Tune in to AM-1090 this morning between 9am and noon, to listen to me on the Al Franken Show. (I’ll be the guy in the audience laughing and applauding.) Yup, I’m off to Town Hall for the live recording, so if there’s any breaking news today, look for it elsewhere.
I’ll post later today with a report on the show. Also coming up… my analysis of the transcript of Judge Bridges’ rulings from last week’s hearing. (Hint: it don’t look so good for Dino.)
I’m not gonna provide a play-by-play of the Al Franken Show today, because if you really cared you would have actually listened to it. Besides, Andrew over at NW Progressive Blog does a pretty good job of covering the day’s events; he even got a one-on-one interview with Al, as did Michael Hood of the excellent blog blatherWatch.
The show, as always, was funny and informative… and all three local guests, Rep. Jay Inslee, KC Executive Ron Sims, and Stranger Editor-in-Chief Dan Savage gave wonderful performances, each playing well off of Al and Katherine in their own distinct way. Perhaps the best line of the day was when Al asked Ron “Which is harder… being black or being gay?” Ron wouldn’t bite, and Al provided the punchline: “Being gay… because you don’t have to tell your parents that you are black.”
(By the way, at times like this, when you see what a great speaker Ron Sims is — passionate, comfortable, articulate, even funny — it makes it hard to believe that the Republicans can challenge him with such a dour, stick-in-the-mud like David Irons.)
I have one observation. Sitting in that sold-out auditorium, watching the enthusiasm of the audience, it’s hard to believe that anyone doubted there was a market for liberal talk radio. Sure, NPR draws away a large portion of our listening time, because… well… we just enjoy the kind of in-depth news coverage and intelligent conversation you can only get on NPR. (Plus, we hate commercials.) But there was definitely pent up demand for something like Air America to battle the entrenched right-wing talkers.
The righties have been predicting Air America’s imminent demise since the day it was launched a little more than a year ago, with only four stations. Today it added its 57th station. It is now broadcasting in all of the top ten media markets, and reaches nearly 60% of American households. And if anybody doubts this is a bankable format, tell that to media giant Clear Channel Communications, which now accounts for nearly half of Air America’s affiliates.
In Seattle, KPTK-1090 made respectable gains in the last ratings period, and is now planning local programming in the mornings and on the weekends. (Hmmm… I wouldn’t mind one of those gigs.) While its future is far from certain, and subject to the whims of owner Infinity, KPTK could very well become a permanent fixture on the local radio dial, finally putting liberals on an equal media footing with the propagandists at KVI.
There has been some discussion in the thread concerning Air America’s ratings. While the righties are free to soothe themselves with misleading analysis and reporting from right-wing blogs, as Clear Channel is demonstrating, the market believes the format is a success. KPTK-1090 Program Director Jim Trapp P-I some hard numbers:
Trapp says the station’s audience is around 85,900 and has almost doubled since it switched from country music to liberal talk radio. The bulk of its daytime listeners spend seven hours per week listening to KPTK, making it one of the top stations in the area by that measure.
Al Franken is a arrogant misguided wanna be elitist, but hey to each their own. Have fun.
Al Franken is such a moron…wanna be comedian becomes wanna be political analist. He wasnt funny as a comedian and he knows nothing of politics. He knows less than Roger Moore…really Goldy did you go that low for a free ticket or is this an attempy at noteriety?
He knows less than Roger Moore…
But he clearly knows more than Timothy Dalton.
Al franken is……james bond.
Goldy, see if you can get a pair of those poison dart cuff links.
he certainly isn’t a wanna-be bookseller. That man can move some print.
RE: #2 and #3:
And don’t get me started on George Lazenby….
When your a celebrity..
It’s adios reality.
You can act just like a fool
And people think your cool
Just cuz your on Tv(or radio or a Blog)
Bein’ a celebrity.
Goldy gets to cry on Barbara Walters
When things don’t go his way.
Goldy gets community service
No matter which law he breaks.
Goldy makes the supermarket tabloids
They write some awful stuff.
