Some of the earliest European settlers in America, the Puritans, banned celebrating Christmas. Ironically, people who today are very much like the Puritans in many respects, the Religious Right, seek government sponsorship of the holiday.
As we wind up another holiday season replete with claims of a “war on Christmas,” let’s not forget what’s really going on here: Some people believe their religion is better than everyone else’s and certainly better than non-belief. It is their right to believe this, but merely believing it is never enough for these types. Increasingly, they are insisting that public schools, city halls, state governments, courts and other public institutions meant to serve us all adopt and promote symbols and phrases that reflect an understanding of what this holiday means that is held only by some.
And let’s be clear, they look down upon not just those who don’t celebrate Christmas but those who celebrate it in ways that they deem not authentic or serious.
“They still have another couple of months before this starts imploding. Things are very unstable and can move incredibly fast. I don’t think the central banks are going to make a major policy error, but if they do, this could make 1929 look like a walk in the park”
The Christmas Day lunch menu called for roast turkey, cornbread dressing, green beans, sweet potato casserole, fruit salad, pumpkin and pecan pies and red velvet cake.
Speaking of John Lennon, his Christmas song, “Happy Christmas (War is Over),” is about the best Christmas song written in many years and will long endure.
@1 Actually, I think they have in mind concentration camps for the rest of us. I really don’t see much difference between the theocratic right and the Nazis who went into battle wearing “Gott Mitt Uns” belt buckles, except the American theocons haven’t started the killing yet. But I believe that will come, unless we stop them now.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Liberals must arm!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Also, let’s not overlook that they’ve been using “civil war” rhetoric ever since Newt planted that idea in their skulls in ’88.
“ … [T]his is a civil war, … only one side will prevail, … the other side will be relegated to history. This war has to be fought with the scale and duration and savagery that is only true of civil wars. While we are lucky in this country that our civil wars are fought at the ballot box, not on the battlefields, nonetheless it is a civil war.”
“Newt … introduced a new style of Republicanism, based on confronting and demonizing the liberal culture …. Newt understood that conservatism thrives only when it has an enemy …. No longer would the Democrats simply be opposed; they would be destroyed. … Newt’s overarching strategy was to portray the differences between the two parties as … moral, not political, laying the rhetorical groundwork for … outrageously stigmatizing language … to caricature the opposition as … evil.
“‘People like me are what stand between us and Auschwitz,’ Gingrich declared. ‘I see evil around me every day.’ Newt called Democrats ‘sick,’ ‘grotesque,’ ‘loony,’ ‘stupid,’ ‘corrupt,’ ‘anti-family,’ and ‘traitors.’ …
” … ‘Gingrich offers up a history of American values in a scheme so hysterically partisan, so transparently dishonest, so willfully stupid, that it’s impossible to believe even Newt himself would expect anyone to take it seriously.’ But Newt did take himself seriously, as did legions of other right-wingers across the country ….”
David Brock, “Blinded by the Right,” pp. 51, 65-67
Don Wardspews:
Wow. You actually thought posting one of the worst Christmas songs ever was a good idea? Whenever you use something by John Lennon and the Plastic Ono Band it must be meant as a joke.
And as a little trip into the Way Back machine, Lennon was hated by the anti-war left because his opposition to Vietnam was only done for self promotion.
and a happy new yearspews:
I read this story. Girl dies because she has been denied haelthcare insurance – and the insurance company says it is experimental.
Hmm- seems there was a book and movie about this exact story: Rainmaker. Also, there was a similar story in Sicko.
The deny, deny, deny almost comes directly from the book.
Where are all the defenders of “the best health care in the world”? Bush and the republicans think we have great health care in this country.
Almost 50 million uninsured and the rest of us have insurance that “might” cover us.
This is a wonderful Christmans story – for the ghost of Christmas past. Cigna should be ashamed of themselves. And to think – what we really have to fear is “socialized” medicine – I just don’t see these stories coming out of Canada or europe.
Ask any Canadian – would they rather have US style health care or Canadian – and every one I have talked to prefers Canadian.
Hmm, and there economy and the looney are both doing better than ours.
Socialized medicine:
I won’t let Daddy die: Girl of six raises £4,000 for life-saving drugs the NHS won’t provide
Some of the earliest European settlers in America, the Puritans, banned celebrating Christmas. Ironically, people who today are very much like the Puritans in many respects, the Religious Right, seek government sponsorship of the holiday.
