When I was a kid, my mother once showed me a jar in which she kept the body of a young woman she killed while performing an illegal, back-alley abortion. And that is why to this day I remain strongly pro-choice.
Ickk. Shouldn’t that be child abuse somehow?
Conservatives are twisted.
Liberal Scientistspews:
1. That is SO FUCKING WEIRD – she kept her own fetus in a jar at home??!! Reminds me of Anthony Perkins in The Birds, keeping mummified mommy around.
2. Babs is only pro-choice because she is not in government. Were she, she would be on uterus protrol like the rest of them. She takes the position she does because she can, because it humanizes her and because it has no cost or consequences.
3. That is SO FUCKING WEIRD that she showed her formaldehyde-pickled progeny to her soon to be ethanol-pickled progeny. Wonder what else she showed him.
4. The Bush “family” owes a vast debt to all of us – they are the epitome of inbred greedy amoral plutocracy and have done vast damage to this country.
Was it the face that Eleanor Rigby kept in a jar by the door?
Richard Popespews:
This thread is too WEIRD. Your mother was a doctor, and she did that?
Liberal Scientistspews:
Thick, as a brick.
That is seriously creepy. Babs is disturbed. Maybe she drove her children to drink?
No wonder W is such a sick fuck. I want to puke everytime I catch a glimpse of him.
If the viewing was when W was a teen, then it presumably happened after George Sr. and Barbara had also lost their four-year old daughter Pauline to leukemia. I obviously don’t know at what point the miscarriage happened, but I suspect any parent that goes through something like that never fully recovers.
Richard Popespews:
Okay, I checked out the link, and understand the thread finally :)
But this is weird — Barbara Bush was FIRST LADY in 1992, and she publicly denounces her husband’s (and his party’s) position on a major issue, namely abortion. Her husband is president, running for re-election.
Certainly that is her right to do so. But an unusual public exercise of spousal independence. We see plenty of this with folks holding lesser offices. But very rarely with the spouse of a president, vice-president, or candidate for those offices.
Holy crap. Well, I guess that explains a lot. How childhood trauma can be allowed to shape world events.
@2 (1), That was Psycho.
This has to be the weirdest story of the current, but soon to elapse 24 hour news cycle.
I don’t believe Dubya’s baby sister in a jar story. Even Barbara isn’t that crazy. (We hope.) Sounds just like the dumb urban myths alcoholic zealots repeat to each other.
This tall tale reminds me of Digby’s “invitation to my delusion” theory of how right wingers spread their beliefs.
Dubya’s (auto)biography just shows there was no there there. Kanye hurt his feelings? Proud that he tortured people? No regrets over Iraq?
The Supremes installed a cognitive and emotional basket case. Stunted.
And it only cost US tax payers trillions of dollars.
Taylor Swift handled her rough treatment by Kanye better than The President of the United States of America.
What a cry baby.
Well, reading the original story on this, it now makes a little more sense.
George W. Bush’s pro-life stance solidified when he was a teenager in Texas — after his mother suffered a devastating miscarriage and showed him the fetus in a jar, the former president said in an extraordinary interview that airs tonight.
“She said to her teenage kid, ‘Here’s the fetus,’ ” the shockingly candid Bush told NBC’s Matt Lauer, gesturing as if he were holding the jar during the TV chat, a DVD of which The Post exclusively obtained.
“There’s no question that affected me, a philosophy that we should respect life,” said the former president, who had to drive his distraught mother to the hospital at the time.
“I never expected to see the remains of the fetus, which she had saved in a jar to bring to the hospital,” Bush writes in his new book, “Decision Points,” in an excerpt Lauer read during the interview.
Everyone knows that Bush wasn’t exactly a deep thinker, but the fact that he was basing national policy off of something like this shows how deep the problems actually were.
I wonder what events that occurred in his formative years made him think that torture was okay? My guess is that he saw one of his frat buddies hanging up by his underwear in the bathroom at Yale and thought, ‘Man, this is just too funny; I bet waterboarding is hilarious!’
Anyone have any ideas what made him think invading other countries under false pretenses were okay? My guess is something someone told him during an AA meeting or one of his stints in rehab for cocaine.
CC "Bud" Baxterspews:
John Lennon said best what I think of this book:
“A soap impression of his wife which he ate and donated to the national trust.”
Actually, I have a theory for going to war under false pretenses as well.
Bush learned at a young age that lieing to get your way works wonders. As a draft dodging Vietnam war hero galavanting in the Texas Air National Guard, he had to lie several times to avoid taking a piss test when he was strung out on coke. The lesson, war isn’t that bad, and lieing makes it even better.
