Mike Stark is at it again, this time ambushing Republican congresspersons to ask them whether or not they believe Barack Obama is a natural born citizen of the United States, and thus constitutionally eligible to be president.
Some of them, like our own Dave Reichert (WA-08), simply obfuscate (his inarticulate and poorly illustrated response is particularly amusing), while others, like Cathy McMorris Rodgers (WA-05) actually run away from the camera… though not before admitting “We’re all going to find out… I’d like to see the documents.”
Huh. She sure does sound like a birther to me. Even while Ann Coulter, of all people, is calling the birthers “cranks.”
When Coulter has become the GOP’s voice of reason, you know the party is in trouble.
That’s right out of the liberal playbook. Ask a Republican a simple question and make them look like idiots when they respond.
Hey, it’s not our fault that they all sound like idiots. Get better Republicans, why doncha?
How can such slippery idiots be in charge of making our nation’s laws? These folks are making a farce of our democracy. It is time to pull the plug on the Republican Party. It has been in a persistent vegetative state for long enough.
Dave Reichert’s considered opinion regarding whether Barack Obama is a so-called “natural born” citizen of the US is that “people have a right to free speech.” Well, better to keep silent and be though a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt, eh, Dave?
FactCheck.org has already shredded the birthers. Read it and laugh at them:
Anne Coulter????
If they’re leaving someone like her behind than that freako bunch must truly be dangerous.
Then why can’t they just say Obama is a citizen? I’ve seen this:
And I accept it! Why can’t they do that? Why can’t Inhofe do that? Or Lou Dobbs for that matter?
Trent Franks! Still a nut, still full of right wing B.S. but at least WILLING to look at the facts and make the right call!
Why can’t other Republicans do the same?
How funny is it that Rep. Cathy McMorris is now being stalked by these freaks (the new base of the Republican Party)?
The chickens are coming home to roost, since McMorris got her political start hanging around Militia nuts in the early ’90s.
CONSERVATIVES EATING THEIR OWN!!! I am totally for this.
This is good stuff. We whould make our Republicans admit the existence of empirical reality every chance we get.
Naw, they don’t believe that Obama was born in Kenya. But they are willing to profit from those that do (in votes and campaign contributions). That’s why most of them are trying to walk the fine line between admitting that it’s a lie (which would alianate the birthers), or asserting the lie (which would alianate averyone else).
At least you left-wingnuts are getting with the program and agreeing with ann coulter.
So it comes as some surprise that she considers “birthers” extreme right wing activists so enraged by the election of an African-American that he must be foreign born.
Reichert was hilarious! And depressing.
Everyone who voted for that tool over Darcy Burner should see this tape of that coward!
I mean is this what a Congressman should do? Pretending to shop for office supplies to avoid answering a simple question on camera?
Why isn’t his office manager getting office supplies for him? Doesn’t he have better things to do for his district?
What a buffoon!
That dirty shaggy looking guy near Reichert who shouted that Obama was born in Mombassa, Kenya must have been one of the “three remaining Klanners” Coulter was talking about.
Neil Abercrombie (D-Hawaii) introduced a 50th anniversary resolution for Hawaii Statehood today. Significantly, it cites that O is a native son in one of the whereas’s. We’ll soon have the BirtheRrrrrrs on record, methinks.
I don’t know. People are understandably fearful because of the times. When Bill Clinton started there was a comparable amount of fear and economic uncertainty – this expressed itself as the Vince Foster conspiracy theory and the Clinton “death squads”.
Now we have Obama, an even WORSE economic situation and lots of fearful people believing in this “birther” conspiracy.
And of course too many right wing politicians only too eager to take advantage of it.
It’s just too weird
Notice how all Goldy’s right wing trolls suddenly go silent when the lifeblood of their “movement” is outed for being the fringe freaks that they are.
Maybe Mark, Puddy, Troll, etc are all at the Birthers’ Convention in Reno!
