Everything seems to be going just great…
Insurgents staged at least a dozen suicide bombings that ripped through Baghdad in rapid succession on Wednesday, killing almost 150 people and wounding more than 500 in a coordinated assault that left much of the capital paralyzed.
Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia claimed responsibility for the assault, which inflicted the biggest death toll in Baghdad since the American-led invasion of Iraq toppled Saddam Hussein more than two years ago.
Terrorists, blacks, Jesse Jackson, and Goldy all hate Bush. “Birds of a feather……….”
Not sure what your point is. It seems to me that the terrorists are getting desperate. Why attack the people that you want on your side, except that you are trying to make a statement? The result sure won’t be persuading them to join you. Intimidation? I guess.
But the vote on the constitution is coming up, and this seems like it would push the Sunnis to vote for a peaceful democracy rather than a bloody insurgency by foreigners.
Last throes………
2.The point is…….Democrats are domestic economic terrorists. So is Jesse Jackson. The only difference is Jesse and the Democrats are “Over Here”, not “Over There”.
For the WingNuts:
Why did we go there? Why are we still there? WHat the hell have we accomplished? What the hell can we accomplish?
Bring Bush to The Hague! Give him a fair trial!
Let the people of the only planet we have decide his fate.
Janet S, the only outcome of this disaster possible is a prolonged civil war, and a country that will HATE us, and be either: A Saddamesque Tyranny, or an Islamic Tyranny.
Mission Acoomplished!
I hope all you supporters of this war choke on the evil you have brought on the USA, you fucking traitors.
Oh and JCH, your racist comments really paint a wonderful picture for the other “conservatives”.
But then I notice none of them decry your racism. hmmm… I guess they must agree with you.
Fucking, evil, traiterous fascist bastards and bitches.
It’s a mess…. I think it’s a very uncomfortable proposition to be identified as a black person in America. The racism just below the surface is easily seen in days like these. It brings to mind an old blues song that goes something like: ” If you’re white, it’s all right. If you’re brown, stick around. But if you’re black——— get back, get back, get back.”
Yeah the racism of the Neo-Cons is very transperant. But just ask PacMan and RUFUS, they’ll tell you it doesn’t exist, just as long as they keep quiet when racist like JCH dump on them.
The news is so bad that when 17 Sunnis are executed by Shiite extremists it doesn’t even rate a headline of its own, and instead is buried within other Iraq news: http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....raq14.html
So, Donna and Lucy….. I’m just curious… how many soldiers who have been involved in the Iraq war do you know?
You’re one to talk Lucy. Oh, do you get a free pass on your late night bigoted comments on SP because you’re nutty as a fruitcake?
re 9: Pac-man and Rufus are white. It’s a scam.
re 12: I’m banned on uSP. And -really- I meant no harm in pointing out that Stefan Sharansky is an Ashkenazi Jewish name. The Ashkenazi Jews were originally a group from the army of the Huns (and a very racially mixed group at that) who, historically, ended up geographically between the Muslims and the Christians. They were offered the “choice” by each group to be either Christians or Muslims. They chose instead to convert to Judaism, although, racially speaking, they were not Jewish at all. Some Jews subsequently intermarried in their communities and gave them their official genetic Judaism. But , for the most part, they’re Huns.
Hey righties, do yo support and condone the evil insane racist crap JCH likes to spew? It seems bad even for you guys.
Maybe my reply is held or maybe I botched it. Anyway it seems that you are apologizing indirectly or dis owning in your own wierd way for the offensive comments so OK I believe you meant no harm.
haedless lucy@8–
So now you are pretending to be a “black person”????
You are imagining that you “feel their pain”??
That’s a good one lucy.
I have plenty of black friends.
Most came from nowhere, worked their asses off and are now highly successful. They made excellent choices.
lucy is a typical LEFTIST PINHEAD who attempts to feel the pain of a minority. In addition lucy, more & more blacks are beginning to see that the Democraps taking their votes for granted and really don’t do shit for them other than “FEEL THEIR PAIN”.
windie @ 15
‘Hey righties, do yo support and condone the evil insane racist crap JCH likes to spew?’
Can you be more specific? Are you referring to comments on this post?
So how is it that the insurgents are more “desparate” when their attacks are 1) More frequent 2) Better coordinated 3) More deadly? Our response is “capture an empty town for the third time.”
