With a new Congress and soon a new President, the government stands to move pretty far to the left. Still, I imagine for many of Jim McDermott’s constituents it won’t be far enough. Personally, I’d like to see him push an agenda that most likely won’t come to pass, but that is worth pursuing for the long run. Here are some of my suggestions:
– A 50/50 scheme for spending the gas tax. Right now the formula is 80% for road projects, and 20% for public transportation. While the formula will be better for straphangers under the Obama administration than it has been under Bush, the more urban legislators push for, the more riders will likely get.
– Criminal justice reform. While this is mostly a state level issue, the Federal government can do a lot to get out of the way. Lee frequently writes about the federal government getting out of the way of states that want to pursue drug reform. A bill saying the feds won’t interfere if a state goes down the path of legalization is as good a place as any to start. But a conversation at the federal level about moving away from punishment and toward rehabilitation could – even in defeat – help start a conversation in the states.
– Significant reduction of the military. With the war in Iraq coming to an end there will probably be some restructuring of the military any way. I’d suggest Jim try to halve the military budget: not because it’s a brilliant number, or appropriate, but because I’d rather be haggling over the size of the reduction than if we’re reducing the military budget.
Those are it for me, but feel free to leave anything else you think is worth trying at the Federal level even if it’s probably not going to pass.
*For what it’s worth, the idea for this post came from a conversation with Nick, whose new blog is worth checking out, a few weeks ago.
“- Significant reduction of the military.”
So you’re not anti-war, you’re merely on the other side…
Plot on a map the percentage of muslim population in a given country in Asia. Now put a big red star on every place that has a current conflict, don’t forget the low intensity ones in places like kashmir.
You will see a correlation between the stars and the borders of the Muslim world. This is not coincidence.
I suggest the defense budget might be better directed to systems capable of irregular warfare, rather than say massed battle against a Soviet army and air force, but cutting defense is a moronic argument.
I won’t bother making suggestions for Jim McDermott, he’s so ineffective as to be a minus, even when his party controls everything. With 18 years seniority, he should have a leadership post, were he even marginally competent.
These days the U.S. military is spread to something like 130 countries around the world on about 800 bases. 40,000 troops in Japan. 30,000 in So. Korea. 50,000 in Germany, 11,000 in England. 11,000 in Italy.
A lot of those countries we end up competing against economically. Japan, So. Korea & Germany make cars in competition with the U.S. auto. So why in the hell are we subsidizing the defense of those countries we compete against in a world economy?
If nothing else the Congress owes the American worker an explanation as to what it cost, how much we have spent over the years and how long this is going to continue.
sludge puppy
@1: Poor Delbert – the best thing we can do for our security is fix our economy and become more energy independent. We spend more on defense that the rest of the world combined.
The tremendous waste of money is dragging down our economy at a time we need all the help we can get.
Our dependence on foreign oil is the other weak link – look at Europe and their dependence on Russian gas to see how screwed we will be if we don’t get off oil.
And oil will be going back up – it is manipulated. Notice, however, that decreased demand brings down prices a lot more than increased supply. Drill baby drill did squat – the recession brought down oil prices. but oil is not a free market – it is a limited commodity that is manipulated by OPEC.
One way to reduce the need for a military is to close down the show in Korea. Why are we still there after nearly 60 years?
Also, start closing down the show in Europe. They don’t like us and resent our presence there.
We can use the troops to stop illegal immigration from the southern border.
Oh yeah, close down the show in Iraq and Afghanistan. If they give us any trouble in the future, well, we’ve got nukes to handle that.
Energy independence would also be nice.
Why not build a 40-foot-high brick wall around the lower-48? Who needs Alaska and Hawaii?
The Piper
@4: I agree we should shut down some of the bases world wide. It would be a mistake and it has been a mistake to let bin laden and the Taliban back into Afghanistan – Iraq was an unnecessary distraction from the real work to go after bin Laden.
Piper @5,
The fence won’t work: you need people with weapons physically repelling illegal aliens with the threat of great bodily harm or death.
As for me, I’m for cutting the domestic budget, massivly increasing the military budget (Hey…give my military kids a raise, would ya?), and getting to the point where our strength scares the living crap out of our enemies, which are numerous and lust after our deaths irrespective of who temporarily resides in the White House.
BTW…the enemies list does include GasBaghdad Jim McDermott, who is an ill-disguised America loather.
The first job of government is the protection of its citizens, not being their nanny.
The Piper
Nevercorrectnotobright blabbed:
Well we’ll see if we can spend our way to economic salvation. But your party seems to think oil exploration is a no-no. Since clean coal technology is in da future what do we do in the interim Nevercorrectnotobright?
Holy Shit Batman, Nevercorrectnotobright could be admitting Ronaldus Magnus Reaganus was right after all regarding Europe’s dependence on Russian energy. Too bad the European leftist pinheads didn’t listen to Ronaldus Magnus Reaganus. They did their ostrich head in the sand trick like yelling loser boy Factless in Seattle.
