I posted this video to Slog, but my editors deleted it, apparently because it is simply too offensive to objectify a man for his breasts. Huh.
But you know what? Politics is a nasty game. Republicans win all the time by portraying themselves as more manly, but this is one race in which the Democrat, Jay Inslee, has the clear and undisputed manliness advantage. Is it kind to point out McKenna’s man boobs? Is it mature? Is it relevant? Does it add to public discourse? Of course not.
But for some voters, if they perceive McKenna as less manly, it will cost him votes. So for me, this makes McKenna’s boobs fair game.
(Also, what the fuck? Who puts out a political TV ad with video like that? That’s media malpractice.)
Those are some nice breasts
Man boobs! Yikes!
When it comes to making fun of a candidate’s appearance in this race, it looks like you can say that you went there first, Goldy.
This doesn’t strike me as politics. It looks more like someone has their nose bent out of shape because he didn’t get into a press conference. Because surely this isn’t how you intend to go about proving McKenna wrong, is it? But if that’s what you’re trying to do here, I suggest you give this more thought.
Compared to Gov. Creosote of New Jersey, McKenna is swelte and trim.
Much more effective if you can get a video of him in heels and makeup. I’ll bet it’s out there.
You’re fucking KIDDING me. The STRANGER deleted that?!? From SLOG???
Eli Sanders alluded to, but didn’t exactly mention, McKenna’s moobs on KUOW this morning. And he was seriously discussing how awful McKenna’s ad was. You were just poking a little fun at McKenna.
Hey let’s start a “man boobs” of the right wing thread!
Here’s Hugh Hewitt (the guy that “leftist” Mark Halperin can’t grovel to enough):
The right wing trolls want this country to be an aristocratic oligarchy. That’s what their screw their poor, no taxes on “teh jawb kwee8tuhs” is all about.
Unwittingly this is their role model:
Pete @ 4 has the “hands down” winner.
A skinny man with man boobs is a truly hideous sight.
But McKenna put the ad out himself. I think he was trying to pose himself as an active, joggerly type manly man.
Didn’t work.
“Much more effective if you can get a video of him in heels and makeup. I’ll bet it’s out there.”
And fishnet stockings. Republican males just have to be into fishnet stockings. Well, most of them anyway. Bob and Ev for sure.
Now that would be fair game as well as being fucking hilarious.
I asked a medical person and she said that man boobs (Darryl – I do like moobs) in otherwise-slender people may be the result of female hormones that are given to combat prostate cancer. McKenna seems to be a little young for this, but like Ellen Craswell before him, he might be covering up a health problem.
I had boobs (fboobs?) like Rob’s when I was 12. Who knows – in a couple of years guys may be asking him out.
WTF??? I thought SLOG existed TO RUN nonsense like this.
That video is freaking embarrassing!
Put a fork in Bobby… He’s done.
You know shit like this goes way back to right wingers gloating over pictures of Jimmy Carter falling apart when running.
But then the right wing didn’t like it when the much more fit Bush Sr. ran all over Japan begging them to stop beating up on American businesses only to throw up all over the Japanese Prime Minister.
Oh well they rejected him, called him a wimp for raising taxes.
You reap what you sow right wingers.
I slam Serial Conservative repeatedly because he made fun of Malia. Now granted McKenna’s a grown man and should know better, but making fun of a person’s appearance to make political points is wrong.
That would be like making fun of the president because he was the wrong shade of skin.
Attack McKenna’s character and actions all you want, but not his appearance, that’s wrong. We have to be better than that.
Sorry, but I’m in agreement with NTFF @ # 15.
After all, McKenna’s a target-rich environment for criticism, without having to resort to this.
@15, 16 Agreed. That was my point @3.
“I asked a medical person and she said that man boobs (Darryl – I do like moobs) in otherwise-slender people may be the result of female hormones that are given to combat prostate cancer.”
But there are lots of other explanations, as well…
Estrogens are the the most important hormone that stimulates breast tissue proliferation. Men with lots of fat tissue have higher estrogen levels because fat tissue converts (technically “aromatizes”) testosterone into estrogen. So moobs in fat individuals result from estrogen-stimulated proliferation of breast tissue and more fat deposits around the breast tissue.
Exogenous estrogens can affect breast size. A small effect can even be detected from eating large quantities of plants rich in estrogen (phytoestrogens).
As a grad student in the 1990, I read one interesting case study from the medical literature trying to identify the cause of very large breasts in a man. It turned out that he had a female-urine drinking fetish—he drank very large quantities of urine from one (or more) post-pubertal, pre-menopausal women. The relatively high estrogen levels in the urine (most of it is converted into estrone-3-glucuronide by then, but same effect) were believed to be the primary cause of his moobs.
I’m certainly NOT trying to imply anything about McKenna, of course. He’s more of a cupcake guy….
re 15: You are absolutely correct. I will never again make fun of Obama for his skin color — but you have to admit, he doesn’t have man boobs.
You know who has man boobs?
Chris Christie:
We just learned Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey is coming to Washington to kickoff Rob’s general election campaign! Governor Christie will be the 7th Republican governor to travel here in support of Rob’s candidacy – illustrating the nationwide support Rob’s New Direction for Washington State plan has already received.
RSVP right away to join Governor Christie in supporting Rob by attending the event in Bellevue on Thursday, August 9. This exclusive event will provide a unique opportunity to hear why Governor Christie agrees Rob McKenna is the leader Washington State needs!
Details for the event are below, along with a link to view the invitation as a PDF. Space is limited, so RSVP no later than August 7 to Jessica McDowell at 425-202-5150 or Jessica@McKenna-WSRPVictory.com or by sending the reply card with your contribution to:
Maybe Christie can give one of you guys the motorboat
when he’s here.
