… Or so Carl says:
My first revelation is that McGavick seems to have made up his title. His bio page on his website says, “Prior to joining Safeco, Mike held a number of positions at Chicago-based CNA Financial Corporation starting in 1995.” Yet from my “research” I’ve discovered that there was no position called “a number of positions.” This is as disturbing as I am phony.
Second, where’s the formality? The page keeps calling him “Mike.” He’s a man who keeps kicking off his run for the Senate. You’d think Mr. McGavick would be more appropriate. But no, it’s Mike this and Mike that. He has no sense of the importance of the Senate! Did he tell his underlings at CNA financial to call him Mike when he was a “number of positions,” or is a sense of decorum something that you leave behind to the corporate world?
Finally, does he eat babies? The 8 paragraph bio he wrote didn’t mention it one way or the other. If he’d really never eaten a baby, why not mention it in the bio? Is there a history of baby eating? Does he know any baby eaters? Does he eat them raw or at least have the decency to cook the babies he eats? Are you too stupid to figure out that I haven’t answered the baby eating question, and instead just put a bunch of silly questions?
‘Nuff said.
Missionary position?
Are you really so afraid of having your precious Darcy’s bio challenged? Is it really so flimsy?
You’ve spent a great deal of bandwidth digging into the pasts of those with whom you disagree.
Seems to me that your best defense of her is the truth. The grades — if you were being honest (where’s the PDF of the transcript?) — are a good way to shut down that question.
Perhaps the best defense of “executive” is to chalk it up to candidate puffery and nothing more. Suggest she quietly edit her site for accuracy and be done with it.
It isn’t like this is an 11th-hour slime job. I mean, what kind of lowlife would do that??
Hi Michael,
Since you are a “licensed Korean translator”, this should be cake for you. Read, translate, and comment. Don’t use Google, or I’ll know.
“Yet from my “research” I’ve discovered that there was no position called “a number of positions.”
This is outrageous. How could he lie in such an underhanded way? His whole credibility is now shot and he is nothing but a liar and a criminal. Lying on your resume can get you thrown in prison, and this, in my opinion is worse since its for public office.
However, Dictionary.com does state that “a number of positions” is a broad term. It could technically be used for describing his job title, but it was still unethical for him to exaggerate the truth.
The Real Mark-
What do you and your boy Mike have to hide anyway? What is it about McGavick’s bio that you don’t want investigated?
(fart sound)
thanks what I thought!
Mike McGavick’s campaign biography is a lot more complete than Darcy Burner’s.
It would seem to describe what he was doing for the entire time period from 1988 (when he was Slade Gorton’s campaign manager) to the present.
But if I read Darcy Burner’s campaign biography, the only thing it says with any specificity about what she was doing was that (1) she started with Microsoft in 2000, (2) she then took maternity leave, and (3) her son was born in January 2003.
Mike attended the University of Washington, graduating in 1983 with a degree in Political Science.
UW Degree Validation
Degrees awarded beginning in 1983 are available through this system. Some degree information prior to 1983 is available but prospective employers should call the Registration Office (206) 543-8580 to verify degrees prior to 1983 or if there are questions. The names of students who have restricted the release of Directory Information cannot be verified through this system.
Using Stefan’s handy-dandy on-line voter registration database, his correct name and date of birth is Michael S McGavick, DOB: 02/07/1958
Type in McGavick Michael on the UW degree verification query page, and you get “No matches found”.
Type in McGavick M on the UW degree verification query page, and you get only a “Margaret Meaghan McGavick”.
Very interesting indeed.
Here is another on-line bio of Michael S (Mike) McGavick, which claims:
Education: University of Washington, BA, 1983
On the other hand, the UW Business School had Mike McGavick as keynote speaker of its Business Leadership Banquet on 09/23/2004, with a two paragraph bio, which concluded with:
A native of Seattle, Mr. McGavick graduated from the University of Washington in 1983 with a degree in Political Science.
Presumably, they would have verified this information before posting it.