But the more they run Goldy’s name down.
The more his price goes UP!!!
Wheww… Who cut the cheese?
Listening to you and the other Seattle-type LEFTIST ELITE reminds me of one of my favorite books that describes all of you a$$holes to a TEEEE!
It’s called “Bobo’s in Paradise” by David Brooks
Bobo’s===Bourgeois Bohemians
It’s all about today’s ELITE upper class who have somehow wed the bourgeois world of capitalist enterprise to the hippie values of the bohemian counterculture.
The interesting thing is these BOBO’s are oh so serious and oh so slef-righteous and cannot laugh at themselves.
For example–
Bobo’s believe spending $50,000 on an SUV is vulgar.
But Bobo’s believe spending $50,000 on a slate shower stall and mega-bathroom is a clear sign that you are at one with the Zenlike rhythms of nature!!
Or Bobo’s often working for “visionary” softward companies where people come to work wearing hiking boots and “glacier glasses” as if a huge wall of ice is about to come sliding thru the fu**ing parking lot!!
This book is a must read…even for you Goldy….but especially for my friends who are RIGHT!! It will help you understand the Seattle Elite mentality a lot more clearly than listening to Franken and Goldstein yapping on the radio!
Mr. Cynical, your campaign against the LEFTIST ELITE is wonderfully reminiscent of Don Quixote tilting at windmills.
Gag foisted on Gregoire was funnier http://gddliveout.org:3004/mt/.....hh_my.html
He knows less than Roger Moore…
But he clearly knows more than Timothy Dalton
Sean Connery knows more than either of them. Most people would agree with that. Though Connery never did that well on Jeopardy on SNL.
Cynical @ 9
“Bobo’s believe spending $50,000 on an SUV is vulgar.
But Bobo’s believe spending $50,000 on a slate shower stall and mega-bathroom is a clear sign that you are at one with the Zenlike rhythms of nature!!”
I though you were in finance? Most LEFTIST ELITE (and the non-ELITE for that matter) would view purchasing a $50,000 SUV as a very bad investment–the damn thing drops in value almost immediatelly and continues to depreciate as you use it. It also sucks your wallet dry, so unless you need the capacity of the vehicle for some reason it is an idiotic purchase. The $50,000 home improvement, on the other hand, will appreciate the value of your property, and may eventually pay off in capital gains.
Al fraken is a hot head, loses his temper in public and isn’t capable of civil interview. No wonder err amerika is losing money and not gaining more stations. Now don’t even try to sat it aint so. they lost $8 million the first year. and are only up 3 stations since inception. losers.
No wonder err amerika is losing money and not gaining more stations. Now don’t even try to sat it aint so. they lost $8 million the first year. and are only up 3 stations since inception.
Cite your source, please.
Speaking of reading books,
Has anyone read John Dean’s
“Worse Than Watergate”?
The title sure sounds intriguing.
I saw his appearance on C-span’s Book TV and he doesn’t seem to pleased with the republican party’s rotten tactics.
Al must be doing pretty well to have alla these panties in a twist.
TJ @ 15 : Don’t hold your breath. Chardonnay’s post is just more of the same from the Pudbot school of making crap up when the facts don’t suit your worldview.
Air America debuted on 3/31/04 with four stations. Today their website lists 56 affiliates. That would be up 52 stations since inception — not 3. Minor detail.
BTW: Most new media ventures (magazines, studios, broadcast and cable networks) plan to lost millions in their first few years of business. I wouldn’t be surprised if Air America has done the same — it’s a tough business.
Al fraken is a hot head, loses his temper in public and isn’t capable of civil interview. No wonder err amerika is losing money and not gaining more stations. Now don’t even try to sat it aint so. they lost $8 million the first year. and are only up 3 stations since inception. losers.
Typical Republican lies. The hot head is Bill O’Leilly, who got so mad at Franken that he screamed and shouted and caused Faux News to file a ridiculous lawsuit that was laughed out of court. First time I noticed Air America about a year ago, they were at 15 stations. Now they have 56 stations.
