Via Think Progress:
On Fox and Friends today, host Brian Kilmeade acknowledged that Jenkins was intentionally instigating the crowd. At the end of the segment, Kilmeade signed off by saying that Fox was “going to continue to send” Jenkins “out to cause trouble.” “I hope so,” responded Jenkins. Watch it:
I’m sure it would be mighty tempting to start yelling at the Fox Noise crew, but the best thing to do is probably to turn around and walk away. Just ignore these unethical right wing twits and don’t give them anything to talk about. Just my $0.02.
Except, of course, if they have Hooters Girls and Broncos cheerleaders with them.
LMAO!! HA’s most dense right wing idiot PuddyMoron once attacked me for bringing porn to
Here it is again:
My gift to Captain American/Pooper.
When it comes to the police beating up on Fox News, repeat after me.
“Don’t. Stop. Don’t. Stop.”
Wait a minute, I think I’m using too many periods there.
Whatever happened to the days when it was the Democrats who had all the scantily-clad girls?
Dems now have scantily clad boys.
The Piper
5 PS
Mark Foley begs to differ
Hey Pooper I think the evidence is pretty overwhelmingly against your continued fantasies.
Mark Foley
Jim West
Larry Craig
Ted Haggard
Bob Allen
Glenn Murphy Jr.
these are some of the better known right wing hypocrites who like you Pooper like the boys.
But then there are some lesser known ones too:
Dolan, Terry – Ran NCPAC to elect far-right Republicans in the 1970’s when they were attacking gay victims of AIDS Died of AIDS
Dreier, David – Powerful Congressman who votes consistently against gay rights
Closeted gay
Guckert, James – Wrote gay-bashing articles for right-wing Talon News service
Gay prostitute
Mehlman, Ken – Ran George Bush’s 2004 campaign with anti-gay marriage as central issue; now Chairman of the Republican Party
Closeted gay
Williams, Armstrong – Regularly attacked gay marriage on CNN
Settled gay sex harassment lawsuit for $200K
It’s so easy to prove you’re a know-nothing, right wing hack bitch. You better up your game if you’re going to play here.
Captain America/Pooper is projecting again.
Daddy Love,
Sorry to say but these “girls” are not hot.
The Democrats and the left have all the hot, sophisticated, and intelligent women. We don’t oogle over “girls” because we are not pedophiles. And these blockheads in cheerleaders outfits are just part of the same mindless demographic that eats crappy hot wings at hooters.
And don’t get me started on that mindless twit Jessica Simpson.
I used to have a totally negative impression of Paris Hilton, but she does deserve some kudos for participating in this
If anything, it is at least witty and sufficiently ironic which is generally a sign of actual intelligence.
Wanna know how to start a riot at a Young Republicans drinking party? Ask a Fox Noise guy to roll a Hooters girl down the aisle!
The Republican president sure embarrassed our country by showing up stumbling drunk at the Olympics in Beijing.
George W. Bush makes Lindsey Lohan look like a Girl Scout!
And I really liked that Ted Haggard, too. If only we had YouTube footage of his meth-snorting ass-banging parties.
You know, I was watching a telelvision program that had some old SNL bits that included Dana Carvey’s “Lyle the Effeminate Heterosexual.” Everyone always assumed Lyle was gay because he had extravagant mannerisms and spoke with a high-pitched lisp. The point, I think, was to say that guessing who’s gay doesn’t always work. Which is why Larry Craig could cruise men’s restrooms for thirty years and Ted Haggard would work his way into the presidency of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE) and consult with presidents and then go fuck male prostitutes while getting high on meth once the lights were turned off. Ya just can’t tell by looking.
For the Republicans in the room: is it really fun to snort a bunch of meth while you’re fucking some guy in the ass? Because Ted seemed to like it a lot. Who can tell me? Piper?
9 G
9 G
9 G
I am getting no sound. Somebody screwing with you?
RR @ 11: At least he didn’t toss his cookies at a state dinner, like his father did.