I guess we know now why Bush was talked out of publishing this before the election, as was his original plan.
The humdinger is when they believe their own lies. I’m sure you’ve encountered a pathological liar. One risks falling into the trap of trying to reason with them. And then you’ve lost.
Bush truly believes Saddam Hussein had WMDs. Period. Therefore, God demands we needed to transform Iraq into a Superfund site (google “depleted uranium“).
Mental illness, as in clinically diagnosable, is far more prevalent than we openly acknowledge. Maybe more than we can even accept. That many insane people are highly functional is kinda scary.
I’m not about to shell out hard-earned money to buy Bush’s book. But the interviews with him as he’s trying to sell the book reveals a narcisistic personality.
Katrina may have been a huge disaster, the effects of which were aggravated by Bush’s dismantling of FEMA and making it subordinate to Homeland Security, outsourcing it’s emergency operations to private contractors, and appointing incompetent lackeys who didn’t know what they were doing. But in Bush’s mind, it’s all about him – he admits only that it was a “huge error” (albeit a P.R. one) to overfly New Orleans without landing, and the angrily insist that HE was the victim when West said he didn’t care about black people. He forgets that the real victims were the thousands of homeless New Orleans residents, quite a few of whome died in the floods, and many of whom still don’t have homes they can return to. Yet he can give them only a passing reference, and then he petulantly insists on talking about how HE was let down by his advisors, and then slandered by West.
At no point does he take responsibility for (a) his prior decisions which aggravated the crisis, and (b) his lack of follow-through in the rebuilding program, which left New Orleans a shell of it’s former self, and (c) the remarkably convenient diaspora of enough Democratic voters from New Orleans (made homeless by Katrina) to turn Lousianna into a reliably “red” state in federal elections.
# 18: I think Bush’s dependence upon lying goes deeper than that. He managed to avoid the consequences of poor behavior for most of his life, due primarily to his father’s position.
He got into Yale despite having mediocre grades in High School.
He got into the Texas Air National Guard without having to wait in line like everyone else, yet lied about his family connections having aided him.
He got excused from guard service requirements, regulations, and duty which would have resulted in severe consequences to any other guardsman, and lied about how each of them occured.
He got into Harvard Business School despite lackluster grades as an undergraduate, and lied when he claimed his father’s influence wasn’t a factor in his admission.
He got set up in three consecutive oil businesses, only to be bailed out by his father’s network of connections just when those businesses were about to fail, and lied when he tried to portray those transactions as “successful business transactions”.
He got bailed out by the taxpayers in Houston when, as figure-head owner of the Texas Rangers, he forced them into a sweetheart stadium deal shortly before he sold the team at a profit, and then lied by claiming this proved he was a “successful businessman” when campaigning for Governor.
He got the Presidency in large part by having Rove lie for him in circulating lies about his opponants in the primaries.
Each time he has a well-planned cover story to deflect anything more than a thorough examination of the facts, and Rove and his minions would fiercly attack anyone who began to ask too many questions.
You aren’t insinuating that Bush might actually lie in his autobiography, are you? About his own mother?
(I am being sarcastic)
proud leftistspews:
I caught some of a couple of Bush’s recent interviews until I felt my gag reflex engaging. Having not had to listen to the SOB for a couple years, what really stood out for me is his incredible arrogance and cockiness. He drives the nation into a ditch, and takes some other countries along for the ride, yet he seems proud of his record. Special place in hell . . .
It’s the most natural thing in the world.
Any strong, proud, conservative mother is going to be concerned about toughening up her teenage sons. Especially one with ambitions of being a cheerleader. Barbara wouldn’t want a squeamish nancy-boy mincing about and clutching at his pearls over mere biological functions. She probably also smeared him with her menstrual blood just like my mother did before sending me off to sleep away camp for three years.
Warmth and nurturing are for pussies and liberal homos. Cold distant tough love alternating with inappropriate levels of intimacy are what breed great leaders. Plus vodka. Plenty of vodka.
Blue Johnspews:
I was on a biz trip and all I could find for talk on the radio was Rush and big hair christian.
I heard part of an interview rush had with bush. It was fascinating. The day before rush was belligerently slamming the president, in full froth and spittle mode. Yet during the interview, rush was calm and deferential, none of his hatred or contempt speak he uses on democrats. bush said he think people would be surprised at how much he deliberated before making tough decisions, and that he has a sense of humor. He seemed utterly oblivious to any short comings of his administration or decisions. He seemed convinced that once people read his book, it would be obvious how great his presidency had been.
