It’s long been in vogue amongst Seattle’s politiscenti to complain about Rep. Jim McDermott’s lack of effectiveness and leadership in Congress.
Of course, what they really mean is that McDermott doesn’t bring home the bacon, and he’s never much bothered to use his safe seat and affluent Seattle district to raise—and spread around—the kinda money generally necessary to climb up the ranks of the party leadership. No, McDermott often marches to the beat of his own drummer, and he’s certainly no Norm Dicks or Patty Murray when it comes to playing the influence game.
But lack of effectiveness and leadership? I don’t think so. And apparently, neither do his colleagues in the House, who have rewarded his tireless work on behalf of expanding the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) by giving him the honor of managing the floor time today during final passage of the bill, and who have asked him to attend the signing ceremony with President Obama later this afternoon at the White House.
Beholden to no one but his own conscience and that of his overwhelmingly liberal constituency, McDermott has provided plenty of leadership on a number of issues, often with little regard for the likelihood of public approbation or short term success. It was McDermott who famously invited national scorn on himself by going to Baghdad in the days prior to the US invasion to argue against the lies of the Bush administration, and it was McDermott who was ultimately proven right about the facts on the ground and the war’s disastrous cost in blood, treasure and prestige.
And it is McDermott who has qixotically fought for universal health care even as the Republican tide made such reforms an impossible dream.
Well… as today’s passage of SCHIP will show, that tide has finally turned.
At the Democratic National Convention in Denver last summer, I asked the 72-year-old McDermott about persistent rumors (and wishful thinking amongst the many local Dems who covet his job) that this might be his last term in office, and he laughed off the suggestion, telling me that he intends to stay in Congress at least until he sees a major health care reform package signed by the President. It may not be the single payer system that he prefers, but considering where the other Washington has been on this issue for much of his tenure, any reform that leads us down the slippery path toward universal access would be a huge accomplishment, and a giant cherry on top of McDermott’s long political career.
So those of you ambitious pols eagerly waiting for McDermott to step out of your way (and you know who you are), you better cross your fingers and wish Jim Godspeed on his final challenge.
Rep. McDermott has issued the following statement on SCHIP:
“We speak for the children who are the most vulnerable in our society, especially during this time of economic crisis. I cannot imagine how anyone could vote against America’s children. Approving SCHIP is the most humane thing to do and I mean that in the truest sense of the word. Yet, some on the other side will vote against it claiming they are fiscal conservatives; please note these very same so-called fiscal conservatives squandered a trillion dollars on a needless war in Iraq, and drove the U.S. economy into a ditch. And now they want to deny children the ability to go see a doctor when they are sick.”
Republicans don’t want workers to have health care. The only thing Republicans want workers to have is taxes. That’s why we need a filibuster-proof 60-seat Senate.
Wow! The LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS can only respond to current President Obama’s steady stream of screw-up’s by deflecting to the past president. You KLOWNS cannot even carry on a reasonable discussion about the Porkulous Package elements….you just say Obama ain’t as bad as Bush.
Listen, this Country is likely to get hit with a terrorist attack like Biden said. Biden said Obama will be tested in his first 6 months. The more STUPID STUFF Obama does like these empty-headed appointments of Tax Cheaters AND pushing the Porkulous Package, is causing Obama to fritter away political Capital at an alarming rate.
Know who had the highest approval rating at Inauguration…JIMMY CARTER!
Obama is leaking way sooner than Carter.
Republicans have succeeded in loading the tax burden on workers’ backs. Republican trust fund babies get a $2.5 million exemption on their inheritances — the biggest chunk of tax-free income that exists under our tax code. Workers get a $3,600 exemption. Republican coupon clippers pay a third as much in taxes on their capital gains and dividends as workers pay on income they work for. Well, I’m no fool! With Congress taxing the shit out of wages and giving a free ride to heirs and investors, I decided to be an heir and investor! The heir part isn’t working out so good because I didn’t have rich parents but I sure as hell don’t do any work! Admittedly, the stock-flipping game isn’t as lucrative as it used to be, before Republicans ruined the economy (and, one hopes, their own portfolios), but the tax advantages of not working are just as great as ever and I still don’t work! The fact I’m making less from investing merely means I pay even less in taxes! Isn’t that the goal of all Republicans? To pay less taxes? Their ideal, of course, is to pay no taxes at all! Unfortunately, I still have some taxable income despite the Republicans wrecking the economy, because I’m stuck with one of those government benefit-defined pensions that reliably keeps coming come hell or high water, but the situation would be a lot worse if I had a job so every day I get down on my paws and thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit that I’m gainfully unemployed and have no job and don’t work! THANK YOU GREAT MOTHER RABBIT SPIRIT!
@2 A shill for the Greedy Oink Party is complaining about pork? That’s funny!
Of course, anytime Cynical spews, you’ve got to be careful about his definitions, because he thinks any public spending that benefits citizens instead of corporations is “pork.”
