My head hurts so much it’s making me nauseous to look at the screen… and I’m not even reading (u)SP. So talk amongst yourselves until the ibuprofen kicks in.
Not that you’ll likely take recommendations from me, but try drinking some V-8. That does help.
Also, have you had your eyes checked lately?
Something I just found out today about the incident. Do you know that Dick Cheney tortured the guy for a half hour before he shot him?
Lucky you don’t need Sudafed…
Would have to go to store and sign form…name, drivers license etc.
Already happening here.
But big cheese Dem Di-Fi shoved it into Patriot Act..with $100mm every box of Sudafed has to have a form, locked up, daily maximum.
Stupid. I’m not the criminal….arrest the Meth guys..
The Umpspews:
L’Affaire Quail has me conflicted and confused.
** IF ** the incident was nothing more than was reported, then the Press has gone way overboard in its reaction. They are primarily upset by the fact the Corpus Christi paper was told about the shooting before the AP was told. They remind me of those pro athletes who constantly whine about getting ‘respect’.
On the other hand, because Cheney and Co. are behaving so oddly — as though there really is something to hide — I want the Press to keep digging. So, I’m conflicted and confused.
Fortunately, the good humor of Mr. Fish has kept me smiling through it all:
So everyones upset about some torture at Abu Graib prison.
No one bitched when they CUT OFF THE HEADS OF AMERICANS so
by that logic no one should bitch if we CUT THE HEADS OFF THE
PRISONERS. Then we should drag their headless bodies behind
every Hummer on patrol. No one bitched when they did that to
our Marines.
Mark: “So everyones upset about some torture at Abu Graib prison.”
What a strange, random and untrue rant…. Where did this come from?
I Googled “severe headaches” and the most likely cause for you Mr. Goldstein is either too much masterbating or staring at porn in excess of 12 hours per day for a week.
Sounds like you have a bugger of a headache.
Maybe it’s both.
Janet Sspews:
Dick Cheney was in a hunting accident, and is probably distraught that his friend is in the hospital due to his actions. Guess what – he is acting human. It is against his nature to run in front of the cameras and either make excuses or cry, either of which would have suited the MSM.
On the other hand, Al Gore goes to Saudi Arabia and complains that the Bush administration is being TOO HARD on them. I know many of the commenters around here give the right a very hard time about not cracking down on the saudis. So what is your take? Has Al finally left the sane world? Do his comments reflect the new thinking on the left? Is it okay to accept huge money from the belly of the beast? Maybe the MSM is playing up the Cheney story so they don’t have to report this one.
Mark: “So everyones upset about some torture at Abu Graib prison.â€
Actually it appears that righton s more upset about having to sign a form to get some sudafed. Don’t worry about illegal wiretapping, or having your privacy rights taken away by the unPatriot Act.
Worry about forms for sudafed.
Janet S., why did Cheney not wait for the authorities to check for drugs in the “accident”? Why did he leave the scene and leave the state? Why did he wait 24 hours for the owner of the luxury shooting gallery to leak the word to the local paper?
Why? Because he was drunk/drugged and could not wait to be tested, and needed time to sober up/ get a blood transfusion.
The man is either guilty as hell, or so goddamned incompetent that he has no business being the VP.
I just astounded that folks who claim to be gay or lesbian cannot give a simple explanation of what those terms mean, what they like to do and why. How are those unreasonable questions?
I mean these folks have parades and all kinds of events to draw attention to themselves.
And I truly do understand what it’s like to have a buddy from the same gender. It’s just that I don’t particular feel compelled to suck on his wanker or feel it in my hind-end. Plus I simply don’t know that it is somethin’ to be particularly “PROUD” of. Do you?
Are you one of them gay guys too Clueless.
If so, maybe you can splain it.
It not, why in the samhill are you so inclined to celebrate it?
Maybe some gay fellas don’t suck, get suck, poke their weiner where it don’t belong or get poke by someone elses?
When I took Biology, they taught us that the rectum was an EXIT orifice. Precisely what date did that change?
Maybe we need a new National Holiday….Gay Day. To celebrate the first gay butt poke. What the hell…another day off fer guv’mint werkers.
Hallmark would have a field day with Gay Day cards.
Hell clueless, you me can pardner up….if you promise not to look at me all dreamy eyed with yer boner in yer hand.
Just imagine what the Republicfucks would do if the headline was “Al Gore shoots 78 year old man in the face”. They would be apoplectic.
There would be no lame excuses offered by these sick fuck Trolls.
For the Cluelessspews:
Dear Janet – I admire your exact, timed repetition of the RNC talking points of the day.
Cheney distraught? Gee I hope so. I’m willing to cut him some slack – a little time before going before the MSM but how about a little private chat with the local sherrif so the constable can do his job and gather information about a shooting incident. Why delay 15 hours?
Was drinking involved? Did Dick need to detox? Or was he simply “distraught” and needed some “comfort” from his dear friend Patricia Whittington, the ambassador to Switzerland?
Inquiring minds want to know Janet. Do you have any further talking points that might address these questions?
Go to the doctor and get a prescription.
Oink, you are obnoxious.
Comment by Donnageddon— 2/15/06 @ 10:39 am
Do you have some facts to back up your assertions?
If Cheney was so adled he needed a blood transfusion, I would think that when he spoke to the Kenedy County sherrif an hour and a half after the incident, that the sherrif would have noticed.
Cheney was interviewed the next morning by the Kenedy County sherrif’s deputies, prior to leaving Texas for DC, so he hardly was fleeing like he’s guilty of something.
Seems like the sherrif would need to be complicit for your paranoid fantasy to be real.
For the Cluelessspews:
13 – I love these goofy ass nut wings who come here from (un)SP…
Fantasize on Oinkster. Gaydar’s are going off all over the great State of Washington.
Oink –
You certainly have an active fantasy life. How long have you been having these homosexual fantasies?
It just amazes me, that people have such a hard time understanding basic human sexuality. A result of our prudish public education system apparently. A person’s inate sexual orientation has nothing to do with promiscuity, sexual fetishes, or your obvious obsession with a man’s anus.
Con1st.. the “interview” was done by PHONE! Saturday night after the SHOOTING, deputies were turned AWAY by the Secret Service and the Luxury shooting gallery guards. Cheney had his medical team (and a large supply of blood) with him the whole time.
Your drug adled excuses for Cheney’s crime is not effective.
And Con1st, it does not take a massive amount of alcohol to impair the judgement of a man with a 28 gauge shotgun.
One drink is all it takes to make it a crime.
proud leftistspews:
I just came across a great quote from Voltaire: “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” The Bushites have learned that lesson well.
For the Cluelessspews:
16 – I understand CF. The constable was cutting the Veep a little slack after a long tiring day of slaughtering birds and bloodying an old friend and besides he only had a few precious hours left to spend with his old friend, the fetching Ambassador Whittington.
So they put off the interview until the next morning. Any constable would do that for anyone. Anything you say.
Interview at 9:00pm? Can we put that off till 9:00 am? I’m tired, a heart patient and my doctor makes sure I turn in early. Sure, no problem Mr. Vice-President.
Amazing, what else can you wish were the case? Pretty active imagination Donnageddon.
Cheney will be interviewed by Brit Hume later today and he will announce he is running for President in 2008.
The resason this has turned into a big deal is that the White House Press corps got scooped by a small local-yokel paper. They’re acting like spoiled children and should be ashamed of themselves.
To the others that think this hunting accident was a big deal, move on to something important. Why not talk about the 2006 elections? Surely those are more important than this petty shotgun issue!
Left Turnspews:
It’s amazing to me to read the righties comments on these threads. I used to wonder how people got so stupid. Now I know. It took a while before I realized what was happening. These inbred fools are just repurposing what they have heard on right wing radio or read on rags like World Net Daily – word for word. These fucks are brainwashed. They’re obviously too stupid to think for themselves so they listen to a bunch of greedy, American-hating, chickenhawks and just repeat what they say. I almost feel sorry for the mental midgets on the right. Almost.
For the Cluelessspews:
Almost forgot. Dear Janet, about Al Gore, can you point to a full text of his speech in Jeddah or are you just repeating the wingnut drivel I’m seeing when I google.
As far I can see, Gore complained about Bush mistreating muslims in the United States. Yes, I know of more than a few incidents where that was definitely the case.
It’s amazing to me to read the lefties comments on these threads. I used to wonder how people got so stupid. Now I know. It took a while before I realized what was happening. These inbred fools are just repurposing what they have heard on left wing radio or read on rags like DailyKos – word for word. These public school graduates are brainwashed. They’re obviously too stupid to think for themselves so they listen to a bunch of greedy, American-hating, “progressives” and just repeat what they say. I almost feel sorry for the mental midgets on the left. Almost.
“Hillary” said
“These inbred fools are just repurposing what they have heard on left wing radio or read on rags like DailyKos – word for word. ”
Example, please. And if you cannot find even one example of a word for word recitation on this blog of something from DailyKos, can we forever know you as a lying moron?
That was a rhetorical question. We already know you as a lying moron.
Comment by Donnageddon— 2/15/06 @ 10:56 am
“Con1st.. the “interview” was done by PHONE!”
If Cheney was so adled he needed a blood transfusion to cover it up (your insinuation), even a phone interview would reveal this, via slurred speech and disorientation. The sheriff would have probable cause to search the premises to determine if a crime had been committed. You have no proof of your assertion, yet you keep making them. Don’t let facts get in your way, continue to believe your paranoid fantasies.
Comment by For the Clueless— 2/15/06 @ 11:06 am
“Interview at 9:00pm? Can we put that off till 9:00 am? I’m tired, a heart patient and my doctor makes sure I turn in early. Sure, no problem Mr. Vice-President.”
So you are sure this is how the conversation transpired. Are you wiretapping conversations between US citizens? I thought that was illegal. I’d suspect the sheriff thinks this is a simple hunting accident, and is investigating it as such. I’ve seen nothing to convince me that drugs or alcohol were involved. If you have some facts to bring to the table, bring them.
Comment by Donnageddon— 2/15/06 @ 10:59 am
“And Con1st, it does not take a massive amount of alcohol to impair the judgement of a man with a 28 gauge shotgun.”
True, nor does it take a massive about of alchohol to impair the judgement of a man driving an Oldsmobile. What’s your point? You don’t have any proof and are just speculating. While this is just a comment thread on a blog, if you want anyone to take you seriously, you should at least have some facts to back up your wild assertions.
Donnageddon Plus Ballsspews:
“Left Turn” said
“These inbred fools are just repurposing what they have heard on right wing radio or read on rags like World Net Daily – word for word.”
Example, please. And if you cannot find even one example of a word for word recitation on this blog of something from WND, can we forever know you as a lying moron?
Like I figgued, Cheney accepted full responsability, like the man he is, like a Republican. Unlike a Democrat!
But you Trolls are correct; this drunken/drugged shooting of a 78 year old man by the Vice President is nothing compared to this:
Cheney Authorizes Libby to LEAK National Security Info
Goldy, you haven’t stood behind Cheney lately, have you? Better go to the doctor and have a brain scan done to see if you have any shotgun pellets in your brain.
Brit Hume will be wearing a blue dress for the Cheney Interview just to keep everything in context.
For the Cluelessspews:
Don’t let facts get in your way, continue to believe your paranoid fantasies.
Sure, CF. Just like the following:
I’d suspect the sheriff thinks this is a simple hunting accident, and is investigating it as such.
What is a “simple hunting accident”? Being peppered by birdshot? And then being re-admitted to intensive care when it turns out one of those “peppers” is lodged in the victim’s heart. Sounds just simple to me.
And why did the secret service contact the sherrif? Wasn’t everything being responsibly handled? Nope the reason is that better the secret service contact the sherrif on behalf of the Veep than the emergency room doctor who has to by law.
And again any responsible constable would put off gathering information for a shooting incident report from the parties involved until a “decent interval” has passed. Like say 15 hours.. Sure CF… I buy it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
mark — are you a Nazi? just curious.
mark = apologist for torturing innocent Iraqi non-combatants
Roger Rabbitspews:
Kevin Carnes aka Janet S @9
“Dick Cheney was in a hunting accident, and is probably distraught that his friend is in the hospital due to his actions. Guess what – he is acting human. It is against his nature to run in front of the cameras and either make excuses or cry, either of which would have suited the MSM.”
No, Cheney is upset because his insurance premiums will go up.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Everybody — watch out for Kevin Carnes (aka Oink)!!! He has a weird obsession with other people’s sexual behavior. Probably has a long rap sheet, too.
RonK, Seattlespews:
Here’s a headache for the wingnut election fraud sentinels. The Coultergeist got caught registering and voting at a counterfeit address.
For the Cluelessspews:
42 – I think Carnes aka Oinkster was trying to make a date with me. Sorry Oink, I’m straight and attached and even if I was single, I wouldn’t date a pig (bestiality isn’t my thing). And lastly, given your obssession with penises and anuses I think you’d make boring date material for anyone no matter what their sexual orientation.
I have a feeling you’ll keep trying though. It’s only human (or porcine) to believe there’s someone for everyone.
Comment by For the Clueless— 2/15/06 @ 11:57 am
“What is a “simple hunting accident”?”
I didn’t say it wasn’t serious. I don’t believe this incident to be the complicated conspiracy, involving blood transfusions, etc., you and Donnageddon believe it to be.
“And why did the secret service contact the sherrif? Wasn’t everything being responsibly handled? Nope the reason is that better the secret service contact the sherrif on behalf of the Veep than the emergency room doctor who has to by law.”
What’s your point? The Secret Service shouldn’t have called the sherrif and let the emergency room doctor do so instead? I’m not seeing how the Secret Service contacting the sheriff to report a person being shot is irresponsible or indication of a coverup. I guess if you do, so be it.
“And again any responsible constable would put off gathering information for a shooting incident report from the parties involved until a “decent interval” has passed. Like say 15 hours.. Sure CF… I buy it.”
Again, you see suspicious behavior because you want to, not because you have anything facts to lead you to that conclusion.
I wonder if Oink likes to watch rabbits doin’ it too
Libertarian @ 25
“The resason this has turned into a big deal is that the White House Press corps got scooped by a small local-yokel paper. “
Ummmm…no. The reason this is a big deal is because the Vice President shot another person and then hid the incident for a day.
Nutty conspiracy theories are simply not required!
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Seems like the sherrif would need to be complicit for your paranoid fantasy to be real. Comment by ConservativeFirst— 2/15/06 @ 10:46 am”
“sherrif” Comment by ConservativeFirst— 2/15/06 @ 10:46 am”
ConFirst is a typical illiterate wingnut — he can’t even spell “sheriff” correctly.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Cheney will be interviewed by Brit Hume later today and he will announce he is running for President in 2008. Comment by Hillary— 2/15/06 @ 11:22 am”
Cheney can’t run for president in 2008. He’s allowed only two terms as president.
For the Cluelessspews:
Again, you see suspicious behavior because you want to,
And you’re NOT seeing suspicious behavior because of what exactly?
Roger Rabbitspews:
“The resason this has turned into a big deal is that the White House Press corps got scooped by a small local-yokel paper. Comment by Libertarian— 2/15/06 @ 11:26 am”
The reason this has turned into a big deal is because America’s most famous draft dodger shot a man and didn’t report it to authorities until the alcohol was out of his bloodstream.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Texas Sheriff Barred From Interviewing Cheney About Shooting Incident
“CBS News reports that local law enforcement officials were prevented from interviewing Vice President Cheney after he accidentally shot a 78-year-old man during a hunting trip:
“CBS News White House correspondent Peter Maer reports Texas authorities are complaining that the Secret Service barred them from speaking to Cheney after the incident. Kenedy County Texas Sheriffs Lt. Juan Guzman said deputies first learned of the shooting when an ambulance was called.”
“And you’re NOT seeing suspicious behavior because of what exactly?”
I don’t see any facts that would lead me to that conclusion. I’ve seen lots of wild assertions, though.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/15/06 @ 12:16 pm
“ConFirst is a typical illiterate wingnut – he can’t even spell “sheriff” correctly.”
While you continue to pass up the opportunity to refute my arguments, feel free to critique my grammar as well.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“I think Carnes aka Oinkster was trying to make a date with me.”
Oink can have a date with me to suck my dick!!! For a good time, call 1-800-RRABBIT.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Kevin Carnes aka Con1st @45
Kevin — the correct spelling is “sheriff,” you illiterate fuck.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“I wonder if Oink likes to watch rabbits doin’ it too Comment by rwb— 2/15/06 @ 12:13 pm”
Of course he does! I see him at Green Lake Park every day.
