Mike McGinn is running for mayor of Seattle. According to lots of people (including Publicola’s Josh Feit), McGinn rides his electric-assist bike all over Seattle:

Mike's bike
Where’d you get that bike, Mike? Where does one get an electric bike around here?
Sounds like he’s running on three major points. Schools, the Internet, and buses.
Does he know King County runs and controls our bus system, not the city?
Come to think of it, 2 of those 3 platforms he’s running on are pretty weak. How about something like Schools and Crime?
I’ve seen a few electric bikes around and they people I’ve talked to loved their bikes. But, I don’t know how many years of use and abuse the things can take before they start having issues. For what they cost, I’d look into the lifespan of the bikes before ponying up for one.
Here’s a platform.
If we stop arresting, trying and incarcerating minor drug offenders, SPD will have more time, the city/state more resources, and the courts more docket space to fight actual crime.
If we diverted 5% of the revenue currently allocated to Law Enforcement, Municipal Courts and City incarceration facilities to education facilities, educator training and textbooks, maybe schools would improve.
(Complaining about a candidate’s platform is majorly weak. If his issues aren’t yours, don’t vote for him. It’s all good. But insisting that your candidates kowtow to your interests and not their own is a great way to lose. See McCain and conservative Chirstianity. Kerry and the NRA, yes as a Dem I can admit that Kerry hunting is pretty stupid! Dino Rossi and west side of the state bashing, twice!)
Chirstianity is an obscure off-set of the Gnostics who believed that Jesus was in fact named Kerst after the Egyptian God of the Hunt.
Look it up. I speak the truth!
I’m glad this guy is running! I have NO idea if he’ll win or what his actual views are at this point. But it’s GOOD to have folks run, even if they’re not going to win, because it stimulates debates and can help to shake things up. If you don’t like the person, don’t vote for them. Simple. :)
By the way, can someone remind the “Tea Party” idiots that their taxes are lower than under Bush now and they DO have elected representation, and THEY had control of Congress for 6 of the last 8 years, and the White House for the last 8 years. Their party has been out of power for 8 weeks…and in that time their taxes were LOWERED and the Pentagon budget INCREASED…so what the hell are they whining about?
West Woodland (South of Ballard)
And also, maybe someone should let them know that doing that which is requested of you by a radio host or TV Network is not Revolutionary. In fact it is the very essence of conformity.
I think its pretty cool that Mike McGinn rides a bike. It’s refreshing to see a politician putting his actions behind his rhetoric. Compare this to the incumbent who is currently chauffeured around in a Toyota Highlander SUV. While the mayor’s car is a hybrid its hardly on the cutting edge in terms of increasing fuel efficiency or reducing green house gas emissions.
I’m really excited to have Michael in the race. I was a little hesitant about his platform when I first heard it, but have become a fan of it. It’s interesting that he got a bit of flak about his idea to take over the schools, and yet just a week later Obama’s Sec of Ed came out and said exactly the same thing. In terms of buses, while King County controls the bus system, there are a lot of things that Seattle controls which influence how efficiently the system runs, such as right of way. Getting a mayor who can work with King County to get streamline bus service would be a major boon to the transit system. Overall, though, he’s talking like a mayor should – big ideas and accountability. That’s something to pay attention to.
David Cameron rides a bike to work. Nice for the environment, nice for his leg muscles, but if the Brits supported him the way we fellate McGinn for riding a bike, they’d a have neo con in the PM’s office. Riding a bike means next to nothing about character, ability to lead, knowledge, etc etc etc.
That’s interesting logic there, ennufalreddi. So since David Cameron, a conservative in England, rides his bike, then we shouldn’t admire someone here for doing it? Since when did Cameron set the bar for politicians on bikes? Believe it or not, riding a bike AND having qualities such as leadership, character, and knowledge are not mutually exclusive. In fact, with McGinn I think they happen to be mutually reinforcing. I know you can do better than that, ennufalreddi!
McGinn is about as qualified to run the government of a major city as I am to flap my arms and fly to the moon. If this guy and Steinbrueck are the alternatives, I’ll gladly support Nickels. Next?
The guy is unqualified. He played Basketball? He rides a bike? So do most 12 year olds–er–back in my day.
note that among the Nickels platform planks in 2001 were BRT on Aurora Avenue North and improving the Seattle Schools. SDOT has a lot to do with transit flow. Both are legitimate city issues.
I don’t live in Seattle, but I have worked with Michael on a couple of committees. He is smart, passionate, and he “walks the talk.” He biked or took transit to meetings all over western Washington. He also seems practical and is willing to listen. I don’t think he can win, but Seattle could (and has) do worse.