Curious to meet Democratic congressional challenger Suzan DelBene? Well, she’ll be at the Newport Hills chapter of Drinking Liberally tonight at the Mustard Seed, 7:00 PM, 5608 119th Ave. SE.
As for the incumbent Dave Reichert, I don’t believe he’s invincible, and I don’t believe we’re on the verge of a big red wave. An anti-incumbent wave, maybe. But not overtly anti-Democratic, at least not around these parts. And I honestly don’t believe Reichert’s no vote on HCR will help him in November.
Who the heck is this Suzan DelBene?
Please don’t tell me she’s another attractive young woman manager from Microsoft with no political resume.
Been there. Tried that….
The ‘prefers GOP’ screwed the pooch in ’06 and ’08. Flotsam Reichert goes out with the tide as the goppers go 3fer3.
PS: Great game.
Thanks, Goldy.
We just finished. Senator Gordon showed up, spoke for a bit, then introduced Suzan. She was outstanding. There were about 35 people there, all very impressed.
She does a great job of explaining issues and solutions. Reichert would get creamed in an actual debate.
Yes, #1, she is an attractive former Microsoft VP. She was also a founding executive of A year ago, I had your same complaint. After hearing her speak several times and a few one-on-one conversations, I’m totally on board. You would be too if you got to know her.
She is a smart, business savvy entrepreneur that knows policy issues inside and out. We can’t help the fact that she has no political resume. She’s got a great private sector and non-profit resume. And she is real. Nothing phony about her. Suzan will be a fantastic Representative. She will beat Reichert.
When I saw Obama at the Westin in 2007, I thought “wow, this guy is good, he’s going to be our next president”. At the time he was about 20 points behind Hilary Clinton in the polls.
I thought the same thing about Suzan tonight. Only Democratic apathy can prevent a win. Reichert’s numbers are the lowest they’ve ever been. Suzan will win if the 8th CD Democrats can get their act together.
Goldy: You should get Suzan to the Montlake Ale House for a podcast. Maybe Washington’s most famous and favorite blogger could join you.
sarge: How does any of that make DelBene materially different from Darcy Burner? Wasn’t Burner also “…a smart, business savvy entrepreneur that knows policy issues inside and out.”?
If somebody like Burner couldn’t beat Reichert with the blue (tidal) waves of 2006 and 2008, what makes you think DelBene will do better?
Goldy: looking at the recent HCR polling and the President’s numbers, I don’t think Reichert’s vote will hurt him that much. It will come down to the candidate, as Dave Ross and Burner proved.
Suzan is pro-choice. She believes that medical decisions should be left between a woman and her doctor, and not decided by politicians. ”
Too bad that flies in the face of her stance on health care reform.
Delbert obviously prefers that his health care decisions be made by some lackey death panelist sitting in an insurance office cubicle whose sole goal is to win points with the boss by denying medical coverage for the insured.
As long as the Democrats take a hard run at him, Reichert can only win by draining money, energy, and staffing away from RNC which is rather short on money, energy, and quality staffing at the moment. The RNC would be spending all that money and doing all that work to put one of their least effective congressmen back in office. It’s win/win for the Democrats.
doesn’t she have a lack of voting in her voting record?
the problem with this private sector successful candidates is they don’t win. if she doesn’t have a good five word reason she’s running, saying she’s so smart she got rich doesn’t help her get votes and win. in particular the problem in this district is:
–the bellevue super smart executive type candidates fail to reach the pierce county democratic voters who swing a bit …
–reichert, like it or not, has an identity as former sheriff who caught you know who. so he’s usually not picking up all the baggage of a generic republican.
–reichert usually manages to cast a few enviro votes that peel off another 5 points of voters.
i have heard about delbene about 10 times and no one has ever said what is it she has accomplished in public life that will reach voters and persuade that middle ten points of swing voters….and no one has ever said what she’s running for. running on your private sector resume isn’t how you win elections susan.
please get a message soon.
Darcy had Reichert on the ropes, and would have won, except the dustup over her Harvard Degree (Computer Science with special field of Economics).
All last campaign, I heard the same complaints about Darcy that I’m hearing about Suzan now. If people had just stopped complaining and participated in the campaign, Reichert would have lost.
Suzan will have much more appeal to moderates and independents and Republicans than Darcy. I have to go to work, so I can’t elaborate now. Go to her website, and meet the candidate sometime.
Reichert is more vulnerable than ever. Darcy ran on ending the Iraq war. Suzan is running on the economy. She has good ideas for creating jobs.
@1 For starters, she’s at least 100,000 times smarter than you.
RNC In Turmoil!
In the wake of the lezzo-club scandal, the RNC’s top fundraiser has quit, its chief of staff has been replaced by a guy with management-style problems (four of his staff quit), and its new financial has a shady personal history.
More and more, the RNC looks like WaMu’s
last days.
This Lawsuit Ain’t Over
Remember the school board that canceled a prom because a lesbian class member wanted to dress up in a tux and bring a girlfriend? She sued the board with the help of the ACLU, in response to which the community organized a private prom which she was invited to attend, and the judge concluded that solved the problem.
Not quite.
That prom turned out to be a sham — only 7 people attended — while most of the kids were spirited off to another prom organized and held in secret. I predict this case will go back to court — and now, the only issue is how much discrimination and emotional distress damages will be awarded.
The real question is: Will Suzan give Roger Rabbit a hug?
Maybe Michael Steele will come here and stump for Reichert! They can both get all jiggy with it and shit.
Reichert has always depended on big ups from the RNC and NRCC to get over the top. He’s kind a lackadaisical fund-raiser (as he is a Congressman).
These orgs are in financial trouble this year, and they will probably be in deeper doo-doo in November now that (for one example) the FRC is telling people NOT to donate to the RNC. I am anticipating that without those orgs, who have better, more Teabaggy, and more promising candidates to fund, Richert will not be able to raise the money it takes to run the kind of last-minute dirt he’s used to getting for free.
I mean, the Republicans Party is incompetency squared and is staffed by crooks, clowns, and idiots, but even THEY know that he’s not really their type of fella. He voted for a wilderness area, for God’s sake! HCR means nothing—the GOP was going to lose that one all along and they all knew it. His vote with theirs geve them only a slightly larger bucket of warm spit.
The question now is: will Reichert go the full Teabag for money?
love @ 15
Last night over dinner, my bro was saying how Steele is the bestest RNC chair ever.
What’d be a good name for his facebook fan page? “Steele – RNC Chair for Life!” is the best I’ve come up with.
I’ll let the caffeine kick in, maybe come up with something funny.
love @ 16
> will Reichert go the full Teabag for money?
Sir, I salute you. That single question is so wrong on so many levels. Ewww, ick.
Pure comedy gold.