I recently read that Air America now reaches 75% of the U.S. population, which is typically the break point for attracting national advertising. Most new ventures lose money in the beginning, so I have no doubt that this was true of Air America. But I’d be willing to bet they’re not losing money now.
Speaking of “talk radio”,)
Has everybody seen Billmons post “Rush To Judgement”?
It really is funny.
dj @ 13–
Not quite dude..
You see, I can write-off the $50,000 SUV because it weighs > 6000 lbs.
My net of tax cost of that SUV is much lower than $50000.
Plus, if I’m in an accident with one of those puny LEFTIST ELITE Hybrid cars….who wins???
Sure, operating costs are higher…but deductible.
The slate bathroom on the other hand would have to increase the value of the house by how much???
I agree cars are depreciable assets.
They are also about protecting ones life…safety.
How much is that worth???
David @ 10–
Good line about Don Quixote tilting at windmills. I’ll give you credit unbegrudgingly.
However, I feel more like with the Seattle LEFTIST Elite its more like tilting at “GASBAGS”!
Remember now my little PINHEADED LEFTIST FRIENDS you have to prove to me you actually have a sense of humor and can seriously laugh at yourselves. Haven’t seen an inkling of that the past 6 months.
BOBO’s in Paradise by David Brooks
If you LEFTISTS can’t find something to laugh at in there….
you are pretty much hopeless!
Read the book….report back.
Brooks? What a laugh! That guy’s such a hack and a liar to boot.
See, you just proved my point.
No sense of humor BOBO!!
Bourgeois Bohemian!!!
Hey Reeeeally, Billmons post about Rush is funny.
Have yourself a good laugh Mr. Cynical.
Who is this “Leftist Elite” I keep hearing about.
The majority of people I know are Dems. Theyt work hard…sometimes two jobs, if they’re married with kids both parents work. They are baseball/soccer/whatever moms and dads. Most go to some kind of church. Lots are self employed. They vote, pay taxes and wonder wtf are we diong in Iraq? Why won’t the legislature fund schools? Why is this administration so corrupt. Point of fact…most of the mostly Dem people I know are just getting by and don’t complain about it.
Most of the Repubs I know (and I know more than a few) are on the main, REALLY SELFISH (see mrcyanide, chard…I mean, botrytis). The Selfishness Society. Crony Conservatism. Gotta hand it to you guys, you took political corruption to a whole new level. And a lot quicker than the old House Dems ever thought of. Bully!
Is that why Rushbo outsells him in every book he wrote?
Thanks for reminding me, Goldie, I enjoyed listening to Al Franken. He really is funny, despite what these wingnuts who don’t even dare listen to opposing views have to say about him.
I particularly enjoyed what they said about evolution, how the Laws of Gravity are also scientific theories, and so far they have seemed to work just fine. Nothing burns me more than what is happening in Kansas right now with the Christian crazies trying to determine what is taught in science class.
That’s all the better you can do??
Read the book, “BOBO’s in Paradise” and tell me much of that doesn’t sound Totally Seattle.
I know quite a few good old-fashioned Truman Democrats who think the New Seattle Progressive movement is kind of like a bad bowel movement. A lot of these folks voted for Rossi…you lost them (even in King County). By the time this trial is over, you will have lost even more…guaranteed. Let’s put it this way..it’s hard to imagine the Dems have GAINED strength around the State, especially with the Gregoire signed tax increases and gutting I-601 again. We’ll see…hopefully this November.
Nothing burns me more than what is happening in Kansas right now with the Christian crazies trying to determine what is taught in science class.
I agree. They even have their misleading name for religion, i.e., “intelligent design.” It’s just one more wingnut attempt to substitute theology for science. These christian crazies are no better than the tabiban, which is probably why the christian terrorists Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols found it easy to work with al-Qaeda.
Same goes for Falwell and Robertson. They sided with Bin Laden after 9/11, saying the attacks were God’s judgment on American corruption. The christian wingnuts hate this country just as much as the foreign terrorists do.
cynical @ several,
It always works well to dehumanize your opponent.
