Insurance industry lobbyist executive candidate Mike McGavick called a press conference today to dramatically announce the “central theme” of his campaign for U.S. Senate: civility.
I really believe that when we look to Washington D.C. right now we see a culture in which to many people are caught up in, of permanent campaigning. For every issue is an opportunity to raise money and issue press releases, have petitions that capture more names to raise more money, to issue more press releases but not to get together to have heart-to-heart conversation and try to solve problems.
I think that’s exactly why people are so frustrated with Washington right now – with Washington D.C. right now – [this] is exactly the kind of voice of Northwestern common sense, of Northwestern civility, that I think by being added to the Senate I can help break that down and get Washington D.C. back to solving the problems that confront families.
Of course, when asked by reporters for examples of Sen. Maria Cantwell acting uncivil, McGavick couldn’t name any. Or perhaps, he wouldn’t name any, because that would be… um… uncivil.
Forget for a moment the questionable strategy of adopting a central theme on which your opponent outpolls you by a 44 to 26-point margin. And ignore the fact that it is politically naive to think that a challenger can beat a popular incumbent, without going harshly negative. The main problem with running on a pledge of civility, is that unless the candidate can hold his surrogates to the same gentlemanly standards, this pledge is a complete and utter load of crap.
There is absolutely no way that McGavick can win in November without knocking down Cantwell’s approval ratings, and while he may very well keep his own official campaign on a positive keel, the state GOP, the RNC and other “independent” PACs won’t show as much restraint. Tens of millions of dollars will be spent on this race, and much of it will go to negative advertising. It’s not that McGavick is any meaner than the typical politician, it’s just that negative advertising works, and if he wants to win, he and/or his surrogates are going to have to use it.
And besides… he doesn’t really seem to have any other issues to run on.
Today’s event — like the 25 other campaign kickoff events before it — was almost entirely devoid of ideas. I mean really… what is McGavick’s central theme? That he’s a nice a guy? That he’s smart? Affable? Financially successful?
He may in fact be all these things and more, but he’s also a Republican, and unless he tells us otherwise, we can only assume that he is a Republican on the environment (he’s for drilling in ANWR,) a Republican on foreign policy (he supports President Bush’s execution of the war in Iraq,) a Republican on the economy (he’s for making tax cuts permanent, deficit be damned,) and a Republican on abortion (he opposes it.) And as a Republican, he’s done absolutely nothing to convince voters that, when it comes to the Bush administration and GOP leadership’s right-wing agenda, he’ll be anything but a rubber stamp… if, a civil one.
See, there’s a reason McGavick focuses on style over substance: he beats Cantwell on style. (I admit it… retail politics just ain’t Cantwell’s schtick.) But when it comes to the issues… oh man is he out of step with Washington voters. And so he’s attempting to run another one of those personality-driven stealth campaigns, where an otherwise conservative Republican deliberately leaves himself undefined, in hopes that moderate Democrats and independents will project on him what they want to see in a candidate.
It almost worked for Dino Rossi. It almost worked for David Irons (until voters discovered he was a lying, resume-faking, mother-beater.) But it’s not going to work for Mike McGavick, because if he doesn’t define himself, I’m betting the Cantwell campaign will be more than happy to do it for him.
I just couldn’t let this go without pointing out the irony of McGavick railing against the “culture of permanent campaigning”… this coming from a man who has held at least 25 campaign kickoff events over the past seven months.
Every issue is an opportunity to raise money and issue press releases, have petitions that capture more names to raise more money, to issue more press releases but not to get together to have heart-to-heart conversation and try to solve problems.
In fact, the real purpose of this press conference was to give McGavick the opportunity to claim credit for Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens decision to pull his bill that would have made the Puget Sound a supertanker highway. As the P-I observed:
Stevens’ action and McGavick’s subsequent news conference seemed well coordinated.
The certainly did. But then as McGavick said, every issue is an opportunity to raise money and issue press releases. Hmm. So much for fighting the culture of permanent campaigning.
And to set the record straight, it is Cantwell who deserves credit for killing the bill, not McGavick. Stevens introduced the bill in retaliation for Cantwell leading the successful filibuster against drilling in ANWR, but this bill too was all but dead due to threat of another Cantwell filibuster.
