I’ve gotten a couple of emails today from friends at KIRO advising that I probably shouldn’t post publicly about my cancellation, and that I shouldn’t talk to the media… not if I don’t want to burn any bridges. Personally, I don’t think anything I’ve written or said could be characterized as vindictive or bitter, and I’ve gone out of my way to express my genuine gratitude to KIRO for the extraordinary opportunity they gave me. Unless some other gig comes along, I hope to have the opportunity to continue doing fill-in work for Dave Ross and others, and I suppose to that end my friends at the station are probably giving me very good advice.
But it’s not advice I can follow. I’m a blogger. That’s what I do. That’s what built my profile, that’s what got me a shot at KIRO, and now that I no longer have a show, that’s really all the platform I have left. To not blog about such a significant event in my life would be counter to the nature of being a blogger. And to not speak truthfully about my take on KIRO and the state of the radio industry would be a disservice to my readers.
So let’s be absolutely clear. I have no hard feelings toward anybody at KIRO, and have absolutely no reason to doubt the word or motives of management. I lament the loss of so many hours of live, local programming — especially my own — and do believe that in the long term, the trend toward syndication is bad for the station and for the community; I said as much on-air when I paid tribute to Frank Shiers after his show was canceled. And I also believe that management undervalued my potential contribution to the station. But I’ve never pretended to be any sort of radio industry expert, so while I regret their decision, there’s really not much I can say to challenge it.
As for what has been written elsewhere — even elsewhere on HA — well, I’ve never been in the censorship business, and I’m not about to get in to it now; if folks at KIRO want to hold me responsible for the words and actions of others, there’s nothing I can do about it. I appreciate the amazing outpouring of support I’ve received thus far, and hope to leverage it in pursuit of another show, on KIRO or elsewhere.
Gee, they shit can you for some vague reason about cost cutting and they expect you to keep a muzzle on about it. Welcome to the radio business Goldy!
Ya. The zingers made it illegal to disparage vegetables, too.
Hope you read your contract, if you had one.
What goes around, comes around…
Whenever anyone is canned or otherwise leaves an employer, it’s not considered good form to bad mouth or even remotely criticize the former employer, and I don’t care if it was Robert Mugabe, Jack the Ripper, or – worst of all – Roger Rabbit.
Never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never!
Say only good things or say nothing at all. And this goes for your friends, too.
A prospective employer who hears you and your buds bitchin’ about the last gig will immediately put himself in that last gig’s guy’s shoes because someday he might end up being the last gig. Not a pretty sight!
And the last gig guy who gets wind of all the diss talk? He lays in wait to really give you something about which to bitch.
Until the final, final, final exit interview and only until the full terms of the severance package are negotiated should you say anything, and then only with a smile. Many’s the good referance or consideration for re-employment that have been pissed down the toidie on account of the ill conceived word spoken out of emotion and in haste.
Loose lips sink ships.
The bell once rung cannot be unrung.
Still waiting to get that resume, Goldy!
The Piper
I have a question for you, Goldy. And I’m sure others here are curious about this, too. Assuming that you would like another talk radio job, how do you now go about trying to find one? Obviously, with a “normal” job, you would start sending out your resume. Or, you would read the classifies, network, etc. Is that how it works in the radio business? Or does someone in your situation need to hire an agent? Or do you just sit around wait to hear of some opening? Just curious how the process works.
i’m pulling for ya Goldy!!
i too had hopes of talk radio after my playing days ended…that didn’t work out for me so i began doing TV & movies.
for the creative people there will always be another avenue and though i agree it is unwise to “burn bridges” you said it….it is what got you the shot in the first place.
keep fighting the good fight!!!!
Goldy – Send your resume to Rush. Maybe he can help you…
From what I understand, Goldy will still fill-in from time to time.
To Troll @5: (Presuming to speak for Goldy)….
There are tons of people who want to break into radio, or expand in their field. The normal way they try to do it is to have a few hundred tapes made of some of their shows, and to distribute them to station programming managers. But given the large number of tapes those managers receive on a regular basis, most managers have a pile of them in a box beside their desk, to be reviewed sometime in the future (if they ever find the time). So usually the tape has to be backed up with some personal pushing – making the rounds, meeting programming managers, attending industry functions, constantly marketing oneself. It helps to have an audience outside of radio, for cross-marketing purposes and name recognition. Goldy has his blog, but others are current/former actors, authors, politicians, or even felons (G. Gordon Liddy comes to mind).
re 7: Rush isn’t sober enough to wipe his own ass, let alone evaluate someone’s resume.
All he has to do is blather hate-talk and sonorouly intone nitwit conservative bromides.
rhp, thanks. Interesting stuff.
Gee Goldy…you may have guaranteed your status as ex-Talk Radio Host in perpetuity. Bummer.
