Apparently, there’s nothing “Lobbyist Mike” McGavick won’t do for a little campaign cash. After whoring himself for oil money in Alaska with Sen. Ted Stevens, and less than a week after holding a fundraiser with the most divisive, partisan Vice President in American history, the supposedly independent McGavick spent this past weekend in Nashville turning tricks for Senate Majority Leader Bill Fist Frist.
McGavick was the beneficiary of a fundraiser hosted by Sen. Frist’s VOLPAC, whose inadvertently gay-themed invitation became the source of much amusement in political circles.
It was with some trepidation that we opened a most interesting card, which announced on a blue-jeaned cowboy’s belt buckle something called the “5th Annual VOLPAC ’06 Weekend” in Nashville on April 21-23.
Problem was you had to unbuckle the cowboy’s pants and look inside to see what this was all about. Seemed a bit too “Brokeback Mountain.”
Imagine our relief to find only that we were “cordially invited” to the event honoring Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) and “Mrs. Bill Frist, M.D.”….
The back of the card shows the cowboy from behind with a red flowered handkerchief sticking out of his right pocket. Wait a minute — wasn’t there something about how this used to be some kind of code in the gay community years ago? A way to signal each other in crowded, noisy bars?
Um… yeah. Apparently, a red handkerchief indicates a penchant for “fisting,” and the right pocket signals the wearer is receptive to being the, uh… fistee.
A fitting metaphor for McGavick, who seems more than willing to bend over (forwards) for any member of the Republican establishment looking to drive home President Bush’s failed policies.
Why can’t I lie, cheat, and steal like the BananaRepublicans do (with impugnity).
Isn’t it ILLEGAL or something?
Or is it OK if you’re a member of the ruling JUNTA!
He’s gonna lose in any case, but Goldy, don’t you think it is a little silly to criticize an R Senate candidate for meeting with the R leader of the Senate? Wouldn’t you expect Cantwell to meet with NV Harry and/or President Hillary in 2009?
Gets lonely out there in Eastern Washington wheat fields … how long has Bill Frist been flashing gang signs to wannabes like McGavick?
At Nuremberg, didn’t they criticize Goering for meeting with Hitler?
Hey kiddies! It’s time for the ROGER RABBIT DICTIONARY!!!
Re – pub – li – cans: A large gang of armed looters that operates internationally and is notorious for leaving graffitti (bomb craters, etc.) in other countries.
Speaking of Hitler … no, never mind Hitler, he’s dead … speaking of Bush, the Chimp In Chief is learning a new trick — back-pedaling. To wit:
“Bush … urged Congress to take back some of the billions of dollars in tax incentives it gave energy companies, saying that with record profits, they don’t need the breaks. He urged lawmakers to expand tax breaks for the purchase of fuel-efficient hybrid automobiles.”
(For complete story, see I don’t give a fuck who copyrighted it! I’m not your fucking research assistant. I’m a fucking bunny!)
Wal, gol-leee, who rammed $31 billion of subsidies and tax breaks for BIG ENERGY COMPANIES through companies in the first place? and repealed tax breaks for hybrid vehicles and funding for energy conservation, relaxed CAFE standards, and encouraged the American public to stock up on gas guzzlers? Ralph Nader? Queen Elizabeth?? Hamas???
Bill Frist was once accustomed to putting his fist into peoples’ chests. Now he’s apparently found greater satisfaction sticking his paws into our wallets.
I see the Repooplicans also are calling for investigations into gas-price gouging at the pumps. Must be an election year. Well, don’t worry folks, as soon as we figure out how to tap into our newly discovered domestic resources of hot air, our energy problems will be over! There’s enough hot air coming out of D.C. right now to fuel America’s economy well into the next millenium!
McGavick “whored” himself? How would you describe Cantwell fundraisers (with Hilary’s help)after she was elected? Didn’t she run on the platform that she’d use her own RealNetWorks wealth to defeat Gorton and NOT use contributions? She’s a typical lib… all lies.
Disgruntled @2,
The point is, McGavick claims to be an independent-minded moderate, and yet he is clearly beholden to the GOP establishment. They are backing him because they expect his support.
I’m not saying that this is any different than most politicians… I’m just emphasizing the fact that McGavick’s so-called independence is nothing more than campaign rhetoric.
It may be just a coincidence that, as pump prices spike — with some consumers already paying over $4 — Bush’s popularity is plummeting to new lows!
“WASHINGTON (April 24) – President George W. Bush’s public approval rating has fallen to 32 percent, a new low for his presidency, a CNN poll showed on Monday. The survey also showed that 60 percent of Americans disapprove of the way Bush is handling his job.”
(I don’t know who copyrighted THIS story either — if you want to know, look it up, lazyass!