I have done some experimentation with the UW online degree verification system. Using Smith as the last name, with a variety of initials, it appears that the earliest degree that will be verified is one awarded in 1983. Degrees awarded before 1983 are not verified, unless the person in question was awarded another degree in 1983 or later (in which case all degrees are verified).
I thought that Mike McGavick could have had the wrong year for the awarding of his degree, but several different on-line bios all have 1983. In addition, the Reference for Business bio shows McGavick starting work full-time in 1983, which would be consistent.
It is possible that McGavick is keeping his student information private. I know several people with UW degrees who do precisely that. However, if you type in a degree recipient with private information, a special message will appear stating that there are matching records, but the person has chosen to keep their information private.
On the other hand, it is also possible that UW somehow did not input all of the degree information from 1983 and possibly some of the other earlier years. Things weren’t nearly as computerized back then as they are today.
Personally, I think there is less than a 5% chance that McGavick is making up his UW degree. And perhaps another 5% chance that he got the year wrong and it was really awarded in 1982 or something like that.
But if I have accidentally stumbled onto something here, then I would say that McGavick’s political career is history. At least as far as the U.S. Senate race goes.
I was inspired to search the University of Washington website for “McGavick”. I found this November 8, 2002 newsletter published by the Community and Environmental Planning Department. Look at this juicy excerpt in the article “Free Trade Means War on the Lands and Peoples of the Americas” by Webster Walker on Page 15:
“Just this month in Seattle, at the annual meeting of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, CEO MIke McGavick of the SAFECO Insurance Company openly proposed emilinating all state funding for higher education, completely privatizing the University of Washington. This brazen proposal highlights the ongoing assault on all public investment in poeople, on the home front as well as abroad.”;ie=UTF-8
Apparently, Mike McGavick really does want to privatize the University of Washington and Washington State University.
Look at the following excerpt from the 09/20/2002 Seattle P-I, reporting on his speech to the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce on the previous day:
His suggestions included eliminating the position of superintendent of public instruction, making the governor “fully accountable for education in the state.” He also called for privatization of the University of Washington and Washington State University, saying such a situation would be better for both institutions financially.
“Get them out of the budget fight and let them move on,” he said.
Apparently, Mike McGavick really does want to privatize the University of Washington and Washington State University.
Look at the following excerpt from the 09/20/2002 Seattle P-I, reporting on his speech to the Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce on the previous day:
His suggestions included eliminating the position of superintendent of public instruction, making the governor “fully accountable for education in the state.” He also called for privatization of the University of Washington and Washington State University, saying such a situation would be better for both institutions financially.
“Get them out of the budget fight and let them move on,” he said.
Pope as muckaker – sweet Richie. Will tell the old gang.
Speaking of skimpy biographies, here is the official Senate biography of Maria Cantwell, posted on the U.S. Senate website. It has only two paragraphs, and says even less about Cantwell than Darcy Burner’s campaign biography says about Burner:
About Maria Cantwell
Maria Cantwell currently serves as a United States Senator for the State of Washington. As a respected leader – both in public service and in the private sector – Maria has always embraced the values she first learned growing up in a strong working-class family. With the help of Pell Grants, Maria was the first member of her family to graduate college. Later, a successful businesswoman in Washington’s hi-tech industry, she helped build a company that created hundreds of high-paying jobs from the ground up. Maria was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2000, pledging to honor the hard work, aspirations, and faith of the people of Washington state; to create affordable opportunity for consumers, businesses, and families; to make our nation more secure today; to foster innovation for tomorrow; and to stand with parents as they educate and care for their children.
Maria gets results. She cut taxes for the middle-class by ensuring that Washington taxpayers can deduct state and local taxes from their federal returns. She fought attempts by the Bush Administration to raise local electricity rates. And when bankrupt Enron officials tried to charge Washington ratepayers for millions of dollars in undelivered electricity, Maria led the effort that successfully stopped them. Maria has protected countless jobs in Washington’s aerospace industry by cracking down on foreign companies’ unfair trade practices and has worked to create still more good-paying jobs through effective investments in new technology and valuable job training. Maria successfully led the fight to stop drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. She has been a proud advocate for better educational opportunities for our children and less expensive, more accessible health care for our families. Maria continues to build new growth and strong partnerships, insisting on responsibility and making life more affordable for all of Washington ‘s families.