To him roads, transit, schools, national parks, kids’ health care, and unemployment benefits are all “pork.”
On the other hand, to a Republican like Cynical, shoveling taxpayer money from pickup trucks into duffel bags held open by private contractors in Iraq is “infrastructure investment.”
You forgot to mention that outside the Seattle city limits, McDermott is an utter embarassment. A joke. A clown. He’s such a nut case that not many people outside Capitol Hill (Seattle’s, not Congress) take him seriously. Perhaps THIS is a more plausible explanation of McDermott’s “effectiveness” or lack of it.
Jim McDermott is a national hero. Oh, for 434 more like him in the House.
The SCHIP program began as an useful attempt by some of the states to provide basic health insurance coverage to poor kids. I applauded this. It was an original program genuinely aimed at the poor and needy who didn’t meet the specific requirements for Medicaid. A lofty goal.
But when you stop and look at what is going on, this is an anathema to the leadless douchys of HA who claim the insurance industry is evil. Democratics succumbed to the intense lobbying from the insurance industry to massively expand SCHIP. This is what is so funny about Democratics. They scream and shout about the evil insurance industry but they step up to the lobbyist trough and take them lobbyist funds from the insurance industry (remember Puddy put up on HA who gots da insurance lobbying dough – ignored by the HA mutants), and get in bed wid dem lock stock and barrel.
Since the Democratics want National Health Care (HillaryCare 1993 anyone), this is their opportunity to slip that smelly Democratic foot into the screen door and pick the lock of the house and lay down the foundation for NHC. So what do these HA Democratic Moonbat!s do, drink the kook-aid. “Its for the children. We have to be for the children.” Well dammit I’m for the children… poor children. Children from the inner city. Children in Appalachia. Children in the barrio. Not HA Donkey who live in Seattle burbs.
You HA democratics haven’t looked at the history of the program. And if you have, you are drunken by the kook-aid. You HA democratics haven’t looked at how the original $35 Billion allocated by the Democratics was gonna be spent. It wasn’t planned to cover only the poor people.
Rather than the SCHIP plan be limited just to families with kids with incomes at 200% of that state’s poverty level, SCHIP coverage is being extended to include program participants up to the age of 25 and yearly incomes now to 400% the poverty level or $82,600. Nancy Stretch Pelosi and her sychophants expanded the SCHIP program from the poor to peeps making $82,600. Now even losers like HAs clueless idiot rerun are covered. I for one am against covering pinheads like HAs clueless idiot rerun. Let him pay his own damn way!
From what I’ve read this new bill version of the bill places more demands on state governments, making it another unfunded mandate! As we know with Queen Chrissy’s overspending… it will be hard for many states to comply with unless they screw the taxpayers more.
Wait a minute… should I be patriotic and pay more taxes or should I be like Tim or Tom or Nancy and not them?
And this is a fair program?
Now many of you will call me all types of names. Shit go ahead, make my day. I’ll stop working and we’ll live on my wife’s salary so we can be covered by SCHIP.
Yeah, That’s the Ticket. Become lazy and slovenly. Wouldn’t you like to be a Moonbat! too?
Be a Moonbat! drink the kook-aid.
Be a Moonbat! drink the kook-aid.
Be a Moonbat! drink the kook-aid.
Where am I wrong?
Wait a minute… should I be patriotic and pay more taxes or should I be like Tim or Tom or Nancy and not pay them?
2 “Reasonable discussion”???? Excuse me while I hurl into the wastebasket.
There’s nothing to discuss with you, you jerkoff. Your side lost, and the reason you lost is that you and your pals fucked up every single thing you laid your greasy paws on. Nobody with any connection to reality wants to listen to you, because everything you say is an insult to basic human intelligence.
And that’s why FartyArt@10: Republicans are against the program and it’s losing the popular support.
Obama at 62%.
54% Say Congress Doing Poor Job – Remember the leadless douchys and bentoversuckinghisdick told us “the adults are in control”. Yeah right.
Check Rasmussen fool!
I’d like to see McDermott head up HHS.
2 Cyn
That’s really funny. Jimmy Carter is such a sure-fire crowd-pleaser in Republican circles, isn’t he? Always gets the old Rethuglicans wailing and gnashing their teeth.
Meanwhile, in the real world, he is by far the most favorably regarded ex-president we have. So you just keep on trying to use him as a point of comparison–and we will win every time you do.
By whom? Frye Gaillard? Hamas? Hizbollah? Even ABC’s Meredith Vieira is more skeptical of Hamas Than Jimmy Carter! Vieira said: “But do you believe that Hamas can be trusted?” She then asked Jimmy, “Hamas has said that its goal is to destroy Israel. How can you involve them in a peace process when they’ve said their goal is to destroy Israel? They don’t recognize Israel.”
Jimmy Carter: “Yes, I do. I think they can.”
