Thanks to Washington State Political Report for pointing me towards a press release from state Sen. Margarita Prentice (D-Renton), announcing proposed legislation to impose a 10 percent tax on the state’s 125 commercial mini-casinos. SB 5287 would generate about $20 million a year for the general fund.
Prentice is also the prime sponsor of SB 5037, the Senate version of a House bill that purports to establish permanent funding for problem gambling treatment and prevention programs. Unfortunately, the bill would appropriate less than $600,000 a year, an amount Jennifer McCausland of Second Chance Washington calls “grossly inadequate.”
As I mentioned last week (“Scratch this! Lottery plans for big expansion“), neighboring Oregon, with a population half the size of Washington, dedicates 1 percent of lottery revenues to treatment and prevention programs… about $3.9 million annually. McCausland has advocated spending at least that much on Washington’s epidemic of problem gambling, and recently presented a proposal to Governor Gregoire’s office that would start off by appropriating $2 million a year of lottery revenues.
But wait… if we took 10 percent of the $20 million in revenues generated from SB 5287, and combined it with an additional $2 million from the lottery… we could fully fund SB 5037 to the tune of $4 million a year. It’s so crazy, it just might work!
According to a 1998 study, problem gambling already cost the state over $70 million a year, and the industry has doubled since then. It’s time the industry starts chipping in to clean up the public health mess it has helped to create.
[NOTE: It’s nearly impossible to post a comment about gambling without getting trapped in my blog spam filter… so please be patient if your comments are held for approval.]
And before anybody else says it… yes, the tribes should pay too. However, they’re sovereign nations, and the Legislature can’t impose a tax on them. We need to push to reopen the tribal compacts and get some money guaranteed money out of the tribal casinos.
“The maximum tax rate that may be imposed by a local jurisdiction on social card games is lowered to 10 percent. Any local jurisdiction that imposed and collected at a tax rate higher than 10 percent on January 1, 2005, may continue to tax at that rate, but may not increase it.”
I’m all for anything that keeps these mini casinos out of our towns. That may be the unintended consequence of the bill. No local govts. in their right minds will be tempted to allow any new mini casinos now that they can’t take their traditional 20%. Any towns that already have them at lower rates and hoped that they can “ramp up” the tax to 20% will be sorely disappointed. The local govts. that have become dependent on this casino money will fight this tooth and nail.
Can’t the legislature open up gambling to include slots or their equivalent? This would have provided big bucks to the coffers.
The anti-initiative crowd should reexamine their opposition to last year’s initiative, realize their mistake and have the legislature open up gambling. That is, if you are looking for more money for the State budget.
5 Democrats Face Trial for GOP Tire Slash
Associated Press, by Gretchen Ehlke [Getting Out The Vote, Democrat Style!]
Original Article
Posted By:FLgator, 2/16/2005 9:40:57 AM
MILWAUKEE — Five Democratic campaign staffers — including the sons of a congresswoman and a former city official — were ordered Tuesday to stand trial for allegedly vandalizing Republican get-out-the-vote vans on Election Day. The five are accused of slashing the tires of 25 vans rented by the state GOP to drive voters and monitors to the polls.
Reply 1 – Posted by: freedomlover, 2/16/2005 9:48:59 AM
They should have stuck with ballot stuffing like the rest of the democrats in Milwaukee.
Reply 2 – Posted by: jkanagy, 2/16/2005 9:49:15 AM
Good,it’s about time that the right and priviledge to vote are taken seriously–the proof will depend on whether they get sentenced to do time or just slapped on the wrist.
Reply 3 – Posted by: dot66, 2/16/2005 9:51:24 AM
OH! Say it isn’t SO! That would be … be …be … VOTER SUPPRESSION! Democrats denied countless Republicans their right to vote! But aren’t Democrats the good guys? NOT!
Reply 4 – Posted by: jasmine, 2/16/2005 9:52:55 AM
So are they charged only for the vandalism? Shouldn’t there be charges for violating the civil rights of citizens who needed transportation to the polls? Trying to keep people away from the polls means you’re trying to alter the results of a free election. Sounds like they’re getting off way too easy.