Remember the county where this happened in has about 400 residents – heck I have more people than that in the office building I’m in. It’s not like Mrs. Armstrong doesn’t wink wink nod nod know the guy.
Kenedy County’s sheriff is Ramon Salinas. His deputy is Lt. Guzman. The office secretary is Mrs. Guzman. These three individuals account for 30% of the county’s employment base.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/15/06 @ 12:22 pm
I read the article at the link provided by the blogger and saw nothing to support his assertion. Did you bother to read the link or do you just believe everything you read posted by a blogger on the Internet?
“According to a Texas Parks and Wildlife Department report issued Monday, Whittington was retrieving a downed quail about 5:30 p.m. CT and stepped out of the hunting line he was sharing with Cheney at Armstrong’s ranch south of Corpus Christi. “Another covey was flushed and Cheney swung on a bird and fired, striking Whittington in the face, neck and chest at approximately 30 yards,” the report said.
The report went on to note that neither Cheney, who wielded a .28-gauge Perazzi shotgun loaded with 7.5 birdshot, nor Whittington appeared to be under the influence of intoxicants or drugs.”
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/15/06 @ 12:29 pm
“Kevin – the correct spelling is “sheriff,” you illiterate f*ck.” (explitive deleted)
If it annoys you so much, I’d suggest you stop reading my posts. But, since you are reading them, any grammar critiques? I really value your opinion on my writing style. Wait is that “you’re”? No I got it right, it’s “your” (and “it’s” for that matter).
dj @ 47 –
No, it’s NOT a big deal. The White House press corps is a bunch of arrogant little babies who are throwing a temper tantrum.
I can hear the cell phone conversation now.
Rove: Dick
Cheney: What is ti karl, I’m busy now…
Rove: Dick they found out you told Libby to out a CIA operative, and leak other secret NSA information.
Cheney: What!? Let me put my drink down. What is that again?
Rove: They KNOW, DICK!
Cheney: What should I do, Mr. Mastermind?
Rove: Just a second let me think… Ok I got it!
Cheney: Ok, what do I do?
Rove: Shoot someone.
Cheney: What? Who?
Rove: Anyone, just shoot someone, we have to get this treason business off the headlines!
Cheny: Ok, just a sec… *BLAM*
Rove: Who’d you shoot?
Cheney: Whittington.
Rove: Perfect! He is old and not shoveling much money to us! Just perfect!
Cheney: *BLAM*
Rove: Stop Dick! Who’d you shoot now?
Cheney: Just shooting at the Sheriff. Let him know how well to investigate this thing.
Rove: Smart move.
For the Cluelessspews:
I thought this was cute.
Buck Shot from the Big Shot
It only took 18 hours
To get the AP wire,
“Loaded Veep Shoots Austin Attorney”
That’s one way to say,
“You’re fired!”
In a smog of stinky Texas air
The Veep went hunting for quail,
Could it be he was drunk on power?
Going down a scape goat trail??
Taking aim at all the scandals
Trying to make them go away.
The Buck shot from this Bigger shot
Found an unlikely prey.
Could it be a convenient diversion
From the mainstream press?
To report an unfortunate accident
Rather than Plame-gate and the CIA test.
He knew there were no WMDs
The CIA proved north and south,
But Dick Cheney’s Rambo arrogance
Finds it useful to shoot off his mouth.
Commander Oggspews:
Maybe your right and Cheney was sober. Or maybe not. But tell me what exactly fuels this speculation, rumor, inuendo, whatever.
It is a culture of secrecy that is so obsessed with protecting even the most trivial of information that what might have been a minor incident is now a front page link 4 days latter:
Hmmm…judging by reactions from all quarters (I, mean, outside the WH press corps), this really is the big deal. I mean, the world thought Ford tripping, Carter lusting, and Bush Sr. puking were interesting news stories. The VP shooting his hunting partner is HUGE!
“The White House press corps is a bunch of arrogant little babies who are throwing a temper tantrum.”
Last I saw, they were all full-grown adults, dry-eyed, and engaged in a questioning frenzy, not a temper tantrum.
Here’s how I see the Dick “shoot from the hip” Cheney’s situation playing out.
Duck Hunt Cheney goes on FAUX NEWS and gives a “full accounting” of what happened that day. He makes a flat out denial that alcohol was involved.
Once “Dead Eye” Dick makes that statement, the local law enforcement officers will go the hospital and ask to see the blood results on the work up of the gun shot victim. It will reveal if there were any alcohol in his system. Here are the reasons they would test for alcohol / drugs in his system at the hospital
1) It’s no far stretch of the imagination that a “hunting” accident would involve alcohol. Especially in Texas. So they would have tested for alcohol & drugs for evidentiary values. I’m guessing it’s probably required by Texas state law, too. Roger Rabbit can provide a better legal opinion than I can.
2) Regardless of the “he was just peppered” comments by the RNC spin machine, the attending physicians could see there were entry wounds.
3) X-rays would certainly reveal the “lead” pellets in the core areas of his body.
4) With that medical evidence, the possibility of having to perform surgery to repair internal injuries just became a very serious reality to consider.
5) Given the circumstances above, no surgeon in this country is going to administer anesthetic to a 78 year old man suffering from gun shot trauma and potentially under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
6) The potential for a serious interaction between anesthetic or pain management medicines and alcohol are to serious to ignore for malpractice reasons alone.
7) As soon as there is an official medical report confirming the presence of alcohol in his body that is going to make Cheney’s story suspect.
8) If this guy survives and admits to authorities there was drinking going on Cheney has committed a felony – again.
9) If this guy dies as a result of his wounds and there is medical evidence of alcohol, Cheney’s on the hook for manslaughter.
Can you say: “Oh, Shit not another scandal”
“Get your Republican Scandal program here. Too many scandals to keep track of without a program.”
“Comes complete with a scorecard so you can keep track of who’s indicted, who’s convicted, who copped a plea, who’s cooperating, who’s turning on their party, who’s serving time.”
“Bonus impeachment section, be the first with your impeachment procedure rulebook.”
“Get your Republican Scandal program here, hot off the press.”
dj @ 67 –
You and I will obviously disagree on nearly every issue. Let’s leave it at that.
For the Cluelessspews:
QUESTION: You asked him about alcohol being consumed on premises.
HUME: I did.
QUESTION: And what did he say about that?
HUME: He said he had a beer at lunch and that had been many hours earlier. And it was dusk, around 5:00 p.m., when this incident happened. And he said that, you know, they had lunch out in the field, a barbecue, and he had a beer. But you said you don’t hunt with people who have been drinking. He said no one was drinking. He said they went back to the ranch afterwards, took a break after that, and went out about 3:00 and so you’re four or five hours distanced from the last alcohol that he consumed. And he said no one was drinking, not he nor anyone else.
Yep, I believe you Mr. Vice-Preznit. And I hope you were eating bbq chicken with the skin off. Anything heavier is not good for the ticker.
re 6: Just because you haven’t seen it on the news doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. The news blackout on Falujah has been pretty total.
Comment by Commander Ogg— 2/15/06 @ 1:02 pm
“But tell me what exactly fuels this speculation, rumor, inuendo, whatever.”
Part of what fuels this speculation, much like what generated wild rumors about Clinton during the Whitewater investigation, is members of the fringe ignoring common sense and facts to engage in hyperbole, then not backing down when confronted with facts.
“It is a culture of secrecy that is so obsessed with protecting even the most trivial of information that what might have been a minor incident is now a front page link 4 days latter:”
I agree, I wish Bush had dumped Cheney when running for re-election. His “experience” was no longer needed and he’s a political liability.
Note to Roger: Ogg means “later” so you don’t have to reply saying the Commander is an idiot for misspelling “later”.
“If the fool of a Vice Pres had simply come clean immeadiatly, this would have been page 3 news. But we know that is not going to happen.”
I’m not sure I’d call Cheney a fool. But I think the strategy for handling this incident was poor. I disagree it would have been page 3, but I think the story would have had shorter legs had Cheney addressed the media soon after the incident occurred.
I’m not sure I’d call Cheney a fool. But I think the strategy for handling this incident was poor. I disagree it would have been page 3, but I think the story would have had shorter legs had Cheney addressed the media soon after the incident occurred.
Comment by ConservativeFirst— 2/15/06 @ 1:23 pm
Exactly, that’s why there is so much suspicion surrounding this story. He’s not a fool, why did he wait so long to respond to the media.
Given the fact this man has had two previous arrests for drunk driving, heightens the suspcion that the VP committed a felony involving alcohol — again.
Comment by GBS— 2/15/06 @ 1:29 pm
“Exactly, that’s why there is so much suspicion surrounding this story. He’s not a fool, why did he wait so long to respond to the media.”
Read the interview, Cheney explains his motivations, it’s up to you whether you want to believe him or not.
“Given the fact this man has had two previous arrests for drunk driving, heightens the suspcion that the VP committed a felony involving alcohol – again.”
The evidence indicates that alcohol or drugs weren’t involved.
I’ll reiterate the link I posted previously that you either didn’t see or chose to ignore.
“The report went on to note that neither Cheney, who wielded a .28-gauge Perazzi shotgun loaded with 7.5 birdshot, nor Whittington appeared to be under the influence of intoxicants or drugs.”
headless lucyspews:
This is the event they are going to use to get rid of Cheney ( remember Spiro Agnew? ). Then they’ll go after the president on several of the impeachable offenses he’s committed. Then Bush will resign and then …
Con1st ““The report went on to note that neither Cheney, who wielded a .28-gauge Perazzi shotgun loaded with 7.5 birdshot, nor Whittington appeared to be under the influence of intoxicants or drugs.â€
Here is the actual “report”, Conman. Signed by the Game Warden. He was not sniffing the Veeps breathe, you moron.
“The evidence indicates that alcohol or drugs weren’t involved.”
Based on a checked box of a Game Warden’s report.
Yeah, that is real investigative work there!
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
Hmmm. “not under the influence”. No way the KNOW. Twenty four hours later they do a test (which they didn’t) and it has no relevance.
I’m with GBS. The man who knows is the ER Doc, along with his support staff. They HAVE to know Whittington’s condition to treat him. They’ll probably never tell unless Whittington dies. A conservative course of treatment was in order, even with ugly entrance wounds. . .but with the heart involvement, now they’re rolling out the entire panoply of medical treatment options. . .cat scans. . .surgical preop evals etc.
Comment by Donnageddon— 2/15/06 @ 1:57 pm
“Based on a checked box of a Game Warden’s report.
Yeah, that is real investigative work there!”
The press release from the Sherriff’s (just to bug Roger) office also said (from your link):
“The investigation reveals that there was no alcohol, or misconduct involved in the incident. Mr. Whittington’s interview collaborated Vice President Cheney’s statement. This Department is fully satisfied that this was no more than a hunting accident.”
I hear Cheney also runs with scissors….quick, alert the press.
What a bunch of nothing. I’m much more concered about the Katrina hearings.
Port-au-Prince, Haiti — Hundreds of smashed ballot boxes and bags apparently used to carry vote count sheets were scattered across a garbage dump Wednesday, more than a week after Haiti’s disputed presidential elections. U.N. officials sent troops to the garbage dump five miles north of the capital to recover the election material, according to U.N. spokesman David Wimhurst, who called the discovery ”extraordinary.” [Detroit, Milwaukee, Broward County, Oakland, Harare, and Port-au-Prince……….Gee, Libs, What do these “solid Democrat voting coties all have in common? RR? GBS? Left Turn?]
Mr. Cynical has returned with his new name “Oink”
Welcome back Ms Chickenhawk.
Con1st, you imbecile! The “investigation” was having someone in the sheriff’s department look at the Game Warden’s checklist. There was no way the Kenedy County sheriff’s department is going to ask for a breathalyzer test of Cheney. Hell, they couldn’t even get past the fucking gate!
So, Cheney has succeeded in getting the revelations that he told Libby to leak CIA operative Plame’s Identity (while she was undercover providing intelligence in IRAN’s Nuclear program)and other NSA secret information!
Plus, he has dupes like you spinning madly against the obvious.
Flunked out of Ground School, huh?
What a loser!!
Good God, what’s it like to go from thinking you’re going to be famed Naval Aviator to a supply officer in the Gator Navy?
Huh? What’s it like to flunk out? To not be good enough?
Tell us, Clarice, quid pro quo. . .
Yeah, sven, a drunken traitorous Vice President shooting 78 year old men in the face is not news.
@ 83
Donnageddon, where did you hear/read the Plame Iran connection?
I’d like to learn more. Use it against the neo-convicts on this blog.
I don’t know much about Raw Story… I will look for other sources.
WOW, thanks Donnageddon.
Powerful stuff. Imagine that, an American patriot, puts herself in the thick of a covert war, where if her cover is blown, she’s dead with no official acknowledgement from the US government, just to prevent the terrorists we’re fighting and rouge nations from obtaining Weapons of Mass Destruction and using them against us.
And what does she get in return?
Her cover blown, and a 20 year CIA front operation blown that had in fact intercepted such seedy and dangerous transactions from occurring.
How many of her associates, being NOC’s, are dead right now because this Administration wanted to discredit her husband in making their case for fradulent war in Iraq?
Oink (aka Mr. Cynical)
Janet S. (especially you, you bitch)
And the rest of you slimey Mother Fuckin’ unpatriotic ass holes.
The boys probably did have a few scotches. The difference being if
Gore would have shot him, he would finish him off and had
Carville and his cronys bury his ass. At least Cheney hid out
for a day and let the poor bastard live.
All the accusatoins of him being drunk are just that, accusations.
It makes lovely fodder, but in the end its just more pointless idiocy.
The real story is that Dick is a lousy hunter who made an idiots error.
All the media outrage and everything else is just dumb.
JCH, there are other flight programs out there. Why don’t you apply for the Canadian Snowbirds?
Maybe you could cut it there. No, you couldn’t hack it there either, Canadian officers are smarter than you.
Let’s see. . .where could you cut it as a military pilot. . .what country. . .
Aha, Mexico!
Nope, you’re still too dumb.
Jamaica, yah mon, you could get really high in their military.
Damn, you’re still to stupid.
let’s see, thinking, thinking. . . Iran! Yeah, baby, I do believe we found you a new home.
Wait, wait . . . Damn, they don’t allow pilots wearing burkas.
Tough break there WASHOUT, looks like you’re gonna have to stick to being a supply officer. Hey, chop, chop it’s almost chow time. We need 350 lbs of potatoes, 200 lbs of lettuce, 600 lbs of hamburger, 800 hamburger buns, 55 gallons of ketchup and mustard, 150 gallons of milk & 100 gallons of bug juice.
When you’re done with that restock the paint locker, doofus.
Shit, you’re a pathetic loser.
GBS, Not having a good day? You may need to take another pill. Maybe two.
GBS, Did you know Goldy was a Navy SEAL, too?
95, cont, Just like you!
Oink (aka Mr. Cynical)
Janet S. (especially you, you bitch)
And the rest of you slimey Mother Fuckin’ unpatriotic ass holes.
Comment by GBS— 2/15/06 @ 3:03 pm [GBS, You must be a lot of fun at party, especially when you drink!]
Hey GBS, I have no objection to you making fun of JCH all day every day, but can you leave the rest of the Navy out of it? Lots of us choose to enter fields such as nuclear power, sub school and yes supply, and gator Navy is not populated with losers. After all, we arent sitting here speculating about your ability to complete our schools. Thanks.
Bill, GBS was a SEAL! So was Goldy! [hehe]
Tree Frog Farmerspews:
Don’t worry, JCH, we got yer pills comin’ right up. We got a ‘doc’ who makes house calls to Pahoa.
100, Tree Frog, All right! I like a little action!
Sorry if I offended you. I didn’t mean to imply that all people in the supply chain are losers and I certainly wouldn’t call all people in the Gator Navy losers, since I was in the GN at one point.
I just love kicking the snot out of JCH.
Tree Frog, Were you a Navy SEAL like Goldy and GBS?
Sven @ 80
“What a bunch of nothing. I’m much more concered about the Katrina hearings.”
Wrong! Even though the Katrina hearings (or, more specifically, the massive report that is sharply critical of the government’s response to Katrina) have much more substance, we really knew about the findings months ago.
Before Sunday, who figured the Cheney would actually shoot somebody, and then be stupid enough hide it from the press for a day? The surprise/novelty factor makes the story have widespread appeal.
JCH, just for you.
