Oh man, it’s been a brutal media day for the candidates at the top of WA’s Republican ticket. But while the shiny-haired Dave Reichert is only getting his tires ass kicked in the local press (more on that later,) US Senate wannabe Mike?™ McGavick’s well-deserved beating is taking place on a national stage.
McGavick was absolutely savaged in the Washington Post this morning, subjected to the kind of blunt analysis and verbal thrashing only the deliciously acerbic Michael Kinsley can deliver:
If you knew nothing about Mike McGavick except what is in his TV commercials and on his Web site, you would conclude either that he is a moron or that he thinks you are a moron.
Hmm. I’m betting on the latter.
Kinsley deconstructs the McGavick campaign with devastating efficiency, highlighting the inane absurdities and “fog of generality” through which the candidate has chosen to present himself to voters. McGavick accuses Sen. Maria Cantwell of “following party over state interests.” To which Kinsley asks the obvious:
Why would she do that? Why would she put her party’s interests over those of her constituents? Who cares enough about either party to actually put their own political futures in peril? Answer: no one. Taken literally, the charge is absurd. But it’s not meant to be taken literally. It is just part of the miasma of themes and images that political professionals create around candidates. Cantwell is popular, partisanship is not. So blame partisanship and not Cantwell. Be for “families.” Be for “change.” Be against “Washington, D.C.” and “lobbyists.”
In a radio spot this week called “Not Paying Attention,” McGavick says, “Folks in Washington, D.C., you know they must not think we are paying attention” to “some of the things they are getting away with.” In a rare particular, he blames “automatic pay raises” for creating bad incentives for members of Congress. “We’ve got to have change,” he says, “but the only way to do that is to change who represents us.”
Maria Cantwell hit it big in the dot-com boom and is a very rich woman. She has spent tens of millions of dollars on her election and reelection campaigns. Whatever her flaws, she cannot possibly care about a pay raise. Taken literally, the notion that any national politician assumes that the voters and media and opposition party are “not paying attention” is equally ridiculous. So what is her motivation? What is McGavick’s, for that matter? (He’s rich, too, having struck gold in just a few years in the insurance business.)
Following up on McGavick’s charges, Kinsley logically asks, “Is Cantwell devoting her life to betraying the families of Washington just for the fun it?”
McGavick has no explanation, except to say that “this stuff is nuts,” that it is “partisan nonsense” and so on. But Maria Cantwell is not nuts. “Nuts” is not a plausible explanation. And without any specifics or a plausible explanation, McGavick’s complaints are exceptionally empty.
Knowing virtually nothing about McGavick, I saw one of his 30-second spots last week and took an instant, personal and possibly unfair dislike to him. And I wonder why everyone doesn’t have the same reaction to these patronizing, insulting commercials. Maybe some do — McGavick is going to lose, apparently — but more must be turned on than are turned off, because McGavick is not nuts either.
Of course we all know why McGavick hides himself behind a fog of generalities — because if he actually ran on the issues, he’d surely lose. This has never been more clear than in his recent spat with the Seattle Times’ David Postman over a months-old post about McGavick’s stance on social security privatization. McGavick didn’t dispute Postman’s reporting at the time. In fact, he even cited it from his own campaign website. Only after Democrats started citing the post did McGavick claim that Postman got it wrong.
As it turns out, Postman’s interview was somewhat prompted by a contest on Talking Points Memo seeking to get a straight answer from McGavick on whether he did or did not support phasing out Social Security and replacing it with private accounts. So it’s no surprise that TPM’s Josh Marshall chose to weigh in on the current dispute:
And now he says Cantwell has to take down her ad because it doesn’t reflect his true position. At least after changing it for the tenth time. Can anyone take this dude even remotely seriously? And how am I supposed to run Social Security contests with any sense of predictability or finality when we’ve got serial bamboozlers like Mike McGavick out there constantly changing their positions?
I need Regis here to give McGavick one of those, “Is that your final answer?” lines.
(ed.note: In private McGavick is known for supporting hardline privatization of Social Security. He just fibs about his position in public.)
Late Update: Maybe give a holler to the Postman guy at the Seattle Times and thank him for braving the hot swamps of McGavick’s bamboozlement.
Hey… thanks Dave.
And thanks Mike, for transforming a Senate race widely touted as the Republicans best shot at unseating an incumbent Democrat… into a national joke. No wonder McGavick recently traveled to a big DC fundraiser only to come back empty handed.