Reply 5 – Posted by: tnmartin, 2/16/2005 9:58:04 AM
The world is indeed changing. Did everyone note that the word ‘Democrat’ actually appeared in the headline, not buried in lower-case in the middle of the 8th paragraph? And from the AP even. Nedra Pickler won’t like that.
Reply 6 – Posted by: TexasHillCountry, 2/16/2005 10:02:41 AM
This is a “hate crime” if ever there was one.
It is also a criminal conspiracy and actual attempt to violate the civil rights of voters who happen to be Republicans; a real, live case of “voter suppression.”
Reply 7 – Posted by: rmsimms, 2/16/2005 10:07:25 AM
Wouldn’t it be amusing if the Wisconsin Democrat Party got slapped with a RICO suit over this?
Reply 8 – Posted by: Sunflower, 2/16/2005 10:48:03 AM
Unbelievable that they actually said democrats in the headline, maybe the liberal leftist MSM is finally getting the message huh? Those darn Pajamadeen bloggers forcing them to print the truth. And yes, they should be sentenced for hate crime, denying Republicans their right to vote, disenfranchising them, so to speak, the RATS favorite word.
Reply 9 – Posted by: mc squared, 2/16/2005 10:56:04 AM
Mayor Pratt is no stranger to fraud. Last year he plead no contest to five civil campaign finance violations and agreed to pay a $2,500 fine.
JCH, what happened (or supposedly happened) in Milwaukee has nothing to do with our topics here. Get a grip on yourself and start to think like a ‘normal’ human being, if that is at all possible for you (I doubt it)
Jpgee………..The Democrat Party STANDS for voter fraud, crime, and vandalism. Milwaukee, Philly, Detroit, Seattle…….all the same. Democrats run the show, and lots of corruption. “You “get a grip”!! JCH
While I’m not surprised that you, like Sen Prentice is in favor of simply taxing mini casionos out of business. I suggest you look at the stats. It’s projected as many as 53 of the states mini casinos would close which would actually reduce the revenue the state receives. Mini casinos are the highest taxed business in the state already yet you propose taxing them even more.
You know full well (and if you don’t shame on you) that this is simply a continuation of Sen. Prentices plan to close mini casinos. The projections are that this bill if enacted would only generate 7.3 million for the state while putting over 5,000 people out work due to 53 out of 81 businesses closing down.
The effect of a 10% tax on the gross revenue is almost the same as putting a 50% tax on net income which in most businesses would be devastating and a lethal blow.
Senator Prentice brought forth a bill last year to close down mini casinos and fortunately her bill died. This 10% tax is simply a continuation of her mean spirited efforts to close all mini casinos. Regardless of your views on gambling, Senator Prentice’s actions are akin to taxing a group of businesses out of existence. What her true motives are speculative but it’s clear she doesn’t want mini casinos around and having failed to kill them by closing them down is now back with a bill that will tax them out of existence.
You’ll notice she has not one sponsor fro her job killing bill and the reason is obvious.
I think you are 180 degrees off base, it is the NeoCons like yourself that are the ‘deamons’ in this day and age. Grip THIS
Oh, and as far as paying for problem gambling let’s be clear that NOT ONE tribal casino has come forward and committed to provide funds, NOT A SINGLE ONE!
Please cut the crap about the state not being able to tax tribal businesses. The fact is the democrats are in favor on placing the entire burden on businesses that already pay more taxes than any other business in the state.
While tribes can’t in effect be forced to pay to fund problem gambling wouldn’t it show their true character if they signed agreements to commit funds? The fact is NOT A SINGLE ONE HAS AGREED TO PAY ANYTHING!
Oh sure, several have come up with some money but THEY ARE NOT
UNDER ANY OBLIGATION TO EVER PAY ANYTHING yet you want mini casinos to be forced to pay the entire costs of the program when tribal gambling takes in OVER 50% of every dollar in this state.
Mini casino operator aren’t against paying, they’d just like to see that the tribal casinos who’s revenue will will likely
approach close to 1 billion this year pay their fair share.
I’d be willing to bet you Goldy (excuse the pun) that mini casino operators, if allowed to escape the racist based smoking ban would glady agree to pay their fare share once the tribes step up to the plate and agree to pay their fair share which should be over 50%. It’s frankly nothing short of an idiot who would agree to pay 100% of the money needed when their footprint was less than 50%.