GBS, normally you are a cool customer. I checked with some relatives on your duty. You are the genuine SEAL article. . .
Comment by Puddybud— 2/13/06 @ 4:15 pm
BTW: You’re still a WASHOUT.
See ya, wouldn’t wanna ta be ya.
Tell us, Clarice, why did you fail ground school?
What was it?
Details, Clarice. Tell us the teary eyed details.
Was it the dynamics of lift?
Was that too much for you? Is that what pushed you over the brink and into the abyss of failure?
GBS, Anyone can buy penny stocks at 5000 at a crack. Anyone! But “lot trades”……….Well, they are not for you!
GBS @ 108
“Was it the dynamics of lift?”
It was probably because he wasn’t interested in learning how to land….
Tell us, Clarice, when you first went to flight school and your mother would brag to her friends that her son was going to be a pilot in the Navy, did you feel her pain when you had to explain to her that there were no gold wings in your future?
What embarrassment did your mother experience when she had to confess to her friends that you flunked ground school?
What do you think her friends said to each other behind her back once your profound failure wiped the smirk off of your mother’s face?
What where they whispering, Clarice?
How much did they laugh at your mother’s expense?
Your father, Clarice, tell us about his disappointment in you. Have you two discussed your shortcomings?
You know your father told everyone he works with, as proud fathers do, that his son was going to be a fighter pilot in the Navy — fly jets off of carriers. What did his coworkers say when they found out about you?
How much did they tease your father?
How many times to you think your father found him self being the butt of a joke?
Do you think they left him a scarf and a leather flying cap on his desk? Perhaps, they left him toy airplane.
Tell us, Clarice.
GBS and dj,
Actually, JCH’s problem can be summed up by the fact that he continues to lick the self-adhesive stamp prior to affixing it to the letter.
I wonder how the BOQ he ran on North Island is getting along without him?
Oh, I wasn’t suppy, I was a nuke. Still, I just thought it had to be said, thanks though. Carry on with abusing JCH though, couldnt happen to a more deserving fellow.
Do you still work in that field, or have you moved on to other stuff?
heh, not many folk stay there after their time in the service, not many jobs in the field outside of the Navy. I’m working in computers now.
Is it just me, or is everyone waiting for JCH to reference his bsc and ssc then mumble something about gazpacho soup?
As I suspected. I’m sure it was good learning, right?
When the MEPS people tried to force me into nuke, I balked and went ET instead.
Well, I don’t regret it, but I think the ET path would have been a bit more useful after. I am guessing you made the better choice though. :-)
Well, its pretty much the equivelent of an associates degree in six months. Its tough, and you dont really know you have it for a few years after the school. On the other hand, I did get to go to college afterwards and it gave me a good grounding for being successful there.
Based on my asvabs and bad eyes, they said nuke or et only. The marines and army ‘just said no’, and the air force wouldnt guarantee anything so those were my choices.
I’d not say one is better than the other. Looking back, I guess I wouldn’t have done any different…
As for the other services, and speaking from the experiences of my brother in the Marines (RET) and my son in the Air Force (as related by them), the Navy is the way to go.
something left, right and everyone in between can (or should agree on) Navy is best. ;-)
As you said… :)
DJ@67: Yesterday, NBC News White House Correspondent David Gregory called Presidental Spokesman Scott McClellan a jerk. Hmmm… I guess you have a different standard for news reporters!
GBS, Bill and other veterans: Doesn’t it torque your medals when Gerardo Sandoval, SF Commissioner, says we don’t need a US Military? These fools don’t the USS Iowa, one of the most famous Naval warships, to be docked in San Francisco. So I guess you all wasted your time in the military per 8 of the SF Commisioners!!!
Damn flu: I meant to say, “These fools don’t want the USS Iowa…”
“NBC News White House Correspondent David Gregory called Presidental Spokesman Scott McClellan a jerk.”
Finally the WH News Corps is stating the obvious.
I answered that the first time you asked yesterday, are you some kind of senile idiot too?
Puddybud @ 125
“Yesterday, NBC News White House Correspondent David Gregory called Presidental Spokesman Scott McClellan a jerk.”
Is that right? Umm…not that I’ve ever heard of David Gregory, but….
“Hmmm… I guess you have a different standard for news reporters!”
You’ll have to provide a little more explanation there Pudster… You statement appears to be another non sequitur from PuddyLand.
bill @129
I missed that one.
Puddybud @126
And you are shocked over SF leftivists rejecting such a militaristic overture? Military history means nothing for most of them (My guess: because history keeps leapfrogging the city).
As an aside, hasn’t this USS Iowa thingy been contemplated since 1996? It ain’t goin nowhere in SF since they are, umm, leftivists. Be thankful the USS Midway is in San Diego (and I am thankful, since my money was part of that)…
mark – are you a Nazi? just curious.
mark = apologist for torturing innocent Iraqi non-combatants
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/15/06 @ 12:01 pm
Yeah Mark, answer the Commie’s question.
Just to clarify: I have no idea who “mark” is. I doubt he is a NAZI, but let him answer for himself.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency moved in to repossess trailers from a St. Rose mobile home park Friday because hurricane victims occupied only five of the 55 federally owned trailers there, an agency spokeswoman said Tuesday. FEMA officials made the discovery at the property owned by New Orleans River View LLC as part of a routine inspection of trailer recipients under the Business Restart program. [Looks like you fag Democrats will have to give the trailers back!! Hit the streets, losers!]
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Construction of homes in the United States soared in January to the highest in nearly 33 years thanks to mild winter weather, the government said on Thursday in a report showing unexpected strength in housing.
Lousy economy? Oops… another StuckonStupid comment shot apart again! You are another leftist hate the economy wacko!!!!
Marks – The Rufus comment was funny!
DJ@130L Uhhh, no I don’t. The non sequitur is only in your convoluted mind. Didn’t you make David Horowitz’s book on the 101 worst professors in the US?
My statement stands on it’s own. Look up the transcript and read his comments for yourself. David Gregory is a prime time self serving ass! 57% of the people say this is no big thing. Rasmussen Polling!
Puddybud @ 140
“Uhhh, no I don’t. The non sequitur is only in your convoluted mind.” quoted some reporter and then said:
“Hmmm… I guess you have a different standard for news reporters!”
What I was asking you to explain is this. How does a statement by a reporter whose name I don’t recognize have any bearing on my standards for news reporters? Have I linked to an article by said reporter (its possible, but if so I don’t recall doing so)?
My statement stands on it’s own. Look up the transcript and read his comments for yourself. David Gregory is a prime time self serving ass! 57% of the people say this is no big thing.
Could be…I have nothing to say about Gregory, since I haven’t studied him (studying reporters is not really my thing).
“Didn’t you make David Horowitz’s book on the 101 worst professors in the US?”
I don’t know…I’ve not read David Horowitz’s book. But, given that fields in which I teach and do research have little to do with politics, I doubt it.
dj, PuddyBud is just being PuddyBud. He has never made any sense, and waiting for him to start is just an exercise in futility.
“Housing starts are up… thanks to mild winter weather” Yeah, PuddyBud, thanks to that Bush-given mild winter weather. And you NeoCons keep telling everyone that Bush does nto control the weather! I guess he is responsible for Katrina afterall.
DJ: You comment on reporters:
“Last I saw, they were all full-grown adults, dry-eyed, and engaged in a questioning frenzy, not a temper tantrum. Comment by dj— 2/15/06 @ 1:04 pm”
Now you say one of the most virulent lefty White House Correspondents is an unknown quantity to you? Are you still living in your small intellectual prison? You don’t watch the evening news on NBC? You don’t watch Chris Matthews slather over all his lefty friends? Wow, I am shocked DJ. Somehow I don’t believe you based on your comment I snipped from #67, unless you haven’t watched the White House Press Corps since January 20, 2001. So which is it?
Now on to StudckonStupid@142: It was you who said this is the worst economy. Now that unemplyment is .4% lower than any time in the 8 years of Clinton and economists admit the country started a recession in March 2000, now all you can do is ridicule? Standard modus operandi for someone aptly named by Lt. Gen Honore!
GBS: If you haven’t been paying attention to Able Danger, here is the latest.
Looks like some of the data is still around as of two weeks ago on some Pentagon system. If General Shelton does testify and the person who deleted some of the documentation is held accountable and General Schoomaker who told Lt Col Shaffer to step down because he was outranked, this will get interesting as the hearing start.
Oh yes, clueless and windie, I still remember your comments on Able Danger a few months back. Well pay attention now!
Puddybud @ 143
Now you say one of the most virulent lefty White House Correspondents is an unknown quantity to you?”
Yep…I would be hard pressed to name two of them. Apparently, you know them much better than I do. But, the fact is, the last time I saw ’em, they were all adults, none were crying, and they were engaging in a question frenzy (rather than crying infants having a temper tantrum). If you have evidence that refutes my statement, let’s have it. Otherwise you are just making shit up. I’ve made no other claims, positive or negative about them as a group or as individuals.
“Are you still living in your small intellectual prison?”
Are you still stealing other people’s punch lines? I guess that one must have stung badly, huh, Puddy?
“You don’t watch the evening news on NBC?”
Nope…the Superbowl and the SOTU address is literally the only TV I have watched this year.
“You don’t watch Chris Matthews slather over all his lefty friends? “
I believe I saw him on TV once–maybe 4 or 5 years ago.
“Wow, I am shocked DJ. Somehow I don’t believe you based on your comment I snipped from #67, unless you haven’t watched the White House Press Corps since January 20, 2001.”
Yes…I have watched the Whitehouse press corps on TV, perhaps 5 or 6 times since Jan 2001. Although I am very familiar with McClellan’s voice, I literally first saw what McClellan looked like last summer durring the questioning about the White House Plame leak. Saw a little more of him during Katrina.
“So which is it?”
It is what it is!
Daddy Lovespews:
If I was Dick Cheney’s boss (the president, that is) I’d be pretty pissed that he shot some guy in the face who ended up in the ICU and he waited TWO DAYS to tell me. Chickenshit. I would fire his arrogant ass.
PuddyBud, you know what your problem is? Well one of the many problems you have is that you actually believe the bullshit that is fed to you by all the neocon turncoats.
Now that unemplyment is .4% lower than any time in the 8 years of Clinton
What made you even think you would get away with such an obvious lie?
Here is the annual unemployment rates from 1990 – 2005. You will notice that your statement above is complete BULLSHIT!
Here is the screech from David Gregory since you don’t believe me!
Why was the White House relying on a Texas rancher to get the word of Cheney’s hunting accident out over the weekend, asked Gregory, accusing McClellan of “ducking and weaving.”
“David, hold on… the cameras aren’t on right now,” McClellan replied. “You can do this later.”
“Don’t accuse me of trying to pose to the cameras,” the newsman said, his voice rising somewhat. “Don’t be a jerk to me personally when I’m asking you a serious question.”
“You don’t have to yell,” McClellan said.
“I will yell,” said Gregory, pointing a finger at McClellan at his dais. “If you want to use that podium to try to take shots at me personally, which I don’t appreciate, then I will raise my voice, because that’s wrong.”
“Calm down, Dave, calm down,” said McClellan, remaining calm throughout the exchange.
“I’ll calm down when I feel like calming down,” Gregory said. “You answer the question.’
“I have answered the question,” said McClellan, who had maintained that the vice president’s office was in charge of getting the information out and worked with the ranch owner to do that. “I’m sorry you’re getting all riled up about.”
“I am riled up,” Gregory said, “because you’re not answering the question,”
McClellan insisted he understood that reporters deserve an answer.
“I think you have legitimate questions to ask,” the press secretary said. “The vice president’s office was the one that took the lead to get this information out… I don’t know what else to tell you… That’s my answer.”
Yes DJ, the White House Press Corps are real adults! NOT!!!
Once again, you display a dismal reading comprehension.
McClellan gets asked about why the white house did something and the response was “dont ask that question the cameras arent on”? Sorry but I think I’d get ticked off to, McClellan is a jerk if thats how he answers questions.
And when you read on, you find McClellan actually admits this is a legitimate question, but still is not answering it. Dude, the vice-presidents staff is not the white house. The question was, why did the White House do something, not why did the vp do something.
Why doesn’t this type of crap tick you off anyway? Part of why the Constitution allows for freedom of the press is so that the press can ask the government questions that will hopefully answer questions the people have about what they are doing. They ask so many so that they can cover all the questions that we might have.
Essentially, the white house spokesman is refusing a question that is being asked just in case you want to know the answer, doesn’t it make you even a little angry that they have so much arrogance that they think they are not answerable to us? Especially since they chose such an arrogant way to phrase it?
Looks like Louisiana officials (Remember Govnur Kathleen Blanco) stopped Red Cross from sending food to the Convention Center and the Kingdome. The report says FEMA had it staged for the Red Cross but LA said no! And I remember ASSHeads ridiculing this as it was reported by Major Garrett on Fox News. Now reoprt proves to the world that Major Garrett was telling the truth and ASSHeads are a bunch of liars again!
Bill, please go up and look at what DJ originally wrote before you spout off at the ASS! And Bill, you ask McClellan “How are we tracking terrorists?”. If he says I cna’t answer that you go off on a tizzy? David Gregory is a leftist ASS who in his biased reporting has time and again tried to denigrate George and Dick. If that’s the way you want your press to behave, maybe you should watch the BBC and see how the English do it or RTL and see how the Germans do it. Much more respect. Sam Donaldson was direct but he was respectful.
“So I take it you say the decline under GWB?”
PuddyBud, just quit typing while you can. You pile up anymore bullshit and you ain’t gonna have any air left to breath.
DonDon: It should have said “saw” the decline. C’est La Vie! (Remember?) Bullshit. That’s what you mostly compose. Sorry I don’t listen to environmental chemists. I read clear thinkers, something you are not! Dull knife!
So, you are OK with the government refusing to answer? Note, in the exchange above he did refuse to answer and we still don’t know why the white house left press notification to a Texas rancher.
For the Cluelessspews:
freep @ 153
Back in fine form I see, spewing wingnut bullshit without support or links and probably would be too embarrassed as it probably comes from NewsSmack, WingNutDaily, etc., etc.
Yeah we all know how credible that is.
And to answer your question, yes, if I petition my government, you know, the people who work for me, for information as to how they are conducting affairs in my name, then yes ‘the camera isn’t on so dont ask that now’ is not enough of an answer and you bet I’ll go up in a tizzy.
NotAClueUpHisASS: Where did I go to your favorite sites for my info? Prove it JackASS! Put up or shut up! Waaaaaaaaaaah, bozo! I see you are too back in form. Nothing to refute it. Get hold of the Katrina Report dude. I posted the Gregory link. What do you have to come back with besides Kos, PRogress or something else? Did you read your news points for the day while drinking coffee?
For the Cluelessspews:
Calm, calm, freep. Now what does a reporter giving Scotty a hard time have to do with the Red Cross, Blanco, LANG and Katrina?
Yes I encourage you to quote the report directly if it isn’t too long. At least we’ll know it isn’t from your favorite wingnut bullshit sites.
Go ahead, freep. Show us all you’re not a whacko!
First off you tell me to calm down and but the ASS Gregory gets a pass from NotAClueUpHisASS? STFU bud! Post #153 was another topic since this is an open thread. Me post the report? Hell no find it for yourself, since the leftist MSM has been referring to it since Monday! First you refute what I posted above. There is the gauntlet, step up and take the challenge. Like I said, you are truly one with NotAClueUpHisASS!
For the Cluelessspews:
Sorry Freep I orginally responded to your Blanco/Red Cross rant – show me it isn’t more of the same crazy-assed b.s. that is your trademark.
And NotAClueUpHisASS, none of your favorite sites are even discussing this yet! But the MSM has, so you should find this real fast!!!
For the Cluelessspews:
Point it out freep! What’s the matter? You’ve been vindicated right? Just point. That’s all you have to do. Just point.
Are you afraid you’re going to get a hex or something from the evil MSM?
FU NotAClueUpHisASS I ain’t your lackey. I don’t answer to an ASSHead such as you. Hey it was just on the news too. Fox News that is. The one kicking CNN, MSNBC, and CNBC asses on cable. Check your papers bud. This is one you’ll going to need to find. I’m sure your friend Goldy can get a copy for your reading. He’s well connected with the Daily Kos leader!!! Read this site: Kos is in high regard in demo circles and Goldy cross links his most worthless entries with Kos! Go for it! What sucks is I have to work in Naperville every so often! Now I fear for my safety.
Puddy… lol You just keep shoveling the shit till you’re buried in it!