If liberals aren’t cheaters cashing triple welfare checks or government hacks sucking on the taxpayers tit, now they are bobos spending insane quantities of money on houses.
First, I don’t see any of these stereotypes in myself or my friends. If I have an extra 50Gs lying around, I’ll buy another rental property or two. Spending that sort of money on your own house is wasteful frippery.
Let’s see. The real Democrats I know here:
1) Have proper jobs, and generally own at least one house. A few don’t, but it’s because they’re waiting for the air to leave the property market, not because they couldn’t if they wanted to.
2) As a rule, do NOT work in the public sector.
3) Are social libertarians, resent intrusive government, and see the Republican platform as being intrusive.
4) Are split about half and half between churgoers and non-churchgoers. The ones who are religious don’t make a big deal out of it. That’s where they are Sunday morning while we slackers are making a four-course breakfast in our fabulously lavish Martha Stewart fantasy kitchens.
5) Believe the government has some responsibility to the economically disadvantaged. Administer a bit of truth serum, and you’ll hear a lot of skepticism about the traditional liberal welfare programs, but the Republican response “Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses?” doesn’t seem to be the right answer either.
6) Generally act like grownups and do not drink, smoke, or abuse drugs to excess.
7) Are married for the first time and stayed that way, or divorced, in about the same numbers as the rest of American society.
8) Have much better-behaved children than the indulgent brats over in a traditionally republican community on the East side of the lake which shall remain nameless.
9) Unlike cynical, do not think about politics every minute of the day.
But keep thinking what you want, guy. Reality sucks.
Cynical @ 21
“Not quite dude..You see, I can write-off the $50,000 SUV because it weighs > 6000 lbs. My net of tax cost of that SUV is much lower than $50000.”
Whoa. . . now you are talking about a business expense versus a personal home improvement? Sorry, Cynical us LEFTIST ELITES aren’t slum lords or construction workers. We marry into our money or steal it from the masses (notice the self-deprecating humor). If we buy an SUV, it is for personal transportation, and is a very bad investment compared to a bourgeois bathroom remod.
”The slate bathroom on the other hand would have to increase the value of the house by how much???”
It depends on many things. But the one thing we can say for sure, the 50K remod will return far more than “investing” the money in a car/truck of any kind (for personal use, at least).
”I agree cars are depreciable assets. They are also about protecting ones life…safety. How much is that worth???”
How much is it worth? Not much. Risk of dying in a traffic accident is 1.5 people per 100 Million miles. Overall, only about 1.5 out of 10,000 die in a traffic accident (and this statistic includes pedestrians, motorcyclists and bicyclists).
I realize that you were making a humorous point (and I frequently appreciate your humor, you cynical bastard), but I do hope you realize that SUVs as a class are not safer than cars. Their roll-over rate is much higher than cars, and roll-over accidents are much deadlier than other types of accidents. Of course, something over one half of all vehicle occupant fatalities are people not wearing seat belts, so at least buckle up!
You actually have a sense of humor!
I figured you might.
My friends who are Democrats pretty much fit the description you outline @31. Really, they do.
The problem is this BOBO Elitist class who seem to have hijecked the Democratic Party from my experience and other Dems. I hope you will read the book and get a laugh…probably dozens.
By the way, I am not a Republican. I took the Libertarian test and got 100%!! But I feel the Democratic Party has gone way further LEFT than the R’s have gone RIGHT. I am fiscally conservative and am outraged about the Federal deficit. I hear the Dems screaming but don’t see them doing anything about it.
The main reason I supported Rossi was that 20 years of either Party in the Governor’s Office is WAY TOO MUCH!! Need a change every 8-12 years to weed out entrenched bureaucrats.
If Dems are like their leaders, then they aren’t like your neighbors…that is, are your neighbors like Dwight Pelz, Julia Patterson, Ron sims, Patty Murray, Jim mcDermott? yipes…not a one i’d want to have over for dinner.