Ickk. Shouldn’t that be child abuse somehow?
Conservatives are twisted.
1. That is SO FUCKING WEIRD – she kept her own fetus in a jar at home??!! Reminds me of Anthony Perkins in The Birds, keeping mummified mommy around.
2. Babs is only pro-choice because she is not in government. Were she, she would be on uterus protrol like the rest of them. She takes the position she does because she can, because it humanizes her and because it has no cost or consequences.
3. That is SO FUCKING WEIRD that she showed her formaldehyde-pickled progeny to her soon to be ethanol-pickled progeny. Wonder what else she showed him.
4. The Bush “family” owes a vast debt to all of us – they are the epitome of inbred greedy amoral plutocracy and have done vast damage to this country.
Was it the face that Eleanor Rigby kept in a jar by the door?
This thread is too WEIRD. Your mother was a doctor, and she did that?
Thick, as a brick.
That is seriously creepy. Babs is disturbed. Maybe she drove her children to drink?
No wonder W is such a sick fuck. I want to puke everytime I catch a glimpse of him.
If the viewing was when W was a teen, then it presumably happened after George Sr. and Barbara had also lost their four-year old daughter Pauline to leukemia. I obviously don’t know at what point the miscarriage happened, but I suspect any parent that goes through something like that never fully recovers.
Okay, I checked out the link, and understand the thread finally :)
But this is weird — Barbara Bush was FIRST LADY in 1992, and she publicly denounces her husband’s (and his party’s) position on a major issue, namely abortion. Her husband is president, running for re-election.
Certainly that is her right to do so. But an unusual public exercise of spousal independence. We see plenty of this with folks holding lesser offices. But very rarely with the spouse of a president, vice-president, or candidate for those offices.
Holy crap. Well, I guess that explains a lot. How childhood trauma can be allowed to shape world events.
@2 (1), That was Psycho.
This has to be the weirdest story of the current, but soon to elapse 24 hour news cycle.
@9, She obviously ignored 1 Corinthians 14:34-35.
Hi Goldy.
I don’t believe Dubya’s baby sister in a jar story. Even Barbara isn’t that crazy. (We hope.) Sounds just like the dumb urban myths alcoholic zealots repeat to each other.
This tall tale reminds me of Digby’s “invitation to my delusion” theory of how right wingers spread their beliefs.
Dubya’s (auto)biography just shows there was no there there. Kanye hurt his feelings? Proud that he tortured people? No regrets over Iraq?
The Supremes installed a cognitive and emotional basket case. Stunted.
And it only cost US tax payers trillions of dollars.
A theft, err, steal, at even half the price.
I just thought of something.
Taylor Swift handled her rough treatment by Kanye better than The President of the United States of America.
What a cry baby.
Well, reading the original story on this, it now makes a little more sense.
George W. Bush’s pro-life stance solidified when he was a teenager in Texas — after his mother suffered a devastating miscarriage and showed him the fetus in a jar, the former president said in an extraordinary interview that airs tonight.
“She said to her teenage kid, ‘Here’s the fetus,’ ” the shockingly candid Bush told NBC’s Matt Lauer, gesturing as if he were holding the jar during the TV chat, a DVD of which The Post exclusively obtained.
“There’s no question that affected me, a philosophy that we should respect life,” said the former president, who had to drive his distraught mother to the hospital at the time.
“I never expected to see the remains of the fetus, which she had saved in a jar to bring to the hospital,” Bush writes in his new book, “Decision Points,” in an excerpt Lauer read during the interview.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/n.....z14o0r8gcJ
Everyone knows that Bush wasn’t exactly a deep thinker, but the fact that he was basing national policy off of something like this shows how deep the problems actually were.
I wonder what events that occurred in his formative years made him think that torture was okay? My guess is that he saw one of his frat buddies hanging up by his underwear in the bathroom at Yale and thought, ‘Man, this is just too funny; I bet waterboarding is hilarious!’
Anyone have any ideas what made him think invading other countries under false pretenses were okay? My guess is something someone told him during an AA meeting or one of his stints in rehab for cocaine.
John Lennon said best what I think of this book:
Actually, I have a theory for going to war under false pretenses as well.
Bush learned at a young age that lieing to get your way works wonders. As a draft dodging Vietnam war hero galavanting in the Texas Air National Guard, he had to lie several times to avoid taking a piss test when he was strung out on coke. The lesson, war isn’t that bad, and lieing makes it even better.