Maria Cantwell is illegally using public funds to promote her re-election campaign. Try doing a Google search for the required terms of “Maria”, “Cantwell”, and “Re-Elect”:
The very first result that appears is the official homepage of Maria Cantwell’s U.S. Senate site:
Cantwell’s U.S. Senate homepage does not contain the word “re-elect” in actual text. Nor do any of the pages in Cantwell’s U.S. Senate website.
However, Cantwell has imbedded the word “re-elect” in her U.S. Senate homepage, so that it will be the first webpage to appear in a Google search.
The most shocking thing of all was two posts in a row of 3 or mor paragraphs. This head cold is doing something awful to me I tell you.
Maria’s Hard Hitting, Relentless Attacks on McSafeco’s Alaska Adventure …
oopps, just kidding. we are Dems, and in order to have relentless attacks, hard hitting messages, there would have to be:
people who understood modern campaigns running the campaign?
people who could earn their media / communications paychecks by making the media work for us?
people with less of the Dem “I am smart, I work hard, I am honest, I don’t lower myself” kind of condescending approach to politics?
oh well – there is the late summer and fall, where the coordinated campaign will ramp up to SAVE MARIA (ANY SOCIETY) FROM THE THUG, and all those moderates she is triangulating for will come out of the woodwork to save her and themselves from McThug.
someday there will be Dem candidates who fight like hell for Dem values … right now I feel like Dorothy singing somewhere over the rainbow to ToTo.
As the official candidate for Alaska’s US Senate seat, I think Mikey is in big trouble. Since his bio clearly lies when it says he held a “number of positions,” I suspect Teddy and the rest of the pigfuckers in Alaska will no longer support him.
Speaking of support, how do all you rethug buttwipes feel about watching your ship go down in flames? You girls are in the EXTREME minority.
Darcy will win, Maria will win and Dems will control the Congress. Then we will show you turn about is fair play and we’ll impeach that draft dodging, nazi loving, traitor Bush!
Bio says born in 1958.
Bio says BA in 1983.
So, if true, he was 25 when he graduated from the UW?
Most people graduate at 21 or 22 assuming they go to college after high school (assuming they, like most graduate high school at 17 or 18 years of age) and spend 4 years earning a degree.
What did Mike do differently? All is bio said about this period is “worked on Slade Gorton’s successful campaign against U.S. Senator Warren Magnuson in 1980”. But many college students work on campaigns.
I’m confused!
Libs used to often be intelligent.
Trying to counter Farcy’s fib w/ this nonsense is silly.
Ah, on http://www.mikemcgavick.com/ne.....20501.html it does give more detail. It says ” In the early 1980s he served as a legislative aide to Gorton in Washington, D.C., after being the Eastern Washington field coordinator for Gorton’s successful 1980 campaign.”
Why all the fuss? Cantwell will win in November, so it doesn’t matter.
“Goldy, Are you really so afraid of having your precious Darcy’s bio challenged? Is it really so flimsy?” Commentby (The Real) Mark— 4/7/06@ 12:01 am
Surreal Mark, have you seen the latest polls? We Democrats aren’t afraid of anything. You Republicans, on the other hand, should be very, very afraid.
In his latest TV ad, McGavick talks about “children without health care” and implies that he, a 14-million-dollar-a-year insurance CEO, has the solution.
It’s hilarious to watch this guy try pretending he isn’t the problem.
I suppose “Mike” wants us to believe that $14 million a year executive salaries have nothing to do with the affordability of insurance.
We should demand total re-distribution of all wealth in this country so that we can pay for health care for the poor. It’s only fair.
If “Mike” received a more reasonable compensation of, say, $1 million a year, the other $13 million a year would be enough to buy health insurance for, oh, I’m gonna guess about three or four thousand kids.
