Way back in May I skewered GOP senate wannabe Mike?™ McGavick for being a foreign policy lightweight. Given the opportunity to pen a major foreign policy op-ed for the national publication The Weekly Standard, McGavick devoted a thousand words to arguing that the best means towards confronting Iran’s nuclear ambitions was to ban its soccer team from World Cup competition.
No… really.
I criticized McGavick’s proposal as simplistic, ill-informed, and contrary to the very ideal of international competition. McGavick cited similar sanctions against South Africa’s rugby team during the 1970’s, but those were aimed at the white, minority electorate who held political control, whereas I argued that McGavick’s World Cup ban would have targeted the Iranian people, only feeding into anti-American sentiment.
But nearly five months later I am now ashamed to admit that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice agrees with me. Ouch.
As the Seattle Times’ David Postman points out over on his blog, Condi gave an interview to the Wall Street Journal editorial board yesterday in which she disses the soccer ban proposal during a discussion on embargoes:
“One of the problems that we have is if indeed you would like not to have a situation in which you reinforce the leadership’s desire to make their people feel that America is anti-Iranian people, then you want to stay away from things that have a bad effect on the Iranian people to the degree that you can. You know, we’ve talked
“I’m sure he’s got a well thought out plan for disengaging from Iraq, which he”…..will, like Richard Nixon before him, reveal only after he is elected.
OK……….HA.ORG’s Question Of The Day: How many posters on HA.ORG need to have their wives post to “protect” them from evil “baddies”?
I think it is necessary to declare a “jihad” on dumb ass parasite liberal “progressive” Democrats!!!!!!
Hey Mike? More people hate America by the day. All because of the Bush Crime Family, and the sing along Republicans. Would you be in favor of doing a real investigation into the lies told in the lead up to the war Mike? What role the White House staff played in the outing of Valerie Wilson, and the destruction of Brewster Jennings? Glossing over global warming information? Price gouging by the oil companies? Corruption? War profiteering?
(crickets chirping)
Mike McGavick: “Hey, I am a Republican. No investigations are ever necessary!!! And I don’t care how many people hate America, as long as we are filling coffins everything is just peachy!!!”
Well, so Mike! won’t discuss the Iraq war (the number one issue in America) and he won’t comment on state issues. WHat do we really need him for?
Nov 9-16.
Where and when?
RE 2: Some guy phones the offices of, Rosen, Rosen & Rosen, attys. at law:
“Hello”, he sez. “Can I speak to Mr. Rosen?”
“No, I’m afraid he’s out of the country.”
“Well, then. May I speak to Mr. Rosen?”
“Sorry! He’s out to lunch…”
“OK, then, I really NEED to speak to Mr. Rosen!”
( Much thanks to Henny Youngman: Liberal Democrat!! )
The point being, Dr. Joan Kennedy ( PBS ): You repeat yourself alot.
And……….. Whatever happened to Puddybud ( Bre’r Rabbit )? Still hiding in the briar patch?
JCH @ 2
Did you notice how Condosleeza came to the Shrub’s defense after President Clinton ripped the boy a second asshole for his lack of enthusiasm for chasing terrorists? Do you notice a trend here? Are you even aware of what century you’re in, you pathetic piece of shit?
Wheew. George “Macaca” Allen – the gift that keeps on giving..
Used the “N” word frequently in college.
Stuffed a deer’s head in a black family’s mailbox.
There’s not a single wingnut whackjob who comes here who would vote for Webb over Allen.
Why? Allen is the perfect Republican these days – a thug.
Dateline, D.C. From Newsweek and MSNBC.com
Let me hear the outcry now, WingNuts. Read the report.
Bush lied. You know it. The war is a failure. The war is unjustifiable.
WASHINGTON – The war in Iraq has become a “cause célèbre†for Islamic extremists, breeding deep resentment of the U.S. that probably will get worse before it gets better, federal intelligence analysts conclude in a report at odds with President Bush’s contention of a world growing safer.
In the bleak report, declassified and released Tuesday on Bush’s orders, the nation’s most veteran analysts conclude that despite serious damage to the leadership of al-Qaida, the threat from Islamic extremists has spread both in numbers and in geographic reach.