15 YLB
The Birther stuff is REALLY about it being clear to a bunch of crazy white people that this black president with the funny name cannot POSSIBLY be legitimate.
Oh, and Zotz @14: the resolution was temporarily blocked by a point of order raised by Michelle Bachmann (no quorum present).
Turns out Washington state’s Republicans are as out of touch, inarticulate, and venal as everyone else’s.
Palin’s farewell tour is seeming more and more like Cher’s every day. Although Cher made more sense.
Gee, maybe some reporter should stop just writing down for publication all the crazy shit she says and ask HER if she believes that our president is not a US citizen. Although I doubt any of us would be able to understand her response.
16 Gabe
No, they’re all out scarfing down the Early Bird Special before taking the bus back to the home.
Keep attacking Republicans…as Obama plummets!
Too Damn Funny!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Also, a whopping 26% approved of President Feelgoods performance on the Cambridge cop…GatesGate.
Life was so easy for Candidate Barrack…spewing platitudes & rhetoric.
Now when he actually is accountable for doing something…
Obama may speak well…but his policies and actions suck. And so do those of his Vice-KLOWN Biden.
Obama was at +32 Strong Approval over Strong Disapproval 6 months ago.
Now he is -10….from the same polling firm with the same methodology.
You KLOWNS have let your opportunity for you Socialist/Marxist Utopia slip thru your fingers like hot, steamy crap!!
That’s why we call you KLOWNS!
Quick poll:
The United States and its people will benefit more from:
A) Developing a robust and peaceful partnership with China
B) Provoking a war with China
Proud Leftist asked Puddy was he a birther. Puddy answered nope. Puddy asked if Proud Leftist was a 9/11 Truther or if he doubted if Americans landed on the moon and did anyone see his normally inarticulate and poorly illustrated response? Did anyone remember his answers?
Puddy wonders why ?
I believe Obama was born in Hawaii.
So what??
You KLOWNS are trying to deflect from stuff like yet another gaffe by Vice-KLOWN Biden.
From FoxNews today:
What an unbelievable IDIOT.
Can you imagine this fool being President of anything???
22 Cyn
Yeah, right. We’re still in charge, pal.
I think it was you guys who saw your “permanent Republican majority” slip through your fingers like hot, steamy crap. And it ain’t coming back any time soon, unless you can identify who will actually vote for a Republican.
Why don’t you look through your polls for the questions:
“Who do you trust more on [name the issue]” Barack Obama or the Republican Party?”
There’s lots and lots of polling on that, and it’s funny but Republicans do really, really badly on every issue. I urge you to take the time; it will be instructive for you and get your mind off Rasmussen’s worthless Index.
Proud Leftist is a fantasy KLOWN parading around as a CHristian and subscribes to every Daily KOS conspiracy theory.
He’s nuts.
26. Daddy Love spews:
Who is we numbnutz??
Are you a member of the Blue Dog Democrats??
Are you a member of the Conservative Democrat Senators?
Who is WE???
You are a Utopian Marxist.
You are a 16%er.
You, Obama and the rest of the Leftist KLOWNS have had your day…and it was mighty short.
@2 They sound like idiots because they are idiots. Melting polar caps and a Hawaiian birth certificate aren’t enough for these fools, yet they’ll take on faith anything a tinpot preacher says.
@4 Well, if that’s Reichert’s test for public discourse, then we should go around saying Bailin’ Palin is a foreign agent who wants to give Alaska back to the Russians. That’s free speech, too.
In actuality, this issue doesn’t need to be discussed, because Obama is in the White House and isn’t going anywhere else anytime soon. Suck on it, rightys!
@19 Maybe Todd and Sarah want to move to the Lower 48 and work for Alaska secession from there so she’ll still be eligible to run for president in case they succeed.
@22 “You KLOWNS have let your opportunity for you Socialist/Marxist Utopia slip thru your fingers like hot, steamy crap!!”
That’s no loss, because we never had a socialist/marxist agenda. Btw, I hope for your sake that you bought Harley Davidson last week like I did — pays a 5% dividend and a week later is up 33%.