The bill has also proved to be highly unpopular with WA voters, and a drag on McGavicks dragging campaign. That Stevens made the highly unusual (and embarrassing) move of pulling the bill highlights McGavicks desperate circumstances… and shows just how powerful Cantwell has become.
I was a little pissed at the PI article that said “Bad year, Good candidate” about McGavick. As if he was the kind of guy who had nothing to do with corruption, hyperpartisanship, and all the other myriad faults that lave led the Republicans to their current electoral situation. As if he wasn’t an insurance executive, as if he wasn’t a creature of the BIAW.
At least it got right that he actually launched his campaign last year.
I was utterly confused by the radio blurb I heard mentioning McGavick claiming credit for Steven’s pullback. A total WTF moment. Yeah right. Noone bought that one.
I think Democrats need to get this critical observation about Republican campaigns (namely, the ‘formless conservative’ bit stuck in the heads of reporters. I’ve seen it thrown around a lot on the ‘wonkosphere’, but the concept while somewhat wordy for a sound bite is exactly the kind of thing we need noted as the ‘Democratic response’ in these kinds of articles.
Mike! W! McGavick! hasn’t met a corporate giveaway he hasn’t loved! he one thing we need less of is civility. Rethugs and Dems should drop their gloves and really have a debate about where this country is (in the toilet) and where they want to takwe it. For Maria, that would be peace and properity. For Mike! W! McGavick!, that would be more corporate giveaways and healthcare for the healthy and wealthy.
Cantvotewell just voted for not voting for or against the Patriot Act before voting for it.
Another Kerry-like move that surely qualifies her for the KLOWNA$$ Hall of Shame!
Of course Cantwell beats McGavick on issues! What does the average voter have in common with a $14-million-a-year insurance industry CEO?
Republican Katherine Harris — congresswoman, senatorial candidate, and former Florida secretary of state who helped Bush steal the 2000 election — is caught up in the Duke Cunningham bribery scandal.
According to an AP story published this morning, Harris received over $32,000 in illegal campaign contributions laundered through a defense contractor’s employees. And — Harris met the contractor for lunch to discuss campaign donations AND a $10 million government contract — then followed up by helping the contractor get the contract (he was unsuccessful, however).
Harris claims she was just trying to bring jobs to her district.
woooops … here’s the link …;cid=2194
Even the evangelicals have had enough of this loose cannon:
“VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (March 2) – Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson, criticized by some evangelicals for comments about Venezuela’s president and Israel’s prime minister, lost a bid for re-election to the National Religious Broadcasters’ board of directors.
“Robertson, founder of the Virginia Beach-based Christian Broadcasting Network, was one of 38 candidates for 33 board seats during the NRB’s recent convention. The group represents mostly evangelical radio and TV broadcasters.
“NRB President Frank Wright said … ‘there was broad dismay with some of Pat’s comments and a feeling they were not helpful to Christian broadcasters in general,’ … in Wednesday’s Washington Post. …”
For complete story, see
“A Robertson spokeswoman said Thursday that he had been a board member for 30 years but attended only one board meeting ‘due to his extensive schedule.'”
ONE meeting in THIRTY YEARS? Geez, I’ll bet Richard Pope didn’t cut his law school classes that much.
Hmmm … let’s see what else is going on in the news, besides that loud-mouthed idiot Robertson being shown the door by his religious broadcasting colleagues …
Former Libertarian presidential candidate Harry Browne has died … and a police chief is being sued for wrongful death because he stopped a rescuer from doing CPR on a gay man.
Correction, post #9 should read, “and a police chief is being sued for wrongful death because he allegedly stopped a rescuer from doing CPR on a gay man.”
“Police Chief Accused of Denying Gay Man CPR
“CHARLESTON, W.Va. (March 3) – A McDowell County police chief was accused in a federal lawsuit Thursday of stopping a would-be rescuer from performing CPR on a gay heart attack victim because he assumed the ailing man had HIV and posed a health risk.
“Claude Green, 43, died June 21 after being stricken yards from City Hall in Welch, a community of about 2,400. … ”
The police chief vehemently denies the allegations.
For complete story, see;cid=842
The fact that Mikey is the best the rethugs can come up with against Senator Cantwell shows that the GOP knows this is going to be a BAD year for them. Cantwell could literally just donate the money she’s raised to other candidates. She won’t need it. I’d suggest that republicans should be ashamed that Mikey is the best that they can do, but that would reqiure a belief that rethugs have morals and we all know that’s not possible.