Meanwhile, a Democratic Illinois state legislator has discovered an obscure rule of the U.S. House of Representatives that allows legislators to petition Congress to impeach the president. Accordingly, a resolution is being introduced in the Illinois house alleging 5 grounds for impeachment, including commission of a felony (i.e., violation of federal wiretapping laws). If it passes there, it will go to the House Judiciary Committee, and House Speaker Dennis Hastert acknowledges the committee would have to take it up for consideration.
This could get interesting. You would think that with gopers controlling both houses of Congress, any notion of impeaching Idiot Leader is far-fetched. But wait!!! Not so fast!!! Even Republican congressmen have a sense of self-preservation! If Bush sinks far enough, and strong public demand for his removal develops across the country, they might very well sacrifice him to save themselves! Stay tuned.
Tom Molto had it right over at SP:
Forget the individual candidates.
Vote for McGavick (and Reichert) if you like what is going on in DC and want it to continue.
Vote for Cantwell (and Burner) if you want change.
It doesn’t get any easier than that.
In all seriousness, how does what you propose differ from the Democrats stance on any election or any topic?
Essentially the argument and solution proposed is ALWAYS, we disagree, but fail to say how, when, where, why things will change.
This is why Democrats keep losing elections.
Look at Cantwell for instance, she is die hard against drilling in Alaska and this is the one area where she could have made an impact on her next to best passionate topic, that being price gauging by big oil?
So what is her solution?
Interesting – as all potics are local – all elections are economic. Two old sayings.
As in voters who are OK with the economy just do not vote change. The anger over gas prices is palpatable. The working and middle classes do not like being forced to rethink all their summer activites – shopping, vactions, boats, motor homes, RVs — Bush sounds and looks panicked on TV.
High gas prices may drive the R’ out of power for decades.
That is why Democrats keep losing elections. Look at Cantwell for instance, she is die hard against drilling in Alaska and this is the one area where she could have made an impact on her next to best passionate topic, that being price gauging by big oil?
Sure, momus. That must explain why Cantwell lost to Senator Slade Gorton. Oh, wait a moment here….I may have erred….She BEAT him, didn’t she? Feel free to correct me on this.
@14: “FLASHING…Billions..” My oh, my, Bob.
I don’t think citingg Cantwells 2000 campaign is a strong argument for anything.
Remember the hacking incidents on Gorton’s website?
What about her platform of privately funding the campaign?
Wanna discuss her ladylike deabtes with Debra Senn?
additionally, if the Gregoire/Rossi race in 2004 taught us anything, a closer look at the .09% victory margin would have more than likely not have withsttod a handcount, had Gorton been as much of a sore loser as Gregoire was….
Cantwell eeked out a victory and you should feel fortunate about that. Who knows, Aaron dixon may have just enough weight in this election to upset that narrow margin of victory.
If I were you i would not get out your soapbox just yet
Considering how many times Slade Gorton won statewide elections, I’ll take any victory I can get. (Gorton’s one loss prior to 2000, in 1986, was after he grabbed the 3rd rail of Social Security in 1983, and he was one of several R’s who lost on that issue and flipped the US Senate from R to D control).
And as an alternative to trashing some priceless wilderness so we can gas up some more Hummers in Issaquah, how about increasing CAFE requirements? Cantwell’s in favor of that… pity the Rs won’t try this. How about less specialized tax breaks for a very profitable industry? How about Jay Inslee’s Appollo Project?
Oh wait, Democrats don’t have ideas… my bad. of course, that’s short for “Republicans aren’t about to let any Democratic ideas get out of the crib”.
Groton’s loss might NOT have withstood a hand count, but the cheap asshole didn’t want to pay for it.
Correction: Gorton
“Look at Cantwell for instance, she is die hard against drilling in Alaska and this is the one area where she could have made an impact on her next to best passionate topic, that being price gauging by big oil? So what is her solution?” Commentby momus— 4/25/06@ 12:43 pm
How would ANWR drilling stop price gouging by oil companies? Or lower pump prices? Let’s do something here that trollfucks like MOMUS POMPOUS ASSUS are totally unaccustomed to — namely, consider FACTS:
The price of gasoline is based on supply and demand, not the cost of producing oil.
Oil prices are skyrocketing for one simple reason: Demand has overtaken supply, and there is no excess production capacity left anywhere in the world.
If oil companies did not raise prices, consumption would exceed supplies, and instead of high pump prices at the neighborhood gas station, you would see “Out of Gas” signs.
Because demand for oil products is relatively inflexibility, it takes a LOT of price increase to get people to cut back their gasoline consumption by a LITTLE amount.
If ANWR drilling were approved by Congress today and construction of drilling rigs and pipelines started tomorrow, ANWR oil would not begin to reach the market until 2015 or 2016.
By that time, ANWR production will do little more than replace declining Prudhoe production, so ANWR will not make a significant net addition to domestic supplies.
