As the Washington Legislature continues to debate election reform in the wake of the our gubernatorial hoo-hah, they should keep in mind this cautionary tale from yesterday’s Miami Herald:
Three years after spending $24.5 million to install a controversial touch-screen voting system, Miami-Dade County elections officials have been asked to study scrapping the system in favor of paper-based balloting.
The request from County Manager George Burgess follows the recent resignation of Elections Supervisor Constance Kaplan and the revelation that hundreds of votes in recent elections hadn’t been counted.
What was it Slippery Slade said about King County clearly having “the worst election administration” in the nation?
Miami-Dade is considering whether optical scan technology — like that used in King County — might produce more accurate results at a lower cost. (Caltech/MIT concludes optical scan is more accurate.) County officials say the electronic machines have tripled election day costs.
”It’s a confluence of bad facts,” said Lida Rodriguez-Taseff, head of the Miami-Dade Election Reform Coalition and a longtime critic of the elections department. “You have lousy technology that doesn’t inspire voter confidence combined with outrageous costs for that lousy technology.”
Burgess’ April 4 directive came just days after Kaplan resigned amid revelations that a coding glitch in the county’s iVotronic touch-screen machines tossed out hundreds of votes in six recent elections.
A “coding glitch,” huh. While the word “glitch” implies that these errors were unintentional, the St. Petersburg Times reported last week that a computer programmer who claims he developed software to alter the results on electronic voting machines, has passed a lie detector test, administered by the retired chief polygraph operator for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Clint Curtis swore in an affidavit, and testified before a congressional sub-committee, that he developed the software at the request of U.S. Rep. Tom Feeney (R-Florida).
The Times reporter is clearly skeptical, but the allegations are taken much more seriously by a local blog that has been covering the story in great detail. (Sound familiar?) I don’t have an opinion one way or the other, but the allegations of fraud and conspiracy sound at least as plausible as those coming from the aluminum hat boys over on (u)SP. And they certainly deserve being looked into in light of the allegations of illegal vote shifting on Snohomish County’s electronic voting machines.
Anyway, what we do know is that electronic voting machines have been proven to be error prone, and none in Washington state currently provide a voter verifiable paper trail.
Republicans want to ram election reforms through now, while the politics are hot, but I hope we take the time to learn not only from our own mistakes during the last election, but also from the mistakes of election officials in other states. In the words of Miami-Dade County Commissioner Katy Sorenson: “Sometimes, lessons are expensive.”
I have never understood the need for electronic voting; it would seem that you would want to keep the process as simple as possible.
Yet another stretch that doesn’t reach dude.
Washington State–129 vote difference
Numerous errors and negligence in KingCo that clearly calls the results into question. FRAUD??? Not alleged by me but time will tell. More likely the most offensive actions have taken place post-election in efforts to cover-up incompetence. Again, time will tell.
The LEFTIST dungheap here has constantly beaten the NO FRAUD drum knowing that is not what is required in this contest. It’s pointless to keep repeating it…but you do. And questioning the competency and motives of Ron Sims and his loyal pal and loyal Democrat Dean “weird Al Yankovic lookalike” Logan is clearly justified. I know you blindly follow Don Ron Sims King Goldy. Perhaps it is your guilt feelings about race or something stupid like that (even though you cite the Sims Tax plan..does that mean you ignore the other incompetence?).
Depositions next week. Logan sweats when his own people ask him question. The Republican Lawyers WILL break him down and get the truth out.
Ah yes. The well worn Democrat tactic of deflection. Sorry. I don’t care about Miami. I am not a resident of Florida. I am a Washington State Resident. Out elections were stolen and no amount of propaganda about Florida is going to change the situation here.
Goldy has used this deflection tactic so many times it’s worn out. It’s like apples & oranges….
However, if it makes Goldy feeeeeeeeel good about himself and in any way raises his obviously lowwwww self-esteem….hey I can live with it. I’m a compassionate conservative!
THE PROBLEM IS LOGAN AND SIMS. there is only one cure for stopping election fraud.
ASHA-American speech Language Hearing Association
Edward Wheeler Scripture – Stuttering and Lisping (1912)
Scripture was a speech scientist trained by Wundt in Germany and a proponent of psychoanalytic approaches to treating speech disorders. In this book, he combines psychoanalytic methods with recommended physical exercises (breathing, tongue gymnastics) for changing speech patterning.