As we wind up another holiday season replete with claims of a “war on Christmas,” let’s not forget what’s really going on here: Some people believe their religion is better than everyone else’s and certainly better than non-belief. It is their right to believe this, but merely believing it is never enough for these types. Increasingly, they are insisting that public schools, city halls, state governments, courts and other public institutions meant to serve us all adopt and promote symbols and phrases that reflect an understanding of what this holiday means that is held only by some.
And let’s be clear, they look down upon not just those who don’t celebrate Christmas but those who celebrate it in ways that they deem not authentic or serious.
Huckabee vs McCain: Who is more Christian? Which one exploits the symbol of the cross to better effect?
“Cigna officers defend decision to let teenager die.”
Ahh, the wisdom of the free market. It’s so much better than socialized medicine.
More wisdom of the free market:
“They still have another couple of months before this starts imploding. Things are very unstable and can move incredibly fast. I don’t think the central banks are going to make a major policy error, but if they do, this could make 1929 look like a walk in the park”
Bush Celebrates Christmas at Camp David
The Christmas Day lunch menu called for roast turkey, cornbread dressing, green beans, sweet potato casserole, fruit salad, pumpkin and pecan pies and red velvet cake.
Speaking of John Lennon, his Christmas song, “Happy Christmas (War is Over),” is about the best Christmas song written in many years and will long endure.
Links. The second one has audio —
@1 Actually, I think they have in mind concentration camps for the rest of us. I really don’t see much difference between the theocratic right and the Nazis who went into battle wearing “Gott Mitt Uns” belt buckles, except the American theocons haven’t started the killing yet. But I believe that will come, unless we stop them now.
Liberals must arm!
Also, let’s not overlook that they’ve been using “civil war” rhetoric ever since Newt planted that idea in their skulls in ’88.
“ … [T]his is a civil war, … only one side will prevail, … the other side will be relegated to history. This war has to be fought with the scale and duration and savagery that is only true of civil wars. While we are lucky in this country that our civil wars are fought at the ballot box, not on the battlefields, nonetheless it is a civil war.”
“Newt … introduced a new style of Republicanism, based on confronting and demonizing the liberal culture …. Newt understood that conservatism thrives only when it has an enemy …. No longer would the Democrats simply be opposed; they would be destroyed. … Newt’s overarching strategy was to portray the differences between the two parties as … moral, not political, laying the rhetorical groundwork for … outrageously stigmatizing language … to caricature the opposition as … evil.
“‘People like me are what stand between us and Auschwitz,’ Gingrich declared. ‘I see evil around me every day.’ Newt called Democrats ‘sick,’ ‘grotesque,’ ‘loony,’ ‘stupid,’ ‘corrupt,’ ‘anti-family,’ and ‘traitors.’ …
” … ‘Gingrich offers up a history of American values in a scheme so hysterically partisan, so transparently dishonest, so willfully stupid, that it’s impossible to believe even Newt himself would expect anyone to take it seriously.’ But Newt did take himself seriously, as did legions of other right-wingers across the country ….”
David Brock, “Blinded by the Right,” pp. 51, 65-67
Wow. You actually thought posting one of the worst Christmas songs ever was a good idea? Whenever you use something by John Lennon and the Plastic Ono Band it must be meant as a joke.
And as a little trip into the Way Back machine, Lennon was hated by the anti-war left because his opposition to Vietnam was only done for self promotion.
I read this story. Girl dies because she has been denied haelthcare insurance – and the insurance company says it is experimental.
Hmm- seems there was a book and movie about this exact story: Rainmaker. Also, there was a similar story in Sicko.
The deny, deny, deny almost comes directly from the book.
Where are all the defenders of “the best health care in the world”? Bush and the republicans think we have great health care in this country.
Almost 50 million uninsured and the rest of us have insurance that “might” cover us.
This is a wonderful Christmans story – for the ghost of Christmas past. Cigna should be ashamed of themselves. And to think – what we really have to fear is “socialized” medicine – I just don’t see these stories coming out of Canada or europe.
Ask any Canadian – would they rather have US style health care or Canadian – and every one I have talked to prefers Canadian.
Hmm, and there economy and the looney are both doing better than ours.
Socialized medicine:
I won’t let Daddy die: Girl of six raises £4,000 for life-saving drugs the NHS won’t provide
Liberals are so insane!
re 12 & 14: Yer both FOS.