Oddly enough, I’ll be doing the O’Reilly Factor tonight, defending Washington state from charges of being a far-left extreme commie-fascist-atheist sanctuary. In other words, Billo doesn’t much like the Atheists sign that was put up in our state Capitol, but he somehow sees it as part of a pattern of secular decadence that includes Death With Dignity, naked bicycle riding, and the Fremont statue of Lenin.
In fact, none of these have anything to do with each other (I-1000 was libertarian, the statue of Lenin is kitsch, and naked bicycle riding seems, well, just plain uncomfortable), but you know, if religious groups insist on putting holiday displays in public facilities, they can’t much complain when competing groups do likewise, and since freedom of religion also means freedom from religion, Atheists have just as much a right to promote their solstice greetings as anybody else.
That’s America. Love it or leave it.
YLB spews:
My oh my!!!!!
Give him hell Goldy.
Indeed this is America and that fascist hates it.
Fishincurt spews:
As someone who was born on December 25th and is a practicing Agnostic but drifting towards Atheism, this time of year always leads to the inevitable conversation I have with a christian when they find out I share the same birthday as “baby jesus”. I tell them no I don’t, if someone named jesus actually existed they were most certainly not born on 12/25, which leads into pagan rituals being adopted by the church, other legends like osiris-dionysis, etc. Responses to this have between silent pitty for my soul to attempts to lay hands on me. I was glad to read about the Atheists sign at the capital this a.m. Good, I hope it becomes a tradition. Tell Bill to go watch The God Who Wasn’t There or read a book, even their “book” is full of contradictions. Happy Solstice!
ArtFart spews:
The only “religion” Bill O’Reilly practices is slavish and devoted worship of himself.
N in Seattle spews:
OMG, you’ve been recruited into the War On Xmas(tm).
correctnotright spews:
@4: If we win the war on Xmas – does that mean we have to return all of our gifts?
If we lose the war on Xmas does that mean we all have to go to the mall, buy stuff and give it out on Dec. 26th?
YellowPup spews:
Yeah, all the best Goldy. Whatever happens, don’t let him tell you to “SHUT…UP.”
Jason E spews:
Dan Savage strikes again! I’m interested to see how this goes. Maybe O’Reilly will scream at you and call you a coward, ala Barnry Frank. Good times!
chicagoexpat spews:
“If religious groups insist on putting holiday displays in public facilities, they can’t much complain when competing groups do likewise”
Sure they can. Hypocrisy is as American as apple pie, and Billo is its chief poster boy.
Ask him how his own War On A Druid Pagan Ritual is doing…
Roger Rabbit spews:
I never really thought much about naked cyclists, other than the fact we’re talking about maybe 100 of this state’s 6.2 million citizens, but I’m for it if O’Reilly is against it. If he doesn’t like it, fuck him!
Anok spews:
You’ll be on tonight? I must watch it then!
This oughtta be good – just don’t let him yell over you :D
rhp6033 spews:
As a fundamentalist Evangelical Christian Democrat, I think the whole argument is rather silly. That’s why I don’t think it’s a good idea to have religious displays on state property, for this very reason – it opens up the door to every other religion or non-religion to do the same. We’ve got plenty of churches (or private businesses) nearby which could host any number of displays.
There’s a lot more work for Christians to do these days than to get caught up in this type of silly argument.
Matty spews:
Tell him that a new faction between the Christmas nativity folks and the Atheists have formed and are going to erect a Festivus Pole and decorate it ala Frank Kastanza. If Bill objects….challenge him to a “Feats of Strength” match and wrestle him to the floor!
Or go low and ask him if the creator of Festivus, Bill O’Keefe, is related to Bill because they both have an O apostrophe in their name?
I’ll be making popcorn for this one…..snerk. ;)
Poster Child spews:
I kind of worried for you, Goldy. Bill O. is one nasty motherfucker.
But then today Roger Rabbit made a pro-cyclist statement, so it must be crazy opposite day and maybe O’Reilly will be kind and considerate.
good luck.
YLB spews:
It’s so funny that the word is that Murdoch and Ailes don’t like O’Billo but keep him around because his show makes money.
I guess because he’s a bit of a paleo-fascist and believes the Iraq War was a mistake.
I haven’t looked into it deeply. What say you all?
Mike Silva spews:
Don’t forget to mention that when Seattle tries to support the forces of ‘good’ in the War on Christmas, by submitting an ornament for the National XMas Tree we are denied by the Bushies.
YLB spews:
One late Friday afternoon I was driving down Eastlake to downtown.