“Anyway, what we do know is that electronic voting machines have been proven to be error prone, and none in Washington state currently provide a voter verifiable paper trail.”
What we know in Washington State is that hand counting is proven to be error prone and cannot provide a verifiable paper trail.
VCRW @ 6
ooh! that one was right to the jugular.
Since deflection is the favorite thing here let me have a go.
Democrats ought not carp about Tom Delay hiring his family for elections, lest they it be pointed out that their bretheren have also partaken in this activity. None other than Vermont Democrat Bernie Sanders has paid his family members even more than Delay did his.
“WASHINGTON — Rep. Bernard Sanders used campaign donations to pay his wife and stepdaughter more than $150,000 for campaign-related work since 2000, according to records filed with the Federal Election Commission.”,0.html#
Man… you guys certainly enjoy living in your own world, don’t you? Hey question… how many of you are actually professional trolls?
There’s nothing deflective about this post. It’s about the flaws of touch-screen voting, and how WA should be more careful than FL in implementing their reforms. Sorry… I’m not your blog monkey, and not everything I write has to focus on this stupid-ass election contest.
Oh… and VCRW… Bernie Sanders is not a Democrat. He’s the only independent in the House.
First, as Goldy pointed out, Sanders is not a Democrat. Second, and correct me if I’m wrong, $150,000 is LESS THAN (or < )$500,000. Isn't it? You displayed this "fast and loose" approach to facts in the other thread earlier today, so this isn't the first time. Perhaps you should be more careful.
Oops. I’ll be more careful with my typing from now on. Here’s the full version of that post, minus the offending text:
First, as Goldy pointed out, Sanders is not a Democrat. Second, and correct me if I’m wrong, $150,000 is LESS THAN $500,000. Isn’t it?
You displayed this “fast and loose” approach to facts in the other thread earlier today, so this isn’t the first time. Perhaps you should be more careful.
VCRW @ 6–
Let’s stay on your succindt comment about what we DO know about Washington Elections…errors and lack of verifiable paper trails in KINGCO, home of Erection Director Dean “Weird Al Yankovic lookalike” Logan and an assortment of other clowns including Bill “pocket protector” Huennekens and the leader of the doofus’, the one and only Don Ron Sims King!!!
Yeh let’s trash all voting machines. It is obvious from reading your links that hand counting and mail in voting in King County is the most accurate method in this land. Let’s just have all elections sent to King County for counting, then we will get our true rewards from this land!
Well I gotta run and fill out the 5 absentee voting forms I recieved in the mail today for the Hospital election. Vote early and vote often!
Oh my gosh Goldy does this mean Al Gore is president?
Nice job inferring that the Snohomish County “vote switching” lawsuit has anything remotely to do with Miami-Dade’s “these machines suck” issues. The choir will lap that one up with their kool aid.
Goldy is stuck in a year 2000 time-warp.
Let’s just let him stay there.
VCRW @ 6
“What we know in Washington State is that hand counting is proven to be error prone and cannot provide a verifiable paper trail.”
This proves you were nowhere near the hand recount and have no knowledge whatsoever about how it was done.
Well I see all the unemployed trolls are out in force this evening. They have nothing better to do. Touch-screen voting machines are like Mr. Cynical’s washing machine: What comes out is different than what goes in, but you don’t know how it gets changed inside. It’s magic!
Geez Goldy,
You’ve had rotten luck with the trolls today!
But, yeah, I think even most repugs, when they aren’t venting spleen over the Gov. election, would prefer machines that produce voter-verifiable paper trails.
I would have thought we could have an intelligent, non-partian discussion about what voting equipment best serves the people. Here you are, talking about making all elections for all offices conform to a higher standard, and all you get are idiotic responses from dolts obsessing about one close election. That’s far-sighted of ‘em.
I would have thought we could have an intelligent, non-partian discussion about what voting equipment best serves the people. -Comment by dj— 4/13/05 @ 9:17 pm
The voting “equipment” that will best serve the voters and the state are the enforceable rules that need to be in place –
-verifiable re-registration
-in person polling place voting only
-photo ID requirement
-citizenship requirement
Without those, all your fancy gadgets are USELESS.
What party has desperately RUN from those reforms again?
I know the answer Pet LIBS!! I know! I know!