(In G.H.W.Bush’s defense, trying to eat foreign food, and smile through it, while suffering from the flu is above and beyond the call of duty).
9 G
I’ll give you a big part of that. I ate at a Hooter’s about three years ago to see what the fuss was about. Man, that was some shitty food. The girls were cute-ish but really stupid.
17 PL
I don’t know what that was. Some kind of weird browser hiccup. Goldy’s “repeat detector” didn’t even kick in until after the third one went through.
@18 The old man at least has an honorable excuse — he tried to show respect to his hosts by eating foreign food at a state dinner while sick. His buffoon kid was merely stumbling drunk.
RR @ 21: One thing you can say about George W. Bush: He made his father seem like a much better President, in comparison.
There’s a bike cop just to the right of the newscaster and cameraman in the video (shows up at 14 seconds). If the protesters were roughing the Fox guys that badly why didn’t the cop step in?
Maybe “roughing up” is a bit of an overstatement?
@1 “HA’s most dense right wing idiot PuddyMoron”
But I thought that was Marvin. Does Puddy get extra points for insipidly posting under multiple screen names?
@7 Bob Allen cracks me up. He’s the Republican who, in a Florida park toilet, offered to pay a black cop $20 if Allen could blow the guy. Fucking hilarious.
DL @ 19: Yea, I had to take a bunch of visitors from Japan to Hooters once. They had heard about it, wanted to see what it was about. They agreed that the food was terrible, by any standards, but giggled like a bunch of schoolboys over the waitresses. But even the service was pretty bad, they seemed to think that they were going to get a great tip just by being there, so why try?
To the Japanese, the food is more important – the principle enjoyment of a buisiness dinner is to enjoy good food – especially food not normally available in Japan due to high prices – on the company’s dime. They want a really good steak dinner, or expensive seafood, king crab legs, or lobster. This didn’t work out because the food was terrible, and I paid for it out of my own pocket in cash (I wasn’t about to have human resources asking me why I was charging a trip to Hooters on the company credit card).
Seems to me Hooters was an attempt to create a fraternity-party atmosphere. Bush would feel right at home.
The girls were cute-ish but really stupid.
I’m sure these women had some opinions of their own.
A little interesting something OT. Re: speculation in the oil markets:
Money quote:
Like another econogeek I follow says: little people – you are consuming too much oil and for that sin you will bail us out for the crappy mortgages we made possible for you!
But I thought that was Marvin.
I admit it’s a toss up.
26 c
Yep. Stupid ones.
Yep. Stupid ones.
Perhaps they ALL shared giggles among themselves in the back.
A waitress at Hooters once asked me if Canada was in Europe. I guess that was just intellectual curiosity… :)
A waitress at Hooters once asked me if Canada was in Europe. I guess that was just intellectual curiosity… :)
They were testing YOU, Lee.
A waitress at Hooters once asked me if Canada was in Europe. I guess that was just intellectual curiosity… :)
And seriously, many people would be hard pressed to get a lot of basic facts correct (eg, what century was the Civil War, when was WWII, where is Iraq on a map.). Results like this are reported in surveys year after year.
30 cjs
Or maybe they didn’t. Either way, you don’t know shit about it.
33 cjs
Stupid people.
Oh, well. Olympics and conventions.
Or maybe they didn’t. Either way, you don’t know shit about it.
No, really. I’m sure after you gave them your name they were fighting over your table. :)
Those marching morons just highlighted how fascist liberalism is. When they don’t approve of the message, it must be shouted down.
Feel good that blue state fascism exists and realize you’re the new face of Stalinism kiddies.
Here’s the thing about Joe Biden. Yes, he’s been in the Senate a long time–four years longer than the guy who doesn’t remember how many houses he has married to the woman who doesn’t remember how many half-sisters she has. What’s wrong with them anyway? They hire people to remember shit about them?
But anyway, Joe’s known “Remember I was a POW?” for nearly thirty years and probably knows every possible awful story about the guy. McCain will be blowing his stack from now until November, when he’ll retire to AZ.