I suppose Mark the Bet Welsher or some other wingnut will respond that the free market determines the cost of health care and CEO salaries. No, guys. McGavick’s salary and the collapse of employer-based health care are examples of free market failures, not a functioning free market. CEOs get salaries like that because of captive boards, not because of free market forces.
I called the Registar’s Office at 206-543-8580 and they had to connect me to a couple of different people. The first person thought for sure that their computer just had to show everyone getting a degree from 1983 forward.
The last person I talked to must have “dug up” the record from some sort of file or microfiche. Michael S McGavick really did receive a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science on June 11, 1983.
However, his dates of attendance were interesting. The first quarter that he attended was Autumn 1976 — consistent with being born in February 1958 and presumably graduating from high school in June 1976.
But the LAST QUARTER that McGavick attended was Autumn 1981. The records showed no registration or credit awarded for any quarter after Autumn 1981 — just the degree awarded on June 11, 1983, 18 months after the last quarter that he was registered.
The registrar office person explained this would be the reason he doesn’t show up on the on-line look-up system. Only people who were ENROLLLED starting in 1983 who received degrees are on the system. Someone who received a degree in 1983 or later, but whose last enrollment for courses was in 1982 or earlier wouldn’t show up.
It sort of make you wonder what Mike McGavick was doing during those 18 months, when he wasn’t enrolled in college and hadn’t chosen to receive his degree.
First of all, it took McGavick 5 and 1/3 years — Autumn 1976 to Autumn 1981 — to finish the courses needed for graduation. However, he did spend some time working on Slade Gorton’s 1980 campaign, so probably wasn’t enrolled for a couple of quarters there.
Then McGavick doesn’t accept his degree for 18 months after finishing his courses. But his campaign announcement of July 19, 2005 does say that:
“In the early 1980s he served as a legislative aide to Gorton in Washington, D.C., after being the Eastern Washington field coordinator for Gorton’s successful 1980 campaign.”
So maybe McGavick was too busy in Washington DC to come back to Seattle for a commencement ceremony, and didn’t get around to actually accepting the degree until June 1983.
Stranger things have happened — just look at Darcy Burner.
Wabbit @ 28
The Safeco Board of Directors that approved nearly $10 million in compensation for Mike McGavick AFTER he announced his consideration of U.S. Senate candidacy included SEVERAL PROMINENT DEMOCRATS.
One of these prominent Democrats on the Safeco Board of Directors happens to be Gary F Locke, former Governor of Washington from 1997 to 2004. Locke was appointed to the Safeco BOD in February 2005, the month after he left office.
As far as I know, the Safeco Board of Directors voted unanimously to approve all of the outsized compensation packages for McGavick.
But if you have any questions about captive BOD’s, you can always e-mail Locke at Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, using the e-mail address posted with the Washington State Bar Association:
Maybe Locke will have enough time left over after raking it money hand over foot from corporate BOD’s and corporate clients to answer your e-mail.
Funny that McGavick is shown as in the pocket of Ted Stevens. As I recall, Maria sold her soul to hillary so she could go around to the lobbyist fundraisers and pay off her campaign debt. Why doesn’t the press portray her as the lap dog of Hillary?
By the way, where does Maria stand on the current debate about immigration? Can’t find reference to it on her website. Guess the Reid and hillary haven’t told her yet what her position is.
Richard @ 29 & 30:
I’m not sure how they did it back then, but… it is possible that McGavick took professor-approved “incompletes” for courses for whatever reason — health, family matters, etc. — and they were converted to real grades when he turned in his term paper(s) or whatnot. While the grades would show up when he took the classes, I don’t believe they’d back-date the degree itself.
Mark @ 33
That is another possibility, of course. The final transcript would merely show the final grade awarded in the course, and not the fact that it had ever been an incomplete. And the grade would appear for the quarter in which the person registered for the course, as opposed to the quarter when the course was finally completed.
McGavick Never Worked at SAFECO
Like Mr. Sharanksy, I have spoken with people at Safeco. All of them agress that they never saw Mr. McGavick once while they worked there.
None of them could deny that he eats babies.
Isn’t reporting fun when you don’t have to care about the truth?
