The Stranger’s Josh Feit has been on the campaign trail with former Safeco CEO Mike McGavick, following his “Open Mike!” tour through Eastern Washington. But as it turns out, Mike!™ hasn’t been all that open… not really a surprise coming from yet another conservative Republican attempting to run towards WA’s mushy, undefined middle. (AKA: “The Dino Rossi Strategy”.)
See, Josh is a reporter, and so he keeps resorting to this devious, reporterly trick of his, which basically consists of trying to, you know… pin Mike!™ down on the issues. How uncivil.
But Mike!™ refuses to bite. During an interview, Josh asked about our state’s gay civil rights bill and attempts to repeal it by initiative, to which Mike!™ responded:
“I do not and will not talk about state issues. Because I’m working at the federal level. I’ve been asked about the gas tax last year. I’m now being asked about this. I’ll be asked about other things. I do not comment on state initiatives because I’m focused on the federal issues.”
Josh points out that this is a clever and lame excuse to avoid alienating voters by taking a position on controversial issues. And, um…
It’s also not true. Earlier last week, on a campaign swing through Colville, Washington, McGavick talked about state initiative I-937. I-937 would invest money in renewable energy, although the initiative does not put much focus on hydro power.
Colville is in the northeastern corner of the state in Stevens county
Of course Mikey lied. He’s a republican. He can’t help it. And here’s another piece of shit republican. Faux News Channel’s Tony Snow got caught with his pants down. Russet mercilessly grilled the Bush Chief of Staff on this yesterday on Meet The Press and the guy had no answer so they made Snow fall on his sword. HE HE!
mike mcgavick is a liar!?
You don’t say. what a big surprise.
May I presume that amending the federal constitution to ban gay marriage is a state issue, therefore Mike won’t tell us where he stands on it?
How about the flag desecration amendment, is that a state issue too?
Social Security — now there’s a state issue if there ever was one, so Mike! probably won’t tell us whether he’s for privatizing Social Security. (He is.)
What about raising the federal minimum wage? Mike! will probably say it doesn’t matter in Washington, because our state minimum wage is already pegged at $7.36. So we’re supposed to vote for him not caring how his vote affects workers in Alabama or Mississippi or other “right to work” (i.e., slave) states. That’s a state issue, too.
Looks like he’s going to have to change is name to Mike?.
Pudwhacker, do your kids look like a cross between an elephant and an armadillo? Not saying they do; just wondering.
A Republican complaining about name calling is like Hitler complaining about allied bombing.
So, Puttybutt, when are you and MTR getting hitched?
And before I forget — klake is a nazi.
Hello, from Tokyo! It’s 7:00 a.m., “tomorrow”. My participation over the next several days will continue to be limited to the scattered times when I can get online and I’m not being subjected to yet another sake-drinking contest. Life is hard.
Japanese approach political issues very carefully. The Japanese method is to not take a position themselves, but instead to ask you a question. You then guess their own views by how they smile (or don’t) depending upon your answer.
Among the questions I heard at dinner/sake-session last night:
“What do Amercians feel about the situation with North Korea?”
“Is it true that the Americans will impeach Bush?”
“Why Not?”
It’s intersting to see how you are viewed overseas from time to time.
Why should Mike! Mcgavick comment on Washington State initiatives? Isn’t he going to represent the good people of Alaska? I mean, that’s why he was handpicked by Ted Stevens to run, wasn’t it? I think he’s going to do a wonderful job of focusing only on the issues that concern Ted Stevens and Alaska!
Overseas, they must think we’re nuts for putting a fried-brain crackhead in charge of our government and military.
As for Mike!? MacGavick!? He doesn’t take a position on the minimum wage because it doesn’t affect Washington State? So he’s in favor of a position where Washington businesses can extort the state for concessions on state taxes and regulatory issues by threatening to move to “low wage” states? Not only is he not interested in the welfare of national workforce, but he’s particularly disinterested in the welfare of his potential constituent workers?
Oh, I forgot. Washington workers would not be his constituants. National business interests would be, especially the business interests.
How would you like mandatory arbitration for all insurance claims? Sound better than litigation? Not exactly. You can have access to the courts for a relatively small filing fee. But the most common private arbitration system requires both sides to pay for the arbitrators, often with each side picking one arbitrator (an attorney), with those two arbitrators picking yet a third “neutral” arbitrator (also an attorney). So now if you want to sue your insurance company on a coverage issue, here is what you have: You pay for your own attorney to represent you, you pay 1/2 of the fees for the three arbitrors. In effect, you are paying for two and one-half lawyers. But here’s the kicker – you have to pay it in advance. Even if your own attorney agrees to take a contingent fee, you may have to come up with $15,000 or more for a one-day arbitration proceeding, before you can even begin.
This is the type of system the insurance companies want. If they deny your claim, or want to pay off pennies on the dollar, they want this roadblock to prevent you from making them do their duty. Mike McGavick is in the pocket of the insurance industry. How do you think he will vote on allowing this tactic under the guise of nation-wide “insurance reform”?