Mike Kinsley? Ain’t he the librul with the big round Magoo glasses? He taught Moonbats how to be moonbattic!
Hmmm. That’s deep MWS
I’ll cut him some slack cause he has Parkinsons. He’s still a moonbat though!
That’s ok. You’re a wing nut
I’ve been meaning to ask how big are my wings?
Looks like Left Turd was there!
Why didn’t Mike Kinsley ask Mike! how is the deficit coming down so fast this year?
Gas is $2.39 a gallon
You gotta love this. The hero of the right is the laughing stock of the nation! HE HE!
Hey more train wrecks today for the GOP!
What you wanna bet Rove and his SS troopers see to it this girl has an “accident.” I bet she knows enough to bury this fucking cowardly traitor and they won’t let her go too far off the leash before they kill her.
@ 7:
Do you think that $2.39 a gallon is cheap?
KING 5’s 5:00 news aired a segment a couple minutes ago about various groups complaining about McGavick ads they say are racist.
KING 5 also reported the results of the N.E. District Court recount are now official, and Ottinger lost to LaSalata by 27 votes. LaSalata will now face Richard Pope in the November election. Roger Rabbit endorses LaSalata because the King County Bar Association rated Pope as “unqualified” and because, as Goldy has previously reported on this blog, Pope has had problems running his own law practice; so how can he be trusted to run a court?
Here’s the article:
“BREAKING: Rove Aide Resigns over Abramoff Ties
“By Paul Kiel – October 6, 2006, 4:40 PM
“… Karl Rove’s personal aide Susan Ralston has resigned over her ties to Abramoff, the AP reports.
“… Abramoff reportedly bragged to others that Ralston was his ‘implant’ at the White House.
“The White House announced an internal ethics investigation of Ralston after a Congressional report released last week showed … Ralston had accepted thousands of dollars in gifts from Abramoff … White House ethics rules prevent employees from accepting gifts worth more than $20.
“White House deputy press secretary Dana Perino told the AP that Ralston resigned because ‘she did not want to be a distraction to the White House at such an important time and so we have accepted her resignation.'”
For complete story and/or copyright info, click on the link in #8.
Good afternoon GBS: You asked: Do you think that $2.39 a gallon is cheap? Commentby GBS— 10/6/06@ 5:06 pm
No I think 25¢ gas was great.
I would like McGavick to explain how it’s possible to divert $1 trillion of Social Security taxes into private accounts without cutting benefits or raising taxes.
Get your bumper sticker while supplies last!
“Mike? He’s the problem, not the solution.”
Well Goldy you have been giving Dave Reichert a lot of bad press the last few months and mention Darcy Burner with limited comments. The biggest thing you did for her is run ads for money to support her campaign. I really don’t mind the money bit every politician need money to run a campaign to get elective into office. The part I have a problem with the many tainted statements about the other chap running for office, which includes what he should have done for you personally. Now I went to your friend’s web site to find out what she would do different than Dave Reichert and found nothing with substance. It appears she is running against President Bush and not Dave and has not stated what she would do differently. To put it plainly what is the Plan to win this War. Her point on special interest groups also are up the asses of the Democrats for everything they can steal, and she defines nothing on how she would deal with these parties. Next what is she going to do in keeping her promises to the voting public let alone to our Veterans when she spells them in lower caps? How is she going to protect Social Security and pensions? Big Oil Companies are painted as the villains and really not those who represent us in Congress by closing down all options to save the local TAX base on fuel. Now those hard working folks she talks about are being force out of Seattle by the poor schools and the over price properties due to the high taxation on real state. The middle class has already moved to the suburbs leaving the poor and the socialist elitists living in Seattle. Now the Socialist Democrats in Massa shuts manage to extort billions of dollars from the Federal Government for the big dig and ours cannot acquire only a few million. Now Goldy this State is run completely by Socialist Democrats why are we now living in decaying info structure like the highways and bridges. The Democrats must have used the same plan that New Ore leans did when it maintained it dikes to protect the city. That’s paying for past debts like Marie Cantwell has been doing under the table or from the back door for favors. What say you?
A New Direction
My name is Darcy Burner, and I am running for Congress because my experience as a mother and a businesswoman tells me that the country is headed in the wrong direction – and that together, we can change it.