Bush and his top advisers have said the formerly classified assessment of global terrorism supported their arguments that the world is safer because of the war. But more than three pages of stark judgments warning about the spread of terrorism contrasted with the administration’s glass-half-full declarations.
“If this trend continues, threats to U.S. interests at home and abroad will become more diverse, leading to increasing attacks worldwide,†the document says. “The confluence of shared purpose and dispersed actors will make it harder to find and undermine jihadist groups.â€
The intelligence assessment, completed in April, has stirred a heated election-season argument over the course of U.S. national security in the years following the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.
Virtually all assessments of the current situation were bad news.
It’s scary what kind of trash rises to the top of the Republican Party. Hell, Allen was being considered a presidential contender in ’08. Unfortunately, these latest revelations probably enhance his status among many in his party.
A new poll being released tomorrow will show that Clinton is far more believable than the Monkey in Chief.
Just a note, anyone else notice how he smirked his was through the press conference today? He pulled a Chris Wallace who entered a hostpital today to have reconstructive surgery on his ass, which was badly damaged in an interview with President Bill Clinton last week.
Fucking WingNuts never get it. The man was a leader, a populist and the smartest man in the room.
My Left Foot–
You honestly believe Clinton looked even remotely good in that Wallace interview?
Mighty thin skinned, wasn’t he?
And mighty short on facts too.
It was a political move to throw Bill Clinton out there to try and change the focus from drastcially lower gas prices and the 2 goofballs from Iran and Venezuela….who have helped the Republicans immensely.
Problem for the Dems is…..Clinton blew his chance.
Just like Monica blew him!
That smirk may be the most annoying characteristic of the Shrub. He’ll wear that expression when discussing the most dire news. His inability to suppress the smirk always makes me think his brain is utterly disconnected to whatever comes out of his mouth. An alternative explanation is that he smirks because whenever he (roughly) reads a sentence off his teleprompter correctly, it pleases him to no end.
Not sure how McGavick would handle anything, but he’s definitely a loser.
Anyway, here’s an interesting tidbit I found today about his campaign money….
My 85-year old mom just decided to park her car and not drive anymore. Told her insurance company that she only needs the bare minimum to tide her over until the car sells. She got the new bill today, and the costs have actually risen $10/month despite the lower coverage policy.
The insurance is safeco. I asked her how she liked funding a senate candidate!
So besides the soccer ban, drug testing welfair moms, now he’s willing to stick it to the elderly too.
Leftout (when they handed out the brains)
You’d better believe Clinton looked good. He looked like a president, something we haven’t had for the last 6 years. He was able to think on his feet, express himself coherently, and show the kind of confidence that is borne of actually understanding what is going on. Clinton earned his presidency; Bush inherited his. Clinton is the product of brains, determination, and hard work. Bush is the product of aristocratic semen sprayed in the wrong direction. Lord, do I miss Bill Clinton, and I wasn’t even a big fan . . .
He isn’t at SAFECO………. and hasn’t been for months.
Don’t let the obvious stop you from blaming someone though. All of my insurance policies go up every time they renew. I blame the trial lawyers (ambulance chasers) like John Edwards.
Only a partisan hack would watch that interview and come away thinking Wallace won. Clinton handed him his ass on a platter. When the POTUS (yes, he is still refered to as such) taps his finger on your knee to make a point, you have lost. The smirk on Wallace face was fear and embarrassment.
How come you don’t mention Bush going off last week in the rose garden when the reporter gave him a for instance question regarding Article 3. Bush went nuts, lost it and could barely speak.
In contrast, Clinton was controlled, showed just enough emotion and he maintained control of the interview itself. I have met the man, he is always in control, he is always confident. Bush, not so much. He was intimidated in Iraq during the Thanksgiving visit. He was fearful and you could see wished he was anywhere else but Iraq.
