If Texas secedes again, then we get to build a giant fence around it, right?
I wonder if Rick Perry has considered this clause in the 14th Amendment?
Section. 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
Thus Rick Perry must resign immediately, as he no longer meets the Constitutional requirements of citizenship to hold office. Check and mate.
Look, if people (a governor!) are going to be so silly then there’s really little choice but to also be silly. If Perry wants to pursue this line of thought so badly, then I propose we finally finish Reconstruction, starting with Texas. I’ll volunteer to be the military governor. If the paranoiacs on the right want to fetishize another Civil War, who am I to begrudge them their fantasies?
If I had a bunch of money to make a film this would be the perfect time to make another Red Dawn movie, this time featuring ACORN activists. If you could get Tina Fey and Will Ferrell…
Texas used to have a tourism slogan that declared, “Texas, it’s like a whole other country.” Which, well, it kind of is, but they get carried away with their Texas exceptionalism down there. Give it a rest, people. Mostly what Texas has given us is mentally defective politicians and criminal enterprises like Enron. They should thank their lucky stars we don’t throw them out of the union.
Like any big state it has the good, the bad and the ugly, the ugliest being the right wing loons who dream of one more Rebel yell. I kind of like the idea of cheap Texas bastards having to pay enough taxes to be their own country, though. That border with Mexico and the Gulf coastline are pretty long, and aircraft and ships aren’t exactly cheap. So yeah, Texas, go for it.
And by the way, Texans, mesquite is not in any way a proper smoking wood, it is a noxious weed. Real barbeque uses hickory. Maybe you folks should spend more time on the important things in life.
Uh…do the folks in Texas realize how much their taxes will go up if they’re an independent nation? They will have to fund (from scratch) their own new military (army, navy, airforce), and no Federal money for highways, airports, and who knows if they’ll even get most favored nation trading status.
In all seriousness, this isn’t serious. Every April 15th people bitch about their taxes and yell about how tough they have it and how they’re treated just like the British Colonies…then we remind them they CAN vote for local, county, state, and Federal elected leaders, and then they wander off mumbling….and start preparing for their “war on Christmas” fight.
Congress has a 25% approval rating and 98% re-election rate. That tells you ALL you need to know about how much people COMPLAIN (about Congress in general for example) but then keep doing the same thing (voting for THEIR Congressman for example).
John, were the founding fathers loons for wanting to secede from England?
How’d those feckless teabag parties go?
Oh! Sorry, that was like so 1993.. Yep, I’m yawning too..
YLB, did you describe the WTO or anti-war protests as feckless?
@4: The teabaggers are feckless because they are protesting taxes – and Obama cut taxes.
The teabaggers are feckless because they are defending the rights of millionaires to use as many tax loopholes as their expensive lawyers can find.
The teabaggers are feckless because they did not protest when Bush got us inot the bailout business with 750 billion in unsupervised funds to the banks.
The anti-war protest were not feckless because the demonstrators turned out to be right – Iraq WAS NO threat to the US and did not even have WMDs. The Bush administration lied about nuclear weapons and lied about Iraq being a threat.
If you can’t tell the difference that says more about your lack of intelligence than it says about the two situations being in any way comparable.
feck⋅less –adjective
1. ineffective; futile
No, anti-war protests were not effective, therefore, they were feckless.
Lee, WTF with the straw man? Nobody ever said mesquite is a smoking wood. It’s for grilling chicken, period, which it does very well, period.
You are both right. The anti-war protests were correct however they were ineffective in changing the course of war to any large degree.
Now, while I’m with you on the issue of Texas seceding (there’s a reason I don’t live there any more, after all), don’t be dissin’ on mesquite smoked states. That’s some damn fine eatin’!
“If Texas secedes again, then we get to build a giant fence around it, right?”
And shoot them as they crawl over it to take our jobs!
Not only that but their signatures on state things like water-sharing agreements would no longer be valid. Everyone who stayed in their country would no longer be eligible for medicaid or social security payments.
They aren’t a member of NAFTA. Their ports would no longer be a hub of US trade, and no one is going to bother using them to ship to the rest of the US.
As for the 14th amendment, I think Perry weaseled around it by saying “some Texans” might want to secede but he didn’t see a reason to.” Or some weasel words like that.
Here’s an old joke from Arkansas:
“If there had been a back door to the Alamo, there would be no Texas today.”
This joke causes people from Texas to immediately change color and start to sputter. It’s pretty funny to watch.
Oh PLEASE succeed you worthless inbred cowards – PLEASE take that traitor George Bush – build a big fence around your state and good fucking luck.
I already boycott anything made in or sold in Texas. I won’t do business with Texans. They’re traitors in my view and I won’t miss ANYTHING about em!
My take on the stupid Faux News created Teaparty.
1) It was ALL BULLSHIT! Faux News created an event and then called it news!
2) The numbers were often super small. Maybe a few hundred. Then right wing operatives (trained by the GOP and Faux News) issued press releases to local media saying “thousands” showed up. Funny, the only coverage we got from Faux News was in the places they arranged a rally. They didn’t seem to want to cover the average rally attended by as few as 50 people.