Now here is where Nevercorrectnotobright is the fool.
Nevercorrectnotobright, do you understand anything about world politics. Who are BFF’s now? Putin, Chavez and Whackminojab. Who’s economies are hurting with the oil price at $48.00 a barrel? All of the above.
So what happened Nevercorrectnotobright? Hamas starts lobbing more rockets. Who are Hamas’ paymasters? Iran. Why is their little hue and cry from the Sunni Moslems? Cuz Hamas plays with the Shi’ite Moslems. Didn’t some of your leftist libtards denigrate John McCain over his Moslem comments, yet you and other libtards here can’t see the big picture?
Iran and Russia want to start a Middle East war jack up the price of oil. If there is more oil from non-Middle East locations on the market, this “war” has little price effect. When most get their oil from the Strait of Hormuz (can you point that out on a map Nevercorrectnotobright?), this is the choke point for most world economies. If the price was $4.55 a gallon you’d be cheering Nevercorrectnotobright. Such a tard! I didn’t think you were this stupid. I left that for the ignorant ones like yelling loser boy and his friend Steve. Oh there are others leftist pinheads on this blog and you know who you are. You feel your stupidity in your bones.
We had that strength, Piper. We squandered it in Iraq .
We’re still in Korea because of a little nutjob who looks like the last-place finisher in the All-Asia Elvis Impersonator Contest. If we left, he’d send his army over the DMZ in two seconds, and we’d have a war on our hands that’d make the current conflict in Gaza look like the pie-fight from “Blazing Saddles”.
A substantial force reduction in Europe would only be a good thing, but there will likely be some American force in Europe as long as the North Atlantic Treaty holds. But sending those troops to the Mexican border would be a waste of time for our soldiers. 50,000 new Border Patrol agents would be better, but the Bushies would never had gone for that, because like all other gov’t employees, BP agents would be unionized (therefore D-voting enemies in the eyes of the Bushies)……
Getting out of Iraq is inevitable, and absolutely necessary on several levels (and not just for us and Iraq), but leaving Afghanistan while the real criminals responsible for 9/11 still draw breath would be reprehensible.
Energy independence would be great, but it’d mean a lot of solar farms popping up (Nevada would make a great place for such ventures), plus letting the nuclear genie out of the bottle. And if our government resumes civilian nuclear fuel reprocessing, the vast part of that pesky nuclear waste would be recycled and reused, leaving the rest of the crap probably stored in a doublewide about 10 miles north-east of Goldfield, NV instead of in Yucca Mountain.
Reducing the military budget would be a great idea, but reducing the size of the military would be a grave mistake. Better to cut bloated big-ticket items (the next generation of attack submarines, for example – not to mention a significant reduction in the missile-sub fleet) and focus more money on training (and paying) the men and women who wish to serve their country (regardless of such trivial things as gender and sexual orientation), then caring for them once their service is complete.
George Friedman of Stratfor doesn’t strike me as a lefty and he says the U.S. Navy controls all the oceans of the world. No one can do anything on the oceans without being under surveillance from the U.S. Navy. How much more power do you need?
I think Obama is on the right track: ACCOUNTABILITY.
Comptroller Walker says the DOD is only Federal Department that could NOT PASS a GAO audit. So START THERE.
Friedman also has some other interesting things to say in his new book that will be available in a few days. This century will be ALL ABOUT the United States. The U.S. is only at the BEGINNING of realizing its global power. The biggest player in the Muslim world is TURKEY. By the end of this century the U.S. will be the SAUDI ARABIA of energy – SOLAR power. My anti-statist friend out there will happy to know it will be SPACE-BASED solar energy.
And what’s the biggest challenge to the U.S. in this century?
K- We still have that strength. Unfortunately, we have to many spineless libtards in the MSM and government. Can you imagine Wolf Blitzer on the front lines in WWII? Hitler would have won…
Why is Mossad feared by radical Arabs? Cuz they take no prisoners. If they need to inflict mental anguish to a radical muslim they do it.
You’re an idiot.
Your chimp declared “victory” in Iraq just a couple weeks or so ago and “mission accomplished” a long time back (which gave your ilk an orgasm).
Wolf Blitzer was there the whole time.
Here’s a bomb lobbed at you, Pud. It’s not Ronald Reagan who was right, it’s Jimmy Carter. We cannot drill our way out of dependence on oil. Conservation (got your sweater?) and alternative sources are the way. And I would entertain a reconsideration of nuclear, if approached comprehensively.
Pud- our military is weaker now than it was before Iraq. Too many rotations, too much stress on the reserves, too many resources wasted. It can and will be strong again, but much was wasted in Iraq.
I like the ideas, but McDermott has no power or gravitas to push anything.
Donald H. Magnuson Democratic 1959 – 1963
K. William Stinson Republican 1963 – 1965
Brock Adams Democratic 1965 – 1977
John E. Cunningham Republican 1977 – 1979
Mike Lowry Democratic 1979 – 1989
Jim McDermott Democratic 1989 – present
20 years, and what does he have to show for it? Sad.