“You know who has man boobs?”
Yo mama?
“red hiney monkey”
Love the screen name.
@ 21
Death due to pancreatic cancer in 1997, but thanks for the desecration of her memory, Doctor Steve.
Or I could play that line if I wanted to. Instead I’ll just chock it up to the banter that really means nothing, wasn’t truly intended to harm, and shouldn’t be taken the wrong way.
You know, the slack lefties cut each other but won’t extend to those with alternative political perspectives.
Busy week. Have a good afternoon, all. Just wanted to share the Christie news item.
# 20: Gee, what if Goldy got a ticket? Would they block him from that event, as well? Maybe I should get a ticket and give it to Goldy.
re 23: “Death due to pancreatic cancer in 1997, but thanks for the desecration of her memory, Doctor Steve.”
My mother died in 1992 of ovarian cancer. You can say anything that you want about her boobs, she’s dead.
How would the race be different if McKenna had worn a sports bra? Discuss
maybe shit like this is why nobody considers goldy a legit journalist.
can you say: K A R M A
I’m sort of with the haters on this one. The Stranger probably shouldn’t have pulled it, but it’s dumb.
“Death due to pancreatic cancer in 1997, but thanks for the desecration of her memory, Doctor Steve.”
What, do you want a hug, Bob? Your mother is dead. So fucking what? So is mine. Do you see me asking you to give a shit? Do you think for one moment that I’d believe you actually would give a shit? I suggest that you look elsewhere for someone who gives a flying fuck about your hurt feelings, you racist asswipe.
Of course he expects you to care, Cons always expect anyone on the opposition to care, show sympathy and generally be a better person than they are.
McKenna is a boob. He connects with people like the Mittster does–he doesn’t.
@18, Darryl said Men with lots of fat tissue have higher estrogen levels because fat tissue converts (technically “aromatizes”) testosterone into estrogen.
That’s interesting. But to me, McKenna looks like he has never carried any weight. The word anorexic comes to mind.
It turned out that he had a female-urine drinking fetish . . . .
I wonder if drinking the urine of fat men would have the same effect. Not, of course, that I think of McKenna as a sexual creature. But one never knows.
Brenda @ 32
I think McKenna thinks about sex approximately every other June. He is not terribly human. He’s very much like Romney.
@20 Great. The Republican-governor impression of a lesbian rubfest. Just what our state needs.
@33 That reminds me of a joke:
A Republican couple was having sex.
He: “Did I hurt you?”
She: “No, why do you ask?”
He: “You moved.”
Exactly. Those people don’t seem to have the normal human desires. They’re odd in that way.
Wow, you leftists are mean. But then we already knew that. Seems like you will resort to anything in your warped, twisted atheist infested minds.
This thread speaks volumes about the character of so-called progressives.
Oh, brother.
Really? Generic put-down ‘yo mama’ turns into pathetic whine? Really, bob?
Sorry about your loss, really, honestly.
…but please, your retort is incredible mawkish and manipulative.
Oh. My. God.
Another delicate flower, this time from the guy who calls poor people “lazy fucks”
You know what the difference is? We leftists savagely mock people with power – like Rob ‘Cupcake’ McKenna, while you right-wingnuts attack people you perceive as weaker than you.
It’s amazing how right wingers adopt the breathless, pearl-clutching, fainting-couch vapors of victimhood when they see an advantage to it.
Spare me.
The right-wingnuts are the most heartless, empathy-less, angry, frightened, violent bunch of vindictive assholes EVAH, never missing an opportunity to demand that their opponents behave better than they do – it can be quite effective, and deserves nothing more than a big FUCK YOU.
@40 Amen. Biggest hypocrites going are Republicans. They project onto Liberals or Democrats everything negative that they do. Great offensive move, you have to hand it to them. Democrats need to shove it up their asses and speak the truth about their nonsense.
“You know what the difference is? We leftists savagely mock people with power – like Rob ‘Cupcake’ McKenna, while you right-wingnuts attack people you perceive as weaker than you.”
Spot on, Doc. And that’s one of the more disgusting things about these wingnuts, how they pick on the weak.
These people are different than us. These are people who rooted for Basil Rathbone to skewer Errol Flynn at the end of Robin Hood. To borrow a phrase, these people are decidedly un-American.
“warped, twisted atheist infested minds”
Yo mama
Lib says
Wrong again. I call able bodied folks who refuse to work and gainfully suck off the system “lazy fucks”.
I think that the people you refer to are the same ones committing all the voter fraud.
“I call able bodied folks who refuse to work and gainfully suck off the system “lazy fucks”.”
You just described your beloved 1%. Lounging by the pool, clipping coupons. Just a bunch of lazy fucks sucking off the system, huh, dickwad?
46. Steve spews:
“I call able bodied folks who refuse to work and gainfully suck off the system “lazy fucks”.”
Really..you mean like George Soros and the hollywood crowd?? Obama has plenty of billionaires pulling for him for some reason. Oh yeah..obama will try to screw the others and leave them to prosper.
So Steve, how come Wall Streeters gave Obama way more money than McCain????
And what is happening with beloved Democrat Jon Corzine? Seems Holder is giving this particular 1%er quite a break thus far. Corzine ought to be in jail.
But hey, he’s an OBAMA 1%er.
That’s different, right steve?
Sorry, Ev, but your incoherent babbling seems to be fucking with the Troll-Speak Decoder app I recently downloaded. Your comment keeps being interpreted by the decoder as, “I fuck goats!” Hmm, maybe you should try posting again, freak.
If employers hired when their costs were lower, they would hire the most during a recession (everything becomes cheaper to buy). Instead they hire the most when their costs are high, during economic bubbles.