A dear friend of mine lost his job yesterday.
He was a research analyst for an investment bank on Wall Street. His job was to research an industry, become an expert on it, and write reports on the industry for his firm’s investors. His research and analysis helped his firm’s investors make decisions about where to invest their money.
My friend covered the newspaper industry.
Covering the newspaper industry really doesn’t have much of a future.
Obviously, he did his work very well.
Problem was, when all of the firms clients dumped their newspaper stock holdings, there was nothing left for him to advise them about.
What’s his next move…cover the US AutoMakers?
Well, it seems someone stole the athiests’ sign from Olympia and dropped it off with the receptionist at KMPS.
Now the group that created the sign is demanding that it recieve “special protection” from the State Patrol.
Meanwhile, most same people would like to issue a hearty “STFU” about the whole thing.
(I’m posting this here because the last O’Reilly thread is nine miles long, and because this one doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.)