I guess we know now why Bush was talked out of publishing this before the election, as was his original plan.
masaba @ 18
The humdinger is when they believe their own lies. I’m sure you’ve encountered a pathological liar. One risks falling into the trap of trying to reason with them. And then you’ve lost.
Bush truly believes Saddam Hussein had WMDs. Period. Therefore, God demands we needed to transform Iraq into a Superfund site (google “depleted uranium“).
Mental illness, as in clinically diagnosable, is far more prevalent than we openly acknowledge. Maybe more than we can even accept. That many insane people are highly functional is kinda scary.
I’m not about to shell out hard-earned money to buy Bush’s book. But the interviews with him as he’s trying to sell the book reveals a narcisistic personality.
Katrina may have been a huge disaster, the effects of which were aggravated by Bush’s dismantling of FEMA and making it subordinate to Homeland Security, outsourcing it’s emergency operations to private contractors, and appointing incompetent lackeys who didn’t know what they were doing. But in Bush’s mind, it’s all about him – he admits only that it was a “huge error” (albeit a P.R. one) to overfly New Orleans without landing, and the angrily insist that HE was the victim when West said he didn’t care about black people. He forgets that the real victims were the thousands of homeless New Orleans residents, quite a few of whome died in the floods, and many of whom still don’t have homes they can return to. Yet he can give them only a passing reference, and then he petulantly insists on talking about how HE was let down by his advisors, and then slandered by West.
At no point does he take responsibility for (a) his prior decisions which aggravated the crisis, and (b) his lack of follow-through in the rebuilding program, which left New Orleans a shell of it’s former self, and (c) the remarkably convenient diaspora of enough Democratic voters from New Orleans (made homeless by Katrina) to turn Lousianna into a reliably “red” state in federal elections.
# 18: I think Bush’s dependence upon lying goes deeper than that. He managed to avoid the consequences of poor behavior for most of his life, due primarily to his father’s position.
He got into Yale despite having mediocre grades in High School.
He got into the Texas Air National Guard without having to wait in line like everyone else, yet lied about his family connections having aided him.
He got excused from guard service requirements, regulations, and duty which would have resulted in severe consequences to any other guardsman, and lied about how each of them occured.
He got into Harvard Business School despite lackluster grades as an undergraduate, and lied when he claimed his father’s influence wasn’t a factor in his admission.
He got set up in three consecutive oil businesses, only to be bailed out by his father’s network of connections just when those businesses were about to fail, and lied when he tried to portray those transactions as “successful business transactions”.
He got bailed out by the taxpayers in Houston when, as figure-head owner of the Texas Rangers, he forced them into a sweetheart stadium deal shortly before he sold the team at a profit, and then lied by claiming this proved he was a “successful businessman” when campaigning for Governor.
He got the Presidency in large part by having Rove lie for him in circulating lies about his opponants in the primaries.
Each time he has a well-planned cover story to deflect anything more than a thorough examination of the facts, and Rove and his minions would fiercly attack anyone who began to ask too many questions.
You aren’t insinuating that Bush might actually lie in his autobiography, are you? About his own mother?
(I am being sarcastic)
I caught some of a couple of Bush’s recent interviews until I felt my gag reflex engaging. Having not had to listen to the SOB for a couple years, what really stood out for me is his incredible arrogance and cockiness. He drives the nation into a ditch, and takes some other countries along for the ride, yet he seems proud of his record. Special place in hell . . .
Book? By whom?
It’s the most natural thing in the world.
Any strong, proud, conservative mother is going to be concerned about toughening up her teenage sons. Especially one with ambitions of being a cheerleader. Barbara wouldn’t want a squeamish nancy-boy mincing about and clutching at his pearls over mere biological functions. She probably also smeared him with her menstrual blood just like my mother did before sending me off to sleep away camp for three years.
Warmth and nurturing are for pussies and liberal homos. Cold distant tough love alternating with inappropriate levels of intimacy are what breed great leaders. Plus vodka. Plenty of vodka.
I was on a biz trip and all I could find for talk on the radio was Rush and big hair christian.
I heard part of an interview rush had with bush. It was fascinating. The day before rush was belligerently slamming the president, in full froth and spittle mode. Yet during the interview, rush was calm and deferential, none of his hatred or contempt speak he uses on democrats. bush said he think people would be surprised at how much he deliberated before making tough decisions, and that he has a sense of humor. He seemed utterly oblivious to any short comings of his administration or decisions. He seemed convinced that once people read his book, it would be obvious how great his presidency had been.