As Ben Stein recently said…..
Al Franken is just a boob that thinks he knows something. Even when he was on Saturday Night Live…no one wanted to see or hear him. What makes him think things have changed? O yeah he has a left wing agenda in a right wing country.
The left wing boobasaurus’ need something to listen to besides warm rock 106.9fm.
cynical @ 33:
Good response. Thank you!
I wish I saw this Bobo elite that has hijacked the party.
Is Kerry a Bobo? Yeah. If you want to start tarring presidential candidates, they’re all in that group. GWB is a Connecticut-born, prep-school educated, Yale graduate from a well-to-do Northeast family. He spent a bit of time in Texas growing up and learned to drawl like a good ol’ boy. I spent some time in Texas when I was a little older than George and learned that drawl too, but I won’t embarass myself by practicing it on national television. George scores lower on the Bubba scale than I do, and that’s saying a lot.
I see where you’re coming from with your argument, but I look at it from the other direction. The Republican party has been astonishingly sucessful at winning rural votes. I could go off on some rant about farmers voting against their economic interests, but I won’t, because it’s irrelevant to the argument. The GOP has taken the South, the Midwest, and much of the rural West. With that went the moderate base of the Democratic party. What’s left are the cities.
All the blue zones (old urban cores), are expensive places. You can spend $600,000 North of the Ship Canal without even getting ostentatious. San Francisco is worse, and NYC is worse than both put together. If the leadership look like Bobos, it’s because a fair percentage of their constituency are also Bobos. Pols are supposed to be responsive to their constituents.
The flipside is that the very urbanized Democratic party has a tin ear towards rural issues. It’s not an easy problem to solve.
Hopefully over the next few years, the Democrats will start running and winning more elections out in the United States, which will bring more moderates through the ranks. I’m not qualified to solve rural problems. Ask me how to deal with rural poverty, I’ll say “move”.
McDermott represents me. I get annoyed with him at times, but more for the fact that he seems to think that sending money to the 7th District is beneath him than for his leftie politics. Making a trip to visit a dictator is not the world’s most constructive activity, but it hurts nobody. A bruising fight over softwood lumber tarrifs that seems mostly designed to benefit Weyerhaeuser and Boise Cascade affects me very directly every time I make another Home Depot run. If you are building, buying, or rennovating houses, it affects you too.
I sympathise with wanting to give the Olympia bureaucracy a swift kick in the pants, but will electing a governor really accomplish that? The governor has the ability to appoint a few dozen people to top positions. They can set the tone, but for better or worse, we got rid of the patronage system in Washington State in 1960. Most of the civil service is intentionally very hard to remove.
Again, thanks for a constructive post. I take back at least half the nasty things I said about you. :-)
Wow JSA; “meeting with dictators hurts nobody” You should be glad you aren’t rotting in a Cuban jail whilst an American senator dines w/ el Jefe. Would you say that if the dictator was Pinochet or Smith (rhodesia)? I’ll bet you’d go ape** if the dictator getting shmoozed was right wing.
Here is a challenge for you. You all dismiss any of the people who speak for the left as liars and actors who don’t know anything. First of all I know that most of you have never even listened to them. But are sure that whatever they are saying are lies. (Sheep)
So here is the challenge…Who lies more Franken or O’reily
So start your googling and if you can come up with 1/4 of the number of lies by Franken that O’reily has in this one link, I’ll eat my hat.
Don’t you guys ever want to question what you here?
Is Franken less effective because he uses comedy?
Franken is no smarter than anyone else (except Chardonay), except that he works hard to expose the lies that you all believe to be gospel out of the Oreilys Hannitys and Limbaughs of the world.
If you ever listened to the show, that is what you would hear.
He takes quotes from these idiots and disproves them. “DAILY”
But just stay in the dark….because you liked dark ages anyway.
So knock yourself out, and you can even try it with Roger Moores brother Michael. 1/4 as much as O’liely.
This one gets you a little deeper into the site.. but the first one is good too.
1/4 guys remember……Baaaahhhh.