9 “Well we’ll see if we can spend our way to economic salvation.”
As recent times have shown us, that won’t work unless someone shows a little more intelligence regarding what the money’s spent on. News flash: handing gobs and gobs of it to the rich ain’t gonna help.
It also doesn’t seem to make a heckuva lot of sense to shovel subsidies at companies to do something they already have the resources for and should have every incentive to do on their own.
And as strong as Israel is, it has been locked on mortal combat since 1948. Perhaps some other tactics mixed with that strength should have been considered?
11 So, why couldn’t the South Koreans defend themselves against a country with a smaller population and no economy to speak of, absent a few thousand Americans to hold their hands?
Oh…are you still assuming the Great Red Horde from China will come flooding across the border if we so much as blink? Why would they bother? The Chinese are plenty busy buying the United States lock, stock and barrel with the proceeds from selling us one Walmart truckload after another of lead-laced baby food, prison-made shoes and flat-panel TV’s that use three times as much energy as the CRT units they replace.
Not that it has a prayer of coming to pass, but I’d encourage Jim to keep pushing for a single-payer health care system.
*For what it’s worth, the idea for this post came from a conversation with Nick, whose new blog is worth checking out a few weeks ago.
But is it worth checking out now?
K – Israel is vastly outnumbered. They fight like a rat cornered. That’s why they win.
So get going on converting oil shale in Colorado and the inter mountain west.
Oh wait, Ken Salazar, (D-Colo.), and the current Interior Secretary-designate, WON’T allow development of oil shale lands. Even though Royal Dutch Shell has invested millions in an in-situ process that cleanly can recover oil from oil shale.
Every Democrat who claims “the best thing we can do for our security is fix our economy and become more energy independent.” should STFU and kick the enviro-nitwits in the balls. Then you can talk.
And drill in ANWR now, before the price of oil goes back up.
K- Where did I say Reagan said drill in this thread? Please point it out to me…
But I do like the fact some of you leftists will admit the European energy facts are correct. Too bad you have yelling loser boy in your camp saying otherwise…
delbert, to a libtard new technologies are a bitch.
The Federal budget for 2007 was $2.8 trillion. Of this amount, $549 billion was for defense spending, NOT including much of the spending for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. When those numbers are factored in spending on “defense” in 2007 was closer to $700 billion.
A good deal of DOD spending is related to inter-service rivalry and spending on projects that benefit home districts. It’s no accident that big programs are spread generously around the country. The F-22 is typical. It’s a plane that was designed during the cold war and its relevancy has long been challenged, including by Robert Gates, the current SOD and Obama’s choice for SOD. It’s cost over $65 billion thus far, and because of ballooning costs over the years – par for the course for most big DOD projects – the number of planes that will ever be built has shrunk considerably. So who supports this plane? According to the New York Times:
“Like many big weapons systems, the plane, which relies on 1,000 parts suppliers in 44 states, has strong support in Congress, which recently provided up to $140 million in bridge financing for some of the suppliers.
“‘I think we’re going to keep the F-22 going, that’s my gut instinct,’ said Norman Dicks, a Democrat from Washington who also sits on the House subcommittee that approves money for defense programs.”
See: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12.....038;st=cse
Much of our defense spending could be cut, and cut considerably. This includes many of our foreign outlays. It’s farcical that we’re now talking of ramping up in Afghanistan – and this is coming from Obama – to fight the “central war on terror” when we have to beg allies for troops and equipment support.
The days when we have the resources for such unbridled spending are ending, like it or not.
23 The Israelis are also generally pretty careful about picking their fights. Since they have neither the body count nor the resources to conduct large, protracted campaigns, they practice “divide-and-couquer”, and intensively pound the stuffing out of some group of folks they don’t get along with along a single front at a time.
Remember a while back they were busy killing people and breaking things in southern Lebanon. This time it’s Gaza’s turn.
@14 is why yelling loser boy is dumb as they cum.
I seem to remember there was screaming and gnashing of teeth on this blog when in WWII the US aerial bombed all those German cities into submission was recently discussed. All the hue and cry over innocent children and women killed.
You can imagine the reports from Wolfie and the pictures sent back.
yelling loser boy, you enter a war to win. If the other side has more firepower and weaponry you negotiate a settlement. You don’t allow the press to place you into a position of weakness with war reporting. Ask Dan Typewriter Rather about his Vietnam years. And no I’m not excusing Charles Graner or Lindy England at all.
Wow ArtFart barfed:
And who started the killing people issue FartyArt? Need another PuddyHistory Lesson? Why are libtards so moronic?
Liberals scream at Jews “Go back into the ovens!”
Troll– the screamers weren’t liberals, if you take the time to actually read the story you link to. But I do tend to agree with your assessment of Congressman Jim’s record of results.
Two strikes. An idiot makes it too easy when he’s caught putting words in people’s mouths.