If you are objective you can admit that Clinton remains presidential in his manner. Bush never has.
mac @ 18
John Edwards believes in, and spent a career pursuing, accountability. He believes that those who cause harm to others through their own negligence or intentional wrongdoing should have to pay compensation. What a strange concept, huh? It’s also a concept protected by the Seventh Amendment to our Constitution, as well as under our own state constitution. Funny how those old boys figured out that juries were a way of doing justice. Sad how Republicans don’t understand that.
Here’s a perfect example of why that lying sack of shit Maria Cantwell is unfit to be a US Senator: http://www.cantwell.com/multimedia/video/40.aspx
After her accomplices and cheerleaders in the unbiased, fair and balanced local media we have here in FUWA told her to get off “her oil shtick”
and the invisible hand forces gas prices to “plunge”
she decided she had to find a new industry to demonize. What better target than the pharmaceutical industry?
In her ad, she claims that consumers are “overcharged” for prescription medicines. Really? Do tell. What evidence is there of overcharging? Is there even one AG investigation anywhere that proves even a shred of illegal corporate activity? How is “overcharging” defined then? As simply being more than some fucking loser wishes to pay? Yeah… apparently…
And what does she propose to “do about” med prices? Price controls? Nationalize the industry? Make them a regulated industry? Or maybe some kind of Robin Hood program where guys like me are forced to pay for other’s self induced inability to pay for meds?
She never quite gets around to proving there’s a problem. She never proposes a “solution” to this non existent problem. Nah.. none of that is required… all she has to do is make an emotional appeal to the gullible among you who will guzzle down any kool aid she pours…
21 – Pay your fucking gambling debt to Goldy, bet welsher.
It was a political move to throw Bill Clinton out there to try and change the focus from drastcially lower gas prices and the 2 goofballs from Iran and Venezuela….who have helped the Republicans immensely. Problem for the Dems is…..Clinton blew his chance. Just like Monica blew him! Commentby Leftout(of their minds!)— 9/26/06@ 5:24 pm
If you listen carefully to the interview; near the end a Clinton handler was saying cut, cut, cut the interview off with three minutes to go. Documented – Look it up moonbats. So much for going nukeular!
The above PROVES why it is IMFUCKINGMORAL to support her. She’s a fucking idiot….
Clueless – You better stick with energy policy:
The better path is electrons straight into batteries and capacitors.
Commentby For the Clueless— 8/18/06@ 6:12 pm
Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy
Just who is this asshat clown ?
Mark the Redneck, Pay your bets!
Also, while you are at it, please post again how you have no understanding of Economics, Statistics or Biology. Or, for that matter, women, politics or metereolog. Hell, just keep on not paying your bet to prove you have no honor. I love the laughs.
The criteria of choice in just about every behavior you see in Congress today is politics. Where in the hell did this Terri Schiavo thing come from? There’s not a conservative, Constitution-loving, separation-of-powers guy alive in the world that could have wanted that bill on the floor. That was pure, blatant pandering to James Dobson. That’s all that was. It was silly, stupid, and irresponsible. Nobody serious about the Constitution would do that. But the question was will this energize our Christian conservative base for the next election.
Damn anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Life liberals.
Stick to econ dumass:
It’s called the social contract. It is the basis of American Democracy and American Capitalism, and it states that governments exist to make private wealth possible.
Commentby JDB— 9/21/06@ 5:42 pm
Oh, me at 28:
That was Dick Armey’s reply to the question “What’s wrong with today’s Republican Congress?”
Is that lying welsher Mark the Asshole still loitering about on this blog.
Get a fucking life, loser!
Can one of you do a Bubba style meltdown when confronted with irrefutable facts backed up by the historical record?
Care to refute that statement? Hell, Americafirst agrees with it. Better check with that email-order diploma mill of yours. Cause you sure don’t know shit about econ of poli-sci.
Loser. Pay your bets!
I see NONE OF YOU are willing to take on the issue I posted @21.
Score so far:
MTR: 3
Moonbats : Zip Zero Nada
make that 4
Yellowback at 32:
No, but you apparently can. Only difference is that Clinton was in the right, and you are just, as ever, wrong!
Can even ONE of you empty skirts defend that lying sack of shit Cantwell?
didn’t think so
Pay up, cheapskate. You’ll get the treatment Butch and Sundance got.