Hmmm… didn’t Bill Flavored Cigar Clinton send Carter to negotiate North Korea nuke removal? Yeah, that worked out real well. Madeline Halfbright said paraphrasing… “we were duped”.
Jimmy Carter – a soft taco!
I love your reference to Carter as a “soft taco”
He has turned into an angry old man too.
Bitter that he blew the economy…and blew the highest Approval Rating ever with his stupidity and naivitee.
When I buy you lunch a week from Thursday @ Scott’s Bar & Grill, it won’t be soft taco’s!!
They have great lunches.
It’s the poor, unsuccessful, ever-bitchin’ Lunatic Kool-Aid gulpers that fast food was developed for.
Perhaps their anger is a result of poor diet and cheap food negatively impacting their fragile digestive system’s?
They actually think Obama is gonna make their pathetic, selfish lives better with no effort or risk-taking on their part!
And Rog…take a deep breathe!
Ooops, forgot that you can’t because of sucking on those cigarettes at your pathetic DSHS job all those years.
How insensitive of me!
It is a sad world where a Senator Vitter is taken more seriously than a Congressman McDermott.
Vitter’s military career as a drill segeant was cut short when he held up a diaper to the tired recruits and said: “If you got ’em, wear ’em.”
AND, speaking of caring for children, where is the morality in taking a stance ONLY for the unborn.
That is a cheap moral ploy in the financial as well as the spiritual realm. There’s no cost to the person who only says ‘no’ to everything except shoveling money at the rich.
They should get mental treatment for that — except I’ll bet their HMO won’t cover it.
re 16: You are not going to feed PudWax™ your soft taco anymore? Taking Viagra?
HL @ 17: “AND, speaking of caring for children, where is the morality in taking a stance ONLY for the unborn.”
Republican are only “prolife” when it comes to the unborn and the brain dead. Otherwise, their pro-war, pro-capital punishment, anti-healthcare, anti-poor positions reveal how they revile the living.
19 ‘Republican are only “prolife” when it comes to the unborn and the brain dead. Otherwise, their pro-war, pro-capital punishment, anti-healthcare, anti-poor positions reveal how they revile the living.’
Meaning, of course, those “other” living, which to a right-wing member of the self-annointed “superior class” (or those who aspire thereto), exist only for them to brutalize and exploit.
Eligible families at up to 400% of the poverty level mean that families earning over $80K can get free government insurance for their kids.And…they get low-income families to pay for it. Some plan, Baghdad Jimmy. It goes from unfair to regressive pretty quick. What’s next? Free lunch program for Bill Gates’s kids?
leadless douchy@18: What are you blabbering about now?
Nuthin important as always.
Proud Leftist: Yeah, right, we also value the American law, you know paying taxes, being patriotic. You, on the other hand, support Sha’ria law coming to a Seattle area street corner near you.
WRT capital punishment… it’s in the Good Book, The Bible. So I see you are against the Bible too. Wow Proud Leftist… you are really making a name on this blog. Clearing a wide swath, mowing them down…
FartyArt: Brutalize and exploit? HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR.
Just like the Democratics who take our inner city vote and give us nothing in return, brutalizing us with lousy schools, no street security, and drug infested neighborhoods and roach filled tenements while living in the burbs drinking Courvoisier and eating $100 beef. Why are Democratics rich? They don’t pay taxes!
You have no idea what it’s like to be poor or grow up in the inner city ya moron!
Please don’t talk to me about valuing American law. Your party would dump the Constitution in a heartbeat if it could get away with; in fact, that’s exactly what the Bush Administration did. With regard to your claim that the Bible supports capital punishment, could you please cite where such support is found in any of the 4 Gospels? Please quote where Christ promoted capital punishment. My understanding is that He said we should love and forgive our neighbors. Please reconcile the concept of loving someone with executing them. (This should be good.) Sure, there are pro-capital punishment references in the Old Testament, but there are also anti-shaving references there too. Have you shaved lately? Being a shill for a dying ideology and has-been political party is no way to go through life, Puddy.
I forgot to mention this to Proud Leftist; if conservatives are so anti-poor why did conservative people of less means in North Dakota totally outgive the Moonbat! filthy rich peeps of San Francisco in Salvation Army pots during Christmas?
Wait a minute… people dressed in Santa suits, opening doors to malls and stores, with the names Salvation and Army. …
Darn, why didn’t I think of that…?
Salvation – Religious connotation.
Army – evil War connotation.
Salvation Army people in Santa Suits. It’s an evil plot…
Of course!
San Francisco Moonbat! thought their money at Christmas was going to be used to fund the Iraq war. Man them San Franciscan Moonbat! surely outsmarted the rest of us.
Proud Leftist, you forgot the master quote from Jesus…
“I and My Father are One.” What God said in the Old still holds true in the New.
You are the same one who claimed I got my last day plagues from Joel too.