Same shit we heard about the Viet-Cong. When are you people going to wake up? The “whack a mole” strategy won’t work.
2.The point is…….Democrats are domestic economic terrorists. So is Jesse Jackson. The only difference is Jesse and the Democrats are “Over Here”, not “Over There”.
Comment by JCH— 9/14/05 @ 11:19 pm
So, the Democrats are “domestic economic terrorists” …
Bush to Seek More Funding
Katrina recovery costs expected to exceed $200 billion, more than U.S. has spent on Iraq war
I’m all for rebuilding southern Louisiana and Mississippi, but so much for cutting the deficit …
These last throes shouldn’t last more than, say, another 10 years.
nowonder: try #1 and #4… Especialyl 1 tho.
He might just be using race-baiting rhetoric to try to troll, but htats not really acceptable either is it?
re 1: Jobseekers hate bush, too— the whining bastards.
Any educated black person who is a Republican has the soul of Step ‘n Fetchit. Who but a self-hating individual would put up with your thinly veiled hatred.
Janet S, the only outcome of this disaster possible is a prolonged civil war, and a country that will HATE us, and be either: A Saddamesque Tyranny, or an Islamic Tyranny.
Mission Acoomplished!
I hope all you supporters of this war choke on the evil you have brought on the USA, you fucking traitors.
Comment by Donnageddon— 9/14/05 @ 11:23 pm
I would revisit who you are claiming is a TRAITOR, and pack you bags for Iraq, and show us how you would improve the life in Baghdad. Hand out your flowers and give big huggs and visit all your friends that you are now supporting and tell me how well you are received. Unlike you my bags are pack and ready to go help folks who can’t help themselves, and yes there is risks but it’s worth it. Don’t whine if I come back in a body bag it’s my choice and I wasn’t drafted either like some of your friends in the past.By the way who is Cindy Sheehan’s ?
windie @ 21
‘He might just be using race-baiting rhetoric to try to troll…’
Based on this?
‘Terrorists, blacks, Jesse Jackson, and Goldy all hate Bush. “Birds of a feather……….”’
The reference to blacks here is exactly the way the far-left portrays them – all of the same mind and allied against Bush. Conservative blacks are denigrated as being less black or not black at all, as in Uncle Tom, etc. The “elevating” of all blacks as a group and featured prominant billing as a distinct sub-culture within the US is how the how the left gets away with having black-only categories in education, as well as Congress. (Can you imagine a Congressional White Caucus?)
This blatent racism perpetuated by white and black lefties, combined with the knee-jerk name-calling response to all problems does make it hard for the righties to point out the obvious, yet not impossible.
If you must shout “racist” please look closer to home for targets.
i.e. headless lucy @ 8 & 13
8-‘I think it’s a very uncomfortable proposition to be identified as a black person in America.’
13-‘Pac-man and Rufus are white. It’s a scam.’
In the first you have a perfect example of left-wing ‘group-think” that attributes to all blacks what may be felt by a few. After decades of progress where blacks have become a large and integral part of our economy and government, it defies logic that being identified as black is undesirable. Why would so many point out the color of their skin when it could otherwise be de-emphasized?
In the second you have what is heard frequently from the lefties, and very prominatly here on HA, that someone who is black could not possibly disagree with lefties, or heaven forbid, align themselves with Bush or like-minded conservatives. Talk about racism.
re 25: Black people are not anomalous oddities on the left as they are on the right.In fact, Black America is the mainstream of the left. We don’t just “allow” them to belong. Republicans always use thinly veiled but, nonetheless, very obviousracist comments when referring to black people. I believe your choice of the word “denigrate” in your post is a good example of that sort of thinly veiled race-baiting. In all your posts, you’ve never used the word “denigrate”. Ever…. Yet, somehow, you found it to be the only word to use in this particular post. If you’re just itching to say theN word, just go ahead, “Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong”!
“…left wing group-think…” I’ve never heard of a leftie refer to themselves or their fellows as , DITTOHEADS!!!
Niiiiiggggger Pppplllleeeeeeeeesssee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Looks like the Republican Southern Strategy has morphed into the Republican Global Strateggy.
On anohter note:
Ms Chickenhawk aka Mr. Cynical
headless lucy @ 27
‘“…left wing group-think…” I’ve never heard of a leftie refer to themselves or their fellows as , DITTOHEADS!!!’
