Over at EffU, I broke down the dumbest post to appear at the orange clown car this year, Jim Miller’s bizarre follow-up attack on Rick Steves for things that only seem to exist in Miller’s imagination.
by Lee — ,
Over at EffU, I broke down the dumbest post to appear at the orange clown car this year, Jim Miller’s bizarre follow-up attack on Rick Steves for things that only seem to exist in Miller’s imagination.
Breakdown this Lee–
Idiot Obama’s worst yet!
Now American’s will see Sotomayor dodge questions and deflect from her obvious racist statements.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Which proves that if you cook the numbers enough you can make them say anything you want.
BTW Gallup has 53 approve to 35 disapprove and Research 2000 has 61 approve to 34 disapprove.
Miller wrote: “That’s right, if you voted for McCain, Steves thinks you are much like Ahmadinejad’s supporters.”
Well, so? If you voted for Palin, you are much like Ahmadinejad’s supporters.
Miller argues it doesn’t hold water that McCain, “one of the bravest men alive,” used fearmongering to sway voters.
It’s a superficially attractive argument, because McCain indeed was a brave man (although not as brave as his fellow POWs who unlike McCain never cooperated with their North Vietnamese captors); but where it falls apart is, either McCain didn’t run his campaign or, if he did, he set aside his better judgment and did the bidding of his party’s fearmongers.
Surely Miller can’t mean the GOP doesn’t use fearmongering to sway voters — you know, the party that distributes scary sex-offender leaflets in our state — because that argument is patently ridiculous. Fearmongering is the GOP’s stock-in-trade.
No, Miller must have intended to say McCain was an exception, he’s a cut above Republican candidates in general, and is better than that. And we all know he is. Trouble is, Campaign 2008 wasn’t McCain’s finest hour; it was one of his seamiest hours.
Of course, McCain — whose finest hour undeniably was when he refused to go home ahead of other POWS, and endured another 5 years of brutal captivity, rather than aid the enemy’s propaganda efforts — has had many other seamy moments in a life that demonstrates the ambiguous nature of the human animal.
He was a party boy who got ahead in life because of who he was, not what he accomplished. He was an incompetent flier who cracked up nearly half a dozen taxpayer-owned airplanes worth millions of dollars, and was the only pilot of his two-dozen-strong flight to get shot down on that particular raid — and broke three of his four extremities ejecting. (He must have dozed off in the class where they taught ejection procedures.)
But without question, McCain’s seamiest moment was when he returned to CONUS and ditched his ill wife for a pretty young rich woman.
Is such a man capable of running a seamy presidential campaign? Interesting question, and the question really boils down to who ran the GOP’s 2008 presidential campaign, because there can be no serious argument made that it was anything but a tacky, seamy, dishonest campaign.
I think McCain is just as human as the rest of us, but basically a good man with a pretty firm grasp of reality. The latter fact unfortunately puts him at odds with the direction the Republican Party’s leadership insists on taking it. He submitted to their dictates because, quite plainly and simply, he knew it was his last chance to take a run at the White House.
This puts McCain in the company of a number of other good people (Jack Kemp and Liddy Dole as just two examples) who might have been great Presidents, had they not been members of a party run by lunatics and criminals. If he’d been allowed run his own campaign, McCain might be our President now, and that wouldn’t be all that bad.
It would have been even better if that had happened in 2000.
Americans less stressed about debt, poll shows
“Now 48 percent of those polled say the country is headed in the right direction, compared with just 18 percent who said that in 2008, the poll says. “3
That’s all the “Poll” numbers you need to know and all the facts you need to understand why Mr. Cynical and his ilk are so angry.
Way to keep your chin up Mr. Cynical. Although, I guess it’s hard not to when you’re getting kicked square in the balls as hard and as often as you conservatives have been getting kicked by the Americna public.
Thanks for the laughs.
Pigs fly. Normal people finally agree with Art.
Yes, we’d have been better served in 2001 and beyond by Pres McCain than by Pres Bush. But no, McCain was not undone in 2008 by letting others run his campaign. He was undone on 15 September by McCain. Something about meltdown melted him down and made his choice of Governor Palin very problematic.
@1 KLOWN spews: “deflect from her obvious racist statements”
Oh, please tell us that racist joke you told about about blacks again, Mr. Klynical. I didn’t quite get it the first time around. Something about blacks abhoring the thought of having to work like a white man. One more time, please. I’ll try to get it this time.
Steve@7, Puddy went over the joke with you in the other thread.