What are you bitching about? Your chimp declared victory didn’t he? Congress gave him everything HE ASKED FOR, more probably. If CNN didn’t show the pictures, Al Jazeera would. Why are YOU AFRAID of the American people knowing about the UGLINESS of war?
Only an idiot recycles his tired, discredited argument.
Dive back under the bed to hide from Hillary and Code Pink.
Three strikes your’re out.
Howie, I doubt any of those pro-Palestinian protesters were Republicans. Do you think ANSWER is a conservative group? No, it’s a liberal group. So I was factually correct. Liberals were telling Jews to go back into the ovens.
Nope, it’s a fringie group that right wingers often call Stalinist or totalitarian. The only people who pay attention to it are, yes, right wingers and the crap media they love like Faux News and “pajamas media”. Why? Because it serves their propaganda aims.
But as long as the ANSWER people don’t hurt anybody they have a right to dissent. Just like people who oppose reproductive freedom.
I disagree, I think when you demonize a people, and encourage hate and intolerance, you do hurt people. Remember, widespread violence against a people is always preceded by their demonization.
36 – Nobody at large has ever has ever been “encouraged” by ANSWER. Nobody is listening to ANSWER.
except right wing propaganda-mongers like you.
You’re contradicted by your fellow right wingers when they call ANSWER “Stalinist”. Stalin wasn’t a liberal.
I bet you’re pretty silent when anti-reproductive freedom fanatics perpetrate violence against a doctor.
Yeah, I can just see herding Iowa hogs and Arkansas chickens aboard light rail cars instead of farm trucks …
@24 Here’s how Delbert-O-Nomics works. If you drill in ANWR and produce 2 million bpd, OPEC cuts their production by 2 million bpd to keep the price above $100, and Palin gets re-elected by handing out $2,000 checks to Alaskan “taxpayers.” Yep, it’s easy to be governor of a state the size of Tacoma when you’re giving away money fleeced from Lower 48 motorists! OPEC is the best friend a GOP vice presidential candidate could ever have!
Millions? Is that all? I’ll trust that as far as I can throw it.
However that investment might not be all for naught:
Drill baby drill indeed.
I wish you were our congressman rather than McD. Franly, his support for these issues might make me worry that they would NOT get done.
People like Jim have a role but that role is not in actually getting things done. To start with, he would need more than just electoral support from WAstate. In my own world, academia and biotech, he is a lost cause. My understanding is that the same is true of other major Seattle stakeholders. Maybe I am wrong, but my impression is that Jim represents a small fan club.
If you really want to affect national plocy, look to Patty, Norm, Adam. These folks have national and local credibility that really matters.
39 It’s rather an anomoly, in fact, that Alaska isn’t an independent country that’s a member of OPEC. A large percentage of its citizens seem to think that’s the case anyway, not to mention its politicians.
As to Hawaii, there are quite a few people there who think they might be better off if they weren’t part of the U S of A. They’re also no doubt aware that they happen to grow a crop that, unlike corn, can actually be turned into ethanol that produces more energy than is required for its production.
yelling loser boy@33: You better go back and check the earlier threads where I first brought up Europe’s energy needs beholden to Russia and your “pithy” comment.
Now that that’s out of the way…
@31: Great catch. yelling loser boy probably lapping that up.
Moron@33: Yes we know all about Al Jazeera’s doctored pictures. You need another reality dose?
And recycling a tired argument? When Where How
Sorry, I made up the Royal Dutch Shell thing. I hacked Google, wiki-salted the entire internet, and redirected the RDS web page to my own server.
And you clever fucktard figured it all out…
@11: “If we left, he’d send his army over the DMZ in two seconds…”
Utterly not the case, Joe. NK is a weak, starving country and totally isolated diplomatically. SK is armed to the teeth as well.
There would be no repeat of 1950.
45 – There’s former U.S. military reporting for Al Jazeera fool.
You wouldn’t know reality if it whapped you upside the head. Nov 4 should have showed you what a fool you’ve been. But a fool remains a fool. For some like you it’s almost impossible to change.
“and become more energy independent.” usually means producing more energy at home, and yes, Alaska is part of “home”.
Thanks for the compliment. Anyone’s who’s worked with shale knows it’s the dirtiest stuff out there.
Royal Dutch should try their wonder process first in the Alberta tar sands. At least on paper the extraction should be more economical.
And clean? Yeah. Those fields could sure use some clean.
But why bother? At least for the next couple of years. Seen the price of a barrel of oil lately? I was blown away.
U.S. oil consumption is NINE PERCENT OFF its peak.
That’s some serious belt tightening in JUST ONE YEAR.
@44: What comes around goes around…here’s one from 2002…Israel’s chief of staff calling for the “extermination” of the Palestinians:
But you would rather be outraged by the ravings of one lunatic at a small demonstration in Florida.
Can you show me a quote of him saying that from a news organization like AP, or Reuters, instead of Arabic News?
BTW, they didn’t quote him as saying that. Here’s the paragraph you’re quoting from. Just because they wrote he said that, doesn’t mean he said it.