It’s the Party founded by Karl Marx masquerading as Democrats.
What Washington State needs is a citizen’s initiative either banning Diebold machines outright, or something that mandates intensive non-partisan 3rd party oversight of any electronic voting machines that end up here. Otherwise with a system so prone to fraud we could end up having a Mr. Cynical clone with programming skills single-handedly deciding our election outcomes. If that were to happen we may as well relinquish control of the state to the local Nazi party!
PETshit @ 19
-verifiable re-registration
Bullshit. The roles should be checked and purged of invalid voters, but re-registration is overreaction. What was the error rate in the last election, something like 1 invalid voter for every 140,000 valid voters? Let’s do better next time, but re-registration isn’t going to do better than cleaning. What it will do is fuck up the next few elections; that is, there will be way more than 1 in 140,000 voters screwed over by failure to re-register, lost registrations, mix-ups, etc. Then, what do we do. . . re-register all over again in a few years?
-in person polling place voting only
WTF? Should women be required to wear burkas to the polls, too? What kind of antediluvian bullshit suggestion is this? Wouldn’t the military be a bit upset by this?
-photo ID requirement
I could be convinced of this. . . . maybe.
-citizenship requirement
DONE! Just like that! As you wish.
The problem, Mr. PETshit, is that the errors that arise by NOT, say, re-registering people are tiny compared to the potential errors of electronic voting machines. And, the audit trail relies on proprietary software. Why not an almost identical process that includes a paper trail? What are you, some kind of freaking tree hugger?
Think about it for a second. You can have touch-screen voting and have everything work just like current voting machines. But, instead of pushing the “SUBMIT VOTE” button, you push the “PRINT BALLOT” button. A ballot prints, you check it over to make sure the machine followed your will, and then you walk over and put it into the scanning machine. How could a Repug have a problem with that?
dj @ 18
That’s what I kept hearing at the Task Force public hearing — the Repubs all got up and said they don’t trust the touch-screen machines and want verifiable voting. They seem to think the Democrats will hack the machines. Then all the Democrats got up and said they don’t trust the touch-screen machines and want verifiable voting. They think the Republicans will hack the machines. NOBODY likes the touch-screen machines. And, of course, Democratic attorney Paul Lehto of Everett is suing Snohomish County and the vendor, Sequoia Systems Inc., to overturn the county’s $5 million contract with Sequoia for touch-screen machines. This might be a good time to short Sequoia’s stock.
If that were to happen we may as well relinquish control of the state to the local Nazi party! -Comment by Dave— 4/13/05 @ 9:59 pm
Pay attention, Dave – I already covered and debunked your Nazi nonsense:
#134 Comments on “Police state” … but hey, thanks for the opportunity to share it again!
Exploding Liberal Myths 8: The Nazi Meme
“ Once again, we’re being “treated” to the same tired old cries of Liberal outrage. How dare the stupid people of America not whole-heartedly embrace Liberal ideas and policies? Why, they must all be mind-controlled. They must all be… Nazis! “
“ “Nazi” is a sort of pet insult many Liberals use to taunt Conservatives without understanding what it really means, the same way a three-year-old will endlessly repeat any four-letter words you might happen to drop in front of him or her. The more you say, “don’t say that; it’s a bad word” the more likely you are to hear it. “
“ In fact, the Nazis were actually Soci*lists by nature, not capitalists. In a 1927 speech, Hitler said, “We are soci*lists, we are enemies of today’s capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions.” “
“ The word “Nazi” is short for Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter-Partei, or National Soci*list German Workers’ Party. Hitler came to power by turning the unemployed, the working class, and the academic elitists against the rather conservative German republic. In fact, once he achieved power, anyone who questioned his policies was branded a “conservative reactionary” by the State press. In a widely-distributed 1932 pamphlet, Joseph Goebbels addressed the question of Soci*lism. “We are soci*lists,” he wrote, “because we see the social question as a matter of necessity and justice for the very existence of a state for our people, not a question of cheap pity or insulting sentimentality. The worker has a claim to a living standard that corresponds to what he produces.” “
“ The Nazi Party platform contained 25 demands, adopted in 1920 and essentially unaltered at the time Hitler took power. Many of those Soci*list demands resonate far better with modern-day American Liberals than Conservatives. Consider the following examples: “
