, an entitlement, a property right, while shutting their minds to the fact that workers are human beings just like themselves.
@1–How can a libertarian support term limits? If we voters want Patty Murray in the Senate until she’s 100 years old, why shouldn’t we have here there?
We really ought to extend the logic and impact of term limits. We should have legal term limits for business owners and senior executives. We need to end the cycle of career entrepreneurs. Term limits for heart surgeons, too. We don’t want doctors to become too cozy and complacent. Term limits for cops and firefighters. Term limits for the military.
Lets face it folks in just about any professional setting you can name the value of experience, expertise, and professional networks are overcome by “fresh ideas”, “energy”, and “thinking outside the box”!