Puddy @ 24
I answered your questions–I don’t believe in any 9/11 conspiracy and I believe we landed on the moon. Is there something wrong with my answer?
Cyn @ 27
Thank you. I consider being called crazy by you to be a compliment. Oh, and by the way, did you know that you are a really poor loser? You really should get used to losing, son, because you’ve got a whole lot more losing coming your way.
@25 Holy cow, now we’ve got Coulter, Puddy and Cynical against the birthers! Things are getting tough for the birthers!
Proud Leftist, Puddy didn’t remember seeing your answers.
De nada.
Worse than that.
You agree with ann coulter.
Holy shit, I had not considered that horrible reality. Agreeing with Coulter . . . Damn, I’d better go find a Socialist Workers Party meeting tonight to cleanse myself.
Excellent Marvin Excellent!
Pelletizer too stupid to comprehend that fact.
Proud Leftist here you go… http://www.google.com/search?q.....=firefox-a
Thers had a good take on the Birther nuts and their relationship to the GOP last week (sorry for the long quote; there’s a bit more at the link, and he followed up today):
I cannot for the life of me fathom why the bonkers birther stuff is any sort of a “threat” to the Republicans. Why? This class of stuff has been the meat and potatoes for large chunks of the GOP base forever; indeed, these people are the most reliable GOP voters. Have the 1990s vanished so quickly from memory? Has Hillary Clinton’s murder of Vince Foster, shooting him in the head with a lesbian bullet, been so completely forgotten?
The birther stuff is extreme, sure, and is extremely easy to refute. But then let’s run down the GOP dogma, the things no Republican politician could ever say in public without getting lynched, perhaps even just metaphorically: (1) global climate change is a serious crisis caused by human activity; (2) the mainstream media is not committed to electing Democrats; (3) a spending freeze in a severe recession is insane; (4) Rush Limbaugh is rather a blowhard (to quote Rush’s latest, from Armbinder, “Rush Limbaugh claimed today that Obama “has yet to prove that he’s a citizen”); (5) Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were never remotely in cahoots; (6) Barack Obama is not, in point of fact, a “socialist”; (7) the government is not about to send agents into your house to take your guns; (8) gay marriage is no big whoop… need I go on?
The birther madness is a minor, entirely predictable symptom of what the GOP is. Indeed, compared to the climate change guff, the birther mania is downright benign.
Bluntly. The GOP lets James Inhofe talk about science. In public. And the “MSM” is cool with that. And so is the rest of the Republican party.
What’s a little birth certificate tomfoolery next to that? You know?
Heh. Indeed.
Here’s a better link. The same search with the addition of seattle. Make it a shorter trip, save the planet.
Puddy @ 39
Thanks, man. And to think that I thought you were incapable of doing a favor for someone like me . . . I owe you.
Inhofe, DeMint, Bachmann, Reichert–yeah, the GOP’s full of intellectual heavyweights in Congress.
And, Marvin, too. Thanks, man. I just wouldn’t have thought you would care about an old leftist. I guess I underestimated you.
Just because I don’t share your view on leftist policies doesn’t mean I wouldn’t help you. If I saw you injured on the side of the road I would help you without a second thought.
Now if you liked accordion music that would be a different story.
Or, bagpipe music. Actually, I like accordions in Tex-Mex music. Take a listen to The Flatlanders’ latest; hard to say this, but tasteful use of an accordion occurs.
Thanks, I’ll check them out.
A couple years ago the musicians union was lobbying the government to pass the “use an accordion, go to jail” law. We didn’t meet the $$ goal so it never happened.
At Mr. Cynical
Here is a quote from Nate Silver from March on Rasmussen’s poll data. He said the same thing again when interviewed for last week’s show On the Media.