Hey, I’m wondering…
Will Her Thighness be coming out here to campaign for Lying Sack of Shit Cantwell?
Or does Her Thighness have an allergy to coming here after we shoved her socialized medicine idea up her big fat ass?
Yellowback, you really are a loser:
09 Aug 2006
South Carolina Attorney General Henry McMaster announced Thursday his plans to file a lawsuit against five prescription drug companies for allegedly overcharging Medicaid and the State Health Plan by $40 million, the AP/Charlotte Observer reports
Well, guess your great attempt at logic is total crap. As usual. Guess we can add knowing nothing about the law or health care to the great list of things you know nothing about.
Pay your bets!
“John Edwards believes in, and spent a career pursuing…….”
Commentby proud leftist [“………..and suing doctors and hospitals, thereby driving up the cost of medical care and making millions for himself.]
Loser Yellowback:
All will be forgiven for your lies if you appologize to Cantwell and Gregoire for being such a sexist shit. Show you have some honor for once!
Proven. not alleged by some kook. Hard data. Proof
didn’t think so
sexist shit? huh? Me? whaddya talking about?
Yes John Craig. How much better this world would be if Doctors could make mistakes and just walk away. What’s wrong, are you hoping that Republican Tort Reform would keep you from being slapped around after giving a bad blow job? Now that your bud Cunningham is in jail, I don’t think there is much of a chance.
science sorta on my side
Fact: Muuuuuuuuslims who are dead can no longer wage “jihad”. Even Carl Grossman understands this. Now, second point: Dead Democrats can still vote, even without ID.
Here’s a perfect example of why that lying sack of shit Maria Cantwell is unfit to be a US Senator: http://www.cantwell.com/multimedia/video/40.aspx
After her accomplices and cheerleaders in the unbiased, fair and balanced local media we have here in FUWA told her to get off “her oil shtick”
http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....016774_gou ged25.html
and the invisible hand forces gas prices to “plunge”
http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....3257679_oi lconsumers14.html
she decided she had to find a new industry to demonize. What better target than the pharmaceutical industry?
In her ad, she claims that consumers are “overcharged” for prescription medicines. Really? Do tell. What evidence is there of overcharging? Is there even one AG investigation anywhere that proves even a shred of illegal corporate activity? How is “overcharging” defined then? As simply being more than some fucking loser wishes to pay? Yeah… apparently…
And what does she propose to “do about” med prices? Price controls? Nationalize the industry? Make them a regulated industry? Or maybe some kind of Robin Hood program where guys like me are forced to pay for other’s self induced inability to pay for meds?
She never quite gets around to proving there’s a problem. She never proposes a “solution” to this non existent problem. Nah.. none of that is required… all she has to do is make an emotional appeal to the gullible among you who will guzzle down any kool aid she pours…
Loser Yellowback:
Yeah, and OJ didn’t do it. Boy you are dumb:
Attorney General Tom Miller today urged patients who purchased certain prescription drugs to obtain information and file claims for reimbursement for alleged overcharges by prescription drug companies.
By Attorney General Jim Petro
In December, my office won a $7.8 million award from a Hamilton County jury against pharmaceutical giant Merck and its former subsidiary Medco Health Solutions, Inc., a pharmacy benefits manager, for defrauding the State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio.
You have three more posts to appologize if you have any honor. I’ll give you five to disprove anything I’ve said. After that, we know that you are simply a lying, sexist, racist loser.
Pay your bets!
Loser Yellowback:
Boy oh boy, you sure are dumb. Thanks for posting your foolish rant right above the proof that you are a loser.
You are such a loser!
Now here is something that needs to be reposted:
When Sager asked [Dick] Armey, “What’s wrong with today’s Republican Congress,” Armey replied:
The criteria of choice in just about every behavior you see in Congress today is politics. Where in the hell did this Terri Schiavo thing come from? There’s not a conservative, Constitution-loving, separation-of-powers guy alive in the world that could have wanted that bill on the floor. That was pure, blatant pandering to James Dobson. That’s all that was. It was silly, stupid, and irresponsible. Nobody serious about the Constitution would do that. But the question was will this energize our Christian conservative base for the next election.