God, I love watching PuddyBud get buried in his own feces!
For the Cluelessspews:
So you’re not willing to back up your bullshit.. Ok. I thought so. One would conclude that it is indeed – bullshit.
And Faux News? Really credible.
I’m not going to follow any strange links. Please point to the MSM. I’m kind of particular about my ip address.
And PuddyBud, now that you have explained your insane comment, perhaps yoou can explain how you see a decline in the unemployment rate for GWB. Remember he inherited an unemployment rate of 4.0
C’mon Puddy, waddle on over to the keyboard and explain that “decline” of 4.0 – 4.7 – 5.8 – 6.0 – 5.5 – 5.1
So Clueless, You don’t mask your IP? Wow I thought you were smart. Check USA Today & NY Times. There you go. You will need your subscription account!
So DonDon, Since 2003 when John Kerry decried the high unemployment issues jobs have been created. You seem to forget what 9/11 did to our economy for 20 months until May 2003!
bill @160
then yes ‘the camera isn’t on so dont ask that now’ is not enough of an answer and you bet I’ll go up in a tizzy.
Not sure I understand the problem with that. If the camera ain’t on, I would still be looking at my notes, too.
Puddybud @171
You seem to forget what 9/11 did to our economy for 20 months until May 2003!
Not to mention the bust that manifested in late 2000…
Marks, but that was clinton’s watch so we can’t talk about that. Look at when econimists now say the recession started March 2000.
Damn flu it’s economists!
So, PuddyBud, you are now backpeddling… the economy is in the shithouse… But it’s Clinton’s fault!
Nice try dipshit. No one but another neocon zombie is buying that crap anymore.
Donna @177
Actually, the resurgence of jobs as you have outlined @170 indicates a robust economy. Naturally, I happen to look at my own company for evidence, and we keep increasing our payroll. Man, the economy sucks…
Howsabout this from Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration, Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ latest revisions, a total of 1,054,000 net new private sector jobs were created over the past 61 months (January 2001 through January 2006). Add the total net government jobs created over the period for a total net job creation of 2,093,000 jobs over the past 61 months.
That figure is 7,057,000 jobs short of keeping up with population growth!
Stings, don’t it PuddyBud, to be such a tool for the Neocon fascists?
Don’t worry PuddyBud, I am not even close to being finished smacking your pink ass.
Marks, you are ful of shit.
But then you already know that.
More evidence the economy sucks:
My 401(K) is the best it has been since 2001…
Man, the economy sucks…
And marks, your little porno web site hardly qualifies as a “company”.
marks had the stupidity to say
More evidence the economy sucks:
My 401(K) is the best it has been since 2001…
Lord I hope so marks! If in 5 years my 401k had not improved, I would go quail hunting with Cheney pronto!
So, yes, marks, the economy sucks… and you are an idiot.
Thank you for being, um, whatever…
Oh, “porno web site”
I think you attempted to slam me, but you suck…
Or is it “blow”?
Whatever. My porno web site rocks. You would love to be part of it, but I won’t link it for you, since you have that problem with ejaculation on the keyboard.
(Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me)…
Is this the same Donna I knew back when Donna knew what he was saying?
marks, I’ve looked over and over and I dont see TV camera anywhere in the Constitution. Some of us still read print. I am not sure why we need to wait for a sound byte for answers.
Yes, the number of jobs is starting to finally rise. But in what industries and at what pay scales?
Even the old higher paying jobs such as sysadmins are paying a lot less than they were 5 years ago in real dollars while the cost of living is way higher than it was then.
This is not entirely dot com burst either, we have recovered from that, right now though people are accepting low pay and long hours out of percieved lack of job availability. I really dont see this robust economy.
I apologize for my fun with Donna. I only know my area of responsibility in the macro economy, which is simply that I still have my job. Donna actually had a great article from Paul Craig Roberts, but don’t tell him I said so, he thinks I am only interested in porno…
Yah, most people still have a job, but from where I am standing most people are making about the same or less real dollar amount as they were 5 years ago.
In addition, when we talk about unemployment, you might want to someday take a look at what the definition of ‘unemployed’ is. It changed a couple of years ago. For a really chilling time, find out what ‘unemployed’ meant during the great depression and apply it to the current times. ‘Course you might have trouble getting out of bed tomorrow morning if you do.
I think thats why people like puddy surprise me so, I still cant figure why anyone cant repeat half of what he say. I mean, whats the point of only reading secondary sources, do they need to fool themselves that badly or are they incapable of comprehending primary sources?
It honestly confuses my why anyone other than a stock broker would be happy about the way things are right now.
“I apologize for my fun with Donna.”
Ah, gosh, marks, the feelings mutual.
And the fact that you couldn’t even try to back up your opinion makes it all the sweeter.
Donna, I never said it was Clinton’s fault. You are reaching! I said the recession started under his watch.
For jobs to be created for January 2001 to May 2003 is 28 months of recession due to 9/11 is an impossibility. January 2001 to January 2006 is 60 months. 60-28 is 32. So you are claiming 9.1 million jobs over 32 months. Lets see Donna, that’s 284375 jobs a month. Yeah you believe that an economy starting back up again in 2003 – 2004 will immediately sustain that level? Wow you are shocking in your analysis Donna.
“Yes, the number of jobs is starting to finally rise. But in what industries and at what pay scales?”
Great question. I am looking for a more recent open thread to open up both barrels on the “economy is great” myth.
No one but us are reading this old thread.
Cheney fans, I apologize about the “both barrels” comment.
Bill and Donna,
I happen to believe the issue is in demographics, but you may shit on me for being naïve, which makes me wonder why we even bother trying to procreate…
I am sorry, I reread your dense prose in 192, PuddyBud, and am fascinated by this comment
For jobs to be created for January 2001 to May 2003 is 28 months of recession due to 9/11 is an impossibility.
So now, the recession is not Clinton’s fault, it was 911.
The recession started in March 2001 (you say Jan 2001) but ou blame it on an event that did not happen until september 2001.
PuddyBud, you are truly a wonderous machine.
I agree, its an issue of demographics. The problem is, few people are actually looking at them. Most people are looking at regurgitated interpretations of those instead of the real thing. Well that or opinion pages that have no data at all.
I guess I never mentioned that stupidity was a righ/left thingy, did I? I am sure I would have been misunderstood…
Bill, I was laid off in 2004, formed my own company and I ended up paying taxes to the US last year because I did well. I had to beat the bushes to find clients. When it was determined I knew my shit, clients called me. I will probably pay taxes to the US again this year. I had a banner year and this year is already better than last. When I look at the economy I am doing well.
I never was great at spelling…and my points are not particularly well defined either (how’s that for understatement?). But I do wish you all a good night.
PuddyBud, you “…pay taxes to the US…”
Why do you make it sound like a foreign nation?
G’Night marks.
More on the horror of the Bush economy coming soon.
Damn Donna you are so dense spent uranium has no equal to you. The recession started in March 2000. The really deep recession happened after 9/11. I almost lost my job in January 2002 with 35 other people, but we were kept on! So when you start learning to read previous entries, then maybe you can comprehend the written word.
Donna, you are so stupid. Since living in WA State, I receive a yearly tax return in the order of many $$$ per year. I did so well with my own company I paid $$$. Yes, JSA the economy has been very very good to me!
Donna, Lt Gen Honore’s favorite subject (Remember that voice, “You are Stuck on Stupid”) and next to Donna spent uranium looks intelligent!
PuddyBud, you will have to excuse me, but so much of your posts are completely indecipherable.
But I will try to respond to the portions that have some coherence.
The recession started in March 2000.
“The 2001 recession began in March that year, so today’s announcement makes it an eight-month downturn.”
There are thousands of other links that proclaim the same thing. The Bush recession started in March 2001.
PuddyBud, if you have any link that officially puts the start of the recession in 2000,please post it. You ignorant neocon zombie.
I am sorry about you lay-off. I wish you further success.
I also wish that you would quit lying
G’night Donna. This flu is taxing me so to bed I go. Keep up the good work. I know your lefty friends are so proud of you. After watching your responses they probably said why bother!
PuddyBud, G’Night.
P.S. quit lying.
Damn Donna I was off two months. It was May 2000. Here it is you stupid fool, baka, raca, ignoramous jerk. So here you go from the Fed Reserve!
The NBER said the latest recession to hit the country started inMarch 2001 and ended in November 2001. According to a forthcoming study to be published by the St. Louis Fed, the U.S. labor market entered recession in May 2000—nearly a year before the start of the NBER recession—and exited recession in November 2003—a full two years after the end of the NBER recession.
There you jackASS, once again the facts speak for themselves. You rely too much on your friends from Think Progreess. I rely on the Fed Reserve!
PuddyBud, you need some “anger control” classes.
Oh, and by the way.. your “link” is 404
Try again idiot!
PuddyBud is backed against the wall, and Like any good neocon he posts a BULLSHIT URL.
When the technology bubble broke back in March 2000, equity valuations were indeed high. Despite falling stock prices, the price to trailing 12 months earnings ratio for the S&P 500 in April 2002 was still at a record 45.
While equity markets are rational in the long run, they can display a good deal of perverse behavior in the short run. Few people today view the equity markets as rational when the NASDAQ peaked above 5500 in March 2000.
Then it went straight downhill!
So the Fed Reserve is a bullshit URL? Hmmm. I’m sure the retired Alan Greenspan and his wife Andrea Mitchell will take issue with that comment. But wait, they’ll see it was from a real jackASS and they’ll ignore it! Yes Donna you do have issues!
Lack of confidence by investors is not the only reason for the decline in stocks—objective economic relationships are playing a role.
Even though there has been a marked decline since March 2000, the price earnings ratio for the S&P 500 index is at 29, compared with the historical norm of 16. According to one London analyst, cited by the Economist, the American share market is overvalued by more than two fifths on the basis of the Tobin Q index which measures the ratio of share prices to the replacement cost of corporate assets.
PuddyBud… you keep posting nonsense but it can’t change the fact that the 2001 recession happened in … March 2001.
Once you track past your favorite NBER garbage here is the killer part: “Second, unlike every other postwar recession, the current downturn is business-led, not consumer-driven. The bursting of the stock-market bubble, the collapse of the dot.coms, and the decline of the manufacturing sector all contributed to the recession. By September 2000, industrial production had already fallen off by 6%, surpassing the average decline of 4.6% for earlier postwar recessions. The drop in consumer spending, made worse by September 11, came later.”
The only nonsense is your belief it started in March 2001. I have given you the Fed, Deloitte, WSWS, and Dollars and Sense which all say it started in 2000, and your denser than spent uranium brain can’t ignite the neural pathways to see the light of truth! Sorry you mind is OFF!
PuddyBud,… you loveable pink rascal, you have not psoted a single thing that changes the laws of physics or economics.
The fact remains, the March 2001 Bush recession started in.. March 2001.
Get over it.
LOL PuddyBud, you are the Jewel of Denial.
Nothing… I repeat nothing you may wish and pray for (and post nonsensical URLs) makes the March 2001 recession start any earlier than March 2001.
Sorry, my friend.
“I have given you the Fed, Deloitte, WSWS, and Dollars and Sense which all say it started in 2000”
None, I repeat None, of these URLs and phantom URLs say anything of the sort, PuddyBud… no amount of “wishing it to be true” will change that.
Yes donna, I am up again. These links do prove the economy was diving in 2000, the dot com bubble burst and hiring stopped. Why aren’t your ASSHead friends coming to your rescue to support your wrong thoughts?
“These links do prove the economy was diving in 2000”
Unfortunately, we were discussing when the Bush Recession started.
Continually trying to change the topic is a sure sign that you have absolutely nothing of importance to say, PuddyBud.
GBS: A war hero, Paul Hackett – Officer, well respected Ohioan, trashed by your party!
From Comments from Left Field:
“In this case, Rahm Emanuel and Co. began to choke Hackett because he wasn’t playing ball the way that Rahm wanted or needed him to.”
Rahm Emanuel – Clinton White House Operative!
“Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid, who have failed to provide anything resembling adequate leadership to the Democratic Party over the last several years, presenting themselves ass-up for Frist and Santorum at almost every opportunity, went so far as to call the major donors that supported Hackett and urge them to cut him off.”
Chucky/Dingy Harry – Threw him overboard!
Donna Dunce, it’s not the Bush recession. Sheesh, go sharpen yourself! Bush inherited the Clinton recession. Each of my links proves the recession started in 2000. Only you can’t fathom that! The Nasdaq started falling as of March 2000. Hiring stopped May 2000. Business investment was down >6% by September 2000. Keep it up Donna! You’re proving to your friends the lack of frontal lobe activity in your cerebrum!
From your leftist pinhead friends at Brilliant at Breakfast.
“I’d heard rumblings yesterday that DCCC Rahm Emmanuel, who has allowed Tim Russert to devour him on national television any number of times, had asked Hackett to drop the Senate race and run again for Jean Schmidt’s House seat — the one he came within voting chicanery in Schmidt’s home county of winning last fall. And this morning comes the news that Hackett, understandably, has told the Democratic Party to go fuck itself — it can deliberately lose races without him. And calling Hackett’s donors asking them not to donate anymore is about as low as you can get.
For all that I’m so angry I can hardly see straight, I respect Hackett’s decision to draw a big red line under the hapless Democratic Party and not play their game. But it’s clear that the party hacks only want soft-spoken, malleable candidates like Barack Obama, who will keep their mouths shut once elected and only speak when spoken to until it’s their turn. This is politics as Olympic ice dancing, where you have to wait your turn. It’s this tendency in the Democratic Party to keep to the hierarchy that gave us a certain loser in Walter Mondale in 1994 instead of the upstart Gary Hart. It’s this tendency that gave us the phlegmatic John Kerry last year instead of the electrifying Howard Dean. The Democratic party refuses to speak up for the people from whom it demands support, and when a candidate comes along who WILL speak up, the Powers that Be in the party do everything possible to stop them.
It’s with a heavy heart that I remove Hackett’s name from my ActBlue page. The only reason I’m not removing the entire thing is that ActBlue collects donations for specific candidates. And if you still feel you want to donate, please do your donating this way. Do NOT give a nickel of your money to the national party — to the DCCC or DSCC, unless you want a Democratic Party that continues to sell YOU and YOUR RIGHTS and YOUR CHILDREN’S FUTURE down the river because they still think they have to be Republicans to win.
How’s that strategy been working for you anyway, Rahm?
Across the blogosphere, the reaction is what one would expect.”
Now here is the killer statement. Markos – you all know as Daily Kos, has drinken the kool-aid. I ‘m not saying it, another lefty is. Remember Daily Kos, the web site Goldy, NotAClueUpHisAss, Tree Fog Farmer, etc. hve their heads up so far up Kos’s ass they all see Kos’ duodenal canal.
Markos, having tasted the nectar of hacktocracy, is rewriting history by saying that Hackett only ran after Sherrod Brown announced his candidacy, thus proving that he has been corrupted by the same forces that have rendered the Democrats irrelevant.
But Brilliant, we knew Markos was corrupted as soon as he created his blog!
PuddyBud. a recession is not defined by “what PuddyBud wants it to be”.
And what you provided by whom proves what? USA Today? I provided four different sources of differing views and only YOU have chosen to reject them. Where are your friends?
None of your sources say that the recession started in March 2000.
You are living in fantasy land, Little buddy.
Here are a few more for you PuddlyBud, I could go on forever, but it ain’t worth it. Only you and I are reading this, and you are either extremely stupid, or just too drug addled to handle reality.
And guess what ALL of them state proudly that the March 2001 Bush recession started in… you guessed it March 2001.
I could go on forever, but it ain’t worth it. Only you and I are reading this, and you are either extremely stupid, or just too drug addled to handle reality
Hangover, Goldy?
Not that you’ll likely take recommendations from me, but try drinking some V-8. That does help.
Also, have you had your eyes checked lately?
Something I just found out today about the incident. Do you know that Dick Cheney tortured the guy for a half hour before he shot him?
Lucky you don’t need Sudafed…
Would have to go to store and sign form…name, drivers license etc.
Already happening here.
But big cheese Dem Di-Fi shoved it into Patriot Act..with $100mm every box of Sudafed has to have a form, locked up, daily maximum.
Stupid. I’m not the criminal….arrest the Meth guys..
L’Affaire Quail has me conflicted and confused.
** IF ** the incident was nothing more than was reported, then the Press has gone way overboard in its reaction. They are primarily upset by the fact the Corpus Christi paper was told about the shooting before the AP was told. They remind me of those pro athletes who constantly whine about getting ‘respect’.