37 c
Wow, that’s funny. Something about my name, right? I mean, I thought so, albeit poorly insinuated and, at my most charitable, only vaguely humorous. How do you guys come up with this material? Did you know you’re the first person ever to attack me for my name? Not.
I should stop being surprised that Republicans, who CAN’T win on the issues, don’t try.
LMAO!!! Little Ricky Dumbass’ candidate McSame is wooing Hillary voters and is saying shame on President Obama for not picking Hillary as Veep. These punks are so desperate.
But the dumbasses back in the primary days were asking?
“How do we beat the bitch?”
Big smile on senile McSame’s mug.. That senility must be catching with Republicans.
re 38: Explain to me how Faux news attempting to disrupt the Democratic Convention is ‘just the facts’ news gathering.
Sounds to me like they are the propaganda arm of the RNC.
Bailing out Bear-Sterns is Corporate Nanny-State Socialism. Why doesn’t Bear-Stearns visit their neighborhood chuch if they need a helping hand? It’s not the government’s rightful place to bail out failing businesses. If they are failing in the open market, they deserve to fail.
Someone else will buy up their assets, so it’s no skin off the taxpayers’ noses.
38 RD
Gee, Rick, you should have been in Florida in 2000 if you wanted to see some fascism.
Or perhaps you should have been a traveling Canadian who is secretly rendered and tortured.
Fascism, thy name is Republican.
Like I said – my only regret is the Faux News crew didn’t get beaten senseless!
@ 44 ~ Spoken like a true Blue state Fascist
Goldy’s hate site comes through yet again… putting the face of hate front and center. Congrats kiddies.Embrace your true fascist nature.
Puddylicker/AKA RickDumbass – you continue to embarrass yourself. You don’t even know what a fascist is. Does it hurt to be that stupid?
You go on and embrace your nature as a coward, traitor, butt-boy now. Go on – ask your mom and dad if after the divorce they’ll still be brother and sister.
How do you guys come up with this material?
We have lots of help. And I have an idea those Hooters’ “girls” could have taught you some things you don’t know!
The Faux Noise crew was running from the crowd shouting “fuck fox noise” just like Insanity Hannity ran away from the Paul boosters shouting “Fox News Sucks”.
Cowards. They made their bed. Now have to LIE in it.
So Justice triumphs, better late than never.
They were testing YOU, Lee.
LOL. We thought that it might have been an act. One guy who was with me (who ran a dot-com at the time, and probably still does) wanted to hire her as a secretary (she certainly had better assets than her brain).
Yeah, and that’s terrifying. Is there a point with all of this?
@ 47
Blink. Using the word “sophomoric” to describe your comment at 37 would be an insult to sophomores. And you needed help!?
Yeah, and that’s terrifying. Is there a point with all of this?
Yes . . . you find this general lack of basic knowledge in lots of places. It doesn’t make someone stupid, just ill-informed or poorly educated. A good many college students would struggle with some pretty basic questions.
And for what it’s worth, the big messes this country now faces – Iraq, the credit and housing crisis, our economy – were caused by some pretty well-educated dopes.
Blink. Using the word “sophomoric” to describe your comment at 37 would be an insult to sophomores. And you needed help!?
Let me put it another way – the material was plentiful.
Then why are you arguing with and insulting people who agree with you on that? From what I can tell, your only purpose for being in this comment thread is to be an asshole. I expect that from Marvin and others, but you’ve been capable of leaving intelligent comments in the past.
@ 52
Let me put it another way – the material was plentiful.
If the material were that plentiful, you certainly could have done something far more intelligent with it than what you did @ 37. Perhaps that explains why you think one might find intelligence lurking behind the eyes of the average Hooters waitress?
From what I can tell, your only purpose for being in this comment thread is to be an asshole.
Then you’re mistaken. It was to take exception to calling people stupid, when the issue is a little more nuanced. Hope that helps.
Perhaps that explains why you think one might find intelligence lurking behind the eyes of the average Hooters waitress?