Here is a great song…slightly modified…that captures your future—
Goldy Don’t Want To Work
He Wants To Bang On His Pud All Day
Goldy Don’t Want To Play
He Wants To Bang On His Pud All Day
Ever since I was a tiny boy
I don’t want no candy
I don’t need no toy
I took a stick and some K-Y Jelly
I bang on that thing ’til I got
Blisters on my hand because
Goldy Don’t Want To Work
He Wants To Bang On His Pud All Day
Goldy Don’t Want To Play
He Wants To Bang On His Pud All Day
When I get older they think I’m a fool
The teacher told me I should stay after school
She caught me pounding on the desk with my hands
But my licks was so hot
I made the teacher wanna dance
And that’s why
Goldy Don’t Want To Work
He Just Wants To Bang On His Pud All Day
Goldy Don’t Want To Play
He Wants To Bang On His Pud All Day
Listen to this
Every day when I get home from work
I feel so frustrated
The KIRO boss is a jerk
And I get my sticks and go out to the shed
And I pound on my Pud like it was the boss’s head
Goldy Don’t Want To Work
He Just Wants To Bang On His Pud All Day
Goldy Don’t Want To Play
He Wants To Bang On His Pud All Day
Well, Goldy, you could compare notes with Frosty Fowler…but I think he’s dead.
I don’t know that the old “You’ll-never-work-in-this-town” would fit Bonneville’s modus operandi, but it’s probably still alive in parts of the radio world. I know of a Webcasting operation that was bought by Clear Channel some years back, where some of the people were treated horribly. CC really wasn’t interested in the stations as such (all but one of ’em got shut down) but they wanted to use some of their technology as part of their “voice-tracking” automation that makes listeners think canned content from thousands of miles away is actually a live local show.
When conservative hosts get fired for saying something offensive, they have to go visit Al Sharpton and ask for forgiveness before they can be rehired anywhere. While I don’t think Goldy got fired for saying something offensive, it probably wouldn’t hurt to go visit, say, the Jesus’ General and ask for forgiveness.
One question: I never paid much attention to the local Air America affiliate in Seattle (presuming it’s still there), since one of AA’s bigger problems is a lack of continuity in its programming (driving from my old home in Olympia to Reno, I’d pass through AA affiliates from Seattle, Portland and Eugene – and none of the stations played the same shows at the same time!), but presuming AA still has an affiliate in Seattle, do they have any local programming? If they do, why wouldn’t they be falling all over themselves to get Goldy on the air?
Did they fall all over themselves to hire Mike Webb? Wasn’t Webb reduced to playing pretend host in his basement over the computer?
@4 “worst of all – Roger Rabbit”
Why thank you piper, I didn’t realize you were a fan.
@4 Why do you think I care what “prospective employers” think of me? How many times do I have to repeat something before you wing-idiots get it? I don’t work. I don’t have to. I’m an Owner now. That means the boss has to kiss my toes, not the other way around. I live like a Republican now.
@9 Yes, getting convicted of something is a good entre to the book-writing business these days.
@12 Hey Cynical! How ya doin’? I thought you were dead. You’ve been gone so long I felt sure Mrs. Cynical had killed you, sawed you up in the bathtub, and fed your pieces to the sand sharks. Bet you wish now that you’d bought NOV at 29 (split-adjusted price) like I told you! I want to know how your washing machine works. How does a $100 bill go in one side as L & I taxes and come out the other side as Rossi slush money? Are you still working for BIAW? Where is Mrs. Cynical? We haven’t heard from her for a long time. What do you do to her?
@14 Ask forgiveness for what? Being right?
Hi Rog–
Mrs. C and I are happily living in a beautiful rural community outside of Washington State….pretty much retired. Doing lots of traveling. I got out of the market when it hit 14,000 the first time. Lots of L-T Capital Gains….15% Capital Gains Tax sucks, especially when I see red looking at all the ear-marking BOTH entrenched Political Party’s squander away.
Just got back in somewhat early last week.
Even bought some Yahoo dude.
I figured you would still be giving ’em hell.
How is your health??
I recall you had some setbacks.
Take care Rog
@22 For the past year or so, I’ve operated on the assumption that I was healthier than you.
Hey, anyway, I’m glad you’re back Cynical! Stick around a few months and watch Rossi get his butt kicked big-time! During your absence, Gregoire has come way up in the polls and is wildly popular now. I’ve even mentioned her as a possible veep pick. I think she’s gonna be president some day.
I enjoyed the time you were on the airwaves, taking shots at the powers that be. Sadly, one of your replacements is a wacko or just interviews other wackos for more time than they should be allowed to have in public.
Good luck in the future; keep up the good fight.
Wouldn’t know that. That’s why I asked about AA having local-programming in the first place. Goldy could also consider the occasional trip to Portland to yak on their AA affiliate, KPOJ (IIRC). Could be some good crosstalk between him and Portland’s progressive bloggers….
That’s my question. Why do white people have to answer to, and humble themselves before Al Sharpton?
#18 Roger Rabbit says:
Don’t be so full of yourself silly rabbit. I believe Piper was giving Goldy some good advice. No doubt Piper would do the same for you, unfortunately you’re such a bitter person you wouldn’t be open to any help.
a beautiful rural community outside of Washington State
Good riddance. Let me guess. Wyoming? It wasn’t that long ago that I saw your irrelevant ass over at (un)SP still plotting against King County.