No one is going to win against the candidate that bought her own seat last election cycle and spent the entire 6 years paying off campaign debts and raising cash outside of Washington state . Check Cantwell out on . You’ll find she is beholding to interests that do not have anything to do with this state or any of our concerns . One must ask ,” Why does Patty get it ? ” and why does Cantwell appear to hate the values that got her elected ? McGavick doesn’t have a chance , but only because Cantwell has spent 6 years toadying up to special interests , and not from the Evergreen state .
spitintheocean, with your description of Cantwell she should be your ‘perfect’ candidate.
some men fantazie about supermodels.
Appears you have something for Maria.
I’m sorry.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/3/06@ 3:52 am
“Of course Cantwell beats McGavick on issues! What does the average voter have in common with a $14-million-a-year insurance industry CEO?”
They have just as much in common with a stock market bubble option baby.
Since you went quiet in the other thread.
“Just a friendly reminder that half of your personal income tax goes to pay interest on Reagan’s debt, and the other half goes to pay interest on Bush’s debt.
Comment by Roger Rabbit — 3/2/06 @ 6:45 pm”
(Hopefully the table will come out okay)
President Increase Average Annual Increase
(Billions) (Billions)
GW Bush $1,677 $419
Clinton $1,610 $201
GHW Bush $1,462 $366
Reagan $1,672 $209
Carter $ 277 $ 69
Ford $ 184 $ 61
Nixon $ 112 $ 22
Johnson $ 55 $ 9
Kennedy $ 13 $ 7
Eisenhower $ 15 $ 2
While the numbers aren’t adjusted for inflation, this table does show how silly your argument is. In addition, the majority of the debt, at least in this list, was accrued when Congress was controlled by the Democrats, and it’s Congress that has the Constutional power to pass budgets, not the President.
7. Yeah RR and the thing that is really creepy is THEY ALL THINK THIS WAY, he just lacked the self-control (megalomania will do that to you) to not blab on public. It is important to remember his ideology HAS NOT BEEN REPLACED.
15. Right on, here is your dream girl…
It was very civil of McGavick to eliminate 3000 Safeco workers’ jobs and pocket millions in stock options in return.
McGavick represents a danger to our country. We can not afford a more Republican Congress with no checks and balances. Like it or not our system of government falls apart if we give total control to one party. That is why the threat of a filibuster on issues in the Senate is so crucial. Why do you think Republicans want to eliminate it?
McGavick represents just another Republican vote. Another vote for the next Alito or Roberts nominated to the US Supreme Court. Another vote for more tax breaks for the wealthy. Another vote for more corporate tax breaks. Another vote for eliminating environmental and health protections. Another vote to lessen worker safety. Another vote for more benefits for big drug companies. Another vote for more money for the military and our military adventure in Iraq and less money for education and children’s health and veterans health.
Democrats beware, while some of you may not like everything Maria Cantwell has done, do you think you will like anything that a Senator McGavick would do do? If you believe his version of events, do you think he now doesn’t owe Senator Stevens for backing off his attempt to retailate against Senator Cantwell? Electing McGavick is adding another vote for Senator Stevens issues – like drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Remember McGavick ran former Senator Slade Gorton’s campaign. That was hardly a nice guy civil campaign.
In the Old Days, if your kick-off landed out of bounds, you took a 5-yard penalty and kicked again.
Nowadays the other side simply gets the ball in favorable field position. Saves a lot of time in case one team has a really bad kicker.
Maria “Kerry” Cantwell voted against the Patriot Act before she voted for it. How does one reconcile voting to filibuster, and vote for the very same bill? Priceless.
Would “Mr. Mashed-Potato Head” be an appropriate moniker for McGavick or something satirical having to do with McGiver’s spectacular escapes from certain danger.
Maybe McGavick/Iver’s ability to turn every clear-cut issue to a mush that enables him to be seen by voters as anything they wish him to be.
The great thing about Cantwell is that she can vote however she wants and the righties can’t do a damn thing about it except whine! HE HE!
And how many winning votes has Cantwell made the past 6 years??
She is a fool to vote to filibuster the Patriot Act vote and then vote for it. I’m not whining…it reflects on the fact that she is clueless!