On the other hand, because Cheney and Co. are behaving so oddly — as though there really is something to hide — I want the Press to keep digging. So, I’m conflicted and confused.
Fortunately, the good humor of Mr. Fish has kept me smiling through it all:
So everyones upset about some torture at Abu Graib prison.
No one bitched when they CUT OFF THE HEADS OF AMERICANS so
by that logic no one should bitch if we CUT THE HEADS OFF THE
PRISONERS. Then we should drag their headless bodies behind
every Hummer on patrol. No one bitched when they did that to
our Marines.
Mark: “So everyones upset about some torture at Abu Graib prison.”
What a strange, random and untrue rant…. Where did this come from?
I Googled “severe headaches” and the most likely cause for you Mr. Goldstein is either too much masterbating or staring at porn in excess of 12 hours per day for a week.
Sounds like you have a bugger of a headache.
Maybe it’s both.
Dick Cheney was in a hunting accident, and is probably distraught that his friend is in the hospital due to his actions. Guess what – he is acting human. It is against his nature to run in front of the cameras and either make excuses or cry, either of which would have suited the MSM.
On the other hand, Al Gore goes to Saudi Arabia and complains that the Bush administration is being TOO HARD on them. I know many of the commenters around here give the right a very hard time about not cracking down on the saudis. So what is your take? Has Al finally left the sane world? Do his comments reflect the new thinking on the left? Is it okay to accept huge money from the belly of the beast? Maybe the MSM is playing up the Cheney story so they don’t have to report this one.
righton is pro-meth
Mark: “So everyones upset about some torture at Abu Graib prison.â€
Actually it appears that righton s more upset about having to sign a form to get some sudafed. Don’t worry about illegal wiretapping, or having your privacy rights taken away by the unPatriot Act.
Worry about forms for sudafed.
Janet S., why did Cheney not wait for the authorities to check for drugs in the “accident”? Why did he leave the scene and leave the state? Why did he wait 24 hours for the owner of the luxury shooting gallery to leak the word to the local paper?
Why? Because he was drunk/drugged and could not wait to be tested, and needed time to sober up/ get a blood transfusion.
The man is either guilty as hell, or so goddamned incompetent that he has no business being the VP.
I just astounded that folks who claim to be gay or lesbian cannot give a simple explanation of what those terms mean, what they like to do and why. How are those unreasonable questions?
I mean these folks have parades and all kinds of events to draw attention to themselves.
And I truly do understand what it’s like to have a buddy from the same gender. It’s just that I don’t particular feel compelled to suck on his wanker or feel it in my hind-end. Plus I simply don’t know that it is somethin’ to be particularly “PROUD” of. Do you?
Are you one of them gay guys too Clueless.
If so, maybe you can splain it.
It not, why in the samhill are you so inclined to celebrate it?
Maybe some gay fellas don’t suck, get suck, poke their weiner where it don’t belong or get poke by someone elses?
When I took Biology, they taught us that the rectum was an EXIT orifice. Precisely what date did that change?
Maybe we need a new National Holiday….Gay Day. To celebrate the first gay butt poke. What the hell…another day off fer guv’mint werkers.
Hallmark would have a field day with Gay Day cards.
Hell clueless, you me can pardner up….if you promise not to look at me all dreamy eyed with yer boner in yer hand.
Just imagine what the Republicfucks would do if the headline was “Al Gore shoots 78 year old man in the face”. They would be apoplectic.
There would be no lame excuses offered by these sick fuck Trolls.
Dear Janet – I admire your exact, timed repetition of the RNC talking points of the day.
Cheney distraught? Gee I hope so. I’m willing to cut him some slack – a little time before going before the MSM but how about a little private chat with the local sherrif so the constable can do his job and gather information about a shooting incident. Why delay 15 hours?
Was drinking involved? Did Dick need to detox? Or was he simply “distraught” and needed some “comfort” from his dear friend Patricia Whittington, the ambassador to Switzerland?
Inquiring minds want to know Janet. Do you have any further talking points that might address these questions?
Go to the doctor and get a prescription.
Oink, you are obnoxious.
Comment by Donnageddon— 2/15/06 @ 10:39 am
Do you have some facts to back up your assertions?
Here’s the timeline:
If Cheney was so adled he needed a blood transfusion, I would think that when he spoke to the Kenedy County sherrif an hour and a half after the incident, that the sherrif would have noticed.
Cheney was interviewed the next morning by the Kenedy County sherrif’s deputies, prior to leaving Texas for DC, so he hardly was fleeing like he’s guilty of something.
Seems like the sherrif would need to be complicit for your paranoid fantasy to be real.
13 – I love these goofy ass nut wings who come here from (un)SP…
Fantasize on Oinkster. Gaydar’s are going off all over the great State of Washington.
Oink –
You certainly have an active fantasy life. How long have you been having these homosexual fantasies?
It just amazes me, that people have such a hard time understanding basic human sexuality. A result of our prudish public education system apparently. A person’s inate sexual orientation has nothing to do with promiscuity, sexual fetishes, or your obvious obsession with a man’s anus.
Con1st.. the “interview” was done by PHONE! Saturday night after the SHOOTING, deputies were turned AWAY by the Secret Service and the Luxury shooting gallery guards. Cheney had his medical team (and a large supply of blood) with him the whole time.
Your drug adled excuses for Cheney’s crime is not effective.
And Con1st, it does not take a massive amount of alcohol to impair the judgement of a man with a 28 gauge shotgun.
One drink is all it takes to make it a crime.
I just came across a great quote from Voltaire: “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” The Bushites have learned that lesson well.
16 – I understand CF. The constable was cutting the Veep a little slack after a long tiring day of slaughtering birds and bloodying an old friend and besides he only had a few precious hours left to spend with his old friend, the fetching Ambassador Whittington.
So they put off the interview until the next morning. Any constable would do that for anyone. Anything you say.
Interview at 9:00pm? Can we put that off till 9:00 am? I’m tired, a heart patient and my doctor makes sure I turn in early. Sure, no problem Mr. Vice-President.
Amazing, what else can you wish were the case? Pretty active imagination Donnageddon.
Cheney will be interviewed by Brit Hume later today and he will announce he is running for President in 2008.
The resason this has turned into a big deal is that the White House Press corps got scooped by a small local-yokel paper. They’re acting like spoiled children and should be ashamed of themselves.
To the others that think this hunting accident was a big deal, move on to something important. Why not talk about the 2006 elections? Surely those are more important than this petty shotgun issue!
It’s amazing to me to read the righties comments on these threads. I used to wonder how people got so stupid. Now I know. It took a while before I realized what was happening. These inbred fools are just repurposing what they have heard on right wing radio or read on rags like World Net Daily – word for word. These fucks are brainwashed. They’re obviously too stupid to think for themselves so they listen to a bunch of greedy, American-hating, chickenhawks and just repeat what they say. I almost feel sorry for the mental midgets on the right. Almost.
Almost forgot. Dear Janet, about Al Gore, can you point to a full text of his speech in Jeddah or are you just repeating the wingnut drivel I’m seeing when I google.
As far I can see, Gore complained about Bush mistreating muslims in the United States. Yes, I know of more than a few incidents where that was definitely the case.
It’s amazing to me to read the lefties comments on these threads. I used to wonder how people got so stupid. Now I know. It took a while before I realized what was happening. These inbred fools are just repurposing what they have heard on left wing radio or read on rags like DailyKos – word for word. These public school graduates are brainwashed. They’re obviously too stupid to think for themselves so they listen to a bunch of greedy, American-hating, “progressives” and just repeat what they say. I almost feel sorry for the mental midgets on the left. Almost.
“Hillary” said
“These inbred fools are just repurposing what they have heard on left wing radio or read on rags like DailyKos – word for word. ”
Example, please. And if you cannot find even one example of a word for word recitation on this blog of something from DailyKos, can we forever know you as a lying moron?
That was a rhetorical question. We already know you as a lying moron.
Comment by Donnageddon— 2/15/06 @ 10:56 am
“Con1st.. the “interview” was done by PHONE!”
If Cheney was so adled he needed a blood transfusion to cover it up (your insinuation), even a phone interview would reveal this, via slurred speech and disorientation. The sheriff would have probable cause to search the premises to determine if a crime had been committed. You have no proof of your assertion, yet you keep making them. Don’t let facts get in your way, continue to believe your paranoid fantasies.
Comment by For the Clueless— 2/15/06 @ 11:06 am
“Interview at 9:00pm? Can we put that off till 9:00 am? I’m tired, a heart patient and my doctor makes sure I turn in early. Sure, no problem Mr. Vice-President.”
So you are sure this is how the conversation transpired. Are you wiretapping conversations between US citizens? I thought that was illegal. I’d suspect the sheriff thinks this is a simple hunting accident, and is investigating it as such. I’ve seen nothing to convince me that drugs or alcohol were involved. If you have some facts to bring to the table, bring them.
Comment by Donnageddon— 2/15/06 @ 10:59 am
“And Con1st, it does not take a massive amount of alcohol to impair the judgement of a man with a 28 gauge shotgun.”
True, nor does it take a massive about of alchohol to impair the judgement of a man driving an Oldsmobile. What’s your point? You don’t have any proof and are just speculating. While this is just a comment thread on a blog, if you want anyone to take you seriously, you should at least have some facts to back up your wild assertions.
“Left Turn” said
“These inbred fools are just repurposing what they have heard on right wing radio or read on rags like World Net Daily – word for word.”
Example, please. And if you cannot find even one example of a word for word recitation on this blog of something from WND, can we forever know you as a lying moron?
Like I figgued, Cheney accepted full responsability, like the man he is, like a Republican. Unlike a Democrat!
But you Trolls are correct; this drunken/drugged shooting of a 78 year old man by the Vice President is nothing compared to this:
Cheney Authorizes Libby to LEAK National Security Info
Oh, boy, no wonder Cheney shot that 78 year old man. He wanted this to stay off the headlines.
Cheney – Draft Dodger.Traitor.Poor Sportsman
Accepting responsability for shooting a 78 year old man in the face to keep his TREASON off the front pages.
Yep, that is a Republican for you!
Interesting article about someone who registered to vote at a location they don’t live and proceeded to vote.
Goldy, you haven’t stood behind Cheney lately, have you? Better go to the doctor and have a brain scan done to see if you have any shotgun pellets in your brain.
Brit Hume will be wearing a blue dress for the Cheney Interview just to keep everything in context.
Don’t let facts get in your way, continue to believe your paranoid fantasies.
Sure, CF. Just like the following:
I’d suspect the sheriff thinks this is a simple hunting accident, and is investigating it as such.
What is a “simple hunting accident”? Being peppered by birdshot? And then being re-admitted to intensive care when it turns out one of those “peppers” is lodged in the victim’s heart. Sounds just simple to me.
And why did the secret service contact the sherrif? Wasn’t everything being responsibly handled? Nope the reason is that better the secret service contact the sherrif on behalf of the Veep than the emergency room doctor who has to by law.
And again any responsible constable would put off gathering information for a shooting incident report from the parties involved until a “decent interval” has passed. Like say 15 hours.. Sure CF… I buy it.
mark — are you a Nazi? just curious.
mark = apologist for torturing innocent Iraqi non-combatants
Kevin Carnes aka Janet S @9
“Dick Cheney was in a hunting accident, and is probably distraught that his friend is in the hospital due to his actions. Guess what – he is acting human. It is against his nature to run in front of the cameras and either make excuses or cry, either of which would have suited the MSM.”
No, Cheney is upset because his insurance premiums will go up.
Everybody — watch out for Kevin Carnes (aka Oink)!!! He has a weird obsession with other people’s sexual behavior. Probably has a long rap sheet, too.
Here’s a headache for the wingnut election fraud sentinels. The Coultergeist got caught registering and voting at a counterfeit address.
42 – I think Carnes aka Oinkster was trying to make a date with me. Sorry Oink, I’m straight and attached and even if I was single, I wouldn’t date a pig (bestiality isn’t my thing). And lastly, given your obssession with penises and anuses I think you’d make boring date material for anyone no matter what their sexual orientation.
I have a feeling you’ll keep trying though. It’s only human (or porcine) to believe there’s someone for everyone.
Comment by For the Clueless— 2/15/06 @ 11:57 am
“What is a “simple hunting accident”?”
I didn’t say it wasn’t serious. I don’t believe this incident to be the complicated conspiracy, involving blood transfusions, etc., you and Donnageddon believe it to be.
“And why did the secret service contact the sherrif? Wasn’t everything being responsibly handled? Nope the reason is that better the secret service contact the sherrif on behalf of the Veep than the emergency room doctor who has to by law.”
What’s your point? The Secret Service shouldn’t have called the sherrif and let the emergency room doctor do so instead? I’m not seeing how the Secret Service contacting the sheriff to report a person being shot is irresponsible or indication of a coverup. I guess if you do, so be it.
“And again any responsible constable would put off gathering information for a shooting incident report from the parties involved until a “decent interval” has passed. Like say 15 hours.. Sure CF… I buy it.”
Again, you see suspicious behavior because you want to, not because you have anything facts to lead you to that conclusion.
I wonder if Oink likes to watch rabbits doin’ it too
Libertarian @ 25
“The resason this has turned into a big deal is that the White House Press corps got scooped by a small local-yokel paper. “
Ummmm…no. The reason this is a big deal is because the Vice President shot another person and then hid the incident for a day.
Nutty conspiracy theories are simply not required!
“Seems like the sherrif would need to be complicit for your paranoid fantasy to be real. Comment by ConservativeFirst— 2/15/06 @ 10:46 am”
Does Kenedy County, Texas, even have a sheriff? The whole county has only 414 residents.
“sherrif” Comment by ConservativeFirst— 2/15/06 @ 10:46 am”
ConFirst is a typical illiterate wingnut — he can’t even spell “sheriff” correctly.
“Cheney will be interviewed by Brit Hume later today and he will announce he is running for President in 2008. Comment by Hillary— 2/15/06 @ 11:22 am”
Cheney can’t run for president in 2008. He’s allowed only two terms as president.
Again, you see suspicious behavior because you want to,
And you’re NOT seeing suspicious behavior because of what exactly?
“The resason this has turned into a big deal is that the White House Press corps got scooped by a small local-yokel paper. Comment by Libertarian— 2/15/06 @ 11:26 am”
The reason this has turned into a big deal is because America’s most famous draft dodger shot a man and didn’t report it to authorities until the alcohol was out of his bloodstream.
“Texas Sheriff Barred From Interviewing Cheney About Shooting Incident
“CBS News reports that local law enforcement officials were prevented from interviewing Vice President Cheney after he accidentally shot a 78-year-old man during a hunting trip:
“CBS News White House correspondent Peter Maer reports Texas authorities are complaining that the Secret Service barred them from speaking to Cheney after the incident. Kenedy County Texas Sheriffs Lt. Juan Guzman said deputies first learned of the shooting when an ambulance was called.”
Comment by For the Clueless— 2/15/06 @ 12:18 pm
“And you’re NOT seeing suspicious behavior because of what exactly?”
I don’t see any facts that would lead me to that conclusion. I’ve seen lots of wild assertions, though.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/15/06 @ 12:16 pm
“ConFirst is a typical illiterate wingnut – he can’t even spell “sheriff” correctly.”
While you continue to pass up the opportunity to refute my arguments, feel free to critique my grammar as well.
“I think Carnes aka Oinkster was trying to make a date with me.”
Oink can have a date with me to suck my dick!!! For a good time, call 1-800-RRABBIT.
Kevin Carnes aka Con1st @45
Kevin — the correct spelling is “sheriff,” you illiterate fuck.
“I wonder if Oink likes to watch rabbits doin’ it too Comment by rwb— 2/15/06 @ 12:13 pm”
Of course he does! I see him at Green Lake Park every day.
Remember the county where this happened in has about 400 residents – heck I have more people than that in the office building I’m in. It’s not like Mrs. Armstrong doesn’t wink wink nod nod know the guy.
For photo of Kevin Carnes aka Oink sitting on park bench click here (note: photo is modified to protect Oink’s identity)
Kenedy County’s sheriff is Ramon Salinas. His deputy is Lt. Guzman. The office secretary is Mrs. Guzman. These three individuals account for 30% of the county’s employment base.
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/15/06 @ 12:22 pm
I read the article at the link provided by the blogger and saw nothing to support his assertion. Did you bother to read the link or do you just believe everything you read posted by a blogger on the Internet?