It’s clear to me that the politicians in Washington, DC are out of touch, the special interests have too much power, and it’s time to take our country in a different direction.
I will focus on our priorities: keeping our promises to our veterans, protecting Social Security and pensions, standing up to big oil companies, and making sure that families who work hard and play by the rules get the opportunities they’ve earned.
Back then, the minimum wage was $1.25 — so a gallon of gas cost 12 minutes of labor. Today, gas is $2.39 (not in Seattle, though) and the minimum wage is $5.15 — so a gallon of gas costs 28 minutes of labor. For a federal minimum wage worker, that is.
Yep, those were the good old days. Now that cheap labor conservatives are running the country, some people have to work four hours a day just for the gas to get to their jobs.
Why the hell should anyone work?
The combination of low minimum wages and high gas prices is hurting business owners in small towns and farmers in rural area, who are having increasing difficulty in hiring workers. In areas where wages are low and travel distances are great, it’s just not worthwhile to work anymore. It costs more to get to a job than these workers can earn.
You really should be hesitant to speak in public. You humiliate yourself every time you speak up.
MWS at 5: I’m guessing little fairy wings :-)
By supporting a low minimum wage, Mike the Lying McGavick is supporting welfare dependency. Federal minimum wage earners have average incomes of $20,000 a year, but only half of that comes from their employers. The rest is government benefits like subsidized housing, food assistance, and Medicaid.
A low minimum wage is really a taxpayer subsidy to employers. By subsidizing half the cost of labor, the government enables these businesses to keep services and products on the market that can’t support themselves. This results in a less efficient economy and a lower standard of living for all Americans.
Labor is a cost, just like materials, energy, plant, and equipment. Workers can’t furnish their labor for less than what it costs them to live. Labor policies that keep wages below the true cost of labor subsidize unsuccessful businesses and uneconomic production because government has to pay the difference.
He’s too ignorant to know when he’s humiliating himself.
What do you believe the Minimum Wage should be? Should the federal government set that wage or should that be up to the States?
On the second question, I believe that the States should and am glad ours does more than what the Feds do.
On the 1st, I believe that WA’s is just right as it is today….and that the pending increase is wrong. However that is the law and I’ve emailed my rep about it. Though he probably thinks $20/hr is what it should be.
“why are we now living in decaying info structure like the highways and bridges”
Because the Republican majority in the state senate blocked transportation funding for 10 years, that’s why. After the Democrats took control of the Legislature in 2005, it took only one legislative session to provide funding for hundreds of the state’s most pressing transportation needs. And what did the wingnutties do? They ran an initiative to block that funding, which would not have saved motorists 1 cent at the pump, which the voters had the good sense to reject.
You guys are the problem, not the solution.
Your claim that taxes are the cause of high real estate prices also is bullshit. Real estate prices are determined by supply and demand. Right now, housing demand is outstripping the supply of homes for sale because of strong job growth in the Puget Sound area.
That animal bridge and the bike lane is Moses Lake was huge. I can’t believe WA didn’t come to a complete stop without those being completed.
8 ‘What you wanna bet Rove and his SS troopers see to it this girl has an “accident.” ‘
Nah. They’re probably using the other weapon in their arsenal: money. Ralston is no doubt being amply compensated to wander off to an “undisclosed location” and keep her yap shut. After things have blown over, she’ll show up in a new gig as a pundette on Faux News.
“What do you believe the Minimum Wage should be?” Commentby Dengle— 10/6/06@ 5:50 pm
Roughly equal to the subsistence cost of living.
Which wouldn’t be a problem, but I’m paying more points to the government. If my taxes weren’t raised every year I would know that my out of pocket for mortgage would be what it was when I purchased. But no….every year they need more money to do what they need because they are spending to much on social programs and other BS.
Why? Also, who determines what the subsitence cost of living is?
Dengle- Cut the BS about the bike lane. It was a pretty low cost addition to an existing project.
Wingnuts like you have completely misrepresented the Moses Lake Project, which was built to eliminate a costly 40-mile truck detour.
“Special to The Seattle Times
“Potato Hill Bridge project important overpass for commerce carriers
“Email November 17, 2005
“In an effort to clarify recent statements made by members of the media in regards to the Potato Hill Bridge project in Moses Lake, I would like to offer the following analysis.
“First of all, while some in talk radio and others in the media are cynically referring to this project as a ‘bike path in Moses Lake,’ let me assure you it is far from that.