The cyclists were INSANE!!!
Really c’mon! Until cyclists have the political muscle to actually grab roads for themselves, there’s no sharing them with cars.
And just like in Iraq, war is not an answer.
Labor Goon spews:
Personally, I have no problem with the atheists having a sign. But their message — “Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds.” — seemed deliberately provocative in the context of religious holiday messages. It’s not a debate, fer chrissakes, it’s a holiday display.
The atheist sign would have been better had it said something like: “I BELIEVE… in Christmas presents.”
jrrrl spews:
Please let him know that Seattle is every bit as evil and godless and homosexual as San Francisco. Maybe MORE! We’re the least religious large city in the country!
stinkinrottenkid spews:
slow news night
billosux spews:
Ah hell Goldy, just tell Billo to go fellate Hannity and kiss the Coombs.
And then tell him Greta has a thing for loofas.
Beth spews:
Go get ’em, Goldy! We’ve all seen the “positive” effects of religion on the world; it’s about time nonbelievers got a turn to speak out. When was the last time you read about an atheist killing someone for disagreeing with their beliefs/non-beliefs!
drool spews:
Please ask Billo about the FSM. Study up first. This is what started it all. http://www.venganza.org/about/open-letter/
Jodith spews:
Don’t forget to tell Bill that we also have lots and lots of Pagans, too! Although I didn’t support I-1000 because I’m a Pagan. I supported it because it was the right thing to do!
Ivan spews:
I wonder if O’Reilly is going to say the name of this blog when he introduces his guest… Probably not.
N in Seattle spews:
Ivan, I suspect Goldy will find a way to mention his URL. He has the self-promotion schtick down to a science.
Tlazolteotl spews:
I hope you post a YouTube link, Goldy.
Good luck with that nasty ratfucker.
RonK, Seattle spews:
Don’t forget the McDermott xmas tree ornament, and … let’s see … the fake birch trees at SeaTac!
Mr. Cynical spews:
Goldy spews:
Ummmmm, Goldy……….
You are far-left, extreme, a commie, a facist and a self-proclaimed atheist.
There are many of you here in Washington so I guess it could be called a “sactuary”.
I’m just sayin’!
Mr. Cynical spews:
2. Fishincurt spews:
What in the world does that mean????
Appears you are saying you want to keep one toe in…just in case.
Not the way it works…..but that’s for you to find out.
Joe Mama spews:
Your feeding the troll by going on his show… hopefully at least your making some serious $$ for your time.
Ask him if it makes him feel good that families all around the country now are having arguments over ‘happy holidays’ vs ‘merry christmas’. That communities are being torn apart about this issue, and that many employees are boycotting their own companies ‘christmas’ or ‘holiday’ party because of this silly argument he keeps pushing. Is he proud of that?
Does he feel good knowing that he’s injected division into a time of year that we normally celebrate togetherness?
It’s all about Bill’s ego… nothing to do with the spirit of Christmas and the holiday season.
RonK, Seattle spews:
… and the SeaFair Pirates!!!
Politically Incorrect spews:
Western WA certainly is move far-left than Eastern WA.
O’Reilly’s thing is the discipline of the American Irish Catholic Church. That flavor of Catholicism is heavily into guilt. You can’t have guilt without responsibility. O’Reilly’s thing is responsibility, and people riding around naked seems irresponsible to him. (Personally, I could give a shit about people leaving smegma and brown streaks on their bicycle seats.)
All you O’Reilly haters out there: do you give your young daughters permission to join the nude riders the next time they have an outing? That’s what O’Reilly is attacking: he’s a prude, but he is big on individual responsibility. That’s something that is generally lacking from the liberal mind.
Politically Incorrect spews:
I’m sure Jesus was a wonderful prophet, but he wasn’t declared the Son of God until the Council of Nicea, in about 386 CE. A lot of Christianity was made up as they went along. Christmas exists to help bring Roman Pagans into the fold: December 25th is Saturnalia, an old Roman Pagan holiday. Also, December 25th is close to Yule, the Winter Solstice, and that was a very important date to the Pagan tribes of Northern and Western Europe. The Christian Church HAD to incorporate Pagan holy days in order to sell itself to the tribes.
It was either that or conversion at the point of a sword – which came a little later after the initial marketing campaign didn’t completely sell the product to the Pagans!
David spews:
Give him hell, Goldy!! There’s nothing wrong with being a “far-left extreme commie-fascist-atheist sanctuary” except that commie-fascism would be weird since the two are kind of mutually exclusive.
notaboomer spews:
i guess there really is no publicity that is bad publicity in the disinfo age.