A 10-year old St. Paul girl has died as a result of eating poisonous mushrooms that her family had picked and used in a meal. A health alert was issued two weeks ago by the Minnesota Health Department after seven people were hospitalized with mushroom poisoning. Public health officials said that the victims, all Hmong, might have mistaken the toxic Eastern American Destroying Angel mushroom for a non-poisonous variety commonly found in southeast Asia [ Dear Carl and Teresa, When you come to visit in NOV, I look forward to making you a special Hawaiian spinach and mushroom salad that I know you will both enjoy! Aloha, JCH]
I think the Allen Campaign should play Robert Byrd’s White –ggers comments from Fox News over and over and remind Virginia what party charishes racists.
This ad should begin immediately.
“What evidence is there of overcharging?’
Drive a few miles to Canada and check out their prescription drug prices. Come back with a nice report with fancy graphs and statistical analysis. Don’t forget the chi-square analysis, dipthong.
Can’t wait. Dumb. Fuck. Vagina. Lips.
scare bleu! my nom de plumed!
I like compensation, but I would prefer if the victims were the main benefactors of the compensation instead of the lawyers!
I also believe that compensation should be reasonable, fair and equitable. There was a glut of lawyers in the late 60’s and 70’s and they certainly have changed the face of America.
Here’s a perfect example of why that lying sack of shit Maria Cantwell is unfit to be a US Senator: http://www.cantwell.com/multimedia/video/40.aspx
After her accomplices and cheerleaders in the unbiased, fair and balanced local media we have here in FUWA told her to get off “her oil shtick”
http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....016774_gou ged25.html
and the invisible hand forces gas prices to “plunge”
http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....3257679_oi lconsumers14.html
she decided she had to find a new industry to demonize. What better target than the pharmaceutical industry?
In her ad, she claims that consumers are “overcharged” for prescription medicines. Really? Do tell. What evidence is there of overcharging? Is there even one AG investigation anywhere that proves even a shred of illegal corporate activity? How is “overcharging” defined then? As simply being more than some fucking loser wishes to pay? Yeah… apparently…
And what does she propose to “do about” med prices? Price controls? Nationalize the industry? Make them a regulated industry? Or maybe some kind of Robin Hood program where guys like me are forced to pay for other’s self induced inability to pay for meds?
She never quite gets around to proving there’s a problem. She never proposes a “solution” to this non existent problem. Nah.. none of that is required… all she has to do is make an emotional appeal to the gullible among you who will guzzle down any kool aid she pours…
I am continually amazed at the Rights penchant for bringing up the past when one of their own is caught. George Allen is a racist. This is 2006, we don’t talk the way he does. He cut his own throat. There is no one else to blame.
This is only adding fuel to the maelstrom of change that is about to bitch-slap the Republicans back into the stone age.
Mark the limp Dick:
Your candidate slit his own throat. Give it up.
“I think my husband did a great job in demonstrating that Democrats are not going to take these attacks,” Hillary Clinton said. “I’m CERTAIN that if my husband and his national security team had been shown a classified report entitled ‘Bin Laden Determined To Attack Inside the United States’ he would have taken it more seriously than history suggests it was taken by our current president and his national security team.”
“However, I was also CERTAIN my husband was not getting blowjobs from that fatass intern”, Mrs. Clinton added.
“There was a glut of lawyers in the late 60’s and 70’s and they certainly have changed the face of America.”
True. Many of them actually went broke and left the field of law. Look it up. But you’d rather be comforted by your predjudices. Get out more Sgt. There are many opinions in this world, but you appear stuck like an old phonograph needle playing a scratched 33.
I expect better from somebody defending my country.
Mike$?$? has a “foreign policy”? Oh, he can find Canada on a map. Just great.
“I expect better from somebody defending my country.”
Commentby proud to be an ass [ And have YOU ever defended your country?]