3) The freakshow this started was amazing. There were tons of white power types with signs saying stuff like “hang the nigger.” NICE Family Values there pal.
4) The average person interviewed by NON-Faux News had no fucking idea WHAT they were protesting. When one reporter asked a winger attending the tea party why he though President Obama was a fascist – he couldn’t say why. When asked what a fascist was – he had no fucking clue. Typical right wing horse shit spewed by mindless, unhappy people who need a Lush Flimbaugh in their world telling them what to do.
5) The average person who DID know they were protesting taxes, did NOT know they were protesting the REPUBLICAN TAX RATE SET BY GEORGE BUSH!
Nuff said – whole lot a stupid going on here. What do you expect from the party that was utterly destroyed by the American people on Nov 4?
You mean that socialist state Texas that, like Alaska, lives off of the taxes they charge on crude oil production?
Sadly for them, they charge a percentage tax, so revenue has dropped dramaticaly.
Things not so good for them since oil prices dropped.
Texas has worked that way for years. Unlike Alaska, Texas has an economic base outside of oil.
It is paradoxically one of the few states which consistently votes Republican AND gives out more tax money than it takes in.
“No, anti-war protests were not effective, therefore, they were feckless.”
If Texas secedes from the union, I hope they don’t take Willie Nelson with them.
On the other hand, I sure wouldn’t miss Rick Perry.
Thanks, Jon.
I live here in Houston (I was brought here under duress and bribed with a new pickup truck and “cee-ment pond”) and have learned in two months that Texans hate two things.
Truth and Oklahoma.
Now with all your truth and with the nutjob Governor trying to create The Independent Country of Texas, someone is going to say something to me and I am going to end up dead in my Reef flip flops because I don’t do stupid and I have a huge habit of saying so.
This is like some weird dimension here. These folks smoke like chimneys, drink (do I have to tell) Bud Light and I have actually seen Michelob ULTRA on TAP. Talk about wasteful.
They even have their own holiday here. Juneteenth. They celebrate the freeing of the slaves. The problem is they forgot to tell the slaves they were free for like a year. So to make it up to them, the holiday started in Galveston, TX.
Hmmmmmmmmmm, maybe that is why God destroyed Galveston in the last hurricane……
I’m just sayin’…..
Will I need a Passport to return to the USA?
Bud Light? Whatever happened to Lone Star?
For the moron@14: http://www.freedomworks.org/
This started back in February moron. Only Fox News would cover the the TEA Party’s because the libtard MSM has totally invested in the dummocraptic side. If the people rise up and tax revolt, then the CNNs ABCs CBSs NBCs PMSNBCs NY Times, Boston Globes, Philly Enquirers, Houston Chronicles, Atlanta Constititions Dallas Morning News St Petersburg Times Seattle Times, etc will have backed the wrong actors. These entities have been delivering the Obama Socialist kook-aid for the last months. That CNN reporter was booed by the common folk after she ended her reporting back the CNN headquarters. She was pathetic. David Shuster was pathetic.
Yet you sucked up the kook-aid fool!
@22 “common folk”
I’ve never heard the 2% most rabid of the extremist wingnut flying monkeys descibed that way.
So when the right wing cowards like the big Oreo Puffybutt were using this BLAME THE MEDIA bullshit during the Nov elections – how did that work? What was the result? Did they start some grass roots uprising against all media except GOP controlled Faux News? NO! They got their fucking inbred asses handed to em. We beat the fuckers like a drum. We ran em out of town. We took complete control of the White House and Congress. And what’s the hero of the GOP doing here now? Using that same, tired, BLAME THE MEDIA bullshit that resulted in a defeat that made the Little Big Horn look like a close call.
THIS is why the Publicans looooooose. They don’t have anyone any smarter than that bitch Puffybutt on their side – trying the same old lies that America REJECTED. Way to go Puffybutt. Way to represent DOG! LOL!
Lone Star is hard to find. I guess movie fame, Urban Cowboy, is fleeting. “Shiner” seems to be the local beer of choice. The Shiner Bock at least has some color and body.
I miss real beer.
An oil expert’s blog i read commented on this:
Texas also has more farmland than any other state.
While it’s very unlikely this will happen, looking at the data is interesting. Texas would probably have a better chance than most other states at seceding.
More data on federal taxes paid vs federal dollars received is here.
Basically, Texas is a net contributor of federal tax dollars (so is Washington State). That means they give more than they receive. In 2005, for example, they received $0.96 for every dollar they sent to DC.
As such, the premise that they’d have trouble seceding because of federal subsidies might be weaker than first thought.
Of course, without the USA, the Republic of Texas would have to fund other things on their own (social security, VA hospitals, military, etc.) But they could certainly generate lots of revenue from their abundant resources. (power, shipping, food). If they annexed Louisiana, they’d have 40% of the USA’s energy production, and 2 of the 10 busiest cargo ports in the world.
For once, Texas Governor Rick Perry is correct. Many conservative and libertarian Americans agree that the right of peaceful, democratic secession by state convention is a legitimate constitutional right of every state in the union.