I segregate out Rasmussen’s approval numbers from the other polls because they’ve been very different from the rest, generally showing disapproval scores about 10 points higher than the other agencies and approval scores a couple of points lower. Unlike with horse race polling, where all the pollsters are ultimately subject to a pop quiz in the form of an election, there is no obvious way to validate whether an approval poll is right or wrong. That makes it particularly important to pay attention to house effects. Rasmussen’s approval ratings for Obama have been different from the other agencies, and/but, they’ve been consistently and predictably different. In any event, both the Rasmussen and non-Rasmussen data series ultimately show the same pattern: Obama’s disapproval ratings have increased over time.
“Or bagpipe music?” Screw you!
Let’s get together, and I’ll give you a tutorial of the great players and bands over the years. I’ll even teach you some of the intricacies of piobaireachd.
The Piper
The link didn’t take: piobaireachd.
The Piper
Stupes is not a birther?
Whoa that was like pulling teeth wasn’t it?
Almost like he doesn’t want it to be generally known.
Proud Leftist, you’re welcome. Puddy agrees with the Marvin Good Samaritan act too.
Follyish clueless wondermoron@51, check the HA Puddyisms fool. You claim to have all my comments archived.
What a turdball.
Hey Stupes,
I understand you don’t want to pay for all these “layabouts”?
How about these folks?
Status quo worked just nicely for all of them? Or was it all their fault?
re 24…
’cause nobody gives a flying fuck what col sanders favorite chicken thinks.
Just a note,
I find Puddy, Cyniclown and even Marvin on occasion, to be quite human.
While their politics are sorely misguided they are actually quite personable and always ask how I am I doing.
By the way, Puddy, UCLA last week told me I could wait a year before my next check up. That my numbers had remained unchanged for more than a year. Just to be sure to establish with a cardiologist here in Houston and have my device monitored by him/her.
This whole “birther” thing is indicative of the republican mindset.
Facts: To hell with actual facts, republicans create their won reality.
Racism: The birthers won’t call it racism, but they can’t tolerate a black man as President – so he must be a non-citizen.
Rejectionism: It can’t be the US with a liberal black President – so Obama must not be a citizen.
I applaud the republican congressman who gave a real answer. And then went on to call Obama a socialist. At least he is honest.
Coulter may be a mean and vindictive rightwingnut – but she is intellectually honest on this issue as well.
Dobbs, Limbaugh, Imhof, DeMint, Recihert, Mcmorris-Rogers…..they are aiding and abetting the crazies. They are caving to the dark side. They can’t come out and just be honest…they hide from the simple questions.
How sad is that?
Puddy is definitely human – I just disagree with his politics and with his “Puddy rules”.
I call a racist a racist. Democrat, Republican whatever…I don’t need a “quota” of people for me to stand up for what is right. Period.
Marvin…well, Marvin is intellectually challenged. Marvin is good at linking but cannot understand what his own links say, unless some rightwingnut interprets it for him.
Klynical: Just a troll trying to get a reaction.
Klynical picks out the topics that suit him/her best and keeps running with it – even if it makes no logical sense.
Global warming is not real in the winter.
Obama is bad for the economy when the stock market is dropping.
These types of arguments are the sad result of immediate gratification and the inability to look at long-term trends or analyze actual data.
Piper @ 49
Naturally, that was aimed at you. You know, as a banjo player, I have to endure the same sorts of barbs. Ever heard any pipes and banjo tunes? Can’t say I have.
MLF @ 56
It took me awhile to see any humanity in Marvin, but lately I’ve seen it. Puddy, I could always see it, even though he doesn’t see it much of the time. Piper’s quite human, though he catches considerable flack from most of our friends here. Cynical, on the other hand, I think he’s undergone heart removal surgery. He claims to live in Montana, my favorite place to be, yet he seems unsoftened by his spectacular surroundings.
Diplomacy, naturally, requires that we reach out to those who have opinions that differ from ours. I do try to do that, though occasionally being a bit caustic. I’ll bash those who deserve bashing. Too, I’ll drink a beer with those whom the only thing we have in common is a fine pale ale. So, it goes.
People who don’t get banjo pickin’ have no soul.
People who don’t get piping are English.