You forgot to refute anthing I wrote about lefty group-think.
headless lucy @ 26
‘Black people are not anomalous oddities on the left as they are on the right.’
Blacks are taken for granted on the left, thrown a few benefits here and there, and then paraded around like prizes. As more blacks advance economically and get the taste of capitalism, the dems will lose a serious block of voters. The repubs will only get the ones who share values of self-reliance, freedom and real democracy. The others will either become Libertarians or fight to reform the Democratic party.
‘I believe your choice of the word “denigrate” in your post is a good example of that sort of thinly veiled race-baiting.’
You should try “thought” rather than “belief”. You have to be very inventive and have way too much spare time to see racism in my statement. I would usually say “nice try”, but in this case that would be deceptive.
On the other hand, we are discussing the treatment of conservative blacks by lefties. Maybe the word is extra-appropriate.
“Refute”?!?!?! Why do I need to refute your blithering rants when it’s obvious you can’t be reached with reason? You can only be ground down with persistent opposition and I’d be doing that on uSP—except I’ve been banned and my means of survival threatened by certain people. If they ever go that route, I have information that will embarrass and discredit them.
As many others have belatedly discovered, this dog bites back.
re 30: “…get the taste of capitalism…” You have got to be joking. Everything the Reps do , businesswise, is to crush and discourage anyone who tries to “bootstrap” their way up. I know you are an empty windbag and an ignoramus.
No young wrestlers to diddle this morning ballsless looney?… Or is that an after school activity?
re 32: …can’t think of an answer? Try a personal attack!!! And who, MR, are you? Tell us all or forever hold your peace.
I am the parent of a WRESTLER and that’s the only fact you need to know, ballsless kiddie diddler.
headless lucy @ 31
‘Everything the Reps do , businesswise, is to crush and discourage anyone who tries to “bootstrap” their way up.’
Do you have any real examples, or are false generalities from left-wing ranting blogs your only source?
@ 33
‘…can’t think of an answer? Try a personal attack!!!’
Like this?
‘I know you are an empty windbag and an ignoramus.’
‘“Little Miss Can’t Be Wrong”!’
‘Any educated black person who is a Republican has the soul of Step ‘n Fetchit.’
And these are only from this post.
Headless Lucy: Who was the black women Representative fron TX who asked if NASA would move the Mars “land buggy” over to where the astronauts left the American flag? Shirlie [sp] Jackson Lee? Anyhow………She reminds me of you. Oh so stupid, but no one said anything because she is a louded mouthed black woman.
5 trillion spent on the “War on Poverty”, and 70% of black babies borne in New Orleans were to single black teens. Gee, let’s spend more!!!!
re 35: God knows, I got a million of ’em !!!! And the ones I used are only for this post!!!!!!!! Watch out, Bre’r Rabbit!!!!!!!!!!
Notice how Headless Lucy can say “whatever”, and her posts roll right through the filter? Kind of like listening to Maxine Waters. No one dares to cut her off because she is a black woman. Of course, the joke is understood.
I think Headless Lucy is just Goldy channeling his feminine side. How else to explain why he doesn’t screen the racist, bigoted spewing?
If you read past the reports from the MSM, and listen to stories from those on the front lines in Iraq, you would get the real story. But I don’t expect nut cases like Donnageddon to understand it. Why haven’t we had an attack on our soil since 911? Could it be they are all over in Iraq trying to defeat us there? That’s fine with me, and saves them lots on airline tickets.
If supporting a fledging democracy means I am a “traitor”, then I guess so be it. But I think some of you need a dictionary.
JCH @ 41
“No one dares to cut her off because she is a black woman. Of course, the joke is understood.”
Hmmmm. . . Mr. Cynical has, in the past, commented that I am one of the lefties around here with a sense of humor. But, JCH, I haven’t found anything with humor in any of your posts. They seem blatently bigotous to me (and usually off-topic).
In the past, I have joked about the mental health of some of the commenters around here. But, JCH, you are either an old-school raceist or you seriously suffer from a mental disorder.
I am wondering if some of the folks on the right around here find JCH’s posts to be equally distasteful? Or, anyone care to defend JCH’s comments?