The Israeli army chief of staff Moshe Yaloun said in a statement issued by the Israeli daily Haartez on Friday that the Palestinian Intifada is like a cancer, and he threatened to oppress and silence this Intifada by collective extermination of the Palestinians.
No link means you stink.
Seriously, we do need to reduce our footprint on foreign bases. We no longer need hundreds of thousands of boots in other nations on the off chance they might be required to fight a war “somewhere in the general vicinity”. A few air bases and the associated security force would be sufficient, with some heavy equipment parked and mothballed (like the Marines do at Diego Garcia), and the rest of the grunts and their associated support infrastructure can come home and be on standby.
(Note that U.S. troops have become a real sore point in both Korea and Japan. Unfortunately, our troops sometimes drink too much and then drive, or sometimes they drink and then think all young girls are their for their entertainment value. When the citizens of Japan and Korea believe that they have gotten of lightly for such actions, it creates forein relations problems which can take a very long time to heal.)
It’s 10 to 13 hours flight time to Japan (depending upon the jet stream), and ten days sailing time by container ship to move heavy equipment by ocean (14 days to Singapore). A fast carrier task force can do it quicker.
So if you put a quick-reaction Marine brigade on stand-by at the new base the U.S. is building at Guam, and close down most of the U.S. presence at Okinawa, Yokahama, and Korea, you can still have a significant forces on the ground anywhere in the Western Pacific/Northern Asia region within 24 hours. The increase in flight time is a relatively small factor compared with the total mobilization time involved in moving a military unit.
As for Korea, your troops there still refer to themselves as “speed bumps”. If the North Koreans do launch an attack across the DMZ, their primary purpose is – well, to die. The prospect of U.S. deaths will bring about a massive U.S. retaliation, which is kind of the whole point – making sure that Kim Il Sung knows what the consequences of an invasion would be. Increasing the number of soldiers within that “speed bump” zone wouldn’t accomplish much within the first 24 hours, other than to increase U.S. casualties. The ROK (South Korean) forces are pretty good, and they would bear the brunt of the fighting for the first 24 to 48 hours, with U.S. assistance from the air.
Of course, Kim Il Sung could simply refuse to invade, and simply start lobbing artillary shells at Seoul, which would be pretty disasterous for that city. That would be a much tougher problem for the U.S. – the North Koreans have gotten very good at building tunnesl to conceal and protect their artillary in hills along the DMZ, and a ground attack by the U.S. across the DMZ would encounter a rather sophisticated defence network some 25 to 50 miles deep. So I think any attack options on N. Korea would concentrate on amphibious/air options which bypass the DMZ.
So in short, we need to get away from a defense structure which is based upon 1950’s force levels and transportation assumptions. Significantly reducing out troop levels in many foreign countries will bring back home those dollars being spent in those foreign countries.
Kim Jong-il you mean.
It’s amazing how yelling loser boy has certain strange knowledge@55 in that one brain cell but can’t fathom general truths. But if this comment was from a conservative he would be make a stupid ridiculing comment and then
I guess knowing your step-brother’s name is paramount to family get-togethers!
For PTBAA to use real sources he’d need a frontal lobotomy.
Remember the left-wing uses “approved” news orgs otherwise they’d have to fathom and accept truths.
Isn’t McDermott in line for the post of Maximum Leader when Raul and Fidel kick off?
I wonder if McDimWitt will pay his judgment. I wonder if he supports this bailout?
YLB @ 55: Yep, I’m having trouble remembering names lately, this is the second time this week I’ve been caught. I really need to check each time.
LMAO @ the idiot in 56.
General truth: you’re a loser. See last Nov 4.
No link to the “pithy” remark I made? You stink.
Without the link/quote might as well have made the shit up.
Why should I link to anything you say yelling loser boy? Nothing you say is worthwhile. You disagreed with me on Reagan in Europe while others are agreeing. Factless in Seattle. Sucks to be you loser boy.
You keep referring to November 4. Keep it up broken record. Conservatism didn’t lose. John McCain wasn’t a conservative, plain and simple.
Did you review those doctored Al Jazeera photos yet? No.
What a moron!
@62 “Conservatism didn’t lose.”
Christ, talk about denial. But we like that shit, Pudz. It works for us. Keep it up, you stupid fuck, fail to learn a single lesson and you’ll get blown out again in 2010.
buttputter @ 57: “For PTBAA to use real sources he’d need a frontal lobotomy.”
You repeatedly cite WorldNetDaily, The Weekly Standard, and National Review, and obscure wingnut evangelical sites all the time, don’t you?
The remarks were very controversial at the time, but I do not have access to Ha’aretz archives. With a little effort, one could dredge up many quotes by Israelis or their supporters calling for the extermination of the Palestinians or equating them to dogs and/or subhumans.
But you’d rather call names. How smart.
Steve The Animal Farmer:
Repeatedly? Name the latest date?
Oops… I accused PTBAA as Steve. My fault.
Someone above posted the real quote.
Repeatedly? Name the latest date?
Idiot @ 62
So you admit you made the shit up? Prove me wrong. Link to it.