“ 7. We demand that the state be charged first with providing the opportunity for a livelihood and way of life for the citizens. “
“ Does this sound more akin to the Liberal belief that the government is responsible for job losses or gains, or the Conservative position that jobs are created by private enterprise (though helped or hindered by current economic policies)? Does it sound like a demand for welfare? “
“ 11. Abolition of unearned (work and labour) incomes. Breaking of rent-slavery. “
“ This is aimed directly at landlords and large business owners. It hardly seems likely that capitalists and Conservatives would insist that no one receive any money unless they personally earn it by doing the actual work themselves. “
“ 12. In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore we demand the total confiscation of all war profits. “
“ If that doesn’t sound like today’s standard Liberal hate speech against Halliburton, nothing ever will. “
“ 13. We demand the nationalization of all (previous) associated industries (trusts). “
“ Nationalisation of industries is hardly in line with the Conservative aim of privatisation of industries. It’s Liberals, in general, who want to nationalise industries (starting with healthcare). “
“ 14. We demand a division of profits of all heavy industries. “
“ Wealth redistribution? Does that sound like a particularly right-wing ideal? “
“ 15. We demand an expansion on a large scale of old age welfare. “
“ Republicans and Conservatives are accused of wanting to halt Medicare and steal Social Security in every election cycle, so this demand for expansion could hardly be a part of any Conservative agenda. “
“ 25. For the execution of all of this we demand the formation of a strong central power in the Reich. Unlimited authority of the central parliament over the whole Reich and its organizations in general. “
“ Conservatives, who favor more limited government with lower taxes (in order to restrict its growth), would directly oppose a strong central government with unlimited authority (possibly resisting with guns, which German citizens first had to register, then surrender). “
“ Despite the historical facts, Liberals frequently insist on equating Conservatives and Republicans to Nazis. This is only done to stir up feelings of hate, of course. If Democrats want to know why they keep losing elections, it’s because they allow the left-wing politics of hatred to be their public face. Until the Democrats relegate Liberals to the minority fringe where they belong, we will continue to see the country slide towards a one-party system, which would be detrimental to us all.“
Be sure to check out Exploding Liberal Myths 1-8 which can be found here:
and Exploding Liberal Myths 9 which can be found here:
It’s fascinating reading!
Petshit @ 19
I knew it! Petshit is against military voters! If you can’t go to your polling place because you’re deployed in Iraq … well … that’s just tough.
Cynical @ 20
You may think you “know” a lot of things, but what I want to know is how those $100 bills change from L & I taxes for injured workers to Rossi slush funds simply by cranking them through the rollers. What’s inside that machine, anyway? I want to see what’s inside the box!
Dave @ 21
I don’t think you have to worry about Mr. Cynical hacking the voting machines — even machines as easy to hack as the Diebold machines. It’ll probably be some 12-year-old who does it. Imagine being able to elect the president, governor, and members of Congress all by yourself when you’re only 12!
I still want to know how Mr. Cynical’s washing machine works when he does BIAW’s laundry.
Petshit @ 24
Holy shit, hire an editor, man. That’s too long to read in one sitting.
Sorry, DonnyDrunk – I forgot about the PetLibs favorite excuse/malady/reason to see a shrink: Attention Deficit Disorder.
I’ll try to be more sensitive next time.
It’ll probably be some 12-year-old who does it.
Then it could still be a Mr. Cynical clone! ;)
Imagine being able to elect the president, governor, and members of Congress all by yourself when you’re only 12!
Exactly why I don’t trust those machines. I know how electronic equipment is made, how software is engineered, and thus how many different ways these machines can be manipulated. Now add to that the CEO of Diebold saying he was committed to helping Bush win Ohio in 2004 and as far as I’m concerned it would be like trusting the devil at his word to let these people run our elections.
Maybe we should just switch to staining our fingers in ink like the Iraqis did.
I think they have some nice drugs available for that paranoia there, Dave.
Right, and in your case the drug of choice is wilful ignorance.
PetShit @ 30
Wow you read a lot – of right-wing brainwash crap. There were so many lies and distortions in that last diarrhea episode – it’s not worth the time.
Why don’t you try linking to your favorite mind-substitute programming instead. We’ll ignore it just the same.
Spelling can be your friend, Dave:
Lies and distortions, John? Prove ’em, babe.
I’ll wait.
You’ve had rotten luck with the trolls today!