There is enough recoverable oil in ANWR to satisfy U.S. consumption for about 18 months, or world consumption for about 3 to 4 months.
The world’s oil supply is finite, and at current consumption rates (i.e., assuming zero growth), all of the world’s known oil reserves will be gone within 30 years.
ANWR contains less than 1% of the world’s known oil reserves.
“Remember the hacking incidents on Gorton’s website?”
“What about her platform of privately funding the campaign?”
What about it? She paid for her 2000 campaign by borrowing against her Real Networks stock, then when the stock tanked, she had to raise contributions to pay off the campaign loans. Got a problem with that? At least she pays her debts, unlike Republicans like MARK THE REDNECK WELSHER.
“Wanna discuss her ladylike deabtes with Debra Senn?”
What for? If you want a woman who walks behind the man, try the Japanese. Or the Saudis. They’re into that sort of thing.
Oh yeah, I want to remind everyone, Cantwell’s 2,200-vote winning margin over Gorton came from NATIVE AMERICAN voters. Isn’t revenge delicious? Gorton and his sidekick, Indian-basher Jim Johnson (who is now befouling a seat on our state supreme court), were Indian-haters who spent their entire public careers fucking the Indians. And, in the end, the Indians got his scalp! How sweet it is!
HEY MOMUS POMPOUS ASSUS — Why don’t you go bet lots and lots and lots of your own money that McGavick will defeat Cantwell! I’ll bet lots of bookies will be happy to give you straight up odds on that one.
So why does Mouthpiece Mike need all this fundraising? Why doesn’t he use the $14 million Safeco gave him to run for the Senate? That’s what it’s for, isn’t it? A disguised campaign contribution to send Senator Safeco to Washington to protect insurance industry interests from unruly mobs of peasants fed up with being overcharged for premiums, having their claims denied, and their policies canceled?
Ah Roger….
Speaking of TROLLFUCKS.
I spent $14 and a pack of luckies last night and tagged that skank daughter of your in the ass.
re 26: “If ya got ’em, smoke ’em!”
God, momus, LUCKIES!!! You must be ancient!!!
So why does Mouthpiece Mike need all this fundraising? Why doesn’t he use the $14 million Safeco gave him to run for the Senate? That’s what it’s for, isn’t it? A disguised campaign contribution to send Senator Safeco to Washington to protect insurance industry interests from unruly mobs of peasants fed up with being overcharged for premiums, having their claims denied, and their policies canceled?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 4/25/06@ 3:57 pm
Why should he use his own money? Democrats take money from unions that is extorted from the taxpayer and donks are complaining about McGavick not using his own money??? Screw you!
Why can’t I lie, cheat, and steal like the BananaRepublicans do (with impugnity).
Isn’t it ILLEGAL or something?
Commentby rujax206— 4/25/06@ 10:36 am
Hey dumbass. You are a donk. You already do lie, cheat and steal. How the hell do you think the Democrats get into power. Sheeesh… Damn your dense.
High gas prices may drive the R’ out of power for decades.
Commentby BOB from BOEING— 4/25/06@ 1:35 pm
Yeah right. What is the left going to say when 06 heats up and they have to answer the question why we have built a refinery in almost 30 years. That is all the dems fault.
Yeah…I sure am dense, fuckface. Listen YOU voted for these theives. I didn’t. You fucking RNC whore.
Yeah right. We live with your thieving asshole president stealing FBI files for 8 years and now all of a sudden you are worried about corruption??? Hehehehe Ah you donks are hilarious.
We live through the most corrupt president ever in the 90’s and now the donks are saints. LMFAO.
We had to live through:
Admited Perjury
White Water
Travel Gate
China Gate
Rose Law firm billing record
Trooper Gate
Monica Lewinski
Vince Foster
Juanita Brodrick-RAPE
Paula Jones
Lincoln Bedroom Gate
FBI file gate
Pardons for donations
Vandal Gate-Trashing of White house when leaving
Cattle gate- Remember Hillary’s $1,00 investment that turned into a fortune.
PBS Gate- selling donor lists to PBS for direct solicitation- This is against the law
IRS gate- Auditing Oliver North come on.
Budist temple gate- Mainly Al Gore, but directed by Clinton
And now the donks are worried about a perceived “culture of corruption” What a hoot. Hahahahahahahahahahaha
Democrats the party of voter fraud upset at corruption? Are you on crack. Actually they use crack to get votes too.
FBI files???? NOT!
You got your cut, right?
Yet another corrupt republican is trying to worm his way into power. Alaska senate candidate Mike McGavick illegally received a “golden parachute” from Safeco when he departed as its chief executive to become a Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate.
A formal complaint has been lodged and we can add Mikey’s name to the VERY fucking long list of corrupt republicans undergoing deserved additional scrutiny.