There are only two solutions to the massive Washington national debt now threatening the economic future and prosperity of every productive American. One is peaceful secession on the state level from the Washington Empire leaving the illegitimate federal debts with the Washington and Wall Street interests who created the debts. The second alternative is a constitutional amendment by the states to cancel the Washington national debt. The cancel the Washington Debt by 12/21/2012 Constitutional Amendment is now online at http://www.facebook.com/group......038;ref=ts
I find it so funny that Texas is the state that wants to secede from the United States since it was a Texan that took the federal budget from a surplus to the most massive debt in history. I’d be okay with it if they took the debt that GWB ran up with them. Is that in the plan?
It just seems like the Republicans have gone on a wild, drunken spending spree and maxed out our credit cards; and are now trying to stick us with the bill. If it weren’t for that I truly would say, “Good riddance!”
Oh! And they could have that financial guru, Phil Gramm, determine Texas fiscal policy!
An open letter from a Texas Nationalist to the people of the United States of America:
Reading the web responses to CNN.com’s report (http://politicalticker.blogs.c.....-of-texas/) that Chuck Norris would consider running for President of the Republic of Texas led me to the conclusion that a lot of folks underestimate the seriousness of his statement. Others are quick to accuse him of sedition, terrorism and treason. Some have even accused him of trying to incite a civil war. All of this leads me to believe that many Americans do not understand the situation or the sentiment in Texas.
To those who seem to hate Texas and feel that the rest of the union would be better off without us: that’s just fine with us. Texas is self-sufficient in agriculture and energy. We have a strong diverse economy that ranks 10th in the world. Your current economic crisis is a nuisance to us, but it isn’t crippling. Texas is doing just fine. We wish you all the best in your experiment with socialism. Please understand that we will continue be good neighbors in times of disaster. We will provide for your refugees in times of dire need, as we did for New Orleans when the Federal Government seemed to be paralyzed. But we will not be enthusiastic about bailing you out of the economic depression that you seem so eager to dig yourselves into.
To those who would love to take the drain of Texas off the US economy: You have your facts skewed by a wide margin. Texas receives considerably less in Federal funds than we pay to the Federal Government. In fact, this is one of the strongest motivations we have for declaring our independence. Your politicians are spending our hard earned dollars like drunken sailors on wasteful programs that we do not want. Our economy will be that much stronger when we are free from the yoke of your opressive taxation.
To those who call us traitors: Texas joined the union in 1845 by treaty. The Constitution for the United States was part and parcel of that treaty. Since the Federal Government no longer considers itself to be bound by the terms of that treaty, specifically the 10th amendment to the Constitution for the United States, it is not treasonous for us to say that the deal is off. If there has been bad faith it is on the part of the Federal Government for failing to confine itself to its lawfully delegated authority. It is not treason to want and demand the freedom and independence that are our God given rights.
To those who call us terrorists: It is not the intention of Texas Nationalists to start a war with the United States. That would be a losing proposition for both sides. We seek to assert our lawful rights under the US Constitution and under the terms of our treaty with the United States.
To those who say, “Give Texas back to Mexico”: I say bluntly, Texas isn’t yours to give. The nation of Texas belongs to the people of Texas. We declared, and won, our independence from Mexico, just as we are now declaring our independence from the United States. It is our God given right to self-determination, and it is arrogant for you to think of our country as your property.
To those who say that without the US, Texas will be invaded by Mexico: Wake up! Mexico has been invading Texas for decades and the United States has done almost nothing to stop it. Worse, they have prevented Texans from securing our own southern border. This is another of the reasons that compels us to declare our freedom; we can no longer count on the United States to provide for our defense. promote our general welfare nor secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity.
To those who call us racists: In case you missed the memo, Texas is not a slave state. We are seeking the sovereignty guaranteed us under your own Constitution. Our movement toward independence is not motivated by race. Texas is a melting pot of people from many national and ethnic backgrounds. There is room for all of them here, provided that they enter our country legally and abide by our laws. Perhaps you think we want to leave you because you have elected a black man as your President? Don’t be silly! The Texas Nationalist Movement is older than the Obama administration. Many of us were ready to leave the United States even before Bush was elected. However, it is no coincidence that the sharp turn toward socialism taken by your country has made our cause all the more compelling to freedom loving Texans. Your own Declaration of Independence informs us that we have not only the right, but the duty to throw off old forms of government when they no longer suit the needs of the people. Simply put, the Federal Government of the United States no longer suits the needs of the people of Texas. We have no desire to overthrow your government, you are welcome to keep it. We simply wish to provide for our own governance.
Bye Texas Bye-don’t let the door his you in the ass on the way out. Bye – what the fuck are you still doing here? Bye – get the fuck gone bitches. What? You still here cunts? Get out. Leave. Go. No reason to think anyone of any import will miss you. Bye. Bye. Bye.
By the way the fools in Texas talking about leaving the US? Guess what assholes – you cost Texas business contracts already. Three different news stories this week about companies pulling out of talks with Texas firms given the possibility that Texas will pull out of the Union. That would make US law no longer valid there. So good riddance. I hope every business in Texas suffers – and suffers badly.