Here’s the link, FYI:
Here’s some info for the Cluless and Donnageddon
“According to a Texas Parks and Wildlife Department report issued Monday, Whittington was retrieving a downed quail about 5:30 p.m. CT and stepped out of the hunting line he was sharing with Cheney at Armstrong’s ranch south of Corpus Christi. “Another covey was flushed and Cheney swung on a bird and fired, striking Whittington in the face, neck and chest at approximately 30 yards,” the report said.
The report went on to note that neither Cheney, who wielded a .28-gauge Perazzi shotgun loaded with 7.5 birdshot, nor Whittington appeared to be under the influence of intoxicants or drugs.”
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/15/06 @ 12:29 pm
“Kevin – the correct spelling is “sheriff,” you illiterate f*ck.” (explitive deleted)
If it annoys you so much, I’d suggest you stop reading my posts. But, since you are reading them, any grammar critiques? I really value your opinion on my writing style. Wait is that “you’re”? No I got it right, it’s “your” (and “it’s” for that matter).
dj @ 47 –
No, it’s NOT a big deal. The White House press corps is a bunch of arrogant little babies who are throwing a temper tantrum.
I can hear the cell phone conversation now.
Rove: Dick
Cheney: What is ti karl, I’m busy now…
Rove: Dick they found out you told Libby to out a CIA operative, and leak other secret NSA information.
Cheney: What!? Let me put my drink down. What is that again?
Rove: They KNOW, DICK!
Cheney: What should I do, Mr. Mastermind?
Rove: Just a second let me think… Ok I got it!
Cheney: Ok, what do I do?
Rove: Shoot someone.
Cheney: What? Who?
Rove: Anyone, just shoot someone, we have to get this treason business off the headlines!
Cheny: Ok, just a sec… *BLAM*
Rove: Who’d you shoot?
Cheney: Whittington.
Rove: Perfect! He is old and not shoveling much money to us! Just perfect!
Cheney: *BLAM*
Rove: Stop Dick! Who’d you shoot now?
Cheney: Just shooting at the Sheriff. Let him know how well to investigate this thing.
Rove: Smart move.
I thought this was cute.
Buck Shot from the Big Shot
It only took 18 hours
To get the AP wire,
“Loaded Veep Shoots Austin Attorney”
That’s one way to say,
“You’re fired!”
In a smog of stinky Texas air
The Veep went hunting for quail,
Could it be he was drunk on power?
Going down a scape goat trail??
Taking aim at all the scandals
Trying to make them go away.
The Buck shot from this Bigger shot
Found an unlikely prey.
Could it be a convenient diversion
From the mainstream press?
To report an unfortunate accident
Rather than Plame-gate and the CIA test.
He knew there were no WMDs
The CIA proved north and south,
But Dick Cheney’s Rambo arrogance
Finds it useful to shoot off his mouth.
Maybe your right and Cheney was sober. Or maybe not. But tell me what exactly fuels this speculation, rumor, inuendo, whatever.
It is a culture of secrecy that is so obsessed with protecting even the most trivial of information that what might have been a minor incident is now a front page link 4 days latter:
Cheney Breaks Silence on Hunting Accident
If the fool of a Vice Pres had simply come clean immeadiatly, this would have been page 3 news. But we know that is not going to happen.
Isn’t shooting an elderly man in the face against the law, sir?
Libertarian @ 63
“No, it’s NOT a big deal.”
Hmmm…judging by reactions from all quarters (I, mean, outside the WH press corps), this really is the big deal. I mean, the world thought Ford tripping, Carter lusting, and Bush Sr. puking were interesting news stories. The VP shooting his hunting partner is HUGE!
“The White House press corps is a bunch of arrogant little babies who are throwing a temper tantrum.”
Last I saw, they were all full-grown adults, dry-eyed, and engaged in a questioning frenzy, not a temper tantrum.
Here’s how I see the Dick “shoot from the hip” Cheney’s situation playing out.
Duck Hunt Cheney goes on FAUX NEWS and gives a “full accounting” of what happened that day. He makes a flat out denial that alcohol was involved.
Once “Dead Eye” Dick makes that statement, the local law enforcement officers will go the hospital and ask to see the blood results on the work up of the gun shot victim. It will reveal if there were any alcohol in his system. Here are the reasons they would test for alcohol / drugs in his system at the hospital
1) It’s no far stretch of the imagination that a “hunting” accident would involve alcohol. Especially in Texas. So they would have tested for alcohol & drugs for evidentiary values. I’m guessing it’s probably required by Texas state law, too. Roger Rabbit can provide a better legal opinion than I can.
2) Regardless of the “he was just peppered” comments by the RNC spin machine, the attending physicians could see there were entry wounds.
3) X-rays would certainly reveal the “lead” pellets in the core areas of his body.
4) With that medical evidence, the possibility of having to perform surgery to repair internal injuries just became a very serious reality to consider.
5) Given the circumstances above, no surgeon in this country is going to administer anesthetic to a 78 year old man suffering from gun shot trauma and potentially under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
6) The potential for a serious interaction between anesthetic or pain management medicines and alcohol are to serious to ignore for malpractice reasons alone.
7) As soon as there is an official medical report confirming the presence of alcohol in his body that is going to make Cheney’s story suspect.
8) If this guy survives and admits to authorities there was drinking going on Cheney has committed a felony – again.
9) If this guy dies as a result of his wounds and there is medical evidence of alcohol, Cheney’s on the hook for manslaughter.
Can you say: “Oh, Shit not another scandal”
“Get your Republican Scandal program here. Too many scandals to keep track of without a program.”
“Comes complete with a scorecard so you can keep track of who’s indicted, who’s convicted, who copped a plea, who’s cooperating, who’s turning on their party, who’s serving time.”
“Bonus impeachment section, be the first with your impeachment procedure rulebook.”
“Get your Republican Scandal program here, hot off the press.”
dj @ 67 –
You and I will obviously disagree on nearly every issue. Let’s leave it at that.
QUESTION: You asked him about alcohol being consumed on premises.
HUME: I did.
QUESTION: And what did he say about that?
HUME: He said he had a beer at lunch and that had been many hours earlier. And it was dusk, around 5:00 p.m., when this incident happened. And he said that, you know, they had lunch out in the field, a barbecue, and he had a beer. But you said you don’t hunt with people who have been drinking. He said no one was drinking. He said they went back to the ranch afterwards, took a break after that, and went out about 3:00 and so you’re four or five hours distanced from the last alcohol that he consumed. And he said no one was drinking, not he nor anyone else.
Yep, I believe you Mr. Vice-Preznit. And I hope you were eating bbq chicken with the skin off. Anything heavier is not good for the ticker.
re 6: Just because you haven’t seen it on the news doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened. The news blackout on Falujah has been pretty total.
Comment by Commander Ogg— 2/15/06 @ 1:02 pm
“But tell me what exactly fuels this speculation, rumor, inuendo, whatever.”
Part of what fuels this speculation, much like what generated wild rumors about Clinton during the Whitewater investigation, is members of the fringe ignoring common sense and facts to engage in hyperbole, then not backing down when confronted with facts.
“It is a culture of secrecy that is so obsessed with protecting even the most trivial of information that what might have been a minor incident is now a front page link 4 days latter:”
I agree, I wish Bush had dumped Cheney when running for re-election. His “experience” was no longer needed and he’s a political liability.
Note to Roger: Ogg means “later” so you don’t have to reply saying the Commander is an idiot for misspelling “later”.
“If the fool of a Vice Pres had simply come clean immeadiatly, this would have been page 3 news. But we know that is not going to happen.”
I’m not sure I’d call Cheney a fool. But I think the strategy for handling this incident was poor. I disagree it would have been page 3, but I think the story would have had shorter legs had Cheney addressed the media soon after the incident occurred.
I’m not sure I’d call Cheney a fool. But I think the strategy for handling this incident was poor. I disagree it would have been page 3, but I think the story would have had shorter legs had Cheney addressed the media soon after the incident occurred.
Comment by ConservativeFirst— 2/15/06 @ 1:23 pm
Exactly, that’s why there is so much suspicion surrounding this story. He’s not a fool, why did he wait so long to respond to the media.
Given the fact this man has had two previous arrests for drunk driving, heightens the suspcion that the VP committed a felony involving alcohol — again.
Comment by GBS— 2/15/06 @ 1:29 pm
“Exactly, that’s why there is so much suspicion surrounding this story. He’s not a fool, why did he wait so long to respond to the media.”
Read the interview, Cheney explains his motivations, it’s up to you whether you want to believe him or not.
“Given the fact this man has had two previous arrests for drunk driving, heightens the suspcion that the VP committed a felony involving alcohol – again.”
The evidence indicates that alcohol or drugs weren’t involved.
I’ll reiterate the link I posted previously that you either didn’t see or chose to ignore.
“The report went on to note that neither Cheney, who wielded a .28-gauge Perazzi shotgun loaded with 7.5 birdshot, nor Whittington appeared to be under the influence of intoxicants or drugs.”
This is the event they are going to use to get rid of Cheney ( remember Spiro Agnew? ). Then they’ll go after the president on several of the impeachable offenses he’s committed. Then Bush will resign and then …
Con1st ““The report went on to note that neither Cheney, who wielded a .28-gauge Perazzi shotgun loaded with 7.5 birdshot, nor Whittington appeared to be under the influence of intoxicants or drugs.â€
Here is the actual “report”, Conman. Signed by the Game Warden. He was not sniffing the Veeps breathe, you moron.
“The evidence indicates that alcohol or drugs weren’t involved.”
Based on a checked box of a Game Warden’s report.
Yeah, that is real investigative work there!
Hmmm. “not under the influence”. No way the KNOW. Twenty four hours later they do a test (which they didn’t) and it has no relevance.
I’m with GBS. The man who knows is the ER Doc, along with his support staff. They HAVE to know Whittington’s condition to treat him. They’ll probably never tell unless Whittington dies. A conservative course of treatment was in order, even with ugly entrance wounds. . .but with the heart involvement, now they’re rolling out the entire panoply of medical treatment options. . .cat scans. . .surgical preop evals etc.
Comment by Donnageddon— 2/15/06 @ 1:57 pm
“Based on a checked box of a Game Warden’s report.
Yeah, that is real investigative work there!”
The press release from the Sherriff’s (just to bug Roger) office also said (from your link):
“The investigation reveals that there was no alcohol, or misconduct involved in the incident. Mr. Whittington’s interview collaborated Vice President Cheney’s statement. This Department is fully satisfied that this was no more than a hunting accident.”
I hear Cheney also runs with scissors….quick, alert the press.
What a bunch of nothing. I’m much more concered about the Katrina hearings.
Port-au-Prince, Haiti — Hundreds of smashed ballot boxes and bags apparently used to carry vote count sheets were scattered across a garbage dump Wednesday, more than a week after Haiti’s disputed presidential elections. U.N. officials sent troops to the garbage dump five miles north of the capital to recover the election material, according to U.N. spokesman David Wimhurst, who called the discovery ”extraordinary.” [Detroit, Milwaukee, Broward County, Oakland, Harare, and Port-au-Prince……….Gee, Libs, What do these “solid Democrat voting coties all have in common? RR? GBS? Left Turn?]
Mr. Cynical has returned with his new name “Oink”
Welcome back Ms Chickenhawk.
Con1st, you imbecile! The “investigation” was having someone in the sheriff’s department look at the Game Warden’s checklist. There was no way the Kenedy County sheriff’s department is going to ask for a breathalyzer test of Cheney. Hell, they couldn’t even get past the fucking gate!
So, Cheney has succeeded in getting the revelations that he told Libby to leak CIA operative Plame’s Identity (while she was undercover providing intelligence in IRAN’s Nuclear program)and other NSA secret information!
Plus, he has dupes like you spinning madly against the obvious.
Flunked out of Ground School, huh?
What a loser!!
Good God, what’s it like to go from thinking you’re going to be famed Naval Aviator to a supply officer in the Gator Navy?
Huh? What’s it like to flunk out? To not be good enough?
Tell us, Clarice, quid pro quo. . .
Yeah, sven, a drunken traitorous Vice President shooting 78 year old men in the face is not news.
@ 83
Donnageddon, where did you hear/read the Plame Iran connection?
I’d like to learn more. Use it against the neo-convicts on this blog.
Like the Ground School flunknie, JCH!!
Baaa haaaa haaa.
JCH, you’re a WASHOUT!
Here is part of the story, GBS
Haven’t had the time to follow the rest of it yet. The story got kinda buried after Cheney shot his buddy.
Oh, and the Plame – Iran connection is here
I don’t know much about Raw Story… I will look for other sources.
WOW, thanks Donnageddon.
Powerful stuff. Imagine that, an American patriot, puts herself in the thick of a covert war, where if her cover is blown, she’s dead with no official acknowledgement from the US government, just to prevent the terrorists we’re fighting and rouge nations from obtaining Weapons of Mass Destruction and using them against us.
And what does she get in return?
Her cover blown, and a 20 year CIA front operation blown that had in fact intercepted such seedy and dangerous transactions from occurring.
How many of her associates, being NOC’s, are dead right now because this Administration wanted to discredit her husband in making their case for fradulent war in Iraq?
Oink (aka Mr. Cynical)
Janet S. (especially you, you bitch)
And the rest of you slimey Mother Fuckin’ unpatriotic ass holes.
The boys probably did have a few scotches. The difference being if
Gore would have shot him, he would finish him off and had
Carville and his cronys bury his ass. At least Cheney hid out
for a day and let the poor bastard live.
All the accusatoins of him being drunk are just that, accusations.
It makes lovely fodder, but in the end its just more pointless idiocy.
The real story is that Dick is a lousy hunter who made an idiots error.
All the media outrage and everything else is just dumb.
JCH, there are other flight programs out there. Why don’t you apply for the Canadian Snowbirds?
Maybe you could cut it there. No, you couldn’t hack it there either, Canadian officers are smarter than you.
Let’s see. . .where could you cut it as a military pilot. . .what country. . .
Aha, Mexico!
Nope, you’re still too dumb.
Jamaica, yah mon, you could get really high in their military.
Damn, you’re still to stupid.
let’s see, thinking, thinking. . . Iran! Yeah, baby, I do believe we found you a new home.
Wait, wait . . . Damn, they don’t allow pilots wearing burkas.
Tough break there WASHOUT, looks like you’re gonna have to stick to being a supply officer. Hey, chop, chop it’s almost chow time. We need 350 lbs of potatoes, 200 lbs of lettuce, 600 lbs of hamburger, 800 hamburger buns, 55 gallons of ketchup and mustard, 150 gallons of milk & 100 gallons of bug juice.
When you’re done with that restock the paint locker, doofus.
Shit, you’re a pathetic loser.
GBS, Not having a good day? You may need to take another pill. Maybe two.
GBS, Did you know Goldy was a Navy SEAL, too?
95, cont, Just like you!
Oink (aka Mr. Cynical)
Janet S. (especially you, you bitch)
And the rest of you slimey Mother Fuckin’ unpatriotic ass holes.
Comment by GBS— 2/15/06 @ 3:03 pm [GBS, You must be a lot of fun at party, especially when you drink!]
Hey GBS, I have no objection to you making fun of JCH all day every day, but can you leave the rest of the Navy out of it? Lots of us choose to enter fields such as nuclear power, sub school and yes supply, and gator Navy is not populated with losers. After all, we arent sitting here speculating about your ability to complete our schools. Thanks.
Bill, GBS was a SEAL! So was Goldy! [hehe]
Don’t worry, JCH, we got yer pills comin’ right up. We got a ‘doc’ who makes house calls to Pahoa.
100, Tree Frog, All right! I like a little action!
Sorry if I offended you. I didn’t mean to imply that all people in the supply chain are losers and I certainly wouldn’t call all people in the Gator Navy losers, since I was in the GN at one point.
I just love kicking the snot out of JCH.
Tree Frog, Were you a Navy SEAL like Goldy and GBS?
Sven @ 80
“What a bunch of nothing. I’m much more concered about the Katrina hearings.”
Wrong! Even though the Katrina hearings (or, more specifically, the massive report that is sharply critical of the government’s response to Katrina) have much more substance, we really knew about the findings months ago.
Before Sunday, who figured the Cheney would actually shoot somebody, and then be stupid enough hide it from the press for a day? The surprise/novelty factor makes the story have widespread appeal.
JCH, just for you.
GBS, normally you are a cool customer. I checked with some relatives on your duty. You are the genuine SEAL article. . .