Correction: the duplicate “business interest” in the second paragraph should be “insurance business”
Sstarr @10,
Good point. Does anybody know if Alaska has an initiative process?
Okay, here’s a national issue for Mike!????
Ask him if he would support legislation in Congress which prohibits insurance companies from using the “duplicate cause” defense. That says that if there are two causes for a loss, one covered (wind & rain), and the other not covered (flooding), the entire loss is not covered. It has become a common clause in property insurance contracts. In Louisanna and Mississipi, it has been used to deny coverage on virtue every claim. The roof might have been blown off the house and the house flooded with rainwater, but if six inches of floodwater rises within the house, the entire loss is denied by the insurance company.
Even the Republican senator from Mississippi is having to sue his own insurance company over the denial of coverage for the loss of his house.
So what is Mike’s position? I bet he carefully side-steps anything which promises to effectively stop insurance companies from such abuse.
Duplicate cause is not an issue in our state. In fact as a large insurer here Safeco and its CEO could take credit for this, though they had nothing to do with the case law here.
Careful treading…
EVERY politician lies. Calling one on it just invites others to find the lies with the ones you support.
It’s not a problem in Washington state, as long as their is no pre-emptive federal legislation which allow it. Or the State Supreme Court doesn’t change personnel enough to reverse the precedent.
In other news, Tim Eyman is melting down on John Carlson, and John Carlson seems to have finally had enough with Eyman after all these ears.
Quick question, how do you know that Eyman is lying?
Answer: He is breathing.
Anonymous, I think you missed my point. Which was, that this issue is not a politically wise one to raise with the CEO of Safeco since the company is based here where the policy cannot be interpreted the way it can in the south. Its a federal issue sure enough but Mikie could claim too agree or at least to not have worked to change this here. Thus not a good issue to raise.
#15 “Even the Republican senator from Mississippi is having to sue his own insurance company over the denial of coverage for the loss of his house.”
Good Lord…every word that came out of Dubya’s mouth after Katrina was horse poop.
So, are y’all living a ‘carbon-neutral’ lifestyle?
Just wait a little, and you humans will all be living a carbonless lifestyle. You’ve got about 30 years of oil left if you DON’T increase your population or consumption.
So do you think Mike! has chance at defeating Cantwell?
josh feit is a reporter? whoa, first i heard of that. stop the presses.
If Fuiten were even relatively influential he could have succeeded in putting a referendum on the ballot to make it legal again to fire someone just because they are gay. But he didn’t succeed despite his self-promoting hype. And then he blamed Tim Eyman for his failure. He has relatively no real influence on the state’s voters who have far higher priorities than beating up on gay people in the name of religious freedom.
Look, the only people fooled by the purported influence of Fuiten and his gang of three were all the members of the state Senate GOP caucus, except one of them. Oh, and a few green reporters in chasing a juicy headline or two who also bought into the hype.
Mike! has gagged himself on speaking up for basic civil right that are good for business in this state because he doesn’t have any guts, doesn’t know how to lead, and is spending far too much time with Slade Gorton – who specializes in losing and then plotting revenge and has never been able to deal well with anything remotely associated with sexual orientation. And then he tries to come off like he’s a straight talking guy like John McCain.
The federal government collects a gas tax too. It is a huge federal issue. More money raised in the state for transportation better enables federal matching funds to get things done. Just ask Patty Murray or, for that matter, Slade Gorton, who has lobbied to bring federal funds to the state to build light rail and match money raised at home.
Civil rights are also a huge federal issue – even when it comes to sexual oreintation. Just ask George Bush or the current leadership in the House and Senate – all of whom want to change the Constitution to deny gay people any form of equality in their relationships. The constitutional amendment they support would just bar marriage equality – it would bar any form of rights to same sex couples that are currently enjoyed by anyone else.
These federal elected officials also want to keep gay people out of the military – which still fires people just because they are gay. That sounds like a federal issue to me.
Mike! has no primary opponent. But he’s clearly worried about the gay hating wing of the GOP not turning out to vote for him come November. That’s why he won’t speak affirmatively in favor of equality in his own state. Goldy’s is wrong about Fuiten – he clearly has no real influence on voters as proved by the abject failure of his referendum. But he’s right about where Mike! will side when it comes to turning out the GOP base – and that’s well to the right of the mainstream GOP and the rest of the voters in this state.
It is another reason why he’s a loser.
PS: Mike! and his campaign recently spoke out on another big state issue: higher education.
Good point. Does anybody know if Alaska has an initiative process?
Commentby Goldy— 7/24/06@ 3:25 pm
Yes, it does.
Mike? should contact Senator Tubes to find out how to avoid answering questions about Alaska. Just don’t send him an “internet,” Mike?; call him directly. Your internet might have to wait for one of the full tubes to clear.
Remember, the internet is not a big truck.
Mike? should contact Senator Tubes to find out how to avoid answering questions about Alaska. Just don’t send him an “internet,” Mike?; call him directly. Your internet might have to wait for one of the full tubes to clear.
Remember, the internet is not a big truck.