The funny thing is that the trolling on HA is more fun for them than dittoheading on UP. I guess HA is both the leading moderate and progressive web site and the site that right wingers love to have and participate on.
Yoohooo John – I’m waiting…
Awww come on erik – don’t fall prey to your dillusionary speech codes – call em what they are: LIBERALS.
Why are you PetLibs so ashamed to be identified as what you are?
Pretty damned hard to refute historical facts, quotes of Hitler, Joseph Goebbels and the Joseph Goebbels and Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiter-Partei platform ain’t it, John babe?
I proudly wear the liberal label, and why not? Take a look at the alternative: being someone who has nothing better to comment about than a typo.
PetShit @ whereever
Grown-up, thinking, civilized people across the political spectrum don’t behave the way you do. I won’t entertain your fevered fantasies of the cut and paste variety.
Flip on your Faux News, turn up the Limbaugh and crawl back to (u)SP third-grader…
@ 38
roughly the same time you do
TSK, tsk, ts,k John, you’re reverting to type, babe: can’t answer so resort to name calling.
How cute… how predictable… how LIBERAL!
Get that from your handydandy Hillary ‘vast right wing conspiracy” club playbook, did ya?
PETshit @ 24
Oh God, not that bullshit again. . . .
So, you repeat this bullshit without even blinking? Did you graduate from High School? Or is it that you have been sniffing glue ever since?
It is true that the Nazi platform had some socialist elements initially (which distinguish it from Italian fascism). This was largely a ruse to manipulate voters and gain power (sound familiar?). After rising to power Hitler abandoned most “socialist” thinking and obsessed with other things like racial purity, nationalism, and military conquest.
My pet insult for wingnuts is “fascist” more so than Nazi. The Italian fascist movement, too, had a (very) few “progressive” elements, but the implementation was totalitarian, nationalistic, and is universally seen as an extreme type of conservative politics. Nazism is considered a close cousin.
For crying out loud, PETshit, there is lots of objective information available about Nazis and fascism on the web. The crap you parrot is way whacked out.
PetShit @ 43
Oh, we bring in Hillary now – are you sure you’re not really Jerkoff Creepy Hater?
In honor of JOHNny Cochran:
If you can’t refute
Then you must impute
When you can’t reply
You can always lie!
Oh, we bring in Hillary now – are you sure you’re not really Jerkoff Creepy Hater? -Comment by John— 4/13/05 @ 11:53 pm
Very interesting the way you equate Hillary’s name with ‘hate’, there, babe.
Subconscious trying to pop through?
Aloha PetShit, Jerkoff Creepy Hater
Good Night, Good Riddance!
Ah well, Goodnight, goodnight!
To sleep: perchance to dream:
FYI John… Hamlet… the death scene.
Nighty night!
PetShit, JCH:
Wrong fool. That’s the soliloquy.
Good night sweet PET-SHIT-HEAD!
OOPS! I almost let this one slip by me!
I proudly wear the liberal label, and why not? -Comment by Dave— 4/13/05 @ 11:38 pm
The operative question dave, would be WHY???
What positive thing does a LIBERAL stand for?
Don’t tell me what you stand against, don’t call names, spew invectives, sputter and bluster about Conservatives, just tell me the positive things LIBERALS are for.
(Nighty, night again, John)
Positive Liberals do stand consistantly for some things
They all Hate George WWWWWWWWWW Bush!
They all believe in more Taxation and more Regulation
And finally and most important, It’s all “for the Children”
don’t call names, spew invectives, sputter and bluster
Yeah, you do more than enough of that already.
They all believe in more Taxation and more Regulation
So evidently conservatives believe in unrestrained borrowing, adding on more debt (essentially taxation without representation for Americans in the future who have to pay it all back), and corporations running government.
No, troll. I don’t need to justify any of my beliefs to the likes of you two.
Petshit @ 30
Wrong diagnosis. The problem isn’t ADD, it’s diarrhea of the keyboard.
* BIAWsux2 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP
Dave @ 31
“Then it could still be a Mr. Cynical clone!”
Nah, I don’t think so. Mr. Cynical is stuck at age 2. Can’t you tell? He’s always having the “terrible twos.”
* BIAWsux2 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP
Dubyasux NeLSonsPrik NLSP
Petshit @ 52
“What positive thing does a LIBERAL stand for?”