This should be a time for joy. Apparently McGavick is going to denounce the Republican Party. After all, the thing he is running against:
“For every issue is an opportunity to raise money and issue press releases, have petitions that capture more names to raise more money, to issue more press releases but not to get together to have heart-to-heart conversation and try to solve problems.”
has been the center of the Republican party since Gingrich, and was taken to its extreme by Delay.
So, apparently, McGavick has no problems with Sen. Cantwell, and will be campaigning against the abuses and corruption of his fellow Republicans. Have to say, he will lose badly, but at least he is on the right side of history.
Is David Goldstein now morphing into the first Gay, Lesbian, Black, Jewish Blogger in history???
Geez Goldy, don’t turn into Michael Jackson on us!
It’s hard for us to imagine you as a poor black Holocaust victim struggling with your sexuality while growing up in an elite Philly neighborhood and lifestyle……..
Maybe not though…..if anyone can pull it off, it’s Goldy.
Once Goldy gets his plastic surgeon on board, I suspect we will see him with a sex change operation (including BOOBS), a black face, and AFRO. What’s next David?
Oh yeah, you’ll be walking around with a spotted owl on your shoulder!
It seems pretty clear to me that the McGarvick campaign is reacting to the recent Zogby poll that found 58& of self-identified Democrats said they think their leaders should “accept their lower position in Congress and work together with Republicans to craft the best legislation possible.”
I was astounded at those results, but if that is actually the case it would be well to frame issues in such a way that people think you are seeking solutions by being cooperative.
I like to be fed red-meat vis-a-vis sticking it to the GOP, but I appear to be a minority, along with the liberals here at HA, in the Democratic Party.
Type above, that is 58% of self-identified Democrats.
re 16: The Iraq War is conveniently not included in Bush’s advertised deficit.
So, big surprise, you’re lying! Even if you are not aware of it Don’t you get tired of simply being a dumb conduit of Republican disinformation. I’d be pissed if I were being used like a disinformation burro by these Republiklowns.
re 21: My lawnboy has firm opinions and won’t change them come hell or high wwater. You should run him for high office. He’s a perfect Republican: blindly ideological and totally uninformed
re 24: Some measures in the original extension were changed ( by reasonable Democrats and Republicans ) so that she could change her vote.
Too technical for ya?
maximus-31 ‘Some measures in the original extension were changed..’
The cloture vote was AFTER the changes.
‘Too technical for ya?’
re 33: The votes were on a motion to reconsider the motion to not invoke cloture, which makes perfect sense.
Too tecnical for ya?
Commentby fabius maximus— 3/3/06@ 9:54 am
“So, big surprise, you’re lying! Even if you are not aware of it Don’t you get tired of simply being a dumb conduit of Republican disinformation. I’d be pissed if I were being used like a disinformation burro by these Republiklowns.”
You are correct. The figures are also not adjusted for inflation, but were merely provided as a simple refutation of Roger’s original claim.
I’m not sure how this is a lie. Since I never made the claim the war costs weren’t included. Even if the war costs were included, Roger’s claim would still be false.
If you’d actually read my comments on the other thread, you’d see that I don’t like the current Republican deficits anymore than liberals do. Although I think liberals only really care about deficit spending when Republicans are doing so, as demonstrated by Roger’s comments.
Democrats Cynthia McKinney/Maxine Waters 2008!!! If you don’t support this ticket you are racist and the brothers will burn down your neighborhood.
#rs don’t lie. Liers like Con-First do.
Without reflecting the economy,war casts, the tax collected and the debt growth, your #rs are just a week effort to paint a destorted view of cause and effect.
ConFirst @35 Did you just miss the last 15 years? Republicans continually harped on deficit spending right up until they got power and have since driven our finances over a cliff. Who is only paying lip service to deficits?
Did you miss Clinton reducing the deficit by over half in 6 years? Did you miss the Republicans screaming bloody murder and saying that it would ruin our economy?
How about your dear leadership now? “Deficits don’t matter?” Richard ‘Dick’ Cheney
How about the fact that reducing the deficit has been a major plank in the last 4 Democratic campaigns for president?
When Clinton had power we reduced deficits and had responsible fiscal governement. We finally paid off Reagan’s massive deficits and put the country back on a path to shake off deficit spending.