Commentby Another TJ— 7/24/06@ 7:09 pm
Yeah if you get into real trouble just call up Al Gore. He invented the internet. haahhahaha
Just wait a little, and you humans will all be living a carbonless lifestyle. You’ve got about 30 years of oil left if you DON’T increase your population or consumption.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/24/06@ 4:33 pm
30 years!! That an entenity. Hell social security will be bankrupt by thien. hehehe
Whooaa. I typo. I meant eternity.
Of course Mikey lied. He’s a republican. He can’t help it. And here’s another piece of shit republican. Faux News Channel’s Tony Snow got caught with his pants down. Russet mercilessly grilled the Bush Chief of Staff on this yesterday on Meet The Press and the guy had no answer so they made Snow fall on his sword. HE HE!
Commentby LeftTurn— 7/24/06@ 2:47 pm
Wow you dems are real nitpicky on lies. Now if you use the wrong word you are accused of lying. If only he stuck in the word “is”. hehehe
A Republican complaining about name calling is like Hitler complaining about allied bombing.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/24/06@ 2:51 pm
What? You dems complain when a sweet,innocent,bab-o-licious blond calls you names. Of course it doesnt take much to hurt a pussy’s feelings.
Overseas, they must think we’re nuts for putting a fried-brain crackhead in charge of our government and military.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 7/24/06@ 3:21 pm
Why would the world think that. Everyone knows the reason Clinton got elected in 1992 was because of Ross Perot. He was elected by 42% of the people. Hey most countries have to deal with a scummy leader elected by the minority every once in while.
Rufus, the trouble with your comments is that you rarely rise above the cheap partisan shot. Really, you’re still dishing out those tired memes about Clinton not winning a majority in 1992? So fucking what? I don’t see you delegitimizing Bush for his close wins.
It makes you look like a bitter old man who is so fixated on slamming Democrats that you’re not worth reading.
I take it that’s what you want?
2004 was not that close. If you took out all the fraudulent votes, Bush probably won by more than four million. I do tend to ruffle feathers when putting things in a truer perspective. Remember, facts and history count.
@2 How about the flag desecration amendment, is that a state issue too?
It was until 1989…
“Yeah if you get into real trouble just call up Al Gore. He invented the internet. haahhahaha” Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy— 7/24/06@ 8:07 pm
More wingnut bullshit from HA’s resident dunce.
“Claim: Vice-President Al Gore claimed that he ‘invented’ the Internet.
Status: False.”
For photo of Dufus, click here:
News alert to HA’s resident dunce: Clinton isn’t president anymore. Clinton hasn’t been president for 5 1/2 years. Yooooohoooo … anybody home??
Maybe Mike!’s Uncle Teddy Stevens will let Mike! come live in Alaska when it gets too hot down here in the lower 48.
“He (Clinton) was elected by 42% of the people”
Wow, Look at that. Another Zombie Lie.
My shotgun barrel is close to melting.
Anyone else care to kill this one?
As I said in the comments for the Stranger’s blog, Lobbyist Mike! CAN’T state a position on much of anything. Stating an actual position is the kiss of death for any Republican running statewide in Washington. If they state a position anywhere to the left of Attila the Hun, they lose all the Republican PCOs. There go all their doorbellers, phone-bankers, and party faithful votes. If they state a position guaranteed to please the Republican PCOs, they lose the majority of the state’s independent voters and contrary Democrats. The ONLY way a Republican can win statewide in Washington is to present a bland, smiling, uncontroversial, completely noncommittal facade – as the used-car salesman did in 2004, and he nearly won.
To win in this state, to counter the votes of the 500-pound gorilla that is Greater Seattle (which bleeds indigo), a Republican pretty much has to win over every contrary Democrat, every Independent, and still keep all the right-wingers’ votes. The only way to do that is to never, EVER state an actual position on anything. It helps to be as completely inexperienced in politics as, say, Officer Barbrady – oops, I mean Reichert. Any Republican who has an actual electoral record is automatically doomed statewide.
Geni, I love the fact that you said ‘used-car salesman’ – I thought I was the only one who refers to him as such… he comes off just as slimy as the worst bottom of the barrel monkeys that I have to buy cars from…
Yawn… can’t our nation’s brain dead liberals
come up with some reason to despise a conservative
other than to tell us “he/she lied to us”……
I mean, it’s really getting old….
McGavick was CEO of an huge insurance company and
I hate huge insurance companies…
I would love to vote against Mike, but I need something more substantial than “he lied to us”…..
Geni said it best
“To win in this state, to counter the votes of the 500-pound gorilla that is Greater Seattle (which bleeds indigo), a Republican pretty much has to win over every contrary Democrat, every Independent, and still keep all the right-wingers’ votes.”
only forgot one thing…….
also have to pay off the King County board of elections.. they have a way of always creating enough votes to let the D win in state and county matches………….
but don’t count out mike… as ex CEO of SAfeco he make have the bucks to make it happen………
Looks like the FEC caught Crooked Cantwell trying to hide her crooked donations and failed to report ANYTHING.
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