Comment by Puddybud— 2/13/06 @ 4:15 pm
BTW: You’re still a WASHOUT.
See ya, wouldn’t wanna ta be ya.
Tell us, Clarice, why did you fail ground school?
What was it?
Details, Clarice. Tell us the teary eyed details.
Was it the dynamics of lift?
Was that too much for you? Is that what pushed you over the brink and into the abyss of failure?
GBS, Anyone can buy penny stocks at 5000 at a crack. Anyone! But “lot trades”……….Well, they are not for you!
GBS @ 108
“Was it the dynamics of lift?”
It was probably because he wasn’t interested in learning how to land….
Tell us, Clarice, when you first went to flight school and your mother would brag to her friends that her son was going to be a pilot in the Navy, did you feel her pain when you had to explain to her that there were no gold wings in your future?
What embarrassment did your mother experience when she had to confess to her friends that you flunked ground school?
What do you think her friends said to each other behind her back once your profound failure wiped the smirk off of your mother’s face?
What where they whispering, Clarice?
How much did they laugh at your mother’s expense?
Your father, Clarice, tell us about his disappointment in you. Have you two discussed your shortcomings?
You know your father told everyone he works with, as proud fathers do, that his son was going to be a fighter pilot in the Navy — fly jets off of carriers. What did his coworkers say when they found out about you?
How much did they tease your father?
How many times to you think your father found him self being the butt of a joke?
Do you think they left him a scarf and a leather flying cap on his desk? Perhaps, they left him toy airplane.
Tell us, Clarice.
GBS and dj,
Actually, JCH’s problem can be summed up by the fact that he continues to lick the self-adhesive stamp prior to affixing it to the letter.
I wonder how the BOQ he ran on North Island is getting along without him?
Oh, I wasn’t suppy, I was a nuke. Still, I just thought it had to be said, thanks though. Carry on with abusing JCH though, couldnt happen to a more deserving fellow.
Do you still work in that field, or have you moved on to other stuff?
heh, not many folk stay there after their time in the service, not many jobs in the field outside of the Navy. I’m working in computers now.
Is it just me, or is everyone waiting for JCH to reference his bsc and ssc then mumble something about gazpacho soup?
As I suspected. I’m sure it was good learning, right?
When the MEPS people tried to force me into nuke, I balked and went ET instead.
Well, I don’t regret it, but I think the ET path would have been a bit more useful after. I am guessing you made the better choice though. :-)
Well, its pretty much the equivelent of an associates degree in six months. Its tough, and you dont really know you have it for a few years after the school. On the other hand, I did get to go to college afterwards and it gave me a good grounding for being successful there.
Based on my asvabs and bad eyes, they said nuke or et only. The marines and army ‘just said no’, and the air force wouldnt guarantee anything so those were my choices.
I’d not say one is better than the other. Looking back, I guess I wouldn’t have done any different…
As for the other services, and speaking from the experiences of my brother in the Marines (RET) and my son in the Air Force (as related by them), the Navy is the way to go.
something left, right and everyone in between can (or should agree on) Navy is best. ;-)
As you said… :)
DJ@67: Yesterday, NBC News White House Correspondent David Gregory called Presidental Spokesman Scott McClellan a jerk. Hmmm… I guess you have a different standard for news reporters!
GBS, Bill and other veterans: Doesn’t it torque your medals when Gerardo Sandoval, SF Commissioner, says we don’t need a US Military? These fools don’t the USS Iowa, one of the most famous Naval warships, to be docked in San Francisco. So I guess you all wasted your time in the military per 8 of the SF Commisioners!!!
Damn flu: I meant to say, “These fools don’t want the USS Iowa…”
“NBC News White House Correspondent David Gregory called Presidental Spokesman Scott McClellan a jerk.”
Finally the WH News Corps is stating the obvious.
I answered that the first time you asked yesterday, are you some kind of senile idiot too?
Puddybud @ 125
“Yesterday, NBC News White House Correspondent David Gregory called Presidental Spokesman Scott McClellan a jerk.”
Is that right? Umm…not that I’ve ever heard of David Gregory, but….
“Hmmm… I guess you have a different standard for news reporters!”
You’ll have to provide a little more explanation there Pudster… You statement appears to be another non sequitur from PuddyLand.
bill @129
I missed that one.
Puddybud @126
And you are shocked over SF leftivists rejecting such a militaristic overture? Military history means nothing for most of them (My guess: because history keeps leapfrogging the city).
As an aside, hasn’t this USS Iowa thingy been contemplated since 1996? It ain’t goin nowhere in SF since they are, umm, leftivists. Be thankful the USS Midway is in San Diego (and I am thankful, since my money was part of that)…
mark – are you a Nazi? just curious.
mark = apologist for torturing innocent Iraqi non-combatants
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 2/15/06 @ 12:01 pm
Yeah Mark, answer the Commie’s question.
Just to clarify: I have no idea who “mark” is. I doubt he is a NAZI, but let him answer for himself.
btw –
Is this you, Rufus?
Must be really awesome to be top dog.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency moved in to repossess trailers from a St. Rose mobile home park Friday because hurricane victims occupied only five of the 55 federally owned trailers there, an agency spokeswoman said Tuesday. FEMA officials made the discovery at the property owned by New Orleans River View LLC as part of a routine inspection of trailer recipients under the Business Restart program. [Looks like you fag Democrats will have to give the trailers back!! Hit the streets, losers!]
JCH, you are an idiot too [HE HE]
Hey DonDon@137: Housing starts are up
Reuters: By Kristin Roberts
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Construction of homes in the United States soared in January to the highest in nearly 33 years thanks to mild winter weather, the government said on Thursday in a report showing unexpected strength in housing.
Lousy economy? Oops… another StuckonStupid comment shot apart again! You are another leftist hate the economy wacko!!!!
Marks – The Rufus comment was funny!
DJ@130L Uhhh, no I don’t. The non sequitur is only in your convoluted mind. Didn’t you make David Horowitz’s book on the 101 worst professors in the US?
My statement stands on it’s own. Look up the transcript and read his comments for yourself. David Gregory is a prime time self serving ass! 57% of the people say this is no big thing. Rasmussen Polling!
Puddybud @ 140
“Uhhh, no I don’t. The non sequitur is only in your convoluted mind.” quoted some reporter and then said:
“Hmmm… I guess you have a different standard for news reporters!”
What I was asking you to explain is this. How does a statement by a reporter whose name I don’t recognize have any bearing on my standards for news reporters? Have I linked to an article by said reporter (its possible, but if so I don’t recall doing so)?
My statement stands on it’s own. Look up the transcript and read his comments for yourself. David Gregory is a prime time self serving ass! 57% of the people say this is no big thing.
Could be…I have nothing to say about Gregory, since I haven’t studied him (studying reporters is not really my thing).
“Didn’t you make David Horowitz’s book on the 101 worst professors in the US?”
I don’t know…I’ve not read David Horowitz’s book. But, given that fields in which I teach and do research have little to do with politics, I doubt it.
dj, PuddyBud is just being PuddyBud. He has never made any sense, and waiting for him to start is just an exercise in futility.
“Housing starts are up… thanks to mild winter weather” Yeah, PuddyBud, thanks to that Bush-given mild winter weather. And you NeoCons keep telling everyone that Bush does nto control the weather! I guess he is responsible for Katrina afterall.
DJ: You comment on reporters:
“Last I saw, they were all full-grown adults, dry-eyed, and engaged in a questioning frenzy, not a temper tantrum. Comment by dj— 2/15/06 @ 1:04 pm”
Now you say one of the most virulent lefty White House Correspondents is an unknown quantity to you? Are you still living in your small intellectual prison? You don’t watch the evening news on NBC? You don’t watch Chris Matthews slather over all his lefty friends? Wow, I am shocked DJ. Somehow I don’t believe you based on your comment I snipped from #67, unless you haven’t watched the White House Press Corps since January 20, 2001. So which is it?
Now on to StudckonStupid@142: It was you who said this is the worst economy. Now that unemplyment is .4% lower than any time in the 8 years of Clinton and economists admit the country started a recession in March 2000, now all you can do is ridicule? Standard modus operandi for someone aptly named by Lt. Gen Honore!
GBS: If you haven’t been paying attention to Able Danger, here is the latest.
Looks like some of the data is still around as of two weeks ago on some Pentagon system. If General Shelton does testify and the person who deleted some of the documentation is held accountable and General Schoomaker who told Lt Col Shaffer to step down because he was outranked, this will get interesting as the hearing start.
Oh yes, clueless and windie, I still remember your comments on Able Danger a few months back. Well pay attention now!
Puddybud @ 143
Now you say one of the most virulent lefty White House Correspondents is an unknown quantity to you?”
Yep…I would be hard pressed to name two of them. Apparently, you know them much better than I do. But, the fact is, the last time I saw ’em, they were all adults, none were crying, and they were engaging in a question frenzy (rather than crying infants having a temper tantrum). If you have evidence that refutes my statement, let’s have it. Otherwise you are just making shit up. I’ve made no other claims, positive or negative about them as a group or as individuals.
“Are you still living in your small intellectual prison?”
Are you still stealing other people’s punch lines? I guess that one must have stung badly, huh, Puddy?
“You don’t watch the evening news on NBC?”
Nope…the Superbowl and the SOTU address is literally the only TV I have watched this year.
“You don’t watch Chris Matthews slather over all his lefty friends? “
I believe I saw him on TV once–maybe 4 or 5 years ago.
“Wow, I am shocked DJ. Somehow I don’t believe you based on your comment I snipped from #67, unless you haven’t watched the White House Press Corps since January 20, 2001.”
Yes…I have watched the Whitehouse press corps on TV, perhaps 5 or 6 times since Jan 2001. Although I am very familiar with McClellan’s voice, I literally first saw what McClellan looked like last summer durring the questioning about the White House Plame leak. Saw a little more of him during Katrina.
“So which is it?”
It is what it is!
If I was Dick Cheney’s boss (the president, that is) I’d be pretty pissed that he shot some guy in the face who ended up in the ICU and he waited TWO DAYS to tell me. Chickenshit. I would fire his arrogant ass.
PuddyBud, you know what your problem is? Well one of the many problems you have is that you actually believe the bullshit that is fed to you by all the neocon turncoats.
What made you even think you would get away with such an obvious lie?
Here is the annual unemployment rates from 1990 – 2005. You will notice that your statement above is complete BULLSHIT!
1990 – 5.6
1991 – 6.8
1992 – 7.5
1993 – 6.9
1994 – 6.1
1995 – 5.6
1996 – 5.4
1997 – 4.9
1998 – 4.5
1999 – 4.2
2000 – 4.0
2001 – 4.7
2002 – 5.8
2003 – 6.0
2004 – 5.5
2005 – 5.1
Do you pray to Jesus with that dirty lying mouth of yours?
More trouble is brewing, PuddyBud. I will pos on the real bad economic news later.
Till then, quit lying!
Okay Dondon: You got me, I stand corrected. Amazing you chose to use the same URL I used. So I take it you say the decline under GWB?
Here is the screech from David Gregory since you don’t believe me!
Why was the White House relying on a Texas rancher to get the word of Cheney’s hunting accident out over the weekend, asked Gregory, accusing McClellan of “ducking and weaving.”
“David, hold on… the cameras aren’t on right now,” McClellan replied. “You can do this later.”
“Don’t accuse me of trying to pose to the cameras,” the newsman said, his voice rising somewhat. “Don’t be a jerk to me personally when I’m asking you a serious question.”
“You don’t have to yell,” McClellan said.
“I will yell,” said Gregory, pointing a finger at McClellan at his dais. “If you want to use that podium to try to take shots at me personally, which I don’t appreciate, then I will raise my voice, because that’s wrong.”
“Calm down, Dave, calm down,” said McClellan, remaining calm throughout the exchange.
“I’ll calm down when I feel like calming down,” Gregory said. “You answer the question.’
“I have answered the question,” said McClellan, who had maintained that the vice president’s office was in charge of getting the information out and worked with the ranch owner to do that. “I’m sorry you’re getting all riled up about.”
“I am riled up,” Gregory said, “because you’re not answering the question,”
McClellan insisted he understood that reporters deserve an answer.
“I think you have legitimate questions to ask,” the press secretary said. “The vice president’s office was the one that took the lead to get this information out… I don’t know what else to tell you… That’s my answer.”
Yes DJ, the White House Press Corps are real adults! NOT!!!
Once again, you display a dismal reading comprehension.
McClellan gets asked about why the white house did something and the response was “dont ask that question the cameras arent on”? Sorry but I think I’d get ticked off to, McClellan is a jerk if thats how he answers questions.
And when you read on, you find McClellan actually admits this is a legitimate question, but still is not answering it. Dude, the vice-presidents staff is not the white house. The question was, why did the White House do something, not why did the vp do something.
Why doesn’t this type of crap tick you off anyway? Part of why the Constitution allows for freedom of the press is so that the press can ask the government questions that will hopefully answer questions the people have about what they are doing. They ask so many so that they can cover all the questions that we might have.
Essentially, the white house spokesman is refusing a question that is being asked just in case you want to know the answer, doesn’t it make you even a little angry that they have so much arrogance that they think they are not answerable to us? Especially since they chose such an arrogant way to phrase it?
Looks like Louisiana officials (Remember Govnur Kathleen Blanco) stopped Red Cross from sending food to the Convention Center and the Kingdome. The report says FEMA had it staged for the Red Cross but LA said no! And I remember ASSHeads ridiculing this as it was reported by Major Garrett on Fox News. Now reoprt proves to the world that Major Garrett was telling the truth and ASSHeads are a bunch of liars again!
Bill, please go up and look at what DJ originally wrote before you spout off at the ASS! And Bill, you ask McClellan “How are we tracking terrorists?”. If he says I cna’t answer that you go off on a tizzy? David Gregory is a leftist ASS who in his biased reporting has time and again tried to denigrate George and Dick. If that’s the way you want your press to behave, maybe you should watch the BBC and see how the English do it or RTL and see how the Germans do it. Much more respect. Sam Donaldson was direct but he was respectful.
“So I take it you say the decline under GWB?”
PuddyBud, just quit typing while you can. You pile up anymore bullshit and you ain’t gonna have any air left to breath.
DonDon: It should have said “saw” the decline. C’est La Vie! (Remember?) Bullshit. That’s what you mostly compose. Sorry I don’t listen to environmental chemists. I read clear thinkers, something you are not! Dull knife!
So, you are OK with the government refusing to answer? Note, in the exchange above he did refuse to answer and we still don’t know why the white house left press notification to a Texas rancher.
freep @ 153
Back in fine form I see, spewing wingnut bullshit without support or links and probably would be too embarrassed as it probably comes from NewsSmack, WingNutDaily, etc., etc.
Yeah we all know how credible that is.
And to answer your question, yes, if I petition my government, you know, the people who work for me, for information as to how they are conducting affairs in my name, then yes ‘the camera isn’t on so dont ask that now’ is not enough of an answer and you bet I’ll go up in a tizzy.
NotAClueUpHisASS: Where did I go to your favorite sites for my info? Prove it JackASS! Put up or shut up! Waaaaaaaaaaah, bozo! I see you are too back in form. Nothing to refute it. Get hold of the Katrina Report dude. I posted the Gregory link. What do you have to come back with besides Kos, PRogress or something else? Did you read your news points for the day while drinking coffee?
Calm, calm, freep. Now what does a reporter giving Scotty a hard time have to do with the Red Cross, Blanco, LANG and Katrina?
Yes I encourage you to quote the report directly if it isn’t too long. At least we’ll know it isn’t from your favorite wingnut bullshit sites.
Go ahead, freep. Show us all you’re not a whacko!
First off you tell me to calm down and but the ASS Gregory gets a pass from NotAClueUpHisASS? STFU bud! Post #153 was another topic since this is an open thread. Me post the report? Hell no find it for yourself, since the leftist MSM has been referring to it since Monday! First you refute what I posted above. There is the gauntlet, step up and take the challenge. Like I said, you are truly one with NotAClueUpHisASS!
Sorry Freep I orginally responded to your Blanco/Red Cross rant – show me it isn’t more of the same crazy-assed b.s. that is your trademark.
And NotAClueUpHisASS, none of your favorite sites are even discussing this yet! But the MSM has, so you should find this real fast!!!
Point it out freep! What’s the matter? You’ve been vindicated right? Just point. That’s all you have to do. Just point.
Are you afraid you’re going to get a hex or something from the evil MSM?