Well, that was until the Republicans held all Congress and the Presidency. Guess what happens?
Today, if you are a fiscal conservative – you are a Democrat. It’s just that simple.
Off topic but too good to let go, the crybaby rethug asshole Duke or (PattyDuke) as he will no doubt be called in prison, is about to get his just reward. I can hear him now…
PLEASE Judge, give me a break!
“Turn me loose! Turn me loose,I say!”
I didn’t realize that some heavy-duty writer of political magazine articles had taken the name, “fabius maximus”, so I have changed that moniker to suit my own depth as a political man. Henceforth , I shall be known as , “fabian maximus”!
re 35: The subtle intent of my statement was to show you that relying on statistics ( easpecially those supplied by Republicans ) can leave you with your pants down looking like an ass — pun intended. I did not mean to imply that you were intentionally lying.
My intent is to say that this administration lies even about basic statistics — as if Iraq were some kind of anomolous thing that should not be taken in to account when comparing this administration with others — financially or otherwise.
‘Cell Phone Bandit’ Gets 12 Years for Robberies
Candice Martinez, taped during a robbery, tearfully apologized to bank tellers at her sentencing.
ALEXANDRIA, Va. (March 3) – The college student dubbed the “cell phone bandit” was sentenced to 12 years in prison Friday for robbing banks while chatting on the phone with her boyfriend.
Candice R. Martinez, 20, told the judge she was still unsure what prompted the crime spree.
“It happened in a matter of weeks, but it seemed like seconds,” she said.
Martinez, wearing a black-and-white prison uniform, tearfully apologized to the bank tellers – two of whom were in court.
“My whole life is ruined,” she said.
Martinez gained notoriety after one of the four robberies was captured on a surveillance video. In a tape broadcast around the world, she was seen calmly talking on her cell phone while a nervous teller complied with typed instructions demanding cash.
U.S. District Judge Gerald Bruce Lee sentenced her to five years for conspiracy to commit bank robbery and seven years on a firearms charge. In one of the robberies, Martinez pulled a .38 caliber revolver.
A week earlier, her boyfriend was sentenced to 12 years in prison for helping plan the robberies. Dave C. Williams, 19, of Fairfax drove the getaway car and stayed on the phone with Martinez while she was in the banks.
The four robberies, at Wachovia Bank branches in the Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C., netted the couple $48,620 during October and November. Williams had worked for Wachovia in the past.
Martinez, who grew up in Santa Fe, N.M., and Williams were students at Northern Virginia Community College when they began their robberies. Investigators said they spent the money on clothing, a plasma screen television, a bedroom set and a 1997 Acura Integra.
Both were arrested in November and pleaded guilty in December.
[Young Democrats working on their careers!!! Question: Will they still be able to vote democrat in 06?]
Mr.Cynical: Goldy is Jewish and Jews originally come from Africa, so for him to be the first African American Jewish blogger is entirely appropriate. In addition, in the 1920’s Jewish African Americans were noted for being excellent basketball players. The greater Honky society deemed that the Jewish basketball superiority was because of the Jews, “crafty mind”, which their Honky foes apparently did not possess.
CONFirst @16
Why did you omit this part of your national debt chart?
Democrats $1,954 (Total) $98 (Average Annual Increase)
Republicans $5,122 (Total) $160 (Average Annual Increase)
Is it me or does this message sound familiar:
“[this] is exactly the kind of voice of Northwestern common sense, of Northwestern civility, that I think by being added to the Senate I can help break that down and get Washington D.C. back to solving the problems that confront families.”
“I’m going to change the tone in Washington. I’m a uniter not a divider.”
Oops, conservatives lip are moving, that means they’re lying.
If McGavick got 4+ million$$$$’s as a parting gift from Safeco and the disguised INTENT of the gift is to finance McGavick’s Senate race and then McGavick wins and promotes legislation that specifically helps Safeco, isn’t that crooked and illegal?
I e-mailed the good folks over at Tom DeLay’s website and they assured me that all this would be honest and aboveboard and if McGavick is questioned about this he should say that Harr Reid did the same thing and Bill Clinton lied about a blow job.
I meant fabian maximus…… All apologies.
Another republican gets justice. This guy was a bigwig in the GOP in VA!