Stop using Google to navigate the Bible and read it. Then you can tell me where that verse is located.
Regarding the Constitution, it’s your party who wants the Fairness Doctrine. It’s your party that wants to shut up the opposition.
Nuff Said!
You didn’t accept my challenge. Instead, you tried to deflect. Typical Republican tactics. Quote Christ saying that capital punishment is a good thing. And, don’t tell me I don’t know the Bible. My father is a Lutheran minister. I was raised in the church and still regularly attend. By the way, my reference to woe coming to those who want to bring on the end days was to Amos, not Joel.
Sen. McDermott, I propose that you donate 100% of your salary to homeless children. It’s the humane thing to do. I cannot imagine how you could do otherwise. Please don’t deny these children.
Another hypocritical liberal who is only compassionate when other people’s money is involved.
Well Proud Leftist…Son of a Lutheran Minister and you think that way today? Hmmm…?
What challenge? Did you lodge a challenge? Where? When? How? What? Why?
I’m not falling for that simpleton trap. Where did I deflect anything? I quoted the Word.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” You know, Jesus.
Regarding your “comment”. “The Wages of Sin is Death.” Why did Jesus go to the cross to die for us? He supported Capital punishment for people who reject Him and His Father and the Holy Spirit.
“Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I didn’t come to destroy them, but to fulfill them.”
“If any man serve me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serve me, him will my Father honour.”
“I and My Father are One.”
Revelation 16 has the last plagues. You’ve been educated.
Free Willy!
Hmmm, capital punishment…
Would Christianity even exist were it not for capital punishment?
Lots of quotes from Christ, but none of them supporting capital punishment. You, my friend, would do well to heed His admonition about a log in your eye.
proud leftist–
It is noble of you to follow the social Gospel’s. The issue we have here however is how the Scriptures define The Role of Government in that endeavor. Frankly, Scripute gives government of this world a very narrow responsibility.
In 1 Timothy 2:2, Paul writes that the reason we pray for “kings and all those in authority” is “that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” Government is chiefly supposed to play a support role for society: Not to usurp the role of God’s other institutions, like the family and the church, but to maintain the basic civil order that enables the family and church to flourish. You can’t go about the business of life if you’re being terrorized by criminals.
In Proverbs 8:15,16; Romans 13:4, God established government to make and enforce laws specifically so “that we may live peaceful and quiet lives.” Beyond protection, there’s no clear mandate for governmental responsibility found in Scripture, even when it comes to the poor. Proverbs 29 and Psalm 72 speak of rulers dealing justly with the poor. So the government has some responsibility. But not much. According to the Bible, the needy are to be cared for first by the family, and then the church.
So you see proud leftist, Christian LEFTISTS have sought to expand the role of government into social areas where it is simply not scriptural. Each of us as individuals, in our community and church can do more.
But no where in Scripture does it say the Government should take much of a role in this. Government should be the encourager, not the provider funnelling other people’s money to causes that are political or feel-good.
I also have a Liberal Preacher friend who was always jabbing Bush in his messages and spewing the death statistics from the Iraq War. It’s his pulpet but finally I was moved to challenge him. I ask him, if you are so offended by the loss of innocent life in War, why did you not discuss Somalia and Rwanda when millions of lives were lost during the Clinton years?
His response was basically that he was not well-versed on those slaughters.
I then asked him… are you saying the loss of Iraqi lives is more important than Rwandans & Somalians OR are you saying it is only important when folks you disagree with politically are in charge?
Answer: Political philosophy. It had nothing to do with the number of lives.
Even well-intentioned preachers can lose their way BECAUSE THEY ARE HUMAN…they let human feelings bastardize or cloud God’s word.
Cynical, neither the Bible nor the New Testament has any specific bearing on the government of the United States. So “according to the Bible” is completely irrelevant.
33. proud leftist spews:
The New Testament says little about Capital Punishment as the Old Testament is clear:
Genesis 9:6 says, “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.” This is part of God’s Covenant with with Noah after the flood. It not only reflects the great value of human life, but also gives the reason for that value: Man is made in God’s image.
Also, from the New Testament:
Romans 13:1-7 Paul calls his readers to submit to the authority of civil government, reminding them that “if you do wrong, be afraid, for he [the authority] does not bear the sword for nothing.” The word sword clearly implies execution.
@31 “The Wages of Sin is Death.”
Thin. How do you square that with “Let he who is without sin…” Just who on this earth today is going to say that they’re qualified to be Christ’s own executioner?
36. N in Seattle spews:
Scares you to even discuss it….why??
You are an Atheist Progressive who agressively pushes both your lack of faith and attacks those who have it. Sad for you.
proud leftist has claimed repeatedly he is a Christian. Other Leftists have too.
That’s the basis for this discussion.
Go ahead and wallow in your cesspool of no faith. Whether you like it or not N in, your days are numbered and you will face judgment.