The Piper
Nice. I have no Scot blood, but I do have a bit of Welsh. So, I can appreciate that. Hey, m’lad, I have to admit when I hear a piper do Amazing Grace, I go to a different place. Pipe on.
Proud Leftist, Puddy sees humanity all the time. Puddy’s concern is with Dummocrapts who abuse my peeps all the time.
Then there is the dumb as a bunch of cement blocks (and has the same amount of air spaces in the head) rudeASS.
He’s a credit to your progressive movement. Bowel movement that is!
Carl of Two Left Feet. Hey man, I hope all is well then with your ticker. Tell the wife Puddy says hello.
Correctnotright, You can thank Steve for Puddy rules. When he decided to not castigate headless lucy when Puddy reproduced those wonderful comments, Puddy dug in his heels and is keeping the 50%+1.
Have a great day!
What a liar, Puddy. A search of the archives reveals that you’ve been without a spine since at least 2005. I showed up in April 2008. Hell, back in 2005 JCH was spewing about “fags” and “niggers” in every thread. Your response? After one particulary vile JCH outburst you called him your “wingman”. Got any other weak-ass excuses for your spineless condition?
Steve, ask yer little buddy clueless wondermoron when Puddy created the 50% + 1 rule fool! You’ll see it wasn’t 2005, 2006, 2008 or even 2008!
Vile JCH or you mean vile BBGOP or was it Left Turn or was it bentoverGOP. Golly Puddy has problems remembering your “friend”.
Puddy loves it when Steve has to go back and visit his goat for comfort!
My Left Foot–
Good to see you posting again my friend.
As you know, my job here is to keep you from falling off the left-side of the earth.
I have always found you to be the most reasoned thinker….although sometimes you do drop into the KLOWNhole.
But all in all, you are a good man.
The kind of guy I would enjoy havin’ a beer with. Frankly, the only other guy I find reasonable is Seattle Jew.
The rest are in it for some immature ideological fight….which they will ultimately lose.
America is still quite Conservative.
We are now finding that Blue Dog Democrats and many Senators are also quite Conservative.
Obamunism is a failure from the getgo.
It doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a few decent ideas…but the Porkulous and Obamacare are ridiculous. Anyone can get votes promising folks lots of “free stuff” and taxing the rich.
The point is that racist talk needs to be called out no matter whether we agree or disagree with them or their politics.
Anything less is hypocrisy.
Excusing someone because of some slight from 4 or 5 years ago is just plain juvenile.
Most of the posters on here were not even on back then. If I miss a post, does that mean I am racist becuase I didn’t see it to condemn it?
If I see it, then I condemn it. It is that simple.
Puddy rules allow for racists posts to go unchallenged – they are fake and hypocritical rules. Period.
Either you are agianst racist comments or you don’t care or support them….Puddy simply does not care.
I’ll say it again:
I respect Piper for speaking out against racist comments.
I respectfully disagree with his political views.
Whenever the going gets tough for Obama and the Marxist Democraps, y’all quickly deflect to “racism” to change the discussion from issues that impact all of us.
That strategy has a Half-life that is used up.
Puddy can speak for himself…but I strongly suspect he knows that worn-out tactic.
Let’s stick to the issues of Deficit Spending, Obamacare and Porkulous!!
Hey, you KLOWNS are in charge…right???
steve @ 66
oooh! What a find. That must sting. 50 percent + 1 rule? What kind of bullshit is this???
Wingman!!! LMAO!!! What a tool!
You liberals all think you are so enlightened. Its quite humorous.
71 – How about another joke about Obama and the color of his skin Mr. Bozo?
I bet you have dozens of them harvested from the right wing e-mail network or Free Republic or whereever..
Were you “sticking to the issues” when you posted that “quart too low” joke?
What kind of an “issue” is Scott Rassmussen’s crappy polling?
clueless wondermoron
USA Gallup – 41% disapprove
Gallup alone – 38% disapprove
Rassmussen Reports – 40% disapprove