Best McGavick line so far:
Defending why he could have Dick Cheney fund raise for him, even though he disagrees with him on some subjects (on KUOW April 5, 2006)
“My wife disagrees with me on some things. Heck, sometimes I disagree with myself.”
I wonder if he will also vote against himself.
Hey, Goldy!
It seems that Richard Pope is willing to walk the walk and look into McGavick’s bio…
How about you doing a bit of vetting on Darcy?
Or are you not allowed to do that as a member of her staff?
What about Darcy’s [dun-dun-dunnnnnnnn] “criminal past?”
Why is she a defendant in King County District Court case IS0112494?
Who is T. Boe?
Why has it not been resolved in almost a year?
[Yeah, I know it is a traffic infraction. No, I didn’t pull the file itself. And I absolutely agree that it is very likely irrelevant. But in the infamous words of the average second-grader: “Goldy started it!”]
Let’s take a look at Mikey’s failed marraige. I am sure his ladyfriend will have plenty to say about this fool. Interesting, since this is all the GOP cares about, it’s all we should talk about. The personal attacks are the GOP approach and in the past we’ve tried to rise above it but I say let’s go full guns. Hire PIs, look into everything, make unsupported allegations like they do and let the chips fall where they may.
McGavick is well qualified and doens’t have to explain anything on his bio or resume. Same with Darcy.
“Mr. Marginal” Sharkansky creates an issue out of none and only serves to mariginalize himself and further position himself out of touch with all but the extreme right wingers.
I don’t see why all you guys are getting so upset about McGavick. He’s not going to win. The current climate is anti-Republican, big time, so McGavick’s going to lose in November.
IN JULY 2004, DURING THE COURSE of a little-publicized event while on a visit to Kazakhstan, Russian President Vladimir Putin made some unusual remarks: I can confirm that after the events of September 11, 2001, and up to the military operation in Iraq, Russian special services and Russian intelligence several times received..information that official organs of Saddam’s regime were preparing terrorist acts on the territory of the United States….
Putin said in 2004 that Saddam had planned terrorist attacks on America. New Iraqi documents suggest coolaberate his coments. [BUSH lied!!!!!!!!! BUSH lied!!!!!! Oh……..He didn’t????????? Never mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
LovinUSA @ 40
As for both candidates being qualified… you’re probably correct.
I don’t agree that Sharkansky is marginal. He wouldn’t upset the Left — especially Goldy, BunnyBoy, Donna, et al — if he wasn’t striking a nerve.
The whole “politics of personal destruction” thing is NOT just the Far Right. The Far Left has LONG shown that they are willing to slime anyone within striking distance.
[Just another Chicken Hawk]
Wow, now you trust the Ruskies…, and are not these the same Ruskies who were apparently giving out battle plans to Sadam? Wow, interesting what you chose to believe.
Second, no Iraqi documents show any such thing. Care to add a link? As the 9/11 commission showed, there is no operational relationship between Al Qaeda and Iraq. Of course, Taliban ministers visited Texas in 2001…, by your logic, it would appear that the Bush administration is behind 9/11. Boy, what a paranoid freak you are.
And don’t you feel a bit silly trying to say that Bush didn’t lie on the day when we find out that he is the leaker in chief?
Bush thinks leaks of classified information are a-okay and a worthwhile and acceptable tool of politics. And Bush himself is directly responsible for leaking classified information to – whom? – why REPORTERS! The very people who Bush now has the Justice Department investigating for receiving leaks of classified information regarding secret CIA prisons in Eastern Europe. So, Bush authorized leaks of classified information to reporters, yet he’s investigating people in his administration for leaking classified information to reporters. It’s good to be king
It must be hard to be truth slapped that badly.
McGavick still hasn’t adequately answered the baby eating question. If he can’t answer such a straight-forward question, what else is he hiding?
I tell you Another TJ, I’ve talked to people at SAFECO and no one denies it!!!!!
re 43: McGavick boils and eats babies!!!! Won’t that affect his chances for election even if he does support raping and despoiling the last vestiges of wilderness?