Spend some time working on that and get back to us.
God’s Word speaks clearly yesterday, today & forever and ever.
Folks of faith have some of the most interesting discussions/debates I have ever been involved in.
Arguing Scripture with ANGRY Atheist Progressives….well, there is better use of our time.
Cynical: “According to the Bible, the needy are to be cared for first by the family, and then the church.”
And if neither the family nor the church feeds the poor, houses the homeless, or provides coats to the coatless, we should walk away rather than trying to get the government to step in? I don’t think so. Our job is to take care of the needy, one way or another. Your argument about the biblical perspective on the role of government with regard to the less fortunate is simply ideological nonsense. In this world, in this century, government simply has to take responsibility for the less fortunate. We live in a globalized world that bears no relationship to that of 2000 years ago.
“The Wages of Sin is Death.”
Otherwise everyone just dies and goes to Heaven. And… we know that’s not true other wise why would people have to be resurrected when Jesus comes again? 1 Cor 15 50-end and 1 Thess 4 13-end would be false.
Jesus just told me that Cynical is fucking whack.
Steve, that’s easy…
No man is without sin. Even Enoch and Elijah born in sin and shaped in iniquity…
Regarding Christ’s executioner, God allowed Christ to die because Christ chose to become sin for us so we could be reconciled back to His Father in Heaven.
Steve@44: Really? Are you sure He used the “F” bomb?
Proud Leftist: You just don’t get it. Proud asked:
The issue we on the right have with you on the left is that you are soooooooooooooooooooooooooo cheap with your own goods. You all are like the rich young ruler whom when Christ told him to sell what he has and give to the poor and follow me, went away sad cuz he wanted to keep that pocket change.
You on the left are known to give 30% less than conservatives even though studies show you have more to give. So why is that? You all are cheep, looking for the guvmint to provide. We on the other hand open our wallets gladly to help. We volunteer to help. You all are cheep, useless pinheads.
@46 Naw, I made that part up. But he did say he’s whack, though.
Puddy @46:
Actually, it was the “S” bomb.
You do know that they didn’t speak English back then, don’t you?
Puddy: ““The Wages of Sin is Death.”
That quote has nothing to do with capital punishment. We’re all sinners, except you of course, and we all die. You are a remarkably judgmental person–conservatives good, liberals bad. Conservatives go to heaven, liberals go to hell. Your politicization of religion cheapens faith.
42. proud leftist spews:
So you are telling me the Bible is “out-dated” and “ideologoical nonsense”.
Seems like you are falling into the trap of focusing on man and shoving God’s Word to the backburner.
Guess you know more than God, huh?
pl, you are a big government, nanny state leftist obviously. Good luck with that.
I think his exact words were, “Cynical has a bad case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder”. As a Christian, I’m gonna take Jesus by his word on that one.
45. Puddybud, Hey it’s the new year… spews:
Atheist Progressives have hardened hearts.
We all make our own personal choices and guess what….OUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED….and so are theirs.
Jesus KNEW his days were numbered.
In the Old Testament, read Psalm 39:4-7
Also, Psalm 90 puts perspective on our time here. Do any of you folks have a clue precisely when you will die? Do you want to know? Seems like most of you already believe after you die there is nothing more…which is precisely what you will get.
Psalm 90–
1 Lord, you have been our dwelling place
throughout all generations.
2 Before the mountains were born
or you brought forth the earth and the world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
3 You turn men back to dust,
saying, “Return to dust, O sons of men.”
4 For a thousand years in your sight
are like a day that has just gone by,
or like a watch in the night.
5 You sweep men away in the sleep of death;
they are like the new grass of the morning-
6 though in the morning it springs up new,
by evening it is dry and withered.
Proud Leftist; Where did I ever say I was without sin?
Time and Date Stamp
Lt General Russel Honore had a term for you “Stuck on Stupid”.
When Jesus came and said “I and My Father are One”, what do you think that meant Proud Leftist? Everything that passed before is still relevant today.
Cynical: “So you are telling me the Bible is “out-dated” and “ideologoical nonsense”.
That’s not what I’m saying at all. The Bible contains eternal truths that apply to a changing world. You and Puddy don’t recognize that. Your literalism is, of course, very difficult to support intellectually. God gave us brains so that we can reason. Try to use yours. Don’t take Scripture out of context and believe that you have all the answers. You most certainly do not. Nor do I. You two, so full of the holier-than-thou creed don’t really digest the Gospel message, from my humble perspective.
@56 “so full of the holier-than-thou creed”
That Cynical! He’s certainly full of something, PL, that’s fer sure. I don’t need Jesus’ word on that one.
ALL you need to know about Christianity is that Puffybutt CLAIMS to be a Christian. I showed some of the posts he’s written here to a local Christian pastor – the guy flat out said no Christian he’s ever known would act like Puffybutt. He was trying to disown Puffy’s Christianity as fast as my Black friends were calling Puff an Oreo.