That is what Sen Honeyford has been saying for two years and has one tribe stepped forward? I think we all know the answer is NO!
I had an addiction…I was addicted to cigarettes, about 2-3 packs a day. I didnt sue the tobbacco company, I didnt go to the state for money to help me quit, I didnt need a 12 step program or gum or patches. You know what I did? I quit! Just like that, I quit. Possibly the “problem” gamblers should do the same thing when they have had enough.
Maybe this was posted as an affirmation that the tribes should help pay for the social abuse of addictive gambling…and that Dems must have signed the treaties that granted the tribes sovereign nation status, so it must be that the Dems are responsible for disallowing the tribes from carrying their fair share. Or maybe it was posted because the bus was going to stop at a casino on the way home from the polls. Or maybe it was posted because the Dems are most certainly the spawn of Satan that made the general populace think they mattered and should be allowed to gamble as they see fit.
Or not…
Good grief…
JCH – voter suppression is wrong no matter who does it and that includes Republicans in FL, OH and yes, some red counties in WA.
John, Give me one FACTUAL Detailed Documented case of Republican voter suppression in FL, OH, or WASH. Now, John, explain to me how black districts in Philly, Milwaukee, and Detroit vote Democrat at 115% of registration, and NO ONE has the balls to scream “voter fraud” for fear of being labeled “racist”? The ENTIRE Democrat Party is built on fraud. You know it, and so does anyone with an IQ over 60. JCH
JPGee…….I see when you can’t or won’t agree the facts, you attack. “Grip this”?? Classic!! Aloha, JCH, Big Island, HI
jch @ 9
Vote fraud is wrong and illegal no matter who does it. The folks who perpetrate it should do time.
Chew on this.
Then go back to your right-wing jihad.
Saw the front page of the Tacoma News Tribune? All you people that voted to give the indians and the government the entire gambling market in this state with no competition should be proud of that! How does it feel to have let big gambling money buy your vote?
JCH @ everything
I don’t mind when the comment threads organically wander off topic, but I do resent you hijacking this one for your own personal agenda. There are other active threads where your post would have been somewhat more appropriate, and I am always willing to consider opening a thread on a suggested topic.
I don’t ban commentators here, and I have never blocked a single post (other than spam.) In return I ask you to observe a little etiquette.
Goldy, I thought the subject was Democrat voter fraud? Perhaps I was mistaken. Was the subject Democrat government corruption? Even then, I think I’m on solid ground. How about black Democrat districts voting at 115% of registration? Is that OK to discuss? I hope one of these subjects is “germaine” to your blog! Regards, JCH
Republican sentenced for illegal phone jamming in Vermont
This Republican was also the director of Bush-Cheney’s 2004 re-election campagin for the northeast.
32 federal indictments returned in Delay Case
College Republicans fundraising scandal
JCH – please don’t try to “out-scandal” us or claim that Democrats are a bastion of corruption. You’ll lose, massively.
Here are 24 Republican scandals from the first your years of GW’s presidency. Each one “worse than Whitewater”
This doesn’t include the white house issuing a press pass to a non-journalist/gay hooker who used an alias.
Or illegaly paying members of the media with tax dollars to promote (market) government programs.
Gebtlema, Ladies, I requested ONE proven, documented case of voter fraud committed by Republicans. After all, Florida was “stolen” by Bush from Gore! [although 40,000 Democrat New Yorkers “double voted” in NY and FL]. In Milwalkee, Kerry [paid!] supporters do a little midnight Republican van tire slashing, and black districts in Gary, Philly, Detroit, Milwaukee, Chicago, and [who did I miss?] routinely vote all 115% of registration. OK………….the solution!!! Ready? Let’s make voter fraud a capital offense. I figure after a few dozen “New York City Upper East Siders [you KNOW who we are talkin about here!] are arrested and hung, the problem is solved. What do you wacky fun loving liberal Democrats think? JCH
BTW, I believe that all black districts should be allowed to vote Democrat at 115% of registration because anything less would be racist!!! [hehe] JCH
jcricket – excellent.
In addition, all black districts should have the right to have Africa Americans be able to vote Democrat 4 times each in every election since many of them where slaves before 1863 and could not vote. JCH
This is a thread on gambling and has been ruined/ taken over by the mutineers!!