Oh this is great I just found the righties playbook on this site….Damn if they must send this out to these morons with every donation to the Heritage foundation.
This is Priceless…we need to print it out and everytime one of them posts here, we will just reply with the propaganda number 1-21
For all those FATHEAD righties who think liberals lack a sense of humor. So there!
GWB isn’t a BOBO…more like a BOOB!
Wearing spurs and chaps around the White House is BOBO conduct fer sure.
Kerry is another pathetic sack of shit.
His wife is a mean-spirited drunk.
Definitely BOBO BOOB material.
I voted for Perot. The only reason he lost was because it became apparent he was going to win and he freaked out and sabotaged himself. Perot is a kook…but a good kook.
Patrick Buchanan had it right about NAFTA and GATT. Folks can disagree with some of his other politics but he sure nailed those 2 treaties and how they would crush our manufacturing base.
jsa–take a look around Microsoft and some of the Seattle Law Firms. BOBO’s everywhere. I know. Too much Californication and East Coast a$$holes (Goldy..you are included in that remark!). We need more folks with Midwest roots (R’s and D’s).
Did al throw any chairs?
But hey, doesn’t KIRO’s Dave Ross and Mike Webb and that woman whose name escapes me count for something when it comes to leftist “talkshow radios” (Hey–Gregoire made up that term, NOT me)
Goldy; glad you “intelligent types” (your words about your fellow brie eaters who listen to NPR) like mooching off my tax dollars. Don’t you wish you had a government funded newspaper to go with your government funded radio and TV stations?
“KPTK could very well become a permanent fixture on the local radio dial, finally putting liberals on an equal media footing with the propagandists at KVI.”
Oooo boy…just what we need. More propagandists.
That said, do you have any information on the ratings of AA? From the little I’ve found, it looks like that in urban areas, they’ve been flat at best, where you’d think they’d be going through the roof. How much of this is due to lack of local hosts, I don’t know. Anybody have some decent info on that?
Check out this site:
He writes factually regularly about AA’s lack of listeners.
if you bothered to do a little research on err amerika you would find that the ratings for the most part are down all over the country. I found a cute line “does your radio empire need a write off?” For the left that means anti-american vomit by alfranken and randi rhodes don’t make money. Ratings are in the 1-2 range. Long way to go. keep wishing tho, if you say it enuf times it just might come true. i keep telling you to read the article by Victor David Hanson titles “When will Democrats win?” You need answers or a time machine to bring you out of the 60’s & 70’s.
Just thinking you are better than everyone else is not working for you so far.
dan”W” slow down there little buddy, it’s only monday.
Cheap Whine @ 14 “Al fraken is a hot head, loses his temper in public and isn’t capable of civil interview. No wonder err amerika is losing money and not gaining more stations. Now don’t even try to sat it aint so. they lost $8 million the first year. and are only up 3 stations since inception. losers.”
Like Puddle pisses posts, I am going to keep this one on my wall as a reminder how the right wing troll’s mindlessly repeat the (easily refuted) lies that they hear on right wing radio.
WOW, are they sad examples of America on right wing Kool aid.
check out this excellent site. All the info you need to know on err ameriKa.
donnaG, thanks, I like it when you re-post my art.
chardonnay: Nice of you to drop by. Does the link you provided explain how you got it wrong @ 14? Or is just making stuff up part of your “art”?
check it out for yourself scott. boreamerica tells all. it’s great some guy dedicated a web site just on
..just on air america
chardonnay: I did check it out. I was wondering more about your remark that Air America is “only up 3 stations since inception”.
As I pointed out @ 18, you’re only off by 49 — make that 50, as of today. If boreamerica is the source of your obvious disinformation, why should we give it or you any credibility on this subject?
Theres a list of affiliates, plus xm, and sirius too.
LMAO @ 47
The website of “Brainless Baloney”, the failed winger talkshow host. A legend in his own mind.
righton @45,
Mooching off your tax dollars? What a load of propagandistic crap. From NPR’s website:
It took me twenty seconds to find that information.
