Once again anti-business Democratic legislation is pushing jobs and businesses out of state:
Now that Washington state lawmakers have restricted over-the-counter sales of the ingredients used to make the illicit drug, some officials are worried that Idaho will see an increase in meth-related crimes.
“I feel very sorry for you (Idaho) because you will feel the aftermath of it now,” said Washington Rep. Tom Campbell, D-Roy. “Boise will become the preferred shopping mall of meth cooks in the area.”
Pseudoephedrine now accounts for as much as 7% of total revenues at some rural Washington Wal-Marts (second only to amonium nitrate,) while meth labs have become the state’s fastest growing industry. So it’s no wonder business groups are concerned about this overreaching legislation.
Jan Teague, president of the Washington Retailers Association, said businesses are worried about the cost of complying with the new laws and possibly losing customers who see the log as an invasion of privacy.
If you ask me Jan, I think you may have the makings of a voter revolt. You better contact John and Kirby over at KVI and see if they can help you get an initiative on the ballot.
Of course, the problem is too many of these yahoos don’t read “Tin Man” by Dale Brown (technothriller about meth labs) or Blog 4 Senator Cantwell or read the papers.
The fact Idaho is getting meth demand just shows how right we are and how wrong our opponents are!
I also encourage those whom wonder what Senator Cantwell has to do w/ this to go HERE and read some of the blog postings.
Oh and let’s have every meth precursor have a buyer.
Anybody want to poke holes in that?!?
Josef in Marummy Country where # of votes = # of legal voters = # of legal votes. . .
and # of meth precursors = # of meth precursor buyers
The fact Idaho is getting meth demand just shows how right we are and how wrong our opponents are!
Uh, no. This law is simply going to lower supply while doing nothing about demand, which will in turn lead to higher prices and more violent incidents among the Washington residents who use chrystal meth. Trying to control supply in the drug war doesn’t work. It has never worked, and it never will work.
Sadly, the only way to deal with this problem is to legalize and regulate (heavily regulate for something as addictive as meth). When alcohol was prohibited in the 20s, all it did was send crime rates skyrocketing. People who wanted to drink still found ways to drink. The only difference was that those who supplied the alcohol had to operate as criminals and therefore there was no way to monitor the safety of what they were producing.
Most of the danger of illegal drugs today comes mainly from their illegality. As much as it’s hard for us to understand this, everyone is better off if the black market drug trade is out in the open and regulated. With all the money wasted on law enforcement for something you can NEVER stop, you could easily provide rehab for every addict 30x over.
Goldy, seven percent of total revenues from the sale of pseudoephedrine? At a Wal-Mart? That’s incredible. I could see this from a two-bit convenience store, but not from a department store.
And they sell even more ammonium nitrate? That part is almost believable, for a rural area. Farmers will get their bulk fertilizer wherever it is cheapest. (Can you use that to make methamphetamine as well? I thought it required pure ammonia — i.e. anhydrous ammonia.)
Any statistical analysis on how meth lab precincts vote? Presumably, few of them are in densely populated (and heavy Democrat) urban areas. Most of them should be in outlying rural areas, and if you are correct, a disproportionate number in eastern Washington? Would the ecological inference be appropriate in this case?
Richard @5… yes it is incredible. It was a joke.
Comment on 5
You may have something there, Richard. On apportioning felon votes, I mean. For example, Yakima County is the drug capital of the Pacific N.W. — it’s a distribution point for cocaine. Given the % of ex-cons who were in for Rx crimes, I think we can conclude that 99.99% of the felons voted for Rossi, using a precinct analysis.
BTW isn’t ammonium nitrate used for blowing stuff up? I would guess the Eastern Washington militias are buying tons of the stuff from Wal-Mart or wherever they can buy it cheap. Getting ready for the Revolution, or whatever.
Y’all know what ANFO is, right? ANFO stands for “ammonium nitrate/fuel oil” mixture, same stuff that leveled the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. It’s used for most commercial blasting because it’s much cheaper than dynamite. Easier to handle, too. As I recall something like 98% of all highway construction, mining, and other commercial use of explosives uses ANFO. You can make this stuff in your backyard in a 55-gallon drum. All you need is fertilizer and diesel. K-BOOOM!!! Just the thing to gratify the suppressed desires of every right winger whose parents wouldn’t let him play with cherry bombs when he was a kid.
Except instead of blowing off your fingers, this stuff blows off your arms, legs, head, and all the roofs in the neighborhood.
Illegal drugs and users are key to Dem’s voter base, right? Go ahead take on illegal drugs; Tipper tried, got nailed big time (yeah, i know she’s a dem, but the dems, esp the lefties really trashed her bad).
Fess up, you guys are pro drug addict, though now you veneer it with “education” spending so we can hire all the addicts to be counselors (ever wonder why former addicts always get their only job as drug counselors?)
Meth could very well be the savior to mankind, you know darwin awards and such. The stronger survive as the weak die off…oh but that isnt very liberal of me is it?
Well you need a bit more than just the ANFO, but yes a certain not so modest amount of AN is used for that purpose. Fertilizing lawns is the most common use, and the more sprawl, the more lawns.
I moved up to WA from the NorCal area that used to be the single largest producer of street meth in the US. There are so many negatives surrounding the manufacture and use of this drug, but one that is often lost on most communities(simply for lack of a multi-generational processing/use), is the affects on the children descended from meth makers and speed freaks. Increase in “environmental” related syndromes and diseases such as ADD, ADHD, Aspergers, spina bifida, brain tumors, Epstein-Barre, etc become prominent problems in schools located in meth regions.
Removing the easy availability of access to primary sources reduces the spreading of manufacturing among those more careless and more desperate. These are the dangerous ones, the “amatuers,” who often have families or extended families and put them and others at risk. Street meth manufacturing is incredibly hazardous and toxic, and like ANFO, can result in the same explosive injuries that Patrick listed.
‘Professionals’ tend to have their regular supply routes and will always adapt to what they need. The limited list that the bill restricts does not begin to exhaust the myriad ways in which to access the various necessary active ingredients. It is much like the security at airports, mostly a great and wonderful show, that if anyone took time to fully deconstruct the role of TSA, they would discover how porous and really unreliable airport security is. Ever wonder how all those foodstuffs, magazines, drinks, commodities, sundries, etc are available to be sold in the terminal areas on the “safe” side of the security checkpoints? Well, read through the vast bulk of the various painrelief and cold/cough medicines not on the list. Nor that secure either.
and as a stuffy nose person, I rather hate having to wait to buy my Sudafed. Really amazing you can buy beer by the gallon but trying buying 24 sudafed tablets.
How do they make meth with storebought Sudafed (not the recipe, but rather, do they have to get 100 people to buy 100 each, or what’s the quantity of sudafeds these guys buy?
The Oregonian is wrong. Campbell is a Republican
Drugs are real bad and should be outlawed. They make people crazy. Look at Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coltor for example.
Tweakers higher than a kite with explosives… Ain’t this country wonderful!!!
You need regular dynamite to set off ANFO. And it’s not very good directionally. It doesn’t work well for, for example, pancaking a building… You need direct contact with high-velocity stuff. It shears the steel rebar clean. Air contact has a different damage pattern.
So when you see those beautiful demolitions that bring a building straight down, that’s a series of small, powerful charges set on critical points of the structure. Same as if you see a building front come straight down…
I know more about blowing bubbles than blowing up buildings, but wouldn’t the Alaska Way Viaduct pancake and come straight down with just a little ground shaking?