Yeah right bentoversuckinghisdick. You went to a Pastor is like Proud Leftist growing extra inches of love muscle. It didn’t happen, just like your claim of loving my wife. It didn’t happen either.
Stay stuck on stupid, bentoversuckinghisdick.
Puddy and Cynical
My dad is actually around this weekend. Maybe I’ll show him a few of your theological rants. I’m sure he could use the amusement.
Proud Leftist:
Now that’s a hoot!
Proud what are the two great commandments?
Do you live them? Do you give 10% tithe and another 10% offering and extra sacrificial gifts to help the needy around the world? Do you support Franklin Graham’s ministries? Do you support Boys Town? Do you support the local Police and firefighters? How about scholarships for police/fire killed in the line of duty? No? You waiting for Queen Chrissy or the messiah to dole out the dough?
No? Then you can’t judge me cuz you aren’t walking in my shoes. I know what it was like to go hungry, no food on the table, wearing the same pants to school everyday. Been there done that, just like Steve. This is why I’m not so hard on Steve any more. He and I have at least some similar experiences. He even said don’t invite bentoversuckinghisdick when we meet to break bread. That caused me to smile.
So your talking about adapting the Bible to today’s environment, is phooey. We adapt ourselves to God’s word. God’s word is unchangeable. Apparently you forgot this: “For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.”
A lamp to my feet and a light to my path!
@6 Yeah, McDermott is such a joke and embarrassment that he regularly gets re-elected with close to 90% of the vote.
@9 If you have to ask, you’re not a Republican.
Proud Leftist: Ask him why does he worship on Sunday? What is the Biblical basis for that. Where is it in the Bible?
Also ask your father if you die do you go to heaven. If so where is that in the Bible? Ask him his interpretation of 1 Cor 15:50- and 1 Thess 4:13-
One last thing to add while in deep Biblical discussions with dad. How does he interpret: “Here is the patience of the saints, they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.” What are the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus?
That will be a hoot too.
@16 “Ooops, forgot that you can’t because of sucking on those cigarettes at your pathetic DSHS job all those years.”
Actually, it’s the air pollution from years of wingnut talk show hosts and Republican politicians spewing nonsense into the atmosphere.
@21 I once spent a whole hour listening to Lush Flimflam ranting about how regressive Bush’s prescription drug program was because Bill Gates would qualify for it. My thought was, what’s the problem, doesn’t Gates pay enough taxes to deserve Medicare benefits in return? And Flimflam never once mentioned the millions of seniors who have to choose between food and medicine. It was then I decided Flimflam was a shameful demagogue.
60. proud leftist spews:
I’d like to know SPECIFICALLY what your Dad finds amusing..perhaps it is your quote about scripture being “outdated” and “ideological”.
Perhaps your Dad can show us where the Bible encourages or condones a large role for government in our lives? Where it says “the government” should provide for basic needs and wants.
Enlighten us PL!
I can’t wait!
2. Roger Rabbit spews:
By lunatics like you Rog!
@23 I’m for killing the bastards, depending on which bastards you want to kill.
65. Roger Rabbit spews:
No it’s not Rog. You told us you smoked.
You are sadly reaping the benefits of something you knew had negative consequences and you did it anyway.
My father suffered from self-induced emphysema. It sucks. I feel for you. But you did it to yourself.
@39 I bet lots of Republicans would do it.
@70 And whatever happened to your stock portfolio, you did to yourself, so we’re even.
Does this idiot actually think rabbits smoke? Has anyone ever seen a smoking rabbit? When was the last time a human ever saw a rabbit with a cig in his mouth? Cynical gets more bizarre every day! He must have caught something from his goats.
Puddy and Cynical
You gentlemen twist, contort, and spin any words that you find challenging. I never said Scripture is outdated or ideological. Quite the contrary. I said Scripture states eternal truths. With regard to ideology, you fellows are first and foremost rightwing ideologues, who bring your ideology to the interpretation of Scripture. Please, for instance, tell me how Jesus Christ would have led the invasion of Iraq. Give me the biblical justification for waterboarding. Tell me where Scripture says that the free market is sacred and that taxcuts are a sacrament. Those positions are yours, fellows, and there isn’t any biblical sanction for them. You believe what you want to believe and would never actually let yourselves be challenged by the radical message of Scripture.
You got to hope that folks see the bullshit spread by Cyn and his homosexual lover Puffybutt. These two assholes quoting Scripture is like Osama bin Laden saying the Lord’s Prayer. Total wingnut right wing lunatics – that’s what the GOP has left. Nothing more.
Proud Leftist: These are your words:
Now tell me how was I to interpret that SLAM? The world changes to fit God’s ideals!
Regarding your comment@74:
How would Jesus led our troops in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam? Lets see
WW1 – Woodrow Wilson – Democratic
Tell me how Jesus Christ would have led the troops using Mustard Gas?