Actually, this is the problem right here. Who is the average Hooters waitress? You know nothing about these people. They may be students struggling to pay tuition bills, they may be single moms struggling to raise a child.
I’d love to hear the stories from their side.
@ 56
Who is the average Hooters waitress? You know nothing about these people.
I know that the person is a Hooters waitress, which, among other things, means she is a person who couldn’t find more agreeable employment than one that requires the exploitation her physical appearance.
@ 57
I’d love to hear the stories from their side.
You have any reason to believe that the average Hooters patron is any more intelligent than the average Hooters waitress? Seems to me that they rather deserve each other.
Then you’re mistaken. It was to take exception to calling people stupid, when the issue is a little more nuanced.
What issue? He just said that he went to Hooters and the waitresses were stupid. That’s not about an issue. That’s just an observation. It’s not like I can’t read the earlier comments in this thread or anything to know you’re full of shit here.
Daddy Love never said that ALL Hooters waitresses were stupid, just the ones he met. Man, what on earth happened to you? Did you get kicked in the head or something?
I know that the person is a hooters waitress, which, among other things, means she is a person who couldn’t find more agreeable employment than one that requires the exploitation her physical appearance.
Who are you to decide what’s agreeable? Maybe this is agreeable to her. Maybe this is what she could find in a difficult economy. Maybe it provides time flexibility for going to college.
Everyone has a difficult story and reason for what they choose to do.
@59 “Did you get kicked in the head or something?”
Probably just the goat being a little ornery. And who can blame the poor beast? These trolls just can’t seem to get it through their thick skulls that “Baaa” means no.
Daddy Love never said that ALL Hooters waitresses were stupid, just the ones he met. Man, what on earth happened to you? Did you get kicked in the head or something?
That’s a relief, Lee.
@ 60
Who are you to decide what’s agreeable? Maybe this is agreeable to her.
I think you’re having difficulty understanding the meaning of the word “average.”
I think you’re having difficulty understanding the meaning of the word “average.”
I have no idea what an “average” Hooters waitress refers to. And neither does anyone else.
@64 ““average” Hooters waitress”
I have no idea what an “average” Hooters waitress refers to. And neither does anyone else.
If anyone ever wanted me to calculate it, though, I’d do that job for free.
@ 64
I have no idea what an “average” Hooters waitress refers to. And neither does anyone else.
I can’t speak to your first sentence, but your second sentence is provably false.
If anyone ever wanted me to calculate it, though, I’d do that job for free.
I bet you would. If we ever get some time let’s arrange to meet at a Hooters. Don Joe can tag along if he wants.
@ 68
Don Joe can tag along if he wants.
No thanks. If you want a meet-up, let’s choose a place where the food is the attraction not the attire of the people serving the food.
The Pew Research Center did a study of who watches Fox News, CNN, and MS-NBC:
Fox News: Republican, 39%; Democrat, 33%; Other, 28%.
CNN: Republican, 18%; Democrat, 51%; Other, 31%.
MS-NBC: Republican, 18%; Democrat, 45%, Other, 37%.
{This info can be found on page D-7 of yesterday’s News Tribune.}
If you were to use Excel to draw three pie graphs of these three networks’ viewers, you would notice that Fox News’ comes the closest to having an even division between Republican, Democrat, and Other. Democrats clearly favor CNN and MS-NBC by a wide margin, yet the viewership is much closer to a three-way even split over at Fox.
On Fox and Friends today, host Brian Kilmeade acknowledged that Jenkins was intentionally instigating the crowd. At the end of the segment, Kilmeade signed off by saying that Fox was “going to continue to send” Jenkins “out to cause trouble.” “I hope so,” responded Jenkins.
Wouldn’t that be a good reason for the demonstrators in Denver to ignore and avoid the Fox News folks? But i guess those demonstrators aren’t that smart. They looked like a bunch of sixties burn-outs masquerading as intelligent people or a bunch of kids from the U-Dub who haven’t realized the grunge movement is over.
But if they prefer to play into Fox News’s hand and make themselves look like idiots, I could care less.