“The I-90 overpass known as Potato Hill Bridge was in the Nickel Package and has been on the overpass bridge project list for years. The bridge will be raised to a higher level so trucks traveling on I-90 won’t have to take a 40-mile detour to go around the bridge, which is too low for many of our commerce carriers. It is important to note this is the last scheduled overpass to be done on I-90, as the others have all been completed.
“When I heard the city of Moses Lake and Grant County were working to raise money to add a pedestrian/bicycle path to the already-scheduled project, I suggested they work with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to construct them simultaneously. WSDOT agreed to work with local government engineers to change the design and allow the city time to complete the necessary infrastructure (sewer/water lines, etc.).
“In my opinion, this was an opportunity to bring all the stakeholders of this project together at the beginning of the process in order to see that the different levels of government worked together more efficiently and cooperatively. Simply put, taxpayer dollars were saved because of this process. We have one construction project accomplishing two separate goals involving three levels of government! And the taxpayers win because in the end it all comes out of the same pockets. …
“The naysayers would have us believe that the Potato Hill Bridge project is nothing more than a pebble bike path lined with old railroad ties …. The truth is, this project saves taxpayer dollars, meets the safety needs of a local community and is a perfect example of what can happen when people resist the urge to throw stones and instead choose to work together cooperatively.”
Your property taxes pay for public schools and local government.
I’ve already explained why.
And not for anything, but it was a REPUBLICAN who pushed for the project!!!
Senate Transportation Committee member, Joyce Mulliken (R-Moses Lake) played a key role in the process. “When I heard the City of Moses Lake and Grant County were working to raise money to add a pedestrian/bicycle path to the already-scheduled project, I suggested they work with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to construct them simultaneously.”
Come on Dengle, tell me more about the bridge.
re 17: What war? When was a war declared by Congress? What country are we at war with? The “war on terror” is just a bullshit excuse to loot America. Two of the ways Darcy Burner plans to make our “efforts” in Iraq more effective is to audit contractors and take back any money they’ve overcharged us and if they have completed their work in a substandard way to take the money back.And no more no-bid contracts — because that’s un-American, bad business practice and worthy only of a totalitarian state.
Why do you want to be an apologist for these Republican traitors? I think it’s because of hate and bile and the fact that you never get laid.
For somebody who wanders off the reservation now and then, Kinsley was spot on here, and he always writes well, no matter what the issue.
re 17: “Trust but verify.” I know who mouthed the words. I just wonder who put them there.
Take back the money! Fuck you traitorous Republican assholes! Ghostly silence from the trolls.
Twenty bucks, Headless Lucy………Next week! JCH
“Officer And A Gentleman”………….No, GBS, the movie was not titled “Busted E-3 Loser GBS”……….Sorry, JCH, LT, USN [77-84]
re 42: To the Darcy Burner campaign — like I said. You don’t remember Watergate , do you. It looked dead , but it kept coming back.
Reprise, bro.
I for one want to meet the folks through whose window Mike* supposedly lofted a skateboard. It’s just a little too sweet and stereotypical to be true, a nice bit of Norman Rockwell-esque Americana, the image of the repentant tyke mowing lawns to reimburse the window he busted. (In Rockwell’s day, the window would’ve been broken by a baseball, of course; but Mike* couldn’t be the Hip Young Candidate Who Relates To the Young with an image from the forties or fifties.)
Just watched “Judge Judy”, and there was GBS. Borrowing someone else’s car, driving with a license or insurance, getting into a fight, causing a wreak, and blaming someone else. GBS: typical Democrat.
44…….If the Speaker has not resigned by COB Friday of next week, you own me 20 bucks. If he resigned by COB Friday, I’ll “visa” Goldy twenty to give to you. YOU ARE COVERED, “guvment” union hack.
Democratic U.S. Senate hopeful Harold Ford Jr. referred to himself as a lawyer earlier this week, but the congressman has not passed the bar exam. Michael Powell, senior adviser to the Ford campaign, said U.S. Rep. Ford took the Tennessee bar exam in February 1997 and failed. He said that was the only time Rep. Ford has taken the test. [……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….In honor of REP Harold “MoFo” Ford, DEMOCRAT, [ESQ?], I am adding ESQ to my post name. hehe, DR JCH Kennedy, ESQ]
When…and I admit I sometimes do…attempt to read and “understand” one of kkklake’s comments, I am struck by one thought…
“Oooowwww!!!!!! This shit is sooooo stupid it makes my head hurt.”
