Today wasn’t a good day for me to stay on top of a big news item, so for the latest news on the federal raids that occurred today across the Puget Sound region, check out these links:
Gene Johnson – Police in W. Washington target medical pot shops
Curtis Cartier – DEA Raiding Medical-Marijuana Dispensaries in Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia
Dominic Holden – Why Today’s Pot Raids?
Jonathan Martin – Authorities raid Puget Sound medical-pot shops
Jeremy Pawloski – 17 arrested in raids on five Thurston County pot dispensaries
Russ Belville – DEA Raids Washington Dispensaries In Cities That Often Won’t Prosecute Marijuana Crimes
Stacia Glenn – 18 people arrested in three-county medical pot raids
The Cannabis Defense Coalition has information about the raids here.
UPDATE: Steve Elliott at Toke of the Town has a post up with info about today’s protest in downtown Seattle.
“The Thurston County Sheriff’s Office told Toke of the Town that raids will be “culminating” on Wednesday.”
Sounds like it’s not over yet. It’s time to put a stop to this crap. Patients should be allowed safe access.
To my friends on the left… When you allow the federal government to superseed states rights, this is the kind of stuff you can expect. Its frustrating when it happens with something YOU feel strongly about, isnt it…
I like this comment at the SLOG “”their failure to abide by state medical marijuana guidelines”…
This is interesting. We now have the Feds concerned about the how the state laws are enforced. What’s next? Are the Feds going to be stopping us for running stop signs?
Just keep voting for one of the two major parties and you’ll continue to get more of the same..
As someone who considers himself a liberal, I just don’t understand why other leftists, including this blog, continue to support and advocate we vote for a Democratic president and party that has obviously over the last few years made a significant move to the right..
As long as the Democratic party pushes the “lesser of two evils” card and people on the left accept it unquestionably, they know they can take the left’s votes for granted. Meaning they’ll continue to move to the right, while at the same time giving our expressed concerns over something like MMJ the big “fuck you, you’ll vote for us anyway”..I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if they laugh behind our backs..
Once again, another issue on which the major parties agree and we have no viable alternative. Isn’t the two party system great?
“What’s next? Are the Feds going to be stopping us for running stop signs?”
That government that governs least governs best.
Yes, the federal government has grown too big for its britches and needs to be put in its place, for engaging in foreign adventures that deplete our treasury and squashing our individual rights! It’s time to bitch-slap the federal government back into being the servant of the people, not the master!
“Just keep voting for one of the two major parties and you’ll continue to get more of the same.”
Absolutely goddam right! More political parties and term limits for these bastards would force a needed change onto the federal government.
Federal law is the supreme law of the land, it’s in the constitution and everything…
Come election day you have two choices and the Democrats are still the better choice.
@7 Come election day you have two choices and the Democrats are still the better choice.
BS, they’re like two peas in a pod. Corporately owned, beholden to the 1%. In fact, on this issue, according to ASA, Obama has been raiding dispensaries at a rate twice that of the Bush administration..
You just don’t seem to get it. Continuing to compromise your values and principles in favor of the “lesser of two evils” only emboldens that so called lesser evil to discount and fuck with you more..and as long as people on the left continue to buy their BS, the Democratic party will just ignore their concerns and keep on moving further and further to the right..
To #7: I just have to wonder if you would be as pragmatic about this if a Republican administration was behind the raids…..
Yep, no change since Obama took office. “States Rights” is a bunch righty nonsense, btw.
So on election day I should vote Republican? Or not vote at all and allow a Republican, who’s anti choice, anti union, anti public schools, to take over?
I agree that the parties both suck (but, they don’t suck equally) and that we should work to get better people in office and when that better person shows up on a ballot I’ll happily vote for them, but when the choices are D & R right now 99% of the time the D’s still the better choice.
I remember something like that from…way back in 2000…something like, “Al Gore and George W. Bush – they’re just the same”
How’d that work out for us?
I remember something like that from…way back in 2000…something like, “Al Gore and George W. Bush – they’re just the same”
How’d that work out for us?
And corporately owned Obama has continued many if not most of Bush’s policies. Actually, ramping up some of them, the war on MMJ users being but the latest. Then we have Afghanistan, Goldman Sachs, the use of drones, extending Bush era leases for drilling in the Arctic, if reelected he will end up approving the Keystone pipeline as well… hell, he’s even put SS and Medicare cuts on the table..the list of broken promises is almost endless…yet you and the rest of the sheep will believe him again.
Yeah, BIG difference. How’s that hope and change (LOL) working out for ya?
Yep, and putting McCain and Palin in the White House would have fixed this how?
To #13: And how would have putting Mccain and Palin in the White House HURT that? Alot of people on the left want to complain about how dissappointed they are with obama with one breath, then say how much better he is then Mccain/Palin would have been with the next breath. It seems to me like a case of wanting to have your cake and eat it too.
Yep, and putting McCain and Palin in the White House would have fixed this how?
I’m not suggesting McCain would have been better, but I am saying he couldn’t have been much worse either. In truth, he would have been pretty much the same..
Both parties share views on most of the major issues, particularly on foreign policy and the drug war. They actively work together to keep third party threats off state ballots. Oh yeah, just to keep us interested and to continue the charade, they throw us a bone on some social issues once in awhile..but both of them are part and parcel of the 1% and the MIC..
Continuing to reward the Democratic party for screwing us over is not only working against our own interests, but strikes me as just plain stupid..
I’m not so much disagreeing with you as just pointing out that on election day your only viable choices are to vote for candidate A or candidate B. We do need better candidates.
Whoop de fricken doo.
Watching Q13 tonight regarding this weeks maryjane raids… Seems these raided “dispensaries” were dealing in “other” activities.
Wow… using old computer