According to The Seattle Weekly, Microsoft will be sending religious conservative operative Ralph Reed a pink slip with this month’s $20,000 consulting fee. It could be a result of the bad publicity Microsoft received after dropping support for gay rights legislation in the wake of threatened retaliation from Christian conservatives. Or, it could be because of Reed’s own ethical and legal problem. In any case, The Weekly reports that Reed isn’t the only Republican hired-gun accused of influence peddling, with whom Microsoft has had a long standing business relationship.
One source notes that Reed was on a Microsoft retainer while helping run the George W. Bush presidential campaigns of 2000 and 2004, raising ethical questions. But Reed now has gone a step further and filed to run for public office himself
Buh-bye Ralph … good riddance! Don’t let the door hit your ass on your way out!
What does this have to do with lying, cheating voter fraud felon Democrats who stealing elections with illegal alien votes, “dead” voters, and “look what I found” votes after the election is over?
Talk about ETHICS and TRIBES, look no further than your Gov’s office in Olympia. Sheesh!!
Thank the lord they’ve seen the light and gotten rid of the filth Ralph Reed embodies. Here’s a bible thumper who professes to want religious freedom: defined as the freedom to impose his very narrow minded views on everyone else in the republic.
Just goes to show ya there’s more to literacy than computer literacy. How did Microsoft ever get hooked up with these social and mental Neanderthals? On the basis of this, I would question the quality of Bill Gates’ private education as this is a tactical blunder of major proportions that most 7th graders could have avoided.
How did Microsoft ever get hooked up with these social and mental Neanderthals? -Comment by Harry Poon— 5/26/05 @ 9:50 pm
Isn’t that lovely?
Between 77%-85% of Americans view themselves as Christian… then, of course, there are Jews, Mormons, Muslims, Quakers, Amish… and whatever others I’ve forgotten.
In as much as you are in the distinct minority (being generous, 1 out of 4) in America, it must be a real bitch being surrounded by all those “social and mental Neanderthals”, eh poon, oh ye of the party/ideology that preaches tolerance?
RE: New Liberal nasty bunghole—-Don’t lecture me you idiot! You’re an embarassment to the human race.
Righto HUey!
We’ll keep that in mind as we look at the tolerance, humanity and human rights you practice.
RE: New Liberal nasty bunghole—-Don’t lecture me you idiot! You’re an embarassment to the human race. -Comment by Harry Poon— 5/26/05 @ 10:53 pm
Guess you could use a bit more practice, eh hairy?
Bite me you rotting piece of crap…
Whoa quick display of your command of the language and intellect there bud!
Eat me raw! New Liberal juice
Eat me raw! New Liberal juice -Comment by Harry Poon— 5/27/05 @ 12:18 am
Sorry kiddo, it seems my Pet Lib has beaten me to the little snack you offer.
Was it good for you?
What are you so serene about? You’re losiung.
Reply to 2
I’ll refer you to Judge Bridges’ ruling after he laughs the Republicans out of his courtroom for lack of evidence.
gimme … I want … waaa @ 6
America is over 80% Christian but only 25% Neanderthal moron … another 25% have been bamboozled by the Bushliars.
This thread seems to demonstrate gimmee’s juvenile characteristics in a singularly stark fashion.
Actually “juvenile” is too grown up, I should have said “toddler characteristics.”
God, it must really suck to be you: so incredibly miserable and totally lacking of any sense of humor.
You are delightfully, entertainingly mockable in your insufferable stick-up-your-ass attitide
I laugh while you mine your brain for a thought.
Too fun!
New Liberal jim west’s special friend: You’re living in a dream world. We really do pray for the death of Jim Dobson and his son. Look what our prayers did to that fat friar from N.Carolina, Jerry Falwell! We hate that jerk.
We really do pray for the death of Jim Dobson and his son. Look what our prayers did to that fat friar from N.Carolina, Jerry Falwell! We hate that jerk. -Comment by Dr. Quest and Rance— 5/27/05 @ 1:07 pm
Well, that certainly speaks for itself.
You libs, you know, the tolerant types, must be so proud for such an authentic representation of your ideology.
Be sure to mention that again the next few elections.