@ 48
He was probably a “devout” Christian and supporter of George W. Bush, too.
Since 1932, the national debt (stated in dollars, not adjusted for inflation) has declined under only two presidents, Truman and Eisenhower (1948, 1951, 1956, 1957, and 1960).
During the first half of the Vietnam War, under LBJ, the debt grew $38 billion; during the second half of the Vietnam War, under Nixon, it grew by $124 billion — so Nixon clearly was far more responsible for the post-Vietnam inflation than LBJ was.
Under Reagan and Bush Sr., the debt grew from $930 billion to $4.2 trillion, an increase of 350% in 12 years.
Under Clinton, the debt grew from $4.2 trillion to $5.7 trillion, an increase of 36% in 8 years.
Under Dubya, the debt has grown to $8.2 trillion, an increase of 44% in 5 years.
In relation to economic output, the national debt stayed level at 2% of GDP from the end of World War 2 until Reagan took office in 1981, then exploded to today’s 8% of GDP. (It leveled off and began to decline while Clinton was president, then erupted upward under Dubya.)
It’s not hard to figure out which party is the most fiscally irresponsible, is it?
Gee, another Republican child molester goes to jail! Pretty soon it’ll be hard to find a Republican who ISN’T in jail.
Bush is so worried about Bird Flu that he has ordered an attack on the Canary Islands.
It should also be noted the deficits are bigger than advertised because Social Security surpluses are used to offset operating deficits. This resulted in the 2004 deficit being understated by over 37%. (The actual deficit was $567 billion vs. the advertised deficit of $412 billion.)
Social Security surpluses are no longer officially part of the so-called federal unified budget, but the Bush administration factors them into its budget accounting anyway.
(Officially, Social Security was off-budget from 1935-1968, on-budget from 1969-1985, and has been off-budget since 1990.)
Mr.Cynical: Here is a link that will aquaint you with more information on Jews that flies in the face of the stereotypes you present.
JCH @ 36
Starting with your neighborhood, you racist nazi pig.
(Oh, Something you and oink have in common.)
I’ll bet you’re the one that was repeatedly bitch-slapped by the girls in grade school, and went home crying to your mommy.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/3/06@ 12:33 pm
“Why did you omit this part of your national debt chart?
Democrats $1,954 (Total) $98 (Average Annual Increase)
Republicans $5,122 (Total) $160 (Average Annual Increase)”
I didn’t omit anything. I’m not sure why you expect me to provide the data in every form you can think of.
As I stated before, the information I provided, even as you’ve disseminated it, shows your original statement to be incorrect. Is it that hard to just admit you were wrong and move on? Or do your statements lack meaning and we should ignore them altogether?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 3/3/06@ 1:36 pm
It’s not hard to figure out which party is the most fiscally irresponsible, is it?
You’re right it’s not hard. Since Congress has the power to create the budget and not the President, a fact you seem unwilling to admit to, let’s look at the record of Congress (since Eisenhower):
Democrats: $4595.00
Republicans: $2482.00
Note: Since Republicans took control of the House in 1995 I gave them half of the “credit” for the Clinton deficits, and the Democrats the other half. The Republicans get “credit” for all the GW Bush deficits. If you want to slice it a different way, in regards to Congressional control, be my guest.
To answer your question, yes it’s easy to see the party that is more fiscally irresponsible, and it’s the Democrats.
I agree the debt is understated because of Social Security was on-budget and running at a surplus, and a big reason that Social Security should be reformed.
Commentby Nindid— 3/3/06@ 11:42 am
“ConFirst @35 Did you just miss the last 15 years? Republicans continually harped on deficit spending right up until they got power and have since driven our finances over a cliff. Who is only paying lip service to deficits?”
The last time, in recent history, we had a budget surplus, the Republicans controlled Congress. So your statement isn’t completely true. During the GW Bush Administration, you are right, the Republicans have been reckless with spending.
To answer your question, yes it’s easy to see the party that is more fiscally irresponsible, and it’s the Democrats. Fucking hell. It’s like you’ve got no eyes, no brain of your own. You arn’t paying attention.
“ConFirst @35 Did you just miss the last 15 years? Republicans continually harped on deficit spending right up until they got power and have since driven our finances over a cliff. Who is only paying lip service to deficits?â€
The last time, in recent history, we had a budget surplus, the Republicans controlled Congress. The Republican Congress (more specifically, the uber-conservatives who rule it) that bitterly opposed him at every turn and predicted that it would ruin the economy… because it didn’t provide for tax cuts.