Sort of like Rossi illegally claiming he was a real estate broker when in fact – he was a real estate agent. Had he been anyone else, he’d have been arrested for impersonating a broker.
@45- I asked my teenage sons how one could put a skateboard through a window and they were baffled.
We all know the the ESQ is as valid as your Dr.
Missed you big boy, you were kind of quiet for a few days. I guess the Foleygate made you reach for the Rolaids and you were in the bathroom for quite a while.
52 is obviously for JCH.
Poor Widdow Mike? I met him once, and he said “we can do better”.
I agreed. Get rid of the Republicans in control, and give the people a say in our government for a change.
Start the investigations. I mean ones besides trying to find out who was helping a pedophile continue to “talk dirty” to children.
One thing about Foley. He was a very very busy bee. And to think all the time he spent trying to talk the boxers off of 16 year olds, it is kinda hard to imagine he never scored…..
Hey! Does anyone remember REP GARY CONDIT, DEMOCRAT, CA? hehe, DR JCH Kennedy, ESQ
“Points” are a device for purchasing a below-market interest rate. There’s no free lunch; no one will lend you money to buy a house at less than the market rate unless you pay the difference by some other means.
I’m not at all certain that proper use of “Esq.” is limited to lawyers, but even though I’m a lawyer, I’ve never used “Esq.” after my name as I consider it pompous to do so.
I much prefer to be known as “His Excellency, King of the Rabbits.”
Rove’s aid argued that the limits on gifts from lobbyists to $20.00 in value didn’t apply to her, because to her, Abrahomof wasn’t a “lobbyist”, he was a “friend”.
Gee, that makes me feel so much better.
McGavick’s TV interview aired last week said he wasn’t going to “privatize” social security, he only wanted a portion to be managed by a new federal agency which will select the wall street investments which were “safe” for the taxpayers to invest in.
I can see it now. A huge new federal agency, lobbied by thousands of mutual funds to be “selected”, who will finally give us a choice between: Haliburton Bond Fund #1, #2, or #3.
Of course, all the money would be used up by the new federal agency, so that would abolish Social Security anyway.
Just watched “Judge Judy”, and there was GBS. Borrowing someone else’s car, driving without a license or insurance, getting into a fight, causing a wreak, and blaming someone else. GBS: typical Democrat.
Democratic U.S. Senate hopeful Harold Ford Jr. referred to himself as a lawyer earlier this week, but the congressman has not passed the bar exam. Michael Powell, senior adviser to the Ford campaign, said U.S. Rep. Ford took the Tennessee bar exam in February 1997 and failed. He said that was the only time Rep. Ford has taken the test. [……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….In honor of REP Harold “MoFo” Ford, DEMOCRAT, [ESQ?], I am adding ESQ to my post name. hehe, DR JCH Kennedy, ESQ]
The nation’s unemployment rate fell to 4.6 percent last month, down from 4.7 in August, and average wages rose by 4 percent over the previous year — the best performance for both measures in five years…………..Congrats to President Bush!!! A job well done!!!!!!!
Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean yesterday said that Maryland’s Democratic ticket should have had a black or other minority at the top, but added that the national party isn’t to blame for the lack of diversity. […………………………Maxine “Fuck Up The White Boys” Waters? Cynthia “BitchSlap The MoFo!” McKinney? Hillary “Fucking Jew Bastard” Clinton? [If her husband was the first black President……….?] Sheala Jackson “Mars Rover” Lee? hehe, JCH]
1) Stock market at all time high
2) Unemployment near historical lows
3) Interest rates near historical lows
4) Home ownership at all time high
5) Global warming solved (no hurricanes)
6) No attacks since 9/11……………………………………………Congrats, President Bush!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Though he probably thinks $20/hr is what it should be.”
This talking point is getting old. . . haven’t your puppeteers put out anything new lately?
Hey kennedy…I don’t have as many points as you, but you should try these on for size:
1-FEMA…the other 4 letter word. Nice job on that Katrina releif effort!
3-Iraq…Too many lies to list. Too many people dead.
4-9/11…Great job heeding those warnings from intelligence sources. You remember those warnings don’t you Ms. Rice
5-Did I get the “cow-tow’ing” to special interest groups? No matter enough damning evidence.
kennedy…you’re a lawyer? You must like hearing lies as much as you like spewing them.