WW2 – Franklin Roosevelt – Democratic
WW2 – Harry Truman – Democratic
Tell me how Jesus Christ would have led the troops using carpet bombing or flame throwers or the nuclear option
Korea – Harry Truman – Democratic
Tell me how Jesus Christ would have led the troops using carpet bombing or flame throwers
Vietnam – Kennedy & Johnson – Democratic
Tell me how Jesus Christ would have led the troops using carpet bombing or flame throwers or Napalm
When people have more money they can give more to charity. What is wrong with that?
See how silly your argument is?
We on the right are so glad bentoversuckinghisdick@75 is one of yours!
God bless you libtards!
Puddy @ 76
I fully stand by my words. Don’t you believe that the Bible contains eternal truths that apply to a changing world? If you don’t, then you must surely believe that the Bible belongs in the dustbin of historical relics. With regard to your chronicle concerning Democratic presidents leading the charge to war in the past, you simply prove my point. Partisanship is far more persuasive to you than might be the dictates of Scripture. Most of the wars we have fought in our history have been wrong from a Christian perspective. The Iraq War is particularly wrong. I asked you to justify that war from a Christian perspective. Not to deflect by saying, “yeah, well, Democrats have started wars too.” That is a childish answer. But, what more could I expect from you. You get your Scripture from the likes of Limbaugh, that noted biblical scholar.
Proud Leftist@78: Did you already forget what I wrote in #61?
It’s your friends the atheistic libtards like bentoversuckinghissmallSchwanzstucker and many others too numerous to count who feel that way.
Regarding partisanship – you brought up Iraq and waterboarding and then you try to be neutral when I remind you of history? Then you stick again on the Iraq War? GIVE ME A BREAK! You are so stuck on partisanship it immediately appears in the second sentence! And you accuse me of being childish. What a ‘tard you are! You brought up those two issues expressly to denigrate and putdown me and Cynical. And you still display this holier than thou attitude, even for a Lutheran minister’s son.
So why are most Christian wars wrong? Because the people who led the Protestant Reformation took issue with Catholic Church indulgences and the infallibility of the Pope. The Catholic Church in the middle ages wanted to get rid of the “heretics”. Except now we know they weren’t heretics, but God’s beacons of light. Clearing out the darkness. Once people could read the Bible for themselves the house of cards came crashing down.
John Hus was burned at the stake because he believed Jesus forgave sins not the pope. John Wycliffe used Biblical realism for his views, attacking the worldliness of the church and papal dominion. He believed the only full truth was in scripture and not in the many mystic traditions that had arisen through the centuries. Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the Wittenberg church and would have met the same fate if it wasn’t for strong men in power.
I don’t have to justify anything buddy. God is the final arbiter of all things. But Puddy will tell you Osama did tell his troops “To fight in Iraq for Palestine.” Maybe that’s why we haven’t been attacked in a long while?
What? Another problem for the ethic challenged democrats??
Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) is facing new questions about why he has not disclosed any royalty income on his 2007 memoir … And I Haven’t Had a Bad Day Since: From the Streets of Harlem to the Halls of Congress.
The Sunlight Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan advocate for government transparency, wants to know why the chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Committee has failed to report royalty income and has not voluntarily disclosed details of his book contract.
Every day another democrat is outed as a tax cheat.
No wonder they like raising taxes… so they don’t have to pay.
Damn, obama has only been president for a couple weeks and he lost his mandate.
Will obama be bushlike and do what he wants or will he listen to “we the people” and do the right thing?
The polls speak volumes about obama and his policies.
And lets not forget that support for the stimulus bill is down to 37%
Don’t forget charlie rangel.
Still trying to figure out where this newfound interest in low deficits, paying taxes and rule of law came from?
The GOP is fine with Joe The Plumber – i.e., no – tax-paying SOB being their consultant.
The largest deficit in US history was created by GW Bush and the Publican Congress.
Rule of law went out the window with Gonzales.
When did these fucks start caring about anything other than trying to destroy America?
proud leftist–
You are the twister my friend.
This started out talking about the role of government helping poor. You claimed it was the governments role. You have consistently promoted government first as the solution. I said Scripture indicates a very limited role for government and posted this:
34. Mr. Cynical spews:
Proud Leftist has tried to deflect from the original issue because he can find no justification for big government and couldn’t refure my post. So as usual, his response is helter-skelter…even draggin’ his old man into it!
New Age Christianity sucks proud leftist.
Wake up and Wise up.
@77 We’re glad he is, too. And even gladder you’re not.
I notice the trolls aren’t working so hard to pretend they’re Democrats anymore. Now that President Obama is doing all the things he said he’d do, being a Democrat is tougher for them than they expected. It’s a lot easier to be a fascist traitor than to support workers, children’s health care, clean energy, and a rationale foreign policy.