Is it humanly possible for anyone to be this ignorant? It must be hard work.
40-hour work week
No children working in sweat shops
No slavery
Family wages
Minimum wage rate for entry level workers
Overtime pay
Right to bargain collectively for wages and working conditions
Insurance for unemployed workers
Compensation for injured workers
Social Security for aged, blind, disabled, widowed, and orphaned
Food relief for the hungry
Free speech
Right to assemble
Freedom of religion (and no state imposed religion)
Free public education for all children
Due process of law
Right to trial by jury of peers
No forced confessions
No torture or state murder
No colonialism, imperialism, or militarism
Equality under the laws for minorities
No discrimination
No hate crimes
Science-based science, not theology-based pseudoscience
The earth is round, not flat
Petroleum won’t last forever
Clean air, not dirty skies
Safe drinking water
Public health programs
Let’s see, did I leave anything out? Oh yeah a couple million or billion other things, but that’s enuf for now.
* BIAWsux2 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP
Petshit @ 57
You don’t even know what NLSP stands for, idiot.
* BIAWsux2 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP
Nah, I don’t think so. Mr. Cynical is stuck at age 2. Can’t you tell? He’s always having the “terrible twos.”
He picked up the bad habits from Erin Shannon.
Paper audit trails? Sounds nice on the surface until some crooked Demon RAT on Capital Hill whips out photoshop and prints up some of his own versions of the “auditing trail”.
Nice try though. Trying to bring your fraud into the computer age.
Gotta admire the effort.
Dave @ 60
Who’s Erin Shannon? Is she one of those GOP ice cubes who makes your dick fall off just by glaring at you? Does she have as many zits as Marummy?
* BIAWsux2 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP
Wrong fool. That’s the soliloquy.
Comment by John— 4/14/05 @ 12:17 am
No kidding John, – where do you think the soliloquy came from – OH YEAH… THE DEATH SCENE IN HAMLET!
Back to 10th grade English for you.
Oh wait …clearly you’re a public school product…never mind.
You don’t even know what NLSP stands for, idiot.* BIAWsux2 is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dubyasux NLSP -Comment by BIAWsux2*— 4/14/05 @ 10:23 am
Sure I do.
(Noun) Liberals: Stupid People.
Woo boy. You stepped in it now! I indeed have a public school education and I also know how to google.
The soliloquy is in Act III scene I. No one dies. Hamlet talks of suicide but that’s as far as it goes.
Google anywhere and most people say the “death scene” is at the end of the play where Hamlet actually dies.
Consider your silly ass fact-checked!!
Go back to your education at the private loony bin or the sewer.
Why do I bother? I’m done with you fool…
VRWC @ 61
You are not really that stupid, are you? You really think a straight paper-trail-less electronic voting machine is less susceptible to fraud than one with a paper trail?
“Paper audit trails? Sounds nice on the surface until some crooked Demon RAT on Capital Hill whips out photoshop and prints up some of his own versions of the “auditing trail”.”
WTF? The “paper trail” is a printed ballot. Do you have any idea how voting works?
Were were discussing electronic touch screen voting machines. Try to keep up.
There you go , making assumptions. No, in fact I prefer the optical ballots. Electronic Touch Screens are panacea’s by technological illiterate government employees designed to cover-up gross incompetance by elections officials. I expect Dean Logan to be proposing them soon.
Democrats can hack code just as easily as any others. Probably the majority of hacker criminals are left wing liberals. Besides, even if no one is hacking, there are always bugs to consider. Votes can be lost even without ill intent. But hell, there are in King County now anyway, aren’t they?
Who’s Erin Shannon?
That crazy lady from BIAW. She represents the moral bar for Republicans in general, and they usually can’t even meet that.
Petshit @ 64
It stands for Non-Liable Sole Proprietorship, numbnuts! That means you can’t sue me for hurting your feelings.
I wonder how much time Petshit spent thinking up those acronyms? Oh well, it doesn’t seem to matter to him, so his time must be worthless. LOL!
VRWC @ 67
“Were were discussing electronic touch screen voting machines. Try to keep up.
Hmmmm. . . .I could have sworn I read the words
Three years after spending $24.5 million to install a controversial touch-screen voting…
in Goldy’s post.
VRWC @ 68
“Probably the majority of hacker criminals are left wing liberals.”