BTW…love the “ESQ” thing.
kennedy…you’re a lawyer?
BTW…love the “ESQ” thing.
Commentby Mike [Mike, ALL HA.ORG Kennedys are now lawyers in honor of REP Harold Ford, DEMOCRAT, TN, “ESQ” hehe, JCH
We should have a contest to create a platform for mcgavick. Winner gets a Guiness
Ooh, you mean we’ll only increase our national debt by a quarter of a trillion dollars this year? Oh, joy!
717 k lake
“what is the Plan to win this War”
Klake, the “War,” as iniated adn managed by this incompetent administration, is un”win”nable. From invading and occupyin with to few troops, to standing idly by and leaving their nation and homeland to dissolve into lawless chaos, to faling to secure Iraqi munitions, to staffing the proxy goverment with unqualified political appointees, to rampant corruption halting rconstruction, to “again” standing by idly while the Interior Ministry forms and spreads death squads though the countryside, to allowing a slide into civil war, at every turn the worn move was made until Iraq is an unmanageable chaos, wih our toops stading between warring factions wearing big targets. We haev options, but those options are about How we deploy AS we get out, not about whether to get out.
“this State is run completely by Socialist Democrats why are we now living in decaying info structure like the highways and bridges.”
Yeah, right. Every transportation plan for the last five years or more has been torpedoed by the Right until the current one, which survived a right-wing initiative challenge because enough people got tired of watching plan after plan go down in flames. NOW something will be done about our roads, but it is not the fault of the Dmcorats that it took this long, and there is no credit due to Republicans that it is finally happening.
“But no….every year they need more money to do what they need”
It’s as if the dorks in here have never conceived of such a thing as population growthor inflation. Just whine, whine, whine, “Why do my taxes go up?”
Wow, JCH is stealing from MTR now.
The big clue about the viability of the McGavick campaign is in the PI this morning – Senate Republicans aren’t spending anything to help elect their guy. Why? Because they don’t think McGavick can win and they have other higher priorities, like focusing on incumbant salvage operations in other states because voters are waking up to the idea that the leadership in Congress must change.
McGavick has begun running issue ads to contrast his “positions” on things with Cantwell’s. The issues he’s picked are real stunners like: making English the national language and beating up on “illegals” – using subtext racist terminology to bash people in our state who don’t deserve this from someone who would prentend to lead us all. He claims he not doing this and if you take him at his word (which is difficult at this stage), you just have to conclude that he’s clueless when it comes to inflaming bigotry.
McGavick’s new issue ads are far worse and more vile than the Kinsley analysis. He’s now beating up on people to get elected and flaming hate while saying he’s not.
This should now be the issue in this race. And we might question the personal integrity of a candidate so desperate to win election that he’s willing to walk on the backs of people in the minority. Or we could question his basic judgement.
Chuckling at having Kinsley write a opinion piece supporting his friend Maria. I didn’t waste time reading his nonsense…hope he disclosed how he’s a friend of hers…
And Maria as rich???? I thought the spin you all had was she was no longer rich, and thus had to beg and borrow to get campaign money…if she’s really rich, then do as she promised and self fund…
re 75: Every point you have tried to make is non-factual inane drivel.”Redline” Mike? McGavick is a tool of the insurance industry.
Rich is relitive. She is worth slightly more then 1 million dollars.
The liberal media trashes Republican candidates, water is wet, Democrats are liars, winter is cold…. Hello Capt Obvious.
ST. PAUL, Minn. — It may seem like a distant memory now, but Democrats not so long ago dominated the battle between the parties to get their voters to the polls. Over the past half-dozen years, Republicans reinvented the system, using sophisticated computer modeling and vast amounts of consumer data. In 2002 and 2004, they demonstrated their newfound superiority — to the dismay of Democratic Party officials and their allies. […..How to get Democrats to the polls? Food stamps, KFC, cocaine, cases of Marlboros, and Black Velvet.]
Your claim that taxes are the cause of high real estate prices also is bullshit. Real estate prices are determined by supply and demand. Right now, housing demand is outstripping the supply of homes for sale because of strong job growth in the Puget Sound area. Commentby Roger Rabbit— 10/6/06@ 5:52 pm
WTF: Good job growth under Bush? Of course!
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