From Pacific County blogger/writer Arthur Ruger, who makes a lot of good points. Worth checking out, here’s a taste:
After the last two election cycles, I backed away from lots of writing. At 63, I want to retire as soon as possible from my full-time job at the local welfare office in South Bend.
That’s right, the welfare office – where a day doesn’t go by without older American residents of our county coming in seeking any kind of relief from medical expenses that take larger and larger bites out of their fixed income.
It’s also the office where younger Americans come in – not asking for a welfare check – but to find out if there’s any kind of help with medical expenses. They don’t want a government hand out. They seek a way to keep their families safe. And they are not seeing or hearing any constructive ideas from reform opponents, especially the current minority party, it’s willfully propagandistic leadership and its public broadcast shills who are all talk and no solution.
I may not be the county expert on health care reform, but I’m willing to bet that short of medical professionals, I see the problem more closely and with more clarity than most citizens nationwide who have gone to town meetings scared, worried and nervous. They seem to feel that way because they are driven by outrage and fear inspired by the disinformation and outright lying that has come out of desperate Republican political organizing, coaching and talking point tactics.
After all the shouting, real people still need real solutions. That’s why this fight is worth it, and good on Ruger for reminding us.
“Thousands of surgeries may be cut in Metro Vancouver due to government underfunding..”
“..the plan proposes cutbacks to neurosurgery, ophthalmology, vascular surgery and 11 other specilzed areas.
Dr.Brian Brodie, president of the BC Medical Association, call the proposed surgical cuts ‘a nighmare… ‘Why would you begin your cost-cutting measures on medically necessary surgery? I just can’t think of a worse place’, Brodie said.”
Hey! Let’s have government-run medical care. I don’t like getting my medically necessary surgeries when I need them. I much prefer waiting.
It occurs to me the folks who think health care isn’t a right are pretty much the same crowd who opposed civil rights for blacks.
The civil rights movement was an epic struggle whose outcome made America a better place for all Americans, not just blacks.
The fight for health care reform should be waged with equal determination and persistence because it, too, is about making America better for everyone — not just the uninsured.
Why are Republicans against everything that makes life better for ordinary Americans?
@1 Hey dingleberry, got a question for ya, how many medically necessary surgeries do Americans who can’t afford to pay for them get?
Why should only the rich have medical care?
I remember when Sam Reed was touring the state holding townhalls on election reform after the bitterly contested 2004 governor’s election.
I told Reed it was important to retain absentee voting because so many people in this part of the country make their living away from home — pilots, truckers, merchant mariners, commercial fishermen, military, etc. — and can’t vote except by absentee ballot.
This advanced-middle-aged woman standing next to me with her hair done up in a Republican coif kept shaking her head and smirking.
Republicans don’t want people who work away from home to vote. They don’t believe those folks deserve to have the rights of citizens.
Republicans apparently don’t believe that working full-time earns you the right to medical care, either. (Almost all of the 50 million uninsured are either working poor or temporarily unemployed, because everyone else has health insurance, Medicare, or qualifies for Medicaid.) They even oppose L & I benefits for workers injured on the job.
What a bunch of self-centered, antisocial, misanthropic assholes.
That probably explains why all those Canadians have ALWAYS been breaking down our doors to get HERE for the fabulous medical care
If you are NOT a Republican you can god damned well be thankful we allow you to work at all, you worthless liberal jerkoffs.
Come to Montana and see how we treat you scum.
@8 By electing Democrats?
(Your governor, both your U.S. senators, and your state house speaker are all Democrats …)
If the Republican political organization has this kind of influence, then why did Obama win so handily?
The “obstructionists” are fringe.
Take ownership.
Pass the bill.
Be the heroes.
Own the majority for decades.
It’s a great health bill, right?
“да, новость пошла по инету и распространяется со старшной силой”