When surpluses were achieved, Republicans used their 50+1 congressional power to try to pass… tax cuts.
Actually, tax cuts were pretty much their only plan then (in an era of suprluses) and it’s their only plan now (in an era of uncontrolled spending deficits). They really only have one gimmick.
Con1st “Congress has the power to create the budget and not the President”
Bullshit! The budget is negotiated between the Congress and the president, and until it gets a presidential signature, it goes NOWHERE. (Remember when Bill Clinton shut down the government by refusing to sign the GOP congress’s reckless budget bills?)
During the Reagan administration every budget Regan proposed was actually more than what the congress eventually passed. And Reagan had to sign off on them. If Republicans had been in power in Congress during Reagan, we would have had far higher deficits.
Neat little chart showing the National Debt based on percentage of GDP.
Commentby TheDeadlyShoe— 3/3/06@ 3:37 pm
“F*cking hell. It’s like you’ve got no eyes, no brain of your own. You arn’t paying attention.” (expletive deleted)
I thought calling names instead of refuting facts was a tactic reserved for “Rethugs”. As I stated in my previous post, if you look at the numbers, Democratically controlled Congresses increased the debt by almost 2-1 over the Republican controlled Congreses, not accounting for inflation. Using that measure Democrats are far more irresponsible than Republicans. If you have a better measure, please provide it.
“The Republican Congress (more specifically, the uber-conservatives who rule it) that bitterly opposed him at every turn and predicted that it would ruin the economy… because it didn’t provide for tax cuts.”
Recent history aside, your generalization doesn’t refute my assertion that the last time there was a budgetary surplus, Republicans were in control of Congress. No matter how much you hate or like Republicans, that is the truth.
Tax cuts or no tax cuts, when spending increases faster than revenues you’re going to have a deficit.
Re 21: My lawn boy has firm opinions and will not change them come hell or high water. You should run him for high office. He is a perfect Republican: blindly ideological and totally uninformed
Comment by fabius maximus— 3/3/06@ 10:08 am
Fabius maximus you must be a socialist Roman solider and a student from Dr. E liberal Arts Class. I could guess that your lawn boy speaks Spanish and has a great work ethics. Fabrics what other languages do you speak, what other part of the world have you live, and enlighten us with your great wisdom. First inform everyone your source of knowledge and you cannot include move on dot org.
Commentby Donnageddon— 3/3/06@ 4:39 pm
“Bullsh*t! The budget is negotiated between the Congress and the president, and until it gets a presidential signature, it goes NOWHERE. ” (expletive deleted)
But the Congress must first pass a budget before the President can sign it. Reagan’s proposed budgets were declared “DOA” by the Democratic leadership in Congress.
“During the Reagan administration every budget Regan proposed was actually more than what the congress eventually passed. And Reagan had to sign off on them. If Republicans had been in power in Congress during Reagan, we would have had far higher deficits.”
Got some proof for this? I seem to remember quite the opposite. Reagan would propose cuts in spending and Congress would ignore them and increase spending. If you spend more than you take in, you have, by definition, a deficit.
Are you agreeing with Roger’s original assertion? I don’t see anyone else jumping to defend him.
Con1st “Reagan’s proposed budgets were declared “DOA†by the Democratic leadership in Congress.”
Excuse me? Republican’s controlled the Senate from 1981 – 1987. The Senate and the House vote twice on the Budget, before the Republican President signs it.
Your memory ain’t too good, Con1st.
Reagan = Third.worst.President.Ever
(after GWB and GHWB)
Yeah we ALL feel the love for Mikey. After all, everyone loves getting ripped off by big insurance company types don’t they? Can you believe that their are some republicans who are so fucking inbred that they actually think this Safeco reject piece of shit has a chance? Okay, he has a chance I guess, a chance of only losing by 20 points instead of 30! HE HE!
You’re quite possibly the stupidest mother-fucking parrot in Washington. How much is Cantwell paying you? How about trying, just trying, not to be such an ass sniffer? Huh?
Cantwell’s Great, she’s awesome, she’s a Godess…GIVE ME AN F’ING break, man!