Well, a retiree has to have his silly eccentricities.
Goldy made a difference. What did you do before you bailed out of WA? Spew hate.
Nice work. For some losers.
Goldy, now that KIRO has set you free, maybe you and the folks from The Stranger (Josh and Erica C.) will consider a weekly/biweekly/monthly iTunes podcast on local politics and goings-on. I for one would gladly pay to subscribe. I’m starving for this sort of local insight!
If Roger Rabbit is an “investor” because he owns a mutual fund, am I a precious metals dealer because I sold a gold ring on Craigslist?
Hey Goldy – You were about as successful as Air America. The fact of the matter is that there is no market for the librul shit you spewed out.
I listened to your last show. I thought it was fucking hilarious. When you get a few minutes, maybe you can pontificate some more about being a “wonk”. That was great stuff.
Howzit feel to be bitchslapped by the invisible hand?
So I’ll make a prediction… since the invisble hand of the free market bitchslapped Goldy out of the studio, it’s only a matter of time before he rants here about how those big bad capitalists need to be taken down, and how gummint needs to run all media in order to present a “fair and balanced” view of things.
Hey Goldy, tell us, do you support the “Fairness Doctrine” now?
Fucking loser…
Hey Goldy – In typical librul fashion, you left out a REAL important part of the story.
Tell us who your replacement is. Is it Luke Burbank? Would that be the same Luke Burbank who had gigs at KVI and KTHH? Would that be the noted conservative Luke Burbank?
Bad enough to lose a gig to an infomercial or another librul kook. But it must really suck to lose your gig to someone who’s 180 degrees away from you.
Fucking loser…
Cyniclown at 12:
Dude, you have not been missed. Please vanish again.
Fuck you very much,
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
Pay the debt!
Love and kisses,
@28 You got a problem with my Republican attitude? Write your complaint here [ ] and send it here __.
@31 This shows how little you know about investing. Mutual funds are for suckers. The vast majority of mutual funds underperform the market averages. If you can’t do any better than buying mutual funds, at least put your money into a low-cost market index fund so you won’t do much worse than the S & P Average.
@32, 33, 34 — How’s my sister treating you?
Btw, which sister?
Roger Rabbit says:
“During your absence, Gregoire has come way up in the polls and is wildly popular now. I’ve even mentioned her as a possible veep pick. I think she’s gonna be president some day.”
President of WHAT, Rog???? The mean, nasty ugly bitch Klub??
My Left Foot says:
“Cyniclown at 12:
Dude, you have not been missed. Please vanish again.
Fuck you very much,”
I’m pretty sure your vile, profane rhetoric is part of the reason Goldy lost his gig.
I like Goldy.
It’s tough for him to be an asshole….for you, it’s sooooooooooooo easy.
Cynical: “a beautiful rural community outside of Washington State.”
Would that be the federal prison in Sheridan, Oregon? On the coast, maybe you can even hear the surf from your cell? Welcome back to society, Cynical.
Hey, Goldy, I’ll have a cup of coffee with you. Interested?
@44 Careful, Goldy. It might be a trick.
He’ll probably try to spike the coffee, Goldy. Make sure to spike his first!
You’re just pissed that the invitation didn’t include you.
Goldy’s got a shot at a free cup o’ Joe. Who are you to screw that up? You, who would wave a Re-Elect Dino Rossi sign on a freeway overpass for a free carrot.
Jealousy, thy name is Rabbit.
The Piper
I’m going to broker a cup of coffee between you and Puddy in order to make peace.
He’s not a bad sort, and you’re a pretty good egg…
Can we say group hug?
After all Puddy and Carl (My Left Foot) appear to be buds.
The Piper
Here’s your shot goldy!!!!
A new radio station is on the air in Bellingham. A-M 930 has changed its format from “good time oldies” to “progressive talk.” The lineup includes Thom Hartman, Stephanie Miller, Randi Rhodes, Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow and Alan Colmes. Local Progressive Talk show host Joe Teehan will simulcast his 6 p-m show on both KGMI and the new AM 930.
I asked a few people about “Too Beautiful To Live”.
The clearest answer I got was “Too Horrible to Describe”.
By the way, all the potshots at “Air America” seems to operate upon a misconception. As I understand it, “Air America” is not a network with affiliates, in the same manner as Clearwire, CBS Radio, etc. It is instead a radio syndication service, which caters to liberal/progressive programming which it syndicates to other stations. There are other such syndication services, also, they just don’t get as much name recognition. That’s why you can go from one city to another and the scheduling/offering differs.
I’ve seen lists of markets where Liberal/Progressive formats have done rather well in the ratings, but when the stations were purchased by another owner, the format was changed to conservative talk radio, and ratings tanked. Unfortunately, the sources I read were printed (and I didn’t retain a copy), not on the web, so it’s going to take some work to find a reference to them here. I’ll have to work on that, but it’s definately on my “B” list right now, in danger of sliding onto my “C” list.