FU NotAClueUpHisASS I ain’t your lackey. I don’t answer to an ASSHead such as you. Hey it was just on the news too. Fox News that is. The one kicking CNN, MSNBC, and CNBC asses on cable. Check your papers bud. This is one you’ll going to need to find. I’m sure your friend Goldy can get a copy for your reading. He’s well connected with the Daily Kos leader!!! Read this site: Kos is in high regard in demo circles and Goldy cross links his most worthless entries with Kos! Go for it! What sucks is I have to work in Naperville every so often! Now I fear for my safety.
Puddy… lol You just keep shoveling the shit till you’re buried in it!
God, I love watching PuddyBud get buried in his own feces!
So you’re not willing to back up your bullshit.. Ok. I thought so. One would conclude that it is indeed – bullshit.
And Faux News? Really credible.
I’m not going to follow any strange links. Please point to the MSM. I’m kind of particular about my ip address.
And PuddyBud, now that you have explained your insane comment, perhaps yoou can explain how you see a decline in the unemployment rate for GWB. Remember he inherited an unemployment rate of 4.0
2000 – 4.0
2001 – 4.7
2002 – 5.8
2003 – 6.0
2004 – 5.5
2005 – 5.1
C’mon Puddy, waddle on over to the keyboard and explain that “decline” of 4.0 – 4.7 – 5.8 – 6.0 – 5.5 – 5.1
So Clueless, You don’t mask your IP? Wow I thought you were smart. Check USA Today & NY Times. There you go. You will need your subscription account!
So DonDon, Since 2003 when John Kerry decried the high unemployment issues jobs have been created. You seem to forget what 9/11 did to our economy for 20 months until May 2003!
bill @160
then yes ‘the camera isn’t on so dont ask that now’ is not enough of an answer and you bet I’ll go up in a tizzy.
Not sure I understand the problem with that. If the camera ain’t on, I would still be looking at my notes, too.
Puddybud @171
You seem to forget what 9/11 did to our economy for 20 months until May 2003!
Not to mention the bust that manifested in late 2000…
Marks, but that was clinton’s watch so we can’t talk about that. Look at when econimists now say the recession started March 2000.
Damn flu it’s economists!
So, PuddyBud, you are now backpeddling… the economy is in the shithouse… But it’s Clinton’s fault!
Nice try dipshit. No one but another neocon zombie is buying that crap anymore.
Donna @177
Actually, the resurgence of jobs as you have outlined @170 indicates a robust economy. Naturally, I happen to look at my own company for evidence, and we keep increasing our payroll. Man, the economy sucks…
Howsabout this from Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration, Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and Contributing Editor of National Review.
Stings, don’t it PuddyBud, to be such a tool for the Neocon fascists?
Don’t worry PuddyBud, I am not even close to being finished smacking your pink ass.
Marks, you are ful of shit.
But then you already know that.
More evidence the economy sucks:
My 401(K) is the best it has been since 2001…
Man, the economy sucks…
And marks, your little porno web site hardly qualifies as a “company”.
marks had the stupidity to say
Lord I hope so marks! If in 5 years my 401k had not improved, I would go quail hunting with Cheney pronto!
So, yes, marks, the economy sucks… and you are an idiot.
Thank you for being, um, whatever…
Oh, “porno web site”
I think you attempted to slam me, but you suck…
Or is it “blow”?
Whatever. My porno web site rocks. You would love to be part of it, but I won’t link it for you, since you have that problem with ejaculation on the keyboard.
(Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me)…
Is this the same Donna I knew back when Donna knew what he was saying?
marks, I’ve looked over and over and I dont see TV camera anywhere in the Constitution. Some of us still read print. I am not sure why we need to wait for a sound byte for answers.
Yes, the number of jobs is starting to finally rise. But in what industries and at what pay scales?
Even the old higher paying jobs such as sysadmins are paying a lot less than they were 5 years ago in real dollars while the cost of living is way higher than it was then.
This is not entirely dot com burst either, we have recovered from that, right now though people are accepting low pay and long hours out of percieved lack of job availability. I really dont see this robust economy.
I apologize for my fun with Donna. I only know my area of responsibility in the macro economy, which is simply that I still have my job. Donna actually had a great article from Paul Craig Roberts, but don’t tell him I said so, he thinks I am only interested in porno…
Yah, most people still have a job, but from where I am standing most people are making about the same or less real dollar amount as they were 5 years ago.
In addition, when we talk about unemployment, you might want to someday take a look at what the definition of ‘unemployed’ is. It changed a couple of years ago. For a really chilling time, find out what ‘unemployed’ meant during the great depression and apply it to the current times. ‘Course you might have trouble getting out of bed tomorrow morning if you do.
I think thats why people like puddy surprise me so, I still cant figure why anyone cant repeat half of what he say. I mean, whats the point of only reading secondary sources, do they need to fool themselves that badly or are they incapable of comprehending primary sources?
It honestly confuses my why anyone other than a stock broker would be happy about the way things are right now.
“I apologize for my fun with Donna.”
Ah, gosh, marks, the feelings mutual.
And the fact that you couldn’t even try to back up your opinion makes it all the sweeter.
Donna, I never said it was Clinton’s fault. You are reaching! I said the recession started under his watch.
For jobs to be created for January 2001 to May 2003 is 28 months of recession due to 9/11 is an impossibility. January 2001 to January 2006 is 60 months. 60-28 is 32. So you are claiming 9.1 million jobs over 32 months. Lets see Donna, that’s 284375 jobs a month. Yeah you believe that an economy starting back up again in 2003 – 2004 will immediately sustain that level? Wow you are shocking in your analysis Donna.
“Yes, the number of jobs is starting to finally rise. But in what industries and at what pay scales?”
Great question. I am looking for a more recent open thread to open up both barrels on the “economy is great” myth.
No one but us are reading this old thread.
Cheney fans, I apologize about the “both barrels” comment.
Bill and Donna,
I happen to believe the issue is in demographics, but you may shit on me for being naïve, which makes me wonder why we even bother trying to procreate…
Why demographics matter.
PuddyBud @ 192 Let me recap your post
…. chirp chirp chirp
marks @ 195 interesting read, thanks
What is your point?
Yes, Donna, chirp chirp…
I am sorry, I reread your dense prose in 192, PuddyBud, and am fascinated by this comment
So now, the recession is not Clinton’s fault, it was 911.
The recession started in March 2001 (you say Jan 2001) but ou blame it on an event that did not happen until september 2001.
PuddyBud, you are truly a wonderous machine.
I agree, its an issue of demographics. The problem is, few people are actually looking at them. Most people are looking at regurgitated interpretations of those instead of the real thing. Well that or opinion pages that have no data at all.
I guess I never mentioned that stupidity was a righ/left thingy, did I? I am sure I would have been misunderstood…
Bill, I was laid off in 2004, formed my own company and I ended up paying taxes to the US last year because I did well. I had to beat the bushes to find clients. When it was determined I knew my shit, clients called me. I will probably pay taxes to the US again this year. I had a banner year and this year is already better than last. When I look at the economy I am doing well.
I never was great at spelling…and my points are not particularly well defined either (how’s that for understatement?). But I do wish you all a good night.
PuddyBud, you “…pay taxes to the US…”
Why do you make it sound like a foreign nation?
G’Night marks.
More on the horror of the Bush economy coming soon.
Damn Donna you are so dense spent uranium has no equal to you. The recession started in March 2000. The really deep recession happened after 9/11. I almost lost my job in January 2002 with 35 other people, but we were kept on! So when you start learning to read previous entries, then maybe you can comprehend the written word.
Donna, you are so stupid. Since living in WA State, I receive a yearly tax return in the order of many $$$ per year. I did so well with my own company I paid $$$. Yes, JSA the economy has been very very good to me!
Donna, Lt Gen Honore’s favorite subject (Remember that voice, “You are Stuck on Stupid”) and next to Donna spent uranium looks intelligent!
PuddyBud, you will have to excuse me, but so much of your posts are completely indecipherable.
But I will try to respond to the portions that have some coherence.
“The 2001 recession began in March that year, so today’s announcement makes it an eight-month downturn.”
There are thousands of other links that proclaim the same thing. The Bush recession started in March 2001.
PuddyBud, if you have any link that officially puts the start of the recession in 2000,please post it. You ignorant neocon zombie.
I am sorry about you lay-off. I wish you further success.
I also wish that you would quit lying
G’night Donna. This flu is taxing me so to bed I go. Keep up the good work. I know your lefty friends are so proud of you. After watching your responses they probably said why bother!
PuddyBud, G’Night.
P.S. quit lying.
Damn Donna I was off two months. It was May 2000. Here it is you stupid fool, baka, raca, ignoramous jerk. So here you go from the Fed Reserve!
The NBER said the latest recession to hit the country started inMarch 2001 and ended in November 2001. According to a forthcoming study to be published by the St. Louis Fed, the U.S. labor market entered recession in May 2000—nearly a year before the start of the NBER recession—and exited recession in November 2003—a full two years after the end of the NBER recession.
There you jackASS, once again the facts speak for themselves. You rely too much on your friends from Think Progreess. I rely on the Fed Reserve!
PuddyBud, you need some “anger control” classes.
Oh, and by the way.. your “link” is 404
Try again idiot!
PuddyBud is backed against the wall, and Like any good neocon he posts a BULLSHIT URL.
Good job, PuddyBud. Great job!
Oh yes, Donna. Deloitte & Touche:,00.html
When the technology bubble broke back in March 2000, equity valuations were indeed high. Despite falling stock prices, the price to trailing 12 months earnings ratio for the S&P 500 in April 2002 was still at a record 45.
While equity markets are rational in the long run, they can display a good deal of perverse behavior in the short run. Few people today view the equity markets as rational when the NASDAQ peaked above 5500 in March 2000.
Then it went straight downhill!
So the Fed Reserve is a bullshit URL? Hmmm. I’m sure the retired Alan Greenspan and his wife Andrea Mitchell will take issue with that comment. But wait, they’ll see it was from a real jackASS and they’ll ignore it! Yes Donna you do have issues!, that’s amazing, because I see a fisherman, and a suit with a clipboard as the graphic.
But for the illiterate — You,
One more for you:
Lack of confidence by investors is not the only reason for the decline in stocks—objective economic relationships are playing a role.
Even though there has been a marked decline since March 2000, the price earnings ratio for the S&P 500 index is at 29, compared with the historical norm of 16. According to one London analyst, cited by the Economist, the American share market is overvalued by more than two fifths on the basis of the Tobin Q index which measures the ratio of share prices to the replacement cost of corporate assets.
PuddyBud… you keep posting nonsense but it can’t change the fact that the 2001 recession happened in … March 2001.
How is that “flu” working out for you PuddyBud?
Once you track past your favorite NBER garbage here is the killer part: “Second, unlike every other postwar recession, the current downturn is business-led, not consumer-driven. The bursting of the stock-market bubble, the collapse of the dot.coms, and the decline of the manufacturing sector all contributed to the recession. By September 2000, industrial production had already fallen off by 6%, surpassing the average decline of 4.6% for earlier postwar recessions. The drop in consumer spending, made worse by September 11, came later.”
The only nonsense is your belief it started in March 2001. I have given you the Fed, Deloitte, WSWS, and Dollars and Sense which all say it started in 2000, and your denser than spent uranium brain can’t ignite the neural pathways to see the light of truth! Sorry you mind is OFF!
PuddyBud,… you loveable pink rascal, you have not psoted a single thing that changes the laws of physics or economics.
The fact remains, the March 2001 Bush recession started in.. March 2001.
Get over it.
LOL PuddyBud, you are the Jewel of Denial.
Nothing… I repeat nothing you may wish and pray for (and post nonsensical URLs) makes the March 2001 recession start any earlier than March 2001.
Sorry, my friend.
“I have given you the Fed, Deloitte, WSWS, and Dollars and Sense which all say it started in 2000”
None, I repeat None, of these URLs and phantom URLs say anything of the sort, PuddyBud… no amount of “wishing it to be true” will change that.
Yes donna, I am up again. These links do prove the economy was diving in 2000, the dot com bubble burst and hiring stopped. Why aren’t your ASSHead friends coming to your rescue to support your wrong thoughts?
“These links do prove the economy was diving in 2000”
Unfortunately, we were discussing when the Bush Recession started.
Continually trying to change the topic is a sure sign that you have absolutely nothing of importance to say, PuddyBud.
GBS: A war hero, Paul Hackett – Officer, well respected Ohioan, trashed by your party!
From Comments from Left Field:
“In this case, Rahm Emanuel and Co. began to choke Hackett because he wasn’t playing ball the way that Rahm wanted or needed him to.”
Rahm Emanuel – Clinton White House Operative!
“Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid, who have failed to provide anything resembling adequate leadership to the Democratic Party over the last several years, presenting themselves ass-up for Frist and Santorum at almost every opportunity, went so far as to call the major donors that supported Hackett and urge them to cut him off.”
Chucky/Dingy Harry – Threw him overboard!
Donna Dunce, it’s not the Bush recession. Sheesh, go sharpen yourself! Bush inherited the Clinton recession. Each of my links proves the recession started in 2000. Only you can’t fathom that! The Nasdaq started falling as of March 2000. Hiring stopped May 2000. Business investment was down >6% by September 2000. Keep it up Donna! You’re proving to your friends the lack of frontal lobe activity in your cerebrum!
From your leftist pinhead friends at Brilliant at Breakfast. 2006/02/color-me-disgusted.html
“I’d heard rumblings yesterday that DCCC Rahm Emmanuel, who has allowed Tim Russert to devour him on national television any number of times, had asked Hackett to drop the Senate race and run again for Jean Schmidt’s House seat — the one he came within voting chicanery in Schmidt’s home county of winning last fall. And this morning comes the news that Hackett, understandably, has told the Democratic Party to go fuck itself — it can deliberately lose races without him. And calling Hackett’s donors asking them not to donate anymore is about as low as you can get.
For all that I’m so angry I can hardly see straight, I respect Hackett’s decision to draw a big red line under the hapless Democratic Party and not play their game. But it’s clear that the party hacks only want soft-spoken, malleable candidates like Barack Obama, who will keep their mouths shut once elected and only speak when spoken to until it’s their turn. This is politics as Olympic ice dancing, where you have to wait your turn. It’s this tendency in the Democratic Party to keep to the hierarchy that gave us a certain loser in Walter Mondale in 1994 instead of the upstart Gary Hart. It’s this tendency that gave us the phlegmatic John Kerry last year instead of the electrifying Howard Dean. The Democratic party refuses to speak up for the people from whom it demands support, and when a candidate comes along who WILL speak up, the Powers that Be in the party do everything possible to stop them.
It’s with a heavy heart that I remove Hackett’s name from my ActBlue page. The only reason I’m not removing the entire thing is that ActBlue collects donations for specific candidates. And if you still feel you want to donate, please do your donating this way. Do NOT give a nickel of your money to the national party — to the DCCC or DSCC, unless you want a Democratic Party that continues to sell YOU and YOUR RIGHTS and YOUR CHILDREN’S FUTURE down the river because they still think they have to be Republicans to win.
How’s that strategy been working for you anyway, Rahm?
Across the blogosphere, the reaction is what one would expect.”
Now here is the killer statement. Markos – you all know as Daily Kos, has drinken the kool-aid. I ‘m not saying it, another lefty is. Remember Daily Kos, the web site Goldy, NotAClueUpHisAss, Tree Fog Farmer, etc. hve their heads up so far up Kos’s ass they all see Kos’ duodenal canal.
Markos, having tasted the nectar of hacktocracy, is rewriting history by saying that Hackett only ran after Sherrod Brown announced his candidacy, thus proving that he has been corrupted by the same forces that have rendered the Democrats irrelevant.
But Brilliant, we knew Markos was corrupted as soon as he created his blog!
PuddyBud. a recession is not defined by “what PuddyBud wants it to be”.
And what you provided by whom proves what? USA Today? I provided four different sources of differing views and only YOU have chosen to reject them. Where are your friends?
None of your sources say that the recession started in March 2000.
You are living in fantasy land, Little buddy.
Here are a few more for you PuddlyBud, I could go on forever, but it ain’t worth it. Only you and I are reading this, and you are either extremely stupid, or just too drug addled to handle reality.
And guess what ALL of them state proudly that the March 2001 Bush recession started in… you guessed it March 2001.
I could go on forever, but it ain’t worth it. Only you and I are reading this, and you are either extremely stupid, or just too drug addled to handle reality re/2006/a/pages/overview_MEM.html pubs/fotexas/fotexas_yucel.html