The trial of a terminally ill medical marijuana patient in Mason County begins tomorrow:
Karen Mower is a terminally ill medical marijuana patient. Her husband John Reed is an authorized patient as well. In January 2008, the Mason County Sheriff’s “Special Operations Group” raided their home garden, seizing 38 flowering plants and 36 immature plants.
The Mason County Sheriff issued a press release announcing the raid in which they estimate each plant would produce one pound of dried pot. The press release states that both defendants are medical marijuana patients, but “the amount of product found by deputies clearly exceeded the amount the couple was authorized to possess.” See [here]:
Their case has been dragging on, and is finally going to jury selection. Please consider spending a day in Shelton to observe this trial.
And if you’re going from the Seattle area, on your way back you can stop in Olympia to see Attorney General Rob McKenna not giving a fuck about how the federal government’s broad definition of the Commerce Clause is an “imposition” upon certain citizens in this state.
By the way, I was told that Dori Monson asked McKenna directly today about his hypocritical stance on medical marijuana. Did anyone catch it?
We’re putting terminally ill people on trial for having a little bit of weed? Fucking inhumane. But then, you kinda expect that sort of thing from backwaters like Mason County.
I swing though there from time to time, hiking and birding at the Theler Wetlands mostly. I’ll have to remember to pack a lunch and coffee from now on. No more spending money in Mason County!
just terrible! keep overgrowing the government. it’s the only way. and for gods sake get rid of your attorney general.
Well, I certainly am supporting I-1068, and I encourage all of you here to do so, too. It’s time to completely legalize marijuana. What we’re doing now is just plain nuts!