A 10-year old St. Paul girl has died as a result of eating poisonous mushrooms that her family had picked and used in a meal. A health alert was issued two weeks ago by the Minnesota Health Department after seven people were hospitalized with mushroom poisoning. Public health officials said that the victims, all Hmong, might have mistaken the toxic Eastern American Destroying Angel mushroom for a non-poisonous variety commonly found in southeast Asia [ ………………………………………………………….Dear Carl and Teresa, When you come to visit in NOV, I look forward to making you a special Hawaiian spinach and mushroom salad that I know you will both enjoy! Aloha, JCH]
How can ANYONE be “proud to be a Democrat!”? The party of welfare hacks, “guvment” employees, union thugs, and idiot limo liberals.
Oops, bad analogy – as usual – JCH.
Commentby LiberalRedneck [………………………………..I think it works quite well, but maybe I should have used Hillary’s “Fucking Jew Bastard” to Dick Morris? Which one do you prefer???]
This Friday, soon to be known as “Fatwa Friday”, I will declare a “jihad” on stupid, dumb ass liberal Democrat posters on HA.ORG!!
Should we ever meet and you open your mouth in person they way you do here, it will be my extreme pleasure to slap (never hit a woman with a closed fist) it closed for you. Actually, Teresa will do it. I would like to, but I have a moral compass that won’t allow me to strike a woman. I would then hope that you would raise your hand to my wife, giving me the perfect opportunity to teach you all about “pain compliance”. (Google it. I don’t think they teach it to flight school chunk blowers).
Big, big man JCH. The only thing between us is opportunity and your fear.
“Fatwa Friday”, Carl!!! It’s coming, and soon!!!!!!!!!
lower than scum, bet-losing, bet-welshing coward:
pay your fucking gambling debt to Goldy.
John Craig:
Please give a citation for your claim that Bill Clinton called Dick Morris a “jew bastard.”
Oh, that’s right, you can’t, because it isn’t true.
Loser Yellowback:
Have you ever posted anything on this board that wasn’t immediately shown to be wrong?
Pay your bets!
“It’s a persons attitude toward strangers that speaks volumes about them” Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 9/26/06@ 1:02 pm
Indeed. Care to share with us your opinion of Ann Coulter?-Commentby Roger Rabbit— 9/26/06@ 2:32 pm
She is a PUBLIC figure making her fortune commenting on OTHER PUBLIC FIGURES. Their political and/or personal foibles are fair game… as are hers… and the pig Michael Moores, lefty heroes Franken, Olberman, Maher, Garafolo…
By the way, I don’t hate you. I despise you. I loathe you. But I don’t hate. That would just not be very Christian of me.
-Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 1:28 pm
So now you’re a Christian? Tough keeping your stories straight eh? Maybe Teresa can help you out with that.
You hate me/you don’t hate me, you loathe me/you don’t loathe me, you despise me/you don’t despise… pick and choose, sweetcheeks because, (pay very close attention now) YOUR OPINION IS INCONSEQUENTIAL TO ME.
You and that twit that was stupid enough to marry you, a vile, vicious, hate-filled, foul-mouthed punk, seem to think if you pound out well written “stories” about your oh so glorious and pity poor me painful past in the “military” that somehow that gives anything you say credence and weight.
News flash: it doesn’t.
I don’t give a far rats ass if you lick Teresa’s boots when she walks in from where ever the hell it is she goes when she leaves you home alone, I don’t care if you wore a uniform, I don’t care if you didn’t. I don’t care about the scars on your belly or your non-existant soul.
One thing I did catch though, sweetcheeks, is that your tantrum trumped your “honor”..
I swore to uphold the constitution and protect this country. I also swore to serve the President. The first two promises trump the last. Rather than refuse a direct order, or to give an order that was clearly not in line with the first two vows, I left the service when my last reenlistment came up. -Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 12:41 pm
Now, gee, why doesn’t that surprise me?