Steve spews:
@32 “All you O’Reilly haters out there: do you give your young daughters permission to join the nude riders the next time they have an outing?”
All you Goldy haters out there: do you give your young daughters permission to join Republican males the next time they have an outing?
October 18, 2008
LAKE PLACID – U.S. Marshals arrested former Assemblyman George Chris Ortloff around 5 p.m. on Monday on child pornography and soliciting charges.
Ortloff, 61, was arrested in a Plattsburgh-area motel room after state police and U.S. Marshals cooperated in a sting operation. Ortloff allegedly arranged over the Internet to meet an underaged victim in a hotel room for sex, and had child pornography and “sex paraphernalia” in his possession.
Borat's Retard Brother Billo spews:
Good career move, Goldstein. Bill pumped up Barack and shrill Hillary by giving them a worthwhile venue to discuss useful issues. To their credit, they didn’t run and hide behind your daddy’s (John Edwards’s) skirt.
‘Twas the closest many of us will come to respecting a Clinton. Not that we’ll respect you in the morning, after tonight, but big Bill might succeed in lifting even you out of your sewer.
(But you’ll always be a pinhead.)
Benny & The Jets; Steve & The Pervs spews:
Ho hum. Two more over-the-hill slacker cover bands that got mired in the quagmire of the 60s.
Troll spews:
According to Goldy’s logic, the KKK should have the right to include a noose next to every MLK logo that affixes King County property. I disagree with Goldy. I don’t believe the KKK has that right.
Roger Rabbit spews:
@13 Having a cyclist crash into you isn’t quite as bad if she’s naked, expecially if she hits you hard enough to rip your clothes off, and you end up rolling on together on the ground.
Mick spews:
What a crock , The other displays were suclarist in nature and appealed to the best part of us . Peace on Earth . Giving to the least of us . The display Goldstein was defending used its platfor to ridicule the beliefs of others . You can be an athesist and support giving to others , and enjoy the spirit of the season .
shame shame
Roger Rabbit spews:
@39 Do we have a KKK problem around here? That’s news to me. The only people I’ve seen wearing bedsheets are the rightwing guys who got tangled up in the covers while hunting for Reds under their beds.
mark spews:
39 I thought a little bone through MLKs nose
would be neat, and appropriate for the season.
mark spews:
Gregoire looked retarded. Proof that god
exists and has a sense of humor.
Steve spews:
@41 “suclarist”
I bet that you’re one of those damned suclarists yourself! Hmm, or maybe you’re one of those fucking suclarist-commies. I’ve heard some weird shit about those guys.
Steve spews:
We’ve gotta be on the watch for those damned suclarists. I bet those fuckers are everywhere.
Vinner spews:
Atheists sign ???!!!!
They shouldnt have any right to anything!!
Bottom line
Just because they all voted Obama and drive toyota’s Doesnt mean anything
If you do not have faith what do you have?
They can use their WRIGHTS Obama will make sure of that, But they need to leave the rest of us out of their liberal BS
Rick D. spews:
…that’s because she is.
Politically Incorrect spews:
Steve @32,
I’m not a Republican. I actually dislike the Republicans, but I hate the Democrats. I hate the Democrats for their lack of personal responsibility. Everything is always someone else’s fault.
Smoke cigarettes for 30 years and get lung cancer? It’s Phillip Morris’ fault.
Get rear-ended by a drunk driver and sustain a neck injury? It’s not the drunk’s fault: it’s Ford’s or GM’s, or Subaru’s – ’cause they’ve got the deep pockets!
Get fat from eating at Mickey-D’s? It’s McDonald’s fault. Personal responsibility has nothing to do with it. Same goes for that little old lady who spilled coffee on herself. And that crowd of morons on Long Island who crushed that Walmart worker to death so they could get to the damn plasma TVs on sale. It’s Walmart’s fault, right?
Yeah, right…
Tinkerbell77 spews:
I hope all of you who love the Democrats, voted for Obama & think being gay, atheits, agnostic,pagan,nude whatever. Open your eyes this government is planning things you have no idea about. Taking 30% of our 401k’s and alloting you what they think you should get. You cant take out any large sums. They want to disarm us, BUT the criminals will still have theirs, WA DC and LA where there are gun bans are proof of that. I hope you are ready when the hammer comes down, it’s coming down HARD! Then it will be too late. This bickering isn’t doing anything but clog up the blogs. Do something to make a difference lets keep this country FREE for EVERYONE. Let’s make sure government really is “transparent” like Obama promised.