I believe the doctored photos were done by a stringer employed by Reuters. Right wingers are always going nuts about Al Jazeera. The middle east is entitled to their Faux News. If you don’t like it don’t buy their oil.
Are you saying now conservatism won? You are one deluded fuck!!!
Last Nov 4 proved that conservatism is not worth the toilet it was flushed down.
Why couldn’t Grandpa Lazybones Fred or Mittens Romney win? Weren’t they annointed by the conservatives? Wasn’t precious Sarah one heartbeat away from 72 year old cancerman enough to inspire the country to conservatism?
Shit no..
AF, you forget that the only people that get to eat regularly in North Korea are the military (and those who squawk loudest for l’il Kim), and that their military outnumbers the combined RoK/US force substantially, somewhere in the neighborhood 5:1. Enough of a force that even the Chinese would be hard-pressed to bring them to heel. RHP summed it up pretty well (though a QRF based in Guam had better be bigger than one brigade), but in so many words, as long as Kim Jong-il lives, North Korea is supremely dangerous.
This is where more unconventional means of warfare would be effective. A SEAL Team could do more to change that part of the world than an entire Army Group.
Moron@67: Where did I even hint at conservatism won. What a lunatic. IF you have half a brain cell working I linked up where fewer conservatives (me included) voted for McCain than voted for GWB in 2004. Why? We didn’t like McCain. He was too much like you yelling loser boy. Not palatable.
Look at your lunatic comments in 11417 where you jumped all over the place and got slapped silly with your superficial inane insipid idiotic comments
@62 “Conservatism didn’t lose.”
@69 “Where did I even hint at conservatism won.”
What was it, Pudz, a draw? Christ, you’re a cowardly moron.
@22 ha ha! Fixed.
So that’s the best you can do? That thread contains no “pithy” rejoinder to the “Russian gas” you pulled out of your ugly ass.
Slapped silly? Over Pavlov? In your dreams silly man. Pavlov was talking about commies and I’m ain’t one of those no matter what your stupid name-calling says.
HNMT was the one talking about “pollution of the gene pool” and suggesting that HAers should get “snipped”. That’s eugenics talk.
You think he was kidding?
Everywhere you look right wingers are showing their ugly asses as hypocrites.
re-run@72: Where did I talk about Russian gas? You make so much shit up your porn eye is brown.
Yes you were slapped silly. You stopped talking about one item and slid over to another. Typical of your stupid brain cell. It overloads and you have to reboot. That’s why you are a re-run.
Steve, you are so stupid. If there was a conservative candidate the election would have been closer…
@74 Dream on, you stupid fuck.
Pud- why did the more conservative candidates not advance through the Republican primaries, a more conservative forum?
73 – The same place where you can’t link and prove I said something “pithy”..
Until you link, you stink ‘cuz you made shit up.
K – Personally I think people bought the MSM swill. The MSM made McCain look like the best candidate. The MSM ridiculed Rudy for his Florida all or nothing run, said Fred was too old and out of touch, said Romney was a Mormon and we can’t have that as their president’s religion isn’t main stream (remember those comments) and Huckabee was too religious as an ordained pastor.
Hence people started believing what they read and started following McCain. McCain apologized for his border position. Every time a Republican said something strange every libtard pundit carried it. When Biden said go to a 7-11 and see if an Indian is running it, he got a pass. Clinton got a pass and no one challenged Obama.
Nuff Said!
Steve you moron, conservative less people voted in 2008 for McCain than 2004 for Bush. You can see that by searching it.
Re-run@77: Yeah right. In re-run land you are always right. It’s always re-runs…
You know what re-run, I give you more credit than you deserve. You are right, you said nothing worthwhile about Reagan cuz your are history ignorant.
You wouldn’t know what was said by Reagan about European dependency on Russian energy because you were playing with yourself then.
So yes I stand corrected, because I realize you are much dumber than I originally thought!
@79 Yeah, sure Pud. It had nothing at all to do with a people grown weary of 28 years of empty rhetoric and failed conservative ideology. It had nothing to do with misbegotten war. It had nothing to do with Katrina. It had nothing to do with torture. It had nothing to do with Foley, Vitter, Stevens, Craig, Allen, Lay, Bolton, Gonzalas, Libby, Rove, Goodling, Sampson, Coulter, faloofas, Hannity, Goldberg and scores of other Republican scandles, criminals and gross perversions. It had nothing to do with Haggarty, Shaivo or Joe the Liar. It had nothing to do with a floating Putin head and a $150,000 spending spree. And it certainly had nothing to do with the worst economic collapse in at least half a century, perhaps ever. Yeah, Pudz, your problem was that McCain just wasn’t conservative enough.