Congressman for LIFE Jim McDermott is one of my favorite politicians for no other reason than he drives the cowardly cunts in the GOP batshit crazy! Way to go Jim!
McDimwit==Illegally obtained info. Tried to hide assets from judgment.
Worse than what you claim to abhor!
Cynical’s brandishing of his so-called faith like it was some cheap, made-in-China flag pin only serves to demean Christ.
Cynical: PINHEAD @ 87 it’s a losing cause.
He reminds me of a triscuit. It’s good the colon!
I noticed no one wants to really debate what the Congressional Democratics want to do with the SCHIP program in #8.
Did anyone contact McDimWitt and axk him?
on Goldy …
Goldy knows a lot more about politics than I do, but he is wrong an one issue. We Goldyites who diss McD do not do so just because McD does a poor job of serving pork on the District platter.
Pork is a tricky term. Pork can include support for interest groups that have nothing special to do with this District. Support for teachers salaries, immigrants’ rights, the interstate highway system, environment, Pell grants … are these pork? This District has large communities with such “special” interests … education, research, intellectual property, fishing, US:Canada ties, etc etc. If McD even knows about these issues he is hardly visible.
Goldy has his own “pork” commitments. He cares deeply about mass transit and public education. Good issues that include real needs for funding. Where is McD on these issues?
As our Congressman McD should show leadership on local matters as well. Where is he on the Mayor’s urbanization issues or the systematic disassembly of our schools or the Viaduct .. or anything where his opinion matters? For that matter, where is McD on the impending death of the PI? Our Congressman reminds me mor of the talking head Ted Baxter from the Mary Tyler Moore show than a he does of own of the partisans in the West Wing.
I think I understand the sources for Goldy’s support for McD. Goldy is an old world politician. Do devout democrats like Mormons have special underwear? If so, I suspect Goldy’s is verwell worn. This guy loves caucuses, party politics, the show on TV, and the drama of the political scene. That drama also appeals to Goldy, the writer and dramatist.
What I would like to know is whether Goldy’s accolades to McD for SCHIP are at all deserved. How much of the final passage is owed to McD’s leadership?
Maybe the key to understanding Goldy’s support for Jim McD is Goldy’s love of drama. We may all be actors in a Goldy run reality show, sort of a Seattle Cheers. Has anyone looked to see if there are hidden cameras recording the action at DL? Am I a character in Goldy’s drama ?
I notice nobody on the right wants to talk about the GOP decision to hire “Joe The Plumber” as a consultant – you know – Joe – the asshole with a tax lien?
93. ByeByeGOP spews:
You are actually comparing a citizen mouthpiece with Obama’s Cabinet Members??
What a stooge you are…again.
And how about Charlie Rangel…head of House Ways & Means.
Charlie oversees the making of the friggin’ Tax Laws.
You just showed once again what a PINHEAD is Goober.
In other words Cyn – while cleaning the toilet in the sex offender unit at McNeil Island – you realized that equivalency is all of a sudden relevant?
Take that dick out of your ass long enough to at least PRETEND to be honest.
If you want to talk equivalency perhaps you should explain why you had no trouble with WHATADICK Cheney’s companies not paying taxes on the money they stole from us in Iraq?
You right wing traitors are such hypocrites. Good thing America is on to you. In case you didn’t notice WE CLEANED YOUR FUCKING CLOCK on Nov 4. Get used to it bitch – that’s your future.
Wow bentoversuckinghisminuteschwanzstucker is such a fool.
His claim over taxes not paid is another canard.
Boston Globe investigated it.
“Service Employees International Inc., which is now listed as having more than 20,000 workers in Iraq, according to KBR – was created two years before Cheney became Halliburton’s chief executive.” Cheney didn’t create the system you fool, you just drink leftist George Soros web shit. Still doing that coprophagia routine we see.
Puddy ,,”tell me what rock SEII is hiding under at it new HQ in the UAE. Dubai?
Hmm .. maybe we Americans should hire Hessians to fight our wars?
Or howsa about homebasing all of our industries in Dubai so they don;t need to pay US taxes?
That would be efficient!
Try the roast canard, you will like it?
Seattle Jew: Maybe KBR looked at what George Soros did in Curacao and decided to do the same…
I was wondering why the subject matter had been divererted so much. Is not this about one man’s legcy and that legecy seems to be something genuinely righteous? While unemployment and the recession and demicrat v.s republican are important subject matter, i did not see much focus discussed on this one story. Why not? Just curious.
The only canard here at HA is that dick-infested, pretend Black man Puffybutt.
and a simple Google search will show hundreds more…
AGAIN the right wing hypocrites just like to scream and moan like the little bitches they are but ultimately – they’re just noise like farts in the wind. They lost – they will continue to looooose and we will continue to laugh at them as we bend them over and give them all they got coming.
Puffybutt – your wife says hi!