Jon @46,
As to KPTK’s ratings, look at this tidbit from the Program Director, in today’s P-I:
And I don’t particularly consider radioequalizer to be an impartial source of information. As Michael at blatherwatch has explained, ratings info can be easily distorted to mislead the layman.
Public radio, has much more voluntary support from, well…, the public, than does any right wing blather station.
This, the reason you hear rush, hannity, oreilly, savage, et al, promoting crap thoughout the shows, to pay bills.
Id like to see a comparison, of volunteer support, to prostitution for operating bucks.
“50?” the point is that it is pathetic. compare that to conservative radio affiliates and how many stations hosts like Bill Bennet pick up immediately. It’s hundreds. If AAR is so successful explain then why they lost so much money. And since when is it ‘normal’ for a new biz to lose $8 million? Oh, that’s right, liberals don’t believe in a profit, they can always Shake down the tax payers. I suspect this is why liberals want to force themselves on conservative stations by wayof legislation.
It’s funny to watch how hard the righties try to tell us that Air America doesn’t matter. If that were true, why would all the righties spend so much time attacking it?
Goldy: Thanks for the info. I don’t doubt that there is an audience for liberal radio; I question the approach, that is, seemly just a carbon copy of the right echo chamber. We don’t need more Rush-es in the world, right or left.
Also, Goldy, you mentioned: “And if anybody doubts this is a bankable format, tell that to media giant Clear Channel Communications, which now accounts for nearly half of Air America’s affiliates.”
Which proves a point I’ve had for awhile: All this talk about the dangers of media consolidation suppressing “alternative” points of view is bogus IF there is a buck to be made.
The financial plan of Air America allows for financial losses for the first three years — just like any start-up company. FAUX News ran at a loss for four years before breaking even.
As far as your claim of gaining only three stations since its inception, you really must refresh your browser. Not only have they added new affiliates, they have expanded their coverage (which is more important)
refresh your browser….lol.
Did Frankem make it through the entire broadcast without storming off? Talk about an angry liberal.
Yes he made it throught the entire brodcast without storming off, and he didn’t cut anybodies mike either.
Anybody come up with Franken doing 1/4 of the lies versus O’liely? or Hillbilly Heroin Limbaugh?
I’ll make it easier for you…try to go after Michael Moore and proves he lies more than these boneheads.
scott, not attacking, just sorry you enjoy listening to the hate filled message.
boys, 4, 54, 56 or 57, that is pathetic growth. the bigger picture here is no one is listening. if they are, it’s not long term. good luck though. I know you need to cling to something. Oh I gotta go, Rush is on, so is Tony Snow, it’s a Toss up.
What is rush selling to pay bills today, some sort of penis enhancement, weight loss, self help, pills,books,software…….
Is that a challenge to show how Michael Moore lies? You’ve got to be kidding. You can find at 59 of his lies here:
(trying to sound like Goldy there)
according to records and ratings
KPTK ratings in 2004 were 0.9
in 2005 they are 1.5
KTTH 3.0 no change from 2004
chuck @ 25
When was Rush’s last book? 94? Rush was #1 nonfiction in 92 and 93, Franken in 2003. I don’t see the evidence that Rush far outsells Franken on anything.
you are right Chardonnay, KTTH no CHANGE, KPTK a 70% increase from last year
Id like to see a comparison, of volunteer support, to prostitution for operating bucks. -Comment by AllHatAndNoHorse— 5/10/05 @ 8:27 am
As opposed to (PBS/NPR) whoring for tax dollars (NEA) or whoring for “telethon donations” every other month?
Only a liberal would consider capitalism (you know, selling time on a PROFITABLE enterprise) as prostitution, but see nothing wrong with the arts welfare of PBS and NPR.
why are we borrowing money to fund the democrat propaganda machine? (deficit spending, pbs/npr about 65% lib)
For lies by Al Franken, please go to Lyingliar.com. The truth means lies told by Al Franken in Al Franken’s world. What a kook!!