Let me clue you in on something, Pudz. McCain was too good for you. He was a good man who, at the end of a long distinguished career of serving his country, found himself on the wrong side of history. You could see it in face. You could hear it in his voice. He knew what was wrong. He knew that what was wrong was that he had found himself on your side. And he lost heart with this knowledge. Yeah, that’s right, Pudz. He had realized that he was on the side of a failed ideology and that he led a party of haters. Yeah, you know it too, Pudz. You know the truth. You just don’t have the courage to face it. You never will. Here, I’ll put it in your face where you can’t miss it. He lost because of you.
80,81 Still no link.. This loser refuses to back up his bullshit.
Sorry Mr. Stink, without a link all you are is name-calling..
So. Nov 4. Jan 20.. Sheesh! Sure sucks to be a Limbaugh worshiping, twice chimp voting loser like you.
Libertarian said:
“Roger Rabbit, does it feel good to be a lying ideologue? What does it feel like to be an blind and arrogant liar?”
re-run@83: Where do I worship Limbaugh? You post more from Kurse Morons and HuffPo than I ever post from Limbaugh. You drink their kool-aid remember the #days since visiting Kos. You never got past 1 day. I got upto 93 not visiting Free Republic and still wiped your sorry ass all over HA.
Even Limbaugh was against McCain as a candidate. Butt, re-run, I stated my dislike for McCain way before Limbaugh said anything. That’s a fact on HA.
@85 – and you said you supported Obama and then proceeded to label him a socialist.
And you supported Bush – and look where that has gotten us. Guess that menas you support the bank bailout, torture, illegal wirteapping, Abramoff, corruption, Gonzalez, incompetent Brownie, Katrina, the mess at the EPA, the FDA, global warming deniers, flat earthers and the “free market” ideas and legislation of Phil Gramm that caused the banking crisis. Not to mention the racist policies of the republican party.
Puddy says:
then Pudy cites:
So Puddy doesn’t really listen to Limbaugh – he just cites Limbaugh.
Do you enjoy undercutting your own words in the same post?
@84: Politically naive
How does it feel to support a philosophy of “free market” that doesn’t really exist?
How is that “free market” working nowadays when even Greenspan said that we can’t trust corporations to police themselves or trust the market to take care of itself?
Looks like the more “free market” we get the more corrution and greed we see. Looks like regulation is the answer to the problems with the free market. Your stupid, simple-minded philosophy was discredited by a republican – Teddy Roosevelt, over 100 years ago. Corporations will use whatever means to acheive their short term profits and only government can reign them in. The long term viability of economy is simply NOT served by letting corporations run wild for short term gains.
Stupid moron. Click on HA archives and see what your side said about Limbaugh. I quote things here which are against libtard arguments. I used Kos and Morons words against them when they tried to make hay over Barack the Magic Negro. It came from a black man who works for the LA Times fool. When HA leftists and other librul foos tried to say Limbaugh was for McCain I posted he was against McCain. Butt, then again being really stupid, you forgot that too.
So go ahead and try to make a dumb comment. Too bad it shows just how dumb you really are…
@86: I siad I supported Barack cuz he’s black. I wanted to see history made. People on the right gave me a pass but said I was wrong. Butt, you seem to forget these things notbrightandnevercorrect.
Re-run@77 continued to ask why I supported Barack as he is the “most liberal senator” in the senate? HE asked that of me everyday. That’s why he’s re-run, HAs clueless idiot. Then when I saw Barack supports abortions on demand for any reason and posted the URL links with his words, I told everyone I could no longer vote for Obama. So I voted none of the above for president.
You know nevercorrectnottobright, if you paid attention to facts, you’d be mostlycorrectsomewhatbright. Butt, as we can see that day ain’t coming too soon.
@89: More name calling from poor Puddy – losing arguments too much Puddy?
I guess you support Barack the magic Negro and also the exclusive white only clubs that the republican party chair candidates attend.
Nice – you must like all that racist talk from Rush too….
Yup – your hero Rush Limpjaw is a racist. Thanks for playing Puddy – you are a fool.
@91 That’s the really strange thing about Pudz. He runs with people who hate him. You’d think he’d put a little distance between himself and the race haters, if not the pedos and pervs. But no, not our Pudz. He’d side with the devil himself for a tax cut.
Question for Puddy:
Why do you “pal around” with racists?
Steve, libruls hate blacks except for their votes.
Jesse Jackson runs for president. Libruls don’t support him.
Al Sharpton runs for president. Libruls don’t support him.
Bill Clinton policies undermine JCoS Colin Powell. Powell resigns.
Bill Clinton doesn’t have black NSA.
Bill Clinton doesn’t have black SoS.
Inner cities run by libruls and more blacks killed each year.
Inner cities run by libruls and schools buildings crumbling.
Inner cities run by libruls and schools technology lacking.
Inner cities run by libruls and school drop out rates increasing.
Inner cities run by libruls and the drug problem running rampant.
Black man tries to run for NYS guvnur H Carl McCall. NY libruls diss McCall. Spritzer wins. Spritzer loses. Black guvnur Patterson, confessed drug addict and sex fiend is guvnur.
Black man runs for Maryland Senate Seat. Libruls denigrate him, call him uncle tom, etc.