WASH Democrats Look For Thousands Of New Votes In Close Election!!
WASHINGTON — A pair of NASA scientists told a group of space officials at a private meeting here Sunday that they have found strong evidence that life may exist today on Mars, hidden away in caves and sustained by pockets of water.
You can fine the caveof the mutineers @ sound politics.
JCH @14
Unlike other blogs, I won’t ban you, but I will tell you to go fuck yourself.
The topic of this thread was supposed to be problem gambling, not the fact that you hate and fear people who disagree with you. You want to post about Democrats stealing elections, there are plenty of threads still active here in which it would have been more appropriate to make that comment. But just because you don’t care about problem gambling, doesn’t mean it’s not worth it’s own debate.
So chill out and wait your turn. Or start up your own blog.
I think you made your point, more than ten times. All you are doing is making the rest of us Republicans look bad, please, make your point, make it good and to the next, please?
Okay, this thread is about elections and gambling (one and the same for us Vegas frequenters).
JCH – Please wait for the convictions before trumpeting this (I’m sure they will come…). In the meantime, I’d like to discuss the idiocy of allowing the sovereign nations to make a killing on the cigarette smoking gambling addicts who’s numbers will increase when the public smoking ban takes effect next year…
“reopen the tribal compacts” says Goldy.
Tribal compacts only work when both sides are negotiating in good faith. The tribes will take a historical (or Lawyer-esque) view on compacts, equating them with the “treaties” once signed decades and, in some cases, centuries ago. They will negotiate from a position of strength, knowing they have no compunction to actually give anything back beyond their employ of a few hundred local workers.
I have no problem with the tribe’s making a living. I would even say they deserve it, after shabby treatment at the hands of the very government that recognizes their right to sovereignty. But their rich will get richer, and their poor will still not be able to make a living no matter what the compact says. The compact will be a sham and/or a trifle…
marks @ 29
Tribal casinos are the best things that have happened to the tribes for a long long time. They now have to be responsible and improve their entire communities with the windfall. Time will tell if they do. I say get a true leader in the governor’s seat who will tell them to do this or lose their compacts and then follow through on the threat/promise based on the positive/negative impact of the casinos on the tribal members. At this time, the missing ingredient is the governor who will do this.
“Unlike other blogs, I won’t ban you, but I will tell you to go f*** yourself.”
To allow such sabotage in the face of such an overwhelming attack makes me think I was right in casting my vote for Bush. I couldn’t imagine what a Kerry administration would do if our French ‘allies’ decided that they needed to annex the White House…
Apologies, Goldy. I did not mean to impugn either you or the direction of your blog. I am a bit peeved that someone’s drunken rant has taken the thunder out of it, and worse, that it was someone from my political spectrum (though I seriously question that association).
Marks @36
I appreciate your comments. Always. Even when I disagree with them.
Dave @9
Actually, the Muckleshoots have committed several hundred thousand dollars to treatment and prevention, though not on a permanent basis.
Look… I’m not an apologist for tribal gaming… trust me, I’ve been plotting away, trying to creatively force the tribes back to the table on this issue. But federal law insists the compacts are treaties, and we can’t change them unilaterally.
The Legislature simply cannot force the tribes to contribute, and for Honeyford to scuttle a bill because it didn’t do what the bill couldn’t do, pretty much was to scuttle any attempt at funding treatment and prevention. There was nothing high-minded or principled about it.
Oh… and Senator Honeyford is the guy a gambling industry trade journal called “Washington’s best chance for expanded gambling.”
I like that phrase “expanded gambling”. That was real effective in the last election, but I felt was a misnomer.
I am all for ‘no gambling’ and gambling for all. In other words, I don’t think a separate nation deserves the gambling money of my people.
Also, the tribes are in Olympia to this day with their hands out. There is hardly any responsibility being assumed there.
How much do the Tribes contribute to Democratic campaigns?
Chardonnay @40
That would be a difficult question to answer, as its based on the assumption that there is some monolithe called “The Tribes.” In fact, as I have recently learned, the tribes have competing interests, and are sometimes even on opposite sides of issues.
Tribes contribute to both parties, but it is true that recently they have given more to Democrats than to Republicans.