You did get one thing right though, sweetcheeks:
I can spew bullshit even better than JCH can. -Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 1:30 pm
You will get very little from me from now on. -Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 12:41 pm
And yet, here you are:
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 1:08 pm
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 1:15 pm
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 1:19 pm
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 1:27 pm
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 1:28 pm
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 1:30 pm
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 1:31 pm
Commentby My Left Foot— 9/26/06@ 2:38 pm
Commentby howcanyoubePROUDtobeanASS— 9/26/06@ 7:15 pm
Great article on what the NIE actually says. Not what Bush and his supporters want you to think:
But Bush was clearly wrong to suggest that the Times mischaracterized the NIE. The document he released says what the New York Times reported. Hey, don’t take my word for it. Read it yourself, below and on the following three pages.
I saw a Mike?! ad tonight that says McGavick is for “change.”
Looks like poor confused Mike?! still thinks he’s running as a Democrat, because voting for a Republican sure as hell isn’t voting to change the D.C. culture of lying, corruption, and incompetence.
Here’s a good reason to vote for Darcy: http://tinyurl.com/opkdy
Speaking of parasites, does anyone know of a company that will pay me $28,000,000 for two months of part-time work? I want a deal like the one Mike?! got!!!
sgmmac says: “All of my insurance policies go up every time they renew. I blame the trial lawyers (ambulance chasers) like John Edwards.”
When insurance premiums go up, a smart consumer
[ ] 1. Shops for cheaper insurance
[ ] 2. Blames John Edwards
I saw a Mike?! ad tonight that says McGavick is for “change.”
Looks like poor confused Mike?! still thinks he’s running as a Democrat, because voting for a Republican sure as hell isn’t voting to change the D.C. culture of lying, corruption, and incompetence.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 9/26/06@ 10:23 pm
The last Mike! ad I saw somehow managed to neglect mentioning that he is a Republican. I’ve got a DVR that lets me back up and review live tv, and when I noticed it, I backed it up and watched it from the beginning.
Apparently Mike! is no longer a Republican! His ad was all about how Congress is failing us, doesn’t care about average Americans, and how we can’t send the same folks back and expect any difference!
I wonder who is running as a Republican?
hey ass @ 75
Humor, satire, sarcasm and parody just pass you right by. And your sanctimonious platform can’t support you.
I feel sorry for you. How many of the posts you listed actually mentioned you? You spent hours crafting and researching allowing me to control you.
I am not sure how much clearer I can make this. You have made myriad charges. I have disproved all of them. You conveniently ignore that fact. Everyone but you and your cronies can see that.
How long has Comcast been your ISP?
Have a nice day!
How much more would like to know?
You really are not a good judge of who to pick a tussle with. Here is the problem for you. I do not lie. You on the other hand have lied repeatedly and not very well I might add.
How? What? Who? When? I bet your heart just skipped a few beats.
I rather enjoy the machine gun posting style taught to me by JCH himself.
How about you proudofherfatlyingthreateningass? Are you enjoying it too?
marktheyellowdickedwelsher, crawl back under your 10 by 16 travel trailer. New SUSA poll shows Cantwell by 12 (guess they polled the entire state instead of only EW like the Rassmusen schilling group)
I rather enjoy the machine gun posting style taught to me by JCH himself.
Commentby My Left Foot […………………………………………………………………….”Grasshopper” Carl, You are NOT ready to leave the temple.]
“Fatwa Friday”, Carl!!! It’s coming, and soon!!!!!!!!!
Not only have I left temple, which master failed to notice, but I am able to beat master at own game.
“Fatwa Friday”……………..Carl, do you think Mrs. Grossman would mind if we BAR-B-Qed a couple of her llamas to feed the Democrat “jihad”? I think two would be enough. Lots of hungry HA.ORG posters are looking forward to the big day!!!!!!!
old bull dykes finally take a man…
career as husband…
tick tock tick tock doesn’t satisfy that old bio-clock…
ergo, husband as child
dishwashing tends!schedulers tributary:red tiredly overshadow
cycloids handsomeness!embarked Irishmen Rose psychopath Macaulayisms!earnings!grovels
giggled speller Phillips perimeter spoiled meditating,heliocentric sought,
Swedes grabber balky plateaus?bouncer planers precipitately …
Ankara Putnam Pembroke,stepmothers undirected prevailing biography.
arresting wooded?spindling horribleness speculator?takers substance