Black man runs for PA guvnur. Libruls denigrate him, call him uncle tom, etc.
And you have the audacity to talk about who I run with? You are a fool Steve.
Question for nevercorrectnottobright:
Why haven’t you refuted headless lucy and his 20+ sockpuppets and his racism here on HA?
nevercorrectneverbrightneverright: Tell me where I’ve lost an argument or “debate” to you?
nevercorrectneverbrightneverright: How cum Barack The Magic Negro written by a black man didn’t offend you?
@94 When a liberal doesn’t support a black, it isn’t because of hate. That’s a Republican ‘thang’. Try to control the projection for once in your life, you fool. And of course I have the audacity to call you out. You run with racists, pedos and pervs. That’s something to explore. But you avoid it like the plague. Understandable, of course.
You do it for a tax cut. Money. You sold out cheap, Pudz.
@97 Having read your posts for some time now, I can see how a black man with similar values as yourself could write such a song. So yeah, I’m offended by him as I’m offended by you.
Steve@98, I posted their words from their own mouths here.
Pay attention.
You lose again.
Steve@98, reread #94. Search HA I posted great URLs describing the problems.
You are truly delusional.
@101: Wow you’ve reverted back to that again. Re-run #2
Steve, go back and see what I wrote on Mark Foley, Ted Stevens, Larry Craig.
I haven’t seen what you wrote on Harry Reid, Joe Biden and others.
Nuff SAID Fool
Like I said, you’re delusional. Post links or shut up.
Steve, ain’t gonna happen. While you like to repeat to make yourself look good, I look at the next foolish libtard thing to post.
Butt, being a butthead on HA keep asking. You’ll die still asking the same insipid dumb question. So Steve why did you claim I hate Mormons?
No links? No wonder. There’s no link that could bail you out of this. You sold out cheap, Pudz.
I tire of this. I’m going to work. Later, hater.
McDermott is scum.
@95: I have refuted any and all racism – you need to pay attention (including headless).
@96: Again, the fact that you can’t admit you have been wrong (many times) says a lot more about you and your psychological make-up than anything else….
The fact you defend racists and list a bunch of irrelevant stuff to try and prove someone else is racist – that also says a lot about you.
The fact you defend republican corruption and ignore republican racism – that says a lot about you.
The fact you have to call people names to make yourself feel good – that also says a lot.
Incorrectnotbright: Where have I defended Republican racism? I already stated my positions and won’t repeat myself for you either.
I asked where have you proved me wrong? Ummm… nowhere…
When you are stupid you are not bright.
This is a site of name calling. I didn’t start it.
@109 Hey, you slacker. You owe me an apology over on the ‘trust a reporter’ thread!
@108 Pudz has valid a point. To my knowledge, he’s never defended Republican racists. In truth, the same goes for Pudz and Republican pervs. But you’re pretty close to nailing it in your fourth paragraph. Pudz ignores these issues. My contention with Pudz is that he has never condemned any of this. He just doesn’t seem to get it that to not “condone” these things is quite a bit different than to “condemn” these despicable acts. When he finally comes around to seeing that I will close the book on my issues with Pudz and he’ll never hear of it from me again.
Steve, for the last time ever. I have not ignored these issues. If you missed my responses well too bad. You should read and pay attention more. You’ll stay ignorant for the rest of your life like you are in many other subjects. If you have illusions I need to respond to each request you make – ask re-run for his common response to me. That’s my response to you.
See ya fool!
Steve, you accused me of hating Mormons. It ain’t gonna happen.
What? You’re not going to apologize? You ragged on and on and on as to how I had accused you of hating Mormons, referencing post @108 on that thread. Go back and read that post. Then see if you can realize that I was addressing manoftruth and not you, and then get your ass back here and apologize to me.
Steve wrote:
Parsing – My Dear Friend of Pudz. Translation – I’m a friend of manoftruth. Where did you get that piece of info.
Parsing – I bet you hate Mormons too. Translation using the word too in the next sentence infers Pudz also hates Mormons.
See ya.
@113 There is no truth in your statement whatsoever. Go back and carefully read my post @108 on that thread and see for yourself. I was clearly addressing that post to manoftruth. It is true that I addressed him as a “friend of Pudz” or whatever, but that post was clearly not directed towards you.
@115 No, Pudz. Manoftruth was expressing his usual Jew hate in his previous post and he was the one who threw Mormons into the mix. My reply was not directed at you. The “too” was in reference to manoftruth’s posts about Jew this and Jew that. Sure, there was a “friend of Pudz” rib in there for you but that’s all. I did not accuse you of hating Mormons.
Steve, I copied your post here @115. You need to construct your paragraphs better. I rest my case.
@115 “Where did you get that piece of info.”
It was a kick in your ribs for your having never denounced manoftruth’s posts in regards to Jews. Can’t you see that?
@118 “You need to construct your paragraphs better.”
To that charge I plead guilty.
As for the way I structured that paragraph, I sincerely apologize for any confusion, as well as for any anger, that what I wrote might have caused you. That was not my intent.