Righto there dj… JCH “seem blatently bigotous” (bigoted, but that’s another battle) but yet we never see you comment on the racial epithets thrown around by the ballsless looney one … oh gee, could it be ONLY because JCH is on the opposite side of your ideology and you really don’t give a horses ass about race?
@43 my question exactly.
@44 so you’re standing up for the racist prick, ASS? Just making it clear. A guy is going consistantly way over the line, and all you can say is “A leftie does it too!” Same ol’ Republican tricks all over again.
I guess supporting a rightie is more importnat than whether what he says is right or not.
Boy, you fringies sure do get your thongs in a bunch when your own hypocrisy is pointed out.
Without 300,000 black votes from New Orleans, LA swings to the Republicans. Suck on that, Headless Maxine!!!
Check out the recently released DVD “CRASH” starring Sandra Bullock, Matt Dillon, Brenden Fraser, and a host of others who felt they wanted a part in this movie…ANY part because it SO gently and brutally ripped the masks off our day-to-day lives and posturings on the subject of racism and cultural bias. It lays out the daisy-chain effects that perpetuate bias when we view personal failures as being “because of” others.
I strongly recommend this movie. It has something to please everyone: Hard-hitting, gut-wrenching, its got action, pathos, comedy, everything…and it had me riveted to the screen. Laughing, wincing, running the gamut of emotions.
Just a suggestion to all those who hold strong political views….let your mind wander a bit after watching this movie…mentally reformat the theme and think in terms of “democrats and Repubs ..or liberals and conservatives.. think politics instead of racism…and then ponder on what you have just seen.
The great cutaway scene at the end put me in mind of a giant computer game spreading outward on the face of the earth..and for a second…I thought..it’s like this is a game, or a giant computer pinball machine…and the object of the game…
well, I think everyone on here is smart enough to figure that one out.
With prayers of comfort, understanding and peace to all, especially those of us who are truly suffering..be it in our ordinary daily lives, in the ravaged aftermath of Katrina, or on the endless deserts of the Iraqi theater
God help us to become better people …in our hearts, in our souls, and to reflect that kindness in our faces as we live out our days and interact with other human beings with peace and forgiveness.
Seems like yesterday that childhood had the expectation of happiness and anticipation that helped us rise every morning.
The anticipation of happiness. Maybe that’s what’s missing from our files…
Karmalyzed @ 11
I personally know two people who have served in Iraq. Both for 14 months. One, a woman in her early 40s who was a National Guardsman. The second a man in his late 40’s who was Army Reserve.
Both felt they were doing the right thing, because they believed the lies Bush told them. Neither one of them would EVER serve under the Chicken In Chief again.
Th woman was a gunner on a helicopter and has highly elevated levels of depleted Uranium, and is under watch for the inevitable health problems associated with it. As she said “Iraq is covered in depleted Uranium. IT’s in the dust and in thelungs of everyone there.”
The Man was very gung ho to go to Iraq “To stop the terrorists!” He told me he spent most of his time playing as a security force for contracters building permanent bases. He will never trust a Republican again. “Fucking liars, they don’t care who gets killed. They just want to own the oil.”
Wingnuts @ everywhere. Quit the asshole comments about a “fedgling democracy” Not gonna happen, so please answer the questions in @ 5.
The world and America would be a much better place if GWB had just kept ruining companies and left the US alone.
You’re dodging the question still, Ass.
All I wanna hear is whether you think JCH is right or not to say the things he’s saying.
No semantics tricks, no equivocating, nothing. Just an answer.
I really don’t think you’re cabable tho’. You know its wrong, but don’t have it in ya to admit that a fellow rightie is wrong, no matter what.
I do believe you have a sense of humor dude.
You have to to be an intelligent guy with idiots like lucy, GBS and the other off the wall LEFTIST PINHEADS standing right next to you. God dj….I couldn’t stand to be you with the company you keep!!
I love LEFTIST PINHEADS who get all riled up and offended everytime someone makes a comment they can twist to be offensive to someone. And these LEFTIST PINHEADS love hurling themselves on the ground feigning agony on comments about Blacks, Jews, Gays….when they are none of the above….and rarely even socialize with any of the above.
LEFTIST PINHEADS are in love with feeling offended!!!!
Some of us humanely feed that LEFTIST PINHEAD hunger for feeling offended just to keep you assholes alive for another day to kick you around!